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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

What are you doing in general diet and exercise wise? (I'm not implying you need to exercise if you currently aren't, just looking for the full picture)

I'm not doing much excercise due to a health related issue I don't really feel like getting into with anybody here but FallingEdge. No offense, bro. It's causing me to not be able to be active in the way I'd like. Hopefully it'll be gone in a few months.

I wasn't doing much in excercise routines before though. I'm trying to walk more and shit like that, but can't find the time to get to the gym between my kid, my woman, school, and a 50-55 hour work week.

However, my diet hasn't really changed. I'm still low carbing it up. I haven't really changed ANYTHING. I'm just kind of at a loss as for what to do. I've changed the meat I eat to more chicken than beef but that's about it.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I'm not doing much excercise due to a health related issue I don't really feel like getting into with anybody here but FallingEdge. No offense, bro. It's causing me to not be able to be active in the way I'd like. Hopefully it'll be gone in a few months.

I wasn't doing much in excercise routines before though. I'm trying to walk more and shit like that, but can't find the time to get to the gym between my kid, my woman, school, and a 50-55 hour work week.

However, my diet hasn't really changed. I'm still low carbing it up. I haven't really changed ANYTHING. I'm just kind of at a loss as for what to do. I've changed the meat I eat to more chicken than beef but that's about it.

How much do you weigh right now and how tall are you? Also, what do you mean when you say "low carb"...like how low and what kinds of carbs do you eat? How big are your meals?

Just looking to toss some advice out there that may help.

No worries about the exercise stuff. Not at all required to lose weight.


Saw a girl from high school at the gym.

She was always a thin cheerleader, but now she's pretty heavy.

We started talking and she said her wedding was coming up, and is really trying to lose weight.

There personal trainer she signed up for told her to cut out sugar, to not eat more than 30g of fat a day, only eat tuna and grilled chicken for meats and didn't say a word about carbohydrates.

i told her to watch Fat Head.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
After using the salad dressings at work for a long time, I'm finally going to switch to bringing in my own (luckily there is this asian market nearby that has tons of great options).

Going to try this Walden Farms Italian:

Pretty much all natural ingredients, no shitty oils and very little nutritional impact (they claim zero calories, zero fat, zero carbs...in reality I'm sure it has trace amounts of each). Hopefully it tastes good and helps support my general fat loss.

Switching from the usual full-fat ranch that I usually eat with shitty oils in it and who knows what else, I'll be taking out something like 300+ calories a day from my meals. Nothing wrong with fat in general, just looking for ways to cut back my calories without sacrificing any protein and this was the obvious route to switch considering it's the only item I eat daily that I wasn't happy with.

Hoping it tastes great.

Have to get beach ready by the end of April since we're going on a Carribean Cruise. I thought I had until the summer but it looks like I've got a shorter window than I thought. I'm already looking fairly decent, but not really beach-ready like I'm shooting for. Ideally I'd lose 5% bodyfat by then, but that may be a bit aggressive, we'll see.

Either way I suspect the next picture GAF will get of me is going to be my 1 year progress picture.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Saw a girl from high school at the gym.

She was always a thin cheerleader, but now she's pretty heavy.

We started talking and she said her wedding was coming up, and is really trying to lose weight.

There personal trainer she signed up for told her to cut out sugar, to not eat more than 30g of fat a day, only eat tuna and grilled chicken for meats and didn't say a word about carbohydrates.

i told her to watch Fat Head.



Just an update, I weighed myself back on Jan. 3 at 257lbs but was on something of a vacation so didn't really eat all that well for the first 10 days or so. Weighed myself on January 13 and was 254.4...not much of a change but hey, I'll take dropping a few pounds.

