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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

The kind of magic I am not willing to try on keto!

I was reading Mark Sisson's 21 Day Total Body Transformation book yesterday and came across an interesting discussion on fish consumption.

Basically, there's 15x more selenium in a can of [wild-caught] tuna/salmon than mercury and because selenium is one of the ultimate anti-oxidants & is mercury's kryptonite, regularly eating wild-caught fish can actually LOWER the mercury (and other contaminant) content in your blood.

Mother nature, man. She knows her shit!

Fish...really healthy for you. I wish I liked fish more.


I was reading Mark Sisson's 21 Day Total Body Transformation book yesterday and came across an interesting discussion on fish consumption.

Basically, there's 15x more selenium in a can of [wild-caught] tuna/salmon than mercury and because selenium is one of the ultimate anti-oxidants & is mercury's kryptonite, regularly eating wild-caught fish can actually LOWER the mercury (and other contaminant) content in your blood.

Mother nature, man. She knows her shit!

One of the reasons I'm really happy that A) I enjoy fish tremendously and B) I have a source for wild-caught fish. Oddly, I can't seem to find a local source of grass-fed beef in goddamn Texas.


One of the reasons I'm really happy that A) I enjoy fish tremendously and B) I have a source for wild-caught fish. Oddly, I can't seem to find a local source of grass-fed beef in goddamn Texas.

Austin has plenty :D

one thing i hate about lifting is that it's so fucking boring, yo.

I've seen Zoe talking about group exercises and that seems way more motivating than what I'm doing. No gym in my area unfortunately so it's not really an option. I'm gonna stick with the lifting so if any body has some fucking insane blood pumping workout playlist, it would be appreciated.


one thing i hate about lifting is that it's so fucking boring, yo.

I've seen Zoe talking about group exercises and that seems way more motivating than what I'm doing. No gym in my area unfortunately so it's not really an option. I'm gonna stick with the lifting so if any body has some fucking insane blood pumping workout playlist, it would be appreciated.

Do you have a YMCA near you? Sometimes they do them. Boot camps also offer similar experiences.

Yoga classes are good too.
one thing i hate about lifting is that it's so fucking boring, yo.

I've seen Zoe talking about group exercises and that seems way more motivating than what I'm doing. No gym in my area unfortunately so it's not really an option. I'm gonna stick with the lifting so if any body has some fucking insane blood pumping workout playlist, it would be appreciated.
I listen to podcasts while lifting. Just make sure it's not funny. Could be dangerous!
So I had my first Fish Oil liquigel today. Well, the gel was freaking huge so I squeezed the oil out of it and just drank that...and right now I can feel the aftertaste.

I will have to go to the Pharmacy and find a liquid supplement. I have a big fear of swallowing big gel capsules.
1st week on keto came in at -8 pounds. Will continue and hope to get good progress over the next couple of weeks.

Currently, thinking of starting weight/strength training after this week (2 weeks into keto). Thinking body would have adjusted by then to low carb.

Do have travel this week, will have to be extra careful with carb intake during that.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Decided to punch my planned diet for the day into a tracker just for kicks to see what it says.

Bulletproof Coffee (just started trying this...the effect on me is actually really strong and I'm trying to figure out why)
4 eggs

Super Salad (tons of chicken, spinach leaves, carrots, cucumbers, shredded cheese, real bacon bits, broccoli, Walden Farms Honey Mustard dressing (good ingredients, next to no nutritional impact)).

Dinner: Monster Milk protein shake (post work-out recovery)

Final stats are:
- 1573 calories total
- 81g of fat (47% of calories)
- 39g of carbs (10% of calories)
- 165g of protein (43% of calories)

That looks about perfect to my biased eyes. Obviously the carbs in the protein shake aren't the cleanest, but they're meant to help replenish glycogen stores post work-out so the fast absorption by the muscles should hopefully make the impact to my diet negligible. If I swap out the Monster Milk for my usual chicken and broccoli, I trade some carbs for added protein and a little more fat...but basically the same balance applies.

Probably going to keep on this way for the foreseeable future as I continue to work down my stomach. It looks like I started pushing through this weight plateau that frustrated me so much a bit ago and got the scale to show 174.1 this morning. I could have gotten it to show 172.x I'm almost certain but I ate after playing tennis last night instead of starting a fast. Either way, my body looks like it's changing in the right way...just the stubborn stomach fat is doing it's job well...being super stubborn.

Hopefully another round of P90X (in week 2 now...the wife is doing it with me this time!) + this diet is enough to continue pushing the bodyfat percentage scales in my favor.

