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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


relies on auto-aim
Best bet is labels. Be wary of things high in fat as 'just a bit more' can be 200-600 calories.



How long did you cut down your calories? If you went say, two weeks on that kind of calorie deficit and gained a pound, something is wrong, or you're not telling us the whole story.

It's been a couple weeks now (maybe 3) since I have cut down cals. Starting tomorrow I will be recording everything that goes in my mouth, I will post the results at the end of the week and give a week by week update and see what I accomplish in a month. Like I said I am gonna try and cut some items from my diet (just to see if thyme had any effect)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
How about a banana post lifting?

That's fine. From what I've read in multiple places, carbs after a workout not only refill glycogen, but effectively halt muscle catabolism that's taking place during/right after your workout.

The more protein you have during your PWO meal, the larger whole-body protein synthesis (muscle building) becomes, but that doesn't stop musce catabolism.

Picture it like two teams playing tug of war. More protein PWO = adding more players to one side of the war, but the side with the least players is still tugging with all their might.

When you add carbs to your protein-rich PWO meal, it's like completely removing the players from the side with the least amount of players so the side with the most players wins automatically.

When insulin spikes up, muscle catabolism stops. Protein + carbs PWO is best. Your banana's good because it has around 30g of fast acting carbs which is a good amount to get a noticable insulin spike.

You can read more about it in-depth here: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/muscle-growth-and-pos-workout-nutrition.html

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah i tried cutting cals, I was down to about 2000 a day, sometimes less. When I get back on keto tommorow I'm gonna go at it differently. Im gonna keep it clean, no cheese, no diet soda, no snacks (feta stuffed jalapeño peppers) just gonna keep it clean with eggs, bacon, meat, broccoli, that's it!!! And tons of water. I have to lose this fucking weight

Very good idea! Let us know how it goes for you. I've converted a few friends and they've all lost a ton of weight going paleo/primal and cutting out grains and sugar. I just can't see it failing, especially on people who are pretty obese.


I am a 44 year old guy...back in 1999 was the last time I was happy with my weight. I am 5' 10 and back then I weighed 185.

fast forward..got married in 2002 and my weight gradually climbed..call it marriage rut, getting comfortable. my ex was a great cook as well.

I separated last August and my weight was 240....What a horrible time for me, devastating really. even though I had been with her for 12 years we decided it was best to "free" each other..doesn't matter why.

then I started making changes..cardio, stopped eating shitty food, started dating again... the formula was easy..eat less, sweat more. Admittedly, there was some weight loss due to the stress of the breakup.

Me in Jan 2011..I was pretty much this weight this past August as well....240 lbs


Me in Times Square Dec 31 2011....195 lbs Its a brand new day my friends


I am still dropping weight but only one or 2 lbs per month now. I was pre diabetic a year ago, and got sweaty putting on a light switch cover....sad.
You look 10 years younger in the second picture. Congrats. I would have never guessed 44.
I had enough!! After some heavy reading I decided that I'm gonna carb up today. It's been 1 month and I put on 1lb, I seem to be really stuck at a plateau. I'm 382lbs and keto hasnt produced the weight loss that I was hopping for. I feel great while I'm on keto, but I just haven't been losing weight. So today I'll eat carbs (for the first time in 2 months) and then get my self back into keto monday, and see if this helps at all.

For lunch I had 2 subs. And I plan on having a plate of pasta tonight for dinner. I might enjoy some snacks today also that I have been craving over the last 2 months. Probably some chips. That should effectively throw me out of keto, and when I start back again on monday, I hope it gives me the jolt I need. My first goal is 350lbs.

I know this might sound extreme and may not be the most popular idea in this thread. Have you considered a juice fast? I did a 30 day JF and dropped about 22 lbs. after that I went on a healthy diet and working out 5 days a week. I went from 240ish to 205( 6'3") where I am now. It took me over 2 1/2 months but I've gotten close to my goal(190-195). The juice fast helped me get on track, though it was tough. Instead of thinking about food I focused my attention towards learning more about diet and nutrition and fitness. Which prepared me when I came off the fast.


