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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


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Man, this thread is great motivation, but it's confusing, so far (not the thread's fault, btw :p).
Are there any basic resources/sites i should look into, to get started? Like where i can check each food's proprieties, what should be the minimum amount of stuff (protein, fibers, whatever) i must eat and so on?
The best resource I've ever come across is Mark's Daily Apple.

Start here

This is a link to everything you'd want to know

That is pretty much everything!


So, I'm on my 4th day today and I have no idea if I've hit ketosis yet. I mean, I've been feeling slightly lightheaded but other than that I've been feeling really good, eating around 30g of carbs each day. Still, I'm already down 6.6lbs as of my weigh-in this morning so I'd be scared to see what the weight loss would be if I haven't already entered ketosis. I'm kinda hoping the loss levels out because that obviously seems like too much loss too quickly, and since I had already been exercising fairly regularly and eating a calorie-restricted diet I doubt it's anything like water weight I'm losing.


So, I'm on my 4th day today and I have no idea if I've hit ketosis yet. I mean, I've been feeling slightly lightheaded but other than that I've been feeling really good, eating around 30g of carbs each day. Still, I'm already down 6.6lbs as of my weigh-in this morning so I'd be scared to see what the weight loss would be if I haven't already entered ketosis. I'm kinda hoping the loss levels out because that obviously seems like too much loss too quickly, and since I had already been exercising fairly regularly and eating a calorie-restricted diet I doubt it's anything like water weight I'm losing.

youre doing keto on a calorie restricted diet? That just sounds kinda nuts. Eat till youre full and youll still lose plenty of weigh


youre doing keto on a calorie restricted diet? That just sounds kinda nuts. Eat till youre full and youll still lose plenty of weigh

No, don't get me wrong. I was on calorie-restriction before keto, I'm not doing a combination of the two. I eat until I'm satisfied.

Though I guess that if my body is use to lower calories then eating until I'm satisfied will still have me end up with a lower calorie count, so I don't know lol!


No, don't get me wrong. I was on calorie-restriction before keto, I'm not doing a combination of the two. I eat until I'm satisfied.

Though I guess that if my body is use to lower calories then eating until I'm satisfied will still have me end up with a lower calorie count, so I don't know lol!

Well, that will happen when you are getting your energy from mostly fats since fats are simply more fulling and they take longer to digest than carbs. Eating fewer calories will simply come about naturally though since you simply will fill satiated a lot more easily when eating fats. You dont want to try to actively restrict calories, since, well, thats simply not a sustainable diet for most people


youre doing keto on a calorie restricted diet?
isn't it necessary? Wouldn't one gain weight if he ate like 4- 5K calories a day, even on keto?

Anyway, I have a question about Ketosis, they recommend it should be 60% fat 30% protein. But does this mean grams (so twice as much grams of fat as there is protein) or calories (in which way I guess it would be equal ammounts of grams for both fat and protein)?


isn't it necessary? Wouldn't one gain weight if he ate like 4- 5K calories a day, even on keto?

Anyway, I have a question about Ketosis, they recommend it should be 60% fat 30% protein. But does this mean grams (so twice as much grams of fat as there is protein) or calories (in which way I guess it would be equal ammounts of grams for both fat and protein)?

I dont know how anyone could eat 4-5k worth of calories if barely any of those calories are carbs. And if you eat that much cals on keto, youd still probably lose some weight if you were REALLY overweight.

As for your question, I really wouldnt worry about it. Just eat a bunch of good meats and a wide assortment of vegetables and youll be fine


As for your question, I really wouldnt worry about it. Just eat a bunch of good meats and a wide assortment of vegetables and youll be fine

But won't eating too much protein (compared to far) brake keto, as body will conver it into sugar?


So I finally got a chin up bar, ended up buildin one out if some spare pieces of wood and a metal pole. At the point Im at now I can do 12 in a broken row but my hands start to hurt after 3. Any tips to get better at em? Gloves?

I should also add that I'm training for my 3rd bike marathon and im currently heavy into cardio sessions on my bike. I'm hoping to build my upper body as my legs are huge, to even everything out and to finally get rid of this remaining fat from my abdomen. Thanks!

OG Kush

So I finally got a chin up bar, ended up buildin one out if some spare pieces of wood and a metal pole. At the point Im at now I can do 12 in a broken row but my hands start to hurt after 3. Any tips to get better at em? Gloves?


