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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Hows that sobe water stuff?
amazing. CVS has them on sale this week, 5 for 5 dollars. I got 10 of them. They taste so much better than Vitamin Water Zero.

I love all types of nuts [and seeds]. Since I generally stick to whole foods I don't have to worry too much about over eating them. Hazelnuts and Macadamia Nuts are great sources of monounsaturated fats, Almonds are also good [and cheap]. I love Pistachio's, one of my favorite foods period, and they're smaller than most nuts so you get to eat a decent amount. Walnuts [not pictured] I use in salads. If I really need to portion control or need something on the go, I eat one of the pre-packaged Almond packs [green bags in the back corner]. Pecans are also good :]

I should say that's not everything I eat of course, just what I keep next to me.


Ok I see, what would you say is a good calorie count for a guy my size currently? Remember I'm 384lbs so I'm a pretty big guy lol. I don't know how I would fare on less than 2000calories. But I am defiantly willing to give it a shot!

As far as my meal plan goes, with the exception of the calories, is it a proper keto meal plan? I have been really trying to put together a good meal plan to work off of.

Dude what kind of bacon is this? Usually the bacon I get is 80 cal for 2 slices or if I get thick cut, it is 110 cals for 2 slices.

4 slices bacon- 460. 4. 42. 14



That post is pretty spot on in my regards to a low carb diet. It's just calorie reduction and water loss that contributes to accelerated weight loss alongside proper eating and exercise. I've been following this way of eating for years now and will no longer deny myself rice and potatoes or even the occasional treat. I will however, continue to keep grains, legumes,vegetable oils, and most sugars out of my meal plan.

Feels pretty awesome to cook up bacon and do a stir fry with the fat and rice while not worrying about any consequences.


Yep, and it sucks. I have never had a headache this terrible before.

I used to get it. Though I am always low carb now so it doesn't happen anymore. But I found I got them less when I made sure that I drank about 2 times the water I normally did for that first 2 weeks. Never got them again. Not sure if it flushed the wastes faster that build up during the first 2 weeks of Keto or if the heavy change to protein was causing dehydration.

I just got my results back from the doctor for my checkup and got my labs back for blood tests. I have to have my liver and kidneys checked for a family illness.

Spot on tests once again! So stoked.
Low carb for over a decade now and its been wonderful. Funny that I still worry about getting back up to my pre low carb days. 299 at my heaviest. Man. I will never be that again. Training begins this week for a marathon as well. I think I am going to do amazingly well.


Diet Info Snip

Seems like your calories are right at the level to which your losses will be very slow. Try alternating days with 1 day taking in a couple hundred less and alternate days taking in the same amount as listed and see what occurs. Don't drop it a ton but you may want to go down just 200-300.


You hit keto at 27 carbs? Are you sure you don't have hidden carbs in that diet? Remember the fiber fallacy. Don't get caught up in the lies that fiber will NOT be counted as a carb. Especially in the first weeks as they can be and it depends on each persons body and how sensitive they are.

Also I have to hit 20 straight carbs for almost 2 weeks to get into keto and can stay in it at 32. Again straight carbs no bullshit fiber stuff. I don't handle sugars well anyway so this works for me but it can be hard for others.
If you were truly in keto you should be losing. I was at 299 and dropped to 20 straight carbs and was losing way too much. You can also feel better and feel like you are in keto without being in it. I was taking in way more calories than you, around 2400-32 a day and was still losing. Are you physically moving around at all during the day? Maybe you need some more exercise to get the Keto going?

For as long as I have been doing this the number 1 reason I have seen for lack of lose is hidden carbs somewhere in the diet.

Secret carbs is what I am thinking.



That post is pretty spot on in my regards to a low carb diet. It's just calorie reduction and water loss that contributes to accelerated weight loss alongside proper eating and exercise. I've been following this way of eating for years now and will no longer deny myself rice and potatoes or even the occasional treat. I will however, continue to keep grains, legumes,vegetable oils, and most sugars out of my meal plan.