Opinions on glass (sweet potato) noodles? I've had them at restaurants before, but this is the first time I've made them at home. Seems like a simple addition to soups.
I was thinking about something I did to lose weight a long time ago...

When I was 16, I went on my first diet. Back then (1995), everyone believed it was fat that was making us fat. This made sense to me at the time, so I decided to cut much of the fat out of my diet in an effort to lose weight. The rule I made for myself was that I could only eat foods that had 1 gram or less of fat per serving. My diet consisted largely of dry cereal, pretzels, fat-free candy, and soup. I ended up losing 30lbs in 3 months doing this. But looking back on this, I'm not sure how it worked. Essentially, I was eating nothing but simple carbs, yet somehow the weight just flew off.

Does anyone have any ideas about how this worked?
I was thinking about something I did to lose weight a long time ago...

When I was 16, I went on my first diet. Back then (1995), everyone believed it was fat that was making us fat. This made sense to me at the time, so I decided to cut much of the fat out of my diet in an effort to lose weight. The rule I made for myself was that I could only eat foods that had 1 gram or less of fat per serving. My diet consisted largely of dry cereal, pretzels, fat-free candy, and soup. I ended up losing 30lbs in 3 months doing this. But looking back on this, I'm not sure how it worked. Essentially, I was eating nothing but simple carbs, yet somehow the weight just flew off.

Does anyone have any ideas about how this worked?

MORE than likely you were just consuming a low amount of calories. As soup makes you feel pretty full as well as pretzels. You were probably malnutritioned a little bit too I imagine. Really all you need to look at for weight loss is calories in/calories out. It's really that simple. Hell you could literally lose weight eating nothing but twinkies if you managed your calories properly. Look up Twinkie diet. Some professor did it not too long ago.


aka Cabbie
MORE than likely you were just consuming a low amount of calories. As soup makes you feel pretty full as well as pretzels. You were probably malnutritioned a little bit too I imagine. Really all you need to look at for weight loss is calories in/calories out. It's really that simple. Hell you could literally lose weight eating nothing but twinkies if you managed your calories properly. Look up Twinkie diet. Some professor did it not too long ago.

You'd look virtually the same though.
Skinny-fat, you could say

Always have at least the same amount of protien as carbs in your diet if you want to see visual improvement.
Finally, hit 189lb today. Not that weight matters. But still, I've been stuck at 193 for close to a month...then 191 for about 3 weeks. Hopefully, it will never go above 190 again (unless it's from muscle of course).

To break the plateu I was at I did a few things:

1) changed my weightlifting routine to something similar to Stronglifts 5X5 (basically it's Stronglifts 3X5, as I'm working my way up to 5X5). So I'm mostly just doing compund exercises like Squats, Bench, Deadlifts...with some additional stuff here and there.

2) I cut about 350 calories from my non-lifting days

3) I added about 300 calories to my lifting days in the form of sweet potatoes (consumed before and after the workout)


Day 1 after intentionally kicking my self out of keto in a attempt to kick charge my system to achieve greater fat loss results (I have been on keto for 2 months straight and have not been too happy with the results of late)

Weight pre cheat- 382lbs
Weight post cheat- 385lbs
End of day keto check- negative

Meal 1
4 eggs (cooked with olive oil)
3 slices bacon
4 baked Brussels sprouts (in olive oil)

Meal 2
2 chicken thighs with legs (rotessire cooked)
8 Brussels sprouts

That is all. I wasn't hungry enough to eat more. I know the fat probably isn't high enough and I should eat another meal probably. Water intake was high.

Hoping to get back into ketosis soon, how long do you think it would take (1 day out)

I also said I wasn't going to drink diet soda, but I really wanted 1 with dinner.

Updates will follow.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Day 1 after intentionally kicking my self out of keto in a attempt to kick charge my system to achieve greater fat loss results (I have been on keto for 2 months straight and have not been too happy with the results of late)

Weight pre cheat- 382lbs
Weight post cheat- 385lbs
End of day keto check- negative

Meal 1
4 eggs (cooked with olive oil)
3 slices bacon
4 baked Brussels sprouts (in olive oil)

Meal 2
2 chicken thighs with legs (rotessire cooked)
8 Brussels sprouts

That is all. I wasn't hungry enough to eat more. I know the fat probably isn't high enough and I should eat another meal probably. Water intake was high.

