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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Work out days. High Protein; high carb; low fat. You're getting the most your calories and carbs in the post work out window
Rest days. High Protein; low carb, moderate fat

High protein is defined by 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of body weight.

It's cyclic low carb.
Thanks. I will give it a try. Suppose I ate with a higher fat percentage? Would that change it much?

OG Kush

I would never try something like this. Especially if you're working out. You're starving your body and shocking it into losing weight. If you want quick results for a short amount of time, this is fine, but doing this for one or two months bears nothing but bad news.

He doesn't workout in his fasting days though.


He doesn't workout in his fasting days though.

That is just as dangerous. Your body needs to rest and replenish once you finish a workout. You don't build up an appetite after working out, but you still need to get something in you. Starving yourself is not the best way to lose weight. You're just stressing your body into storing more fat when you do decide to eat again.

Once you stop fasting how will you react? Binging. It's a counter-productive diet that most people will try and end up gaining weight at the end. Save yourself the agony and eat a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables as your base.
So, into 2nd day of my keto diet, still haven't got into ketosis yet (expected).

I had a question about spices? Things like red chili powder, pepper, oregano, etc? Anyone have a list of spices that are high in carbs?


So, into 2nd day of my keto diet, still haven't got into ketosis yet (expected).

I had a question about spices? Things like red chili powder, pepper, oregano, etc? Anyone have a list of spices that are high in carbs?

Spices, herbs, and seasonings don't have carbs or any other macronutrient in any significant amount whatsoever.


...hate me...
I did ADF back in 2011 for a long long time (IDK maybe 6-8 months) with amazing results and felt like a million bucks. No joke. I didn't workout though.

It changed my life and I swear by it. Nowadays I don't do it because I workout and I don't want any excuses for not giving all I got in the gym. But I try to IF, it's not always possible but I only get one large meal a day if I can.

It's purely anecdotal and I don't want to sound ridiculous but since then I don't remember even catching a common cold. Intellectually, I had my best couple of semesters ever in school.

So I just have no reason not to, hm, I wouldn't say recommend it because anecdotal is anecdotal and every person is different and health is serious business and I'm no doctor. But personally, I'd do it again and probably will sometime in the future (I mean ADF).


Finding large amounts of food, and then finding none, is pretty normal to our biological history. Its how our body evolved. We didnt evolve with a steady amount of calories every day.
Got off the wagon for a couple of months and just started back into eating right and hitting the gym everyday.

GD i forgot how bad the cravings are for the first week or so (not hunger pains, just craving sweet and salty stuff). I honestly think its way worse for people who were/are obese, its like kicking a drug habit almost. Oh well, cut a crap ton of water weight already, and the cardio isnt kicking my ass nearly as bad as i thought it would, so next week should be fine.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Plenty of people follow leangains and that is pretty much 16 hours fasts every day plus 8 hours feeding periods.

Right, but he's doing 24 hour fasts 3-4 times a week. Maybe I'm overstating it, but when it comes to 24 hour fasts I haven't heard it recommended to do it more than 1-2 times a week.

I may be overstating the possibility that it's an issue, but I can't say I would recommend someone doing that much fasting unless it was something like the Fast 5 program (which is even a bit more strict than 16/8 fasts).

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Finding large amounts of food, and then finding none, is pretty normal to our biological history. Its how our body evolved. We didnt evolve with a steady amount of calories every day.

Yep. Leangains 4 lyfe.

Speaking of, I've been thinking about doing something similar to that guy's method for quite some time.

Right now, I eat 2800-3000 calories on my workout days (protein at 3g/kg of bw) and then have ~2000 calories on rest days (alittle over a g of protein per lb). Since I'm in the home stretch for how much fat I want to lose, I was considering making my Tuesday/Thursday rest day calories around 1000 each, but keep my weekend rest days at normal caloric intake (2000).

I'm also considering this because of how my current schedule is at school. This would also be temporary since I only have like 15lbs of fat left to lose.

What do you guys think?


Anyone have any good websites that have easy and healthy recipe and meal ideas? Biggest problem I have when looking up recipes online is that so many of them require 10-15 ingredients. I'm looking for healthy, wholesome meals that are relatively easy to make.

