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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Might as well put this up here while I am at it;


On the left is 2008, on the right is 2012.

The rundown is a little more than a year ago I started personal training with a group of mates. No special diet, just 1x PT 1hr session, 1x free weights 1hr session & 1x 4km run a week is all I did plus increase my water intake from nothing to maybe a litre a day. I am only now just starting to listen to my body hunger wise and trying not to eat when I am hungry and break the breakfast, lunch, dinner cycle and once again increase my water in take to something similar to what you are meant to drink (3 litres?)

OG Kush

You doing the butter coffee? It's great. I put some coconut oil in, instead of MCT oil, because that's what Whole Foods had. It tastes good with a little Splenda.

I'm going to go hard core with the IF next week, after these stupid all day classes end. I can't get out to eat enough during the eating window this week.

Any good workout programs that just use machines? I'm not a fan of barbells, and have no spotters.

Stay away from machines. Just go to the fitness thread and ask there if you want any more reason why. Not good for form, doesn't work stabilizer muscles. Why do you need a spottters for biceps curls aswell?
And for bench press just do a bit lighter weight.
just did some lifting, feel like shit lol.

As for breakfast, had some bacon and a slice of cheese. I drank some tea as well.

Soggy/soft bacon>>crispy bacon


Thought i would give an update on my progress...

Today is day 26 on the keto/low carb diet. I started this diet weighing 210.8 lbs and today when i weighed my self the scale read 196 lbs. Pretty happy about the results thus far. I have been kicked out of ketosis once for 1 day because i ate korean bbq pork ribs/chops and found out they marinade them in sugar, no wonder i felt like shit after eating it lol. I find it really funny that i have no cravings what so EVER for carb heavy foods such as rice, pasta, bread and hell even pizza. I do really miss having more variety in my diet, and its not to say that keto in general lacks variety, more so the food i eat on my keto diet is very generic. I know RubxQub sent me that link to marksdailyapple.com which has quite a lot of recipes but i just can't make the time to learn, assemble and try out new recipes at my leisure sadly because of school/work/family/hobbies. Maybe i will learn one on the 3 day weekend.

I think i will be starting to take pictures of my self every 2-3 days now because despite the scale telling me i have lost weight, and the fact that i am also able to see it in the mirror, it feels slow and is quite discouraging. However, i understand that any change i physically see needs to be taken into the account of the brain adjusting and being accustomed to seeing the changes happen as opposed to a before and after shot which will ideally be more comforting and uplifting. I plan to stick to this diet for 3 more months and see where it gets me. I am hoping that 165-175 lbs would be an ideal weight for my 179cm height. So roughly 20-30 more pounds to go.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread!


just did some lifting, feel like shit lol.

As for breakfast, had some bacon and a slice of cheese. I drank some tea as well.

Soggy/soft bacon>>crispy bacon

Dude dont lift eating really low cal, you will injure yourself. Bump up your calories so your body can repair your muscle tissue. Also you are gonna feel sore the first few times, you are using muscles you haven't used in a long time. Most people who dont work out start to rely on certain muscles in daily routines and dont use others.

You may notice your weight loss slow down while lifting, this isnt a bad thing, you are reshaping your body. Its just a vital to getting the look you want as dieting. You dont want to be "skinny fat"
Well ketostix have been showing trace to moderate amount of ketones for the past 3 days...which would mean I am in ketosis.

No keto flu though and considering how heavy I am I thought it would have taken me more days to enter ketosis.

Tried out Masala Tea with Almond Milk today and was dissapointed :(

Anyone on keto take fiber supplements?


I weighed about 97.5KG (214.5lbs) in July 2011, below photo a few weeks before:


Since then I have been following a max energy intake (1400-1600 kcal per day).
I started working out two months back (five times a week, eat 1800 kcal on strength days):


I now weigh 74KG (162.8lbs).
great results man.

