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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I agree, unfortunately our medical plans are based on that, to some extent. Our "fitness" is measured at least in part by that. Body fat percentage is a much better indicator and I'm okay on that. On BMI, to even be in the normal range I have to get to 189 (the lower extremity is 144 pounds), and I'm a 6'1" man. I haven't weighed that in over a decade. I can't imagine being in that lower range of 150 pounds and being 6'1".

Yeah BMI is horribly inaccurate. According to BMI I should be between 72-90kg (159-190lbs). I'm 6'3" and pretty broadshouldered, and I can't imagine being 72kg. In comparison a friend of mine who is slightly shorter than me and skinny as a rail is 67kg.

Right now I'm aiming to get down under 100kg (220 lbs) and then seeing how much fat is left on me, maybe get my body fat % measured when I get down that far.

As far as your love for chocolate (which I share), I'd recommend a Cheat Day, or at least a Cheat Meal + Dessert, once a week and just stuff your face with all the chocolate you desire. :)
Speaking of cheat days/meals, is there any benefit to them weight loss wise, or are they just a way of eating stuff you miss so you don't "fall off the wagon" (or is it on the wagon? /seinfeld) completely? And how do the people in here that do cheat days/meals do them? Gorge on the unhealthy stuff you miss?


This thread is amazing! I'll be starting my weight loss soon, but I'm curious if anyone has an iphone app that they use to track their progress? I'm currently 6'3" 250lbs and my goal is to make it back down to 200ish lbs. I am so ready and excited!
Just an update, I weighed myself back on Jan. 3 at 257lbs but was on something of a vacation so didn't really eat all that well for the first 10 days or so. Weighed myself on January 13 and was 254.4...not much of a change but hey, I'll take dropping a few pounds.

Started my diet of low carbs/minimal dairy (only really have it when I treat myself to light ranch dressing) on Jan 13 and have been keeping it up since. Typical meals are:
Breakfast: Apple, Banana, 2 Mandarin Oranges, with a 1030/11 snack of a few carrots. Lunch: 9oz grilled/baked chicken breast with a mixed green and spinach salad with carrots chopped up too and a cup/cup and a half of brocolli on the side.
After work (4pm-5pm): 3 eggs + chopped up tomato on top.
Supper: Similar to lunch, 9oz chicken breast and a salad. Drinking lots of water too, or at least more than normal.

On occasion I'll have a fruit shake (Strawberries, Banana, Blueberries, Water) as a little snack. I miss yogurt in them :( but will be bringing dairy back (lol) more in the next month or so. I've also been making my own home made olive oil vinaigrette dressing and it tastes pretty nice. I treat myself to light ranch dressing 1-2 times a week with my salads. Really gonna consider making home made ranch too, since it seems simple enough. Haven't been working out a whole lot (2x last week) but that's better than my nothing I was doing. I'm shooting for 3x this week, mostly focusing on cardio.

Weighed myself on the 21st and was at 248.8 :) yaaaay it's working lol. It's safe to say I feel better than I have in years. The first few days of the diet was kind of tough, I think my body was just getting used to the ~75 or so (always under 100) carbs/day I was taking in vs the massive amount before. Felt dizzy at points during the day and would get headaches late at night, but I'm completely used to it now. I haven't had any digestive issues/feelings of being bloated like I did before for and am just really happy to feel good for a change. Also, my one big vice was drinking waaaay too much, and have completely cut out the rye and coke, which is huge for me. Anyway, just thought I'd share what I was up to...can't wait to weigh in on Saturday again. Even if there's little to no change...I feel great, and that's a welcome change :D.