Any ideas?
Yep. Leangains 4 lyfe.

Speaking of, I've been thinking about doing something similar to that guy's method for quite some time.

Right now, I eat 2800-3000 calories on my workout days (protein at 3g/kg of bw) and then have ~2000 calories on rest days (alittle over a g of protein per lb). Since I'm in the home stretch for how much fat I want to lose, I was considering making my Tuesday/Thursday rest day calories around 1000 each, but keep my weekend rest days at normal caloric intake (2000).

I'm also considering this because of how my current schedule is at school. This would also be temporary since I only have like 15lbs of fat left to lose.

What do you guys think?

It's a marathon not a sprint. Stick with what's working.

At 1000 calories you'd only be able to fit in 250g of protein and nothing else.


Newbie here!

I grew up fat. Ever have pie for breakfast? I did. An entire fucking pie. Over the course of a year, I lost 80 lbs. I've been at 180 for a while now but I know I can/should do more. I don't have any desire to try ketosis again. My weakness is convenience. I work full-time and go to school full-time. Cooking seems like a luxury. Anyone here in the same boat?

Edit: I'm 5"7'
I found this photo of me taken two years ago. Holy shit am I glad I don't weigh that much any more.


Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Couple things:

Interesting article by Mark Sisson on why you make bad food choices: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/8-reasons-why-you-act-against-your-own-better-judgment/#axzz1maMnIfhR

What surprised me the most is that when you have sugar cravings, you're more than likely craving fatty meat, but the signals are being misinterpreted! I'm going to eat a steak the next time I crave something sweet and see what happens.

And second, from Martin Berkhan's twitter: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22330017
Eating protein (this study did 40g of casein 30 mins before bed) before bedtime sustains AND amplifies anabolism while you sleep.
sooo first weigh in guys

i lost around 40 pounds in around a month, cool. My goal weight is 180. Just bought some bacon and Im loving how little in calories is.
Like 25 cals a slice! I ate 5 slices and a slice of ham for lunch/breakfast and it was less than 200 cals,unbelievable.
Im hoping once I hit below 200 my moobs'll be gone.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
sooo first weigh in guys

i lost around 40 pounds in around a month, cool. My goal weight is 180. Just bought some bacon and Im loving how little in calories is.

Im hoping once I hit below 200 my moobs'll be gone.

Jesus...I hate to say it man, but if you're losing weight that fast it's going to pretty much be impossible to escape loose-skin...and if you're not working out on top of that you're not really going to have the shape you want under it all.

Losing 40 pounds in a month is a crazy achievement. But it's crazy in a way that is both scary and impressive.
Jesus...I hate to say it man, but if you're losing weight that fast it's going to pretty much be impossible to escape loose-skin...and if you're not working out on top of that you're not really going to have the shape you want under it all.

Losing 40 pounds in a month is a crazy achievement. But it's crazy in a way that is both scary and impressive.
:( i've been doing a little lifting but + was hoping my height would kinda make up for it since the fat isn't really convcentrated in one area and. I'm 6'3. :(((()


not to mention how the body adjusts to such a low caloric intake. once you go back to eating a 'normal' amount you're going to have even more problems


sooo first weigh in guys

i lost around 40 pounds in around a month, cool. My goal weight is 180. Just bought some bacon and Im loving how little in calories is.
Like 25 cals a slice! I ate 5 slices and a slice of ham for lunch/breakfast and it was less than 200 cals,unbelievable.
Im hoping once I hit below 200 my moobs'll be gone.

I don't think I lost near half that much in a month with IF and ~1000 calorie days. What in the ...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
not to mention how the body adjusts to such a low caloric intake. once you go back to eating a 'normal' amount you're going to have even more problems

Don't go back?

Mysticwhip, as long as you're feeling good, keep it up. Then again, I'm sure I don't need more motivation after having lost 45 pounds in one month. That's completely unreal.


Right, but he's doing 24 hour fasts 3-4 times a week. Maybe I'm overstating it, but when it comes to 24 hour fasts I haven't heard it recommended to do it more than 1-2 times a week.

