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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

I don't know? I have asked many times, but get no response from anyone on here.so I just do it lol, I think it has something to do with being on keto and your body will use fat as energy and not muscle so going 24-48 hours without eating anything, your body will just use straight fat as energy. And then your body will have less fat?

I think its basically a way to impose a strict time window in which you can eat, which would implicitly limit the amount of food you eat in a given day. It also helps satisfy your hunger on days on which you work out, since you get to eat a lot more calories in the form of protein and carbs to fuel your muscle growth as well as satisfy any mental cravings you might have. And on the days that you don't work out, it asks you to eat less, so in a way it's helping create a calorie deficit without you really thinking about it. This is an oversimplification of what I understand interval fasting to be. Could be wrong though.
I'm going to assume you're trolling because I saw you post in the funny pics thread and everyone was like "He's not banned anymore ZOMG!".

Not really. Im really fat and im trying to educate myself by asking the verdict on oatmeal for breakfast. I assume its bad by your response even if I stick a banana in there.
So for the last couple of days (I guess maybe a week now) all I've been eating is tons of meat (bacon, hamburger, chicken, steak, salmon, you name it), eggs (hard boiled and scrambled), veggies (only celery and lettuce, and not a whole lot of lettuce either), cheese (just these mozzarella cheese stick things with zero carbs), and shit tons of water. I'm also doing Insanity (mostly for fun). I'm pretty sure I'm in ketosis, so I wanna ask is there any hard number of carbs I can eat without exiting it? I've been very careful to keep my carbs at zero and they've certainly never gone above 5 grams.


So for the last couple of days (I guess maybe a week now) all I've been eating is tons of meat (bacon, hamburger, chicken, steak, salmon, you name it), eggs (hard boiled and scrambled), veggies (only celery and lettuce, and not a whole lot of lettuce either), cheese (just these mozzarella cheese stick things with zero carbs), and shit tons of water. I'm also doing Insanity (mostly for fun). I'm pretty sure I'm in ketosis, so I wanna ask is there any hard number of carbs I can eat without exiting it? I've been very careful to keep my carbs at zero and they've certainly never gone above 5 grams.
nope. everyone's body is different. some people need to stay under 50g, some under 20g. the only way to find out for sure is to test


Not really. Im really fat and im trying to educate myself by asking the verdict on oatmeal for breakfast. I assume its bad by your response even if I stick a banana in there.

It's better than lucky charms, and can be part of a healthy breakfast:
http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/breakfast-cereals/1600/2 (plain oatmeal cooked with water)
http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/breakfast-cereals/1544/2 (lucky charms, for reference)

I would recommend getting more protein alongside your oatmeal, which a banana isn't good for. Oatmeal and Bacon, or chicken, or sausage, or a protein shake of some sort.


relies on auto-aim
So for the last couple of days (I guess maybe a week now) all I've been eating is tons of meat (bacon, hamburger, chicken, steak, salmon, you name it), eggs (hard boiled and scrambled), veggies (only celery and lettuce, and not a whole lot of lettuce either), cheese (just these mozzarella cheese stick things with zero carbs), and shit tons of water. I'm also doing Insanity (mostly for fun). I'm pretty sure I'm in ketosis, so I wanna ask is there any hard number of carbs I can eat without exiting it? I've been very careful to keep my carbs at zero and they've certainly never gone above 5 grams.
For me personally I need to stay under ~25g to stay in losing ketosis mode. Under 50g I can sustain keto, but with trace amounts so maybes it fluctuating during some hours of the day?

I find just plain dressing and lettuce to be pretty nice. Helps me with my urges for something crunchy/crispy.


Foods made from whole grains have more nutrients and more fiber, but they're the same amount of calories (kind of like juice vs. soda).

Right, that makes sense. I was just trying to see if they are actually worse for you than food with refined flour. So same caloric intake, but less empty calories and carbs than refined flour seems to be the gist.
I eat white rice everyday, yet those muscles and pounds are being shed because I choose to eat healthier. Cut back on the amount of white rice eaten, up those veggies, and cut those fast-food carbs out. Hell I eat almost 4 bowls of oatmeal with eggs on the side every week and I'm not complaining.

