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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I think it depends on what you're using. For a OO/Balsamic dressing I'd assume you would keep it in the fridge.

An oil-and-vinegar vinaigrette definitely does not need to be, nor should it be, refrigerated.

The only exception would be if your dressing has raw garlic in it (due to the distinct risk of botulism), in which case you shouldn't even be keeping it for any significant amount of time to begin with.


Neo Member
Any advice on a breakfast shake? I need to use non perishables, as I want to be able to keep the ingredients at work (I have a fridge there if need be) but don't want to worry about any food going bad. I also need to be able to mix it in a hand shaker, not a blender.

Was thinking of going chocolate protein + peanut butter + flax/chia mill and sweetener (if I can stand it...otherwise, I'll take in the few extra carbs and put in some honey).

Any other ideas?

When I was doing a PSMF I used Now Foods Whey Protein Isolate, Now Foods Alcohol-Free Stevia Glycerite, and Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk. 1 scoop is 25g of protein, and no carbs in either the whey isolate, stevia, or almond milk. I mixed it in a hand shaker/thermos I got free with the purchase of the whey isolate from bodybuilding.com


When I was doing a PSMF I used Now Foods Whey Protein Isolate, Now Foods Alcohol-Free Stevia Glycerite, and Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk. 1 scoop is 25g of protein, and no carbs in either the whey isolate, stevia, or almond milk. I mixed it in a hand shaker/thermos I got free with the purchase of the whey isolate from bodybuilding.com

Yep. Good stuff. I'll make smoothies for me and the wife, protein powder, almond milk, a tblsp of almond butter. She likes a frozen banana in there too. Or you can use greek yogurt. Almond milk and almond butter are awesome.


Any suggestions on low carb desserts, besides fresh fruit?

I'll probably start off by picking up some Casein powder to make some protein fluff.


Oh my god hahaha. Too embarrassing to post in the fitness thread but 15 minutes of sprints kicked my butt. My legs are already dying from doing Jillian Michaels last night but now... Haha.

Did 30 seconds of sprinting, 1:00 of walking, repeat, for 15. Don't make fun of me, I'm a tiny little woman with weak legs :p I mean, I was out of breath, but it was my legs that forced me to slow down, I could have probably gone another 5-10 minutes cardio-wise haha.
Try 15 minutes going up and down a flight of stairs (not stairmaster). I'm convinced it's one of the most difficult cardio exercises you can do, especially if you keep your knees up.


Also, what Omega 3 pills do you guys recommend? I've done some research into regular fish oil vs. cod liver oil vs. krill oil, but they are all so expensive and there's so much conflicting info about efficacy. Supposedly krill oil is the most effective since the fat doesn't have to be converted as much as fish oil to be absorbed by the human body, but it's also the most expensive of the 3. Cod liver oil is supposed to be higher in EPA & DHA than regular fish oil but it's almost as expensive as krill oil and not as easily absorbed by the body. And while fish oil is the cheapest it's also lower in EPA/DHA and there are quality/efficacy issues depending on brand/source... :/

I just get the cheapest fish oil supplements that i can find. Sure, they probably arent as good as the really expensive stuff, but they are still beneficial, and if you are eating right and eat a fair amount of fish, well, I'm sure the benefits of popping the expensive stuff is pretty negligible. Also, a hell of a lot cheaper

So long as dark chocolate is 75%+ cocoa, that is a perfectly acceptable primal desert (desert is an occasional indulgence). Hell, I just had some 85% just a little bit ago. I actually hated dark chocolate when i was a carb eater, but now, well, it still tasted bitter at first, but I started to really enjoy it after a while

I'm down 10 pounds this week since I've started calorie counting. Sorta incredible.

If you get sick of doing that or feel you cant keep it up, I strongly recommend fasting. I find that a much easier way to reduce calories than calorie counting. You dont have to fast for days and days. Just like 16 hours or so, or hell, just skip lunch for like 3-5 days a week.


I just get the cheapest fish oil supplements that i can find. Sure, they probably arent as good as the really expensive stuff, but they are still beneficial, and if you are eating right and eat a fair amount of fish, well, I'm sure the benefits of popping the expensive stuff is pretty negligible. Also, a hell of a lot cheaper

A can of sardines day keeps the doctor away!


