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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I'll have to sit down and read the textbook that is your source. My understanding was that VLDL is a good indicator for heart disease, due to it's conveyance of triglycerides. HDLs are the densest of the lipids (generally called "good" cholesterol), whereas VLDL are the least dense (and generally are considered "bad" cholesterol). HDL are much smaller and dense, and therefore cause fewer issues than VLDL.

As I said, I need to read your source, so maybe my understanding isn't correct.

It's been known for a while now that the better indicator for heart health isn't the amount of cholesterol but the amount of it which has oxidized. I think labeling LDL as "bad" and HDL as "good" is just another oversimplification, cholesterol is good for you, your body needs it, both kinds. Here's one of the better sources of info all about it, all backed up with citations from recent, credible studies : http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com/Does-Cholesterol-Cause-Heart-Disease-Myth.html. I think the part you're looking for is further down the page, about the oxidation of LDL and it's effects on the heart.

And than the there are studies like this, which show the importance of HDL and Trigs: http://livinlavidalocarb.blogspot.com/2007/01/study-hdl-triglycerides-better-markers.html. unfortunately the study itself seems to be locked away unless you're a member of the site.

It's also important to keep in mind that this topic is obviously complicated and there is no one, singular cause and effect happening here, but I do think it's becoming more clear that the focus shouldn't be on the levels of cholesterol, there's far more going on...but the pharmaceutic companies need to sell their statins..


Yeah dude I do that from time to time just to see how far I came along. I keep a few of my old clothes for motivation, I will never go back to wearing 44" waist jeans and 3xl shirts.

How much did you lose? and where did you start out? Your body looks pretty good. I wish mine looked that tight, I have a lot of loose skin. Then again I guess being over 300lbs for 10 years, then dropping over 100lbs in a year will do that. I just hope I'm not too old (30) for me to lose some of it.

I was about 270lbs. Was at that for a long time. I've lost 55lbs so far.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Really wish i can have this guy's determination. I look at myself in my bathroom mirror at my rolls of fat and wonder can i really do it. I am too unsure of myself.

You just have to commit to a plan whole-heartedly and give it a go. Just don't come up with your own plan unless you're actively knowledgable on the subject of weight control...follow something prescribed and generally accepted.

For me, I started by reading the 4Hour Body and adopting that way of eating. Lost a shit-ton of weight.

As I read more, I slightly shifted to eating Primally, which is really similar to the Slow-Carb diet prescribed in the 4Hour Body. I also started intermittent fasting during this time.

As I focused more on working out, I adopted the LeanGains model of eating...which again is fairly similar to the above diets, but messes with the macronutrient ratios depending on the day...and focuses a lot more on counting calories.

The main point is that I have a specific set of rules that I stay within depending on what I'm trying to do. I'm never really "winging it"...and when I am, I have all the knowledge above to understand how I'm impacting my progress which acts as a great self-regulating tool to keep my on track.

Slow-Carb: Eat the specific foods as recommended. Throw away all things that aren't that food. Eat when hungry. Don't count calories. Cheat day once a week to ease transition into the diet and help boost metabolism.

Primal: Eat cleaner foods. Keep bad things out of the house. Add intermittent fasting sporadically to assist in fat loss.

LeanGains: Eat during specific windows of time (mini-daily fasting) and eat specific foods and supplements at specific times during the day. Work out at specific times of day.

LeanGains is the most controlled system I've been on, but the discipline gained by doing the first two systems allowed me to handle this one without a sweat.

At the end of the day, you've got to do SOMETHING to get any benefit. Find a highly recommended program. Read the material. Commit. Get started immediately. Learn from your experience and continue to evolve your diet.

Also...be in it for the long haul. These programs aren't short-term fixes. They're lifelong changes. Treating them this way is the right way to do it...otherwise when you mentally think you're done...you're right back to where you started.
Finally got some ketostix.

I know they're not exactly the most reliable way to monitor ketosis, but any shade of pink is acceptable, right? From what I understand, you're either in or you're out; there aren't really "levels" of ketosis.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Weighed myself at the gym this morning and I'm down 73 lbs since late January. That includes week long business trips to GDC & E3.

Was great to see friends at E3 that hadn't seen me in a while. Really gave me that extra incentive to keep going and reach my goals.

73 since January? NICE work Ellis! How have you been doing it? Just better eating and exercise?

I'm down about 25 since January, 73 blows that out of the water. :p

OG Kush

David ellis? I do remember seeing you on the Giant Bomb stream and thinking "yeah this guy has lost some weight since the 1up days!". Good stuff mate.