I fast twice a week as well for 24 hours. Tuesday night into Wednesday morning and Thursday night into Friday morning.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I had my first Fish Oil liquigel today. Well, the gel was freaking huge so I squeezed the oil out of it and just drank that...and right now I can feel the aftertaste.

I will have to go to the Pharmacy and find a liquid supplement. I have a big fear of swallowing big gel capsules.

I was the same. Get the adult gummy vitamins. They taste fantastic.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν

are you eating enough? That's only 3 meals?

I'm going to assume I'm eating enough because my body isn't craving food all over the place inbetween meals. Breakfast and lunch are only 4 hours apart, but the length from lunch to dinner is much longer (closer to 7 hours) but my lunch is also my biggest meal of the day so it tides me over.

I may grab a handful of nuts here or there as a snack, but for the most part this is my base diet (shake swapped for meat + veggies for dinner on non-resistence workout days).

Have been going strong for 10 months now and don't see any sign of slowing down or weakness!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Started pricing gym memberships today. Admittedly reluctant. I am so clueless in the gym and have no friends to go with.

My hope is that I've gotten my weight down to the point where the results will be evident in less time, so that will motivate me.

You may want to look into something more like P90X or a Cross-Fit membership than just a gym membership. Having something to guide you through the activities that is designed to hit your whole body seems like a much better investment than going to the gym and just trying stuff out.

Obviously you can design and research your own routines (or pick some up in the fitness thread), but I wouldn't get a gym membership with the hopes of just "doing stuff" and making a big impact.

...of course you may already know all of this and I'm just reading too much into your reply!


Started pricing gym memberships today. Admittedly reluctant. I am so clueless in the gym and have no friends to go with.

My hope is that I've gotten my weight down to the point where the results will be evident in less time, so that will motivate me.

How much do you have to lose? Can you jog or just walk?

I'm thinking if you're really out of shape it might pay to just talk up walking for a month or two which coupled with eating better will give you visible weight loss results. Sometimes it's easier to get that spike of pleasure from seeing progress then you can start thinking more overall fitness as in weight lifting and all.

Just thinking of your motivation levels, but since you're talking weight loss focusing on cardio will give you a quicker first spike of 'wow, I look better'.


I need some help! I have about 2 months before I have to be at basic training for the Air Force. I have been doing some working out and reducing the amounts of what I eat. My biggest problem that I can see is that my weight is really all over the place. I weigh in at the gym and I hover around 180lbs (6'0 ft). When I get weighed in at my recruiter, it is around 185lbs.

As of this past Sunday (2/12), I have been tossing out quite a bit of unnecessary foods such as fast food, sodas, teas, red meats, sugary snacks, salty chips etc etc. I've been shopping at Trader Joe's to find more organic items without all the extras. I have also picked up running more and lifting more weights in addition to push ups and sit ups at home everyday.

Example of my daily intake:

Breakfast: Whole Grain cereal with almonds

Lunch: Organic Peanut Butter and Organic Jelly Sandwich (no salt in peanut butter / no HFCS in jelly), apple or banana

Dinner: Fish or Chicken Baked with usually some type of canned vegetable and a salad with broccoli, cheese, croutons and Fat Free low sodium Caesar dressing

Snacks: Flax Seed Vegatable Chips and Organic Salsa, Apple, Banana or Popcorn

Drinks: Water and Powerade Zero (had a Diet Coke at work to kill a headache from caffeine withdraws)

I'm really not seeing a difference in my weight at all. It's mostly around my belly and thighs. Anyone have any advice? Thanks!

P.S. - Sorry for the long post. I wanted to give the most information I could.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Hey Vendetta...what is your ultimate goal really? I'm guessing losing fat and gain muscle?

If you're trying to lose fat, the best thing you can do is reduce your carb intake. Things that you mention that jumped out as red flags to me were:

- croutons
- fat free low sodium dressing
- flax seed vegetable chips
- whole grain cereal
- sandwich (implying bread)

Ideally you want your calories to be coming mostly from protein and fat and as minimally from carbs as possible to maximize fat loss.

If you want to go hardcore about it, you could shoot for a ketogenic diet which basically reduces your carb intake heavily enough to the point of using your bodies fat stores for energy just about all the time. It's the most efficient method for fat loss, but requires a bit of work when you're first getting used to the system.

