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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Haha, I can't possibly subject the internet to it. Maybe I can show people who meet me IRL on a screen if they're curious ;b. It's just not who I am, yeah? More like a Mr. Hyde that took over for a few years.

I went from very skinny and no muscle mass to carrying a bonus person and no muscle mass, too, so the visual difference was staggering. I have the barest glimpse of recognition when I look at pics from that time period. Totally different person. And yet, when I looked in the mirror back then, I still felt entirely like "me," as always, until I woke up when the scale hit the scariest of scary numbers.
I know that feel. I still remember how I was so disgusted of myself everytime I looked into a mirror. Now, -50 kilos later, I spend a great deal of time shopping for clothes(and you all can guess why :lol) and trying to be more "stylish". I still have to completely lose the excess fat, but my Mr.Hyde is long gone, and I couldn't be happier(regarding my body, at least).


the piano man
One thing I can suggest, as someone who's lost 120 pounds, is to not always be dedicating your efforts strictly toward as much weight loss as possible. I switched it up between months where I lose 10 pounds, to months where I'd focus on improving my weightlifting, to months where I'd take a rest and just try to live a comfortable normal lifestyle of moderation as if I had met my goals (which would bring stress levels down since I was very strict otherwise). As a result things took a bit longer but I probably have a better body composition than I would have otherwise and and I don't have loose skin problems. People have no idea that I was 300 ;b

hey Evil, if you don't mind me asking, would you say that combining weight loss with doing exercises or working out help your body put everything "back in its place"?

I once lost like 40 pounds and reached my ideal weight but some kind of belly that always seemed out of place remained there forever, I call it the "Dhalsim Belly" meaning you are slim or thin but there is some leftover and I am not sure how to completely get rid of it, I have lost like 12 pounds in the last 4 weeks and I feel a difference but it's always there, I am not sure what I should do.

I wonder if that goes away with dieting and/or more weight loss or if doing work out with my abs is mandatory to tone it down.


hey Evil, if you don't mind me asking, would you say that combining weight loss with doing exercises or working out help your body put everything "back in its place"?

I once lost like 40 pounds and reached my ideal weight but some kind of belly that always seemed out of place remained there forever, I call it the "Dhalsim Belly" meaning you are slim or thin but there is some leftover and I am not sure how to completely get rid of it, I have lost like 12 pounds in the last 4 weeks and I feel a difference but it's always there, I am not sure what I should do.

I wonder if that goes away with dieting and/or more weight loss or if doing work out with my abs is mandatory to tone it down.

That would require like 1% ab work and 99% diet, can't spot reduce so you have to get that bf% down.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
hey Evil, if you don't mind me asking, would you say that combining weight loss with doing exercises or working out help your body put everything "back in its place"?

I once lost like 40 pounds and reached my ideal weight but some kind of belly that always seemed out of place remained there forever, I call it the "Dhalsim Belly" meaning you are slim or thin but there is some leftover and I am not sure how to completely get rid of it, I have lost like 12 pounds in the last 4 weeks and I feel a difference but it's always there, I am not sure what I should do.

I wonder if that goes away with dieting and/or more weight loss or if doing work out with my abs is mandatory to tone it down.

Aesthetics are all going to be a function of your body fat percentage and your muscle mass.

If you have a belly and don't want to have a belly, reduce your body fat percentage (which doesn't mean doing ab work; you can't spot reduce fat). If you want to look better naked in general, add muscle with a full body weightlifting regimen (see the fitness thread). You'll fill out a bit in a good way and the fat you do have will be less relevant to how you look.


the piano man
That would require like 1% ab work and 99% diet, can't spot reduce so you have to get that bf% down.

Aesthetics are all going to be a function of your body fat percentage and your muscle mass.

