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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I just posted this in the P90X thread but thought I would post it here as well, because I'm kind of proud of myself for getting this far:

Awesome work. I'll post some pictures after I hopefully have some significant progress to show in a couple weeks. I'm nearing the end of my 2nd week of Insanity while watching what I eat. Watched Fat Head last night and I'm starting to think I need to redo my goals on MyFitnessPal to incorporate less carbs and more protein.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I'm having a pretty harsh moment of weakness right now. My resolve has never been stronger, but I swear to christ that my body is outright trying to fight losing this fucking stomach.

I'm 178 pounds as of this morning and 6'1", having gotten down to 174.7 at one point a couple weeks ago my body just is kicking and screaming to stay above 175.

I'm eating right. 1500-2000 calories a day of absolutely nothing but clean foods...in the right nutrient profiles and portions. I workout at least 2 times a week formally and play tennis at least twice a week for few hours and sprint one day a week.

My body doesn't want to lose anymore weight. But I have this stomach that just laughs at me everytime I look in the mirror and it's driving me nuts.

I think I'm going to go the opposite route. I'm going to start bulking muscle to fill out my body instead. Probably going to ditch Primal Fitness for Strong Lifts 5x5...so I'll need to get a squat rack and an olympic barbell set.

...I'll be damned if I'm in the best shape of my life and I still have this stomach on me. It's infuriating.

Really sorry for all the shit I just posted, but man am I getting angry. This isn't a plateau...I've been through tons of those. This is my body just straight up refusing to get lower.


I'm having a pretty harsh moment of weakness right now. My resolve has never been stronger, but I swear to christ that my body is outright trying to fight losing this fucking stomach.

I'm 178 pounds as of this morning and 6'1", having gotten down to 174.7 at one point a couple weeks ago my body just is kicking and screaming to stay above 175.

I'm eating right. 1500-2000 calories a day of absolutely nothing but clean foods...in the right nutrient profiles and portions. I workout at least 2 times a week formally and play tennis at least twice a week for few hours and sprint one day a week.

My body doesn't want to lose anymore weight. But I have this stomach that just laughs at me everytime I look in the mirror and it's driving me nuts.

I think I'm going to go the opposite route. I'm going to start bulking muscle to fill out my body instead. Probably going to ditch Primal Fitness for Strong Lifts 5x5...so I'll need to get a squat rack and an olympic barbell set.

...I'll be damned if I'm in the best shape of my life and I still have this stomach on me. It's infuriating.

Really sorry for all the shit I just posted, but man am I getting angry. This isn't a plateau...I've been through tons of those. This is my body just straight up refusing to get lower.

We must carry weight differently, because I'm 6'1" and 208. I'm still trying to lose the stomach, but my goal is just to get sub-190. I don't think I'll look good below that. I'm not saying I'm there yet, but I can tell my abs are there, I just need to lose the layer of fat over them. Which of course is the last thing to go. My resolve is pretty good, but my birthday being today and a birthday cake later, and then a big meal on Sunday along with another cake means that I'm going to be off my diet some.

What you describe in the spoiler as it not being a plateau sounds like that's exactly what it is. I wonder if you just need to change your routine or diet some to kickstart your body. It may have adjusted to what you're doing and just adapted to it.
Dont have any photo's but just to say 2yrs ago i went from 306lbs to my current weight of 178lbs.

Strict 1000cals a day and 3 long walks of 6 miles each, a week...damn hard work, no other way to describe it, much tougher mentally than it was physically, getting over those cravings in the first 2 or 3 weeks was just plain awful..:((

All in all it took 11mths, since then i've managed to remain a stable 175-190lbs , weigh myself on the 1st of every month and adjust my food intake to keep myself steady.

Cant say i've completely lost all my bad habits though, i have a real addiction to premium, full fat, full on Ice Cream topped with crushed chocolate and cookies..:))

Once or twice a month i'll indulge the craving, but thats my limit these days, prior to the weight loss that sort of 'treat' would have been 3 or 4 times a week...2-3000 cals a time..(yikes!!) and thats on top of all the other crap i was eating.

Food really is an addiction just as powerful as drugs,alcohol and nicotene, trouble is you can live without those others, but you cant live without food, so temptation is always there, everyday of the year.

