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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


People with type 1 diabetes do not have enough insulin, a hormone the body uses to break down sugar (glucose) in the blood for energy. When glucose is not available, fat is broken down instead.

As fats are broken down, acids called ketones build up in the blood and urine. In high levels, ketones are poisonous. This condition is known as ketoacidosis.

Blood glucose levels rise (usually higher than 300 mg/dL) because the liver makes glucose to try to combat the problem. However the cells cannot pull in that glucose without insulin.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is often the first sign of type 1 diabetes in people who do not yet have other symptoms. It can also occur in someone who has already been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Infection, injury, a serious illness, or surgery can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis in people with type 1 diabetes. Missing doses of insulin can also lead to ketoacidosis in people with diabetes.

People with type 2 diabetes can develop ketoacidosis, but it is rare. It is usually triggered by a severe illness. Hispanic and African-American people are more likely to have ketoacidosis as a complication of type 2 diabetes.
Non diabetics won't have a problem because their pancreas is working, I guess.
Just had to eat a lot of meat...

I dread coming home to eat because my mother likes to experiment and most of the time it ends up sucking. I am completely fine eating fried chicken and meat all year long, why does she want to make it "interesting"?

Sadly I had to drop by her house to eat because we had some business to do.

I think I lost keto


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Just had to eat a lot of meat...

I dread coming home to eat because my mother likes to experiment and most of the time it ends up sucking. I am completely fine eating fried chicken and meat all year long, why does she want to make it "interesting"?

Sadly I had to drop by her house to eat because we had some business to do.

I think I lost keto

Get her a cookbook that knows what it's doing. The French know how to cook meat. Or a paleo cook book like primal blueprint.
Get her a cookbook that knows what it's doing. The French know how to cook meat. Or a paleo cook book like primal blueprint.

Buying my mom a cookbook?


(you don't know Mexican Mothers, she would probably throw it at my face along with something along the lines of "I've been a housewive for 30 years and you try to give me cooking clasess? chamaco pendejo ")


Haha, this is NOT my goal.

Not everyone who strength trains has terrible physiques, FYI.

The man is a doctor.

Oh pardon me. Have you ever seen Olympic weightlifters offseason? Can you lift hundreds of pounds over your hand in one coordinated movement? Do you know how physically and mentally taxing is competitive strength training?

Yeah, didn't think so.

Sorry, comments like those piss me off. I have been 200 lb before while strength training, and it's no walk in the park. It's hard
Yes, it is fucking easy to put fat on while gaining strength. It is not easy to lose bf% while gaining strength and staying at the same weight.

I don't like trying to watch bf% while gaining strength. Gain strength first, then lose fat. Rinse and repeat. Clean bulk is ok, but I am not a big fan.
Why? That's how the professionals do it. Now I know you don't want to look like a professional on one of their "gain" weeks, but don't you want to gain muscle like one?


And I would LOVE to look like a professional.


I know Ivan Stoitsov (steroid user btw) probably loses 20-30 maybe even 40lbs for his competitions, I don't want to be doing that when I can slowly work my way up without ever looking bad. I've been fat, I don't want to return to that. Which is why I'm in this thread :p
BW, are you still lifting? I remember you in the older Fitness GAF threads?

Yeah that's me. I went to a meet last September and did very respectable numbers for a first timer:

Bodyweight 89.5 kg (197lb)

Squat 365 lb 1RM
Bench Press 205 lb 1RM (I am bad at bench)
Deadlift 415 lb 1RM

Then got injured on October, recovered on November and then was assraped by my Thesis on December. Totally broke on January and I am getting Lasyk in two weeks so I won't be able to lift on February. I plan to get back on March.

I am at 186lb right, losing the fat and preparing with HIIT for the coming flag 11 football season. That is why I am on the diet thread, I am cutting. I haven't lost any considerable strength though, even after 2 months of no relevant activity, I think my body just got used to being kind of strong lol
In the end, I would rather gain efficiently and then lose efficiently and not waste my training time on half assed attempts. Maybe it's not for you, but it definitely is not silly
In the end, I would rather gain efficiently and then lose efficiently and not waste my training time on half assed attempts. Maybe it's not for you, but it definitely is not silly

Both ways are legit, you just got sensitive and called me a douche when I was pointing out weight lifters can go to extremes to gain strength. I do not plan on competing in anything so why would I want to do it like they do? Slow gains are fine for me.
Both ways are legit, you just got sensitive and called me a douche when I was pointing out weight lifters can go to extremes to gain strength. I do not plan on competing in anything so why would I want to do it like they do? Slow gains are fine for me.

If you are strength training, you can't get that big with just eating a lot. Trust me on that one.