Weighed myself at the gym this morning and I'm down 73 lbs since late January. That includes week long business trips to GDC & E3.

Was great to see friends at E3 that hadn't seen me in a while. Really gave me that extra incentive to keep going and reach my goals.

Congrats man! I see you at the ProClub in the morning some times, I'm the one usually in a nerdy shirt (such as one of my awesome Whiskey Media Member shirts).


Is that a frozen thing? I think my TJ's kinda sucks when it comes to meats or I'm not looking in the right place? They have a decent selection in the frozen area, they're shrimp look so damn good. I just wish seafood wasn't so damn expensive :(
Is that a frozen thing? I think my TJ's kinda sucks when it comes to meats or I'm not looking in the right place? They have a decent selection in the frozen area, they're shrimp look so damn good. I just wish seafood wasn't so damn expensive :(
Yeah it's frozen in a cryo bag, one individual serving, quite small really tasty!


hmm ok, thats what I thought. I think I've seen it. I had crab stuffed sole a few weeks back, from some other place...was really good. crab meat is just tastey. do you remember how much it cost? I really should pick it up. I did get their frozen shrimp stir fry but have't made it yet.
hmm ok, thats what I thought. I think I've seen it. I had crab stuffed sole a few weeks back, from some other place...was really good. crab meat is just tastey. do you remember how much it cost? I really should pick it up. I did get their frozen shrimp stir fry but have't made it yet.
Don't remember the price but I will be getting it again. Put it with a side and it's a great little meal.


You just have to commit to a plan whole-heartedly and give it a go. Just don't come up with your own plan unless you're actively knowledgable on the subject of weight control...follow something prescribed and generally accepted.

For me, I started by reading the 4Hour Body and adopting that way of eating. Lost a shit-ton of weight.

As I read more, I slightly shifted to eating Primally, which is really similar to the Slow-Carb diet prescribed in the 4Hour Body. I also started intermittent fasting during this time.

As I focused more on working out, I adopted the LeanGains model of eating...which again is fairly similar to the above diets, but messes with the macronutrient ratios depending on the day...and focuses a lot more on counting calories.

The main point is that I have a specific set of rules that I stay within depending on what I'm trying to do. I'm never really "winging it"...and when I am, I have all the knowledge above to understand how I'm impacting my progress which acts as a great self-regulating tool to keep my on track.

Slow-Carb: Eat the specific foods as recommended. Throw away all things that aren't that food. Eat when hungry. Don't count calories. Cheat day once a week to ease transition into the diet and help boost metabolism.

Primal: Eat cleaner foods. Keep bad things out of the house. Add intermittent fasting sporadically to assist in fat loss.

LeanGains: Eat during specific windows of time (mini-daily fasting) and eat specific foods and supplements at specific times during the day. Work out at specific times of day.

LeanGains is the most controlled system I've been on, but the discipline gained by doing the first two systems allowed me to handle this one without a sweat.

At the end of the day, you've got to do SOMETHING to get any benefit. Find a highly recommended program. Read the material. Commit. Get started immediately. Learn from your experience and continue to evolve your diet.

Also...be in it for the long haul. These programs aren't short-term fixes. They're lifelong changes. Treating them this way is the right way to do it...otherwise when you mentally think you're done...you're right back to where you started.

I'm sort of doing primal, but I count calories (trying to cut weight).

OG Kush

Full fat plain greek yogurt topped with real strawberries (frozen) and almond slices is what i have for breakfast 5 times a week.

Shits damn good

Dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood serum levels. Not to mention cholesterol level doesn't mean much, so having a "high" amount isn't necessarily a problem. It's also just a poor indicator of heart health, the majority of people that have heart attacks or get heart disease have "normal" cholesterol. What's important is particle size. If you're cholesterol is dense and it causes plaque build up, it's a problem. This is why vegetable oils are so bad for you, they're pure polyunsaturated fat that oxidizes in the blood and causes plaque build up in your artieries. As opposed to something like saturated fat, which raises both LDL and HDL cholesterol, which is why so many people fear it, but the cholesterol it raises is light and fluffy and causes no problem. Than there's the triglycerides, which is a better indicator of heart health. You'll want to keep them low, by not eating or cutting back on sugar and carbs.

Here's a huge article all about cholesterol - http://eatingacademy.com/nutrition/the-straight-dope-on-cholesterol-part-i

thanks peeps


343i Lead Esports Producer
Weighed myself at the gym this morning and I'm down 73 lbs since late January. That includes week long business trips to GDC & E3.

