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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Did you try fasting? Seems to help in such situations.
Also..it might be good idea to try low-intensity excercises instead of running.
I know it's sometimes hard to find an hour or two a day just to walk, but you can incorporate it into everyday activities. For example, I watch a lot of tv shows and anime. Now I never watch them while sitting down. Instead I watch them while walking in one place at home.

I just wish I could write while standing up, but it seems to completely slaughter my concentration :(

Well I've switched back to 'jogging at place', which is good cardio and somehow feels much easier on the body than just slogging it out on the treadmill. I reduced my weight from 200 to where I am now through this jogging which allows me to watch TV as well. I thought the treadmill would help me speed up my weight loss, instead it worsened since I really couldn't handle those soul crunching hunger pangs!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Can someone help me out?

I've been meaning to start dieting again and going lowcarb has helped me immensely in the past. However I'm starting to grow worried of the potential health risks with the way I've set up my diet.

( this is my diet for the entire day )

Meal 1 : 3 eggwhites
Meal 2 : natural nut/seed mix comprised of, flax and sunflower seeds, almond and walnuts.
Meal 3 : 150g of bacon + 50g of cheese ( this is the one that I'm worried about )
Meal 4 : 200g of fresh salmon
Meal 5 : 1 portion of protein shake + vitamin supplement

Vegetables are sprinkled in on the meals throughout the day.

Again this has worked wonders for me, I've felt great and lost a lot of weight combining the above diet with regular exercise but lately I've been worried that the bacon and cheese tier has had a bad impact on me. Maybe I'm just paranoid but when I eat it "I just feel slightly bad" for a short while.

Is there anything else I could do/eat that results in me still getting the same amount of protein and fat?


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Posted in the challenge thread but I am down from my Super Bowl sump.

Feb 13 - 211

That brings me to around 11 pounds lost since starting P90X2 and around 22 lost since last June. :)

Funny note; I bought all brand new jeans right before starting P90X2 and eating better. They are all 38's and now none of them fit without a belt. Also, the belt that when I started my new job last March was on the second to the biggest notch, is now on the second to the smallest, and I can go to the smallest notch comfortably. :p


A tip for anyone who gets discouraged by the scale: Take a picture of yourself shirtless every day/every couple days at the same time. This is the one thing keeping me going. In the past 6 weeks, I started at 180, went as low as 175 and today I'm at 179. However, in each picture I look better so I'm not letting it get to me.

Bonus if you have an iPhone: Use the app "watch me change" and it will put together a movie of the pictures for you, and store those topless pics away from your photo album ;)




Can someone help me out?

I've been meaning to start dieting again and going lowcarb has helped me immensely in the past. However I'm starting to grow worried of the potential health risks with the way I've set up my diet.

( this is my diet for the entire day )

Meal 1 : 3 eggwhites
Meal 2 : natural nut/seed mix comprised of, flax and sunflower seeds, almond and walnuts.
Meal 3 : 150g of bacon + 50g of cheese ( this is the one that I'm worried about )
Meal 4 : 200g of fresh salmon
Meal 5 : 1 portion of protein shake + vitamin supplement

Vegetables are sprinkled in on the meals throughout the day.

Again this has worked wonders for me, I've felt great and lost a lot of weight combining the above diet with regular exercise but lately I've been worried that the bacon and cheese tier has had a bad impact on me. Maybe I'm just paranoid but when I eat it "I just feel slightly bad" for a short while.

Is there anything else I could do/eat that results in me still getting the same amount of protein and fat?

what exactly is your concern? when you say you 'feel slightly bad' do you mean mentally or physically? if you're concerned about your health you can always get blood work done to put your mind at ease. other options would be changing your diet. don't eat only eggwhites in the morning, eat the whole egg, possibly more than 3, this will make you feel full longer [and get all the nutrients] and you could possibly skip meal 3 all together. you could occasionally replace meal 3 with a Quest Bar. really though, if you remove 3 than there's not a lot of fat in your diet, which is what you need when restricting carbs.


