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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Because anyone who is severely unhealthy and is looking to make a drastic lifestyle change should visit the doctor regularly to make sure there's nothing wrong?

My gynecologist endorses the paleo diet, BTW. I believe she's accepting new patients.

There's a local doctor I know of that runs a "Health and Wellness" center, as he dubs it, that is full-on supportive of the paleo diet. Even does a monthly newsletter with paleo recipes in it.

Found it odd, especially since I learned of him about a week or two into my own primal diet switch.


I actually just seen my doctor a couple days ago, had a full check up and all that. Only concern is my cholesterol is a little high. But other than that everything is good.

I mentioned the keto diet to my DR, she wasn't aware of it...but then I explained it to her and told her I'm aiming for a 65/30/5 ratio of fat/pro/carbs and immediately she agreed and said stick with it, it will work for you.

But so far it hasn't been (well alittle)
Anytime I bring up the diet I am on (keto), people immeidately start talking about atkins and how it is bad for people.

What can I say to these people about differences between actual atkins and keto?


I told my brother how I eat and he said I'll die of a heart attack like Atkins (which he didn't, he had cardiomyopathy and tripped and hit his head).


Anytime I bring up the diet I am on (keto), people immeidately start talking about atkins and how it is bad for people.

What can I say to these people about differences between actual atkins and keto?
There isn't much of a difference. Atkins was about quality meat, green veggies, eggs etc.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Anytime I bring up the diet I am on (keto), people immeidately start talking about atkins and how it is bad for people.

What can I say to these people about differences between actual atkins and keto?

Not much of a difference. Just ignore people who are ignorant like that. They probably think Atkins died to a heart attack or something.


There's a lot of talk about Keto on here. I've been on it since October and lost 60 lbs including like 6 weeks in Dec and early Jan where I didn't lose weight but lost 2 inches on my waist. Went from 310-249. I've gained about 15lb of muscle but I've already had a lot to begin with.

So...I got a bunch of labs done the other day and got my results back. They are very good. My doc was astounded at my HDL levels.

Total 173
Triglyceride 68
HDL 60
Non-HDL 113
ldl cholesterol, calc. 99

This is apparently really good. I have a bunch of other things tested as well. there's about 50 things and all of them are at normal levels. Doc said she can't remember the last time she's seen someone with everything in the normal range.

I eat about 160g fat per day in the form of heavy cream, olive oil, coconut oil, cheese, and meat including sausage and bacon.

I've got about another 30-35lbs before I switch it up for a clean bulk.

I do the CKD version and carb up whenever I feel like I need to. Usually 1 day every 2 weeks for 800g carbs.
Just booked a trip to Hawaii for this summer, so its time to start getting into shape. I am 5 10' 155lbs, but I have a flabby stomach and fat around my hips that has annoyed me for years. A couple years ago I weighed 240 lbs (my all time high) and got down all the way to 140ish in about 15 months. I still had this annoying flab and that kinda pissed me off, so I stopped caring about my diet and gained the 15 lbs over the past couple months. I also did little to no strength training throughout this whole process. Now I am where I am.

I started a Keto diet yesterday and things seem to be going okay so far. I was also thinking about doing the P90x strength work outs along with Ab Ripper X three times a week, and cardio two days a week. Would this enough to get rid of my annoying flab?


Anytime I bring up the diet I am on (keto), people immeidately start talking about atkins and how it is bad for people.

What can I say to these people about differences between actual atkins and keto?

Are these people in really good shape? That's usually a pretty good way to shut someone up, if they're overweight ask them how their diet is working for them. But yeah, not worth your time to set them straight, most likely.


Like grilled cheese? Replace the bread with turkey burgers.


Calories: 620
Fat: 30
Carbs: 4
Protein: 84


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Like grilled cheese? Replace the bread with turkey burgers.


Calories: 620
Fat: 30
Carbs: 4
Protein: 84[/QUOTE]


I love it...and I bet that tastes incredible, too. It's like that KFC abomination without the secret sauce.


I had to tell myself to slow down so I didn't eat it so fast. That's two ounces of Costco Kirkland cheddar in there. Bonus points for adding bacon, but I only have enough to get me and my fiancé though sunday :(

Edit I added in 2 cups of green beans on the grill pan while cooking them with the burgers. Mixed them with some pepper and garlic powder. So good and so full.


Like grilled cheese? Replace the bread with turkey burgers.