I'd recommend cutting the stuff I mention above and finding low to no carb alternatives. Salads with meat instead of sandwiches. No croutons. Oil and vinegar dressing or some fat-rich dressings like ranch or bleu cheese (don't get low fat versions, just make sure they are low carb...like 2-5g max). Toss the cereal in favor of eggs/bacon/sausage. Snack on nuts if the desire strikes you (but no more than a few handfuls if you can help yourself).

If you can knock your carbs down to a low level (I'd say shoot for sub-75g at first and then keep trying to get lower until you're in the 10-40g range) and keep your calories between 1500-2000 calories on the day (keeping protein intake high and using fat as your primary energy source) than you'll start seeing benefits fairly quickly.

To gain your muscle, just keep working out as you see fit (it sounds like you have gym experience so I won't get into specifics here) and keep your protein intake high. Shoot for 150g of protein a day.

Some good starting points:


Hey Vendetta...what is your ultimate goal really? I'm guessing losing fat and gain muscle?

If you're trying to lose fat, the best thing you can do is reduce your carb intake. Things that you mention that jumped out as red flags to me were:

- croutons
- fat free low sodium dressing
- flax seed vegetable chips
- whole grain cereal
- sandwich (implying bread)

Ideally you want your calories to be coming mostly from protein and fat and as minimally from carbs as possible to maximize fat loss.

If you want to go hardcore about it, you could shoot for a ketogenic diet which basically reduces your carb intake heavily enough to the point of using your bodies fat stores for energy just about all the time. It's the most efficient method for fat loss, but requires a bit of work when you're first getting used to the system.

I'd recommend cutting the stuff I mention above and finding low to no carb alternatives. Salads with meat instead of sandwiches. No croutons. Oil and vinegar dressing or some fat-rich dressings like ranch or bleu cheese (don't get low fat versions, just make sure they are low carb...like 2-5g max). Toss the cereal in favor of eggs/bacon/sausage. Snack on nuts if the desire strikes you (but no more than a few handfuls if you can help yourself).

If you can knock your carbs down to a low level (I'd say shoot for sub-75g at first and then keep trying to get lower until you're in the 10-40g range) and keep your calories between 1500-2000 calories on the day (keeping protein intake high and using fat as your primary energy source) than you'll start seeing benefits fairly quickly.

To gain your muscle, just keep working out as you see fit (it sounds like you have gym experience so I won't get into specifics here) and keep your protein intake high. Shoot for 150g of protein a day.

Some good starting points:

Overall, just to be in better shape and lose some pounds. I don't desire to be bulky and cut; just more lean muscle. I eat roughly 80-100 carbs a day right now. I have been watching it closely. As for these:

- croutons (talking like 3-4 croutons)
- fat free low sodium dressing (surprisingly has low carbs)
- flax seed vegetable chips (just sounded good)
- whole grain cereal (recruiter suggested it for more energy)
- sandwich (implying bread) (2 slices of whole wheat)

I tried the more protein part before too but I felt like I overate and didn't gain any weight loss from it. Good advice though! Checking out those sites now.


relies on auto-aim
I need some help! I have about 2 months before I have to be at basic training for the Air Force. I have been doing some working out and reducing the amounts of what I eat. My biggest problem that I can see is that my weight is really all over the place. I weigh in at the gym and I hover around 180lbs (6'0 ft). When I get weighed in at my recruiter, it is around 185lbs.

As of this past Sunday (2/12), I have been tossing out quite a bit of unnecessary foods such as fast food, sodas, teas, red meats, sugary snacks, salty chips etc etc. I've been shopping at Trader Joe's to find more organic items without all the extras. I have also picked up running more and lifting more weights in addition to push ups and sit ups at home everyday.

Example of my daily intake:

I'm really not seeing a difference in my weight at all. It's mostly around my belly and thighs. Anyone have any advice? Thanks!
It's going to take a lot longer than a week to see changes. Low carb often has a big initial spike of loss, but your plan seems like a very good starting point for a transition. I'd add eggs to your breakfast, then as you go along see how you are handling a new diet.
Main thing is dropping sodas and sugary/carby snacks which is a big deal.

I'd also suggest doing some cardio as you mostly want to lose fat, not lose weight. Lifting is always good.
18 croutons is just 12g of carbs. Cereal, bread, and chips all depends on quantity consumed.


It's going to take a lot longer than a week to see changes. Low carb often has a big initial spike of loss, but your plan seems like a very good starting point for a transition. I'd add eggs to your breakfast, then as you go along see how you are handling a new diet.
Main thing is dropping sodas and sugary/carby snacks which is a big deal.