The more you do them the better your grip will get. Research grip exercises as well to get more out of it.


Welp...I went to the doctor. My suspicions were correct, and I have a lot of loose skin. It makes me look fat as shit, even at 6'3, 195 pounds. It gives me quite a gut, I guess it's kind of skinny fat. Really depressing. He gave me a number for a guy that does surgeries, but that's just not realistic for me right now. Maybe 5 years down the line.


Welp...I went to the doctor. My suspicions were correct, and I have a lot of loose skin. It makes me look fat as shit, even at 6'3, 195 pounds. It gives me quite a gut, I guess it's kind of skinny fat. Really depressing. He gave me a number for a guy that does surgeries, but that's just not realistic for me right now. Maybe 5 years down the line.
Try and look at the positives. If you've lost enough weight to get lose skin you've lost a lot of weight, and I'm going to assume you're a lot healthier now than you were, which is really what's important. Try not to dwell on the little things.

never heard that before. I really wouldnt worry about it as long as you are eating chicken, beef, fish, eggs etc and not sipping on a bunch of protein shakes

It's not uncommon for protein to keep people out of ketosis. Protein does not raise your blood sugar but it is insulinogenic. You'd need to take in about double the amount of protein you actually need for this to happen. I'm not sure if this is the right one, but I think it's talked about on this podcast - http://www.thelivinlowcarbshow.com/shownotes/6047/560-peter-attia/ - it might me an older episode with Attia though, I can't really remember. His blog is also great, really informative articles - http://waroninsulin.com/


I don't know what's going on, but my weight is on the rise. I was always hovering around 175-178, but now I'm at 183. I was eating like shit a month ago when I moved, but the past 3 weeks I've been really good, eating right and exercising. I'm going to start tracking calories again. The fuck.

Today I'm eating

Breakfast: 3 egg omelet with 2 pieces of bacon and broccoli inside.

Lunch: Tuna, hardboiled egg and spinach dip mixed with romaine. Cup of grapes.

Dinner: 4oz pulled pork and green beans.

Snacks: 1/4 cup almonds, whey in water after the gym.
I fell of the wagon for a bit, been trying to get back on it, but had some health issues come up that have made me cut back on meat a bit. I'm trying to find a good medium. My weight keeps see-sawing, and I can't dip below a certain point, no matter what I try. I wonder if it's the meds I'm on currently.

It's really, really pissing me off. lol
Any of you guys try intermittent or alternative day fasting? I love it. If you are looking to get into Keto... just fast for a day or two. You will lose weight and it works better than eating all that meat. You don't need high fat and high protein to hit keto, just low carbs or none at all like I did lol


I need help with a good diet. My diet's pretty horrible and I don't eat consistently. My meals change every day and I don't think what I'm eating is healthy.

One pita bread
1 egg

turkey burger with nothing on it

It's always random. I usually eat whatever I can

Snacks (twice throughout the day)
Trail Mix Nuts

I need help GAF. I have time later today to go to trader joes or something.


Any of you guys try intermittent or alternative day fasting? I love it. If you are looking to get into Keto... just fast for a day or two. You will lose weight and it works better than eating all that meat. You don't need high fat and high protein to hit keto, just low carbs or none at all like I did lol

I've been doing some intermittent fasting/fasted workouts and I agree.. I've seen some changes already. Don't want to speak too soon, but I'm seeing some good results so far.


listen to the mad man
I need help with a good diet. My diet's pretty horrible and I don't eat consistently. My meals change every day and I don't think what I'm eating is healthy.

swap juice for water; if you want to eat fruit, eat it whole. juice has all of the sugars of fruit with basically none of the nutritional content, and a glass of juice is normally equivalent to several full pieces of fruit.


Middle agers you can do it too !!!

Here I am last Septemer @ 265lbs:

This morning @ 220lbs. I put the same shirt on. It fits me like a dress now. I still want to lose another 25lbs.


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
ffs. I haven't lost any weight this week. In fact I put a little on. I seem to be hitting these plateaus heaps recently.

I'm finally around the 200 mark (203.5) this week and can't get over that hump. I've had an extra cheat meal or two the past few weekends though because of graduations, family coming up, etc. So hopefully knocking one or two of those back down will push me over.