Who knows if i'll keep the weight off for the rest of my life, but i've had a taste of a 'normal' life now, being able to walk down the road in town without feeling as everyone is laughing at you is a revelation, being anonymous is wonderful, and i dont want to go back to that feeling of 'sticking out' ever again.

Best of luck to all of you currently trying to lose weight...the end result is worth it.


I'm having a pretty harsh moment of weakness right now. My resolve has never been stronger, but I swear to christ that my body is outright trying to fight losing this fucking stomach.

I'm 178 pounds as of this morning and 6'1", having gotten down to 174.7 at one point a couple weeks ago my body just is kicking and screaming to stay above 175.

I'm eating right. 1500-2000 calories a day of absolutely nothing but clean foods...in the right nutrient profiles and portions. I workout at least 2 times a week formally and play tennis at least twice a week for few hours and sprint one day a week.

My body doesn't want to lose anymore weight. But I have this stomach that just laughs at me everytime I look in the mirror and it's driving me nuts.

I think I'm going to go the opposite route. I'm going to start bulking muscle to fill out my body instead. Probably going to ditch Primal Fitness for Strong Lifts 5x5...so I'll need to get a squat rack and an olympic barbell set.

...I'll be damned if I'm in the best shape of my life and I still have this stomach on me. It's infuriating.

Really sorry for all the shit I just posted, but man am I getting angry. This isn't a plateau...I've been through tons of those. This is my body just straight up refusing to get lower.

We've all been there, no apologies needed.

Maybe the 5x5 is just what you need to jolt your body into something new. It really is an awesome program. The only one I'm having trouble with is the overhead press, but I think I read that maxes first (I'm finishing week 5 tomorrow).

You have the PDF, right?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
We've all been there, no apologies needed.

Maybe the 5x5 is just what you need to jolt your body into something new. It really is an awesome program. The only one I'm having trouble with is the overhead press, but I think I read that maxes first (I'm finishing week 5 tomorrow).

You have the PDF, right?

Yep, have the PDF from the site so I'd be all set to start that program. It'd just be something like a $1000 investment to get all the equipment together so I can actually do it, though...which I'm not exactly falling in love with.


I'm having a pretty harsh moment of weakness right now. My resolve has never been stronger, but I swear to christ that my body is outright trying to fight losing this fucking stomach.

I'm 178 pounds as of this morning and 6'1", having gotten down to 174.7 at one point a couple weeks ago my body just is kicking and screaming to stay above 175.

I'm eating right. 1500-2000 calories a day of absolutely nothing but clean foods...in the right nutrient profiles and portions. I workout at least 2 times a week formally and play tennis at least twice a week for few hours and sprint one day a week.

My body doesn't want to lose anymore weight. But I have this stomach that just laughs at me everytime I look in the mirror and it's driving me nuts.

I think I'm going to go the opposite route. I'm going to start bulking muscle to fill out my body instead. Probably going to ditch Primal Fitness for Strong Lifts 5x5...so I'll need to get a squat rack and an olympic barbell set.

...I'll be damned if I'm in the best shape of my life and I still have this stomach on me. It's infuriating.

Really sorry for all the shit I just posted, but man am I getting angry. This isn't a plateau...I've been through tons of those. This is my body just straight up refusing to get lower.

You should try swimming or bicycling.

My good friend was in a very similar situation. He had plateaued at 193 for more than 2 weeks. He was about to give up, when I got him on an extra bicycle I had. He lost weight almost instantly. Swimming and bicycling are very unique forms of activity IMO. They simulate muscles that you didn't even know existed. And the cardio is amazing.

The other benefit is that, they are both EXTREMELY fun. I still remember the first real ride I went on a year ago. Went with 2 friends on a 120km ride. My longest ride at that point had been 50km. Yes I was wrecked by the end of it, but I had the biggest smile on my face. Nothing quite like it. Definitely recommend it. Maybe your body just needs something different, as you said.

If you can't be bothered with a bicycle, go swimming. My friend can eat a chocolate cake deep fried in butter, and not gain a gram. Why? Because he swims. He hasa body chiselled like a God. He has never lifted a single weight. He just jumps in the pool and laughs throughout and swims like a maniac.


