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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Just posted this is in the fitness thread, but it may interest you guys as well.


Fasted aerobics training drops weight and body fat, while fed aerobics only lowers bodyweight.

Only 19 people? Did they control for what those people ate and not just when they ate it? Did the control for the type of aerobic activity they did? It doesn't seem like they could make any reliable conclusions without considering at LEAST those confounding factors. The whole study isn't on the site so I won't believe it for now.


First day of Stronglifts makes me look like the biggest pussy in the gym (lifting just the bar). I'll show them!

Yup, my first day I was squatting 65 pounds. There I was with the bar, and two ten pound weights.

Friday I'm squatting 200. :)

My overhead press and bench are kinda shitty...80 and 150 and I'm feeling it. Deadlift and row keep moving.
Yup, my first day I was squatting 65 pounds. There I was with the bar, and two ten pound weights.

Friday I'm squatting 200. :)

My overhead press and bench are kinda shitty...80 and 150 and I'm feeling it. Deadlift and row keep moving.

Whaaaat? I was squatting just the bar! I should start higher, maybe. It was like doing air squats.

Did you do the one where there are only 3 lifts each day, or the one where there's pushups and pullups involved, too? The 3 lifts one is more recent, but the other seemed more "complete." Whatever it is, I wanna look more like you, though. So I'll do that...


Started with just the 3 lifts. Last couple weeks I've been doing some accessory work, but only after my 3 compound lifts are complete. I'll do stuff like dips, skull crushers, standing bicep curls, leg raises, DB press, etc.
I would recomend you stick to the program instead of adding accessory stuff, you don't do that stuff because your body already needs to recover in a couple days. Add chin ups to day b for some bicep work but that's it.

Once you move onto 3x5 and 1x5 you might be able to add a little more work though.
As I am thinning up in other areas of my body, I am noticing a nice big chunk of belly fat still hanging around and refusing to leave. Is there anything specific I can do to target the stomach area?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
As I am thinning up in other areas of my body, I am noticing a nice big chunk of belly fat still hanging around and refusing to leave. Is there anything specific I can do to target the stomach area?


Visceral fat is always the last to go because that's where it gets stored first.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Yup, my first day I was squatting 65 pounds. There I was with the bar, and two ten pound weights.

Friday I'm squatting 200. :)

My overhead press and bench are kinda shitty...80 and 150 and I'm feeling it. Deadlift and row keep moving.

Usually the first thing to stall will be the OHP. Just have to keep grinding along, deload, and go at it again.


My GF has been trying to loose weight she's about 5'0" 128lbs
Running walking about about 2 weeks now, hopped on the scale today has not lost any weight.
She's loosing motivation and I wish I knew how to help her with that.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
My GF has been trying to loose weight she's about 5'0" 128lbs
Running walking about about 2 weeks now, hopped on the scale today has not lost any weight.
She's loosing motivation and I wish I knew how to help her with that.

Your GF belongs in the kitchen....cleaning up her diet, I mean ;b. If her nutrition sucks then being more active may not help much if at all.
My GF has been trying to loose weight she's about 5'0" 128lbs
Running walking about about 2 weeks now, hopped on the scale today has not lost any weight.
She's loosing motivation and I wish I knew how to help her with that.

Yeh i can attest to the point that it begins in the kitchen. My GF was 176lbs at one stage and is 5'2 and in the last 2 months has dropped to 147lbs due to strict diet and exercise in the gym 3-4 times a week. Ive been helping her with the weight training side of things to give her some motivation.


Trying to motivate her right now to not just give up, I find that no matter what I say she's gonna get upset. At least she's trying and that's something that I have been urging her to do for years, I am struggling with the last semester of school right now and I can't really put the effort into it like I should.
But she works long hours sometimes more than 12 a day behind a computer crunching numbers.


Is it normal to go up and down during the week? I seem to put on weight early in the week, then lose it. It's just I go down more than I go up, so I'm still losing weight.
So I'm basically following Bulletproof IF of a morning coffee, 6 hours of eating, and then nothing until the next day. I can't actually physically eat 6 hours a day so I'm basically just one mealing it with maybe a small snack (greek yogurt with a few almonds and berries is the go to one, though it's been awhile since I've needed it). Not exactly sure how to aim for 100g+ of protein.