I saw the wall of text, and i just knew it was Windz! Grats buddy, though to keep you motivated you are still the group fat guy, but I really need to start eating better so you dont pass me again hahahah. GD Richard and his bad decision Thursdaves!
This thread is amazing! I'll be starting my weight loss soon, but I'm curious if anyone has an iphone app that they use to track their progress? I'm currently 6'3" 250lbs and my goal is to make it back down to 200ish lbs. I am so ready and excited!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Let's talk side dishes folks. My weeknight meals generally include a meat (chicken or pork usually as pork is cheap here in Iowa) and a side that ends up being Green Giant Broccoli and Cheese steamers because I can't think of anything else.

What do you all suggest for cheap and easy sides that I can use to vary my meals as to not get bored?

Also, how do you make your chicken breast or pork chops?
Let's talk side dishes folks. My weeknight meals generally include a meat (chicken or pork usually as pork is cheap here in Iowa) and a side that ends up being Green Giant Broccoli and Cheese steamers because I can't think of anything else.

What do you all suggest for cheap and easy sides that I can use to vary my meals as to not get bored?

Also, how do you make your chicken breast or pork chops?
Creamed spinach is my go-to side these days. Birds-Eye makes one in its SteamFresh range which is pretty much all natural ingredients and really tasty!


Let's talk side dishes folks. My weeknight meals generally include a meat (chicken or pork usually as pork is cheap here in Iowa) and a side that ends up being Green Giant Broccoli and Cheese steamers because I can't think of anything else.

What do you all suggest for cheap and easy sides that I can use to vary my meals as to not get bored?

Also, how do you make your chicken breast or pork chops?

My veggies are usually green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, some brusell sprouts occasionally. I like to do my chicken on my George Forman with some salt, pepper, and some cajun seasoning on it. I also like to use hot sauce on my food, breaks up the boredom.

I'm getting a smoker in about a month so I plan on using that quite a bit. Can't wait.

Gary Whitta said:

Checking that out now, it's on Android as well in case anyone needs to know.


[KoRp]Jazzman;34559326 said:
I saw the wall of text, and i just knew it was Windz! Grats buddy, though to keep you motivated you are still the group fat guy, but I really need to start eating better so you dont pass me again hahahah. GD Richard and his bad decision Thursdaves!

Haha I dethroned you as the big guy last year :p but you wait, I'm gonna catch up! (and pass you :p). Thursdaves will probably be my cheat day down the road, but for the time being I gotta stick to my diet. Gonna be eating more salmon though, totally forgot to buy some at the store >.>. Hopefully 2-3 meals a week will be salmon (either lunch or supper).


Speaking of cheat days/meals, is there any benefit to them weight loss wise, or are they just a way of eating stuff you miss so you don't "fall off the wagon" (or is it on the wagon? /seinfeld) completely? And how do the people in here that do cheat days/meals do them? Gorge on the unhealthy stuff you miss?

Health Benefit? No, not really. It would defeat the "Cheat" part of the day. Well, maybe on a psychological level, where your body will definitely know it's not starving by the amount of carbs & sugars you ingest during that day.

So while the Cheat Day doesn't "help" your weight loss, I wouldn't say it "hurts" it either. There's no reason to completely eliminate foods & drinks you love out of your diet. Just limit them to 1 day a week and you'll be fine.

As far as what I eat during my weekly Cheat Day? Whatever I want to eat. So yes, I gorge on the unhealthy stuff. Pizza, burgers, fries, fried chicken tenders, soda, beer, and candy...lots of candy (I have a sweet tooth, to say the least). It gets....pretty bad on my Cheat Day. But hey, I still weigh less every week, so it must be working. :)


That's on iPad too, right? I might start tracking these last 10 lbs I want to lose.

Let's talk side dishes folks. My weeknight meals generally include a meat (chicken or pork usually as pork is cheap here in Iowa) and a side that ends up being Green Giant Broccoli and Cheese steamers because I can't think of anything else.

What do you all suggest for cheap and easy sides that I can use to vary my meals as to not get bored?

Also, how do you make your chicken breast or pork chops?

