Can't wait to post my quarterly results in 5 weeks, I'm down to 189.5 from 201.5 pounds (January 8th weigh in). I have been doing Insanity, just entering the 2nd month last week; as well as weight lifting 3 days a week and a 4 mile jog on non-weight training days except Sunday which is my off day. I've also been playing a lot of full court pick up basketball lately. I'm still on my Ketosis diet, although I'm looking to transition over into a Paleo diet in the near future once I've done some more research.
Fat is just flying off me atm, and that's with 2 or so weeks of completely fucking up. One week resulting from overexerting myself physically, becoming a useless piece of meat for a week. And another during the week of my birthday, when I basically took the week off from dieting/excercising, eating whatever I want and consuming a shit ton of alcohol. I still managed to not gain a pound during these times, I guess my metabolisms at the point where I can get away with a few things?
My diet has changed a little bit. I've been having a Protein Smoothie for breakfast every morning (Natural Whey Protein, Almond Milk, Strawberries, Blackberries and Raspberries) which I drink directly after my Insanity work out in the morning. A simple salad in between the Smoothie and Lunch. I've pushed back my traditional breakfast to lunch (Typically 2 Eggs, 2 strips of Bacon and 2 Sausages... sometimes Chorizo with the eggs). And my dinners are pretty traditional: Some piece of meat (Chicken, Sausage, Steak, Pork Chop, Fish, etc.) and Broccoli, Squash/Zuccini or a Salad. Sometimes I make a Chicken/Steak/Shrimp and Vegetable Stir Fry. Or if I have the time, I'll make low carb enchiladas using Flat Out Bread or a low carb cauli flower pizza.
These next 5 weeks should result in some fairly impressive fat loss and body toning, considering I've given up Alcohol completely (Starting last Sunday) until the next quarter and will not be utilizing any cheat days during this period either. Shouldn't be too bad considering I won't be going out much since I'll have a shit ton of homework/studying to do till the end of quarter.
I'm hoping to get down to 180 pounds by the start of next quarter, which is April 2nd, which has been my goal weight this entire time. Feels awesome to see the light at the end of the tunnel after this 2 year transformation. I've dropped from 351 pounds to 189.5 pounds since beginning, for a total of 161.5 pounds lost. I'll be posting my traditional comparison pictures in a little over a month, can't wait!
And could someone point me towards some good websites dealing with Paleo diets?