Just an update, I weighed myself back on Jan. 3 at 257lbs but was on something of a vacation so didn't really eat all that well for the first 10 days or so. Weighed myself on January 13 and was 254.4...not much of a change but hey, I'll take dropping a few pounds.
Started my diet of low carbs/minimal dairy (only really have it when I treat myself to light ranch dressing) on Jan 13 and have been keeping it up since. Typical meals are:
Breakfast: Apple, Banana, 2 Mandarin Oranges, with a 1030/11 snack of a few carrots. Lunch: 9oz grilled/baked chicken breast with a mixed green and spinach salad with carrots chopped up too and a cup/cup and a half of brocolli on the side.
After work (4pm-5pm): 3 eggs + chopped up tomato on top.
Supper: Similar to lunch, 9oz chicken breast and a salad. Drinking lots of water too, or at least more than normal.
On occasion I'll have a fruit shake (Strawberries, Banana, Blueberries, Water) as a little snack. I miss yogurt in them

but will be bringing dairy back (lol) more in the next month or so. I've also been making my own home made olive oil vinaigrette dressing and it tastes pretty nice. I treat myself to light ranch dressing 1-2 times a week with my salads. Really gonna consider making home made ranch too, since it seems simple enough. Haven't been working out a whole lot (2x last week) but that's better than my nothing I was doing. I'm shooting for 3x this week, mostly focusing on cardio.
Weighed myself on the 21st and was at 248.8

yaaaay it's working lol. It's safe to say I feel better than I have in years. The first few days of the diet was kind of tough, I think my body was just getting used to the ~75 or so (always under 100) carbs/day I was taking in vs the massive amount before. Felt dizzy at points during the day and would get headaches late at night, but I'm completely used to it now. I haven't had any digestive issues/feelings of being bloated like I did before for and am just really happy to feel good for a change. Also, my one big vice was drinking waaaay too much, and have completely cut out the rye and coke, which is huge for me. Anyway, just thought I'd share what I was up to...can't wait to weigh in on Saturday again. Even if there's little to no change...I feel great, and that's a welcome change