My wife is good with our side dishes. So usually some broccoli, carrots and peas. Sometimes some spinach. And I grill most of my meat (chicken, steak, salmon).
What do you all suggest for cheap and easy sides that I can use to vary my meals as to not get bored?
I always have a salad with spinach, romaine lettuce, sliced cucumber and shredded cheddar. I make a dressing with red wine vinegar, fresh minced garlic, stone ground dijon mustard, salt/pepper, and extra virgin olive oil.

Obviously, you can vary the ingredients in the salad depending on your tastes.

All in all, it's not too expensive. I don't understand why people think eating healthy is super expensive. My grocery bill has gone down significantly since I started low-carb last year.

Also, how do you make your chicken breast or pork chops?
I usually have a chicken breast (bone-in with skin) wrapped in bacon, baked in the oven. At the end, I usually melt cheese on top.

Mmmmmm. Low-carb bliss.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Well if you're doing low carb cream is nothing to be afraid of.

I'm not doing "Low Carb" per say, I am more just watching my carb intake and limiting them. I am usually around 50-100g per day I think.

I'll take a look at the spinach next time I am at the store though, it sounds good.


Think i may need to go on a diet been overeating a little too much lately and with my messed up back i haven't been exercising at all.

I eat pretty well overall, it's just during the day when i eat stuff that's probably not too good for me.


Let's talk side dishes folks. My weeknight meals generally include a meat (chicken or pork usually as pork is cheap here in Iowa) and a side that ends up being Green Giant Broccoli and Cheese steamers because I can't think of anything else.

What do you all suggest for cheap and easy sides that I can use to vary my meals as to not get bored?

Also, how do you make your chicken breast or pork chops?
Creamed spinach as others have mentioned, I either buy frozen and heat it up or make my own. It's delicious with some grated parmesan stirred in. That or broccoli or cauliflower.

I also sometimes have a salad with some blue cheese crumbles and some walnuts as a side, or sometimes I'll fry som veggies in butter together with some meat (mushrooms, green beans, asparagus) with some dried herbs, salt & pepper on the veggies.

My brother recommended grating some raw cauliflower and then boiling it for a couple minutes. Kinda like cauliflower rice. Also making mashed cauliflower, like mashed potatoes but obviously using cauliflower instead of potatoes.

Just experiment with random veggies (that are ok for low-carb), boil em, steam em, fry em in butter. Hard to go wrong with steamed veggies with grated parmesan on top or veggies fried in butter. Throw on some spices you might think taste good. Usually it turns out very tasty.

Health Benefit? No, not really. It would defeat the "Cheat" part of the day. Well, maybe on a psychological level, where your body will definitely know it's not starving by the amount of carbs & sugars you ingest during that day.

So while the Cheat Day doesn't "help" your weight loss, I wouldn't say it "hurts" it either. There's no reason to completely eliminate foods & drinks you love out of your diet. Just limit them to 1 day a week and you'll be fine.

As far as what I eat during my weekly Cheat Day? Whatever I want to eat. So yes, I gorge on the unhealthy stuff. Pizza, burgers, fries, fried chicken tenders, soda, beer, and candy...lots of candy (I have a sweet tooth, to say the least). It gets....pretty bad on my Cheat Day. But hey, I still weigh less every week, so it must be working. :)
Ok, I've seen a lot of people mentioning cheat days so I was curious. Haven't felt the need to cheat for a while now (especially after all the christmas food). I guess it's a good option to have but I'll wait with it for now.


veggies fried in olive oil yo. I had peppers and onions fried in OO last night, with sausage. so good, kept me full until lunch today, damn near 18 hours! gonna try the creamed spinach next time i go shopping.

i picked up the Noir dark chocolate bar today from trader joes, 85% cocoa. never tried DC this bitter before, i have a feeling im not going to like it, going to put a little peanut butter on it i think. also got more macadamias and pecans, even if they're expensive they are damn good [and healthy]


So, I went to visit my girlfriend yesterday and decided it was my cheat day, since we were going out to dinner.