Calories: 620
Fat: 30
Carbs: 4
Protein: 84
You should try an Inside Out Burger. It's a burger stuffed with cheddar cheese and bacon. It's not too hard to make either.

oh my god cauliflower crust pizza is incredible if you're trying to go low carb.
try this out


relies on auto-aim

This is my before pic, I think I finally found out how to put pics on... Pretty brutal I know, be nice guys lol... I'm gonna update monthly... This is me at 380lbs

Why doesn't the pic show? What am I doing wrong? How do you guys post pic (I use ipad2)
URL, not an image. Fixed it. Work hard dude!


Food prices going up for everyone else?

I switched to Ground turkey from lean meat and some chicken since end of month I am broke and its only 1.49 a pound.




oh my god cauliflower crust pizza is incredible if you're trying to go low carb.

It really is. Throw some garlic salt on it, cook it to almost completion, then throw cheese on it...boom. Cheesy garlic bread.

You have prep / instructions for that?

Mix all the ingredients above together, set oven to 450 degrees, press into pizza shape and cook for 12-25 minutes. I know the time is variable, but you just have to go by look. Set for 12, look at it and poke it. Soft? Cook another 4 minutes. I usually average around 20 minutes.

If you want it crispier, add more cheese and use a paper napkin and press the water out of the cauliflower.


Cauliflower itself has a pretty subtle flavor, so the crust has a more cheesy flavor than anything. Definitely experiment with with garlic, spices, and herbs mixed into it too :)

I basically averaged around 5-6 different recipes I found online. Some say you can just microwave the cauliflower and mash it like potatoes after, others say to "rice" it first. It really depends on what kitchen appliances you have.

  • One large cauliflower head (around 3-4 cups riced)
  • Two eggs
  • 11oz grated cheese (just under 1.5 8oz bags) I probably could have used just 8oz and the crust would still be great.
  • 4-5 cloves roasted garlic
  • random italian seasonings

Made enough for two large pizzas! I'd consider half a pizza to be one serving here. That would have around 300-400 calories, and practically no carbs. Fat content is relatively high due to the cheese, of course. Whatever toppings you choose will also change this.


To "rice" it, you just take cold/frozen cauliflower and use a cheese grater or food processor to get it to a grain texture. A cheese grater takes forever, luckily I have a food processor :) You don't want to make it mush, just a rice-sized grain-ish.

Then microwave that riced cauliflower for around 10 minutes, and let it cool for 5-10 minutes after that.

Mix it in with the cheese, egg, and whatever else you want in the crust.

From there, you have this big blob that feels like mashed potatoes. Take enough for one pizza and flatten it on some parchment paper so it doesn't stick. Shape it however you want. You'll want to spread it pretty thin - if it's too thick, it doesn't bake very well. If all you have is aluminum foil, make sure you use oil spray or whatever - it WILL stick otherwise.

Bake just the crust at 450 degrees for around 15-20 minutes - should be a nice golden brown by then. It won't spread out at all while baking.

Put all your toppings on - stuff like veggies should be cooked beforehand if you don't want it raw - and stick it under the broiler for just a couple more minutes.

Let it cool, and enjoy! Here are the pizzas I made last night:



Gold Member
Help me with math, gaf!

1. I'm 189cm / 115kg

2. For last 5 weeks, I have done the following
- 2 weekly vigorous 60 min circuit trains with PT (weight+core, boxing+core)
- 2 weekly cardio sessions 45 min moderate (spinning, row+run)
- this would mean some 2500 calories week burned with sports (?)

3. For last 5 weeks, I have eaten 2000 cal day, 40% Carb, 30% Fat, 30% Prot

4. I have lost 3.5kg in the last 5 weeks, so I have lost 0.7kg week (4900 cal / week)

5. I would calculate that my energy deficit per week is around 10 000 cal (7 x 1000 cal + 2500 cal).

I know this will be some 35kg in a year so it's not bad - but I just can resolve the math in my head. What gives?
Cauliflower itself has a pretty subtle flavor, so the crust has a more cheesy flavor than anything. Definitely experiment with with garlic, spices, and herbs mixed into it too :)

I basically averaged around 5-6 different recipes I found online. Some say you can just microwave the cauliflower and mash it like potatoes after, others say to "rice" it first. It really depends on what kitchen appliances you have.

