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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


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I believe i am staying under 20 grams of carbs everyday. However, i am starting to miss fruit. I read that berries are okay on the keto diet? Also what about half an avocado during lunch?

After reading a few things on the internet i am becoming kind of paranoid about loosing muscle while on the keto diet. Basically the only way to combat this is to do lifting 1-2 a week correct? I am also slightly worried that i am not consuming enough fat on the diet, although the fact that i am supposedly in ketosis means otherwise i would hope. I also think i am consuming something like 1500-2000 calories a day. I am also supplementing this diet by taking omega-3 pills from trader joes, made sure to buy the ones without mercury per EvilLore's recommendation. Luckily no fish burps yet haha.

I firmly believe that i will be able to sustain this lifestyle even after i reach my goal of 30-40 pound weight loss. But i would seriously again like to thank RubxQub for responding to my PM. Really was the final push for me to start the diet. I will try to update my progress every 2 weeks =)
Hey again! Glad to hear you're officially on the train...and very glad you pushed through the first few days of ketosis. Those days can be extremely frustrating since you aren't eating things you used to want and feel pretty weak, but it sounds like you came out of that tailspin and are feeling good, which is great!

In regards to fruit, unfortunately I would try and avoid them since they typically are high glycemic carbs. Berries may be OK in very small quantities, but it'd be much safer to keep your carbs limited to vegetable sources. You can experiment with some smaller amounts of berries and see how your keto-sticks respond. If it looks like you're holding steady then you should be good! Just make sure to keep the quantities light if they aren't knocking you out of ketosis to ensure they don't start!

On the muscle loss side of things, the best things you can do to ensure you don't lose anything there is going to be to keep your protein intake high. If you weigh close to 200 pounds I'd typically say to keep your protein at or above 150g a day. The rule you'll read online is typically that you want to eat anywhere from .8g to 1g of protein per pound of lean body weight. Without knowing your body composition (bodyfat percentage), it's pretty safe to say 150gs a day would have you covered. In addition to eating this protein, I'd do a full body workout routine 2-3 times a week. It doesn't have to be intense or long, but you need to use your muscles to essentially remind your body that it still needs them. The combination of protein and exercise will ensure you aren't losing any muscle and you can be confident that it's just fat that's getting burned as you lose weight.

Super happy to hear back from you, and it sounds like you have the right mindset to see this through to your goals! Good work so far, man!


So I've been lurking this for a bit while starting my own primal diet switch. It's been about a week now and ... I'm not sure, I guess? I mean in the sense of I have no idea if I'm doing it right because it's been a pretty easy switch all-in-all, and I say that as someone who's coming from what has to be a stupidly high amount of carbs consumption.

Breakfast has typically been a 2-3 egg omelette with a light EVOO saute on spinach, green/red peppers, onions, garlic, and swiss chard to stuff it with. Bacon or sausage is sometimes added if I want some for the morning but it hasn't been too hard leaving it out. One cup of coffee with the meal and I take another with me for work.

Lunch has mostly been skipped when at work and I haven't really had major hunger pangs. If I do eat lunch, it's been just a salad with an EVOO drizzle (<1 tbsp) or two hard-boiled eggs.

Dinner is a rotation of ~4oz beef/fish/chicken cooked in coconut oil typically along with some form of vegetable side, typically broccoli and jicama (sauteed jicama shaved thin is like my go-to "crunch" satisfaction with food right now), or just a salad to go with it. Dinner is the largest variation--did a meatloaf last night with jut eggs, veggies, and herbs for binding it--so it's been rather fun in this regard to keep the week varied day-to-day.

If a snack is involved, it's a few raw almonds or a blueberries + greek yogurt, though I typically don't need it. I do take a 1000mg Fish Oil supplement and a one-a-day vitamin.

Workout wise, ~45m-1 hour on a treadmill daily for just light cardio (i.e., not running).

My average day this past week has basically been just breakfast and then dinner with no real issue hunger wise. So ... I'm a little puzzled at it. I've essentially cut back to half my calorie consumption and yet I feel fuller. I've seen enough "effortless" and "like a body hack" commentary to make me think this is "normal" but I still can't shake the feeling that something isn't quite right. This is a bit beyond too easy.