Hoping to get back into ketosis soon, how long do you think it would take (1 day out)

I also said I wasn't going to drink diet soda, but I really wanted 1 with dinner.

Updates will follow.

Gotta break out of that habit!

Anyway, don't bother worrying about macros and stuff. Just eat when you're hungry, and more importantly, don't eat if you're not hungry.
Why does he have to stop drinking diet soda? Sure, it's not the healthiest thing to put in your body, but it has no impact on weight loss and it helps a dieter maintain his/her sanity.


Gold Member
Why does he have to stop drinking diet soda? Sure, it's not the healthiest thing to put in your body, but it has no impact on weight loss and it helps a dieter maintain his/her sanity.

If I don't remember wrong, there have been suggestions thay sweeteners other than Stevia create an insulin response similar to sugar. This would mean that diet sodas mess up your insulin sensitivity, which is at the heart of getting fat. On getting thin you should avoid anything that does that. I don't know if there is any truth in the claim, and I do drink a few cans myself every week... One of the rare traeats left.

I have a question too? What's the background for the word 'cheating' in the diet context? I don't really understand it. Eating unhealthy stuff and NOT getting fatter is what I would call 'cheating'. Eating unhealthy stuff and putting on weight, well, that would be just good old 'not being on a diet', or 'disregarding your diet'.


Gold Member
nicest thing I've heard in a long while, a colleague I haven't seen in a few weeks busts in and shouts "where the f*** is the rest of you?!"


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nicest thing I've heard in a long while, a colleague I haven't seen in a few weeks busts in and shouts "where the f*** is the rest of you?!"

Awesome...I remember when I used to enjoy those comments. Admittedly I don't dislike them now, but it's really hard to just have regular conversation and not get roped into talking about diet and exercise with people all the time.

Pretty much anytime someone new at work sees me (I work in an environment where I see people sporadically throughout the year since a lot of key people spread all over the place) they comment on my transformation and it dominates the conversation. Since I haven't stopped changing people who I've already discussed this with still bring it up as well.

Not exactly a bad problem to have, but I do miss just regular chit-chat.


Was looking at some old photos.... 2004 on the left, 2012 on the right.[/QUOTE]
Not only did you get healthier, but you got all swag with your outfit! :lol Nice stuff, man. If you're at all like me, it's freeing to finally shop at those stores that you didn't consider yourself skinny enough to even consider. I'm walk into Guess and Express now with confidence instead of a "everyone's wondering why I'm in here" fear. Now I walk in and think I own the joint.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Quick update on my status on getting into shape, I posted a few pics in the P90X thread if anyone cares to see. Since last year at this time I have lost around 25 pounds, and since starting P90X2 in January I lost 15 of those. I bought 3 pairs of 38 size jeans (stupidly) before doing X2 and none of them fit at all without a belt, and my belt is even getting too big.

Still have a bit of a tire around the mid section but nowhere near what it was, my face has lost a bunch of "puffiness" too.

Good stuff, hopefully the second half of P90X2 and then starting up Couch to 5K again when it's warm will get me down the 15 pounds I still want to lose. :)


lol, yup. I scrapped the old wardrobe when I dropped from a ~38" waist to a ~36". Just got measured for a tux for a friends wedding and I've dropped more since. Jacket size went from a 42 to a 40, and I was swimming in the 36" pants that they had me try on. I still have a little more to go, but it's going to require exercise. Still trying to get that self-discipline to do that.

I was 255 at my all time heaviest, 225 when I decided to get serious about losing the weight in Jan 2011 and 162 as of this morning.

Wow man! Congrats


Trying bulletproof coffee this morning (butter and mct). Interesting. I like the creaminess, but wish that it was less bitter.

Maybe MCT is different (I just use Coconut Oil since ... I don't have MCT) but I haven't really had any bitterness in it. I use an Aeropress to make the actual cups of coffee, though, since my drip coffee maker did make for bitter cups in general.

It's an acquired taste sort of thing, I imagine, but I find it pretty hard to not make myself a cup of it every morning after doing it for about a month now.

