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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Do you have a smart phone? Check out myfitnesspal. You can also do it on the computer.

Recipes I just google. I do a lot of grilling so throwing some olive oil and spices on meats and vegetables is all I need.

Also monitor your fruit intake. They're not all created equally. Stick to berries to be safe.


Awesome. Much appreciated. :)

What do you do about the hunger pangs?

You should feel less hungry on a primal, high fat, ton of meat an veggies diet. Thats how the diet basically works

If you do feel hungry and need to snack, just eat some carrots. Fruit, nuts, and dairy can work depending on if your body can handle them (meaning still lose and maintain weight)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Awesome. Much appreciated. :)

What do you do about the hunger pangs?

Something that I did when I lost an insane amount of weight was learning to love hunger pangs (I know that sounds sick, but bear with me). If you're a big dude who's used to eating 3000-4000 calories a day, you're body isn't going to love that you're suddenly giving it half that.

When my stomach would growl, I'd just think that instead of me feeding it food, I'm going to let my body feed on itself (that's what we're trying to do when we lose weight anyways, right?!).

Don't starve yourself, but monitor your intake enough that you know if you're consuming too much or too little. If you're eating around 2000 calories worth of purely healthy foods and your stomach complains...tough! You get to eat yourself instead of eating more food...you've given your body all the food it needs and anything more would just be your body's previous greed for food talking.

I'd strongly recommend that anyone who starts adjusting their diet very closely tracks their macronutrients so they have an idea of how much food they are actually consuming and will understand when they've eaten too much or not eaten enough. Once you figure out roughly the amounts you should be eating in a day, you don't need to be so crazy about it...but just because you're eating only meat, vegetables, fruit and eggs doesn't mean you aren't consuming 3000-4000 calories worth of that stuff. You need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight no matter what kinds of foods you're eating.

So I say learn to love your hunger pangs. That's your body eating itself and you losing weight! Just make sure you're eating as much as you need to and let your body bitch all it wants. You're making it look less gross whether it wants you to or not. You're in control, not it.

Figure out how much you need to be eating to start losing weight at a reasonable pace (2 pounds a week is the staple, but you can go faster if you're bigger...I wouldn't shoot for anything faster than 4 pounds a week even if your body would let you do it. Rapid weight loss typically leads to loose skin and muscle atrophy. Eat over 100g of protein daily. Eat whatever ratio of carbs and fats you'd like to make you hit your daily needs (lean more on fat if you aren't active, lean more on carbs if you are active)....and prosper!


Also, start popping fish oil pills ASAP. Everyone should be doing this since the modern diet (ANY diet basically not consuming fish everyday) omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is really out of whack.



This picture is just amazing.

Every time i look at the picture Eazy-E starts playing in my head.. weird..

Ahhhh Real muthaf**in G's

Nice improvement though! On the wheight i mean.
Just wanted to mention in case it helps anyone else, if you jog or ride bike regularly, I find using an app or something that can automatically track your performance is a great motivator. I use endomondo on my iPhone just because it was the best rated app at the time when I was looking but I'm sure there are plenty of other options out there. I never signed up for any of the social stuff. I just keep the data local to my phone but it tracks a lot of data and when you look at your history, you can see how much you've improved over time and how dedicated you have been.


If anyone has a good Low Carb High Fat or Primal/Paleo diet web resource fling it my way. :)

There's plenty around but I'm not sure as to their reliability or value.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
If anyone has a good Low Carb High Fat or Primal/Paleo diet web resource fling it my way. :)


That entire website is gold, but that specific page is the most easily digested.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'd cut out stuff like progreso soup and turkey lunch meat in your salad.

Stick to unprocessed stuff like actual meats.

Ever consider eggs for breakfast?

Dinner there are plenty of meats and fish you can substitute for chicken. What vegetables are you eating?

Well, without turkey in my salad the whole meal is like 30 calories. :p I could get some chicken and make it up before the week though. Also I do soup because it's generally cheaper, if I shelve that I'm not sure what I could take to work besides salad every day, and salad gets expensive quick.

I don't have time in the morning to cook anything, I have to eat on the way to work or at work. The only issue I had with eggs is eggs 5x a week would be very bad for cholesterol.

Fish in Iowa is expensive, I'd love to eat more though. As for meats, I can sub in pork chops and that kind of thing, it's just chicken tastes the best to me. :p

For veggies it's usually roasted green beans or asparagus. A bit of salt/pepper and olive oil in the oven.
How important are Vitamin D supplements? I haven't been getting a ton of sun (at least since I got back from Greece), but I'm fairly healthy. Would they help give me more coloring?