Started my diet of low carbs/minimal dairy (only really have it when I treat myself to light ranch dressing) on Jan 13 and have been keeping it up since. Typical meals are:
Breakfast: Apple, Banana, 2 Mandarin Oranges, with a 1030/11 snack of a few carrots. Lunch: 9oz grilled/baked chicken breast with a mixed green and spinach salad with carrots chopped up too and a cup/cup and a half of brocolli on the side.
After work (4pm-5pm): 3 eggs + chopped up tomato on top.
Supper: Similar to lunch, 9oz chicken breast and a salad. Drinking lots of water too, or at least more than normal.

On occasion I'll have a fruit shake (Strawberries, Banana, Blueberries, Water) as a little snack. I miss yogurt in them :( but will be bringing dairy back (lol) more in the next month or so. I've also been making my own home made olive oil vinaigrette dressing and it tastes pretty nice. I treat myself to light ranch dressing 1-2 times a week with my salads. Really gonna consider making home made ranch too, since it seems simple enough. Haven't been working out a whole lot (2x last week) but that's better than my nothing I was doing. I'm shooting for 3x this week, mostly focusing on cardio.

Weighed myself on the 21st and was at 248.8 :) yaaaay it's working lol. It's safe to say I feel better than I have in years. The first few days of the diet was kind of tough, I think my body was just getting used to the ~75 or so (always under 100) carbs/day I was taking in vs the massive amount before. Felt dizzy at points during the day and would get headaches late at night, but I'm completely used to it now. I haven't had any digestive issues/feelings of being bloated like I did before for and am just really happy to feel good for a change. Also, my one big vice was drinking waaaay too much, and have completely cut out the rye and coke, which is huge for me. Anyway, just thought I'd share what I was up to...can't wait to weigh in on Saturday again. Even if there's little to no change...I feel great, and that's a welcome change :D.
Saw a girl from high school at the gym.

She was always a thin cheerleader, but now she's pretty heavy.

We started talking and she said her wedding was coming up, and is really trying to lose weight.

There personal trainer she signed up for told her to cut out sugar, to not eat more than 30g of fat a day, only eat tuna and grilled chicken for meats and didn't say a word about carbohydrates.

i told her to watch Fat Head.
To be fair she'd probably lose the weight that way. She'd just be miserable and put it all back on after her wedding.
Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :p


Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :p

Very nice progress :D you actually look like two brothers in those pictures together
So I did two consecutive 24 hour fasts like what Rubxqub mentioned in one of his posts, this was from friday to sunday, and I just finished taking one hell of a shit today(didn't shit from friday) . It was quite fierce.


So I did two consecutive 24 hour fasts like what Rubxqub mentioned in one of his posts, this was from friday to sunday, and I just finished taking one hell of a shit today(didn't shit from friday) . It was quite fierce.

What's this fasting stuff about? I have been hearing people talk about on here, but haven't been able to find the post where it explains how to properly do it. Is it something to do at the beginning stages? Or is this more of a losing the last 10 pounds kinda system?


Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :p
Looking great Gary! You look 5-10 years younger in the picture on the right


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :P[/QUOTE]

Jesus...I don't even recognize the "before" guy. Don't ever let him show up again! Awesome work man.


Still Alive
Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :p
Haha, was going to say the same thing. Looking good, I like how you're still wearing the same glasses; boy your face got thinner.


BTW if anyone's worried about keto's affects on cholesterol, here's my anecdote:

My work had a health evaluation today for its employees where we could get key markers like BMI, cholesterol, etc. identified. I had by far the best profile of anyone they saw with HDL that was >100 (their machine didn't report anything above that), LDL was N/A because my HDL was so high, triglycerides were 48 (<150 is considered optimal), blood pressure 122/82, fasting glucose was 75. The lady that did my test didn't believe me when I said I eat three pieces of bacon with my three eggs and sausage almost every morning. Also I'm down about 14 pounds since starting just a couple weeks ago. Pretty amazing results.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
BTW if anyone's worried about keto's affects on cholesterol, here's my anecdote:

My work had a health evaluation today for its employees where we could get key markers like BMI, cholesterol, etc. identified. I had by far the best profile of anyone they saw with HDL that was >100 (their machine didn't report anything above that), LDL was N/A because my HDL was so high, triglycerides were 48 (<150 is considered optimal), blood pressure 122/82, fasting glucose was 75. The lady that did my test didn't believe me when I said I eat three pieces of bacon with my three eggs and sausage almost every morning. Also I'm down about 14 pounds since starting just a couple weeks ago. Pretty amazing results.