6 weeks into keto, I feel great. I feel more energy and just overal better. But one thing that concerns me is the fact that I don't seem to be loosing weight. Like I told everyone last week, I bought a scale and in 1 week of being very strict with keto, I am at the same weight from lost week.

I weigh 383lbs so shouldn't I being loosing weight fast right about now? I am very sedentary right now...I haven't been to work in a while...and am literally just sitting around all day. Can this be the problem? Should I join a gym and start weight training?

Fuck!!! I want to loose this weight, and I'm liking keto cause I just feel better being on it... Please tell me there is something I'm doing wrong, and any tips would be great? Should I start incorporating fasts? Be more active? I'll do anything....I'm sick of being like this...

Edit....I forgot to mention I am taking anti-depressants in the morning, but according to the dr, these ones I'm on shouldn't attribute to weight gain....maybe it's having a effect also?

I'm just getting sooooo mad, but I won't quit!!! Just need to find out what the problem is?

Thanks guys....I know I can count on you :)


I am still a work in progress.

Looks like [B]fantastic[/B] progress to me. And again, while I disagree with some of the logic and programming behind P90x, you've been able to couple it with an active lifestyle and a maintainable diet for recognizable body recomposition in 44 days. I hope that you are willing to pop into the fitness thread once you are done with your 90 days of P90x.

And keep us posted, I'm sure many people want to know what you can do in the next 46 days.

[/QUOTE]Given bud's reply above yours this was timed beautifully!


6 weeks into keto, I feel great. I feel more energy and just overal better. But one thing that concerns me is the fact that I don't seem to be loosing weight. Like I told everyone last week, I bought a scale and in 1 week of being very strict with keto, I am at the same weight from lost week.

I weigh 383lbs so shouldn't I being loosing weight fast right about now? I am very sedentary right now...I haven't been to work in a while...and am literally just sitting around all day. Can this be the problem? Should I join a gym and start weight training?

Fuck!!! I want to loose this weight, and I'm liking keto cause I just feel better being on it... Please tell me there is something I'm doing wrong, and any tips would be great? Should I start incorporating fasts? Be more active? I'll do anything....I'm sick of being like this...

Edit....I forgot to mention I am taking anti-depressants in the morning, but according to the dr, these ones I'm on shouldn't attribute to weight gain....maybe it's having a effect also?

I'm just getting sooooo mad, but I won't quit!!! Just need to find out what the problem is?

Thanks guys....I know I can count on you :)

There could be a lot of things going on.

1) Eat more
2) Eat less
3) Have a cheat day, but only one.
4) Try eating at different times of the day
5) Sleep more

I mean there are a lot of reasons why people plateau. For me, I was frustrated when I was around 245 pounds and didn't lose weight for weeks. I tried eating more, didn't help. Less? Didn't help. However, I just said "fuck it" and had a delicious cheat day. The next day I got back on my diet and a week later I was down two pounds and haven't looked back.


ugggh... not a great weighting today. I've been with my personal trainer now 2.5 weeks, 2 sessions with him a week (Mon = Cirquit Train, Fri = Sparring) and doing 1-2 cardio myself a week (spinning, interval row). I've been pretty stable at around 2000kcal a day, a couple hundred more on a couple of drinking nights.

All I've lost since our first weighting is 1.2kg, out of some 20-30kg I want to shed. I was hoping one of those Biggest Loser weightings where they drop in 3-5kg increments every few weeks.

they work out to the point of puking once a day for like 4 hours, why would you expect similar results without putting in the effort


dude... are you sure the dates are correct? is such a thing even possible?


Yep - I've got a progress photo every week since starting. I have slipped a little in the last two weeks though (big party weekend, then friends bachelor party).

This is the regime I am mostly running at the moment, with a cheat day to binge on ice cream & chocolate!

