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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
On Dr. Oz right now there are obese women who hate their butts.

His suggestion, more carbs! 275g a day. At the same time he said keep it to 30g of fat.

Now he's telling them to eat a "butt busting brownie."

The fuck?

Butt... busting brownie?


On Dr. Oz right now there are obese women who hate their butts.

His suggestion, more carbs! 275g a day. At the same time he said keep it to 30g of fat.

Now he's telling them to eat a "butt busting brownie."

The fuck?

low carb isnt everything. the brownies are only 55 calories a serving if the women on facebook are right.

dr oz sucks though. he's like oprah, he show is nothing more than a long commercial. nearly all of his advice is based on product placement and because of that a lot of it is bullshit.


low carb isnt everything. the brownies are only 55 calories a serving if the women on facebook are right.

dr oz sucks though. he's like oprah, he show is nothing more than a long commercial. nearly all of his advice is based on product placement and because of that a lot of it is bullshit.

Obviously it's not the be all end all, but the majority, if not all, of those women on stage were obese. Research shows a lower carb, high fat diet is much easier for people like that to stick to.

The brownie could be 2 calories, it's still not some magic, ass reducing food.


Since we're on the "high fat" topic, what do you guys think are the best oils to use in cooking your foods? Conventional wisdom has been that animal fats = bad, plant oils = good. Looking into things more for myself has seemed to indicate that vegetable oils are pretty bad for you, canola oil a little better, olive oil good but can't heat to high temps, and animal fats I'm unsure about. I've heard good things about coconut oils, what about peanut oil? I'd have to think that animal fats would be better for us in that we have been consuming them as a species forever. We didn't consume vegetable oils because we didn't have the tech to even produce them until recently.

Also, what are the dangers of trans fats?
Since we're on the "high fat" topic, what do you guys think are the best oils to use in cooking your foods? Conventional wisdom has been that animal fats = bad, plant oils = good. Looking into things more for myself has seemed to indicate that vegetable oils are pretty bad for you, canola oil a little better, olive oil good but can't heat to high temps, and animal fats I'm unsure about. I've heard good things about coconut oils, what about peanut oil? I'd have to think that animal fats would be better for us in that we have been consuming them as a species forever. We didn't consume vegetable oils because we didn't have the tech to even produce them until recently.

Also, what are the dangers of trans fats?

The more saturated the fat, the better its resistance to heat. So, ghee, coconut oil, beef tallow, and palm oil are all good. Butter's okay for medium heat, but the milk proteins burn pretty easily.

Olive oil is actually okay for medium-heat cooking. The polyphenols in the extra virgin stuff protect the fats from getting damaged.

And yeah, stay away from vegetable oils.


The more saturated the fat, the better its resistance to heat. So, ghee, coconut oil, beef tallow, and palm oil are all good. Butter's okay for medium heat, but the milk proteins burn pretty easily.

Olive oil is actually okay for medium-heat cooking. The polyphenols in the extra virgin stuff protect the fats from getting damaged.

And yeah, stay away from vegetable oils.

Thanks for the input. So lard/manteca would be considered a good oil? Obviously, in moderation. Not drinking the stuff, but if I have to cook with oil at a high heat, is that a good one?


Anyone notice people grossly overestimating how many calories they burn doing cardio activities?

A girl on my Facebook posted she burned 1047 calories doing Zumba today.
Biggest problem when trying to initially set up a diet imo.

Underestimate how much you eat, overestimate how much you burn, and how many calories are needed to lose fat.


Anyone notice people grossly overestimating how many calories they burn doing cardio activities?

A girl on my Facebook posted she burned 1047 calories doing Zumba today.

a quick google search shows a lot of women think they burn 1000+ calories doing it. i wonder if it's advertised as burn up to 1000 calories a workout. looking at the videos i would be surprised if one workout burned 500 calories.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
a quick google search shows a lot of women think they burn 1000+ calories doing it. i wonder if it's advertised as burn up to 1000 calories a workout. looking at the videos i would be surprised if one workout burned 500 calories.

Heh, even in P90X Tony says Plyo burns around 600 or so, no way Zumba is 1000.


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Considering this calculator shows that you'd have to be CRANKING at 89% of your max heart rate for an hour straight just to burn 681 calories...means absolutely not.

There is zero percent chance that anyone is working that hard from Zumba. Those people look happy and cheerful...not drowning in agony and sweat.



It's a shame they're being mislead. I tell m fiancé to not even add exercise to my fitness pal.

Yep, I don't count my lifting sessions or my cardio in there. I just multiply my bmr by 1.5 and then subtract 500 to get my cals. 1.5 because I lift heavy 3x per week and do LISS 4-5 times a week.


