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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I had
2 eggs for breakfast(80 calories each and i don't normally eat breakfast)
corned beef + mixed veggies(around 600 calories)
unhealthy cookie snackx2(320 calories and 48 carbs)
unhealthy crackers(490 calories)

im guessing around 1600 with some inconsistencies here and there, but yeah i usually eat 1000 cals and i been trying to get into ketosis, i also cut out any non water drinks and grains. i already know this is a little unhealthy, but this is a crash diet of sorts(i wont start eating like shit when i reach my goal though)

1000 calories?

What the fuck?


Got a "you should really get a blood test done to check your cholesterol " talk from my mom when I came over to visit.

You should get one done, so you can put her mind to rest. Never a bad idea to check the oil, so to speak. I get one done at every opportunity.


Yeah I probably will. When I showed her my fitness pal, and she saw I took in 1330mg of cholesterol (probably from the eggs) she became concerned.


Yeah I probably will. When I showed her my fitness pal, and she saw I took in 1330mg of cholesterol (probably from the eggs) she became concerned.

Next time, don't show her! But seriously, get it checked. Better to know than not! Just be aware that the last time I went, mine was not great, and the nurse said it was basically an indicator for how you've eaten the past 3 weeks or so. And my test was right at the end of the holiday season, close to Christmas, so it was not great.


relies on auto-aim
Got a "you should really get a blood test done to check your cholesterol " talk from my mom when I came over to visit.
I got one done at an odd time.
I was doing <50g carbs a day, then went on a mostly carb diet with little meat for a week, then got tested.

Cholesterol was low.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't have a scale to weigh myself, but looking in the mirror I can tell I'm the biggest I've ever been. Last time I weighed myself I was 320. That was almost a year ago. I think I may be 350 right now.

Anyone who doesn't believe food is an addiction can be a real asshole.

Not to be an asshole, but why are you even saying this? Even if it can be an 'addiction', what are you going to do about it? Do you think that people should feel sorry for people that let themselves get addicted to things--be it smoking, drinking, or eating awful shit? Does it being an addiction and thus hard to quit make not changing your habits more justifiable?


The weigh in insanity continues!

As I said before, I was 175 on friday. Weigh myself yesterday, 179. I figured, it must have been my cheat meals on friday and saturday night.

Weigh myself this morning, 181 :lol.


Weigh yourself twice a month.

Oh yeah, update on the 5x5 for you. It had me starting with 65 pound squats. Yesterday I did 135 like it was nothing. While 135 sounds low to a lot of people, it's a big deal for me because that's what I used to squat with horrible form, and was never adding weight.


That girl in the bunny hat
As part of my effort to not hate being on low-carb, I've been trying to find old favorites I can still eat, and ones that I can have with only minor modification. And being in Rochester for half a decade, I've grown to like garbage plates.

This is a garbage plate. All carbs on the bottom, but all fat and protein on top. So I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts on what could replace the macaroni salad and home fries to make it kinda low-carb-ish? It ain't gonna be keto-worthy, but it may be something I can still have if the substitutions are right.

OG Kush

As part of my effort to not hate being on low-carb, I've been trying to find old favorites I can still eat, and ones that I can have with only minor modification. And being in Rochester for half a decade, I've grown to like garbage plates.

This is a garbage plate. All carbs on the bottom, but all fat and protein on top. So I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts on what could replace the macaroni salad and home fries to make it kinda low-carb-ish? It ain't gonna be keto-worthy, but it may be something I can still have if the substitutions are right.

hmm, maybe a salad underneath? vegatables? brocollie, a salad, some carrots, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus etc. There's nothing similar to fries and pasta.


There's nothing similar to fries and pasta.

I've been experimenting with jicama to replace fries but it's just not quite the same. I was actually coming to this thread to ask about a good pasta replacement, though :( Helped roomate make a good cajun spice blend and then do a chicken dish ... with pasta. I caved in and took a plate so now I'm trying to think of a low-carb spin to it that doesn't just nix the pasta.