Nope. No. Bad idea. Went to Meathead and ate a fairly large burger and a regular sized order of fries.

I've been on the toilet all day. Damn you body for being responsible! It's like it's telling me I've been bad and it's punishing me.


Quick before/after. First pic is from March, shortly before I started eating better. Second pic is from just now. 60lbs difference.


I kinda like how it looks like I have my arm around myself :p

Gongrats Gary, that is some good shit. :p


Been doing the paleo diet for about a week and a half now, working out everyday for 20 minutes, usually burn 200 calories doing cardio. No weights at the moment, but i'm currently down 12 pounds from 2 weeks ago.

I feel better and my outlook on life is getting better, but should i be attempting to do more cardio to do more calorie loss?


That girl in the bunny hat
Oh yeah, bacon and sausage are awesome breakfasts! I used to have eggs, bacon and sausage everyday for months and lost tons of fat quickly.

My personal advice would be to focus on the big 3 nutrients before you start worrying about the other things like vitamins, sodium, food quality...etc. If you're eating the right kinds of foods, a lot of these things will take care of themselves, and once you're comfortable living that way you can start tackling any shortfalls you may have by using supplements or making adjustments to your daily menu.

(Big 3 being carbs, protein, fat?)

I think I'm just... suspicious, I guess, because of the misconceptions dralla mentioned. That and I'm not trying to lose weight per se, I'm trying to lower triglycerides. I have four weeks to get them down to 1/4 the old level. I mean, there's probably not much if any difference in the approaches, but there is a distinction, and I just want to make sure we're all on the same page.

Not trying to be an asshole or anything, I just have very strong motivations here, and I'm overly cautious by nature. In my mind I need to get this right, right now.

....And I'm already prescribed a vitamin D supplement, because I'm a programmer in western New York. I've heard rumors of a sun but can't vouch for its existence.
Butter with coffee? That sounds so wrong..and yet at the same time so tempting I need to taste it... :D
It's not bad. It's essentially like adding cream to your coffee, and I didn't really get hungry until lunch. Google "bulletproof coffee." Has anyone looked at this Bulletproof Executive diet?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
(Big 3 being carbs, protein, fat?)

I think I'm just... suspicious, I guess, because of the misconceptions dralla mentioned. That and I'm not trying to lose weight per se, I'm trying to lower triglycerides. I have four weeks to get them down to 1/4 the old level. I mean, there's probably not much if any difference in the approaches, but there is a distinction, and I just want to make sure we're all on the same page.

Not trying to be an asshole or anything, I just have very strong motivations here, and I'm overly cautious by nature. In my mind I need to get this right, right now.

....And I'm already prescribed a vitamin D supplement, because I'm a programmer in western New York. I've heard rumors of a sun but can't vouch for its existence.

Yep, the big 3 being fat, protein and carbs.

Jumping on the low carb bandwagon should definitely improve your triglycerides in a big way. You can just google "low carb triglycerides" to see a wealth of sources claiming as much!


Been doing the paleo diet for about a week and a half now, working out everyday for 20 minutes, usually burn 200 calories doing cardio. No weights at the moment, but i'm currently down 12 pounds from 2 weeks ago.

I feel better and my outlook on life is getting better, but should i be attempting to do more cardio to do more calorie loss?
you shouldn't be looking at exercise as a means to burn calories if you are on a paleo diet. the number of calories is not what's important, it's where the calories are coming from. what exercising does is burn glycogen, the glucose stored in your muscles. once the muscles are depleted from the increase in physical activity, they will be 'craving' more fuel, which essentially increases insulin sensitivity and keeps your body in fat burning mode. generally speaking, the more activity or exercise you get, the more liberal you can be with carbohydrate intake. [professional athletes for example are able to drink sugary drinks like Gatorade because of how active they are] The effect of adding more cardio will depend on how strict you've been with the diet; the more strict you've been the less of an effect the additional cardio will have, and vice versa.