So I'm curious about this whole bulletproof coffee thing. Any ... tips, I guess? I'm trying to move myself into the "real" coffee world instead of just a coffee maker and Folgers and figured I'd use this as an excuse to experiment some.
If you are strength training, you can't get that big with just eating a lot. Trust me on that one.

Naw, I've been lifting for a while. According to this I am moving my way into "advanced" on most of my lifts. I am going to be starting madcow sometime soon.

I don't clean or snatch, I do pendlay rows. This isn't the thread for that though.


Been 3 weeks since my last carb up. Just got to SF for business trip. Hitting the Hyatt gym for depletion. Epic carb up inc.

Never posted in this thread. I was 310 last Sept. now I'm 255. About half that time I've been doing cyclic keto because I have a lot of muscle I don't want to lose. Started doing so 5x5 and haven't lost weight in a month but my waist is down about an inch to an inch and a half.


So I'm curious about this whole bulletproof coffee thing. Any ... tips, I guess? I'm trying to move myself into the "real" coffee world instead of just a coffee maker and Folgers and figured I'd use this as an excuse to experiment some.

I don't know about this bulletproof coffee thing, but if you want to know more about coffee, the OT is this way. Once you go black, you never go back.


Lectins, Gluten and Phytates:

meh, its great that you follow this, but trying to pass off an athlete/trainers musings as actually correct is a little off base, especially when words of wisdom such as "i dont like the sound of ripping and tearing do you? why do it!" inspire so much confidence in his ability to pass medical or scientific research on to others.

I'm not saying its wrong, but the first few paragraphs don't come off so medically inspiring


I don't know about this bulletproof coffee thing, but if you want to know more about coffee, the OT is this way. Once you go black, you never go back.

I actually bought an Aeropress last night half from the topic, half on a whim. I have an old drip coffee maker and most my coffee has been relatively bland :/ I live really close to a fresh produce market that has a pretty good assortment of coffee beans so I figured this would just be a good opportunity to step my morning coffee up. I drink a cup or two practically every day so I might as well get the most out of it, right? :x


I actually bought an Aeropress last night half from the topic, half on a whim. I have an old drip coffee maker and most my coffee has been relatively bland :/ I live really close to a fresh produce market that has a pretty good assortment of coffee beans so I figured this would just be a good opportunity to step my morning coffee up. I drink a cup or two practically every day so I might as well get the most out of it, right? :x

damn straight, its hard to go back to "regular" coffee

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I actually bought an Aeropress last night half from the topic, half on a whim. I have an old drip coffee maker and most my coffee has been relatively bland :/ I live really close to a fresh produce market that has a pretty good assortment of coffee beans so I figured this would just be a good opportunity to step my morning coffee up. I drink a cup or two practically every day so I might as well get the most out of it, right? :x

I have a French Press at work now. They do not have a coffee maker here and try to sell us some shit they call coffee out of a vending machine (which all the older guys here in the office still drink). My co-worker had brought a water-boiler for tea, so I bought a French press and make fresh coffee every morning.

Only thing I haven't nailed down is the coffee grind size, as the pre-ground coffee leaves some sludge in my cup and a very bitter taste at the end of the cup. May have to grind my own.


I have a French Press at work now. They do not have a coffee maker here and try to sell us some shit they call coffee out of a vending machine (which all the older guys here in the office still drink). My co-worker had brought a water-boiler for tea, so I bought a French press and make fresh coffee every morning.

Only thing I haven't nailed down is the coffee grind size, as the pre-ground coffee leaves some sludge in my cup and a very bitter taste at the end of the cup. May have to grind my own.

completely going off topic, get a decent burr coffee grinder and you can set it for french press (also get a much better grind then the blade type)

back on topic. I've been doing P90X for 60 days and for the first 30 didn't really change my diet and didn't notice too much of a difference weight wise. For the last 30 i cut almost all white carbs out. I knocked my carb intake in general down, focused on some more protein and fiber. I've lost 18lbs in the last 30 days continuing p90x. 30 more to go, another 10-15lbs total that i want to lose (overall, don't have high hopes to drop them in the next 30 only, but i wouldn't mind if i did).


lunch today was whatever i could find in the fridge.

from the bottom up - hamburger, bacon, cheese, egg, hamburger, bacon, cheese, egg, salsa

sorry for the shitty blurry pic, but here's what it looked like:



I actually bought an Aeropress last night half from the topic, half on a whim. I have an old drip coffee maker and most my coffee has been relatively bland :/ I live really close to a fresh produce market that has a pretty good assortment of coffee beans so I figured this would just be a good opportunity to step my morning coffee up. I drink a cup or two practically every day so I might as well get the most out of it, right? :x

I think it's definitely worth it.