The person taking your measurements reaction is all too common. She probably thinks you're some kind of freak of nature with insane genetics...like the equivalent of a chain smoker who dies of old age or something.

Great stuff, man.


Question to low-carbers about pooping :)P). The last week or so I've only been pooping once every other day, is this normal when doing LCHF?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Question to low-carbers about pooping :)P). The last week or so I've only been pooping once every other day, is this normal when doing LCHF?

When you aren't eating trash your body produces less waste! I go myself every morning, but they are nowhere near the quantity of what they used to be.

...yet when I used to take cheat days, invariably I'd be on the can 2-3 times in a single day in large quantities.

Not uncommon from what I've read.


That girl in the bunny hat
You look like an English professor now, Gary. Interpret that as you wish.

Anyway, here's my situation. Got some blood work done, a few days after I discovered I was 205lbs. (At 6'1", I should be about 190. But I'm trans, so I'm shooting for the female ideal of 175.) So I was like, okay, I should start gradually losing weight. Portion control and dropping soda should do a lot of that. Only need to lose about 25 or so, no big deal.

Blood work comes back. My triglycerides are at 500. That's not a typo.

So now I'm freaking out. Looking into it, it makes sense- I've been eating kid's cereals and a tall glass of OJ every morning, and while I don't do fast food horribly often (comparatively speaking) it's still around three times a week. And far too often I'd just make a frozen dinner instead. It's no one bad habit, but it all added up really bad.

Right now I'm in that phase of "what healthy stuff can I stand eating?". I got whole wheat buns and supplies for a mix of sandwiches (chicken, tuna, veggie burgers- which are horrid, for the record) to replace the frozen stuff I have, but... I was never that clever when I had everything available to me. I have no clue what I can do now, much less what I'd like. (Doesn't help that right before I got the news, I made soup, and I was not cautious about the temperature, so right now everything tastes like mouth.)

In short- I know I need to cut carbs and sugars, but... how? What should I be going for? What should I avoid that might seem okay? Note that I'm cooking for one here, and with my abilities "cooking" is a generous term.
Question to low-carbers about pooping :)P). The last week or so I've only been pooping once every other day, is this normal when doing LCHF?

It is in my case, didn't go for 3 days last week and when I did, there was almost nothing there :/



ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
You look like an English professor now, Gary. Interpret that as you wish.

Anyway, here's my situation. Got some blood work done, a few days after I discovered I was 205lbs. (At 6'1", I should be about 190. But I'm trans, so I'm shooting for the female ideal of 175.) So I was like, okay, I should start gradually losing weight. Portion control and dropping soda should do a lot of that. Only need to lose about 25 or so, no big deal.

Blood work comes back. My triglycerides are at 500. That's not a typo.

So now I'm freaking out. Looking into it, it makes sense- I've been eating kid's cereals and a tall glass of OJ every morning, and while I don't do fast food horribly often (comparatively speaking) it's still around three times a week. And far too often I'd just make a frozen dinner instead. It's no one bad habit, but it all added up really bad.

Right now I'm in that phase of "what healthy stuff can I stand eating?". I got whole wheat buns and supplies for a mix of sandwiches (chicken, tuna, veggie burgers- which are horrid, for the record) to replace the frozen stuff I have, but... I was never that clever when I had everything available to me. I have no clue what I can do now, much less what I'd like. (Doesn't help that right before I got the news, I made soup, and I was not cautious about the temperature, so right now everything tastes like mouth.)