For instance, I just had dinner which was a ~7oz ribeye, 2-3 spears of asparagus, 1-2 white button mushrooms, 2 strips of bacon, and 1/4th of a medium sized onion. I'm completely stuffed and I doubt I'll eat anything again until tomorrow. My usual dinner is about half that size on the protein. That's basically the daily meal plan with the swap to fish or chicken as I feel like switching; 1-2 eggs added to the meal if I'm craving one. Cooking wise is a 1-1.5 tbsp of butter or olive oil depending on the cooking prep.

Not really sure if anything is necessarily "wrong" per se since it's probably the healthiest I've eaten, least amount of food I've eaten, and haven't really been hungry throughout the day. Just more-or-less basically wondering for my own sake on things to be tweaked. That or I'm much closer to 100g protein than I thought (figured closer to 50g than 100g).

You doing the butter coffee? It's great. I put some coconut oil in, instead of MCT oil, because that's what Whole Foods had. It tastes good with a little Splenda.

I'm going to go hard core with the IF next week, after these stupid all day classes end. I can't get out to eat enough during the eating window this week.

Any good workout programs that just use machines? I'm not a fan of barbells, and have no spotters.

What coffee beans do you guys use in it? Next time I'm losing some weight (March/April) I think I'll give this a go as sometimes when low carbing I get sick of eggs, bacon etc for breakfast.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Eggs are one of the only (the only?) foods, at least of those commonly purchaseable, that become more bioavailable to the human body when cooked. It's almost like we were designed to scramble em up and eat them


What coffee beans do you guys use in it? Next time I'm losing some weight (March/April) I think I'll give this a go as sometimes when low carbing I get sick of eggs, bacon etc for breakfast.

I read through the article about it, thought it over, and then just went out to buy locally grown beans. I'm probably not doing it proper completely but it's basically how I've been doing it. I've contemplated buying a bag of the blend he offers but at basically double the price of my local ones, I'm not really sold on it just yet.
What coffee beans do you guys use in it? Next time I'm losing some weight (March/April) I think I'll give this a go as sometimes when low carbing I get sick of eggs, bacon etc for breakfast.

I thought it over, and after reading his reasoning for getting those fancy coffee beans, it sounded like nonsense. I just got Starbucks Blonde Roast. It's a coffee I love, and can drink. I don't know about all this mold silliness, but it sounds like one of those words like "toxins," that is nonspecific and basically doesn't harm you.

Also, SeanR1211, what is your diet like while on Stronglifts? Can you tell me generally what the plan is, and then give me a specific example of a day of eating? Thanks.


That girl in the bunny hat
Had the follow-up with the endo today. I'm 'officially' 190lb now, which is nice. Triglycerides are down from 500 to.... 160. :D

Apparently 500 is so high that they couldn't accurately estimate my LDL before. But now that they're more reasonable, they can, and they said it was still a little high. Not horribly high, I think it was about 130 or something.

I'm guessing those will continue to go down if I maintain the diet, but is there anything that would help LDL specifically? I'm still trying to find a green tea I actually like....
Had the follow-up with the endo today. I'm 'officially' 190lb now, which is nice. Triglycerides are down from 500 to.... 160. :D

Apparently 500 is so high that they couldn't accurately estimate my LDL before. But now that they're more reasonable, they can, and they said it was still a little high. Not horribly high, I think it was about 130 or something.

I'm guessing those will continue to go down if I maintain the diet, but is there anything that would help LDL specifically? I'm still trying to find a green tea I actually like....

If you're still losing weight, I wouldn't worry about cholesterol numbers right now. You're essentially consuming pure body fat (whose fatty acid composition resembles lard) and your liver is likely expelling stored fat, so your numbers will fluctuate wildly and may not be an accurate reflection of your real metabolic state.

That said, there are some things you can do:

Consume turmeric. Curcumin, the active polyphenol in the spice, upregulates LDL receptor activity.

Lower dairy fat intake. Choose coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, or animal adipose tissue (tallow, lard) instead. The unique arrangement of fatty acids in dairy can boost LDL in some folks.

Walk a lot. Go for hikes, long walks (got a dog?), and just generally engage in low level activity.

Green tea and anything with high levels of polyphenols (berries, dark chocolate, colorful plant matter) will also help.


That girl in the bunny hat
I am still losing weight (have 10-15 to go to my target weight), but I want to make sure I'm ready for any potential concerns and generally doing it right. That, and-

Consume turmeric. Curcumin, the active polyphenol in the spice, upregulates LDL receptor activity.