If you have a belly and don't want to have a belly, reduce your body fat percentage (which doesn't mean doing ab work; you can't spot reduce fat). If you want to look better naked in general, add muscle with a full body weightlifting regimen (see the fitness thread). You'll fill out a bit in a good way and the fat you do have will be less relevant to how you look.

seems pretty clear, but I still have one question,

I can do 40 minutes high impact cardio each day, I really can but even if I do that I think I'll begin to lose fat from all of my body but the (ugly) form of the belly will remain, only getting proportionally smaller as I continue to lose more and more weight...

When I read "1% abs work and 99% diet" I read is as " forget the abs, eat right and burn fat" but I don't think that just doing that will change the form of me belly, or will it?

I understand the reasoning when the overweight is excessive but considering I am not more than 2 pounds above my correct weight, shouldn't it go combined with working out? I hope so at least!


Will drop pants for Sony.
One thing I can suggest, as someone who's lost 120 pounds, is to not always be dedicating your efforts strictly toward as much weight loss as possible. I switched it up between months where I lose 10 pounds, to months where I'd focus on improving my weightlifting, to months where I'd take a rest and just try to live a comfortable normal lifestyle of moderation as if I had met my goals (which would bring stress levels down since I was very strict otherwise). As a result things took a bit longer but I probably have a better body composition than I would have otherwise and and I don't have loose skin problems. People have no idea that I was 300 ;b

Thanks for the advice. I am nearing 300lbs, 297lbs last time i weighed myself. I have been focusing on going to the gym everyday and lifting weights at home. No loose skin problems? great i hope i can get the same results.


seems pretty clear, but I still have one question,

I can do 40 minutes high impact cardio each day, I really can but even if I do that I think I'll begin to lose fat from all of my body but the (ugly) form of the belly will remain, only getting proportionally smaller as I continue to lose more and more weight...

When I read "1% abs work and 99% diet" I read is as " forget the abs, eat right and burn fat" but I don't think that just doing that will change the form of me belly, or will it?

I understand the reasoning when the overweight is excessive but considering I am not more than 2 pounds above my correct weight, shouldn't it go combined with working out? I hope so at least!

Just saying not to go overboard on ab work expecting that to get rid of that stubborn belly fat...I probably went about it the wrong way.

Also just b/c you're 2 pounds above your correct weight doesn't take into account your overrall body makeup (fat versus muscle mass).

Like EviLore stated, start doing an overall weight lifting routine and get your diet in check. This should aid you in dropping some more weight in fat and hopefully raise your weight in muscle mass, thus keeping you at your ideal weight but with more muscle instead of fat.

Tho in order to do that, some argue you can't both burn fat and build muscle simultaneously, so you may need to do a cut and maybe dip 10-15 pounds below your ideal weight and then start bulking to put muscle back on.


I guess the last minute trip out of town for a funeral didn't hurt my progress like I thought it would. I was back down to 33 lbs lost this morning. :)

One thing I can suggest, as someone who's lost 120 pounds, is to not always be dedicating your efforts strictly toward as much weight loss as possible. I switched it up between months where I lose 10 pounds, to months where I'd focus on improving my weightlifting, to months where I'd take a rest and just try to live a comfortable normal lifestyle of moderation as if I had met my goals (which would bring stress levels down since I was very strict otherwise). As a result things took a bit longer but I probably have a better body composition than I would have otherwise and and I don't have loose skin problems. People have no idea that I was 300 ;b

The best method for losing weight/improving your body image, IMO. I always SMH when I read people boasting about losing weight with barely any exercise.

If you're serious about losing weight, then you might as well do some weightlifting along with it. Doing so may slow down the weight loss process, but it's worth it. And if you're looking to attract a lady, then it's better to have a little chub on you w/some muscle mass, than be a skinny stick figure w/no muscle mass.


I guess the last minute trip out of town for a funeral didn't hurt my progress like I thought it would. I was back down to 33 lbs lost this morning. :)

The best method for losing weight/improving your body image, IMO. I always SMH when I read people boasting about losing weight with barely any exercise.