6.45am - large glass of water and two phenorex thermo tabs
7am - hour or so dog walk (uphill / downhill), about 5km - 8km
11.30am 10mg BCAA
12pm - 1pm P90X Workout
1.30pm first meal of the day - oats, protein shake, bananas, more carbs on a weights workout day, about 1000 calories (also running the PAGG stack)
4pm - snack - protein cookie, usually 400 calories or so
6pm - hour or so dog walk (uphill / downhill), about 5km - 8km
8pm - dinner, steak, salad, 800 calories or so
9.30pm - Syntha 'Desert' shake


Gold Member
they work out to the point of puking once a day for like 4 hours, why would you expect similar results without putting in the effort

Really, you can do that much? Because I do an hour long interval to the point of puking four times a week. I was afraid even that's too much, but seems I was wrong. Four hours? Wow


Yeah sorry guys, I really have to learn how to do these things more properly, I still don't know how to put pics up on neo gaf lol.

Here is a day of my eating (most days are very similar to this)
Stats- 6'2" 384lbs, male, sedentary lifestyle (going back to construction soon)

Breakfast (always the same)
4 eggs- scrambled 340cal, 0 carb, 25 fat, 28 pro
4 slices bacon- 460. 4. 42. 14
Olive oil 1tbsp. 119. 0. 14. 0
1/4 cup cheddar. 90. 0. 8. 5
Total- 1009. 4. 89. 47

Rib eye steak 16oz 1268. 0. 26. 134
Artichoke dip. 90. 2. 8. 2
Total- 1358. 2. 34. 136

1 cup broccoli. 55. 11. 1. 4
All beef frankfurter. 220. 1. 18. 13
1/4 cup cheddar. 90. 0. 8. 5
Total- 359. 12. 27. 22

Day total- 2726cal. 18 carb. 149 fat. 205 protein
The carbs are actually lower, I haven't listed net carbs for the broccoli and other foods

Without listing a whole other menu, other days look similar to this one
2294 cal. 27 carb. 185 fat. 149 protein
2942 cal. 17 carb. 166 fat. 129 protein
And so on....

One meal I love, but wonder if I should continue eating is
All beef frankfurter
Renee's gormet ceaser dressing (180cal, 0carbs, 20 fat, 1 pro) per tbsp (I use 2-3)
Romaine lettuce 6-10 leaves
Crumbled feta (160 cal, 0 carb, 14 fat, 10 pro) per 60 grams
Crumbled bacon (140, 0, 8, 12)
Does this meal seem a bit excessive (concerned about the dressing)

I drink plenty of water, maybe at least 3 liters or more daily.

First meal of the day is aprox 730am with lunch following at 2-3ish and dinner between 6-9pm

I do snack, my go to snacks are string cheese and walnuts

My one weakness seems to be cheese and salad dressing (I tend to over do it) so I stared using a measuring spoon to limit it.

I'm just so bothered that I am not loosing lbs, as a big guy I envisioned big losses at the beginning and hitting a plateau later down the line.

My main goal now stands at 350lbs and from there 299lbs hopefully with a 38" jean size, currently I think I'm wearing 50" jeans and 4xl sweaters.

If I'm missing anything that you need info on, please ask me I'll fill you in.

And don't get me wrong, since starting the keto diet I have felt amazing, more energy and such...but I just wish I was shedding more weight.

Thanks for all your help guys.


To put it in perspective, here was my day.

Breakfast - 287 calories
- 2 eggs
- 1 egg white
- 2 pieces of bacon

Lunch - 497 calories
- Chicken breast
- 1 hardboiled egg
- cucumber, romaine lettuce and 2 tbsp of ranch

Dinner - 213 calories
- cup of green beans
- chicken tenders
- butter

Snacks - 790 calories
- 2 scoops of whey
- salami
- cheese
- natural peanut butter and celery.

Total: 1800 calories, 94g of fat, 205g of protein, 18g of carbs.


Ok I see, what would you say is a good calorie count for a guy my size currently? Remember I'm 384lbs so I'm a pretty big guy lol. I don't know how I would fare on less than 2000calories. But I am defiantly willing to give it a shot!

