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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

oh man, my cans of mixed veggies have corn in them...ohman

I'm also fasting today. My last meal was Sunday night at around 830pm
I'm gonna go till Tuesday morning when I have breakfast.
hey! my last meal was around 8:30 too! I won't go till tomorrow morning though, any tips besides coffee?
Better res

Not that I dislike the info...but so many of these infographic have just terrible information design, this one included. Hey there are actually like a few different font weights, sizes and colors that you haven't used yet, better get them in there too. Text in a circle! Text in a rectangle! Horizontal brackets? Heck yeah! And we have vertical ones as well if that is your style. How about a fake little clipboard hanging out in the middle to hold some info? Thanks for that one USA Today, I owe you one. And yeah, those little I circles taking up 1/4 of one page? If the graphic for Insulin is not actually being shown in some type of interaction and doesn't actually show anything about what Insulin looks like (molecular structure or anything) then why exactly do you need a graphic for it?

That's just terrible on so many levels, I blame Wired.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I was about to say...that infographic reads like a Cliff Notes version of the "Why We Get Fat" book I keep telling everyone to read.

...and then I see that the infographic was informed directly from the book!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Nice. I'm going to post that to FB when I get home...of course with a small disclaimer that carbs aren't evil incarnate. :)

So who here has ready Good Calories Bad Calories?

As in actually read it, not just own it. Cause I just finished and holy fuck it's a hard read
So who here has ready Good Calories Bad Calories?

As in actually read it, not just own it. Cause I just finished and holy fuck it's a hard read
Yeah I think that's why he followed it up with WHY WE GET FAT, as a more accessible version.

I posted that graphic on my Google+, one of the first responses:

"Excess calories make you fat. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will store the excess as fat. It doesn't matter if those calories are from fat, carbohydrates, sugars, or protein."

le sigh


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Yeah I think that's why he followed it up with WHY WE GET FAT, as a more accessible version.

I posted that graphic on my Google+, one of the first responses:

"Excess calories make you fat. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will store the excess as fat. It doesn't matter if those calories are from fat, carbohydrates, sugars, or protein."

le sigh

I demand you defriend whoever that is. Outright remove that person from your life. Oxygen Theif!

Edit: Has anyone ever done a study where group A eats a strict 2500 calorie diet that is low carbohydrates and group B eats a strict 2000 calorie diet with high carbohydrates and compare results?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
How do I explain Low carb on Facebook. Christ. I have a friend who likes to argue things with me and he is giving the whole "carbs are good for you, athletes need them, Adkins diet failed, etc" BS.

He says the whole insulin point "isn't science."

Christ. He's probably looking at this post right now. Someone explain it.
How do I explain Low carb on Facebook. Christ. I have a friend who likes to argue things with me and he is giving the whole "carbs are good for you, athletes need them, Adkins diet failed, etc" BS.

He says the whole insulin point "isn't science."

Christ. He's probably looking at this post right now. Someone explain it.
Just send him that graphic.
I have started and gone off low card a few times and each time I do lose weight.

I know I can succeed on this diet I just need to stick with it.

anyways.. here we go.. started today

253 lbs


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
How do I explain Low carb on Facebook. Christ. I have a friend who likes to argue things with me and he is giving the whole "carbs are good for you, athletes need them, Adkins diet failed, etc" BS.

He says the whole insulin point "isn't science."

Christ. He's probably looking at this post right now. Someone explain it.

There is a case for carbs. Athletes DO require carbs so they can maintain high levels of performance day in and day out. Without refueling the glycogen stores in their muscles, they wouldn't be able to output as much as they do.

...but there is a right way and a wrong way to take carbs for this purpose. Muscles after intense workouts are in a heightened state of nutrient absorbtion for roughly 30-45 minutes after they are done being exhausted. During this period of time eating high glycemic carbs will be readily used by the muscles to form glycogen to be used for a later workout. Muscle cells specifically make this glycogen and lack the proper enzyme to break it down for use elsewhere in the body, so a recovery drink is a great tool for refueling muscles without impacting your fat loss progress. Just drink these carbs to ensure quick delivery in the window of time your muscles can absorb it in the form of dextrose or glucose.

I'd strongly recommend anyone doing heavy weight lifting uses a recovery drink immediately after working out. You can feel good that this sugar bath won't largely impact your diet since your muscles should gobble them up (not sure about ketogenic diets to be honest...I've read that it may have SOME impact but not major, no experience myself). Take a cocktail of 3:1 carbs to protein or 4:1 carbs to protein to have the ideal recovery drink to muscle growth and refueling. Something like 30-40g of carbs to 10-15g of protein would be perfect. Lowfat chocolate milk is great for this.

