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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

I don't have access to anything except machines in my current apartment complex. I'm moving complexes in a couple months, and will have access to everything but a squat rack (really need to start squatting). So based on what I have, i'm only working upper body. I go about 4 days a week, monday,tues,thurs,fri and keep it fairly light. I use a pretty unorthodox routine, so i wouldn't base yours off of mine.
Monday: Seated Rows, Bench Press, Decline Bench Press
Tuesday: Lat Pulldown, Tricep Extensions
Thursday:Bicep curls, Bench Press, Decline Bench Press
I couple this with about 60 minutes of cardio after, either:
Cycling around 90rev/min at 8 or
Walking 8% slope a little over 4 mph.
I feel that the cycline is building my quads a little bit, and walking uphill my calves, but nothing compared to a incorporating squat/deadlift.
I am starting to take protein shakes after lifting, so the cardio is going to slow down...can't be getting stitches every day.
yeah i will have access to a barbell, so i can do deadlifts, but only a smith machine, no squat rack...ive heard squatting with a smith machine can mess up your back. I will be able to start doing overhead presses...i need to work on my shoulders, only work they get is bench presses.


Pictures of me at my heaviest, 351 pounds:



Picture of me today at 189 pounds:


Wow. You don't look that heavy in before, though. Tall?


My body's weight has always been pretty uniform. It doesn't collect in any one spot, but instead, distributes pretty evenly across my entire body. I have MASSIVE legs for example, more so back then obviously.

Edit: The top picture is actually me at around 290-300 considering that was my weight around the time I started University.
Yeah, I've got a bit of that. Weigh more than I look when heavy, but need to lose more to actually get into better shape/look better. Only 5'9" on a good day though.

At 176 now, down from about 217 or so. But before I actually lost weight I would fluctuate up and down from like 195-220 in a year. Easy to gain, not terribly hard to lose. Probably aiming for 160ish as a maintenance weight, barring getting serious about lifting. Unlikely.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Fine, fine ;b

Late 2009, at 260 lbs (which is after 40 pounds of weight loss; I was 300 six months prior, I just don't have any pics from then, was too self-conscious)


Today, 183 lbs and considerably improved mood ;b

That is quite a change. Your hair looks better, too. The ears still stood out, though, so we know it is you.

Wherever you were at looks pretty cool. Hiking?
Looking good U2. Nothing has improved my quality of life than dropping the 120lbs. Used to stay inside and play dota all day. Now I have so much energy, always In a good mood, people want to be around me, and the girls actually started coming to me! I recently moved to Kansas city for work, and was nervous about making friends. I had always been the one to just cling to another group of friends. Now, it seems like I am the person bringing everyone together...it's an amazing feeling. To anyone struggling, it's worth it, trust me. Keep working, change your diet, cut out the sodas(dropped 60lbs in 6 months from just this), and look to the bright future. It's a long road...been about 3 years for me, buts it's a complete lifestyle change.

I used to really believe I was happy being a fat hermit gamer. Only now can I look back and realize how pathetic I was.
Some inspirational stuff here. I think I luckily caught myself before I let things get too out of control but I'm still not where I want to be. With my frame, height and the way my fat is distributed at anything over 200 lbs, I look very heavy and unhealthy. I've been very focused on cardio, mainly because I enjoy jogging and I hate going to the gym but I really need to do some strength training as well.


Yeah! Awesome results on this page. Wish more pages were filled with the before/after this thread started with, but seriously, great job everyone.


Fine, fine ;b

Late 2009, at 260 lbs (which is after 40 pounds of weight loss; I was 300 six months prior, I just don't have any pics from then, was too self-conscious)


Today, 183 lbs and considerably improved mood ;b


Wow, awesome. Thank you.

This is the kind of change I'm hoping for. Hamburglar is right - this is the kind of thing you show off with pride.
Fine, fine ;b

Late 2009, at 260 lbs (which is after 40 pounds of weight loss; I was 300 six months prior, I just don't have any pics from then, was too self-conscious)


Today, 183 lbs and considerably improved mood ;b


Awesome work.

Quick question:

I started at around 340, and I've gotten down to about 240-245. I've plateaued quite a bit, and I'm trying desperately to break through it and get down in the low 200s (and eventually down to about your weight.)

Did you hit a similar plateau, and if so, how did you manage to break through?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Awesome work.

Quick question:

I started at around 340, and I've gotten down to about 240-245. I've plateaued quite a bit, and I'm trying desperately to break through it and get down in the low 200s (and eventually down to about your weight.)

Did you hit a similar plateau, and if so, how did you manage to break through?

Relatively easy to drop the initial weight once you're motivated, harder as you get lower, yeah, in part because your BMR is decreasing, and because you're not getting the exercise benefit of lugging around an extra 100 pounds on your frame when you do stuff ;b

Just have to be strict nutritionally and active. Keep track of everything you eat so that you're not fooling yourself (with whatever approach you prefer; I mostly just do low sugar high protein and not sweat the rest of the details of the macro composition), and do something active every day (I currently do an hour of cardio every day and weightlifting 3x a week, not counting outdoorsy stuff).


Holy crap boss, you look like a new person. Incredible progress!
And the others, too - you all look like new people and feel hopefully much happier :)

Great job!


