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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Well, I'm currently in a period of time where I'm reaching a bunch of milestones. I finally broke 195, weighed in at 192.2 this morning. I'm just about benching my body weight for reps, squatting 1.5x body weight for reps, I ran a sub 30 minute 5k yesterday. I decided it was finally time to put my progress pictures up. Warning: at the link are less-than-flattering pictures of a shirtless fat guy. I took a new picture every 10lbs, and have tracked all of my workouts since the start, nifty graph included for some perspective. I still have some work to do, but the majority of it is behind me, now it's just a matter of living the healthier lifestyle I've come to enjoy.

From fat to fit(ish)

Great chart. I love the plateau -> reset -> gain on all the lifts :lol
Just had 10g of BCAA for the first time today, as suggested by leangains for training whenin fasting. Fuck it tastes so bad, so so bad. really disgusting, tastes like piss literally. How am I gonna be able to do this again?!

I just chug it and have a piece of gum after (sugar free is allowed during the fast).


sausage and peppers is amazing, how can you be on a LC diet and not have it? i had it 2 nights ago for dinner [made w/ olive oil], kept me full until lunch the next day, 18 hours.

i have one of those cheese trays and a big stick of pepperoni in the fridge right next to me :]

If you're under your carb limit you can do those sausage and peppers on a whole wheat hogie or something. I've done that before and it was fantastic. Melt some cheese on there and you're really in business. Depending on your calorie goals you may not be able to do all that, sausage and peppers are good by themselves.

Day 3 of really being serious about my diet, so far so good. Started out the day with some rolled oats, granola, and black coffee.


That girl in the bunny hat
...I'm going to guess a general lethargy is not a good thing here? Based on what I tracked yesterday I did 93 fat/126 carb/111 protein/1775 cal, and today I'm all sleepy and weak and whatnot. :( This a usual thing or am I screwing things up?


...I'm going to guess a general lethargy is not a good thing here? Based on what I tracked yesterday I did 93 fat/126 carb/111 protein/1775 cal, and today I'm all sleepy and weak and whatnot. :( This a usual thing or am I screwing things up?

How did you take in so many carbs? What did you eat yesterday? If you post it up it'll be easier to help you :)


Repeating my question from the last page:

I'm entering the next phase of my weight loss plan and am in need of some some dietary advise. Currently, I'm doing Insanity Monday through Saturday, weight training Monday/Wednesday/Friday and 3-4 mile jog scattered through out the week with a friend. I've been doing this for two weeks now (I've been working out for longer, but not nearly as intense). I'm trying to lose body fat, gain muscle, gain endurance and improve my overall athleticism (I'm thinking of getting back into football and trying out for the team when I go to graduate school as a walk on). What kind of diet would you recommend?

I'm on a Ketosis diet (20g/day and under) which provides me with more than enough energy for the workouts themselves, but I've noticed later in the day my body feels like shit (not physically) and I feel completely drained of energy. I'm assuming I need more carbs in my diet, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it? Any ideas?


That girl in the bunny hat
How did you take in so many carbs? What did you eat yesterday? If you post it up it'll be easier to help you :)

Mostly my morning orange juice; the glasses I have are kinda big so that alone was pushing 50g (unless I'm overestimating how much I had). Even my whole fast food lunch was less than that (45-ish). Dinner was pulled pork and salad, which only gave me a little over 25g.

And it's still all way better than before; I estimated my old daily carbs at 300-350, probably more. x_x


how about replacing the OJ with an actual orange? Generally you want your nutrient breakdown to look like this, Fat>Protein>Carbs


Repeating my question from the last page:

I'm entering the next phase of my weight loss plan and am in need of some some dietary advise. Currently, I'm doing Insanity Monday through Saturday, weight training Monday/Wednesday/Friday and 3-4 mile jog scattered through out the week with a friend. I've been doing this for two weeks now (I've been working out for longer, but not nearly as intense). I'm trying to lose body fat, gain muscle, gain endurance and improve my overall athleticism (I'm thinking of getting back into football and trying out for the team when I go to graduate school as a walk on). What kind of diet would you recommend?

I'm on a Ketosis diet (20g/day and under) which provides me with more than enough energy for the workouts themselves, but I've noticed later in the day my body feels like shit (not physically) and I feel completely drained of energy. I'm assuming I need more carbs in my diet, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it? Any ideas?

How about more fruit? Especially since you're doing weight training, bananas will help with the soreness.


It's funny how after eating much much more healthy over the past 2 years, I've lost weight and enjoy food more. It's funny how the palate get numb by fast food and garbage.