If anyone has a good Low Carb High Fat or Primal/Paleo diet web resource fling it my way. :)

There's plenty around but I'm not sure as to their reliability or value.

MDA is probably the best, it's got ton of info on all different kind of things,

There's also:

For recipes..
I don't have time in the morning to cook anything, I have to eat on the way to work or at work. The only issue I had with eggs is eggs 5x a week would be very bad for cholesterol
No it will not. Dietary cholesterol has no effect on cholesterol in the blood. Eggs are arguable the healthiest food around, and cheap and easy to cook.


MDA is probably the best, it's got ton of info on all different kind of things,

There's also:

For recipes..

No it will not. Dietary cholesterol has no effect on cholesterol in the blood. Eggs are arguable the healthiest food around, and cheap and easy to cook.

Thanks! Sifting through to see if any of these has diet plan or template.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
No it will not. Dietary cholesterol has no effect on cholesterol in the blood. Eggs are arguable the healthiest food around, and cheap and easy to cook.

Hmm, I keep hearing both ways. Seeing that 70% cholesterol for one egg on the package doesn't help. :p

Maybe I should hard boil a bunch before the week and take to work. I can never get the shells off easy though, I suck at hard boiling.


Hmm, I keep hearing both ways. Seeing that 70% cholesterol for one egg on the package doesn't help. :p

Maybe I should hard boil a bunch before the week and take to work. I can never get the shells off easy though, I suck at hard boiling.

I and many others eat 6 eggs a day. You'll he fine.
Hmm, I keep hearing both ways. Seeing that 70% cholesterol for one egg on the package doesn't help. :p

Maybe I should hard boil a bunch before the week and take to work. I can never get the shells off easy though, I suck at hard boiling.
Roll them on the counter top under your hand, the shell comes right off. For super covenience you can buy eggs already cooked and shelled, but they are more expensive.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Roll them on the counter top under your hand, the shell comes right off. For super covenience you can buy eggs already cooked and shelled, but they are more expensive.

I'll give it a shot, I've also seen other cooking methods for making sure the shell comes off. Nice to know eating a lot of eggs won't kill me. I used to go through 12 a week, how many should I take for a breakfast portion? 2 hard boiled eggs?

For lunch do I skip the Progresso soup and go with salad greens + chicken breast + dressing?


Oh my god hahaha. Too embarrassing to post in the fitness thread but 15 minutes of sprints kicked my butt. My legs are already dying from doing Jillian Michaels last night but now... Haha.

Did 30 seconds of sprinting, 1:00 of walking, repeat, for 15. Don't make fun of me, I'm a tiny little woman with weak legs :p I mean, I was out of breath, but it was my legs that forced me to slow down, I could have probably gone another 5-10 minutes cardio-wise haha.

I look forward to this when I get more used to my strength circuit so that it doesn't murder my legs.


Oh my god hahaha. Too embarrassing to post in the fitness thread but 15 minutes of sprints kicked my butt. My legs are already dying from doing Jillian Michaels last night but now... Haha.

Did 30 seconds of sprinting, 1:00 of walking, repeat, for 15. Don't make fun of me, I'm a tiny little woman with weak legs :p I mean, I was out of breath, but it was my legs that forced me to slow down, I could have probably gone another 5-10 minutes cardio-wise haha.

I look forward to this when I get more used to my strength circuit so that it doesn't murder my legs.

The fitness thread sees you and has noted your presence.


The fitness thread sees you and has noted your presence.

Noooo lol don't make fun of me and my weakness!

To post about something more relevant, higher protein, lower carb makes me feel pretty great. I still eat some sugar (in tea) and fruit is too tasty, but so long bread and pasta for the last few weeks! It's good.
Beef jerky is really something essential to have around, in my experience, for someone that has trouble completely cutting out "snacking". Even Target has a big bag of it; granted it's not the greatest quality but it's better than a lot of snacks. If you don't mind spending more you could probably find some really nice "homemade/local" stuff at farmers markets, or places like that. Best yet, make your own, if you have the time and interest.

Cutting out most bread/grain is also very empowering; I felt a difference after a week of no bread, it's a very refreshing feeling. Now I only eat bread once a week on Thursday, the day my wife and I go out to Wegmans and get a sub for dinner (our shopping night together.)


Noooo lol don't make fun of me and my weakness!

To post about something more relevant, higher protein, lower carb makes me feel pretty great. I still eat some sugar (in tea) and fruit is too tasty, but so long bread and pasta for the last few weeks! It's good.

No reason to get shy! Last year when I went out to try and do some jogging, it was the first time I'd tried in a few years, I couldn't even run 2 minutes without feeling like I was gonna die. It was actually really sad and embarrassing because I played so many sports growing up :( Luckily it gave me extra motivation and helped get my ass back on track.