I started at 225 in January though, and was at 235 last year at this time. I am happy with what I've done to this point with P90X2, I just need that push to get me going under 200. I want to be around 185-190.
Posting this in here since my thread has become a clusterfuck. Okay. My gf has been trying to lose weight since nov. Since starting at 185lbs she's dropped 20lbs with low carbing. But now it's time to exercise. I calculated her BMR (1557) and with her activity level her daily calorie needs are 2700cals. I made her a diet with what I learned from this thread. We are poor college students so excuse me if it sounds bare bones. Still, it's high in protein, fat, and low in carbs. On average she get's about 1400 cals a day. I fear this isn't enough and I'm encouraging her to eat just a tad more each day.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday:


2 Eggs 140
2 slices Cheese 188
2tspBenefiber 15
Total 343


1cup Sweet Pot. 180
1Tbsp Butter 100
3Tbsp Almonds 190
2tsp Benefiber 15
Total 485


1 Sandwich 265.5
2tsp Benefiber 15
1Tbsp Peanut Butter 95
Total 375.5


Half Avocado 138
Total 138

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:

Amt. Food Calories

8oz Alm. Milk 35
1scoop Pro. Pow. 120
2Tbsp Flax Seed 80
1cup Stra. Berr 50
Half Banana 60.5
1/2 Tbsp Peanut Butter 47.5
Total 393

1cup Sweet Pot. 180
1Tbsp Butter 100
3Tbsp Almonds 190
2tsp Benefiber 15
Total 485

1 Sandwich 265.5
2tsp Benefiber 15
1Tbsp Peanut Butter 95
Total 375.5

1/2 Cup Cottage Cheese 103
1/2 Cup Blackberries 31
2Tbsp Flax Seed 80
Total 214

What wrong with this diet?


I dunno, there was a lot of legitimately good advice in the thread and I doubt much will be added since most the advice was from the regulars in here anyway.

If nothing else, I'd just try to shake things up. Try IF. Add a cheat day to help. And, of course, give it more time. Probably that last one more than anything else, really. Worry a bit more after two months, not two weeks.


swap juice for water; if you want to eat fruit, eat it whole. juice has all of the sugars of fruit with basically none of the nutritional content, and a glass of juice is normally equivalent to several full pieces of fruit.

Will do. I've heard there are certain fruits to avoid such as apples. What are my best choices?

I'm thinking of adding some sort of melon to my daily diet.


Shit. I'm eating a banana as we speak. Will cut them out of my diet since those are the two fruits I mainly go for. More grapes and melons for me, I suppose.

Bananas are really good for recovery if you're doing resistance training.


Bananas are really good for recovery if you're doing resistance training.

At the moment I'm doing light exercises, so I don't think I should be eating them. I'll keep that in mind once I get into heavier exercising during my summer break.


ok bros, im going to post my before/after :[ this makes me uncomfortable as hell, so im going to link it so i dont have to see it. dont quote it plz. this is the only before i can find, so youll have to make due with stupid mid-laugh face


yes that is actually the same person in both

took me like 20 minutes to post that, sitting there, contemplating on the reply screen
Holy shit dude. In the left you look like you're in your late 30s, and in the right you look like you're in your early 20s.


ok bros, im going to post my before/after :[ this makes me uncomfortable as hell, so im going to link it so i dont have to see it. dont quote it plz. this is the only before i can find, so youll have to make due with stupid mid-laugh face


yes that is actually the same person in both

took me like 20 minutes to post that, sitting there, contemplating on the reply screen

apparently losing a bunch of weight removes wrinkles too, nice


Shit. I'm eating a banana as we speak. Will cut them out of my diet since those are the two fruits I mainly go for. More grapes and melons for me, I suppose.

Both melons and gapes are among the highest in sugar. Basically any type of berry (straw, blue, black, rasp) or anything pitted (apple, pear, plum, tangerine, cherry, avocado), and oranges is your best bet. I'm not sure where you heard to avoid apples but that's silly. Banana's are super starchy and are good for a post work out snack.

speaking of bananas, I picked up dried banana chips from TJs today, they're actually dried in coconut oil, which was a nice surprise. only 99 cents for the bag too


Both melons and gapes are among the highest in sugar. Basically any type of berry (straw, blue, black, rasp) or anything pitted (apple, pear, plum, tangerine, cherry, avocado), and oranges is your best bet. I'm not sure where you heard to avoid apples but that's silly. Banana's are super starchy and are good for a post work out snack.

speaking of bananas, I picked up dried banana chips from TJs today, they're actually dried in coconut oil, which was a nice surprise. only 99 cents for the bag too

So those are the best to go with? I've read online that apples aren't good for a low carb diet.