I'm not going to give up on whole grains, but I certainly don't eat them everyday.


Another part of the keto diet that I am having difficulty understanding is....do calories matter? I seem to be eating alot (I am a very big guy) I keep my carbs under 20g for the day, but should I also be looking to cut calories also? Is stuff like store bought salad dressing and putting cheese on everything I eat affecting my diet in any negative way? The calories I should be eating (according to one of those online measuring tools is quite high) should I follow that or go low, maybe 2000 cals a day or would I get good results with sticking to 3000+ cals but always remaining in keto?

I really need this one answered I think it's the last hurdle I have to fully understanding this ketogenic way of eating (I have been doing tons of reading and watching videos on the subject)

Edit. Calories needed 3495 (according to a online BMI calc)
nope. everyone's body is different. some people need to stay under 50g, some under 20g. the only way to find out for sure is to test

For me personally I need to stay under ~25g to stay in losing ketosis mode. Under 50g I can sustain keto, but with trace amounts so maybes it fluctuating during some hours of the day?

I find just plain dressing and lettuce to be pretty nice. Helps me with my urges for something crunchy/crispy.

Thanks. I'll just keep it as low as possible to not risk it. I'm not really getting any cravings or anything so it's not that hard for me. Plus I love steak so I just load up on that and then I'm not hungry any more.

Also someone told me that days off are good and help. A day where you just eat some carbs or whatever to get yourself out of it, and then go back into it the next day. It seems to me that you would be wasting a lot of time getting back into ketosis if you did that. Thoughts?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It seems like this needs to be said every couple of pages or so, but in the end just do what works for you. If you're enjoying your oatmeal or bowl of rice and still feeling healthy and continuing to lose weight/get fit, then there's no reason to stop.

In general, though, I think people should start out as close to zero as they can get, and then add carbs/starch back in gradually (if they so desire) to see where their individual threshold is.

Another part of the keto diet that I am having difficulty understanding is....do calories matter? I seem to be eating alot (I am a very big guy) I keep my carbs under 20g for the day, but should I also be looking to cut calories also? Is stuff like store bought salad dressing and putting cheese on everything I eat affecting my diet in any negative way? The calories I should be eating (according to one of those online measuring tools is quite high) should I follow that or go low, maybe 2000 cals a day or would I get good results with sticking to 3000+ cals but always remaining in keto?

I really need this one answered I think it's the last hurdle I have to fully understanding this ketogenic way of eating (I have been doing tons of reading and watching videos on the subject)

The quick answer is no.

However, this assumes that your satiety mechanism is functioning at least somewhat properly and you don't force feed yourself after you become full.
Right, that makes sense. I was just trying to see if they are actually worse for you than food with refined flour. So same caloric intake, but less empty calories and carbs than refined flour seems to be the gist.

Cardiovascular health is the big one. As RubxQub noted this is only versus refined grains so you don't have to eat them. But if you want grains in your diet (and I do, love the buggers) whole grains are a much better choice to reduce the risk of heart disease.


relies on auto-aim
Thanks. I'll just keep it as low as possible to not risk it. I'm not really getting any cravings or anything so it's not that hard for me. Plus I love steak so I just load up on that and then I'm not hungry any more.

Also someone told me that days off are good and help. A day where you just eat some carbs or whatever to get yourself out of it, and then go back into it the next day. It seems to me that you would be wasting a lot of time getting back into ketosis if you did that. Thoughts?
I bounce back in a day or two after a cheat day depending if I ate 100g or 300g.


For me, it seems monounsaturated fat is the most filling. Olive Oil and Macadamia nuts keep me feeling full for long periods of time.

OG Kush

Anyone here take Probiotics? For example supplements ike Acidophillus? I take it, and its made my poop game great. shit slides out like smooth butter. Probiotics are great for your health, google it for more info.
They are both bad in different ways. Whole grains include many anti nutrients.