In the rare situation I go to McD's or fast food joint, I always regret it. The food is so bland.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Repeating my question from the last page:

I'm entering the next phase of my weight loss plan and am in need of some some dietary advise. Currently, I'm doing Insanity Monday through Saturday, weight training Monday/Wednesday/Friday and 3-4 mile jog scattered through out the week with a friend. I've been doing this for two weeks now (I've been working out for longer, but not nearly as intense). I'm trying to lose body fat, gain muscle, gain endurance and improve my overall athleticism (I'm thinking of getting back into football and trying out for the team when I go to graduate school as a walk on). What kind of diet would you recommend?

I'm on a Ketosis diet (20g/day and under) which provides me with more than enough energy for the workouts themselves, but I've noticed later in the day my body feels like shit (not physically) and I feel completely drained of energy. I'm assuming I need more carbs in my diet, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it? Any ideas?

I'd eat some sweet potatoes after your intense workouts to replenish your glycogen stores in your muscles. If you take any kind of recovery drink I'd make sure it's got dextrose or glucose in it for this purpose (do this or sweet potatoes, not both in my opinion). Lowfat chocolate milk is a great one to use, although both of these options are going to knock you out of ketosis.


It's not an exact science which is why I said generally. There are different variations on low carb and it also depends on what you're actual goal is and how active you are. Either way I think what you're not eating is just as important as what you are eating.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
So I've been stressing out because I was getting more protein than fat, but I was comparing grams and not calories. It's calories I should be looking it right?

So Fg x 9 > Pg x 4 > Cg x 4 right?

If that's the case then I should be fine.

Here's my food diary at myfitnesspal:


I'm not sure what your nutrient goals are, but if you're trying to do something like eating 5% carbs, 60% fat and 35% protein, you'd want to be looking at calories.

100g of fat = 900 calories = 225g of protein.

According to the goals you have set, you'd be looking at:

Fat calories: 1197 = 133g of fat
Protein calories: 700 = 175g of protein
Carb calories: 100 = 25g of carbs


See, I've been doing protein > fat > carbs

According to fitness pal, yesterday I did 212 > 101 > 25.

1 gram of fat = 9 calories, 1 gram of protein = 4 calories, so you're actually getting more fat :]

the body doesn't care about the mass of the food, only the amount of fuel, aka calories, it gets from it.


That girl in the bunny hat
how about replacing the OJ with an actual orange? Generally you want your nutrient breakdown to look like this, Fat>Protein>Carbs

Might do that. I've been trying to work towards protein>fat>carbs because I just can't seem to think up ways to get fat up there without everything else tagging along. Unless I'm going to take up my grandfather's Spam habit. (Dude is thin though, I'll give him that.) Any snacks that are good along those lines, other than nuts?


Geral question, how accurate are the calorie counters on treadmills? And is a 300 calorie cardio workout a day good enough to loose significant fat? I do 25 min of cardio on non lift days and 20 min on days that I lift.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Geral question, how accurate are the calorie counters on treadmills? And is a 300 calorie cardio workout a day good enough to loose significant fat? I do 25 min of cardio on non lift days and 20 min on days that I lift.

The best advice I could give you is that do not do cardio in an attempt to cut fat. It is far less efficient than proper diet. If you're already dieting and are just doing some cardio to give yourself a little extra edge, then great...but if you're thinking a little bit of cardio is going to make any kind of measurable dent on your fat loss than you're heading for disappointment.

There are benefits to cardio in general of course, but as a fat loss tool it's really not that efficient...and realistically you'd want to aim more for 600 calories worth to get better results.

Doing cardio activities will very likely lead to making you hungry which in turn will increase your calorie intake for the day as a result and basically undo your exercise.

If you're already rocking it diet-wise, 300 calories of cardio is going to be a small increase in fat loss, but will bring other benefits like cardiovascular health.

Not trying to be a debbie downer, just want to make sure you don't think jumping on the treadmill for 20 minutes is going to make a difference in your appearance. Just think about how easy it is to eat 300 calories...or better yet just NOT eat 300 calories to get the same fat loss benefits.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I find that I can eat roughly the same amount of calories without willpower issues, no matter what my level of activity is. ~2000 is a comfortable amount. So if I'm active, I lose weight, without fail unless I'm in completely not giving a shit mode and eating whatever (and usually even then).

20 minutes on a treadmill is not being active though. Hike up a mountain, bike to the next city, do BJJ or Muay Thai, etc. ;b

man of science

Neo Member
I'm not sure what your nutrient goals are, but if you're trying to do something like eating 5% carbs, 60% fat and 35% protein, you'd want to be looking at calories.

100g of fat = 900 calories = 225g of protein.

According to the goals you have set, you'd be looking at:

Fat calories: 1197 = 133g of fat
Protein calories: 700 = 175g of protein
Carb calories: 100 = 25g of carbs

I can't believe I overlooked 4:4:9.


I find that I can eat roughly the same amount of calories without willpower issues, no matter what my level of activity is. ~2000 is a comfortable amount. So if I'm active, I lose weight, without fail unless I'm in completely not giving a shit mode and eating whatever (and usually even then).