Yep, have the PDF from the site so I'd be all set to start that program. It'd just be something like a $1000 investment to get all the equipment together so I can actually do it, though...which I'm not exactly falling in love with.

Is joining a gym in the cards? You could get almost 5 years for 1000.00.
Yep, have the PDF from the site so I'd be all set to start that program. It'd just be something like a $1000 investment to get all the equipment together so I can actually do it, though...which I'm not exactly falling in love with.

I found an Olympic weight set on Craigslist for $275...includes a squat rack and everything. So you might want to look there.

Thinking about switching to the 5x5 thing....where can I get the PDF for it?


Those drinks are usually filled with sugar and the actual concentration of green tea, catechins, EGCG, etc. is FAR lower in those drinks than you could get in one cup of actual green tea.
I've been riding strong with 2-4 cups of green tea every day this year. I used to drink it like this off and on, but I've been far more consistent this year. The health benefits of green tea just seem to go on and on... just a cursory glance at the research reviews at ergo-log.com reveal some pretty nifty effects.

To Sean: just took this picture (same sleeveless shirt, yeah yeah) a few moments ago for comparison (I'm 188):
I can see why people have no idea that you are Iranian until you tell them otherwise!

But I have to ask, what's the green tea you drink from Iran and where do you get it from?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
How much Green tea drinking a day is considered effective? 3 or 4 or more cups?

I'd stick to 2-4 like Mj. Anything above that and you might start harming yourself because the researchers in that first link I provided say that too much green tea can be detrimental.

I've been riding strong with 2-4 cups of green tea every day this year. I used to drink it like this off and on, but I've been far more consistent this year. The health benefits of green tea just seem to go on and on... just a cursory glance at the research reviews at ergo-log.com reveal some pretty nifty effects.

I can see why people have no idea that you are Iranian until you tell them otherwise!

But I have to ask, what's the green tea you drink from Iran and where do you get it from?

That's Kraftwerk that gets his green tea from Iran, not me. :p I'm sticking with Newman's Own Organic Green Tea at the moment.

Also, is swimming/biking really that beneficial to getting into that shredded state? I can't see how I could fit those activities into my routine since every off day is pretty much spent recovering from my workout day.


Also, is swimming/biking really that beneficial to getting into that shredded state? I can't see how I could fit those activities into my routine since every off day is pretty much spent recovering from my workout day.

You have to be careful with swimming. Being in the cold water all the time makes it easy to overeat so your body has more padding on it.
Dont have any photo's but just to say 2yrs ago i went from 306lbs to my current weight of 178lbs.

Strict 1000cals a day and 3 long walks of 6 miles each, a week...damn hard work, no other way to describe it, much tougher mentally than it was physically, getting over those cravings in the first 2 or 3 weeks was just plain awful..:((

All in all it took 11mths, since then i've managed to remain a stable 175-190lbs , weigh myself on the 1st of every month and adjust my food intake to keep myself steady.

Cant say i've completely lost all my bad habits though, i have a real addiction to premium, full fat, full on Ice Cream topped with crushed chocolate and cookies..:))

Once or twice a month i'll indulge the craving, but thats my limit these days, prior to the weight loss that sort of 'treat' would have been 3 or 4 times a week...2-3000 cals a time..(yikes!!) and thats on top of all the other crap i was eating.

Food really is an addiction just as powerful as drugs,alcohol and nicotene, trouble is you can live without those others, but you cant live without food, so temptation is always there, everyday of the year.

Who knows if i'll keep the weight off for the rest of my life, but i've had a taste of a 'normal' life now, being able to walk down the road in town without feeling as everyone is laughing at you is a revelation, being anonymous is wonderful, and i dont want to go back to that feeling of 'sticking out' ever again.

Best of luck to all of you currently trying to lose weight...the end result is worth it.

Congrats on the weight loss.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Awesome work. I'll post some pictures after I hopefully have some significant progress to show in a couple weeks. I'm nearing the end of my 2nd week of Insanity while watching what I eat. Watched Fat Head last night and I'm starting to think I need to redo my goals on MyFitnessPal to incorporate less carbs and more protein.

