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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

OG Kush

Twice is nuthin. I've had much worse toilet experiences on Cheating Days.

I cheated with a Burger and Fries from Five Guys the other day, followed by some carrot cake. I jumped right back into my low carb the following day. Feeling good again.

When I do the Primal strength training workout, I feel all dizzy afterwards. Should I be eating some carbs beforehand? What is a good carb to fuel up with? I really feel terrible after the workout until I get some food in me.

oatmeal is a good carby fuel.


Went crazy on my cheat day--which I usually don't do, I stick to cheat meals these days.

Huge burrito, donuts, beers and wine galore. Man, going to the bathroom this morning wasn't fun. It's funny how your body adapts to good, clean food.


I used to be in Philly every day for grad school. There aren't a lot of thin people there, trust me.


Speaking of cheat meals, mine was yesterday, a Costco pizza. Keep in mind the past 3 days I've been extremely low carb. Well, let's just say I had to be on the toilet twice last night. I wonder if the pizza caused my body to act up like that.

Could be due to the wheat. Everytime I have tons of bread, my digestive track feels it. I usually follow a paleo/low carb diet, so I'm not too used to bread anymore.
I hate oatmeal, though. Can I just eat some wheat bread? White/brown rice?

If you want to eat bread, stick to breads that have been fermented by cultures, like sourdough. These breads generally have less carbs and a lower glycemic index. Make sure to check the ingredients to see if there are any starters. Some of these breads may contain vegetable oils, so watch out.


Starting about 2 weeks ago I've switched from 2 meals per day/16-20hr fasts to 1 meal per day. I feel like it's helping with the final lbs. I'll probably stick with this until I reach my goal fat % and then return to 2 meals per day. But then again. The simplicity and focus of only having to prepare one meal a day is pretty nice.


Could be due to the wheat. Everytime I have tons of bread, my digestive track feels it. I usually follow a paleo/low carb diet, so I'm not too used to bread anymore.

I think the gluten thing has the "possibility" of being overblown. Obviously, there are people with celiac and gluten sensitivities, but it's something that can also be easily imagined. I tend to avoid gluten just by principle but after several experiments I've found it's "ok" enough for me and not something I need to stress about, which in itself is a great thing.

OG Kush

7 hours intow my first 24 hour IF fast. Kinda hungry but going well. Trying to make this a once a week a thing, while doing a 16 hour fast on the other days.


Just finished my 3rd week of keto, probably made a couple of mistakes in the beginning, but I'm getting the hang of it..

Now a typical day looks like this
Breakfast. 4 eggs, 4 slices bacon, bunch of shreded cheddar on the eggs.
Lunch. Huge salad, ceaser dressing, bunch of cheddar cheese.
Snack. Bowl of ground beef with onions and green peppers, with cheddar cheese on top
Dinner. Steak
Snack. Huge salad ceaser dressing, bunch of shreded cheese (on both salads I put alot of dressing)

Starting off I am a big guy (380 lbs) of the last 3 weeks I seem to be losing weight, my upper body seems smaller, and my legs also, but my huge gut has yet to move?

Am I eating too much calories (does calories matter with a keto diet) as stupid as I sound asking that, I really don't know?

What would any of you guys switch on my diet? It seems like I'm eating eating wayyy to much cheese, but I love it lol

I really want to get on track, I feel the desire in myself to lose this fucking weight and get healthy and back in shape. I think I need more help on this keto stuff.

Thanks in advance for any advice

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Starting off I am a big guy (380 lbs) of the last 3 weeks I seem to be losing weight, my upper body seems smaller, and my legs also, but my huge gut has yet to move?

Am I eating too much calories (does calories matter with a keto diet) as stupid as I sound asking that, I really don't know?

Stomach fat is the absolute last things to budge, no matter what kind of diet or exercise routine you're on.


Can I just eat a handful of walnuts every day? Has like 800mg Omega 3. No way I'm taking fish oil.