Whatever anti nutrients they have must be doing wonders for me. Ever since I started to eat a bunch of whole grains I have been able to stay at the same weight and lower my bf%. Is there something in them that will fuck you as hard as trans fats and sugars that I should know about?
Whatever anti nutrients they have must be doing wonders for me. Ever since I started to eat a bunch of whole grains I have been able to stay at the same weight and lower my bf%. Is there something in them that will fuck you as hard as trans fats and sugars that I should know about?

Lectins, Gluten and Phytates:

Lectins are bad. They bind to insulin receptors, attack the stomach lining of insects, bind to human intestinal lining, and they seemingly cause leptin resistance. And leptin resistance predicts a “worsening of the features of the metabolic syndrome independently of obesity”. Fun stuff, huh?

Gluten might be even worse. Gluten, found in wheat, rye, and barley, is a composite of the proteins gliadin and glutenin. Around 1% of the population are celiacs, people who are completely and utterly intolerant of any gluten. In celiacs, any gluten in the diet can be disastrous. We’re talking compromised calcium and vitamin D3 levels, hyperparathyroidism, bone defects. Really terrible stuff. And it gets worse: just because you’re not celiac doesn’t mean you aren’t susceptible to the ravages of gluten. As Stephan highlights, one study showed that 29% of asymptomatic (read: not celiac) people nonetheless tested positive for anti-gliadin IgA in their stool. Anti-gliadin IgA is an antibody produced by the gut, and it remains there until it’s dispatched to ward off gliadin – a primary component of gluten. Basically, the only reason anti-gliadin IgA ends up in your stool is because your body sensed an impending threat – gluten. If gluten poses no threat, the anti-gliadin IgA stays in your gut. And to think, most Americans eat this stuff on a daily basis.

are a problem, too, because they make minerals bio-unavailable (so much for all those healthy vitamins and minerals we need from whole grains!), thus rendering null and void the last, remaining argument for cereal grain consumption.

Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/why-grains-are-unhealthy/#ixzz1kytxKpUB

OG Kush

^But when you're exercising you're gonna burn it off anyways. Heck, just look at michael phelps diet, its crazy. It may just be because hes got some super human genes, but if you'r exercising daily ( a la p90x), then a few wholegrains etc aint gonna harm your progress.


Another stupid question guys.... Sorry

I just did my first ever keto test, with a product called keto stix

The results were...small 15mg/dl.....is that where I need to be? I'm currently in the middle of a fast, does that effect it? What amount of ketones do you need for a keto diet to be successful?


Edit....seem to might have found my own answer, as long as there is some trace amounts in the urine you are in ketosis. Fasting and water consumption play a part in the test results also. For anyone interested I posted the link

I'm following Induction strictly; why won't my strips turn purple?

Ketones will spill into the urine ONLY when there is more in the blood than is being used as fuel by the body at that particular moment.

You may have exercised or worked a few hours previously, so your muscles would have used up the ketones as fuel, thus there will be no excess. You may have had a lot of liquids to drink, so the urine is more diluted. Perhaps the strips are not fresh, or the lid was not on tight and some moisture from the atmosphere got in.

Some low carbers NEVER show above trace or negative even ... yet they burn fat and lose weight just fine. If you're losing weight, and your clothes are getting looser, you're feeling well and not hungry all the time .. then you are successfully in ketosis. Don't get hung up on the strips; they're just a guide, nothing more.
Will I lose weight faster if the strips show dark purple all the time?

No. Testing in the darkest purple range all the time is usually a sign of dehydration -- the urine is too concentrated. You need to drink more water to dilute it, and keep the kidneys flushed.

The liver will make ketones from body fat, the fat you EAT, and from alcohol --- the ketone strips have no way of distinguishing the source of the ketones. So, if you test every day after dinner, and dinner usually contains a lot of fat, then you may very well test for large amounts of ketones all the time. However this does not indicate that any BODY fat was burned.

The strips only indicate what's happening in the urine. Ketosis happens in the blood and body tissues. If you're showing even a small amount, then you are in ketosis, and fat-burning is taking place. Don't get hung up on the ketone sticks.


Okay but how much of a problem are they from whole grains? Everything has things that are bad for you but realistically how much is 150g carbs worth of whole grains 3 days a week going to negatively affect you?

That's really not that much, and it's probably on your lifting days, right? I'm sure you're perfectly fine.