In short- I know I need to cut carbs and sugars, but... how? What should I be going for? What should I avoid that might seem okay? Note that I'm cooking for one here, and with my abilities "cooking" is a generous term.

I'd start here:

...and if you like what you see, I'd recommend poking around that site in general, starting here:


You really like to stick it to the low-carb crowd...jeez!

It's all out of love, broheme. :)

The person taking your measurements reaction is all too common. She probably thinks you're some kind of freak of nature with insane genetics...like the equivalent of a chain smoker who dies of old age or something..

Depends on the nurse/doctor who evaluates you. But yeah, some are surpised at your results when they know you're on a low-carb diet. Although, I've never had a doctor freak out when I told them I lost weight reducing my carb intake.

Question to low-carbers about pooping :)P). The last week or so I've only been pooping once every other day, is this normal when doing LCHF?

Normal? eh, maybe, but not to me. I go about 2-3x a day...once always when I wake up (before my morning jog), another mid-afternoon during work, and sometimes at night. But yes, your shits should be less on a LCHF diet since your body will be using most of the food you eat.

I've been eating kid's cereals and a tall glass of OJ every morning, .

The glass of OJ is fine, but the sugary cereals are not.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Depends on the nurse/doctor who evaluates you. But yeah, some are surpised at your results when they know you're on a low-carb diet. Although, I've never had a doctor freak out when I told them I lost weight reducing my carb intake

It's not so much the low-carb part that would make someone turn their head...it's the whole "I eat bacon, eggs, sausage, whole milk, butter and red meat part that would make people scratch their heads.

The general public has been told that low-fat is good for them for decades now that it's considered common knowledge.

"Eliminate legumes". So of course I just got a thing of peanuts to snack on. (I figured, all fat and protein, should be fine.) Bah.
I wouldn't worry about legumes so much if they are something you enjoy. Definitely stick with the 80/20 rule in terms of your diet if you're just starting out. Even if only 80% of the foods you eat are in the right quantities and types prescribed on that site, you'll still get a majority of the benefit. While that site would put legumes in the 20% category, I personally wouldn't really care.

The thing to worry about legumes is how easy they are to abuse. Things like chick peas in salads and a jar of peanuts are things you can eat a ton of in a short period of time without even realizing it.


It's not so much the low-carb part that would make someone turn their head...it's the whole "I eat bacon, eggs, sausage, whole milk, butter and red meat part that would make people scratch their heads.

Not really. Well maybe on the whole milk part, but the rest? Nah. I've never had someone be surprised when I tell them I'm losing weight eating meat & veggies.

The general public has been told that low-fat is good for them for decades now that it's considered common knowledge.

Low-fat is neccessarily bad for you, either


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Not really. Well maybe on the whole milk part, but the rest? Nah. I've never had someone be surprised when I tell them I'm losing weight eating meat & veggies.

Low-fat is neccessarily bad for you, either

Saying "meat and veggies" is different than spelling out to them what your diet consists of...especially for things like bacon and sausage. These are typically viewed as comfort foods from what I've seen so people naturally think the are bad for you but taste good.

My aversion to lowfat has more to do with the connection to a lowcarb diet. In my mind everyone who is eating healthily is reducing their carb intake and should be increasing their fat/protein intake to balance things calorie wise without negatively impacting their ability to function.


That girl in the bunny hat
I wouldn't worry about legumes so much if they are something you enjoy. Definitely stick with the 80/20 rule in terms of your diet if you're just starting out. Even if only 80% of the foods you eat are in the right quantities and types prescribed on that site, you'll still get a majority of the benefit. While that site would put legumes in the 20% category, I personally wouldn't really care.

The thing to worry about legumes is how easy they are to abuse. Things like chick peas in salads and a jar of peanuts are things you can eat a ton of in a short period of time without even realizing it.

Makes sense. Either way, definitely better than making popcorn.