As for sugar in tea, if you wanna sweeten tea without sugar you can try stevia or truvia, all natural, zero calories sweeteners. I use truvia quite a bit to sweeten things, especially my full fat greek yogurt mmm


No reason to get shy! Last year when I went out to try and do some jogging, it was the first time I'd tried in a few years, I couldn't even run 2 minutes without feeling like I was gonna die. It was actually really sad and embarrassing because I played so many sports growing up :( Luckily it gave me extra motivation and helped get my ass back on track.

As for sugar in tea, if you wanna sweeten tea without sugar you can try stevia or truvia, all natural, zero calories sweeteners. I use truvia quite a bit to sweeten things, especially my full fat greek yogurt mmm

Well, embarrassed in the context of fitnessGAF. They're all beasts :D I've kind of been on and off work out heh. Though, I looked at some sample HIIT workouts and I guess it's not too bad, 30/1:00 ratio. Hopefully when I can walk again I can run for a bit longer :D

I need to find some stevia. I tried some other artificial sweetener once and it was disgusting :( But I've heard stevia is actually decent for you so...hm. Health food store?


Stevia is pretty easy to get now a days since it's getting more popular, there are different kinds depending on which side of the leaf they use. One side is sweeter apparently. I saw some 'Stevia in the raw' at stop n shop the other day. I get my Truvia from my local supermarkets, they should have it, it's a little more expensive than the artificial stuff but it's not too bad. Plus you can always buy in bulk on Amazon. Truvia is a combination of stevia and erythritol, which is a zero calorie sugar alcohol that's not digested and gets peed out of you lol


I'll give it a shot, I've also seen other cooking methods for making sure the shell comes off. Nice to know eating a lot of eggs won't kill me. I used to go through 12 a week, how many should I take for a breakfast portion? 2 hard boiled eggs?

For lunch do I skip the Progresso soup and go with salad greens + chicken breast + dressing?

skip the dressing

my lunch is chicken, onions, red peppers, and spinach. Its quite good

If you want something cheaper, canned tuna


I eat a salad pretty much every day. It's so weird, I never used to like them, now I can't imagine not having one..they're so damn good. Luckily for me my local italian place makes great ones and the supermarket near by sells pre-made ones that are good too. I started using coconut oil as dressing too..ughh why didn't I do this sooner, so good

And coconut oil is no joke, it really does give you a nice boost of energy


I just had the Trader Joe's stuffed flounder for dinner and it was really good. It was a lot more crab meat than I expected, it's basically a crab cake held together by a thin piece of flounder. It does have some soybean oil and a few other not so great ingredients, but for 3 bucks I'll definitely pick it up once in a while. So yea, if you wanna add some seafood to your diet check it out.
I just had the Trader Joe's stuffed flounder for dinner and it was really good. It was a lot more crab meat than I expected, it's basically a crab cake held together by a thin piece of flounder. It does have some soybean oil and a few other not so great ingredients, but for 3 bucks I'll definitely pick it up once in a while. So yea, if you wanna add some seafood to your diet check it out.
Glad you liked it, I am a big fan, just bought it again this week!


Yea, and since it's mostly crab meat it's got the texture/consistency of something starchy like mashed potatoes. It's nice to get that without the actual starch! I think I need to start eating more crab meat in general. I really wanna try crab legs now..who knew seafood could be so good!

Do you only eat 1? They're kinda small. One and a half would be good size. I think next time I'll just throw it on top of a big ass salad with lots of cheese and nuts to get the extra calories.
Yea, and since it's mostly crab meat it's got the texture/consistency of something starchy like mashed potatoes. It's nice to get that without the actual starch! I think I need to start eating more crab meat in general. I really wanna try crab legs now..who knew seafood could be so good!

Do you only eat 1? They're kinda small. One and a half would be good size. I think next time I'll just throw it on top of a big ass salad with lots of cheese and nuts to get the extra calories.
I just put it with a generous side dish (or two) and it's perfect for lunch.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member


Well, embarrassed in the context of fitnessGAF. They're all beasts :D I've kind of been on and off work out heh. Though, I looked at some sample HIIT workouts and I guess it's not too bad, 30/1:00 ratio. Hopefully when I can walk again I can run for a bit longer :D

I need to find some stevia. I tried some other artificial sweetener once and it was disgusting :( But I've heard stevia is actually decent for you so...hm. Health food store?

Artificial sweeteners are fine for you; the science against them isn't really there. If you prefer the taste, stevia is okay and some people find splenda to be pretty good.

As for fitnessGAF, there's no point hiding. It sees everything...

(and it's there to help; as long as people are honest and willing to learn, it's a great resource on how to look and feel great. Read the OP!).