Feels pretty awesome to cook up bacon and do a stir fry with the fat and rice while not worrying about any consequences.

If he has a point or not is hard to get to with how much of a raging asshole he comes off as.


I never did get those free quest bars tht I signed up for. Anybody else have this issue?
the free samples take a long time to get, better off just buying a single bar or sample pack. you could post on their facebook and ask about your order, they seem to have good customer service.

The QB are harder not to eat than the nuts, they're so friggin good. I can't wait till I run out so I can buy more, new flavors.


Hows that sobe water stuff?

Not bad they taste like quarter water, but minus all the sugar:

Quarter water...


relies on auto-aim
I keep a mini-fridge next to my PC, right next to me. How it's changed over the years

What I keep on top
FYI the QuestBars just use a loophole to bill 'sugar fiber' as 'fiber'. You can look up the ingredient they use. Also a group of diabetics tried them and it shot all of their levels up. FWIW
I never did get those free quest bars tht I signed up for. Anybody else have this issue?
I got them. Not bad. But considering they have sugar in them they shouldn't taste bad.


I've tested myself, my blood sugar didn't spike at all. A lot of diabetics eat them with the same results, you can check on various forums and FB pages with people posting their results.


I passed 10kg/22lbs lost the other day. First milestone. The lightest I've been in a looong time. I'm thinking of starting a kick boxing class that's just near me to add some extra exercise.


relies on auto-aim
I've tested myself, my blood sugar didn't spike at all. A lot of diabetics eat them with the same results, you can check on various forums and FB pages with people posting their results.
Ok good deal, as long as you know how it affects you. Just wanted some extra info out there.


Seems like your calories are right at the level to which your losses will be very slow. Try alternating days with 1 day taking in a couple hundred less and alternate days taking in the same amount as listed and see what occurs. Don't drop it a ton but you may want to go down just 200-300.


You hit keto at 27 carbs? Are you sure you don't have hidden carbs in that diet? Remember the fiber fallacy. Don't get caught up in the lies that fiber will NOT be counted as a carb. Especially in the first weeks as they can be and it depends on each persons body and how sensitive they are.

Also I have to hit 20 straight carbs for almost 2 weeks to get into keto and can stay in it at 32. Again straight carbs no bullshit fiber stuff. I don't handle sugars well anyway so this works for me but it can be hard for others.
If you were truly in keto you should be losing. I was at 299 and dropped to 20 straight carbs and was losing way too much. You can also feel better and feel like you are in keto without being in it. I was taking in way more calories than you, around 2400-32 a day and was still losing. Are you physically moving around at all during the day? Maybe you need some more exercise to get the Keto going?

For as long as I have been doing this the number 1 reason I have seen for lack of lose is hidden carbs somewhere in the diet.

Secret carbs is what I am thinking.

That was a meal plan that I posted randomly, I have been doing keto for 6 weeks now. And when I first began I was super strick. I did not have any carbs whatsoever. Only recently I have incorporated some green veggies into my diet. I ketostix almost every day (sometimes twice) and it always shows im in keto, although some days lower than others (but I heard that is a non issue)

But yeas you are right, right now I am pretty much living like a sloth, I rarely leave the house and get 0 exercise. This is gonna be my next step, go for walks and start weight training. Hopefully this kicks it into gear. And yeah I'm going to comb over my last weeks worth of meals and see where and what I can eliminate to get fewer cals, but don't make a drastic drop in overall cals. Thanks for you input. All this help and advice is great and is keeping me motivated...I will overcome this, I will win....keep up with the advice guys, I love it :)
So, officially starting keto today.

Lunch was:
4 cups Salad (HT Bag + Cucumber) + 2 tbsp Ranch dressing
1 Fried Egg in butter
1 Chicken Sausage (which I didn't even eat all of)

I am full...what can I say

I realized that the Harris Teeter salad bags use Iceberg Lettuce, so I will have to switch to making homemade salad, so that plus Cucumber put me at Net 13 carbs already. Dinner will have to be steak, eggs, cheese and stuff.