I get the majority of my carbs from fruits and vegetables at this point, so they're not overally bad carbs, even if MyFitnessPal says they're the same amount (35%) as the protein I take in.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Weight loss is frustrating indeed. It's been 5 weeks now eating better and doing P90X2 and I've lost about 7-8 pounds. Might be putting on a bit of muscle and do see my tire getting a bit smaller but results seem slow coming. Maybe looking at my before shot will help lol.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Weight loss is frustrating indeed. It's been 5 weeks now eating better and doing P90X2 and I've lost about 7-8 pounds. Might be putting on a bit of muscle and do see my tire getting a bit smaller but results seem slow coming. Maybe looking at my before shot will help lol.

Haha, it does.

Is this your first time doing anything weight loss related?



To me, moobs have to be cupable, which on a guy means saggy. So your nipples would either be off to the side or angled down.


So I think I found the perfect snack substitute, and its a vegetable. I really dont have any cravings for chips or snacks after eating it.

Pickles. And/or thin slices of cucumbers drizzled with vinegar and little bit of salt and pepper.

From what Ive read this should be a pretty healthy(maybe theres too much salt?)


Weight loss is frustrating indeed. It's been 5 weeks now eating better and doing P90X2 and I've lost about 7-8 pounds. Might be putting on a bit of muscle and do see my tire getting a bit smaller but results seem slow coming. Maybe looking at my before shot will help lol.

my brother did p90x and the results picked up a lot more in the second half. im guessing it's because of the way the diet plan works. not sure if p90x2 works the same but i would imagine so.


Gold Member
ugggh... not a great weighting today. I've been with my personal trainer now 2.5 weeks, 2 sessions with him a week (Mon = Cirquit Train, Fri = Sparring) and doing 1-2 cardio myself a week (spinning, interval row). I've been pretty stable at around 2000kcal a day, a couple hundred more on a couple of drinking nights.

All I've lost since our first weighting is 1.2kg, out of some 20-30kg I want to shed. I was hoping one of those Biggest Loser weightings where they drop in 3-5kg increments every few weeks.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
what have you been eating/doing? sounds like a lot, I wish I had.

it varies.

1 glass (200-250 gramms) of buckwheat mixed with 100 gramms of butter (salt), 2 green apples, about 300-350 gramms of pork or 2 chicken legs. + about 10 lumps of sugar for tea and coffee during the day.

No exercises.


Gold Member
it varies.

1 glass (200-250 gramms) of buckwheat mixed with 100 gramms of butter (salt), 2 green apples, about 300-350 gramms of pork or 2 chicken legs. + about 10 lumps of sugar for tea and coffee during the day.

No exercises.

well now that sounds bizarre, what an unusual diet. I can't quite figure out where the rapid weight loss is exactly coming from other than lower calorie intake, since there's a quite a bit of carbs in the diet (fast carbs as well), and fat too. Possibly quite a lot of the weight loss is water, you'll be able to tell in another 2 weeks because there is only so much water to lose.

By the looks of it, the diet you are on must feel much harder than it would need, because a third of your 2000cal energy budget is already eaten up by the butter.

Just to give you perspective, that 750cal going to butter could give you all the below

- 2 large eggs = 148cal
- 1 bowl of all bran and semi-skimmed milk = 166cal
- 1 banana = 100cal
- 4 slices of parma ham = 150cal
- 3 Babybel mini cheeses = 180cal

TOTAL 744 cal

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Haha, it does.

Is this your first time doing anything weight loss related?

No, did P90X a bit over a year ago and lost 20 pounds (down to 208). I am at 213 or so now, but want to get to 195 or so.

Losing a pound a week (if any at all) is frustrating when you want to lose a good amount. :p

Maybe I'm not eating right though.

my brother did p90x and the results picked up a lot more in the second half. im guessing it's because of the way the diet plan works. not sure if p90x2 works the same but i would imagine so.

I'm not actually following the P90X2 nutrition plan. I hate doing those. I am just eating healthier all around and keeping carb intake lower.


Is a strength training program like Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength etc a good idea while doing LCHF? Been doing it for a week or so now and I'm really liking it, doing some cardio or long walks on my off days. Mostly looking to add some muscle while still losing weight.

Also should I be eating more carbs on workout days, or do a cheat day once a week with carbs so I have the carbs for the workouts the rest of the week, or should I just keep trucking with my usual diet (usually I'm under/around 30g carbs/day).