Junior Member
Okay but how much of a problem are they from whole grains? Everything has things that are bad for you but realistically how much is 150g carbs worth of whole grains 3 days a week going to negatively affect you?

Whole grains are amongst the worst sources of these anti-nutrients. Rice is really the only grain that is mostly free of these agents (brown rice still having some phytate).

Try spending an entire month without grain and see how much better you feel.
Whole grains are amongst the worst sources of these anti-nutrients. Rice is really the only grain that is mostly free of these agents (brown rice still having some phytate).

Try spending an entire month without grain and see how much better you feel.

Most of whole grain consumption is from brown rice.

How would you recommend getting to 200+ carbs on my lifting days?


Junior Member
Most of whole grain consumption is from brown rice.

How would you recommend getting to 200+ carbs on my lifting days?

You don't need 200+ carbs unless you're about to run a marathon. If you're lifting weights, between 80-120 grams of carbs per day is perfect, as long as you're getting it from nontoxic sources and only a small amount is coming from fructose. The healthiest sources include rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash. Always have these starches in a meal that's also high in fat and protein; this will dramatically reduce the insulin spike.


Whatever anti nutrients they have must be doing wonders for me. Ever since I started to eat a bunch of whole grains I have been able to stay at the same weight and lower my bf%. Is there something in them that will fuck you as hard as trans fats and sugars that I should know about?

To be fair, Cuevas, you're doing LG and Strong Lifts, which are different protocols than just regular weight loss. You're trying to put on muscle, so carbs are essential.
To be fair Cuevas, you're doing LG and Strong Lifts, which are different protocols than just regular weight loss. You trying to put on muscle, so carbs are essential.
That's true but even after losing 120lbs I still have a ton of fat to lose.

Yeah chomp I've been doing it with veggies/fruit/brown rice and maybe a little WG bread (when I feel like after a workout I really need the nutrition).


Here's something interesting.

I've been in ketosis for the past three weeks. Deep purple ketosis. So yesterday I ended up having a bun and about a cup of apple crisp and ice cream for lunch and a burger and some onion rings for dinner (~225g net carbs for the day). I tested again this morning and still keto? My wife gave it a go and she came up clear so I'm still in. Is that okay...? I was under the impression it was easy to drop out. I usually eat about 30g carbs each day.

I see varying opinions about how long it's okay to stay in ketosis too. What's consensus around GAF?

Should say in those three weeks I've lost 8 lbs and my body shape is changing, so it's all good in that sense.


relies on auto-aim
Here's something interesting.

I've been in ketosis for the past three weeks. Deep purple ketosis. So yesterday I ended up having a bun and about a cup of apple crisp and ice cream for lunch and a burger and some onion rings for dinner (~225g net carbs for the day). I tested again this morning and still keto? My wife gave it a go and she came up clear so I'm still in. Is that okay...? I was under the impression it was easy to drop out. I usually eat about 30g carbs each day.

I see varying opinions about how long it's okay to stay in ketosis too. What's consensus around GAF?

Should say in those three weeks I've lost 8 lbs and my body shape is changing, so it's all good in that sense.
Layover. You'll see it lower tomorrow, then maybe even lower the next day. It's not instant.
I don't really understand how ketosis is healthy for you. As a type 1 diabetic when your body goes into ketosis for a prolonged amount of time you will go into ketoacidosis and end up in the hospital. Why is this not the case for non-diabetics?


I don't really understand how ketosis is healthy for you. As a type 1 diabetic when your body goes into ketosis for a prolonged amount of time you will go into ketoacidosis and end up in the hospital. Why is this not the case for non-diabetics?

The mild acidosis you experience during a keto diet is nothing compared to diabetic ketoacidosis. Non-diabetics can produce insulin.


I don't really understand how ketosis is healthy for you. As a type 1 diabetic when your body goes into ketosis for a prolonged amount of time you will go into ketoacidosis and end up in the hospital. Why is this not the case for non-diabetics?

Ketogenic diets are prescribed to epileptics as a therapeutic diet with great success, not sure why it is not safe for Diabetics. Are you type I or Type II.
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