Was great to see friends at E3 that hadn't seen me in a while. Really gave me that extra incentive to keep going and reach my goals.

Oh we know, we saw those E3 photos

Awkward enough for ya? :p

Congrats though.

I'm down 48lbs in 12 weeks. There's no way I'm stopping or slowing down now.

Anyone know anything about Keto diets and muscle recovery? My triceps are still sore from 6 days ago. It's just when I really stretch them out that I feel the soreness. Everything else I worked out through the week has fully recovered.


Loving the myfitnesspal food diary and iOS apps (I use both iPhone and iPad). The food db and device syncing is snappy too. I used to swear by Livestrong Daily Plate but they really let that go to shit. It would frequently delete some of my food entries.


Guys, crab-stuffed flounder at Trader Joe's. #sogood.gif

Their frozen turkey burgers are also amazingly tasty. I tried some Jenny-O turkey burgers, and they tasted like nothing. TJ's taste really good. They also have the best prices for cheese in my area, which is handy.
Weighed myself at the gym this morning and I'm down 73 lbs since late January. That includes week long business trips to GDC & E3.

Was great to see friends at E3 that hadn't seen me in a while. Really gave me that extra incentive to keep going and reach my goals.

That is incredible man. As the other member have already asked, you should post your initial weight and what you did to loose it.

Could be a motivation for the others in the thread.
Down to 221 lbs. Fuck. Yeah.

Anyone know anything about Keto diets and muscle recovery? My triceps are still sore from 6 days ago. It's just when I really stretch them out that I feel the soreness. Everything else I worked out through the week has fully recovered.
To be honest, I'm not sure if keto is really compatible with muscle-training.

Your body needs carbs to build muscle. Theoretically you could have your only carb intake of the day right after your workout... but good carbohydrates are just as important to good protein when it comes to building muscle.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
That is incredible man. As the other member have already asked, you should post your initial weight and what you did to loose it.

Could be a motivation for the others in the thread.

Thanks man. I'll try and write something up when I get home tonight.

Congrats man! I see you at the ProClub in the morning some times, I'm the one usually in a nerdy shirt (such as one of my awesome Whiskey Media Member shirts).

You should say hi next time.


Will drop pants for Sony.
There's really no wishing when it comes to stuff like that. He can do it? Then you have no excuse.

I have too much self doubt to do that.

You just have to commit to a plan whole-heartedly and give it a go. Just don't come up with your own plan unless you're actively knowledgable on the subject of weight control...follow something prescribed and generally accepted.

For me, I started by reading the 4Hour Body and adopting that way of eating. Lost a shit-ton of weight.

As I read more, I slightly shifted to eating Primally, which is really similar to the Slow-Carb diet prescribed in the 4Hour Body. I also started intermittent fasting during this time.

As I focused more on working out, I adopted the LeanGains model of eating...which again is fairly similar to the above diets, but messes with the macronutrient ratios depending on the day...and focuses a lot more on counting calories.

The main point is that I have a specific set of rules that I stay within depending on what I'm trying to do. I'm never really "winging it"...and when I am, I have all the knowledge above to understand how I'm impacting my progress which acts as a great self-regulating tool to keep my on track.

Slow-Carb: Eat the specific foods as recommended. Throw away all things that aren't that food. Eat when hungry. Don't count calories. Cheat day once a week to ease transition into the diet and help boost metabolism.

Primal: Eat cleaner foods. Keep bad things out of the house. Add intermittent fasting sporadically to assist in fat loss.

LeanGains: Eat during specific windows of time (mini-daily fasting) and eat specific foods and supplements at specific times during the day. Work out at specific times of day.

LeanGains is the most controlled system I've been on, but the discipline gained by doing the first two systems allowed me to handle this one without a sweat.

At the end of the day, you've got to do SOMETHING to get any benefit. Find a highly recommended program. Read the material. Commit. Get started immediately. Learn from your experience and continue to evolve your diet.

Also...be in it for the long haul. These programs aren't short-term fixes. They're lifelong changes. Treating them this way is the right way to do it...otherwise when you mentally think you're done...you're right back to where you started.

I'll try.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Down to 221 lbs. Fuck. Yeah.

To be honest, I'm not sure if keto is really compatible with muscle-training.

Your body needs carbs to build muscle. Theoretically you could have your only carb intake of the day right after your workout... but good carbohydrates are just as important to good protein when it comes to building muscle.

No they're compatible, I know that but I think you might be right about the carb meal after work out. Honestly though, I work outside repairing pools and shit so I know they're not getting the proper rest. It's also my first weel lifting in a year. Ehhhh shit, I'm just gonna keep going for a while and just monitor it all.