I have the same question. Will walnuts provide enough Omega 3s? Or is fish oil still superior? I am thinking of adding fish oil to my diet (even thought I'm trying to gain weight/muscle).

For reference, 7 walnuts have approx. ~2-2.5g of Omega 3 and 10g of Omega 6.


I have the same question. Will walnuts provide enough Omega 3s? Or is fish oil still superior? I am thinking of adding fish oil to my diet (even thought I'm trying to gain weight/muscle).

For reference, 7 walnuts have approx. ~2-2.5g of Omega 3 and 10g of Omega 6.
The whole point of consuming omega 3 supplements/oily fish etc is to balance out your ratio. Ideally you want them to be about equal. For your purpose walnuts are not good.


Been doing great on diet and exercise all month. Up until last friday when I hurt my back and started feeling sick. It sucks so bad. Just going to take off exercise and diet until this Wed, Feb 1st, and try to get better.

Ugh this sucks so bad.


The whole point of consuming omega 3 supplements/oily fish etc is to balance out your ratio. Ideally you want them to be about equal. For your purpose walnuts are not good.

Aahh so it is more about ratio than actual amount to a certain extent. Gotcha. Thank you! Just out of curiosity, what is said to be the ideal ratio?


I am being doing some research into the Ketogenic diet and I think it is a good option for me to lose weight and also lower my blood sugar level.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew of any good resources with regards to setting up a eating plan.

I normally don't eat breakfast but am thinking of buying some oats and having them. I am just not clear on what to do for lunch and dinner.

Thanks for any input :)


That girl in the bunny hat
First victory milestone! My home scale (which is a bit of a cheap piece of crap, but whatever) says I'm finally under 200lbs. Unless my day clothes are 5lbs more than my pajamas, I'm making progress.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I am being doing some research into the Ketogenic diet and I think it is a good option for me to lose weight and also lower my blood sugar level.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew of any good resources with regards to setting up a eating plan.

I normally don't eat breakfast but am thinking of buying some oats and having them. I am just not clear on what to do for lunch and dinner.

Thanks for any input :)

Oats is a big no no on any good ketogenic diet. They bring nothing to the table BUT carbs.

Breakfast is where keto diets shine! Sausage, eggs, bacon, coffee/tea. No fruit, no cereal, no juice, no waffles, no pancakes...

...but you get BACON!


Thanks for the input RubxQub :)

So I guess Bacon and Eggs it is :D...Something good is finally coming out of dieting....

Any recommendations for Lunch and Dinner??


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Lunch is typically some kind of super salad:
- A healthy amount of vegetables (spinach leaves, broccoli, cucumbers, onions, etc)
- A healthy amount of some protein (chicken, steak, etc)
- Sprinkle of cheese
- Bacon bits (real if you can, not sure about carb content otherwise)
- A low-calorie or low-carb dressing

If you stick with vegetables in your salad you should be good with your carb numbers, just stay away from some of the heavier veggies like carrots if you're climbing up the carb charts. Avoid corn and tomatoes since the first one isn't a vegetable and the second one is a bit up there on carbs (although not awful).

Dinner the staple is typically a nice portion of protein...something like a steak or chicken or fish...and a side of seasoned vegetables.

If you're out and about I'd recommend finding a mexican chain like Chipotle or Qdoba and getting a burrito bowl. If you don't add rice, beans, corn or tomatoes you can make a very delicious and low-carb meal there. Wash it down with some iced tea or diet soda or water.

Those are my usual staples day to day. Bottom line, if you stick to meat and vegetables for the majority of your food, it's going to be really hard to jump over your carb limit.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Check the labels on these. Low-calorie usually adds carbs (sugar or thickeners).

For sure.

I was a fan of full fat dressings since they'd have no carbs at all like Ranch or Bleu Cheese. Nowadays I go for a naturally made italian that basically boils down to vinegar, water and spices since the full fat dressings were consuming too many calories in my diet and I didn't like the oils in them.


I cheated massively for a week and gained 5 pounds...I'm back on my diet...usually takes me 3 to 7 days to re-enter ketosis...this time I have to stick to it.