Short of dropping making pasta or bread with my meals, I'm basically eating normally. I do miss rice, though :x Asian background so I'm used to making a pot of rice at least once a week.
I've seen enough "effortless" and "like a body hack" commentary to make me think this is "normal" but I still can't shake the feeling that something isn't quite right. This is a bit beyond too easy.

No, you're right. It is. That's what so baffling about standard diets.


I've never been so active in my life, for example, yesterday my exercise consisted of:

Insanity at 7:00am, jog to the gym (1 mile away), weight lifting, jog back from the gym (1 mile), tennis and a 4 mile jog at night.

Alongside accelerated fat loss, Insanity has worked wonders for my cardio endurance thus far. Prior to starting the program a month ago, I couldn't jog for longer than a few minutes without becoming horribly winded and now I can basically jog for 2+ miles nonstop without too much effort.

And to think this time last year I was 90-100 pounds heavier and living a completely sedentary lifestyle.


Not really, his first line is

The only thing that matters is calories.

I'll eat 1500 calories of chocolate and marshmallows a day and call it quits from now on.
I've lost a lot of weight purely counting calories without any special attention to my carb intake. How much is considered low for the diets people are on here? I've looked around online but the numbers seem to vary wildly, so I'm not sure what counts as restricted.

According to MFP I've been getting 170-190g a day.


I've lost a lot of weight purely counting calories without any special attention to my carb intake. How much is considered low for the diets people are on here? I've looked around online but the numbers seem to vary wildly, so I'm not sure what counts as restricted.

According to MFP I've been getting 170-190g a day.
Less than 100-50g carbs/day is considered low-carb, the limit of carbs for ketosis varies from person to person, I try to stay under 50g/day.


That girl in the bunny hat
So while they're not exactly healthy, if Buffalo Wild Wings is to be believed (and databases are backing it up), a dozen wings has none to nearly no carbs to them whatsoever, even with sauce.

It might not be a good thing that I know this now.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I was kind of having a pity party earlier about my weight loss. When I started, I was 170 and I'm now down to 158. I fluctuate between 158 to 159 every day, but I've been holding that for the last 15 days or so. Anyway, I looked down and felt sad because my belly fat (which was coming off like crazy) hasn't come off as much for awhile. So I started wondering if I've "plateaued."

Then I put on a pair of jeans I bought before weight loss (34/32s). I had to put the belt on the second to last loop to try to get keep them up. They were all bunched up and looked like shit. Then I put on a pair of jeans I bought a week back (32/32s). I still had to put the belt loop on the second to last loop but they don't look like shit on me. They're still 1 inch too big, though.

That made me happy.


Not at all, but I'm kind of waiting until we get our house and have a grill. I know I don't need a grill to cook them, but if I'm going to buy and enjoy a steak I really want it made right :)

Have you ever tried using your oven to broil a steak? Don't get me wrong, I love a grilled steak as much as the rest of us real men, but I have come to really enjoy broiling them. I feel I have so much more control over the temperature that way.

man of science

Neo Member
January 5:
Weight - 220 lbs.
Waist - 43 in.
Chest - 43 in.

January 28:
Weight - 197.8 lbs.
Waist - 40 in.
Chest - 40.5 in.

So awesome to be under 200 lbs.

This Low Carb, High Fat lifestyle is... a piece of cake.



Have you ever tried using your oven to broil a steak? Don't get me wrong, I love a grilled steak as much as the rest of us real men, but I have come to really enjoy broiling them. I feel I have so much more control over the temperature that way.

Most of the best steak houses I have been to use high temp broilers to do there steak. It's how you get a nice crust on the outside, but leave the inside nice and pink and moist.
Best method would be castiron skillet, sear steak on stove top then turn and finish in oven on broil...I'll bet anything if done right it will be the best steak you ever ate ;)
How do you guys keep motivated? Ive lost 25 pounds in 5 weeks but right now i feel like just staying in bed, jacking off and eating forever. Exercise feels like a hassle now and not enjoying the good greasy foods of this earth sucks.