As far as my meal plan goes, with the exception of the calories, is it a proper keto meal plan? I have been really trying to put together a good meal plan to work off of.


Ok I see, what would you say is a good calorie count for a guy my size currently? Remember I'm 384lbs so I'm a pretty big guy lol. I don't know how I would fare on less than 2000calories. But I am defiantly willing to give it a shot!

As far as my meal plan goes, with the exception of the calories, is it a proper keto meal plan? I have been really trying to put together a good meal plan to work off of.

That seems fine to me given your size, plus if you are losing weight than keep with it. Work on slowly bringing it down as you lose.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Ok I see, what would you say is a good calorie count for a guy my size currently? Remember I'm 384lbs so I'm a pretty big guy lol. I don't know how I would fare on less than 2000calories. But I am defiantly willing to give it a shot!

As far as my meal plan goes, with the exception of the calories, is it a proper keto meal plan? I have been really trying to put together a good meal plan to work off of.

Are you sure you're not eating past the point of feeling full? I really don't think I could take down an entire pound of ribeye steak in one sitting without seriously trying.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Yeah sorry guys, I really have to learn how to do these things more properly, I still don't know how to put pics up on neo gaf lol.

Here is a day of my eating (most days are very similar to this)
Stats- 6'2" 384lbs, male, sedentary lifestyle (going back to construction soon)

Your stats match up very well to mine. I'm 6'2" and started off around 390. With your size, you should be able to maintain a 2k calorie diet and lose weight, especially if you're exercising. I tried running at that weight, I HIGHLY recommend you don't do that. It fucked up my knees badly. Going for long walks is a good way to start, or bicycling. Personally, I do a lot of weight lifting which matches well with my low carb/really high protein diet. I've put on a lot of muscle, I'm down to 300, size 40 pants and still going! Come join me brother =D
I've been trying to hop back into a low carb lifestyle for a few months now, but I get these powerful headaches. I eat a good bit, and drink plenty of water. Never had this problem before. Medicine does not help at all.


I am very sedentary right now...I haven't been to work in a while...and am literally just sitting around all day. Can this be the problem? Should I join a gym and start weight training?

yes. With that weight don't even think about trying kardio, but weight training is a must. Plus walks, long walks are your friend. In Keto your body wants to burn fat, so give it opportunity to do so.

This, along with going below 2000 kcal in a day should let you drop weight quickly.


relies on auto-aim
I've been trying to hop back into a low carb lifestyle for a few months now, but I get these powerful headaches. I eat a good bit, and drink plenty of water. Never had this problem before. Medicine does not help at all.
Sucks. I got this when I first transitioned. I was at <20g for a bit. I've gone on and off keto and never had it happen again.

What are you eating?
Sucks. I got this when I first transitioned. I was at <20g for a bit. I've gone on and off keto and never had it happen again.

What are you eating?

I'm trying to go less than 20g for a bit, so for BF eggs, sausage, bacon. Lunch and dinner are meats/poulty/fish with the correct servings of veggies. Lots of water throughout the day. I don't feel hungry, just this pounding headache.


In my opinion you're getting way too many calories. I usually eat <1900 and I'm getting the same if not more protein in my diet.

The bigger you are the more calories you need. Really, 2,500-3,000 for someone his size doesn't seem like too much. You could try cutting back a little bit, maybe 1 less egg or piece of bacon and a smaller piece of meat for lunch.

You could also go to a doctor and take an insulin resistance test. I've read about people switching to low-carb and not making progress for a few weeks due to such strong insulin resistance from eating poorly for so long. Exercise [walking a few times a week is a good start] is another way too lower blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity, it could be the kick start you need.


That girl in the bunny hat
So while my scale's kinda crappy and maybe not the most accurate device out there, it claims I'm 193.5lbs as of this morning, which makes for about 10lb lost in a month. Just from changing diet, I still haven't gotten off my ass to exercise. I'm only 3.5 above "ideal" and ~20 above my long-term 175 target.