Only thing that immediately comes to mind is spaghetti squash or maybe some sliced thin zucchini? Not much else I can think of :|


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I don't have a scale to weigh myself, but looking in the mirror I can tell I'm the biggest I've ever been. Last time I weighed myself I was 320. That was almost a year ago. I think I may be 350 right now.

Anyone who doesn't believe food is an addiction can be a real asshole.

It is an addiction. There was a period of time when I would go buy Totino's pizzas just because I wanted to sit and play RPGs and eating nasty ass food... and I would eat like 4-5 in a row without stopping.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I don't have a scale to weigh myself, but looking in the mirror I can tell I'm the biggest I've ever been. Last time I weighed myself I was 320. That was almost a year ago. I think I may be 350 right now.

Anyone who doesn't believe food is an addiction can be a real asshole.

I know where you're coming from, I still deal with "withdrawals" from my food addiction by indulging myself every once in a while.

Ketosis for the first couple months is very effective (as is low-carbing afterwards), but something else that's just as effective is training yourself to "demonize" all bad food in your mind. This happened for me gradually as I started watching Fat Head, Food Matters, King Korn, reading hundreds of articles on MarksDailyApple.com and Leangains.com, and just generally engulfing myself in my new way of seeing food.

Stick to what all of us preach in here and you WILL lose all the weight you want and reach any goal you have

OG Kush

Having some pretty good results with intermittant fasting. Also allows me to cheat a little a bit more, so I'm not so strict on the carbs that much anymore!
Spaghetti Squash is a healthy option to pasta. Cut one in half, scoop out the seeds. Place hollow side up on a baking pan with a lip, put some water in the pan and put in the oven @ 350 for 45 min. When time's up, shred it with a fork and it's just like pasta. Slightly different taste, but totally acceptable inplace of pasta. A Cup is about 9g Carbs and about 31 cal.

Edit: Though it's not the macaroni consistency of The Garbage Plate.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I just posted this in the P90X thread but thought I would post it here as well, because I'm kind of proud of myself for getting this far:

I'm proud of you! Photos for me provide inspiration. I'm at the end of week 2

And I have heard from the old thread about what you described in having relative similar weight but having drastic changes in physique. Fuck yea!

Thanks man! Here are some photos for comparison between Day 1 and Day 50. Sorry about the iPhone quality photos... I do have an infinitely better camera, but I didn't use it for Day 1 and Day 50.

Day 1




Stomach and back at relaxed state. There's a bit of curvature to my back that I ended up fixing through better posture, but my stomach was still that big, even if I tried to stand up straight. If I sucked my gut in, I couldn't get it as flat as the Day 50 pictures. As you can see, my biceps are puny and have no definition at all. I was flexing in these pictures. My back has no definition and there's a good amount of spillage around the shorts in the back. Just all around gross.

Day 50



Stomach is much flatter and is getting definition. Arms finally have definition and you can see my biceps now. Chest and shoulders have way more definition now. And it looks like I have actual back muscles now.

Here's what makes me laugh about the Day 50 pictures... I took them after eating lunch, so my stomach is out more than it would be when I wake up and it still looks infinitely better than it did Day 1.

For comparison, here is a picture I just took about 20 minutes ago after working out (Core Synergistics... started to make myself sick, so I had to quit in the middle of it) and one from last year, about three or four months before I started working out. I used to buy large shirts because my stomach protruded so much.


Last Year

There's no way in hell I would be caught wearing a wife beater and posting it on the internet before I started this workout. My shirts used to hang off of me like a tent.

I still have a long way to go to get the body I want. My arms are almost where I want them, but I need to lose the rest of this fat around my stomach and start getting my abs right.


