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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Can't wait to post my quarterly results in 5 weeks, I'm down to 189.5 from 201.5 pounds (January 8th weigh in). I have been doing Insanity, just entering the 2nd month last week; as well as weight lifting 3 days a week and a 4 mile jog on non-weight training days except Sunday which is my off day. I've also been playing a lot of full court pick up basketball lately. I'm still on my Ketosis diet, although I'm looking to transition over into a Paleo diet in the near future once I've done some more research.

Fat is just flying off me atm, and that's with 2 or so weeks of completely fucking up. One week resulting from overexerting myself physically, becoming a useless piece of meat for a week. And another during the week of my birthday, when I basically took the week off from dieting/excercising, eating whatever I want and consuming a shit ton of alcohol. I still managed to not gain a pound during these times, I guess my metabolisms at the point where I can get away with a few things?

My diet has changed a little bit. I've been having a Protein Smoothie for breakfast every morning (Natural Whey Protein, Almond Milk, Strawberries, Blackberries and Raspberries) which I drink directly after my Insanity work out in the morning. A simple salad in between the Smoothie and Lunch. I've pushed back my traditional breakfast to lunch (Typically 2 Eggs, 2 strips of Bacon and 2 Sausages... sometimes Chorizo with the eggs). And my dinners are pretty traditional: Some piece of meat (Chicken, Sausage, Steak, Pork Chop, Fish, etc.) and Broccoli, Squash/Zuccini or a Salad. Sometimes I make a Chicken/Steak/Shrimp and Vegetable Stir Fry. Or if I have the time, I'll make low carb enchiladas using Flat Out Bread or a low carb cauli flower pizza.

These next 5 weeks should result in some fairly impressive fat loss and body toning, considering I've given up Alcohol completely (Starting last Sunday) until the next quarter and will not be utilizing any cheat days during this period either. Shouldn't be too bad considering I won't be going out much since I'll have a shit ton of homework/studying to do till the end of quarter.

I'm hoping to get down to 180 pounds by the start of next quarter, which is April 2nd, which has been my goal weight this entire time. Feels awesome to see the light at the end of the tunnel after this 2 year transformation. I've dropped from 351 pounds to 189.5 pounds since beginning, for a total of 161.5 pounds lost. I'll be posting my traditional comparison pictures in a little over a month, can't wait!

And could someone point me towards some good websites dealing with Paleo diets?
Your tag needs to change to Reverse Russell'd


Personally, I think it was kind of dumb for them to set up shop in New York. Everything here is super expensive, and the dairy sector here continues to shrink. I think they should have started in the Midwest, which would have given them cheaper production costs and easier access to western markets.

Sorry, I just happen to know a ridiculous amount about Greek yogurt because of my job.

Right on, from what I remember you work for some type of dairy non-profit or some such. Yeah I would think the cost of production in the NE would be a lot higher than the Midwest.


I went for my bi weekly weigh in. I went from 191lbs the last time I was weighed to 180lbs. That was including my cheat meal for the week yesterday at Five Guys. I think cutting fast food and soda plus more cardio helped the most. I am able to keep carbs around ~50 per day so I will probably just stick this course.


Ok, I get that, I am not a huge believer but it's the only metric I know to keep track of things. Any comments on the routine or C/P/F split?
I'm a calorie counter and it's working fine in my experience. Eat whatever I want mostly but just make sure I stay within a Kcal limit. You will naturally move towards more filling ingredients (chicken, veggies, no butter, potatos etc). Currently I stay at 1400(no workout)-2000kcal(strength days) daily hoping to shed those last KG. I'm being told I'm eating too little at those levels so I'm testing a bit currently (raising it to 17-2200).
Cauliflower itself has a pretty subtle flavor, so the crust has a more cheesy flavor than anything. Definitely experiment with with garlic, spices, and herbs mixed into it too :) .....

finally did this.
Added some turkey sausage too.
my only mistake was I added 1 more egg.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
My only concern is staying on my diet. Taste is irrelevant.

I predict you're going to have great success.

If you're serious about this, toss out all hyper palatable food, including anything like Atkins endulge, and stock up on unseasoned steaks and vegetables and the weight will drop off along with hunger.