Edit: Also wondering...are yogurts good for you? I was thinking of adding that as a snack to my diet. It's going to be fun at trader joes later.


Keep it up! Do you have an end goal in mind?

195lbs by August 1st.

That'll be 70 lbs gone in 11 months.

I know its quite possible to lose 70 pounds quicker than 11 months, but I know my body. If I dropped 70 pounds in 6 months - I'd put it all back on again.

I'm going slow and steady rotating between bike riding/walking/running every day. One day I'll walk 5 miles outdoors, the next day I may ride my bike 5-10 miles, and the next day I might run 2 miles and walk 2 miles on the treadmill. I just try and do at least an hour of something every day. I've been losing about 5-6 lbs a month.

My diet hasn't radically changed either. I just don't eat as much. I still get fast food 2-3 times a month - its grilled chicken sandwiches now - but I still eat the fries, still have pizza one night on the weekends, but I eat a lot healthier during the week. Pretty much cut beef out of my diet. I've been eating a lot of rotissiere chicken and vegetables. I still eat cake and ice cream at birthdays, but I make sure I burn it off.

edit: Also, if I were to label my diet closest to any of the popular ones out there - I'd say its closest to the Caveman Power diet. I don't eat breakfast, but I've never been a breakfast eater. Then something very light for lunch - try to keep it 200-300 calories, and then eat as much as I want for dinner.


That girl in the bunny hat
So those are the best to go with? I've read online that apples aren't good for a low carb diet.

Edit: Also wondering...are yogurts good for you? I was thinking of adding that as a snack to my diet. It's going to be fun at trader joes later.

Apples are better than most snacks, but not optimal, but "better" is still an improvement. From what I've heard, *-berries are the best, but if you want an apple have an apple. Ain't gonna kill ya.

People seem to love Greek yogurt here. I can't stand it personally, but if you're doing the light yogurts it's still not bad- not the best, but not bad.


So those are the best to go with? I've read online that apples aren't good for a low carb diet.

Edit: Also wondering...are yogurts good for you? I was thinking of adding that as a snack to my diet. It's going to be fun at trader joes later.

I just got back from TJs with their greek yogurt. I got the regular, high fat variety, but when I got home I realized it has 1g of trans fat in it :[ Avoid any regular yogurt, it's filled with added sugar. I like to mix high fat GY with truvia and cinnamon, than add some almonds and berries.


You just described my situation almost exactly, even down to the relationship thing. That was so weird to read.
I was 330 and now I'm almost 240, so we're in extremely similar situations. I can't really help you as I'm in the same boat and I'm looking for the same advice. I feel the exact same way about myself...like I'm abnormal, inadequate. I could also use advice.

Also, what are you doing to tone up? I'm on the third week of Power90, and while I have been getting stronger and slightly toning up, I haven't really been losing weight. I was doing low carb and I guess I became obsessed with the scale after seeing all the weight come off relatively quickly (lost 80 pounds in 5-6 months).
Nothing at the moment. Just staying on a diet, though I reduced my calorie intake to around 1750 per day. If I hit 1900 or 2000 in a day without exercise, I always gain weight, assuredly and consistently. That's about what my metabolism is. Once the summer semester starts, I'm gonna be hitting the gym pretty hard.

I'm glad to hear you're doing so well, though, Ordinator. Keep it up.
You should take your chances if you get them now. You will find that most girls are not as shallow as we guys might think and if you meet a girl who is actually interested in you, I think she'd be more impressed with how good you look now and all the weight you've lost. However I guess this all depends on the kind of girls you're talking to because some might have issues, but I think all guys should be looking at girls who wouldn't have issues like that. You've done a lot of hard work, it's time to start enjoying the benefits.
I see. I guess this goes back to doing it for yourself rather than somebody else. And to clarify, I don't mind weight on anybody either, but they couldn't be as big as I used to be - which is part of the reason I decided to lose weight in the first place. I wouldn't have dated myself.
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