I'd also suggest doing some cardio as you mostly want to lose fat, not lose weight. Lifting is always good.
18 croutons is just 12g of carbs. Cereal, bread, and chips all depends on quantity consumed.

I already feel better getting up everyday with all the soda and caffeine out of my system. Handling the diet is the hardest part. I feel hungry all the time, but I'm afraid of eating too much. I actually do the most exercise with cardio. I like to walk/jog/run and do that about every other day.

As for carbs, cereal is just a half full bowl with 2% milk, bread is two slices of whole wheat and chips are rare.


I had eggs fried in butter and bacon fat this morning. Eggs are truly a "super food", there's nothing bad you can say about them.

I picked up 4 pounds of Greek Salad from Waldbaums today for only $11. It's more like a house salad with a shit ton of feta, but that's OK with me :] They also have Steak-umm's on sale for half off, I haven't had some of them in years, I forgot they existed


You know, I tried the whole eggs thing. For some reason, even when I add nothing, I feel actually SICK the rest of the day. And have zero energy.


I had eggs fried in butter and bacon fat this morning. Eggs are truly a "super food", there's nothing bad you can say about them.

I picked up 4 pounds of Greek Salad from Waldbaums today for only $11. It's more like a house salad with a shit ton of feta, but that's OK with me :] They also have Steak-umm's on sale for half off, I haven't had some of them in years, I forgot they existed

Sounds so good! That might be dinner!


What about all the cholesterol? Didn't think that was too good to eat so many.
that's what pharmaceutical companies tell people so they can sell them drugs. eating cholesterol doesn't effect how much of it is produced in your blood. Not to mention it's not bad for you, your body needs it. Arteries clog when cholesterol begins to oxidize, it's not the amount. The majority of people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I eat about 8-12 eggs a week. It's my go-to dinner if I can't think of what to have. 4 eggs, some kind of meat (tuna, salmon, bacon), with sauteed mushrooms and onions.


that's what pharmaceutical companies tell people so they can sell them drugs. eating cholesterol doesn't effect how much of it is produced in your blood. Not to mention it's not bad for you, your body needs it. Arteries clog when cholesterol begins to oxidize, it's not the amount. The majority of people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels.

Interesting. When exercising though, you are pumping more oxygen through your blood stream correct? Then if you have more cholesterol from eating, that is getting oxidized in your heart thus clogging it slowly over time.

Just a curiosity with piecing all this together.

Edit: Researched it some more. The body naturally creates more cholesterol than anything we eat so the eggs really don't effect us much if you are in a healthy weight range and not obese.

Thanks dralla for the tips!


Free radicals cause the oxidation, found in a lot of highly processed foods, trans fat in particular. This is why anti-oxidants are so important, they help combat this. Fruits, veggies, nuts, dark chocolate = good sources. But at this point the science says the number one cause of heart disease is inflammation, which is caused by excess sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption.

And speaking of sugar, sugar consumption all around the world. Guess who's the highest!


Switched down another pantsize, at a size 38 now which is probably the smallest I've had for about 6 years. Also down another belt loop, feelsgoodman.

Hit a small plateau a couple weeks back but I think I'm almost through it, scale is moving down slowly. At 126.3kg now, almost down to my pre-skyrim & christmas weight (got real lazy after skyrim came out and I started eating terrible again, christmas didn't help either) which was 125.5. Started doing some proper lifting now, squats, deadlifts etc. Much more fun and much better than the random machine exercises the trainer at my gym gave me to do when I joined that gym about a year ago, wish I started doing freeweights and squats much much earlier.

Managing to stay under ~30g carbs/day, slightly more if I'm working out that day. Eating only when hungry is awesome, and an awesome side effect of low carb is that most days I eat around 2 meals a day with almost no snacking, and if I have a snack it's just a small handful of nuts or celery with peanut butter. Also n-thing the eggs recommendation. They are the best food there is, great source of proteins and fats and they also have lots of great micronutrients in them. I eat around 2-3 for breakfast everyday (with delicious bacon of course).


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
First day of Stronglifts makes me look like the biggest pussy in the gym (lifting just the bar). I'll show them!

As they say in the program, they won't be laughing when they see you in 12 weeks squatting 200+ pounds!
As they say in the program, they won't be laughing when they see you in 12 weeks squatting 200+ pounds!

Damn, I wish my knees weren't so shitty. I think I could maybe squat at most 95 pounds at the moment.

I'm finding that as I get a really built upper body, my flabby waistline is starting to look a lot worse than it usually does. So I started getting back into running 5k along with every workout, and then I go and sprain my ankle at work. :\
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