It sucks that I don't like Broccoli or Cauliflower. I might need to get into eating Spinach more.

Are nuts really that good? For some reason I always thought of them as not that great.

My biggest issue with Nuts is always Portion Control. If I buy a box, I finish the box that day :(

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Regarding nuts, I keep a bucket of whole raw almonds I get from my local market and eat a dozen or so along with most meals.


I feel odd for doing what's probably sub-1000 calories a day :| Typically just eat dinner which is a 4-5oz protein and then assorted vegetable sides. Maybe I should eat more...

Well, I do have around two cups of bulletproof coffee in the morning.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Take it easy on the almonds. They pack a ton of calories, and can stall fat loss if you consume too many.

They've worked out for me. Down 80 pounds since this time last year.


They've worked out for me. Down 80 pounds since this time last year.

I eat them and love them too. But look at the amount of cals they have. Not that I buy the whole calories in/ calories out nonsense, but you can quickly add on a thousand calories easily with them.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I eat them and love them too. But look at the amount of cals they have. Not that I buy the whole calories in/ calories out nonsense, but you can quickly add on a thousand calories easily with them.

All about portion control with nuts. I'm personally a bit hard to control around foods, so if someone plants a bowl of nuts in front of me I'm likely to hose the entire thing, despite everything I know.

Unfortunately internal willpower isn't the strongest despite all my weight loss. My biggest weapon against myself is literally removing temptation from my house. I can control myself out in the real world without a problem...but for some reason when it's in my own house I have the self control of a teenage kid who found his first playboy magazine.


FYI the QuestBars just use a loophole to bill 'sugar fiber' as 'fiber'. You can look up the ingredient they use. Also a group of diabetics tried them and it shot all of their levels up. FWIW

I got them. Not bad. But considering they have sugar in them they shouldn't taste bad.

Ya they spiked all of my lifting group pretty hard. We stay the hell away from them. As with the fiber bullshit, it effects some and not others and it depends on how much. Basically what I am saying is there is too much gray area to trust them if watching carbs or sugar.


That was a meal plan that I posted randomly, I have been doing keto for 6 weeks now. And when I first began I was super strick. I did not have any carbs whatsoever. Only recently I have incorporated some green veggies into my diet. I ketostix almost every day (sometimes twice) and it always shows im in keto, although some days lower than others (but I heard that is a non issue)

But yeas you are right, right now I am pretty much living like a sloth, I rarely leave the house and get 0 exercise. This is gonna be my next step, go for walks and start weight training. Hopefully this kicks it into gear. And yeah I'm going to comb over my last weeks worth of meals and see where and what I can eliminate to get fewer cals, but don't make a drastic drop in overall cals. Thanks for you input. All this help and advice is great and is keeping me motivated...I will overcome this, I will win....keep up with the advice guys, I love it :)

There are some good bits and articles about exercise and its impact on keto and the actual structure of the diet and how it works. Basically some walking should put you over the edge if you don't have a good number of hidden carbs in there somewhere. I don't think calories is as big of a deal as hidden carbs and a bit of exercise to stoke your fire. Besides exercise should be done even if not attempting to lose. Its just good health.



That post is pretty spot on in my regards to a low carb diet. It's just calorie reduction and water loss that contributes to accelerated weight loss alongside proper eating and exercise. I've been following this way of eating for years now and will no longer deny myself rice and potatoes or even the occasional treat. I will however, continue to keep grains, legumes,vegetable oils, and most sugars out of my meal plan.

Feels pretty awesome to cook up bacon and do a stir fry with the fat and rice while not worrying about any consequences.

A more in depth view.

This guy knows his stuff.


That girl in the bunny hat
Does low-carbing, yet not going into keto, still mean you'll lose fat? I'm talking about like 50-70grams a day.

That's what I've been doing, and... I kinda doubt I had much muscle to lose, and the weight had to have come from somewhere. :)


Are there any pre packaged bags of boneless skinless chicken breasts that aren't terrible? Or do I have to stop being lazy and just buy a bunch in bulk and freeze them myself?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Just saw that guy's "how to lose weight fast" video.