Dude dont lift eating really low cal, you will injure yourself. Bump up your calories so your body can repair your muscle tissue. Also you are gonna feel sore the first few times, you are using muscles you haven't used in a long time. Most people who dont work out start to rely on certain muscles in daily routines and dont use others.

You may notice your weight loss slow down while lifting, this isnt a bad thing, you are reshaping your body. Its just a vital to getting the look you want as dieting. You dont want to be "skinny fat"
thanks dude, I don't mind not losing weight on the scale as long as my body looks better.

also, I want to thank cuevas for that quote he posted, it was something along the lines "if you want to look good, lose weight but if you wanna look good naked, lose weight and exercise" it really has me changing the way I think.


I've heard kickboxing is a great way to get fit and there's a boxing club right near me that started a kickboxing class. The thing is while I've lost like 10kg/22lbs I'm still 110kg/240lbs(I'm 6 foot as well). Would I be too unfit to do kickboxing training? I mean, for a guy that weight I'd say I'm in alright shape.


Gold Member
Incredible job DXPett, true inspiration. How much before/after if you don't mind me asking? I'm starting pretty much at your Before pic.

I'm now 4th week into PT. I do 2 sessions with PT a week (Mon circuit train, Fri boxing and core), plus 2 cardio a week myself (row, spin). My energy intake is 2000cal on any given day.

I have lost so far 3.5kg off in first 4 weeks. Slightly slower than I'd gather, my calorie deficit should be up to 10K week according to my math so should be more than a kg a week , but I suppose some muscle is building and if I stick to this it will get me the 20-30kg off I need.
jesus christ, i woke up this morning and my arms hurt like hell. I can't extend/relax them with them hurting.
i don't think I can lift anything today.


Oxyelite Pro is super powerful stuff. Suppresses appetite and helps you lose weight. Since starting last Tuesday I'm down 6 pounds from 244 to 238.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
What complex carbs do some of you guys use?

At the moment I can only think of rice and "less" processed potatoes.

I'm not "dieting" or "cutting" I'm just eating better, but with the way my wife eats I end up getting too much "easy" carbs in my dinners.

Looking to permanently fix that shit.


Gold Member
Oxyelite Pro is super powerful stuff. Suppresses appetite and helps you lose weight. Since starting last Tuesday I'm down 6 pounds from 244 to 238.

It truly is, creating a calorie deficit of 21000 calories in 6 days when your basic metabolism is likely to be 18000 calories in the same 6 days provided you are pretty active...
What complex carbs do some of you guys use?

At the moment I can only think of rice and "less" processed potatoes.

I'm not "dieting" or "cutting" I'm just eating better, but with the way my wife eats I end up getting too much "easy" carbs in my dinners.

Looking to permanently fix that shit.

If you are healthy there is no reason to cut out complex carbs completely. Rice and Bread are NOT bad for you. In fact there are large parts of the world where these carbs are the main parts of the meal. If it is not excessive, rice, bread, potatoes are all fine.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If you are healthy there is no reason to cut out complex carbs completely. Rice and Bread are NOT bad for you. In fact there are large parts of the world where these carbs are the main parts of the meal. If it is not excessive, rice, bread, potatoes are all fine.

I've got about 15-20lbs at least I could ditch.

I'm not looking to cut out complex carbs, I know they are fine in moderation. I'm looking for a good list of good complex carbs. I'm trying to replace the shit my wife has in the house that is refined starches.
I've got about 15-20lbs at least I could ditch.

I'm not looking to cut out complex carbs, I know they are fine in moderation. I'm looking for a good list of good complex carbs. I'm trying to replace the shit my wife has in the house that is refined starches.

White rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and squash are my mainstays.

Sometimes I'll mess with some buckwheat, too.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
White rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and squash are my mainstays.

Sometimes I'll mess with some buckwheat, too.

I'll have to look into sweet potatoes, they are non existent in my diet. My wife hates squash, so even though I love it, that's out.