I really don't know what my BMR is. Im 5'8 about 180 pounds. According to my fitness pal I usually eat around 1700 calories a day. That gets me at 200g of protein and I never feel hungry.


Considering this calculator shows that you'd have to be CRANKING at 89% of your max heart rate for an hour straight just to burn 681 calories...means absolutely not.

There is zero percent chance that anyone is working that hard from Zumba. Those people look happy and cheerful...not drowning in agony and sweat.


i think that calculator is busted for women. the higher you put in the weight the lower the number of calories burned. for example a 800lbs whale woman only burns about 100 calories in an hour according to that calculator.


so gaf i need to loose 40-50 pounds. Is there any advice you can give me ? I had cut back on my cals 1500-1700 a day and started eating smaller portions. But my gf loves fast food that really messes me up.


Considering this calculator shows that you'd have to be CRANKING at 89% of your max heart rate for an hour straight just to burn 681 calories...means absolutely not.

There is zero percent chance that anyone is working that hard from Zumba. Those people look happy and cheerful...not drowning in agony and sweat.


And I could see that from Insanity. A lot of people have used heart rate monitors to measure their heart rate, and burning 600 calories in an hour of Insanity is definitely possible if you're killing it the whole time. But I agree, my wife does Zumba, and while I know your heart rate is elevated some, I've never seen her or anyone on there collapse because they can't do any more. I'm usually drenched in sweat, my wife usually has a "sheen" of sweat. Haha


so gaf i need to loose 40-50 pounds. Is there any advice you can give me ? I had cut back on my cals 1500-1700 a day and started eating smaller portions. But my gf loves fast food that really messes me up.

Above all you gotta get that diet in check and deal with those fast food temptations.


so gaf i need to loose 40-50 pounds. Is there any advice you can give me ? I had cut back on my cals 1500-1700 a day and started eating smaller portions. But my gf loves fast food that really messes me up.

simple dont eat fast food. just because your gf eats it doesnt mean you need to. if you cant get past that then you dont really want to lose weight.... or you could swallow some tape worm eggs.

And I could see that from Insanity. A lot of people have used heart rate monitors to measure their heart rate, and burning 600 calories in an hour of Insanity is definitely possible if you're killing it the whole time. But I agree, my wife does Zumba, and while I know your heart rate is elevated some, I've never seen her or anyone on there collapse because they can't do any more. I'm usually drenched in sweat, my wife usually has a "sheen" of sweat. Haha

yeah i do insanity too. they claim up to 1000 calories on the max workouts and i imagine you could burn that providing youre fairly fat and some how you can keep up a decent pace. that shit is hard as hell. SeanR1221 should recommend that facebook girl try one of the videos to see what a real workout feels like.


Anyone notice people grossly overestimating how many calories they burn doing cardio activities?

A girl on my Facebook posted she burned 1047 calories doing Zumba today.

My basic assumption of my cardio calorie burning is "failure to care." Just ultimately works out better for me that way.

a quick google search shows a lot of women think they burn 1000+ calories doing it. i wonder if it's advertised as burn up to 1000 calories a workout. looking at the videos i would be surprised if one workout burned 500 calories.

Googling got me this:

A study on 12 different Zumba participants shows that the average participant burns about 815 calories per hour. Some women who are more intense burned as much as 1050 calories in just one session. This just shows how intense dancing can be if it is tailored to losing weight.

800+ seems to be the target number for every glowing recommendation for it.


yeah i do insanity too. they claim up to 1000 calories on the max workouts and i imagine you could burn that providing youre fairly fat and some how you can keep up a decent pace. that shit is hard as hell. SeanR1221 should recommend that facebook girl try one of the videos to see what a real workout feels like.

I'm on my second time through and in week 4, so recovery week. But the max workouts are around an hour, right? 1000 seems a bit ambitious, and if you're overweight, you won't be able to finish those. 600 seems like a safer estimate of what you'd burn at the most. 400 calories is what I usually estimate on the first phase, except for the recovery day which is only a 20 minute workout.


I dont worry about calories while working out anymore. I work out because of body composition and how much more stable of a person I am when I do. I'm a totally different person when I'm working out versus when I'm not. Much more prone to be depressed and sad, emotional, etc when I'm lazy and dont work out.


I keep a record of how many calories I burn on the elliptical so I can keep track of my progress. Though I normally do the "heart rate" program, so it's kind of moot.

I don't really care how much I burn in group exercise, but I am a little curious about it. I'll probably get a calorie counter one of these days.


Anyone here ever have their testosterone or thyroid tested? I feel like my levels may be low, looking it up and reading about the symptoms.