you shouldn't be looking at exercise as a means to burn calories if you are on a paleo diet. the number of calories is not what's important, it's where the calories are coming from. what exercising does is burn glycogen, the glucose stored in your muscles. once the muscles are depleted from the increase in physical activity, they will be 'craving' more fuel, which essentially increases insulin sensitivity and keeps your body in fat burning mode. generally speaking, the more activity or exercise you get, the more liberal you can be with carbohydrate intake. [professional athletes for example are able to drink sugary drinks like Gatorade because of how active they are] The effect of adding more cardio will depend on how strict you've been with the diet; the more strict you've been the less of an effect the additional cardio will have, and vice versa.

This is honestly the greatest answer i've had, i've asked on reddit's subreddit for paleo etc. I'm pretty strict with it, one off day so far but it was still healthy food for the diet itself.
It's not entirely necessary to do diets like paleo and keto right? I want to run and work on some weight training and such, so would a lower carb (than what I eat now and I eat a lot of carbs now) with an increase in more protein and fats help me loose weight as well?


It's not entirely necessary to do diets like paleo and keto right? I want to run and work on some weight training and such, so would a lower carb (than what I eat now and I eat a lot of carbs now) with an increase in more protein and fats help me loose weight as well?
No it's not a necessity. Above all you need to find a diet that you're comfortable with so you're able to sustain it. Restricting carbohydrates has been proven to be very effective for weight loss and general health (http://www.dietdoctor.com/weight-loss-time-to-stop-denying-the-science).

I think it's important to understand that a low carbohydrate diet and a ketogenic diet are not the same thing. You will most definitely lose weight whilst not in ketosis. A limit of 100 grams of carbs per day is generally considered low carb and will help tremendously. Can you give more details on your current diet?


It's not entirely necessary to do diets like paleo and keto right? I want to run and work on some weight training and such, so would a lower carb (than what I eat now and I eat a lot of carbs now) with an increase in more protein and fats help me loose weight as well?
No. Just avoid eating like an asshole.

The one thing that needs to be removed from regular consumption is sugar. Period. You can have sugary stuff, but only as a treat. Don't buy it from the grocery store. Someone brings donuts into the office? Go nuts.
No it's not a necessity. Above all you need to find a diet that you're comfortable with so you're able to sustain it. Restricting carbohydrates has been proven to be very effective for weight loss and general health (http://www.dietdoctor.com/weight-loss-time-to-stop-denying-the-science).

I think it's important to understand that a low carbohydrate diet and a ketogenic diet are not the same thing. You will most definitely lose weight whilst not in ketosis. A limit of 100 grams of carbs per day is generally considered low carb and will help tremendously. Can you give more details on your current diet?

Think about your typical teenage guy's diet and that's pretty much what I eat. Fast food, chips, pizza, etc. anything cheap and delicious. Not so much soda though, been actively trying to cut that out.

I was just comparing it to a ketogenic diet, since I've heard good things about it, but it's not necessarily feasible for me right now.

No. Just avoid eating like an asshole.

The one thing that needs to be removed from regular consumption is sugar. Period. You can have sugary stuff, but only as a treat. Don't buy it from the grocery store. Someone brings donuts into the office? Go nuts.

Definitely. Cutting soda out hasn't been too difficult, it's the sweet stuff I go crazy for.

I'm assuming you're mainly speaking of refined sugar in desserts and such. Normal fruits are a bit healthier in that regard, no?


Definitely. Cutting soda out hasn't been too difficult, it's the sweet stuff I go crazy for.

I'm assuming you're mainly speaking of refined sugar in desserts and such. Normal fruits are a bit healthier in that regard, no?
Some fruits are better than others. Apples are like pure fiber and can be eaten with reckless abandon. Bananas are like pure sugar. That's not to say avoid bananas like coke or candy, but eat them in moderation.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Been a minute since I've checked in. Stalled out over the holidays from eating like shit. Getting back in gear now. At 170 (5'11") still. Want to lose the rest of my belly fat before my friend's wedding in May, but I think I'm going to need to cave and start working out.