Did my first cheat last weekend where I had a pizza on saturday and a ribeye and a fair amount of bourbon for the superbowl, and it took a couple days for the weight loss to kick in again.

Edit: Also, celery and organic peanut butter, y/n?


Question: does that picture of me make me look like I have moobs or a real man chest? :p

I ask myself the same question every day.... Extra large t-shirts are now very loose around my midsection, but larges are uncomfortably snug around my chest. I haven't made my decision yet.

ugggh... not a great weighting today. I've been with my personal trainer now 2.5 weeks, 2 sessions with him a week (Mon = Cirquit Train, Fri = Sparring) and doing 1-2 cardio myself a week (spinning, interval row). I've been pretty stable at around 2000kcal a day, a couple hundred more on a couple of drinking nights.

All I've lost since our first weighting is 1.2kg, out of some 20-30kg I want to shed. I was hoping one of those Biggest Loser weightings where they drop in 3-5kg increments every few weeks.

2 lbs a week is great. Its a great pace to be able to make a large change in a relatively short time and be healthy about it. Would you really be upset if it took you a year to lose 100 lbs?

Is a strength training program like Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength etc a good idea while doing LCHF? Been doing it for a week or so now and I'm really liking it, doing some cardio or long walks on my off days. Mostly looking to add some muscle while still losing weight.

Also should I be eating more carbs on workout days, or do a cheat day once a week with carbs so I have the carbs for the workouts the rest of the week, or should I just keep trucking with my usual diet (usually I'm under/around 30g carbs/day).

Did my first cheat last weekend where I had a pizza on saturday and a ribeye and a fair amount of bourbon for the superbowl, and it took a couple days for the weight loss to kick in again.

Edit: Also, celery and organic peanut butter, y/n?

Big compound lifts are always a good idea. I'm not sure about adding carbs on workout days specifically because the only macro I counted was protein, but it is usually suggested to have protein and a bit of high GI carbs immediately following a workout because your body is primed to build muscle then.

And celery and organic peanut butter is a definite definitely.


And celery and organic peanut butter is a definite definitely.
Alright, it was just that the only organic peanut butter i can find (that is basically just ground up peanuts and salt) is 16g carbs/100g, but then again I don't eat 100g of it. I also remember seeing somewhere that peanuts might be bad.

Started drinking a couple cups of (organic) green tea each day, usually squeeze a small wedge of lemon in it as well. Though I will never give up my coffee with heavy (40% fat) cream, with the green tea I have cut back from 3-4 cups of coffee/day to about 2.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
well now that sounds bizarre, what an unusual diet. I can't quite figure out where the rapid weight loss is exactly coming from other than lower calorie intake, since there's a quite a bit of carbs in the diet (fast carbs as well), and fat too.

You are right, it's not a diet in a classical sense, I just don't go above maximum calorie usage.

Before that (per day):
-1 pizza
-3 Coca Cola or Dr.Pepper 0,33
-2 bars of Ritter Sport chocolate
-500 grams of cheese
-about 2-3 slices of bread with butter
-various stuff like bananas, rice, oranges, various meat but in large quantities like 5 banans, 10 oranges, a big bowl of rice and so on.

That is average. I could eat two pizzas in one day or 1 pizza in 2 days.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Can you pan fry meat, pork chops, eggs, etc., with butter? I've been using coconut oil this whole time, but I'm considering making the switch to pastured butter so I can up my CLA intake.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
You certainly can use it with eggs since your heat shouldn't be especially high. Meat and poultry require it to be too high for butter to be useful; some fish works well cooked in butter.


Ughh, I was in the best shape I had been in for years up until around last August or so. Then over the course of the next five months I steadily put on ~25 lbs. A combination of regular business travel (i.e. 20 oz ribeyes, fried food, ribs, buffalo wings, desserts, beer/liquor, and portion sizes much larger than necessary expensed to the company each week I was on the road) combined with a lack of exercise did me in.

Finally got myself back in the gym today (I have been back eating healthy for about the past week), which was the hardest part of turning around this negative momentum I've been on. Usually once I get a little positive momentum going, I have no problem keeping it going. But getting your ass back in the gym after months of sloth and excess always ends up being a tough first step mentally.