Darklord, have you cut out soda/junk and drastically upped your water intake? I try to drink around 3 liters a day if possible, though unless I've done heavy cardio it's usually around 1.5-2 liters a day.

I haven't drunk full sugar Soda in years. If I have Soda I have a drink called Diet Rite, it pretty much has nothing in it but tastes nice. The worst "junk" food I have would be like a muesli bar. Don't eat chips, a small bit of chocolate, nothing high in fat, high in sugar, ect.

I don't really care for water, though I should drink more. I wanted to find some flavoured water but it seems Australia doesn't sell ANY no sugar kinds. Stupid.


I'm on my second time through and in week 4, so recovery week. But the max workouts are around an hour, right? 1000 seems a bit ambitious, and if you're overweight, you won't be able to finish those. 600 seems like a safer estimate of what you'd burn at the most. 400 calories is what I usually estimate on the first phase, except for the recovery day which is only a 20 minute workout.

yeah max workouts are an hour. hour and a half on the days where they add abs or fitness test in there. 1000 calories is definitely ambitious but maybe possible if you're a fat exercise savant. like you i usually estimate only 400-500 calories each workout. i figure aim lower and if you burn more it's a bonus.

i just started phase 2 last night... i can already tell my legs will be destroyed by the end of this. i thought it was kinda weird that some of the dudes were dicking around in the back of the Max Interval Circuit video.

Anyone here ever have their testosterone or thyroid tested? I feel like my levels may be low, looking it up and reading about the symptoms.

its some thing i plan to get tested soon. im thinking it could be one of the reasons i feel tired when waking up even after a good sleep.


relies on auto-aim
so gaf i need to loose 40-50 pounds. Is there any advice you can give me ? I had cut back on my cals 1500-1700 a day and started eating smaller portions. But my gf loves fast food that really messes me up.
I've been getting salads at fast food places if I have to.

Or just eat a burger. Fries and Soda are just empty calories.


yeah max workouts are an hour. hour and a half on the days where they add abs or fitness test in there. 1000 calories is definitely ambitious but maybe possible if you're a fat exercise savant. like you i usually estimate only 400-500 calories each workout. i figure aim lower and if you burn more it's a bonus.

i just started phase 2 last night... i can already tell my legs will be destroyed by the end of this. i thought it was kinda weird that some of the dudes were dicking around in the back of the Max Interval Circuit video.

Destroyed, but improved at the end. I don't think it ever gets easier, but if you go back and do some of the earlier workouts at the end, you'll see how much you've progressed. And yeah, none of the people doing the workouts can do 100%. Shaun T definitely can't, he's way too bulky. He usually just does a couple minutes and then walks around and encourages everyone else, then jumps back into it. I figure if I take as many breaks as the people do that are doing the program then I'm doing pretty well. Hardest part is to take a gulp of water and jump back into it. I always feel like I need 5 more seconds.


As some of you may know I have been in ketosis for aprox 2 months now, and I am very disappointed with the weight loss I have achieved. On the bright side, I do feel the best I have ever felt in years and I plan to continue to follow a keto lifestyle. I have been reading some posts on other sites about people in ketosis that fail to loose weight, some of the replies they are receiving are telling them to have a cheat meal/day where they will be kicked out of keto and then for the person to re-enter keto and that might give them the kick start they need to shed the weight.

So my question is (and the reason I ask here and not on the other sites is that I have been on gaf long enough to know that people will give the best advice they can, and there are some guys on here that really know there shit)

1- should I cheat and fall out of keto and then re-enter. Do you guys think this will help me?
2- if I do cheat to fall out of keto, what types of food should I eat? Is it as easy to just go grab a burger and some fries? Or should I stick to a healthier meal that just contains carbs. I'm thinking a nice plate of moms spaghetti and meatballs (the one thing I miss most since being on keto)
3- should my cheat be limited to one meal or a entire day of high carb eating (maybe a day of eating "carbs" but not fast food, more home cooked meals)

Once again thanks for all your help GAF.

I was listening to one of Jimmy Moore's podcasts recently and one of the guests, a nutritionist or doctor I believe, was talking about her patients response to being put on a paleo diet. She talked about certain patients feeling better and generally getting healthier but not losing weight due to eating so poorly for so long, resulting in becoming highly insulin resistance. Unfortunately I forget which episode it was but she said the weight will begin to come off in time, you can't reverse years of damage over night. This might be it but I'm not sure, either way this is a good listen. It'a about the long term effects of the high-carb/low-fat diet we're on - http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/...the-high-carb-sad-diet-dr-cate-shanahan/13456


Destroyed, but improved at the end. I don't think it ever gets easier, but if you go back and do some of the earlier workouts at the end, you'll see how much you've progressed. And yeah, none of the people doing the workouts can do 100%. Shaun T definitely can't, he's way too bulky. He usually just does a couple minutes and then walks around and encourages everyone else, then jumps back into it. I figure if I take as many breaks as the people do that are doing the program then I'm doing pretty well. Hardest part is to take a gulp of water and jump back into it. I always feel like I need 5 more seconds.
Yeah a couple of the people struggle quite a bit in some videos. I think out of all of the people tanya? (the asian girl) is probably the closet to being able to do the workouts fully. She's a machine and crazy fast.