Fat metabolism IS preferred by your body over carbohydrate metabolism. When you go into a ketogenic/low-carb diet, your brain lowers its demand for glucose as fuel (similar to companies balancing their budget in order to do the same with less money).

And when there comes a time when your brain needs glucose? It converts ketones into glucose. Boom.

He's also "not a fan of fasting for any reasons" when fasting is a survival and life-prolonging mehanic that's built into human biology and has been in practice for millions of years.


Ya they spiked all of my lifting group pretty hard. We stay the hell away from them. As with the fiber bullshit, it effects some and not others and it depends on how much. Basically what I am saying is there is too much gray area to trust them if watching carbs or sugar.
I think it's important to remember that everyone's body is different and will react different depending on what they eat. Some people are naturally more sensitive to carbs and must account for all of them, including fiber. It's always best to test yourself so you can see for sure how it effects you.

Does low-carbing, yet not going into keto, still mean you'll lose fat? I'm talking about like 50-70grams a day.
Of course. I've always considered Ketosis more of a tool than a permanent diet because of how restrictive it is. I would recommend it for people severely obese or unhealthy, or if you're trying to break a plateau. Not saying it can't be a permanent diet of course. The liver alone can store about 100-120 grams of glucose, than you have all your muscles. The body is definitely capable of handling 50-70 grams per day without much problem. That's about how much I ate, and still eat a day. I like to eat fruit and starchy veggies like carrots, I couldn't imagine cutting that stuff out. I say it's more important where the carbs are coming from than how much you consume, to a certain extend of course.

Are there any pre packaged bags of boneless skinless chicken breasts that aren't terrible? Or do I have to stop being lazy and just buy a bunch in bulk and freeze them myself?
If you're super lazy and have a Trader Joe's near you, they have a "Heat & Serve" line of different types of chicken. 12oz for $5.50 or so, they're fully cooked and can be eaten right out of the package or you can heat them up. I had some today actually, threw some chunks in my salad for lunch. Really though, there are plenty of frozen options in any super market, just get the cheapest ones.


I had brussel sprouts tonight with my dinner, never had them before. Mixed them up with broccoli and left over turkey in a bowl, melted butter over it all, grated parmigiana cheese to top it off. What's strange is that they taste different if you cut them in half or leave them full. They tasted much better whole.


16 weeks in and I'm down 32.5 kilos.
Still maintaining a decent pace but I'm finding that my motivation and energy levels are sinking.
The diet part is still fine, as it's a matter of NOT eating something, but the exercise part has gone down the drain. I haven't run for a couple of weeks now.

I'm just coasting on autopilot.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
16 weeks in and I'm down 32.5 kilos.
Still maintaining a decent pace but I'm finding that my motivation and energy levels are sinking.
The diet part is still fine, as it's a matter of NOT eating something, but the exercise part has gone down the drain. I haven't run for a couple of weeks now.

I'm just coasting on autopilot.

I know what you mean about the exercise part! I never exercised much in the first place and still managed to drop 80 pounds over the last year, but I did get out a lot more before winter hit. It's just too damn cold for me to do much outside. Oh well, it's no big deal. There will be plenty of time to be active this summer!


Just saw that guy's "how to lose weight fast" video.

Fat metabolism IS preferred by your body over carbohydrate metabolism. When you go into a ketogenic/low-carb diet, your brain lowers its demand for glucose as fuel (similar to companies balancing their budget in order to do the same with less money).

And when there comes a time when your brain needs glucose? It converts ketones into glucose. Boom.
I'm not sure how that indicates a preference. Glycogen supply is running out so your body switches to an alternate fuel.

He's also "not a fan of fasting for any reasons" when fasting is a survival and life-prolonging mehanic that's built into human biology and has been in practice for millions of years.
Ask him about it I guess. I'm not that interested in fasting.

Dude's got some meat on him for professing all that knowledge about eating well and losing weight fast...
Didn't watch it did you?
Well guys, I'm officially giving up on intermittent fasting.