Without carbs your body uses fat as the primary fuel source. Think of it like this: if you eat 100g of carbs, your body wants to use up 100g of those carbs before it starts eating into your fat stores. You'll have to burn 400 calories just to START digging into your fat stores. A ketogenic dieter doing 600 calories of exercise will lose 600 calories worth of fat. A non-dieter who eats 300g of carbs in a day would have to do 1200 calories worth of exercise to start making an impact on their stored fat. Obviously you burn calories throughout the day and the math isn't anywhere near as clean as I've laid it out here...but once you realize that your body is going to burn carbs before it starts burning fat, you start to realize why I tell people that exercise isn't a magical fat loss tool if you aren't already dieting properly...and even then it's not exactly the best way to lose fat for other reasons that I won't get into.

Evil carbs...! Hide your kids! Hide your wives!


thats only half of the graphics, here's the full one - http://s3.amazonaws.com/eatery/Carbs_Are_Killing_You.png
honestly i dont like it all that much, it doesn't really explain too much unless you're familair with how insulin works

So who here has ready Good Calories Bad Calories?

As in actually read it, not just own it. Cause I just finished and holy fuck it's a hard read
yea, "Why We Get Fat" is a much better read for the non-biochemists out there

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Hey guys, I lost about 120 lbs and have dedicated myself to getting into better health. I lost the weight about 2 years ago and even put some pictures up in this thread. Anyways, the only problem I have now is that I have loose skin does anyone know of a natural/ non surgical way of getting rid of this? I have been trying to make it better for a while but it is very disheartening to not be able to see results from working out because it is covered and loose skin.


So who here has ready Good Calories Bad Calories?

As in actually read it, not just own it. Cause I just finished and holy fuck it's a hard read

Yep. I loved it. Gonna reread soon. But I'm like science/biology geek. All laymen of course. I was an art major. lol.
Hey guys, I lost about 120 lbs and have dedicated myself to getting into better health. I lost the weight about 2 years ago and even put some pictures up in this thread. Anyways, the only problem I have now is that I have loose skin does anyone know of a natural/ non surgical way of getting rid of this? I have been trying to make it better for a while but it is very disheartening to not be able to see results from working out because it is covered and loose skin.
there's pretty much nothing you can do after you lost the weight besides surgery, or atleast that's what i've heard. sorry man, shit sucks.


Rice is not as bad though. As far as carbohydrates go, rice is not the worst offender. You have to be careful, rice portions can get big quick if you don't watch it.

Let's face it, for most people, rice is the least of their concerns. The biggest concerns for most people are potato chips, white bread, bagels, muffins, etc.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
White rice isn't the best but brown rice is good.

Cutting out carbs completely is totally excessive.

White rice has a glycemic index of 24, and a cup of rice is about 40-50g of carbs. So not super high glycemic, and not TOO TOO crazy in the carb department, but still high.

Someone could eat 3 cups of rice a day and still be under 200g of carbs...which is by no means low-carb...but does come in quite nicely under the standard western diet of 300+ carbs a day.

Brown rice really isn't much better. It has more fiber, but basically has the same glycemic index of 22 and comes in at 40-50g of carbs per cup.

So sure, brown rice is better than white rice...but it's not like it's awesome or anything.

People trying to avoid carbs should avoid rice. But rice is not the most offensive carb out there as it's lower glycemic (doesn't trigger a huge insulin response).


haven't posted in a bit. nothing new really, just sharing my low carb results since new years eve (actually the friday before, that's when i weigh in)

12/30- 177.5
01/06- 176.5
01/13- 174.5
01/20- 173.5
01/27- 172.5lbs


The thing people need to take from their low-carb diets is that, once they're done with their 'diet' they need to keep up the good habits they should have learned. Taking smaller portions of rice/bread/whatever, cutting down or eliminating sweet drinks, not going crazy on the bag of chips, those are the kinds of things that people need to learn and keep with them so their weight doesn't go out of control again.

Can't say I've been following that too well (costco runs really tempt you into getting those 32oz chip bags), but I do try most of the time.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
The thing people need to take from their low-carb diets is that, once they're done with their 'diet' they need to keep up the good habits they should have learned. Taking smaller portions of rice/bread/whatever, cutting down or eliminating sweet drinks, not going crazy on the bag of chips, those are the kinds of things that people need to learn and keep with them so their weight doesn't go out of control again.

Can't say I've been following that too well (costco runs really tempt you into getting those 32oz chip bags), but I do try most of the time.

Exactly. This is why I hate the word "diet." Diets don't work in the long run, healthy eating habits do. I try not to ever use the term diet.