I would use the fact that you lost 25 pounds as motivation...clothes are probably fitting better, you should have more energy, use that and stick with it...it must feel great to be down that kinda weight, I have been doing keto for 3 weeks now. Not sure how much weight I have lost yet (I started at around 380) so a regular scale wouldn't work with me. But I am gonna be using clothing as my motivation, I wanna look good when I go out and have nice stuff (not just shoes)


My average day this past week has basically been just breakfast and then dinner with no real issue hunger wise. So ... I'm a little puzzled at it. I've essentially cut back to half my calorie consumption and yet I feel fuller. I've seen enough "effortless" and "like a body hack" commentary to make me think this is "normal" but I still can't shake the feeling that something isn't quite right. This is a bit beyond too easy.

Short of dropping making pasta or bread with my meals, I'm basically eating normally. I do miss rice, though :x Asian background so I'm used to making a pot of rice at least once a week.
it's normal. it's one of the things I try and tell people but it usually falls on deaf ears. I chose to eat small meals so I can snack throughout the day. I have all these good snacks that I don't want to miss out on! For me, and sounds like it may be the case for you too, it's the olive oil. Damn stuff keeps me feeling full forever, either when I cook with it or use as a dressing for salads or veggies.

I was kind of having a pity party earlier about my weight loss. When I started, I was 170 and I'm now down to 158. I fluctuate between 158 to 159 every day, but I've been holding that for the last 15 days or so. Anyway, I looked down and felt sad because my belly fat (which was coming off like crazy) hasn't come off as much for awhile. So I started wondering if I've "plateaued."

Then I put on a pair of jeans I bought before weight loss (34/32s). I had to put the belt on the second to last loop to try to get keep them up. They were all bunched up and looked like shit. Then I put on a pair of jeans I bought a week back (32/32s). I still had to put the belt loop on the second to last loop but they don't look like shit on me. They're still 1 inch too big, though.

That made me happy.
You have to remember the body only cares about health. It's not concerned about psychical appearance, once it gets to a point where it's healthy you're not going to drop any more weight without putting in extra work at the gym.
I just got accepted to GAF today and wanted to quickly stop by and say thanks to everyone who posts in this thread. Very cool community here, especially when it ventures beyond the video game world like this. Thanks to all of the information here, today for me is day one on a low-carb, low-calorie diet and the beginning of P90X. Can't wait.
it's normal. it's one of the things I try and tell people but it usually falls on deaf ears. I chose to eat small meals so I can snack throughout the day. I have all these good snacks that I don't want to miss out on! For me, and sounds like it may be the case for you too, it's the olive oil. Damn stuff keeps me feeling full forever, either when I cook with it or use as a dressing for salads or veggies.

You have to remember the body only cares about health. It's not concerned about psychical appearance, once it gets to a point where it's healthy you're not going to drop any more weight without putting in extra work at the gym.

would you consider 30lbs overweight to be healthy?


I don't have anything to add to the various discussions going on, I just wanted to say thanks.

I've gone from 82 kg (180 lbs) to 64 kg (140 lbs) in a bit over 6 months. I'm pretty happy where I am, even though I could probably stand to lose one more kilo.

What I did half a year ago was I bought a scale and skimmed a few posts on a single page in this thread, and then started eating more fat and way less carbs as that's what most people were suggesting. Not the best researched diet, but it did the trick and it was remarkably easy. It took a while though, and progress was incredibly slow toward the end.

I've now started eating bread, fruit, and dairy during the weekends just in case there's something good in them that I was previously missing out on.

Again, thanks.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Lost the holiday weight (5-7 lbs), way behind schedule. Cheated several times. Regardless of your diet, make sure to go to the grocery and plan meals.

I just got accepted to GAF today and wanted to quickly stop by and say thanks to everyone who posts in this thread. Very cool community here, especially when it ventures beyond the video game world like this. Thanks to all of the information here, today for me is day one on a low-carb, low-calorie diet and the beginning of P90X. Can't wait.

That is a very bad idea.

You can do lowish carb and P90X, but not ketosis and low calorie. That's likely to cause health issues. Or you could do low carb and low calorie, but not be too active.