Also, if any MyFitnessPal gaffers want to add me, I'm on there as paluchador.

I'm on there as alfarif. I have no idea how to add people, though.


I used to use MyFitnessPal when I started low carbing. It really is pretty great. I had to stop using it once I hit around 180 and it wanted me to eat like 1200 calories a day max. That just doesn't seem too healthy.


It's not bad. It's essentially like adding cream to your coffee, and I didn't really get hungry until lunch. Google "bulletproof coffee." Has anyone looked at this Bulletproof Executive diet?

I tried it yesterday and liked it. But damn, that coffee hit me like a train. Is it just me or does butter increase the strenght of coffee?

Anyway, definitly will drink again. Altough not in the mornings. I think the butter is enough to break the fast, so it will have to wait till afternoon hours.


Any good links or sites that have good info on intermittent fasting? I have heard some people talk about it here on this thread. And I would like to give it a shot. I'm still in the beginning phases of my new eating style, which is keto. Is this a good idea to try will doing a keto diet?
Thanks for the help

Oh And update, I'm closing in on my 3rd week and I feel really great. I'm still too heavy for a scale, so I'm not sure how much weight I have lost, but I have gone down a jean size from 50 to 48 and my shirts and sweaters are fitting more loosely. It's good gonna be a good day when I finally step on a scale and I actualy get a reading!!! Small steps :)

OG Kush

Just had 10g of BCAA for the first time today, as suggested by leangains for training whenin fasting. Fuck it tastes so bad, so so bad. really disgusting, tastes like piss literally. How am I gonna be able to do this again?!

Adam J.

Hey gang, I had a couple of questions.

I started dieting the first week of January using a fitness app that suggested that I eat 1700 cals a day. I've been doing great eating a diet of mostly egg whites, berries, almonds, fresh veggies, chicken breast, brown rice and green tea. The problem is that for the last week I've really lost my appetite and have had trouble getting 1200 cals a day (the minimum that the app suggests). Unfortunetly I haven't had time to do any physical excercise, and fear that I may be loosing weight too fast--I'm down from 255 to 240 already.

Any suggestions on what direction I should head in? My main concern is my loss of appetite.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Just had 10g of BCAA for the first time today, as suggested by leangains for training whenin fasting. Fuck it tastes so bad, so so bad. really disgusting, tastes like piss literally. How am I gonna be able to do this again?!

Just do 10g of protein powder then. The BCAAs are just something arbitrary he came up with that seems like a good idea, hardly going to be mission critical.
Just had 10g of BCAA for the first time today, as suggested by leangains for training whenin fasting. Fuck it tastes so bad, so so bad. really disgusting, tastes like piss literally. How am I gonna be able to do this again?!

I'm doing the lean gains method too. What I do after my initial 16 hour fast is mix two scoops of vanilla cream whey protein powder into my Greek yogurt. It turns into a pudding-like mixture that actually tastes like vanilla pudding. The powder uses sucralose and contains virtually no lactose. It also contains BCAA and others.

I just find it funny when I started low-carbing, my muscles finally came in. When I started intermittent fasting, my muscles are filling in more, lol.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I just find it funny when I started low-carbing, my muscles finally came in. When I started intermittent fasting, my muscles are filling in more, lol.
Bodyfat, man...you've got the recipe for success and it's working which is probably an amazing feeling.

I can't freaking wait until I get my own bodyfat down to a sub-15% level so the abs I've been working on for months and months can finally show themselves.

Close right now, I was 19.8% about a month ago, I'm hoping I've been able to get it down to 18% since then.

When I bend over there is still a pouch of fat that drives me nuts!
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