Also think of it this way; while some people have forgotten it, everyone started out being unfit. Only by putting a little work into it did fit people get slowly in shape. No one worth listening to will make fun of you.


Artificial sweeteners are fine for you; the science against them isn't really there. If you prefer the taste, stevia is okay and some people find splenda to be pretty good.

As for fitnessGAF, there's no point hiding. It sees everything...

(and it's there to help; as long as people are honest and willing to learn, it's a great resource on how to look and feel great. Read the OP!).

Also think of it this way; while some people have forgotten it, everyone started out being unfit. Only by putting a little work into it did fit people get slowly in shape. No one worth listening to will make fun of you.

I found some stevia. Excited to try. :D

Nooooo fitnessGAF! It's not that I'm out of shape, just trying different things that are challenging me differently :) Also was off for a month cause I was depressed :(

But in any case, you guys there are all super strong, so it's kind of silly that I'm all ~my three pound weights are so heavy~ hahaha. Perhaps I will come join you eventually though

Chris R

I don't think I could run/walk for that time period :p But then again I hate running/jogging (kills my shins).

I do like going for bike rides though, thinking about shooting for a 50 mile ride this weekend.


I've tried that in the past but the olive oil quickly hardens and I have to thaw it out before I can use it again. Maybe my fridge is set at too low of a temperature?

No your fridge is fine. When you put OO in the fridge it should harden up, it's one way to tell if your OO is extra virgin or not. I was thinking maybe mixed with someone else it would prevent that..I use oils themselves as dressing so I don't need to worry about that kinda stuff :)


I'm thinking of getting this book, I hear really good things

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Ended up grabbing some low carb wraps at the store for lunches next week along with some deli turkey, spinach, onion, and bell pepper. Nece dawned on me that I could get low carb wraps.

I might change to chicken breast next, but it's pricey this week.

Wish our nearest Trader Joes wasn't 45 minutes away too, that seafood sounds good. Hard to come by in Iowa.


Ended up grabbing some low carb wraps at the store for lunches next week along with some deli turkey, spinach, onion, and bell pepper. Nece dawned on me that I could get low carb wraps.

I might change to chicken breast next, but it's pricey this week.

Wish our nearest Trader Joes wasn't 45 minutes away too, that seafood sounds good. Hard to come by in Iowa.

Personally, I just throw the chicken, spinach, peppers, and onions in some tupperware and eat it like a salad. That way I can avoid bread and I think those low carb wraps are nasty and just ruin the good good flavor of the salad


Neo Member
Personally, I just throw the chicken, spinach, peppers, and onions in some tupperware and eat it like a salad. That way I can avoid bread and I think those low carb wraps are nasty and just ruin the good good flavor of the salad

Thank you, that's what I do too. I've been reintroducing high fiber non-starchy green veggies back into my diet after discovering that the carbs in them are catabolized as fat in the colon and not as glucose like other carbs. Seems to be working as I'm seeing more weight loss, and it's helping with controlling my protein intake. I'm also eating more fish to help with omega 3 to 6 ratios, and reducing dairy due to the fact that the reason dairy can make ppl stall/gain weight is the IGF-1 in dairy causing a similar reaction like insulin. Those three changes in the last 2 weeks has seen me break the 170 plateau I had and I'm down to 167 so far. Hovering around 11.5-12% bf. Can't wait to drop these last 15-20 lbs and get into the single digit bf%...

As for pics, I'm not were I want to be yet (still have stubborn fat in my gut/love handles/backs of arms/inner thighs), and looking at old pics is not only very embarrassing but kinda brings me down that I allowed myself to be that fat for so long...


Neo Member
Also, what Omega 3 pills do you guys recommend? I've done some research into regular fish oil vs. cod liver oil vs. krill oil, but they are all so expensive and there's so much conflicting info about efficacy. Supposedly krill oil is the most effective since the fat doesn't have to be converted as much as fish oil to be absorbed by the human body, but it's also the most expensive of the 3. Cod liver oil is supposed to be higher in EPA & DHA than regular fish oil but it's almost as expensive as krill oil and not as easily absorbed by the body. And while fish oil is the cheapest it's also lower in EPA/DHA and there are quality/efficacy issues depending on brand/source... :/


Any advice on a breakfast shake? I need to use non perishables, as I want to be able to keep the ingredients at work (I have a fridge there if need be) but don't want to worry about any food going bad. I also need to be able to mix it in a hand shaker, not a blender.

Was thinking of going chocolate protein + peanut butter + flax/chia mill and sweetener (if I can stand it...otherwise, I'll take in the few extra carbs and put in some honey).

Any other ideas?
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