Down to 221 lbs. Fuck. Yeah.

To be honest, I'm not sure if keto is really compatible with muscle-training.

Your body needs carbs to build muscle. Theoretically you could have your only carb intake of the day right after your workout... but good carbohydrates are just as important to good protein when it comes to building muscle.

It is totally compatible. Lots of bodybuilders use it. There's a whole sub forum just for keto on bodybuilding.com.

I do the carb up once a week method but I usually only do it once every 2 weeks. With that, I can still bench 245 3x5 twice a week, and do heavy squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, plus a bunch of assistance work. It's totally compatible. I've gained about 20 lbs of muscle while losing 70 lbs total in the last 9 months doing that.

Some prefer the 50 grams of carbs per workout method but I'd just rather go all out. On my car up days, I eat, or at least try to eat, 1000 grams of carbs in 36 hours.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I'll try.

There is no "try"! Only "do"! You've got to want to do whatever it takes to get that damn fat off your body...that virus all over you making you weak and lazy!!!

I hate fat so much...not eating it of course (that's fine), just the "having it on my body" part


Down to 214.8, 53 lbs gone and more importantly I just passed the goal I had initially set for myself when I started. Thankfully I had some sense and a month or two ago I revised my goal down to 199, because looking at myself now there's no way I would be happy staying at this weight. Still, even that goal might have to be revised, I'll just have to see when I get closer to it.


343i Lead Esports Producer
If the Miami Heat win the Championship tomorrow, I'm having a cheat piece of ice cream cake to celebrate. Let's go Heat!


Will drop pants for Sony.
There is no "try"! Only "do"! You've got to want to do whatever it takes to get that damn fat off your body...that virus all over you making you weak and lazy!!!

I hate fat so much...not eating it of course (that's fine), just the "having it on my body" part

I will do my best. Yoda. :)


Really wish i can have this guy's determination. I look at myself in my bathroom mirror at my rolls of fat and wonder can i really do it. I am too unsure of myself.

Set small goals...checkpoints if you will. Saying you want to lose 50 pounds is admirable but it makes the task seem insurmountable. Start with 10 pounds...then another 10, etc.

It makes tracking progress more manageable in my opinion.

Just weighed in at 195.8 this morning...11 more pounds to go until my goal weight of 185. Been REALLY dialing in my diet lately using myfitnesspal website and apps. Was able to use a Chipotle food calculator to treat myself with a bowl that will fit into my calories/macros today.


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Got my body fat done at work, 26.3%. I've lost 30 pounds since last year so I wonder what it would have been.

That number still indicates I'm obese though, which if you saw me in person you wouldn't think I was even fat. :p

Give me a good baseline though, I have about 10-15 lbs more to lose.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State

I'll have to take a new one. Here's an older one, note I do know I still have about 10-15 lbs to lose. No way "obese" though.

Don't really like this pic, but it shows more of my body. (June 2012 - Down 25 lbs since the pic below)

For reference, here is me before I did P90X2/Insanity. (Jan 2012)



Got my body fat done at work, 26.3%. I've lost 30 pounds since last year so I wonder what it would have been.

That number still indicates I'm obese though, which if you saw me in person you wouldn't think I was even fat. :p

Give me a good baseline though, I have about 10-15 lbs more to lose.

Based on your pic you look overweight, not obese. Those BMI charts are completely outdated and not applicable to all body types.
I'll have to take a new one. Here's an older one, note I do know I still have about 10-15 lbs to lose. No way "obese" though.

Don't really like this pic, but it shows more of my body. (June 2012 - Down 25 lbs since the pic below)

For reference, here is me before I did P90X2/Insanity. (Jan 2012)

Not sure if I can see the body but looking at your face, can definitely tell that you did lose weight.

Much better.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Based on your pic you look overweight, not obese. Those BMI charts are completely outdated and not applicable to all body types.

Yeah, i still have about 15 lbs to lose. The first pic is the newest.

Not sure if I can see the body but looking at your face, can definitely tell that you did lose weight.

Much better.

Thanks! Was at 237 or so last year, now at 203. Still some to go.
I've been successfully losing about 2-3 pounds a week for the last 10 weeks with exercise (3 mile jog 5-6 days a week) and healthier eating but I'm becoming very frustrated with my gut. I'm 5' 8" and I started out just over 200 lbs and I'm down to 179 but almost all my fat seems to be consolidated at my belly and while it is getting smaller, I feel like I look fatter than I should at my weight.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Set small goals...checkpoints if you will. Saying you want to lose 50 pounds is admirable but it makes the task seem insurmountable. Start with 10 pounds...then another 10, etc.