If you're serious about losing weight, then you might as well do some weightlifting along with it. Doing so may slow down the weight loss process, but it's worth it. And if you're looking to attract a lady, then it's better to have a little chub on you w/some muscle mass, than be a skinny stick figure w/no muscle mass.

I think of it like this...you can lose weight without weight lifting but you'll just be a slightly thinner version of yourself with no definition. At least with weight lifting you get definition and the added bonus of strength.


I guess the last minute trip out of town for a funeral didn't hurt my progress like I thought it would. I was back down to 33 lbs lost this morning. :)

The best method for losing weight/improving your body image, IMO. I always SMH when I read people boasting about losing weight with barely any exercise.

If you're serious about losing weight, then you might as well do some weightlifting along with it. Doing so may slow down the weight loss process, but it's worth it. And if you're looking to attract a lady, then it's better to have a little chub on you w/some muscle mass, than be a skinny stick figure w/no muscle mass.

I believe that a myth too. From the research I've done I understand that lifting weights very much helps the weight loss process. Those muscles are healing after lifting, and your body continues to burn fat to aid this.
I think of it like this...you can lose weight without weight lifting but you'll just be a slightly thinner version of yourself with no definition. At least with weight lifting you get definition and the added bonus of strength.
Dat definition, it's my favorite part of the cut I'm on.


I believe that a myth too. From the research I've done I understand that lifting weights very much helps the weight loss process. Those muscles are healing after lifting, and your body continues to burn fat to aid this.

It is true that weight loss may slow occasionally depending on how big your caloric deficit is and how noob you are to lifting.

The thing is, you shouldn't worry about weight loss. You should worry about bf%. My weight kinda did this while lifting and dieting.

First 2 months = down 30 lbs. isolation BB style lifting and dieting. 2,500 cals per day
Next 2 months = no weight loss. - 2 inches on waist and down in other areas. Started compound lifting for first time ever + 2,500 cals per day
Next 5 months = Down 45 lbs. Compund lifting + 2,200-2,500 cals per day
Thanks for the advice. I am nearing 300lbs, 297lbs last time i weighed myself. I have been focusing on going to the gym everyday and lifting weights at home. No loose skin problems? great i hope i can get the same results.
No kidding, you should check out Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss on ABC. It's amazing to see what people can do in one year when properly motivated.

Full episodes are online. The Jacqui transformation is incredible.



343i Lead Esports Producer
When you're at 300lbs or so, exercising will certainly help and do something but from my experience, diet is the absolute key. It has to change.
When you're at 300lbs or so, exercising will certainly help and do something but from my experience, diet is the absolute key. It has to change.
Yeah and I think the good news for people starting out that heavy is that, once you make the right changes, the weight will come off really fast as your body is used to SO MANY calories normally. And once you see the weight coming off, that's the best incentive to keep going.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
No kidding, you should check out Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss on ABC. It's amazing to see what people can do in one year when properly motivated.

Full episodes are online. The Jacqui transformation is incredible.


Dammit Gary, you have me watching reality TV now :|

The beginning is so sad :(. Why she started over-eating, and then the health complications because of her weight, and overall how incredibly embarrassed and ashamed and disgusted she is by her own body. Little things that she's used to saying, "oh, we're stocked up for Halloween!" that had a sad and ashamed undertone.

I hate reality TV production (why does she not know what's going on when there's a professional camera crew pointed at her at all times, why does the freight scale have a random number generator that makes bleep bloop sounds before actually showing what she weighs....), but her journey is sufficiently real I guess.
Dammit Gary, you have me watching reality TV now :|

The beginning is so sad :(. Why she started over-eating, and then the health complications because of her weight, and overall how incredibly embarrassed and ashamed and disgusted she is by her own body. Little things that she's used to saying, "oh, we're stocked up for Halloween!" that had a sad and ashamed undertone.