Lower dairy fat intake. Choose coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, or animal adipose tissue (tallow, lard) instead. The unique arrangement of fatty acids in dairy can boost LDL in some folks.

Those can lead me to recipe thoughts, which is what I really need. The more I can mix up my diet while keeping the basic attributes, the easier it becomes to stick with. Starting to get bored with what I do. :p

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Arctic Zero ice cream. 1 pint - 150 calories. The taste/texture is somewhere in between ice cream and sorbet.


Picked up a pint of the cookies & cream tonight to try out, but honestly, I think it's pretty terrible. First off, it's just c&c flavored so there are no bits of anything (not too surprising, I guess) and the color is pretty disgusting: it's this greyish brown that looks like the muddy slush your boots pick up in the street.

The texture and consistency reminds me of those cartons of "ice milk" that were sold years ago before anyone had perfected low fat/cal ice cream and it leaves a greasy film in your mouth. If you have to have a frozen dessert, I'd just assume take the moderate dietary hit and have a serving of Edy's slow-churned or some sorbet, because this junk is definitely not going to satisfy many people's cravings.


You could always make your own ice cream - http://sinorslim.com/desserts/keto-cookie-dough-ice-cream/#more-1255

MDA put up a really in-depth article on Dark Chocolate - http://www.marksdailyapple.com/why-you-should-eat-and-drink-high-cacao-dark-chocolate/#axzz1n5CLaem9

I bought the 85% Cacao bar from Trader Joe's a few weeks ago and I'm about half way through it. It's grown on me a lot, I like to eat a square with a small piece of fruit, usually a strawberry, sometimes a little peanut butter :]


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
172.7 this morning...crazy. Still have this stomach pouch that I apparently wear as a constant reminder that I'm not done...but it's funny to think about how much change my body has gone through in a little less than a year. Going to try and get my abs to show for my end of March; my one year anniversary to starting this crazy journey.

I suspect that I'll stay in this catabolic state until my bodyfat percentage is low enough to reveal my abs, then switch to a more neutral diet (aka just eat more calories of the same foods I eat now) and either maintain or even slightly overheat to grow my muscles.

That's still a few months away, I suspect, though. We'll see how I look after this round of P90X.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Awesome progress. You must feel great.

Are you still going to do strong lifts?

I want to do StrongLifts even now, just a matter of convincing the wife that I can get a power rack and put it in the house. I also apparently have some crazy flexibility problem that prevents me from doing squats without putting weight on my toes. I can't transfer my weight to my heels without widening my stance substantially (well past shoulder width).

Think I need to work on whatever that problem is before I can truly jump into SL so my form isn't awful.

Unfortunately I'll probably have to wait until we move in 3-4 years to even consider building a home gym. Heck, I don't even know what I'd want in said home gym except a power rack, a bench and an olympic barbell set. All the other equipment is just fluff! I'd probably try and lay down some matting and give me space to do P90X or whatever other exercises suit me.

...but definitely WANT to do SL, just don't necessarily have the right environment to do it. My work gym only has a smith machine and I don't want to pay for a gym membership because I like the convenience of working out at home on my own schedule.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Rubx you start off with low weights so you can work on your form. Your flexibility will come pretty easily once you start working at it.

Very likely true. I'm doing air squats a lot as part of P90X so hopefully that will limber me up a bit. I found the best way to specifically work on this was to stand in front of a pole and use it to balance myself as I did more narrow squats. That way I could put the weight on my heels and lift myself the way I'm supposed to without falling over.

Need to find a way to do those in my house, but I think that would help immensely.


Rubx, I wonder if I'd drop weight like you if I was doing p90x.

I'm friends with my co-workers on fitness pal (mostly overweight ladies who have been losing weight on low carb diets) and they laugh how funny my updates are. Sean lost 1 pound. Sean lost 2 pounds total. Sean lost 1 pound total, etc

I've given up on caring about my weight on the scale. Just gonna keep eating clean and putting up heavier weights :)


Very likely true. I'm doing air squats a lot as part of P90X so hopefully that will limber me up a bit. I found the best way to specifically work on this was to stand in front of a pole and use it to balance myself as I did more narrow squats. That way I could put the weight on my heels and lift myself the way I'm supposed to without falling over.

Need to find a way to do those in my house, but I think that would help immensely.

P90X was pretty good for limbering me up. Have you thought about doing Insanity after you're done with P90X? There are obviously different ways to get to your goal, but I definitely thought it was beneficial and has taken me to another level cardiowise. Still kills my legs and core after all this time though. My right knee is killing me today after yesterday's power cardio and resistance exercise. My upper body is pretty strong, so those parts of the exercise are typically much easier.