Plus, gives me a reason to use the blender more. Tried it once hand whisked and it wasn't pretty :|


If I don't remember wrong, there have been suggestions thay sweeteners other than Stevia create an insulin response similar to sugar. This would mean that diet sodas mess up your insulin sensitivity, which is at the heart of getting fat. On getting thin you should avoid anything that does that. I don't know if there is any truth in the claim, and I do drink a few cans myself every week... One of the rare traeats left.

there's no evidence to support that claim, artificial sweeteners, specifically aspartame, have been studied to much it's easy to track down clinical studies.


Gold Member
really, really inspiring stuff Noire.

know what you are saying, being able to pick stuff from the G-Star and Nudie racks is a goal of mine by the summer.
Day 1 after intentionally kicking my self out of keto in a attempt to kick charge my system to achieve greater fat loss results (I have been on keto for 2 months straight and have not been too happy with the results of late)

If I were you, I'd just diet. Fuck the low-carb thing, you've got a long road ahead of you and it didn't seem to work before. Lower your calories to 1400-1700 a day, keep track of everything that goes into your mouth (try a phone app) and the one thing I don't think I saw you mention... Be active! Go for walks, do chores around the house. I know you're a big dude, but if you're not burning calories, you're wasting 50% of your calorie deficit potential.
How bad is all I'm eating for dinner is

- Salad (spinach/greens)
- Grilled Chicken cooked in Olive Oil and Buffalo Sauce
- Croutons
- Diced Carrots
- Ranch

I'm feeling the fat content is pretty high, and I know the carb Nazi's will say no to the carrots and croutons but they make it that much better.

Is the fat content in the olive oil and ranch going to kill me?


Day 2 back on keto

-2lbs lost from yesterday

Ketostix test....negative (2 days)

Meal 1
4 eggs
3 slice bacon
Olive oil

Meal 2
Baby spinach salad
2 breasts of chicken
Half handful feta cheese
1tbsp ceaser dressing
1tbsp olive oil

Meal 3

How do I make a link show up as a picture? I had trouble with this before...fuck I'm clueless


relies on auto-aim
Day 2 back on keto

-2lbs lost from yesterday

Ketostix test....negative (2 days)

Meal 1
4 eggs
3 slice bacon
Olive oil

Meal 2
Baby spinach salad
2 breasts of chicken
Half handful feta cheese
1tbsp ceaser dressing
1tbsp olive oil

Meal 3

How do I make a link show up as a picture? I had trouble with this before...fuck I'm clueless
Rightclick top copy the image location then click the mountain icon which will put tags around it.
I eat about 3x-4x that amount of veg with my steak. Add some steamed carrots or mushrooms. Calories are so low on vegetables.


Rightclick top copy the image location then click the mountain icon which will put tags around it.
I eat about 3x-4x that amount of veg with my steak. Add some steamed carrots or mushrooms. Calories are so low on vegetables.[/QUOTE]

Really, more veggies? I'm trying to have green veggies with most of my meals. I'm trying to stay less than 20 grams of carbs a day. Right now in trying to get back into keto, so I kinda want to keep my carbs very low.

How does the overal look of my last 2 days of eating look btw?

And thanks for the help on the picture thing.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Anyone here an expert of the carb/leptin refeeds? I have some questions:

Would a leptin refeed be appropriate before doing a week of bulking? I ask because Lyle McDonald advices having a week or two where you eat above maintenance calories in order to restore hormones and other processes that get down-regulated when you stay on a caloie deficit for too long, but isn't the point of leptin to release fat from your fat cells? Wouldn't that mean your leptin refeed would only help if you were on a calorie deficit the days following the refeed?


Day 3 in the books.

-2lbs from yesterday.

Meal 1
4 eggs
3 slice bacon
Olive oil

Meal 2
2 juicy jumbo hotdogs

Meal 3
14-16 oven roasted chicken wings
Franks red hot
Butter (made a wing sauce)

I didn't test for keto yet with a ketostix, so I'm not sure I have entered ketosis yet.

For anyone following my posts up till now, how does my meal plans look so far (I'm trying to do a keto diet)

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