I hate reality TV production (why does she not know what's going on when there's a professional camera crew pointed at her at all times, why does the freight scale have a random number generator that makes bleep bloop sounds before actually showing what she weighs....), but her journey is sufficiently real I guess.
I can't stand a lot of these shows, particularly crap like Biggest Loser, but EM:WL actually comes across as atypically genuine and inspirational, even though it definitely employs a few TV gimmicks. I could feel myself slipping recently and when the new season started watching those episodes got me right back in the groove!


relies on auto-aim
No kidding, you should check out Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss on ABC. It's amazing to see what people can do in one year when properly motivated.

Full episodes are online. The Jacqui transformation is incredible.

Well, that will put me on track for a few days at least.

Some powerful stuff, even if I'm pretty sure the exact numbers are fudged to meet the goals. Her own journey physically and mentally is really something else.

I'm not sure what clicked for me mentally in High School, but I have been lucky enough to mostly keep my head on right and never let myself get down. I think I have my dad to thank for that.

A bit before graduating I went from 245 to 200 in 60 days and felt great, so I certainly know things are possible. My diet was not balanced, but my determination I think had never been greater.

The past few years my health has been taking a continuing backseat and I know I'm way better than to let myself not take action on something I can fix. Past month I've been getting myself back on track, eating a lot more veggies and working around my own weaknesses (quick prep meals are a must for me), and making sure I get in the time to do exercise when I don't feel like I've overloaded myself with 10 goals and things to do everyday.
Yeah and I think the good news for people starting out that heavy is that, once you make the right changes, the weight will come off really fast as your body is used to SO MANY calories normally. And once you see the weight coming off, that's the best incentive to keep going.
Absolutely. My first weight loss was ALL DIET.
I also did a secondary round from 220 to 205 with little diet when I was doing fitness boxing and the strength I felt back then I want back.

I'm worth it, I'm confident, and there's no reason ANYONE should settle for less than what they can be. They just need to find their own motivation and have a bit of support along the way.

THAT'S AT YOU NEOJUBEI. POST IN HERE AND KEEP ME UPDATED. No one likes hearing people beat up on themselves. you are worth it and you CAN do it. So just do it.



343i Lead Esports Producer
Yeah and I think the good news for people starting out that heavy is that, once you make the right changes, the weight will come off really fast as your body is used to SO MANY calories normally. And once you see the weight coming off, that's the best incentive to keep going.

Yup. And since I've been on this strict diet and I've lost a significant amount of weight I've told people that it really gives you perspective on the whole situation. Monday will be 13 weeks I've been on this keto diet and I'm down 49lbs. Still have a ways to go but I expect to meet my goal in the fall. By then, it will have been around 6 months. In the end I'll say I took 6 months, only a half a year and completely changed my life for the better. It's a massive change to my life. All it took was 6 months of discipline. The feeling so far is so great. I feel like I could accomplish anything and I feel like I have complete control of my life.


Damn...every Friday we have free pizza day at the office and I made the mistake of going upstairs to get my salad when they were opening the boxes. I didn't take a slice but I'm hating myself at the moment for resisting and eating my salad downstairs.

Yeah and I think the good news for people starting out that heavy is that, once you make the right changes, the weight will come off really fast as your body is used to SO MANY calories normally. And once you see the weight coming off, that's the best incentive to keep going.

I guess this is what gave me the willpower to pass up on the pizza...lol.


Damn...every Friday we have free pizza day at the office and I made the mistake of going upstairs to get my salad when they were opening the boxes. I didn't take a slice but I'm hating myself at the moment for resisting and eating my salad downstairs.

haha, I had the exact same experience yesterday. I have no idea why they were serving pizza in my office yesterday, but I was not amused


haha, I had the exact same experience yesterday. I have no idea why they were serving pizza in my office yesterday, but I was not amused

Yeah, and co-workers are like HOW'S YOUR SALAD? lol

It's all worth it...no pain no gain. That includes mental anguish in my book.