I am definitely disappointed I let myself put this kinda weight back on, but I am also confident I can lose it because I know I have the tools and knowledge to do so.

My goal is to drop this 25 lbs by June.


From January 6, 2012 to today.

I was at 204lbs, now at 195lbs

I've lost an inch on my waist, and there's a slight less pudginess in my face. It hasn't been until the last two weeks where I've really felt like I was progressing with everything. You can really notice that I had muscle before, but I was a little flabby. Now I'm starting to look a little more toned. This has really made me excited about the next few months and what I'll look like by my trip to Ireland.


I am still a work in progress. I dropped from 101kg middle of last year to 79kg now. Lost a bunch of weight in an accidental (read break up) way through walking my dogs about 15km a day, and cutting down alcohol. At the start of the year decided to do P90X.

I've been doing about 12 - 15km of walks a day, P90X while running LeanGains IF and a mostly low / slow carb diet, but have been adding in sweet potato and oats more recently.

Currently at day 44. Loving the extra energy, and for the most part can't wait to do each exercise (although Yoga is still pretty tough for me. Still quite inflexible.)

I'm having a pretty harsh moment of weakness right now. My resolve has never been stronger, but I swear to christ that my body is outright trying to fight losing this fucking stomach.

I'm 178 pounds as of this morning and 6'1", having gotten down to 174.7 at one point a couple weeks ago my body just is kicking and screaming to stay above 175.

I'm eating right. 1500-2000 calories a day of absolutely nothing but clean foods...in the right nutrient profiles and portions. I workout at least 2 times a week formally and play tennis at least twice a week for few hours and sprint one day a week.

My body doesn't want to lose anymore weight. But I have this stomach that just laughs at me everytime I look in the mirror and it's driving me nuts.

I think I'm going to go the opposite route. I'm going to start bulking muscle to fill out my body instead. Probably going to ditch Primal Fitness for Strong Lifts 5x5...so I'll need to get a squat rack and an olympic barbell set.

...I'll be damned if I'm in the best shape of my life and I still have this stomach on me. It's infuriating.

Really sorry for all the shit I just posted, but man am I getting angry. This isn't a plateau...I've been through tons of those. This is my body just straight up refusing to get lower.
Oh dear, you sound just like me. Im trying everything I can to get to 160, but my body simply won't budge beyond 176 (Im 5' 6"). I ran the treadmill for an hour daily for a whole month but gained 2 pounds since I had to feed my hunger. My 'metabolic rate' did shit. So I stopped the treadmill, reduced intake to 1500 cals a day, 4 cups of green tea and Ive dropped 2 pounds to 176. And thats exactly where its been for weeks. Im on the verge of giving up.


Oh dear, you sound just like me. Im trying everything I can to get to 160, but my body simply won't budge beyond 176 (Im 5' 6"). I ran the treadmill for an hour daily for a whole month but gained 2 pounds since I had to feed my hunger. My 'metabolic rate' did shit. So I stopped the treadmill, reduced intake to 1500 cals a day, 4 cups of green tea and Ive dropped 2 pounds to 176. And thats exactly where its been for weeks. Im on the verge of giving up.

Did you try fasting? Seems to help in such situations.
Also..it might be good idea to try low-intensity excercises instead of running.
I know it's sometimes hard to find an hour or two a day just to walk, but you can incorporate it into everyday activities. For example, I watch a lot of tv shows and anime. Now I never watch them while sitting down. Instead I watch them while walking in one place at home.

I just wish I could write while standing up, but it seems to completely slaughter my concentration :(


I am still a work in progress. I dropped from 101kg middle of last year to 79kg now. Lost a bunch of weight in an accidental (read break up) way through walking my dogs about 15km a day, and cutting down alcohol. At the start of the year decided to do P90X.

I've been doing about 12 - 15km of walks a day, P90X while running LeanGains IF and a mostly low / slow carb diet, but have been adding in sweet potato and oats more recently.

Currently at day 44. Loving the extra energy, and for the most part can't wait to do each exercise (although Yoga is still pretty tough for me. Still quite inflexible.)

That's after 1 month? Shiiit. I gotta get on P90X.
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