Guess I could note my progress here too. I'm doing P90X2, healthier eating, and low(er) carbs (100G a day or so). My first week was 1/9 and I weighed 220 or so, starting week 4 I am down to 212. 8 lbs in 3 weeks is pretty good. :p


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Exactly. This is why I hate the word "diet." Diets don't work in the long run, healthy eating habits do. I try not to ever use the term diet.

The problem is that "diet" is the right word. It's just that somehow it's come to mean "band-aid" instead of "how I eat".

The diet of most people is sandwiches, chips, pretzels and sweets.
The diet of most "dieters" is meats, eggs and vegetables.

Shitty people stealing the word!

We have to be cheesy and call it "a lifestyle change" which makes me feel like a hippy or something.


Brown rice really isn't much better. It has more fiber, but basically has the same glycemic index of 22 and comes in at 40-50g of carbs per cup.

On the paleo side of things white rice is preferred as it removes the grain-y gluten-y parts of rice.
White rice has a glycemic index of 24, and a cup of rice is about 40-50g of carbs. So not super high glycemic, and not TOO TOO crazy in the carb department, but still high.

Someone could eat 3 cups of rice a day and still be under 200g of carbs...which is by no means low-carb...but does come in quite nicely under the standard western diet of 300+ carbs a day.

Brown rice really isn't much better. It has more fiber, but basically has the same glycemic index of 22 and comes in at 40-50g of carbs per cup.

So sure, brown rice is better than white rice...but it's not like it's awesome or anything.

People trying to avoid carbs should avoid rice. But rice is not the most offensive carb out there as it's lower glycemic (doesn't trigger a huge insulin response).

It's not just about the # of carbs.

Whole grains provide rich amounts of glucose -- your body's main dietary source of energy. To build muscle, athletes require a carbohydrate-rich diet, according to dietitian affiliated with Purdue University, Nancy Clark, in an article for the September/October issue of "ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal." Eating healthy carbohydrate sources regularly, such as whole grains, helps ensure protein is used for increased muscle mass, rather than energy. Because whole grains digest more efficiently and provide more nutrients than refined grains, such as white flour, they promote sustained energy levels and overall nutritional wellness


then why are cultures that have meals with rice 3 times a day so thin?

Much smaller portions. I remember seeing a Chinese couple eating lunch, incidentally in the back of their take out restaurant. It was just small bowl of white rice, some veggies and slices of meat. It was routine, so that would be the daily lunch.

Plus, Asian cultures tend to eschew sugary foods and desserts, which are a much more bigger problem in regards to fat accumulation.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
It's not just about the # of carbs.

Oh god...here we go again with the whole grains vs. refined grain crap science. Whole grains are not good for anyone in any situation ever. Period.

No elite athlete needs whole grains. Whole grains do nothing for you that a sweet potato couldn't do better as a post-workout refueling food.

Athletes are entirely able to be fully functional off their fat stores to fuel their workouts, it's refueling muscles where carbs play a factor. And there is some question about pre-workout carbs that seems less than conclusive. The only people that need constant carbohydrates are people with low bodyfat that do prolonged exercise like marathons. Without carbs these people would basically die. Ever see a marathon running hit the wall? These are people who basically no bodyfat and weren't properly fueling themselves for the run.

Whole grains are bad, period. No study has showed they are good. A lot of studies show they are better than refined grains. Better than bad isn't good.

Sweet potatoes own whole grains for athletes every day of the week.

Detail: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/why-grains-are-unhealthy/#axzz1kxgjEaYC


oh man, my cans of mixed veggies have corn in them...ohman

hey! my last meal was around 8:30 too! I won't go till tomorrow morning though, any tips besides coffee?

Lots of water, and just stay busy...it's not that bad...I find I'm not as hungry as I thought I would be. This is my second 24+ hour fast and the first was a piece of cake.


Curious, what is the benefit of fasting?

I don't know? I have asked many times, but get no response from anyone on here.so I just do it lol, I think it has something to do with being on keto and your body will use fat as energy and not muscle so going 24-48 hours without eating anything, your body will just use straight fat as energy. And then your body will have less fat?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I don't know? I have asked many times, but get no response from anyone on here.so I just do it lol, I think it has something to do with being on keto and your body will use fat as energy and not muscle so going 24-48 hours without eating anything, your body will just use straight fat as energy. And then your body will have less fat?

This would give you a decent primer:


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
whats the verdict on whole wheat oatmeal for breakfast? I mean the cheap great value type.

I'm going to assume you're trolling because I saw you post in the funny pics thread and everyone was like "He's not banned anymore ZOMG!".
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