This morning, they had free bagels. Around noon, they had free icecream and toppings and shit. They want us all fat and happy here at work, but I was able to resist!


relies on auto-aim
Yeah the way a lot of people and events work around cheap food as a draw it's so easy to overeat when everyone else is doing it.

So many places it's just carbs and soda for everything.


Yeah, and co-workers are like HOW'S YOUR SALAD? lol

It's all worth it...no pain no gain. That includes mental anguish in my book.

Haha literally less than two minutes ago a co-worker said I was "woman-like" when I declined to eat the Wendy's fries he was offering (I said I want to but shouldn't). I agree though, it'll all be worth it in the end; stay strong folks!


Yeah people are assholes when you eat healthy. My fiancé always gets crap said to her by the other nurses. One even said what's the point of eating like that, it looks like you gained weight.

My fiancé is a little over 100lbs. This woman was obese.

Chris R

They are just jealous :p

The best part is when people around you become "concerned" because you aren't eating healthy foods (explain what is wrong with meat and veggies once again please) and losing weight rapidly, all while they continue to eat the same old crap that made me and them the fat asses they are (and I was... well I'm still fat, just not a lard ass anymore).


Haha literally less than two minutes ago a co-worker said I was "woman-like" when I declined to eat the Wendy's fries he was offering (I said I want to but shouldn't). I agree though, it'll all be worth it in the end; stay strong folks!

I'm also glad I don't participate in "Chinese Thursday" around here. lol

We also have a "Salad Tuesday" (WTF at my office, right?) which seems like a good idea. Everyone rotates bringing in a salad...but 90% of the people bring in fucking iceberg lettuce with bacon bits and ranch.

My idea of a salad is mixed field greens/baby spinach, fresh green veggies, a protein of some kind, and some vinaigrette or something.

No lie, there was a bottle of carmelized onion bacon ranch, and by the time 3 people used it it was all gone...

"Salad is healthy"

I've been resisting unhealthy office food for so long that it doesn't faze me much anymore.

But going to fairs, sporting events, and amusement parks? That's when it gets really tricky.


Haha literally less than two minutes ago a co-worker said I was "woman-like" when I declined to eat the Wendy's fries he was offering (I said I want to but shouldn't). I agree though, it'll all be worth it in the end; stay strong folks!
Press him over your head.


No such thing as spot reducing!

You can't pick where you want to lose fat. It will come off as it will no matter which type of exercise you do.

You can't choose where you lose fat from, your body decides for you. What you can do is build muscle, though I have to admit, I'm not familiar with any useful exercises for neck muscles.
I know you can't choose where to lose fat, but I just wondered if simply running would help get rid of it?

Haha, I can't possibly subject the internet to it. Maybe I can show people who meet me IRL on a screen if they're curious ;b. It's just not who I am, yeah? More like a Mr. Hyde that took over for a few years.

I went from very skinny and no muscle mass to carrying a bonus person and no muscle mass, too, so the visual difference was staggering. I have the barest glimpse of recognition when I look at pics from that time period. Totally different person. And yet, when I looked in the mirror back then, I still felt entirely like "me," as always, until I woke up when the scale hit the scariest of scary numbers.
It would be impressive to see, but I can understand why you wouldn't show anyone.

...How do you suck in neck fat?
I have no idea how to explain it, but I can... :/

Anyway time to head off for a run!


I know you can't choose where to lose fat, but I just wondered if simply running would help get rid of it?

It would be impressive to see, but I can understand why you wouldn't show anyone.

I have no idea how to explain it, but I can... :/

Anyway time to head off for a run!

If you're someone who didn't exercise at all (or close to it) than yes, running will certainly help. All weight loss boils down to is eating better (and oftentimes eating less) and being active; whether you want to run, lift weights, swim, or anything else that's physically active it'll be good for you if you live a relatively sedentary lifestyle.

