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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Oh And update, I'm closing in on my 3rd week and I feel really great. I'm still too heavy for a scale, so I'm not sure how much weight I have lost, but I have gone down a jean size from 50 to 48 and my shirts and sweaters are fitting more loosely. It's good gonna be a good day when I finally step on a scale and I actualy get a reading!!! Small steps :)
Keep up the good work man! A good tip when starting out is to get a measuring tape and measure yourself. Chest, waist (stomach), arms, thighs etc. That way you can keep track of your progress without a scale, and even on weeks when the scale barely moves you can check the tape and see if tht has changed. Especially if/when you are exercising you may be losing weight and gaining muscle, thus making it look like you haven't lost any fat on the scale. Alternative to a measuring tape is just use a length of string instead and watch the string get shorter :)


I got on the MyFitnessPal app yesterday and enjoyed using it my first day. I discovered that I'm a lot less apt to cheat on my diet when I have to log everything. It's not really a pain to do it, it's just something where you see what you're eating and you have to think about it a little more. Most of my cheating was on impulse when I got a craving/was bored.

For me to get to my goals by June (losing 15 pounds), MFP recommended I go on 1470 calories a day (approx 2 lbs/wk loss). Which is a little extreme considering I'm burning around 350-400 calories a day on Insanity. That would give me a net calorie intake of around 1000 calories. Seems a bit unhealthy, so I'm going to bump my target goal up to 1600 (approx 1.7 lbs/wk loss). Yesterday, before I did my workout, I had only consumed 672 calories. Needless to say, I had a hard time getting through the workout and I was pretty lightheaded at the end. I'm going to have to front load my calorie intake to some extent and experiment with eating some whole wheat pasta a couple hours before I workout just so I have more energy. I'll see how it goes anyway.

If you want to send me an invite on MyFitnessPal, the username is andycapps.


For me to get to my goals by June (losing 15 pounds), MFP recommended I go on 1470 calories a day. Which is a little extreme considering I'm burning around 350-400 calories a day on Insanity. That would give me a net calorie intake of around 1000 calories. Seems a bit unhealthy, so I'm going to bump my target goal up to 1600.

That number they're giving you is the net, not the food alone.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
For me to get to my goals by June (losing 15 pounds), MFP recommended I go on 1470 calories a day. Which is a little extreme considering I'm burning around 350-400 calories a day on Insanity. That would give me a net calorie intake of around 1000 calories. Seems a bit unhealthy, so I'm going to bump my target goal up to 1600. Yesterday, before I did my workout, I had only consumed 672 calories. Needless to say, I had a hard time getting through the workout and I was pretty lightheaded at the end. I'm going to have to front load my calorie intake to some extent and experiment with eating some whole wheat pasta a couple hours before I workout just so I have more energy. I'll see how it goes anyway.

If you want to send me an invite on MyFitnessPal, the username is andycapps.

It recommends 1470 for me too. I get around there most days even with P90X2.


That number they're giving you is the net, not the food alone.

Really? Okay, then I may just leave that alone but try to get around 900-1000 calories in me before the workout to see if I have more energy.

Deadly Cyclone said:
It recommends 1470 for me too. I get around there most days even with P90X2

Cool, now that I look at the previous day, it recommended 1870 calories consumed since I burned 400. I actually ended up eating 1676, so my net calories were around 1276.

Yeah, I can see how this can get addictive.

man of science

Neo Member
Myfitnesspal is great for doing low Carb, but I had to set custom goals.

2000 calories
5% carbs - 25g (0 sugar)
35% protein - 175g (1g per desired lb)

Fat is not important. I eat when I can or when I'm hungry. I almost never even get close to 2000 calories because the food I eat is very filling and I still have plenty of energy for regular P90. Actually thinking of going from 1-2 straight to Masters Series.

I HIGHLY recommend reading Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes. It was so good I am now reading the unabridged version (Good Calories, Bad Calories).


Well, I'm currently in a period of time where I'm reaching a bunch of milestones. I finally broke 195, weighed in at 192.2 this morning. I'm just about benching my body weight for reps, squatting 1.5x body weight for reps, I ran a sub 30 minute 5k yesterday. I decided it was finally time to put my progress pictures up. Warning: at the link are less-than-flattering pictures of a shirtless fat guy. I took a new picture every 10lbs, and have tracked all of my workouts since the start, nifty graph included for some perspective. I still have some work to do, but the majority of it is behind me, now it's just a matter of living the healthier lifestyle I've come to enjoy.

From fat to fit(ish)
Just had 10g of BCAA for the first time today, as suggested by leangains for training whenin fasting. Fuck it tastes so bad, so so bad. really disgusting, tastes like piss literally. How am I gonna be able to do this again?!