I didn't get to my final goal until I stopped flirting with old flavors.
I'm curious as to what your guy's cheat meals are? Mine is two tacos from Taco Bell fresco style( I prefer the taste). It's not really that bad of a cheat but it really helps me indulge my taco cravings I get from time to time. My diet is pretty much on point other than that. I did a 30 day juice fast in January(lost 22lbs) and then just proper diet and exercise(not low carb) and lost another 15 lbs. thinking I need to up my cardio from 1-2 times a week to maybe 3-4. I'm lifting pretty much Mon-Fri, rest on weekends. O, I'm 6' 3'' my starting weight was around 245, now I'm hovering around 208-209. Seems like I'm plateauing but it could be I have unrealistic expectations as that juice fast was a crazy fast way to drop weight. I'm not going to stop with proper nutrition and exercise, just curious as to people's opinions on plateauing as well?


What's the best calorie counter you guys have used? Every calculator seems to give me a different answer for my maintenance. :/
I use my brain. Pretty much everything has nutritional information per serving. For stuff like an egg or carrot I use google to get a rough estimate. Calorie counter webpages/apps are a waste of time and more of a hassle than anything IMO. Break down your meals by number of calories you can have for each and work with that.
Here in the next week or so (after my crazy workload slows down) I'm finally gonna get back into the rhythm of planning out my diet in Excel and auditing my nutrition intake. Wish me luck guys!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The entire concept of counting and calculating calories and meticulously keeping track of everything you consume, and every amount of exercise you do, just seems so strange to me. You must really love messing with spreadsheets to even think about doing this.
I'm not against calorie counting in itself but I know that it's hard for me personally to know EXACTLY the amount of calories I put in my body. I honestly don't care as much. I know what I've done/am doing is working. I don't count per say but I know that I fluctuate my calorie intake between 1400-1600 daily depending on how I feel or if it's a lift day or not.


Right, that makes sense. Just hoping it comes down to something where it costs $.10 more or something like that. I like the consistency and flavor of it a lot more than regular yogurt, though I think yogurt in general is great.

You can always make your own yogurt. Yogurt is ridiculously easy to make. I started making my own yogurt since chobani is so damn expensive.
Cut down carbs, increased exercise to probably the most I've done since starting and didn't lose a damn this week. Lame. :(

Don't give up. I am starting up on a low carb diet my self seeing as that seems to be the general consensus here. I came off of a 30 day juice fast followed by two weeks of a vegetarion like diet. Lost around 36lbs total. Now hopefully the low carb will help me drop the extra 15lbs I'm looking to drop and also help me to put on muscle. Lifting on a pretty strict vegetarian diet was not easy for me so I'm hoping that a high protein/low carb will help lifting a bit.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Calorie counting is a decent activity to put your daily routine through every now and then to see if your ratios and total calories seem to fit with your goals.

For me I just make sure that the protein and fat intake makes up the vast vast majority of my diet and the carbs stay nice and low. Beyond that, I want my overall calories to hover around the 1500-2200 range. As long as I'm sitting in those percentages and overall calorie intake I don't really need to keep checking every little thing.

As long as you're eating the right kinds of foods, it's really hard to mess with these ratios anyways. Just focus on keeping your protein intake high so your muscles can maintain or grow.
Cut down carbs, increased exercise to probably the most I've done since starting and didn't lose a damn this week. Lame. :(

Darklord, have you cut out soda/junk and drastically upped your water intake? I try to drink around 3 liters a day if possible, though unless I've done heavy cardio it's usually around 1.5-2 liters a day.
For me I just make sure that the protein and fat intake makes up the vast vast majority of my diet and the carbs stay nice and low.

As long as you're eating the right kinds of foods, it's really hard to mess with these ratios anyways. Just focus on keeping your protein intake high so your muscles can maintain or grow.
I'm sitting between probably 60g-100g of protein a day. I lift every other day. I'm thinking I need to raise protein intake. Even then most of that protein comes from Whey protein powder, which I love as my recovery is ridiculously fast. What's recommended protein intake for when you're lifting?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I'm sitting between probably 60g-100g of protein a day. I lift every other day. I'm thinking I need to raise protein intake. Even then most of that protein comes from Whey protein powder, which I love as my recovery is ridiculously fast. What's recommended protein intake for when you're lifting?

The rule of thumb a lot of people go by is .8-1g of protein per pound of lean body weight (non-fat). So if you're 200 pounds and 10% body fat, you'd have 180 pounds of lean body weight and the recommendation would be to eat anywhere from 144 - 180g of protein.

I'd say you could look to increase your protein intake slightly to see some better results. I'd recommend going with chicken as your source of protein since it's typically much lower on other macronutrients and is almost all protein...and tasty!