And it almost sounds like bacon or sausage would be a better breakfast than cereals? Or probably just alternate the two. I stayed away from any pork/sausage stuff 'cause I figured the sodium and fat content wouldn't help, but... I guess the takeaway is, replacing carbs with nearly anything else is a net gain?
I'm sure I'm oversimplifying it...


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Makes sense. Either way, definitely better than making popcorn.

And it almost sounds like bacon or sausage would be a better breakfast than cereals? Or probably just alternate the two. I stayed away from any pork/sausage stuff 'cause I figured the sodium and fat content wouldn't help, but... I guess the takeaway is, replacing carbs with nearly anything else is a net gain?
I'm sure I'm oversimplifying it...

Oh yeah, bacon and sausage are awesome breakfasts! I used to have eggs, bacon and sausage everyday for months and lost tons of fat quickly.

My personal advice would be to focus on the big 3 nutrients before you start worrying about the other things like vitamins, sodium, food quality...etc. If you're eating the right kinds of foods, a lot of these things will take care of themselves, and once you're comfortable living that way you can start tackling any shortfalls you may have by using supplements or making adjustments to your daily menu.


I feel kind of greasy or lethargic when I eat tons of fat doing low carb. Not that it doesn't work, but I feel too acidic. Ive been doing the "slow carb diet" from the Tim Ferris Four Hour Body book.

Its basically a low carb with no dairy, and adding in beans or lentils every meal or most meals to make sure you are getting enough calories. Because I dont like eating greens with every meal I try to do a median sized Kale shake every day (cucumber, kale, and celery). It tastes like ass but its def worth it.

Ive been getting great results. Never feel hungry. It also advocates 1 cheat day per week where you eat everything you want, I will do it very lightly where I just eat a couple things I want and avoid all the sugar.


Makes sense. Either way, definitely better than making popcorn.

And it almost sounds like bacon or sausage would be a better breakfast than cereals? Or probably just alternate the two. I stayed away from any pork/sausage stuff 'cause I figured the sodium and fat content wouldn't help, but... I guess the takeaway is, replacing carbs with nearly anything else is a net gain?
I'm sure I'm oversimplifying it...

bacon and sausage is definitely better than cereal. the majority of cereal is nothing but sugar and starch. fat doesn't make you fat, nor does it clog your arteries, those are merely myths that have been debunked many times. you can check out the "Fat Head" documentary on Hulu for free, or Big Fat Fiasco presentation on YouTube, or many any other sources that will explain why those theories are BS. "Why We Got Fat" is a great book to read, very short too.


Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :p

Why does Martin Freeman circa 2011 have his arm around my stepfather circa 2001? ;)

Nah, kidding, you did really good. You also look really really British now.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I feel kind of greasy or lethargic when I eat tons of fat doing low carb. Not that it doesn't work, but I feel too acidic. Ive been doing the "slow carb diet" from the Tim Ferris Four Hour Body book.

Its basically a low carb with no dairy, and adding in beans or lentils every meal or most meals to make sure you are getting enough calories. Because I dont like eating greens with every meal I try to do a median sized Kale shake every day (cucumber, kale, and celery). It tastes like ass but its def worth it.

Ive been getting great results. Never feel hungry. It also advocates 1 cheat day per week where you eat everything you want, I will do it very lightly where I just eat a couple things I want and avoid all the sugar.

I started with the slow-carb diet myself and got great results. It's really not that different than what I'm describing/following nowadays. I don't go out of my way to eat fat, I just don't worry about it.


Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :p

Congrats, awesome bit of weight loss.

Wife and I are really trying to get in better shape. Over the past year I've done quite a lot to get in better shape, it just doesn't happen as easily as it did earlier in my 20's or definitely not as easy as when I was a teenager. Will be 29 next month. Near the beginning of last year I was at around 225. I'm 6'1" and at 210 now. That puts my BMI around 27, IIRC. Yeah, BMI isn't a good metric, my body fat percentage is at 24.9% as of Monday. Before Christmas I was at 207. So, I'm not very far off from where I need to be, but I'm at the point where what I need to get rid of is very stubborn.