343i Lead Esports Producer
WTF Evilore, the old you looks like you with Hollywood makeup and effects on lol nice shit

After a really tough day at work (dehydrated, was cramping up, not a lot of sleep...) I come home, take a shower and hit the scale to see that I've reached the 50lb lost mark. Pretty special occasion for me. Monday will be 13 weeks that I've been on the diet and I've gone from 305 to 255. Feels good man. Will post pics in a few months when I reach my final goal.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Wow, i mean WOW at the dramatic changes of weight loss in those photos. I wish I could achieve such a goal. I've been down lately so I haven't been to the gym in the last 3 days and the fact its raining out right now. Seeing those photos from you guys really makes me feel it is possible. I think I will look for my free weights in my closet and do some reps even if i am unable to go the gym today. I hope by next year i can post such photos of weight loss here.


relies on auto-aim
Already dropped half a belt hole.

Forgot how nice feeling half sore is.
Wow, i mean WOW at the dramatic changes of weight loss in those photos. I wish I could achieve such a goal. I've been down lately so I haven't been to the gym in the last 3 days and the fact its raining out right now. Seeing those photos from you guys really makes me feel it is possible. I think I will look for my free weights in my closet and do some reps even if i am unable to go the gym today. I hope by next year i can post such photos of weight loss here.
You don't have to wish anything. You have the internet and a supportive community. You have everything that will allow you to lose weight when you decide to commit to it.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Wow, i mean WOW at the dramatic changes of weight loss in those photos. I wish I could achieve such a goal. I've been down lately so I haven't been to the gym in the last 3 days and the fact its raining out right now. Seeing those photos from you guys really makes me feel it is possible. I think I will look for my free weights in my closet and do some reps even if i am unable to go the gym today. I hope by next year i can post such photos of weight loss here.

If you can't make it to the gym, you can make it up by eating a little less throughout the day. Smaller portions. Maybe don't have the snack you do. Maybe have a smaller plate of dinner. Don't let it get you down.
This has been one of the greatest pages in this thread so far. Absolutely amazing progress. What was the time frame for you guys on losing that weight?

I look forward to gaining the courage to posting my progress. (I'm not ashamed of my body; I just have a problem with posting pictures of myself on the Internet for privacy reasons.)
Fine, fine ;b

Late 2009, at 260 lbs (which is after 40 pounds of weight loss; I was 300 six months prior, I just don't have any pics from then, was too self-conscious)


Today, 183 lbs and considerably improved mood ;b


Question unrelated to weight:

How'd your hair go from all frizzy to nice and wavy? Or were you just having a bad hair day?


This has been one of the greatest pages in this thread so far. Absolutely amazing progress. What was the time frame for you guys on losing that weight?

I look forward to gaining the courage to posting my progress. (I'm not ashamed of my body; I just have a problem with posting pictures of myself on the Internet for privacy reasons.)

I'm about three years into my weight loss right now. I haven't been completely dedicated through out the duration, and could have easily lost more if I were 100% strict, but I didn't want to completely do away with my college experience :p

It's probably a blessing regardless. While I certainly have some fairly noticeable stretchmarks on my midsection and arms, I haven't suffered from loose skin, probably due to the fact that my weight loss has been fairly gradual.


So, for a great 'home gym', what kind of machine can people suggest for the best daily workout? Got an exercise bike, thinking about a treadmill as I love to run and should be good cardio - Anything that would be 'better' ?


a bowflex home gym.

Looks like something I'd get bored of quickly and run out of ways to use it due to lack of creativity :p

I've been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and now I just need something that gets my heart pumping and to lose some weight fast.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Welp, I decided to back out of the bulking and go cutting again (still primal though). Getting tired of doing this back and forth shit to myself, but hopefully this is the last time and I stick to the cutting phase I created.

And excellent work, harSon, jeremy, and EviLore.
So I have tried the faux "low carb" rice (colliflower processed to a rice like consistency) and it was pretty good. Will definitely be eating it again.

What do low carbers do for a good pasta substitute?

If there was a good pasta substitute and bread substitute I could easily eat low carb.

Today I have had about 4 pieces of toast and a heap of bread for lunch. Bread is just too good a taste for me. I can easily avoid the sweet carbs found in soft drinks, cakes, sweets etc, it's the starchy carbs which kill be - bread, potatoes, pasta etc.


Squash is generally used as a pasta alternative. Spaghetti Squash is popular - http://allrecipes.com/recipe/spaghetti-squash-i/

As for bread, you can make your own, either with almond flour or coconut flour, or other things like ooopsie rolls - http://yourlighterside.com/gluten-free-low-carb-buns-aka-oopsie-rolls/. But remember than you don't need to remove all grains from your diet, you can simply limit them to a safe amount. Use one piece of bread for a sandwich instead of 2, or use a tortilla wrap instead. Try and treat grains more like a dessert, not have them be a part of every meal.


Found this short but sweet article on cholesterol - http://thesmarterscienceofslim.com/its-not-about-lowering-cholesterol/. I think this is my favorite part:



Tried the chicken-bacon-avocado salad someone posted in this thread earlier and it was delicious. Found a great tip on salads by Mark Sisson and so lately I've been keeping a bunch of chopped up veggies in the fridge, so if/when I get hungry I can throw together a bigass salad in literally 2 minutes. Just chop up some lettuce (I like romaine), some veggies you like (right now I have cucumber, mushrooms and red onions) and put them in separate tupperware containers and stick them in the fridge. Then just throw it all together, put some protein on top (leftover chicken, canned tuna etc), maybe some walnuts, and drizzle some salad dressing on top. If I ever get a craving for some fast food, I can throw together a delicious bigass salad ten times quicker than it would take me to order and go pick up a pizza.



Wow, those look like two completely different people, awesome work! Almost looks like you have a fat brother :p

I'm traveling back to the US to visit my parents and seeing your picture has given me the motivation to not slack off with my diet or working out while I'm there, even though I won't have access to my gym. Been reading nerdfitness.com and I'm gonna be doing bodyweight exercises while I'm there.
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