...but whatever you do it increase it should be good. 60g is definitely too low if you want to make some solid gains.
The rule of thumb a lot of people go by is .8-1g of protein per pound of lean body weight (non-fat). So if you're 200 pounds and 10% body fat, you'd have 180 pounds of lean body weight and the recommendation would be to eat anywhere from 144 - 180g of protein.

...but whatever you do it increase it should be good. 60g is definitely too low if you want to make some solid gains.
Holy Samsonite was I way off!!

I'm sitting at 208 at about 24-23% body fat. I'm definitely gonna increase my intake. Probably another 40-50 grams.


The entire concept of counting and calculating calories and meticulously keeping track of everything you consume, and every amount of exercise you do, just seems so strange to me. You must really love messing with spreadsheets to even think about doing this.

You never need to touch a spreadsheet. Limit your total calories per meal and eat accordingly. you should lose weight based on you daily calorie intake alone. Exercise is just bonus weight loss.

Tracking calories Is incredibly easy to do. You don't have to be as precise as you do with carbs. As long as you're relatively close to your limits you'll be good.

spicy cho

I'm down to 161 this morning, at 6ft I thought I'd look a bit better than I do with my shirt off. Time to hit the gym I guess, I don't think anything else is going to work to get rid of the flab on my torso.


If theres one annoying thing about doing low carb with my fiancé, is she still has these annoying eating fat hang ups.

Some of you may remember converting her from bacon to turkey bacon being a pain. The latest is using olive oil. Three times now she has burnt the shit out of dinner, because she doesn't want to put olive oil on it. "I don't want to eat all that fat!" she says.


If theres one annoying thing about doing low carb with my fiancé, is she still has these annoying eating fat hang ups.

Some of you may remember converting her from bacon to turkey bacon being a pain. The latest is using olive oil. Three times now she has burnt the shit out of dinner, because she doesn't want to put olive oil on it. "I don't want to eat all that fat!" she says.
what exactly is a low fat alternative to cooking oil? does she want you to use nothing instead?

OO is the best salad dressing ever. the only "problem" is that it keeps me full for so long


Gold Member
The entire concept of counting and calculating calories and meticulously keeping track of everything you consume, and every amount of exercise you do, just seems so strange to me. You must really love messing with spreadsheets to even think about doing this.

Myfitnesspal app.

Super easy. Has all the popular foods and chains. Also includes exercise. Calculates your macro nutrients. Estimates your speed of dropping weight. Logging in a meal is 10 seconds of work. Plus you can send a pdf to your PT.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Myfitnesspal app.

Super easy. Has all the popular foods and chains. Also includes exercise. Calculates your macro nutrients. Estimates your speed of dropping weight. Logging in a meal is 10 seconds of work. Plus you can send a pdf to your PT.

But what does that do for you? Not all calories are the same, you don't burn calories at the same rate every day, and that's ignoring the fact that the caloric values probably aren't very accurate even if you could treat all calories as the same.

Just seems to pointless and unsustainable to me (seriously, do you really plan on performing meticulous data entry every data for the rest of your life)? Oh well, if it helps some people, I suppose I shouldn't hate on it too much. I just don't like how it seems to be the "go-to" method for people who are concerned with their weight.


I'm down to 161 this morning, at 6ft I thought I'd look a bit better than I do with my shirt off. Time to hit the gym I guess, I don't think anything else is going to work to get rid of the flab on my torso.

At 6ft 161 you're not heavy, but you might be 'skinny-fat', with a very low amount of muscle. Lift some weights and probably try to increase your weight to ~175 over time.

spicy cho

At 6ft 161 you're not heavy, but you might be 'skinny-fat', with a very low amount of muscle. Lift some weights and probably try to increase your weight to ~175 over time.
Yeah my BMI is normal, I guess I just don't have much muscle at all. I think I'll just stick with the diet I lost weight on (moderate low carb/IF), pay less attention to the scale, and just lift weights and eat when I'm hungry.


Yeah my BMI is normal, I guess I just don't have much muscle at all. I think I'll just stick with the diet I lost weight on (moderate low carb/IF), pay less attention to the scale, and just lift weights and eat when I'm hungry.

I'm 6 feet and 157-160. I've got some flab on my stomach so I've been lifting weights.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
If theres one annoying thing about doing low carb with my fiancé, is she still has these annoying eating fat hang ups.

Some of you may remember converting her from bacon to turkey bacon being a pain. The latest is using olive oil. Three times now she has burnt the shit out of dinner, because she doesn't want to put olive oil on it. "I don't want to eat all that fat!" she says.