What kind did you get? Cause the ones I tried were all delicious. Tasted like koolaid.
Hey guys. Since changing my best friends life, I've got my girlfriend doing the low-carb lifestyle. Since starting it in mid nov she's lost about 13 lbs. She did go home for the holidays and cheat a little bit (beer, cookies, more starchy foods) but since we've been back she's been staying pretty faithful. We don't drink too often and when we do drink we use sugar free soft drinks and cheap vodka. She weighed herself this morning and the scale said she gained three pounds for a total of 10 net lbs lost overall. I think it's just fluid retention from the night before or my scale might be broken because my scale also has told me that I have gained six pounds in two weeks which is impossible considering that I'm not on a bulk and I'm not eating a calorie surplus. Any suggestions? She's really faithful to the diet btw. No carbs, just veggies, meat, and nuts. And 50-100g of carbs a day is still effortless weight loss territory. And my friend lost 30lbs just by changing what he ate even without exercise.


Well, I'm currently in a period of time where I'm reaching a bunch of milestones. I finally broke 195, weighed in at 192.2 this morning. I'm just about benching my body weight for reps, squatting 1.5x body weight for reps, I ran a sub 30 minute 5k yesterday. I decided it was finally time to put my progress pictures up. Warning: at the link are less-than-flattering pictures of a shirtless fat guy. I took a new picture every 10lbs, and have tracked all of my workouts since the start, nifty graph included for some perspective. I still have some work to do, but the majority of it is behind me, now it's just a matter of living the healthier lifestyle I've come to enjoy.

From fat to fit(ish)

Awesome job sticking to it and getting such amazing results! Good inspiration for me :)


That girl in the bunny hat
Apparently I can go to Wendy's, get chicken nuggets and a side salad, and by almost every metric it's better for me than my usual "healthy" bag lunch (apple, granola bar, pasta entree/soup). Ain't that some shit.

I'm like the worst dieter ever. Day three, fast food time!
Fast food isnt necessarily unhealthy. It's the fillers (sides, soda) that makes it add up.

Very true. A Big Mac and a small fry from McDonald's is 770 calories.

A muffin and a mocha latte from Starbucks can run you over 800 calories.

People have incredibly skewed ideas on portion size and calorie amounts.


Well, I'm currently in a period of time where I'm reaching a bunch of milestones. I finally broke 195, weighed in at 192.2 this morning. I'm just about benching my body weight for reps, squatting 1.5x body weight for reps, I ran a sub 30 minute 5k yesterday. I decided it was finally time to put my progress pictures up. Warning: at the link are less-than-flattering pictures of a shirtless fat guy. I took a new picture every 10lbs, and have tracked all of my workouts since the start, nifty graph included for some perspective. I still have some work to do, but the majority of it is behind me, now it's just a matter of living the healthier lifestyle I've come to enjoy.

From fat to fit(ish)

That is very encouraging, actually. I look similar in build to you at 215. I'm at 208.5 now. Keep up the good work!

reggieandTFE said:
Very true. A Big Mac and a small fry from McDonald's is 770 calories.

A muffin and a mocha latte from Starbucks can run you over 800 calories.

People have incredibly skewed ideas on portion size and calorie amounts.

You can get well over that with some of their very sugary drinks like a caramel frappuchino and such. Best way to go is to stick with black coffee, Americanos, or "red eyes." A real macchiato is probably not that bad either, not the caramel one.

Black coffee has definitely become my thing now, I typically drink 2 cups a day. The caffeine is good for your metabolism, next to no calories (about 5 per cup), you gain an appreciation for good coffee, and you can join us in the OT for coffee snobs. The downside is that bad coffee tastes really bad.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I have a french press at work and my co-worker has a water heater so I make fresh coffee when I walk in the door every morning. Great way to start off the day. :p


You are only looking at calories though. What about the massive amounts of sodium you consume while eating fast food like McDonalds? There is never a good reason to eat fast food.

The average person will be fine with that sodium as long as they balance it with water.
So this makes it the second day in the row that I've fucked up. Yesterday I ate a banana muffin which brought me up to around 1100 calories for the day, besides me going over 1000 cals I was trying to go into ketosis and I'm pretty sure mufffins have a shitload of carbs in em. I did the same thing today but I'm at 900 cal but I really wanna go into ketosis. I'll try starting again tomorrow.


I have a french press at work and my co-worker has a water heater so I make fresh coffee when I walk in the door every morning. Great way to start off the day. :p

True, a french press or Chemex is the only way to go. Unfortunately, past two days I've had to do a timer on my drip pot as I've been pretty tired in the morning and not feeling like doing the extra effort. I have to do mine at home since my grinder and tea kettle are there.


I may be hitting a wall. I thought I was doing great coming off the Christmas splurge, even got down to 34 lbs lost total, but this morning at my normal weigh-in time, I was "up" to only 31 lbs lost. :( I've been doing great with my diet this week, too.