Jan 3 - 257
Jan 13 - 254.4
Jan 22 - 248.8
Jan 29 - 239.2
Feb 5 - 241.4

I fell off the diet a bit this past weekend but am gonna work on getting back on track. Should have gone shopping the second I noticed I ran out of chicken :D. I'd love to be low 230's by the end of the month.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Wow! Excellent work, congrats :)

Thanks! Just a few stats:

Started at 170 lbs and I weighed in at 155.8 today, after sitting at 157 for the last couple weeks.

Started at 36 inch waist and I measured in at 31.5 inches on Day 50.

Biceps measured in at 11 inches at the start and they're now 12.9 inches.

Chest measured in at 37 inches and is at 38.8 inches now.

My goals for these are:

Weight = 150
Waist = 30 inches
Biceps = 14 inches
Chest = 40 inches


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
15 pounds in 7 weeks is impressive.

So that was doing P90X?

Yeah and a diet change, too. I think I could have lost more, but I did cheat days on Sundays (though I didn't go overboard). A few times, we had pizza because we were shooting stuff with the film crew and sometimes it was burgers and fries. I never stuffed myself, though, so that's good, but I'm thinking I might cut the cheat day out for the next 30 days and see if I can drop this remaining belly fat a little easier.

I also did cardio during rest weeks instead of Yoga or X Stretch. I did Core Synergistics on the days I had it, though, because those work me out like crazy.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Awesome job, Alfarif!

Also, Sean, you're really in your upper 170s for weight? That's...weird. Judging from your pictures, I imagined you as 140 or something. Hard to believe you're only 15-20 pounds lighter than me, haha.


A huge study composed of ALL benefits of green tea: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2855614/

Oh and this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green-tea#Research_and_health_effects

Green tea can bypass any imperfection you have and still benefit you greatly (example: green tea can offset the damage that smoking does to you):

In regards to fat loss: http://www.ergo-log.com/metastudygreentea.html

Green tea can lower your total cholesterol, increase HDL, and prevent your LDL from being oxidized, even if your diet consists mainly of sucrose (sugar):

Green tea and Omega 3: they only do everything.

Any recommendations to brands? I like regular tea with a bit of sugar, but cant stand the green tea drinks that come in soda bottles made by lipton.



This may be the best tea I have ever tasted. Bought it last night for $3 for a milk jug size container, and its better than any green tea or sweet tea Ive ever tasted. Seriously Try it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
How does it have honey with zero calories?

Either way, I prefer my green tea unsweetened. It's too bad Ito-en's American arm charges so much for bottled tea in most supermarkets.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Any recommendations to brands? I like regular tea with a bit of sugar, but cant stand the green tea drinks that come in soda bottles made by lipton.

Right now I use Newman's O Organic Green Tea. If you squeeze a whole lemon into it, you'll love the drink. I used to put Stevia in it until I tried the lemon and now I don't need any sweetener.

Stay away from those green tea bottled drinks.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Nakheyr, vali 5 saal to Tehran boodam. Baraaye kaar va dars.


*adds Domino Theoryto Friends list*

Wow, only 5 years there and you already mastered the Farsi-English typing?! No one ever recognizes me as Iranian until I tell them my name (Melad), but even then they're dumbfounded, haha.



Domino, yup, I hover in the mid to high 170s.

Maybe my pictures are deceiving. Here are a couple I took just now post workout.



As you can see, I still have a lot of progress to make.

I wish I had more pictures when I was at my biggest 9-10 years ago.


Right now I use Newman's O Organic Green Tea. If you squeeze a whole lemon into it, you'll love the drink. I used to put Stevia in it until I tried the lemon and now I don't need any sweetener.

Stay away from those green tea bottled drinks.

Why stay away from them?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Why stay away from them?

Those drinks are usually filled with sugar and the actual concentration of green tea, catechins, EGCG, etc. is FAR lower in those drinks than you could get in one cup of actual green tea.

To Sean: just took this picture (same sleeveless shirt, yeah yeah) a few moments ago for comparison (I'm 188):
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