It makes tracking progress more manageable in my opinion.

Just weighed in at 195.8 this morning...11 more pounds to go until my goal weight of 185. Been REALLY dialing in my diet lately using myfitnesspal website and apps. Was able to use a Chipotle food calculator to treat myself with a bowl that will fit into my calories/macros today.


I really want to lose 120lbs at least by next summer hopefully, though i would extremely happy if and when I am under 200lbs. I have to buy a scale to chart my progress. i guess i can try losing 10lbs a month if that seems reasonable.

I've started reading a nutition and health book, Pure Far Burning Fuel, it was on amazon for 3.99, kindle version. Now I am taking processed foods and sugar out of my diet


I've started reading a nutition and health book, Pure Far Burning Fuel, it was on amazon for 3.99, kindle version. Now I am taking processed foods and sugar out of my diet

I kind of went that route myself...no pre-prepared foods normally. I usually make everything myself from scratch. No bread/pasta/wheat. I drink water and black coffee (and protein shakes). Tons...and I mean TONS of green veggies, and leans meats and fish.

It doesn't sound appetizing but it works over time.


I've been off the weight loss wagon for a good month or so now and was eating like crap all last week. I only gained about 6 or 7 pounds but I got back on my diet on Monday and I've already lost all the weight back again. Got to love water weight! I think I've realized that dieting has become a sort of habit for me so I can easily just jump back on if I just tell myself that's what I'm going to do. I'm within about 11 pounds of 300 now and I hope that with my recent binge that my body has fallen out of it's groove and I can shed some pounds quickly by jumping back in. I hope to be below 300 in the next few weeks.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I really want to lose 120lbs at least by next summer hopefully, though i would extremely happy if and when I am under 200lbs. I have to buy a scale to chart my progress. i guess i can try losing 10lbs a month if that seems reasonable.

One thing I can suggest, as someone who's lost 120 pounds, is to not always be dedicating your efforts strictly toward as much weight loss as possible. I switched it up between months where I lose 10 pounds, to months where I'd focus on improving my weightlifting, to months where I'd take a rest and just try to live a comfortable normal lifestyle of moderation as if I had met my goals (which would bring stress levels down since I was very strict otherwise). As a result things took a bit longer but I probably have a better body composition than I would have otherwise and and I don't have loose skin problems. People have no idea that I was 300 ;b


One thing I can suggest, as someone who's lost 120 pounds, is to not always be dedicating your efforts strictly toward as much weight loss as possible. I switched it up between months where I lose 10 pounds, to months where I'd focus on improving my weightlifting, to months where I'd take a rest and just try to live a comfortable normal lifestyle of moderation as if I had met my goals (which would bring stress levels down since I was very strict otherwise). As a result things took a bit longer but I probably have a better body composition than I would have otherwise and and I don't have loose skin problems. People have no idea that I was 300 ;b
Pics? :p

Also what would you guys think would be the best way for me to lose some neck fat? I really want to have a more defined neck, but I'm not really up for doing any neck exercises (I've tried them before, but they didn't seem to help).

I'm really self conscious of my neck fat, so I tend to suck it in when I'm out and about.


Pics? :p

Also what would you guys think would be the best way for me to lose some neck fat? I really want to have a more defined neck, but I'm not really up for doing any neck exercises (I've tried them before, but they didn't seem to help).

I'm really self conscious of my neck fat, so I tend to suck it in when I'm out and about.

You can't choose where you lose fat from, your body decides for you. What you can do is build muscle, though I have to admit, I'm not familiar with any useful exercises for neck muscles.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Haha, I can't possibly subject the internet to it. Maybe I can show people who meet me IRL on a screen if they're curious ;b. It's just not who I am, yeah? More like a Mr. Hyde that took over for a few years.

I went from very skinny and no muscle mass to carrying a bonus person and no muscle mass, too, so the visual difference was staggering. I have the barest glimpse of recognition when I look at pics from that time period. Totally different person. And yet, when I looked in the mirror back then, I still felt entirely like "me," as always, until I woke up when the scale hit the scariest of scary numbers.


Pics? :p

Also what would you guys think would be the best way for me to lose some neck fat? I really want to have a more defined neck, but I'm not really up for doing any neck exercises (I've tried them before, but they didn't seem to help).

I'm really self conscious of my neck fat, so I tend to suck it in when I'm out and about.

...How do you suck in neck fat?
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