Black coffee has definitely become my thing now, I typically drink 2 cups a day. The caffeine is good for your metabolism, next to no calories (about 5 per cup), you gain an appreciation for good coffee, and you can join us in the OT for coffee snobs. The downside is that bad coffee tastes really bad.

Black coffee. Black like my heart, as I used to say. :) But now I add some milk to the coffee to take away some of the bitterness.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I've been drinking a lot of white tea lately. Supposedly has a higher concentration of anti-oxidents than green tea and still bring the EGCG along with it.

Seems like white tea is frequently found with a peach flavor to it which makes for a pretty aromatic experience. I digs it.


So this makes it the second day in the row that I've fucked up. Yesterday I ate a banana muffin which brought me up to around 1100 calories for the day, besides me going over 1000 cals I was trying to go into ketosis and I'm pretty sure mufffins have a shitload of carbs in em. I did the same thing today but I'm at 900 cal but I really wanna go into ketosis. I'll try starting again tomorrow.

Ketosis and 1000 cals a day is asking for trouble man. The whole point of the diet is you dont starve your body, it allows to get all of the cals you need. Plus why would you want to feel like shit eating that low of cals? East at least 2k and you will still lose weight with low carb.

And yes, muffins are pure carbs.


I may be hitting a wall. I thought I was doing great coming off the Christmas splurge, even got down to 34 lbs lost total, but this morning at my normal weigh-in time, I was "up" to only 31 lbs lost. :( I've been doing great with my diet this week, too.


Black coffee. Black like my heart, as I used to say. :) But now I add some milk to the coffee to take away some of the bitterness.

Coffee with some sweet/low and skim milk and water is all that I drink...

I miss OJ.


shiiieeeet, they were sold out of unsalted macadamia nuts so I had to get the salted variety. the salt over powers the butter-cookieish flavor of them :[


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
shiiieeeet, they were sold out of unsalted macadamia nuts so I had to get the salted variety. the salt over powers the butter-cookieish flavor of them :[

Butter-cookie flavor?! Shit I need to try out macadamia nuts again!

I don't think I've ever had them on their own, they were always in a cookie so I don't think I have a good idea of what they taste like...have read nothing but great things about them in general, though.


Right now I'm about 200 lbs at 5'11 while not being muscular at all. I want to lose enough to get to about 170-180 lbs, but mainly live a healthier lifestyle.

Never been the competitive type and sports have always started to bore me if I do them regularly. Right now I'm mainly upping my exercise by doing as much as possible on foot (when working I tend to walk around an hour going there and back). Groceries and such I usually do by foot as well. Also got a mtb at home that I'm planning to ride regularly when weather gets better and might pick up dancing classes again (depending on my schedule as I'm also looking for a band right now).

My biggest problem is meals. I've never been the best cook, so the diversity of meals isn't all that great. Next to that my breakfast and lunch tend to be pretty carb-heavy (eat about 8 slices of bread a day). I'm looking for good replacements for that and a good place for healthy and relatively easy/quick deserts.


Butter-cookie flavor?! Shit I need to try out macadamia nuts again!

I don't think I've ever had them on their own, they were always in a cookie so I don't think I have a good idea of what they taste like...have read nothing but great things about them in general, though.

yea but you need to get them natural. I really liked these


they sell them at shop rite for like 6 bucks? a bag if I remember correctly. the taste is more subtle than you might think, which is why the salt doesn't mix well with them.


That girl in the bunny hat
My biggest problem is meals. I've never been the best cook, so the diversity of meals isn't all that great. Next to that my breakfast and lunch tend to be pretty carb-heavy (eat about 8 slices of bread a day). I'm looking for good replacements for that and a good place for healthy and relatively easy/quick deserts.

I can totally sympathize here. I had maybe... three different types of meals I would actually make (spaghetti, tacos, or grilled $SomeMeat). The calorie counter app I got for my phone- mine is by FatSecret, but I'm guessing they're all largely interchangeable- has a bunch of recipe ideas, though, some of which sound really good. (Sausage-stuffed jalapenos? Yes.) It's hard to just come up with ideas, you'll have to read up recipes and work from there.


Need more friends on MyFitnessPal. andycapps is the name. Need to see other people doing stuff on there to push me harder.

Anecdotally, my cardio recovery workout in Insanity wasn't too bad after trying to front load my calorie intake, as well as eat some pasta about two hours beforehand. Granted, this particular workout is not a very high intensity workout, so we'll see what tomorrow is like.


Hey gang, I had a couple of questions.

I started dieting the first week of January using a fitness app that suggested that I eat 1700 cals a day. I've been doing great eating a diet of mostly egg whites, berries, almonds, fresh veggies, chicken breast, brown rice and green tea. The problem is that for the last week I've really lost my appetite and have had trouble getting 1200 cals a day (the minimum that the app suggests). Unfortunetly I haven't had time to do any physical excercise, and fear that I may be loosing weight too fast--I'm down from 255 to 240 already.