How do you prepare sweet potatoes? Cut them up and bake them?
I'll have to look into sweet potatoes, they are non existent in my diet. My wife hates squash, so even though I love it, that's out.

How do you prepare sweet potatoes? Cut them up and bake them?

If I have time, I'll wrap them in foil and pop em in the oven at 400 F for about an hour. When they're soft and squeezable, they're done. Eat plain or add some butter or coconut oil.

Lately, though, I've been peeling and slicing them into discs, placing them on a dish, and microwaving for about six minutes. Really easy and if you cook them a bit longer, they'll turn into chips.

Check out an Asian supermarket, if you've got one nearby. They have loads of different sweet potato varieties. Japanese white and Okinawan purple are my favorites.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If I have time, I'll wrap them in foil and pop em in the oven at 400 F for about an hour. When they're soft and squeezable, they're done. Eat plain or add some butter or coconut oil.

Lately, though, I've been peeling and slicing them into discs, placing them on a dish, and microwaving for about six minutes. Really easy and if you cook them a bit longer, they'll turn into chips.

Check out an Asian supermarket, if you've got one nearby. They have loads of different sweet potato varieties. Japanese white and Okinawan purple are my favorites.

Thanks I'll do that. We actually have a family friend owned Korean market near by, so I'll check that out!


Took Oxyelite pro for about 8 days before I threw them away, They are deffinatley not for me I couldn't handle the side effects, My anxiety levels were off the charts, My heart felt like it was racing and the cotton mouth was horrible.

I felt like I was ok when I was training they deffinately gave me a little boost too but when I wasn't moving I felt serious nausea.

They obviously work great for some people but I didn't like them at all and will never use another usplabs product again.


Took Oxyelite pro for about 8 days before I threw them away, They are deffinatley not for me I couldn't handle the side effects, My anxiety levels were off the charts, My heart felt like it was racing and the cotton mouth was horrible.

I felt like I was ok when I was training they deffinately gave me a little boost too but when I wasn't moving I felt serious nausea.

They obviously work great for some people but I didn't like them at all and will never use another usplabs product again.

I am not experiencing any of those side effects, but I've heard they can be quite nasty. Sorry that you wasted money, they can be pricey if not on sale.


all good things
Anyone got any tips to make stretch marks less noticeable? I have bio oil and cocoa butter but they seem to be taking forever to make them fade at all.

Is there anything better?


If you are healthy there is no reason to cut out complex carbs completely. Rice and Bread are NOT bad for you. In fact there are large parts of the world where these carbs are the main parts of the meal. If it is not excessive, rice, bread, potatoes are all fine.
Rice and potatoes are good anyway.



Carbohydrate Facts
Total Carbs: 41 g
Fiber: -5 g
Protected Carbs: -31 g

Digestible Carbs*: 5 g

Q: Why do you say that Dreamfields Pasta only has 5 grams of digestible carbs when the nutrition label states that it has 41 grams of carbohydrates?

A: While the total number of carbohydrates is the same as traditional pasta, our patent-pending formula and unique manufacturing process protects all but 5 grams of carbohydrates from being digested. The Dreamfields fiber and protein blend creates a protective barrier to reduce starch digestion in the small intestine. The unabsorbed, or protected carbohydrates then pass to the colon where they are fermented, providing the same health benefits as fiber.

huh? what type of magic is this?


I think I'll go out on a limb here and just call bullshit marketing ploy.

There is some truth to what they say in that it can be useful for diabetics. Some people do not have blood sugar spikes after eating it, some do.

I think for dieting and staying low carb though, it's bullshit.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I was reading Mark Sisson's 21 Day Total Body Transformation book yesterday and came across an interesting discussion on fish consumption.

Basically, there's 15x more selenium in a can of [wild-caught] tuna/salmon than mercury and because selenium is one of the ultimate anti-oxidants & is mercury's kryptonite, regularly eating wild-caught fish can actually LOWER the mercury (and other contaminant) content in your blood.

Mother nature, man. She knows her shit!
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