After reading through parts of the thread, what is the general consensus on fruit? Specifically bananas and apples? I wanted to go low carb since that is what seems to be working for some on here.


I guess I don't want to lose anymore weight. I've been at 30-33 lbs lost since early Jan., and I guess I've hit a plateau. My diet is still the same Mon-Fri, with Sat. being my Cheat Day, but I've been cheating on Sunday, too. :( Not as bad as my cheating goes on Sat., but not still not as good as my diet is Mon-Fri.

I think I'll add in a lite workout on Sundays, stop cheating, and see how it goes. I haven't gained any weight back, so that's something.

After reading through parts of the thread, what is the general consensus on fruit? Specifically bananas and apples? I wanted to go low carb since that is what seems to be working for some on here.

Both are natural and fine. Apples are "better" (if you had to choose between the 2 fruits), but bananas are great after a work-out.
I guess I don't want to lose anymore weight. I've been at 30-33 lbs lost since early Jan., and I guess I've hit a plateau. My diet is still the same Mon-Fri, with Sat. being my Cheat Day, but I've been cheating on Sunday, too. :( Not as bad as my cheating goes on Sat., but not still not as good as my diet is Mon-Fri.

I think I'll add in a lite workout on Sundays, stop cheating, and see how it goes. I haven't gained any weight back, so that's something.

Same thing happened with me, Plateaued and while I wasnt putting any weight on (which was great) it started to mess with my motivation. Then I added in Sat/Sun cheat days which were fine still, but that then got upped to Thurs-Sun Cheat days (I know, it was horrible lol) and the weight crept up again. Only 10lbs though, and thats already pretty much worked off. Im a pretty big believer in no cheat days though. I take it easier though during the week, but those 1 or 2 days usually screw me if I allow for it.


[KoRp]Jazzman;35376315 said:
Im a pretty big believer in no cheat days though.

I'm the opposite. 100% for a Cheat Day once a week. I lost all my weight having a Cheat Day on Saturdays (college football day).

I think my plateau-ing is a natural part of the weight loss cycle, just that the extra cheating on Sunday is really screwing me. I should probably change my exercise routine, too. I think I'm going to opt for the 1 free training session my gym offers to give me some new ideas.

But yeah, I'm glad I haven't gained any weight back.
I think it really depends on the person as well. I will be the first to admit I really lack the willpower to be able to handle a cheat day (its why I was overweight almost my entire life), which is why I am weary of them.
I'm the opposite. 100% for a Cheat Day once a week. I lost all my weight having a Cheat Day on Saturdays (college football day).

I think my plateau-ing is a natural part of the weight loss cycle, just that the extra cheating on Sunday is really screwing me. I should probably change my exercise routine, too. I think I'm going to opt for the 1 free training session my gym offers to give me some new ideas.

But yeah, I'm glad I haven't gained any weight back.

When you start hitting up the gym, compound lifts will be your friend.


I'm the opposite. 100% for a Cheat Day once a week. I lost all my weight having a Cheat Day on Saturdays (college football day).

I think my plateau-ing is a natural part of the weight loss cycle, just that the extra cheating on Sunday is really screwing me. I should probably change my exercise routine, too. I think I'm going to opt for the 1 free training session my gym offers to give me some new ideas.

But yeah, I'm glad I haven't gained any weight back.

What type of weight lifting do you recommend?

I mostly run for cardio but I don't know anything much about the different types of lifting exercises. I do situps and pushups now everyday. With the situps, I feel my back is weak because it always hurting around #40 or so.
What type of weight lifting do you recommend?

I mostly run for cardio but I don't know anything much about the different types of lifting exercises. I do situps and pushups now everyday. With the situps, I feel my back is weak because it always hurting around #40 or so.

yeah.... situps are bad for your back. Planks, stir the pot, reverse crunches, and hanging leg raises are much better exercises for your abs/core.


yeah.... situps are bad for your back. Planks, stir the pot, reverse crunches, and hanging leg raises are much better exercises for your abs/core.

I have to do them for Air Force. They won't take kindly to me staying no. It's more of a sore feeling though. I have never really exercised my back before.
So, for lent i'm giving up sweets (including diet soda) and salty snacks. Usually I break down once a week and have both, but now im not having anyyy!!!
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