My wife is the same way. I've convinced her to increase her protein intake and doing some strengthening exercises which makes me happy...but she doesn't want to eat much fat. She's eating all the right foods, but her energy levels have GOT to be low with such a gaping hole in the fat/carbs department. Not eating enough and not eating enough fat.

Still working on it. I think she's coming around.


As some of you may know I have been in ketosis for aprox 2 months now, and I am very disappointed with the weight loss I have achieved. On the bright side, I do feel the best I have ever felt in years and I plan to continue to follow a keto lifestyle. I have been reading some posts on other sites about people in ketosis that fail to loose weight, some of the replies they are receiving are telling them to have a cheat meal/day where they will be kicked out of keto and then for the person to re-enter keto and that might give them the kick start they need to shed the weight.

So my question is (and the reason I ask here and not on the other sites is that I have been on gaf long enough to know that people will give the best advice they can, and there are some guys on here that really know there shit)

1- should I cheat and fall out of keto and then re-enter. Do you guys think this will help me?
2- if I do cheat to fall out of keto, what types of food should I eat? Is it as easy to just go grab a burger and some fries? Or should I stick to a healthier meal that just contains carbs. I'm thinking a nice plate of moms spaghetti and meatballs (the one thing I miss most since being on keto)
3- should my cheat be limited to one meal or a entire day of high carb eating (maybe a day of eating "carbs" but not fast food, more home cooked meals)

Once again thanks for all your help GAF.


relies on auto-aim
One big meal of spaghetti should kick you out briefly. I'd give that shot first personally.
Glad you feel different at the very least.


I'm at the end of my rope and losing all hope in losing weight. Ive had this trainer for 3 months now and not a pound lost. I look exactly the same, I weigh the same, I measure the same. I've been eating exactly as hes told me and going to workout 3 times a week. Im wasting so much money and im pissed. Reading all you guys losing 20-30 lbs in 3-4 months and im truly disgusted with myself and why I cant fucking do it!


I'm at the end of my rope and losing all hope in losing weight. Ive had this trainer for 3 months now and not a pound lost. I look exactly the same, I weigh the same, I measure the same. I've been eating exactly as hes told me and going to workout 3 times a week. Im wasting so much money and im pissed. Reading all you guys losing 20-30 lbs in 3-4 months and im truly disgusted with myself and why I cant fucking do it!

What kind of diet do they have you on? And what is your workout routine? Starting weight? Did you take body measurements and measure inches lost, or bodyfat percentage? Can you do any more in the gym than you could before? Losing body fat is a science. There isn't a person out there who cant alter their body composition, its just a matter of the right method and action.

I had a shitty night too. Down about 21 pounds since Jan 1st. I usually do a cheat day every Saturday, and totally fucked up tonight and ate a ton of pizza. Have to pick myself back up and get back at it. I know it always pays off if you can just enjoy the nights when you feel good about it all, and get through the hard nights when it all gets to you.


relies on auto-aim
I'm at the end of my rope and losing all hope in losing weight. Ive had this trainer for 3 months now and not a pound lost. I look exactly the same, I weigh the same, I measure the same. I've been eating exactly as hes told me and going to workout 3 times a week. Im wasting so much money and im pissed. Reading all you guys losing 20-30 lbs in 3-4 months and im truly disgusted with myself and why I cant fucking do it!
Something doesn't sound right here.

Do you have logs of everything you've done? What you've eaten? What is your routine? Starting weight and height?

What was your activity and diet prior to this?


I'm at the end of my rope and losing all hope in losing weight. Ive had this trainer for 3 months now and not a pound lost. I look exactly the same, I weigh the same, I measure the same. I've been eating exactly as hes told me and going to workout 3 times a week. Im wasting so much money and im pissed. Reading all you guys losing 20-30 lbs in 3-4 months and im truly disgusted with myself and why I cant fucking do it!

share more information and well see whats up. it's possible your trainer sucks but on the up side at least you didnt gain weight. if you truely are eating exactly what he says and not cheating(lots of people do and lie about it) then you can reduce portion sizes a bit more and up your exercise to 5 days a week for 1 hour each day. you have to work hard too, if you're not drenched in sweat then you're half assing it.


On Dr. Oz right now there are obese women who hate their butts.

His suggestion, more carbs! 275g a day. At the same time he said keep it to 30g of fat.

Now he's telling them to eat a "butt busting brownie."

The fuck?
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