Why? Because P90X is intense, really requires plenty of glycogen/fuel to do the workout. If you go on a starvation diet and take a sledgehammer of 90 minute daily workouts (P90X), the body is going to stress out. Hormonal and neurological health is 100% weight loss. And if you're starving, you've got neurological imbalance. If you're overtraining, you've got hormones tilted towards bad partitioning (perpetually high cortisol = skinny fat). It's like a chain smoker's plan to quit cold turkey. It's possible...just highly unlikely to work.


I was thinking around 150 carbs, 1750 calories. Thoughts?

Doable. Tricky though.

Here's why:

Body needs glycogen to sustain heavy activity. In the absence of carbs, you can synthesize from protein.

If in keto, you'll have no carbs. Dependent on protein. If restricted as well, then you'll have issues filling glycogen. Alleviated slightly due to ketone use, but you'll still hit a wall.

So if you do low carb and low calorie combined with intense exercise, I'd eat a lot of protein. Maybe a protein shake or something to help refill.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
What grumble said.

I expressed concern because I saw low carb and low calorie. I interpreted low calorie as 250-750 calories.

You may want to focus oils on coconut and dairy. Medium chain saturated fats are quickly absorbed by the liver to make ketones if I recall.


it's normal. it's one of the things I try and tell people but it usually falls on deaf ears. I chose to eat small meals so I can snack throughout the day. I have all these good snacks that I don't want to miss out on! For me, and sounds like it may be the case for you too, it's the olive oil. Damn stuff keeps me feeling full forever, either when I cook with it or use as a dressing for salads or veggies.

It might just be the olive oil. I use it for my salad dressings and any low temp cooking (really just the eggs for breakfast) and it definitely goes a long way it seems. I still want to iron out things since, honestly, I don't "feel" like I'm actually eating healthier yet.

I was going to use tomorrow for my cheat day but I don't really feel the need for it short of clearing out that pizza sitting in my freezer; I think I'll do some experimenting with foods instead. I have a stuffed sausage recipe I want to try and some experimenting with sauces for my proteins. Should be fun times.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I've lost a lot of weight purely counting calories without any special attention to my carb intake. How much is considered low for the diets people are on here? I've looked around online but the numbers seem to vary wildly, so I'm not sure what counts as restricted.

According to MFP I've been getting 170-190g a day.

Don't go too low with the calories as that will increase cortisol, water retention, and lower testosterone levels. A modest 5-600 calorie deficit is good enough.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
You have to remember the body only cares about health. It's not concerned about psychical appearance, once it gets to a point where it's healthy you're not going to drop any more weight without putting in extra work at the gym.

I'm doing P90X. It's mostly because I just recently came off the "rest" week and switched from drinking water and whey protein to lactose free milk and whey protein.
Headed home from Philly today after a three-day trip. Holy shit, the food here! My weight definitely took a hit. I don't know how there are any thin people here!


Headed home from Philly today after a three-day trip. Holy shit, the food here! My weight definitely took a hit. I don't know how there are any thin people here!

I used to be in Philly every day for grad school. There aren't a lot of thin people there, trust me.


Speaking of cheat meals, mine was yesterday, a Costco pizza. Keep in mind the past 3 days I've been extremely low carb. Well, let's just say I had to be on the toilet twice last night. I wonder if the pizza caused my body to act up like that.


Speaking of cheat meals, mine was yesterday, a Costco pizza. Keep in mind the past 3 days I've been extremely low carb. Well, let's just say I had to be on the toilet twice last night. I wonder if the pizza caused my body to act up like that.

if it's the pizza from the food court then yea that will do it. that pizza is garbage.


I was wondering is there any real advantage to actually losing FAT slower to reduce loose skin. Will the skin adapt about the same regardless of how quickly the fat is lost, or will more sudden fat loss result in more permanently loose skin?


Generally you want to lose about 1-3lbs a week, that is slow enough to allow your body to adjust. losing too much too quickly can lead to excess skin.
It was the packaged one you cook in the oven. Was on the toilet again this morning. Brutal.
Twice is nuthin. I've had much worse toilet experiences on Cheating Days.

I cheated with a Burger and Fries from Five Guys the other day, followed by some carrot cake. I jumped right back into my low carb the following day. Feeling good again.

When I do the Primal strength training workout, I feel all dizzy afterwards. Should I be eating some carbs beforehand? What is a good carb to fuel up with? I really feel terrible after the workout until I get some food in me.
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