For whatever reason, it's just not working for me. I've had no problem adhering to it - in fact, I was surprised by how easily I took to it - but I've been doing it for two months and not seen any real results from it.

I still like it in concept, and clearly it works really well for certain people. But for some reason, my body just isn't responding to it.

OG Kush

Well guys, I'm officially giving up on intermittent fasting.

For whatever reason, it's just not working for me. I've had no problem adhering to it - in fact, I was surprised by how easily I took to it - but I've been doing it for two months and not seen any real results from it.

I still like it in concept, and clearly it works really well for certain people. But for some reason, my body just isn't responding to it.

Have you tried 24 hour fasts?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Well guys, I'm officially giving up on intermittent fasting.

For whatever reason, it's just not working for me. I've had no problem adhering to it - in fact, I was surprised by how easily I took to it - but I've been doing it for two months and not seen any real results from it.

I still like it in concept, and clearly it works really well for certain people. But for some reason, my body just isn't responding to it.

Out of curiosity could you describe your diet and fasting length/pattern?


I know what you mean about the exercise part! I never exercised much in the first place and still managed to drop 80 pounds over the last year, but I did get out a lot more before winter hit. It's just too damn cold for me to do much outside. Oh well, it's no big deal. There will be plenty of time to be active this summer!

I'm kinda hoping that by summer that I would be fit and healthy enough to some more strenuous activity. But hey there's still time till summer, and thankfully today I managed to do a short circuit around the block (it's a start).
Have you tried 24 hour fasts?

Out of curiosity could you describe your diet and fasting length/pattern?

Typically, it goes like this:

Day 1:
-Last meal at around 7 p.m.; go to bed at 11

Day 2:
-Wake up at 6:30, do a brisk (but not extreme) cardio workout
-Go to work
-Come back at work at 5, do about 60-90 minutes of strength training
-Protein shake (made with milk) immediately after workout
-About an hour after that, consume my primary meal (romaine/spinach salad with cucumbers, broccoli, shredded Cabot cheddar; oven roasted chicken breast wrapped in a few of slices of bacon)
-Go to bed at 11

I've typically done this routine about 3-4 times per week, as my schedule allows. I'm satiated and my workouts are fine, but my weight loss and BF% loss have plateaued completely. Both had been decreasing steadily before switching to this routine.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Typically, it goes like this:

Day 1:
-Last meal at around 7 p.m.; go to bed at 11

Day 2:
-Wake up at 6:30, do a brisk (but not extreme) cardio workout
-Go to work
-Come back at work at 5, do about 60-90 minutes of strength training
-Protein shake (made with milk) immediately after workout
-About an hour after that, consume my primary meal (romaine/spinach salad with cucumbers, broccoli, shredded Cabot cheddar; oven roasted chicken breast wrapped in a few of slices of bacon)
-Go to bed at 11

I've typically done this routine about 3-4 times per week, as my schedule allows. I'm satiated and my workouts are fine, but my weight loss and BF% loss have plateaued completely. Both had been decreasing steadily before switching to this routine.

Hmm... nothing in there seems offensive, but I can't say I'd recommend doing two forms of exercise while fasted. On top of that you seem like you're trying to bulk and cut at the same time? A protein shake made with milk is going to be a pretty intense meal depending on what kind of shake you use...and is typically something I see people trying to bulk with.

Honestly it seems like your doing all the right stuff...aside from the double exercise while fasted and the milk with the protein shake, there's nothing in there that seems that out of whack to me.

What is your current BF%? Are you already in the 8-10% range or are you looking to break in?

Also, are you really fasting 3-4 times a week? That sounds like way way too often to me. You're pretty much calorie restricting vs. fasting if that's the case. I haven't seen anyone recommend more than 1-2 times a week personally.
Also, are you really fasting 3-4 times a week? That sounds like way way too often to me. You're pretty much calorie restricting vs. fasting if that's the case. I haven't seen anyone recommend more than 1-2 times a week personally.