I may be overstating the possibility that it's an issue, but I can't say I would recommend someone doing that much fasting unless it was something like the Fast 5 program (which is even a bit more strict than 16/8 fasts).

I fasted everyday for almost 2 months, I lost around 8lbs while still keeping my normal menu and I gained a lot of strength in that time period. While it might not seem like a lot of weight loss, everyone that saw me said I looked bigger even though my waist was getting smaller and smaller.

The only drawback was that I found myself getting colds more frequently than normal, outside of that once you get passed the first week it becomes really easy. I would go 18-22hours without food, and gorge myself right after I hit the weights. I'll probably try it again in March...
im not planning to go back to how I used to eat, I am eating healthily and when im at my goal weight I still plan on eating healthily, just a little more. im just worried about the loose skin thing, so far I don't really see it being too bad but you never can tell.

edit:thanks Zefah, and rubx, I think im gonna start lifting more now.


man, I cleared out my CVS of all the Sobe Lifewater Zero over the past 10 days with their 5 for 5 dollars promo. They had a good selection of flavors, I liked almost all of them. They had:

Strawberry Kiwi Lemonade [my favorite]
Black and Blue Berry
Black Cherry Dragonfruit
Strawberry Dragonfruit
Macintosh Apple Cherry [least favorite, not a fan at all]
Apple Fuji Pear [second least favorite, it's decent though]
Acai Fruit Punch
Yumberry Pomegranate

Overall they're really good and highly recommended if you want a sweet drink without sugar or anything artificial [they're sweetened with Erythritol and Stevia]. A much cleaner, more natural taste than Vitamin Water Zero.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
With that low of a caloric intake, you're losing more lean muscle mass than you are fat mass which is going to keep your moobs (or make them even saggier).

The vast majority of the time, people deal with loose skin when they lose weight too fast, which in turn means they lost more muscle mass than fat mass.
With that low of a caloric intake, you're losing more lean muscle mass than you are fat mass which is going to keep your moobs (or make them even saggier).

The vast majority of the time, people deal with loose skin when they lose weight too fast, which in turn means they lost more muscle mass than fat mass.
so i should be lifting more, right?

edit: my moobs have been noticeably shrinking though.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
so i should be lifting more, right?

I'd say keep your protein intake high (100g minimum, 150g better) and make sure you eat some fat for energy. 600 calories from protein would still give you room for fat. Your weight loss will slow as you put on muscle, but it's a more healthy path.

You don't need to add a ton of calories to your diet, but you do need to eat your protein and work out if you want to develop into the right shape and get healthy!
I'd say keep your protein intake high (100g minimum, 150g better) and make sure you eat some fat for energy. 600 calories from protein would still give you room for fat. Your weight loss will slow as you put on muscle, but it's a more healthy path.

You don't need to add a ton of calories to your diet, but you do need to eat your protein and work out if you want to develop into the right shape and get healthy!
well i only eat meat and veggies, so more protein shouldn't be a problem.


so i should be lifting more, right?

edit: my moobs have been noticeably shrinking though.

Get started on exercise. Losing the weight is the first step, and you will be so glad you did it, but after that you want to begin to reshape your body, and not have to worry about getting fat (easily) again if you have a good, consistent weight training routine.


Making some good strength gains.





Utterly fantastic. How much time between those two? It doesn't always sink in how much musculature helps a person look better too.

The vast majority of the time, people deal with loose skin when they lose weight too fast, which in turn means they lost more muscle mass than fat mass.

That's not even a little bit true. Loose skin is just helped by maintaining or gaining muscle, if someone has loose skin it doesn't mean they lost more muscle than fat.

But like others have said you don't want to lose muscle mass. See above pic, that can be you! A little loose skin on that after pic won't look too bad if bad at all.


Thanks guys!

The original was actually taken in October (I think) but I didn't look too much different before I started Strong Lifts 5x5 6 weeks ago. I was actually getting frustrated I wasn't making any progress and posted up I was about to do some out of control isolation program and Cuevas set me straight with SL.