Nowadays I go for a naturally made italian that basically boils down to vinegar, water and spices since the full fat dressings were consuming too many calories in my diet and I didn't like the oils in them.

My laziness gets the better of me here. Salad dressing is just ... olive oil drizzle. Contemplating a garlic + balsamic addition to spice it up a bit but it's not like the oil drizzle has been all that bad for me so far.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
My laziness gets the better of me here. Salad dressing is just ... olive oil drizzle. Contemplating a garlic + balsamic addition to spice it up a bit but it's not like the oil drizzle has been all that bad for me so far.

Oh I don't make it myself! The only thing I ever make for myself are the eggs I eat in the morning and sometimes a steak for dinner (my wife handles chicken, I handle steak).

The dressing I use is this one:

Don't mind all the crazy talk on the website like losing 34 pounds a year by using their stuff...but the ingredients are about as clean as you can get in a commercial product and the nutritional impact is essentially nothing save a little bit of sodium.

I've read the creamy dressings taste awful, but the italian I use from them is awesome.


Switching up my lunch and snack today. Tuna mixed with almonds and a half cup of blueberries for lunch.

Snack I have an ounce of cheese and 3 ounces of salami.


Olive Oil, Lemon Juice, Oregano, Pepper, Garlic = great.

or you could throw on a bunch of feta cheese instead

I had to remove feta from my last salad since the taste was bothering me. Odd as I used to love feta crumbles on, say, pizza and such. Maybe the cheese I had just went bad or something? Or it just didn't go well with the swiss chard, I guess; that bitter flavor is pretty overpowering at times.

Oh I don't make it myself! The only thing I ever make for myself are the eggs I eat in the morning and sometimes a steak for dinner (my wife handles chicken, I handle steak).

Ah, I do almost all my own prep for everything. Gotta put that cooking background to work somehow!

...Ill try out the dressing anyway as my pre-diet dressing of choice was Italian. Livelier salads would be great. Though the 330 calories a day/34 pounds a year thing made me chuckle a bit.
This is such a great thread! I am looking to starting this very soon. I like to plan things ahead, so I want to get a diet and workout together. I weigh about 210lbs, but would love to work off 10-15 lbs each "goal" to get down to about 150-160ish. Does anyone have any suggestions? I love fruit and veggies, but have a weak spot for soda, which as all of us know is like drain-o for the body. I weighed 115lbs. when I started college, but after 5 years of full-time school I have my degree in hand (as of 1/13) and no more need for fast food for me. I was just grabbing something in my 15 min breaks between classes, inhaling nasty ass burgers or w/e to shut up my stomache....now I regret it :/ almost 100 lbs later.
I am looking to start soon, so I am trying to gather my info now as far as any suggestions go. I've been looking through this thread for almost an hour and it is very inspiring. I can't wait to start!!
Around 14 hours into my 24 hr fast, jut drank a cup of coffee so that should help me last for the next 10 hours.

On another point, you know what kinda sucks? having one of your moobs shrink faster than the other, it's a sight to behold.


That girl in the bunny hat
This is such a great thread! I am looking to starting this very soon. I like to plan things ahead, so I want to get a diet and workout together. I weigh about 210lbs, but would love to work off 10-15 lbs each "goal" to get down to about 150-160ish. Does anyone have any suggestions? I love fruit and veggies, but have a weak spot for soda, which as all of us know is like drain-o for the body. I weighed 115lbs. when I started college, but after 5 years of full-time school I have my degree in hand (as of 1/13) and no more need for fast food for me. I was just grabbing something in my 15 min breaks between classes, inhaling nasty ass burgers or w/e to shut up my stomache....now I regret it :/ almost 100 lbs later.
I am looking to start soon, so I am trying to gather my info now as far as any suggestions go. I've been looking through this thread for almost an hour and it is very inspiring. I can't wait to start!!