20 minutes on a treadmill is not being active though. Hike up a mountain, bike to the next city, do BJJ or Muay Thai, etc. ;b

Yeah, 20 minutes on a treadmill won't do it unless you're going very fast and getting your heart rate to 160 or higher for a minimum of 20 minutes.

RubxQub - I agree with you quite a bit. Diet is very important and I think that's what I've neglected the past year. I've tried to do "pretty well" but not really keep track. I've changed that now and hope I'm on the right path. Diet is definitely the majority of any weight loss. I'm assuming you're recommending him to just do the weight training and focus on the diet? That would definitely work, but if he can do all 3 then he'll probably see even quicker results.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Yeah, 20 minutes on a treadmill won't do it unless you're going very fast and getting your heart rate to 160 or higher for a minimum of 20 minutes.

RubxQub - I agree with you quite a bit. Diet is very important and I think that's what I've neglected the past year. I've tried to do "pretty well" but not really keep track. I've changed that now and hope I'm on the right path. Diet is definitely the majority of any weight loss. I'm assuming you're recommending him to just do the weight training and focus on the diet? That would definitely work, but if he can do all 3 then he'll probably see even quicker results.

Oh yeah, I'm not saying "don't exercise", I'm more just trying to get the point across that light cardio is not going to do wonders for anyone's fat loss results is all.

There's tons of great reasons to do cardio, even light cardio...I just wouldn't rank "fat loss" very high on the reasons supporting why you should do it is all unless I knew the person was already properly dieting.


Oh yeah, I'm not saying "don't exercise", I'm more just trying to get the point across that light cardio is not going to do wonders for anyone's fat loss results is all.

There's tons of great reasons to do cardio, even light cardio...I just wouldn't rank "fat loss" very high on the reasons supporting why you should do it is all unless I knew the person was already properly dieting.

Gotcha, I agree. My father in law tells me sometimes that he's picking up his cardio by walking on the treadmill. Keep in mind he's still eating whatever he wants. Not enough facepalms in the world for that.
yeah exactly.

I just have standard unflavouried BCAA. What made do you have?

Also, if I take it like a shot with some lemon concentrate or something does it matter that much? or is it strictly 0 calories while fasting otherwise it won't work fully?

Just chug it, don't breathe through your nose and have a piece of sugar free game waiting.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I take USP Labs. It isn't that bad, but the foul part is the smell that eminates from the bottle you used if you don't wash it right away. It's like cat, dog, horse, and turtle piss wrapped in pig shit.
Oh yeah, I'm not saying "don't exercise", I'm more just trying to get the point across that light cardio is not going to do wonders for anyone's fat loss results is all.

There's tons of great reasons to do cardio, even light cardio...I just wouldn't rank "fat loss" very high on the reasons supporting why you should do it is all unless I knew the person was already properly dieting.

I get what you are aiming at. But as a pretty heavy cardio guy I really do think that for many people the best way to a healthy lifestyle (including fat loss) isn't sitting around with a calorie counter and spending quite so much time trying to get the perfect protein / fat / carbs ratio. I've always been a pretty healthy guy, but I found that relaxing my dieting and just bumping up my cardio did soooo much for not just my body fat, but also my energy level and my ability to enjoy food and life.

I used to watch so strictly what I ate, and it made it a real pain to prepare and enjoy foods sometimes. Then I picked up fairly heavy jogging and in about 3 months I dropped that last 20 lbs of pudge (175 -> 155) and when I have a burger now I darn well have it with a bun and beer next to it when I so please.


Geral question, how accurate are the calorie counters on treadmills? And is a 300 calorie cardio workout a day good enough to loose significant fat? I do 25 min of cardio on non lift days and 20 min on days that I lift.
The first time I went out for a ride with my new garmin GPS, I noticed the calorie counter ticking up quite quickly.... when I was rolling downhill. These things are a rough estimate at best.


The first time I went out for a ride with my new garmin GPS, I noticed the calorie counter ticking up quite quickly.... when I was rolling downhill. These things are a rough estimate at best.

Was it connected to you or just the bike?


Sometimes I see clients at their school. I was putting my lunch in the teachers lounge and one of them said, "you're eating TWO hardboiled eggs?" I told her they would be my fourth and fifth of the day, and she said, "good luck with your cholesterol". :lol

The rotissere chicken I got from Costco tonight was so good. I also picked up various cheeses and pepperoni, peppers, sausage and blueberries.

I did really well on carbs today, according to my fitness pal I only had 7.
Yeah, people are flipping out when I tell them I put butter in my morning coffee. I'll show them...

You guys blew my mind with the calories-not-grams thing! That changes everything. Well, maybe not, since I don't really track macros anyway.
So, I am looking at starting Keto, switching from current just calorie watch diet.