Eat right, work hard, lose weight.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Woohoo! Down to 85kg (187lbs)! I really didn't think I'd loose any weight this week considering how badly I've eaten which left me at 87kg for the last three weeks. Today I had my P1 (yellow belt equivalent) grading in Krav Maga which lasted 90 minutes and consisted of one break of one minute. I think I lost those two kilos in that time. Next weight goal is 80kg and then my final goal of 75kg. The end is in sight.


One thing I can suggest, as someone who's lost 120 pounds, is to not always be dedicating your efforts strictly toward as much weight loss as possible. I switched it up between months where I lose 10 pounds, to months where I'd focus on improving my weightlifting, to months where I'd take a rest and just try to live a comfortable normal lifestyle of moderation as if I had met my goals (which would bring stress levels down since I was very strict otherwise). As a result things took a bit longer but I probably have a better body composition than I would have otherwise and and I don't have loose skin problems. People have no idea that I was 300 ;b

Do you have any pics online of when you were big? Every pic I've seen of you has been around the weight you are now.

But that said, I think your plan is actually great. Spend a month working on cardio, do a month of weight lifting, another month maybe doing a mix and at a lower volume to give yourself a break, but not too much of a break. Once I got down to the early 200s though I would go on a more strict weekly plan of course.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Do you have any pics online of when you were big? Every pic I've seen of you has been around the weight you are now.

But that said, I think your plan is actually great. Spend a month working on cardio, do a month of weight lifting, another month maybe doing a mix and at a lower volume to give yourself a break, but not too much of a break. Once I got down to the early 200s though I would go on a more strict weekly plan of course.

Not online. The younger pics of me are super old ones from like 2002-2004, and all the rest are from late 2010 onward.

I just looked at them again. They're horrifying. ;b

I just uhhh dunno about giving the internet a bunch of photoshop ammunition, you know? ;b

I'll keep some in a secure place and show them to any gaffer who's curious when I head to Europe. Then people can recount their level of shock on the forum ;b
Not online. The younger pics of me are super old ones from when I was like 2002-2004, and all the rest are from late 2010 onward.

I just looked at them again. They're horrifying. ;b

I just uhhh dunno about giving the internet a bunch of photoshop ammunition, you know? ;b

I'll keep some in a secure place and show them to any gaffer who's curious when I head to Europe. Then people can recount their level of shock on the forum ;b

Progress should be a source of pride, never shame. You took control and improved yourself. Come on, Evilore!
Not online. The younger pics of me are super old ones from like 2002-2004, and all the rest are from late 2010 onward.

I just looked at them again. They're horrifying. ;b

I just uhhh dunno about giving the internet a bunch of photoshop ammunition, you know? ;b

I'll keep some in a secure place and show them to any gaffer who's curious when I head to Europe. Then people can recount their level of shock on the forum ;b

I can't imagine at all, just looking at your frame and current pictures. I have a friend who is similar, I didn't believe he was ever fat until he showed me the photographic proof.

Still in Austin? We need to make an Austin-Gaf get together happen, and you should bring the pictures so we can discuss them like embarrassing childhood photos from your parents.

I'm down about 40, work in progress. I don't really have any good before-after shirtless comparison pics or anything, but you can tell I've lost fat in general and in my face from some normal photos I have. Maybe after I've reached a happy spot.

I just recently started doing a little bit of weightlifting when I hurt my back, so I'm about ready to get serious about that aspect. Unrelated to the weights, just slept wrong, but it has taken like a week to heal. Also the bar exam coming up, so not that serious!
For those who were wondering about going from 300ish, here is my current progress. I was 6'4 300lbs in my sophomore year in college. This was close to that time:
Since then i have dropped to my current weight, a little below 180. I don't really have much loose skin, but i do have that pesky belly that won't go away. Lately i've been working more on gaining muscle instead of loosing weight. Trying to do it slowly by eating a good diet around maintenance. I've still got a lot of work to do, but it's getting there....If only I could cut out the drinking on the weekends, it would be much easier
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