Honestly, this could possibly be the biggest culprit. I've definitely been concerned that perhaps I am doing it too frequently.

My problem is that I'm a creature of habit, and I very much like sticking to a consistent daily routine. I'll do IF one day, think to myself, "Oh, this went well," and then do it again the next day. You're right; I'm probably better off cutting it down to about 2 a week.

As for the protein shake/milk thing, I use ON Gold Standard, which isn't super rich or super high in carbs or calories. With 8 oz. of milk, it comes out to about 14 carbs and about 250 calories, with about 31 grams of protein.


I have to ask, why is health food so incredibly unhealthy? Like NOTHING in the health food area is any good. Some little bar is like worse than a Big Mac. A medium sized tub of "healthy life" fruit and nuts has like 160g of carbs, 80g of fat. What?! That's insane. Some dried apricot? More sugar than a can of coke.


Also, are you really fasting 3-4 times a week? That sounds like way way too often to me. You're pretty much calorie restricting vs. fasting if that's the case. I haven't seen anyone recommend more than 1-2 times a week personally.

Is it? I basically do it every day a week just due to the way my schedule lines up. Coffee in the morning, nothing until I get off work, eat a small dinner, and then repeat. At the very least I can change it for weekends if it's a must but, honestly, I haven't actually felt the need to eat before ~5-6 PM most days anyway.


I have to ask, why is health food so incredibly unhealthy? Like NOTHING in the health food area is any good. Some little bar is like worse than a Big Mac. A medium sized tub of "healthy life" fruit and nuts has like 160g of carbs, 80g of fat. What?! That's insane. Some dried apricot? More sugar than a can of coke.

Well, not everything is healthy because it's in the "health food" section, as you said. However, just because something is equal in calories to a can of coke or a Big Mac doesn't mean that they're interchangable. Fruit and veggies have some benefits that a can of Coke doesn't have. Coke doesn't really have any benefits, it's just HFCS and artificial flavors. Whereas the fruit has fiber and vitamins.
I have to ask, why is health food so incredibly unhealthy? Like NOTHING in the health food area is any good. Some little bar is like worse than a Big Mac. A medium sized tub of "healthy life" fruit and nuts has like 160g of carbs, 80g of fat. What?! That's insane. Some dried apricot? More sugar than a can of coke.

Most groceries tend to stick anything "natural" or "organic" into the health food aisle, since people naively believe that these labels automatically mean "healthy."

OG Kush

^ Yep. I do it it nearly everyday. This guy did 24 hour fasts 3 times a week (coupled with exercise 3 times a week) and got pretty great results in 2 months:
Pictures in the link.
His routine:
My cutting plan was extreme bro-science to the fullest.

I fasted every other day eating nothing and drinking water, coffee, and diet soda.

I didn't follow the plan perfectly, i drank a lot on the weekends but other that I did.


Bench 225- 265
Squat 225- 270 (ATG don't hate partial squatters)
Dead 315- 380

Workout program was basically rippetoes with chin ups every workout day

my back is better than my front lat's being strong point but I don't have back pics.

anyway before and after.... not great but good for 2 months


^ Yep. I do it it nearly everyday. This guy did 24 hour fasts 3 times a week (coupled with exercise 3 times a week) and got pretty great results in 2 months:
Pictures in the link.
His routine:

I would never try something like this. Especially if you're working out. You're starving your body and shocking it into losing weight. If you want quick results for a short amount of time, this is fine, but doing this for one or two months bears nothing but bad news.
I'm looking into Leangains, but the site isn't clear about diet. What macros, etc is he recommending? Can I just do a Primal or Low Carb diet in those 8 hours of eating?


I'm looking into Leangains, but the site isn't clear about diet. What macros, etc is he recommending? Can I just do a Primal or Low Carb diet in those 8 hours of eating?

Work out days. High Protein; high carb; low fat. You're getting the most your calories and carbs in the post work out window
Rest days. High Protein; low carb, moderate fat

High protein is defined by 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of body weight.

It's cyclic low carb.
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