I had a few questions if someone wants to take a look and provide feedback:

1. Bloodwork. I am thinking of getting some blood work done before starting this. The only thing I can think or right now for that is Cholesterol levels. What are some other things I should have the lab include on my report. I have never had this done in the US, so no idea how it works.

2. Exercising on keto. Most recommendations for working out do with Strength training. I have a gym in my apartments will all kinds of machines, should I be doing that or just use the dumbbells at home or gym? I also want to do the treadmill, less for calorie burning but more to just get into a habit too. I also heard some opinions to wait until you are 2-3 weeks into keto before working out, any opinions on that?

3. Getting knocked out of keto - I will have to travel for work week on 22nd-24th Feb. I plan to getting into keto after my 4 day work visit starting Feb 9th. Of course during the visit, I will try to stick to keto, but clients have the final word on where we eat. Can any bad carb day knock me out of keto?

Thanks Guys. I am soo looking forward to this!


1. Bloodwork. I am thinking of getting some blood work done before starting this. The only thing I can think or right now for that is Cholesterol levels. What are some other things I should have the lab include on my report. I have never had this done in the US, so no idea how it works.

The main ones to get are Glucose, Cholesterol, and Thyroid.

Well of course that would be inaccurate. The better machines take into account your weight, age, and heart rate.


Thought i would start posting in this thread, having already messaged RubxQub(whom is very awesome by the way) about the keto diet.

Basically this is my 5th day on the Keto diet. I am 180cm tall(5 feet 10"1/2) and on Sunday weighed 210 pounds. It is kind of confusing for me to switch between metric and pounds lol, having moved from Indonesia to the US of A, so will try to keep numbers in pounds. I have not weighed my self after starting the diet but i imagine any weight that i have lost will primarily be water weight, for now anyway.

First impressions are: HOLY shit i felt like i was going to die the first 3 days LOL. Seriously, i imagine i experienced keto flu to its fullest extent. Coming from Indonesia where almost all my meals were accompanied with rice, white rice in particular, i felt like a crack addict going cold turkey. Pretty brutal if i were to be honest. I also had pretty bad brain fog. But on the 4th day, i shit you not everything changed. I woke up feeling fucking good. Like i had taken off training weights both mentally and physically. Energy levels were through the roof. I believe this was when my body entered ketosis.

Today was also a freaking awesome day. No fatigue AT ALL and i really feel like my brain is more connected to my entire body. The only way i can describe this feeling is something akin to the pill in the movie "limitless", obviously not as hardcore but i truly feel like its in the same vein lol. I also used a ketostick that i had my wife buy at the pharmacy today to see whether or not i was in that state and sure enough at 4PM it showed "traces" of ketones while at 9PM it showed 2 levels above "traces" which made me ecstatic. I am assuming that i am in ketosis?

My diet basically looks like this, please comment if you have any suggestions etc:


- 2 eggs+ mozzarella cheese, type varies, cooked in butter+olive oil
- 1 sausage
- 3-4 strips of pork/beef bacon(beef bacon from Trader Joe's taste godly)


- 3/8 of a whole chicken, i try to cook this differently each day to create variety
- vegetables such as baby spinach, broccoli etc.

Snack at 3-4 PM:

- half a palm(hand) of some type of meat(somked salmon, left over beef, chicken meatball etc)
- cheese stick


- 3/8 of whole chicken or the equivalent of that in fish, beef or pork.
- steamed vegetables
- extra tea-spoon of virgin olive oil on top of dish at the end

I believe i am staying under 20 grams of carbs everyday. However, i am starting to miss fruit. I read that berries are okay on the keto diet? Also what about half an avocado during lunch?

After reading a few things on the internet i am becoming kind of paranoid about loosing muscle while on the keto diet. Basically the only way to combat this is to do lifting 1-2 a week correct? I am also slightly worried that i am not consuming enough fat on the diet, although the fact that i am supposedly in ketosis means otherwise i would hope. I also think i am consuming something like 1500-2000 calories a day. I am also supplementing this diet by taking omega-3 pills from trader joes, made sure to buy the ones without mercury per EvilLore's recommendation. Luckily no fish burps yet haha.

I firmly believe that i will be able to sustain this lifestyle even after i reach my goal of 30-40 pound weight loss. But i would seriously again like to thank RubxQub for responding to my PM. Really was the final push for me to start the diet. I will try to update my progress every 2 weeks =)


I think there is a difference between a low-carb diet like keto and the low-carb diet they are talking about.

keto is about high fat, low carb. He is talking about, high protein, low carb which I believe can be bad for your health.

Not really, his first line is

The only thing that matters is calories.

I'll eat 1500 calories of chocolate and marshmallows a day and call it quits from now on.
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