Back to the topic at hand though.
Hi weight-loss GAF, I've been working on losing weight for the past 6 months and the success stories and information shared from those in-the-know have been great motivation. I've lost around 25 pounds so far just by the usual things; no sweets, sodas etc, lower carb intake etc.

For the past month or so I seem to have hit a plateau and there has no been no real weight loss, a couple of weeks back I started doing some weight exercises 3 times a week (I previously was doing no exercise) to see if that would break the plateau, but it hasn't. I'm wondering if heading into low-carb territory will reignite the weight loss, but I have no idea on what amount of carbs I should really intake daily for a no-carb diet. Currently I weigh 200lbs and my height is 5"8.

If anyone has any tips or advice I would really appreciate it.


Hi weight-loss GAF, I've been working on losing weight for the past 6 months and the success stories and information shared from those in-the-know have been great motivation. I've lost around 25 pounds so far just by the usual things; no sweets, sodas etc, lower carb intake etc.

For the past month or so I seem to have hit a plateau and there has no been no real weight loss, a couple of weeks back I started doing some weight exercises 3 times a week (I previously was doing no exercise) to see if that would break the plateau, but it hasn't. I'm wondering if heading into low-carb territory will reignite the weight loss, but I have no idea on what amount of carbs I should really intake daily for a no-carb diet. Currently I weigh 200lbs and my height is 5"8.

If anyone has any tips or advice I would really appreciate it.
Well, if you started weight lifting it's possible you're slimming down but adding muscle which could make it appear as if you've hit a plateau.

Can you give a general overview of what you're diet is like now? Generally speaking, 0-50g of carbs per day is considered very low, likely to put you into ketosis. Rapid weight loss but very restrictive. 50g-100g is considered low carb, effortless weight loss with a lot more flexibility. 100g-150g, moderate carb diet. This is more of a maintenance level for once you hit your goal. On days when you're going to be active you add more if needed.
Well, if you started weight lifting it's possible you're slimming down but adding muscle which could make it appear as if you've hit a plateau.

Can you give a general overview of what you're diet is like now? Generally speaking, 0-50g of carbs per day is considered very low, likely to put you into ketosis. Rapid weight loss but very restrictive. 50g-100g is considered low carb, effortless weight loss with a lot more flexibility. 100g-150g, moderate carb diet. This is more of a maintenance level for once you hit your goal. On days when you're going to be active you add more if needed.

Thanks for your reply, I'm not really doing weight-lifting per say, just squats and other exercises with some light dumbbells, I'm not sure if that would really add much muscle mass but you may be right.

I usually have around 1600cals. per day with around 100g of carbs. Most of these carbs come from oats that I have for breakfast with milk and raspberries, blueberries or strawberries. My lunch usually consists of some fruit and either some chicken pieces or ham. Dinner is generally some sort of meat + vegetables combo although a couple of times a week I have a rice based meal (curries etc). I don't really eat many snacks but if I do it's some fruit or a low calorie yoghurt.

I'm guessing it might be worth cutting out the oats and try to get my carb intake lower?


I'd cut back on the fruit and eliminate the oats in favor of eggs. You can replace fruits with different kinds of nuts.. Almonds, Walnuts, ect. Stick to full fat greek yogurt, avoid any "light" or "fat free" regular varieties. You can also check out Quest Bars if you want to replace the Yogurt all together. or some peanut butter

I was in a similar situation as you. I'd eat oatmeal with fruit every day for breakfast, than snack on apples all day. Once I stopped doing this I was able to get over a plateau myself.
I'd cut back on the fruit and eliminate the oats in favor of eggs. You can replace fruits with different kinds of nuts.. Almonds, Walnuts, ect. Stick to full fat greek yogurt, avoid any "light" or "fat free" regular varieties. You can also check out Quest Bars if you want to replace the Yogurt all together. or some peanut butter

I was in a similar situation as you. I'd eat oatmeal with fruit every day for breakfast, than snack on apples all day. Once I stopped doing this I was able to get over a plateau myself.

Thanks for your help, unfortunately I really don't like eggs, would having bacon instead of the eggs still be suitable?


maybe you just need some aerobic exercise? I didn't below 150 when I lived in Memphis even while going serious on the carb-cutting thing, got heavily into cycling after moving to a more bike-friendly place (that'd be just about anywhere else, but in any case...) and a year later I was somewhere around 135. I've been pretty lazy over winter but even the short daily 8mi round-trip commute's been enough to keep weight at ~138. Def depends on your schedule but a little bit of brisk walking could do wonders if you can sneak it in somewhere.
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