Goal is to get down to 189, or less so I can crack that 25 BMI and get some more money from my employer in my MRA, and to get rid of my love handles and have more visible abs. This last year I've done P90X, Insanity once, and I started a second run through Insanity on Monday and will be tracking my progress. Obviously abs are made in the kitchen so I'm continuing to eat better. For me, this means less carbs, less sugar, less processed foods, more protein, and eating good snacks between meals to keep metabolism moving. Keeping deserts out of the house is a big focus, while replacing them with better snacks. My weakness is sugar and chocolate. So I allow myself a few pieces of dark chocolate a day. I like sweet things, so I try to replace those with fruit.

Wife and I are going to the beach in June, my goal at that point is to at least be down to 195. 15 pounds in 5 months. It's doable if I stick with it, so I'll try to post some pictures here.


Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :p

:lol You're old. :p

Great work! The face-fat is usually an easy way to tell that you've lost weight.

Saying "meat and veggies" is different than spelling out to them what your diet consists of...especially for things like bacon and sausage. These are typically viewed as comfort foods from what I've seen so people naturally think the are bad for you but taste good.

I think the only meat I've had people confused on was bacon. I tell people I clear about a package of bacon a week and still lose weight.

Wife and I are going to the beach in June, my goal at that point is to at least be down to 195. 15 pounds in 5 months. It's doable if I stick with it, so I'll try to post some pictures here.

Definitely doable. And that's a realistic goal. As far as your love for chocolate (which I share), I'd recommend a Cheat Day, or at least a Cheat Meal + Dessert, once a week and just stuff your face with all the chocolate you desire. :)


Definitely doable. And that's a realistic goal. As far as your love for chocolate (which I share), I'd recommend a Cheat Day, or at least a Cheat Meal + Dessert, once a week and just stuff your face with all the chocolate you desire. :)

Well in the past year, I've typically worked out 6 days a week and ate well all those days. Then on the 7th day, I go nuts. I'm thinking that to kick these last stubborn pounds I'm going to have to go a little less nuts on that 7th day. The positive for the past year is that soft drinks don't even taste good anymore. They taste artificial and fake.

I'll probably also do a bit more of maybe twice a week having my protein shake after my workout be my dinner as well. When I do that I usually throw in some strawberries, yogurt, ice, and of course the protein mix.


Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :p

Good shit Gary, you look awesome.

We've got an awesome little community here. It's great seeing people go from complete diet novices in desperate need of advise, to sharing post weight loss pictures with amazing results.

I'm entering the next phase of my weight loss plan and am in need of some some dietary advise. Currently, I'm doing Insanity Monday through Saturday, weight training Monday/Wednesday/Friday and 3-4 mile jog scattered through out the week with a friend. I've been doing this for two weeks now (I've been working out for longer, but not nearly as intense). I'm trying to lose body fat, gain muscle, gain endurance and improve my overall athleticism (I'm thinking of getting back into football and trying out for the team when I go to graduate school as a walk on). What kind of diet would you recommend?

I'm on a Ketosis diet which provides me with more than enough energy for the workouts itself, but I've noticed later in the day my body feels like shit (not physically) and I feel completely drained of energy. I'm assuming I need more carbs in my diet, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it? Any ideas?


BMI is so ridiculous, according to that scale I'm still overweight.

I agree, unfortunately our medical plans are based on that, to some extent. Our "fitness" is measured at least in part by that. Body fat percentage is a much better indicator and I'm okay on that. On BMI, to even be in the normal range I have to get to 189 (the lower extremity is 144 pounds), and I'm a 6'1" man. I haven't weighed that in over a decade. I can't imagine being in that lower range of 150 pounds and being 6'1".
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