I'm not really qualified to give advice, but- going from regular to diet soda will help. All those calories and carbs are gone (and that alone was pushing nearly 100g of carbs a day for me!) and you still get the caffeine nudge. Plus, if you hate the diet aftertaste, it'll dissuade you from soda altogether! You can still do fast food, you just have to stay smart about it- you can seriously get by okay with chicken nuggets and a side salad (if you're not going full keto yet, at least) or any of the entree salads that places have. (Suddenly Wendy's is my favorite fast food place, since their crappy fries don't matter anymore.)

Suggestions... apparently carrots aren't a great idea, as well as many large fruits- if you're doing low carb, anyways. But veggies in general seem to be better than fruits as the numbers go. Poultry and fish are good lean meats, but you'll want pork and beef periodically for the fat content. Again, I defer to the wiser among us for specifics.

Generally, if you don't have any kind of deadlines and you're looking long-term, just try to ease yourself into a new diet rather than jump in whole-hog. Your initial benefits won't be as big, but you won't feel like you're depriving yourself, and it'll make each stage of improving the diet easier to transition into.
I'm not really qualified to give advice, but- going from regular to diet soda will help. All those calories and carbs are gone (and that alone was pushing nearly 100g of carbs a day for me!) and you still get the caffeine nudge. Plus, if you hate the diet aftertaste, it'll dissuade you from soda altogether! You can still do fast food, you just have to stay smart about it- you can seriously get by okay with chicken nuggets and a side salad (if you're not going full keto yet, at least) or any of the entree salads that places have. (Suddenly Wendy's is my favorite fast food place, since their crappy fries don't matter anymore.)

Suggestions... apparently carrots aren't a great idea, as well as many large fruits- if you're doing low carb, anyways. But veggies in general seem to be better than fruits as the numbers go. Poultry and fish are good lean meats, but you'll want pork and beef periodically for the fat content. Again, I defer to the wiser among us for specifics.

Generally, if you don't have any kind of deadlines and you're looking long-term, just try to ease yourself into a new diet rather than jump in whole-hog. Your initial benefits won't be as big, but you won't feel like you're depriving yourself, and it'll make each stage of improving the diet easier to transition into.

thanks a lot. i usually kill soda off completely. i actually went once with no soda for 8 months and i lost almost 13+lbs just from that alone. i will probably start bringing my own lunch to work anyways. i just wanted to get organized before starting it so i can get what i need to not have to resort to anything bad if we run out of something at my house haha another thing is portion control i know...i just started doing this.
ill prob start around thursday or next week since wednesday night i have a steak dinner date w/ ice cream >.< that can be my mental "congrats to a new lifestyle" in my head last meal
I'm excited about this :D


ill prob start around thursday or next week since wednesday night i have a steak dinner date w/ ice cream >.< that can be my mental "congrats to a new lifestyle" in my head last meal
I'm excited about this :D

There's nothing wrong with the occasional cheat meal. It will help keep you sane.
There's nothing wrong with the occasional cheat meal. It will help keep you sane.

that's good to know at least because when my parents diet they act like they can never do this and I somewhat see why because every time they do this, they "stop" dieting...I just don't wanna do the same haha my problem is motivation I believe. There's a 24/7 gym with $15 monthly memberships...might join that to get started on workouts a few times a week


That girl in the bunny hat
There's nothing wrong with the occasional cheat meal. It will help keep you sane.

Amen to that. Works doubly well if your cheat foods still fit your diet plan; I can go to Duff's or Anchor Bar whenever I damn well please, so long as I balance the rest of the day with veggies and the like (wings are all fat and protein). I shouldn't be eating fried food every day, so I don't, but it's nice to know I always could.


Around 14 hours into my 24 hr fast, jut drank a cup of coffee so that should help me last for the next 10 hours.

On another point, you know what kinda sucks? having one of your moobs shrink faster than the other, it's a sight to behold.

I'm also fasting today. My last meal was Sunday night at around 830pm
I'm gonna go till Tuesday morning when I have breakfast.
Awesome infographic.


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