I know my numbers are pretty small compared to many folks here but I'm happy with it all so far. We'll see in a week if it's done enough for my triglycerides, but even if it's not quite enough, I've still made the effort without wanting to kill myself. :)

Mate, you need to start getting your carbs from more raw vegetables and stop using salad dressing so often. You're also eating way too much chese imo.

I cup of broccoli isn't going to cut it. If you don't like mushrooms, zucchini's, capsicum, eggplant, etc, then you should try and aquire the taste...
by drowning it out with butter and FRESH Rosemary (no prepackaged)!

This is what I had for lunch today:
Salmon Patties (6g carbs)

100g canned red salmon (0g)
1 egg (0.5g)
1 tablespoon spyllium husk (0g)
15g parsley (1g)
40g onion (3.5g)
1 clove galic (1g)

1 - Empty Salmon (including juices) into a bowl

2 - Grate onion, crush garlic and chop parsley, place egg and psyllium husk into bowl, mix and season with salt and pepper.

3 - Melt butter in pan and gentley fry patties till cooked through

They're very nice, and only 6g of carbs. Try it!


I keep a mini-fridge next to my PC, right next to me. How it's changed over the years


Beginning of diet change


What I keep on top


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Are nuts really that good? For some reason I always thought of them as not that great.

Depends on what kind of diet you're on. Nuts in general are typically high in healthy fats (mono-unsaturated) and contain a decent amount of protein and a bit of carbs. They are generally considered one of the most complete whole foods available in nature.

The biggest problem with nuts is that they are insanely hard to portion control. If someone puts a candy dish full of peanuts in front of you, you could EASILY house the entire thing quickly. Nuts shouldn't make up the majority of the nutrition in your diet due to the high Omega-6 contents of most nuts.

Nuts are great snacks, but you need to be able to control your portions. Eating 3-4 servings of nuts in a single sitting will be a breeze for just about anyone...and you'll have spiked your fat consumption for the day likely throwing off whatever goals you're trying to set on yourself.

Something to enjoy, but not abuse.

If you're someone who is already eating a ton of carbs in your diet, you'll get the benefits of the heart healthy fats, but you'll still GET fat as a result since your body will just store it all away instead of using it for fuel.

Edit: For clarity, I'm not saying high fat is bad. I get the majority of my calories from fat and protein myself. What I'm saying is that even I need to be careful with nuts, as eating a ton of macadamia nuts will shoot up my fat consumption for the day and now I need to make sure I'm eating lean meats like chicken instead of a nice steak to keep my fat ratios under control. Just because eating fats isn't considered bad on certain diets doesn't mean you don't need to be aware of the total amount of calories you're throwing into your body :p


Depends on what kind of diet you're on. Nuts in general are typically high in healthy fats (mono-unsaturated) and contain a decent amount of protein and a bit of carbs. They are generally considered one of the most complete whole foods available in nature.

The biggest problem with nuts is that they are insanely hard to portion control. If someone puts a candy dish full of peanuts in front of you, you could EASILY house the entire thing quickly. Nuts shouldn't make up the majority of the nutrition in your diet due to the high Omega-6 contents of most nuts.

Nuts are great snacks, but you need to be able to control your portions. Eating 3-4 servings of nuts in a single sitting will be a breeze for just about anyone...and you'll have spiked your fat consumption for the day likely throwing off whatever goals you're trying to set on yourself.

Something to enjoy, but not abuse.

If you're someone who is already eating a ton of carbs in your diet, you'll get the benefits of the heart healthy fats, but you'll still GET fat as a result since your body will just store it all away instead of using it for fuel.

I could swap some of the snacks I have now for nuts. I'll just portion them I guess.

Hmm, I looked up that Sobe water drink, I don't even know if it's sold in Australia. I remember trying one similar but it tasted like arse. Like someone dropped a sour orange in a bucket of water. I'd like to try that one but I might have to search for it.

Edit: They don't sell it here. Only US. Lame.
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