Any suggestions on what direction I should head in? My main concern is my loss of appetite.
Wayy too much protein compared to fat/carbs. Have whole eggs at least, yoghurt or coconut milk with your berries. Chicken thighs instead of breasts.

Any good links or sites that have good info on intermittent fasting? I have heard some people talk about it here on this thread. And I would like to give it a shot. I'm still in the beginning phases of my new eating style, which is keto. Is this a good idea to try will doing a keto diet?
Thanks for the help


Any good links or sites that have good info on intermittent fasting? I have heard some people talk about it here on this thread. And I would like to give it a shot. I'm still in the beginning phases of my new eating style, which is keto. Is this a good idea to try will doing a keto diet?
Thanks for the help

Oh And update, I'm closing in on my 3rd week and I feel really great. I'm still too heavy for a scale, so I'm not sure how much weight I have lost, but I have gone down a jean size from 50 to 48 and my shirts and sweaters are fitting more loosely. It's good gonna be a good day when I finally step on a scale and I actualy get a reading!!! Small steps :)


I'm looking to expand what I eat. I've been buying pretty much the same stuff, so suggest away.

Here is what can usually be found in my kitchen

- Eggs
- Bacon
- Grilled chicken
- Broccoli
- Green Beans
- Tuna
- Almonds
- String Cheese
- Pork
- Tilapia
- Carrots
- Hummus
- Whey
- Natural Peanut butter

Going to Costco tomorrow night.


I'm looking to expand what I eat. I've been buying pretty much the same stuff, so suggest away.

Here is what can usually be found in my kitchen

- Eggs
- Bacon
- Grilled chicken
- Broccoli
- Green Beans
- Tuna
- Almonds
- String Cheese
- Pork
- Tilapia
- Carrots
- Hummus
- Whey
- Natural Peanut butter

Going to Costco tomorrow night.
Are you opposed to red meat? I find having a t-bone steak and some broccoli a great dinner that doesn't even make it seem like I'm on a meal plan. Also some other fishes that I find just a treat to eat are salmon, swordfish steaks, even some shrimps cooked in butter and garlic are amazing.


Are you opposed to red meat? I find having a t-bone steak and some broccoli a great dinner that doesn't even make it seem like I'm on a meal plan. Also some other fishes that I find just a treat to eat are salmon, swordfish steaks, even some shrimps cooked in butter and garlic are amazing.

Not at all, but I'm kind of waiting until we get our house and have a grill. I know I don't need a grill to cook them, but if I'm going to buy and enjoy a steak I really want it made right :)


Different types of seafood; shrimp, sole, salmon, sushi. Ground beef for burgers, meatballs, whatever else. Sausage and peppers! Big ass salads and other veggies, tomato's, celery, spinach, ect. Different types of berries or apples. More nuts, walnuts, pecans, macadamias, pistachios, ect. Get some real cheese and pepperoni.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
yea but you need to get them natural. I really liked these


they sell them at shop rite for like 6 bucks? a bag if I remember correctly. the taste is more subtle than you might think, which is why the salt doesn't mix well with them.[/QUOTE]

I just bought a thing of these gorgeous little babies at Whole Foods and I'm in love. These nuts are crazy dangerous because of how amazing they taste.

Butter cookies is a spot-on description of the taste...and I love how the nuts themselves are so brittle and yet firm. God damn I'm in love!!!

Need to keep these at arms length so I don't house the whole thing in a sitting!


Different types of seafood; shrimp, sole, salmon, sushi. Ground beef for burgers, meatballs, whatever else. Sausage and peppers! Big ass salads and other veggies, tomato's, celery, spinach, ect. Different types of berries or apples. More nuts, walnuts, pecans, macadamias, pistachios, ect. Get some real cheese and pepperoni.

All really great suggestions. I think I'm going to increase my food budget to accommodate some more seafood. I like the sausage and pepper idea too.

Maybe even one of those pepperoni and cheese party trays? Taking some of that could make for a good snack.

And once my house is finished in march...it's grill time. Watch out.


I'm a canned sardines whore, you might want to try it out if you can muscle the taste/smell.

I went from snacking on crackers/pb to red peppers and salt, or a huge cucumber and a bit of sea salt. Forced myself to like it and now I love it. Lots of ways to snack healthily, i'd avoid the cheese and pepperoni trays honestly.


sausage and peppers is amazing, how can you be on a LC diet and not have it? i had it 2 nights ago for dinner [made w/ olive oil], kept me full until lunch the next day, 18 hours.

i have one of those cheese trays and a big stick of pepperoni in the fridge right next to me :]
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