My fiancé had been telling me I look more muscular, but I figured she was being nice. It's good to see photo evidence. I think it's most obvious in my shoulders and arms. It's also kind of funny how the shirt now looks shorter on me :p

I'll post another picture after finishing week 12.
I don't know where I read it but it was something to the affect of

"if you want to look good, lose weight. If you want to look good naked, lose weight and lift weights."


So I'm basically following Bulletproof IF of a morning coffee, 6 hours of eating, and then nothing until the next day. I can't actually physically eat 6 hours a day so I'm basically just one mealing it with maybe a small snack (greek yogurt with a few almonds and berries is the go to one, though it's been awhile since I've needed it). Not exactly sure how to aim for 100g+ of protein.

For instance, I just had dinner which was a ~7oz ribeye, 2-3 spears of asparagus, 1-2 white button mushrooms, 2 strips of bacon, and 1/4th of a medium sized onion. I'm completely stuffed and I doubt I'll eat anything again until tomorrow. My usual dinner is about half that size on the protein. That's basically the daily meal plan with the swap to fish or chicken as I feel like switching; 1-2 eggs added to the meal if I'm craving one. Cooking wise is a 1-1.5 tbsp of butter or olive oil depending on the cooking prep.

Not really sure if anything is necessarily "wrong" per se since it's probably the healthiest I've eaten, least amount of food I've eaten, and haven't really been hungry throughout the day. Just more-or-less basically wondering for my own sake on things to be tweaked. That or I'm much closer to 100g protein than I thought (figured closer to 50g than 100g).
So I'm basically following Bulletproof IF of a morning coffee, 6 hours of eating, and then nothing until the next day. I can't actually physically eat 6 hours a day so I'm basically just one mealing it with maybe a small snack (greek yogurt with a few almonds and berries is the go to one, though it's been awhile since I've needed it). Not exactly sure how to aim for 100g+ of protein.

For instance, I just had dinner which was a ~7oz ribeye, 2-3 spears of asparagus, 1-2 white button mushrooms, 2 strips of bacon, and 1/4th of a medium sized onion. I'm completely stuffed and I doubt I'll eat anything again until tomorrow. My usual dinner is about half that size on the protein. That's basically the daily meal plan with the swap to fish or chicken as I feel like switching; 1-2 eggs added to the meal if I'm craving one. Cooking wise is a 1-1.5 tbsp of butter or olive oil depending on the cooking prep.

Not really sure if anything is necessarily "wrong" per se since it's probably the healthiest I've eaten, least amount of food I've eaten, and haven't really been hungry throughout the day. Just more-or-less basically wondering for my own sake on things to be tweaked. That or I'm much closer to 100g protein than I thought (figured closer to 50g than 100g).

You doing the butter coffee? It's great. I put some coconut oil in, instead of MCT oil, because that's what Whole Foods had. It tastes good with a little Splenda.

I'm going to go hard core with the IF next week, after these stupid all day classes end. I can't get out to eat enough during the eating window this week.

Any good workout programs that just use machines? I'm not a fan of barbells, and have no spotters.


It's hard to look at old pictures now, isn't it? I hate seeing myself at my biggest several years ago.

I love it, its like a huge victory for me. When I see pictures of myself I think, dude what the fuck were you thinking. But then I get happy when I see myself now.


You doing the butter coffee? It's great. I put some coconut oil in, instead of MCT oil, because that's what Whole Foods had. It tastes good with a little Splenda.

I'm going to go hard core with the IF next week, after these stupid all day classes end. I can't get out to eat enough during the eating window this week.

Yeah, with the butter (though, not as much as he suggests) and also coconut oil since it's what I have on-hand. I like my coffee straight normally so it's kind of weird to have not black coffee.

And I'm more-or-less the same issue on the eating window since I'm at work until ~5. So I typically get home and eat around 6 PM and then I'm just never hungry by the time I go to sleep.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
You can but butter tends to burn easily. I use ghee when I don't want my food tasting like coconut.

You can use ghee to fry meat just as you would coconut oil? I managed to find ghee made from pastured cows at whole Foods. Hoping to up my CLA intake with it.
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