  • One large cauliflower head (around 3-4 cups riced)
  • Two eggs
  • 11oz grated cheese (just under 1.5 8oz bags) I probably could have used just 8oz and the crust would still be great.
  • 4-5 cloves roasted garlic
  • random italian seasonings

Made enough for two large pizzas! I'd consider half a pizza to be one serving here. That would have around 300-400 calories, and practically no carbs. Fat content is relatively high due to the cheese, of course. Whatever toppings you choose will also change this.


To "rice" it, you just take cold/frozen cauliflower and use a cheese grater or food processor to get it to a grain texture. A cheese grater takes forever, luckily I have a food processor :) You don't want to make it mush, just a rice-sized grain-ish.

Then microwave that riced cauliflower for around 10 minutes, and let it cool for 5-10 minutes after that.

Mix it in with the cheese, egg, and whatever else you want in the crust.

From there, you have this big blob that feels like mashed potatoes. Take enough for one pizza and flatten it on some parchment paper so it doesn't stick. Shape it however you want. You'll want to spread it pretty thin - if it's too thick, it doesn't bake very well. If all you have is aluminum foil, make sure you use oil spray or whatever - it WILL stick otherwise.

Bake just the crust at 450 degrees for around 15-20 minutes - should be a nice golden brown by then. It won't spread out at all while baking.

Put all your toppings on - stuff like veggies should be cooked beforehand if you don't want it raw - and stick it under the broiler for just a couple more minutes.

Let it cool, and enjoy! Here are the pizzas I made last night:


Those look legit.


GOOD GOD Ez-Sweetz is strong. I added three drops to a glass of unsweetened walnut milk and holy crap. Thirty minutes later I still taste it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Question for the low carb people:
Should all fruits be avoided? If not, which ones do you avoid and which do you eat?

Berries are good. I only eat them when they're in season, though. Also, I'm kind of paranoid about pesticides and chemicals, so I only buy them locally from sources that don't use that shit.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Chilled blueberries in heavy cream was probably my favorite part of last summer.


I like blueberries and strawberries. I eat about a small handful every now and then.

That cauliflower pizza looks really good. :O


Cauliflower pizza is my experiment this weekend.

Decided today would be a cheat day with a cajun inspired pasta dish. I feel bad about the carb count (~100g) but, damn it, it's delicious.
I'll regret it in the morning I wager!
Help me with math, gaf!

1. I'm 189cm / 115kg

2. For last 5 weeks, I have done the following
- 2 weekly vigorous 60 min circuit trains with PT (weight+core, boxing+core)
- 2 weekly cardio sessions 45 min moderate (spinning, row+run)
- this would mean some 2500 calories week burned with sports (?)

3. For last 5 weeks, I have eaten 2000 cal day, 40% Carb, 30% Fat, 30% Prot

4. I have lost 3.5kg in the last 5 weeks, so I have lost 0.7kg week (4900 cal / week)

5. I would calculate that my energy deficit per week is around 10 000 cal (7 x 1000 cal + 2500 cal).

I know this will be some 35kg in a year so it's not bad - but I just can resolve the math in my head. What gives?
We aren't calorie counters around here.


We really need a new topic that is actually about before and after pics rather than a bunch of people personal opinions of what diet you should or shouldn't do. What a waste of a good thread.
We really need a new topic that is actually about before and after pics rather than a bunch of people personal opinions of what diet you should or shouldn't do. What a waste of a good thread.
You'd rather see a bunch of pics than have a thread full of information that is super useful?


Hi weight loss GAF!

I came home from i uni this weekend to find that ive put on 10 lbs and now im verging on 19 stone at 260lbs, I've been wanting to get my weight under control for a while now. But it's really starting to worry me, so I'm finally going to attempt to put my all into it.

I'm hoping by posting in here I will gain the confidence and willpower to keep going and not resort to my usual ways of eating crap and being lazy.

This is the action plan I am currently thinking of putting into practice:
1) Replace snacks with fruit.
2) Walk to uni and back as much as I can. (1.5 miles both ways)
3) General healthy eating (less bread and pasta, no more takeaways, lean meat, more greens), perhaps I'll calorie count?
4) Go jogging every other day, with a housemate. on a 1.8 mile route.

Well I would like to hear what you guys think of this action plan, is a it a good idea, too drastic, or am I doing the right thing? I really want to get this right so I'd appreciate the help.

Cheers GAF :)
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