I agree with you on the water breaks. Deciding on a couple extra breaths of air or a mouthful of water is hard to make.

I plan to go through insanity a second time after im done. I lool forward to revisiting phase 1 again. Pretty enjoyable workout IMO. I thought it might get tedious but the workouts are so intense time goes by fast.


Yeah a couple of the people struggle quite a bit in some videos. I think out of all of the people tanya? (the asian girl) is probably the closet to being able to do the workouts fully. She's a machine and crazy fast.

I agree with you on the water breaks. Deciding on a couple extra breaths of air or a mouthful of water is hard to make.

I plan to go through insanity a second time after im done. I lool forward to revisiting phase 1 again. Pretty enjoyable workout IMO. I thought it might get tedious but the workouts are so intense time goes by fast.

Haha yeah Tanya seems like the co-leader of the workouts along with him. He's always coming to her and out of all the women, she seems to consistently kill the workouts
and she's the only one with fake boobs
. The marine guy he always talks to that's in the back (black dude) is a machine as well. Never seen him take a break that I know of.

OG Kush

Depends which milk you get! I recently got almond milk and its only 3 carbs for 100ml! And great vitamins and tastes great. Really check it out, a bit pricier than standard milk though.
Theres also hazelnut milk and coconut milk.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I've lost 50 pounds since end of September. Almost exactly 5 months ago. Was 190 and now I'm 140. I did it with basically no exercise and all by changing my eating habits. Eating less. That's it. I still eat all the foods I love but just a lot less of it. I think people make weight loss a lot more confusing than it needs to be. You don't need to go on special diets and count carbs and what not. I think it we are talking about building muscle then that's a different story and there's more involved with what your eating and what kind of exercise your doing. But if you want to shed some fat just eat less. Motivation is key though. Find something or someone you love and want to get healthier because of that/them. For me it was going back to school.

I do walk everywhere though because I don't drive. Probably about 5 km a day to and from bus stops and around town/campus. So that was my exercise I guess. Other than that It was all eating habits.

Congratulations on the weight loss, but disagree with your advice.

Telling people to eat less sounds lot like telling them to ignore their hunger. You found success doing that, but did you feel satiated by your meals? If not, that's a problem in my opinion.

I can't really comment any further without knowing what kinds of foods you ate, but for a lot of people out there, simply eating less probably isn't the answer. A lot of people really need to change what it is they eat.


I was listening to one of Jimmy Moore's podcasts recently and one of the guests, a nutritionist or doctor I believe, was talking about her patients response to being put on a paleo diet. She talked about certain patients feeling better and generally getting healthier but not losing weight due to eating so poorly for so long, resulting in becoming highly insulin resistance. Unfortunately I forget which episode it was but she said the weight will begin to come off in time, you can't reverse years of damage over night. This might be it but I'm not sure, either way this is a good listen. It'a about the long term effects of the high-carb/low-fat diet we're on - http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/...the-high-carb-sad-diet-dr-cate-shanahan/13456

So, pretty much drive on... And eventually the results will come? I can see this being true... I have always had bad eating habits when it came to the wrong foods. I bet I have that resistance...thanks alot for that...I'm gonna keep on going strong!


I think if your used to eating more than 3000-4000 calories a day and then bring that down to 1800 then of course your going to be a little hungry. No, at first I was not satisfied at all. It took me a while before 1800 calories could satisfy me. I eventually realized that 1800 calories could fill me up just as much as 3000 did if I chose the right foods to eat.

Yup getting those portion sizes down is very important. over eating is why you got fat in the first place and continuing to do so will only slow your weight loss and once you ween off the diet you'll balloon up again. You'll feel hungry while your body adjusts to the correct portion sizes but those feelings will go away.

man of science

Neo Member
So I finished reading Good Calories, Bad Calories and it is fascinating. Even more so than Why We Get Fat. The last chapter on hunger and satiety was eye opening, though perhaps too short.

It's too bad how very difficult it is to discuss the low Carb approach to diet considering it goes against what is believed almost universally (that it's the fat that's bad for you).
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