June 2009 I was over 240 lbs.


June 2012 I am under 190 lbs.


My phone also lost some weight.

I am 5'8", and now eat right most of the time and exercise five to seven days a week to some degree (see the P90X thread!). My goal is around 160 lbs, and being very functionally fit and able to handle most physical challenges.

Hopefully this post helps others achieve their goals, because this thread has certainly been part of helping me achieve my own.


Damn. I weighed myself at the gym today as I haven't had a scale in my new place, it looks like I've gained 7 pounds since moving out of my parent's place. I thought that I wouldn't gain weight because I don't have the money to buy a bunch of junk food, but apparently it happened.

I'm thankfully still within my healthy weight range, but I'm certainly going to keep up going to the gym and start looking at what I'm eating now. I really wanted to lose some flab before, but now it looks like I'll have to make a bigger effort and work on keeping my weight down.

Good thing I found a scale at the gym, heh.
June 2009 I was over 240 lbs.


June 2012 I am under 190 lbs.


My phone also lost some weight.

I am 5'8", and now eat right most of the time and exercise five to seven days a week to some degree (see the P90X thread!). My goal is around 160 lbs, and being very functionally fit and able to handle most physical challenges.

Hopefully this post helps others achieve their goals, because this thread has certainly been part of helping me achieve my own.
Awesome work dude, night and day difference.

Nice phone upgrade too ;)
June 2009 I was over 240 lbs.


June 2012 I am under 190 lbs.


My phone also lost some weight.

I am 5'8", and now eat right most of the time and exercise five to seven days a week to some degree (see the P90X thread!). My goal is around 160 lbs, and being very functionally fit and able to handle most physical challenges.

Hopefully this post helps others achieve their goals, because this thread has certainly been part of helping me achieve my own.

Awesome work. You're a good looking guy!


June 2009 I was over 240 lbs.


June 2012 I am under 190 lbs.


My phone also lost some weight.

I am 5'8", and now eat right most of the time and exercise five to seven days a week to some degree (see the P90X thread!). My goal is around 160 lbs, and being very functionally fit and able to handle most physical challenges.

Hopefully this post helps others achieve their goals, because this thread has certainly been part of helping me achieve my own.

Kevin Love, is that you?
Pretty sweet thread. I started losing weight this January and I have lost 25 lbs so far (start 203 lbs, now 178). I had a bit of a stall when school came to a head and there was lots of stress, and then I was travelling/out of town for 3+ weeks.

Back now and looking forward to losing those last 10 lbs and finishing off the P90X routine I had started (only 3 weeks of workouts left, though I'm a little out of the routine).

Will post some pics later on, nothing too inspirational but it sure feels good to lose weight!

I'm 28 now, but after losing the weight I feel like I'm 24. Feels awesome, and I can't wait to keep working on it.


Should I be avoiding potatoes on LCHF? Had two small roasted potatoes today. Little bit of oil. Wondering if people would advise against it.

Edit: Also legumes.

Edit 2: Cholesterol going to be a problem? My levels are ok atm but I fear they'll go ballistic with a few more eggs then I'm used to.
Should I be avoiding potatoes on LCHF? Had two small roasted potatoes today. Little bit of oil. Wondering if people would advise against it.

Edit: Also legumes.

Edit 2: Cholesterol going to be a problem? My levels are ok atm but I fear they'll go ballistic with a few more eggs then I'm used to.

I too want to know about legumes. I think they are badish

As for cholesterol, make sure you are smashing some fish oil caps, twice or three times the recommended amount.

I am interested in some good low carb recipes, anyone got a link to a good website?


Legumes aren't as bad, just moderate them more. I mean, some beans aren't going to make you gain weight, I just wouldn't go eating them every day like dark green vegetables and meats and eggs.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Decided to have my cheat meal will this week. Gonna have lasagna and cake tonight. Making the cake from scratch, wish me luck!

Down 55lbs so far, Monday marks the 14 week mark. Loving the progress.


Oh shit! I just found my new savory snack! Cottage cheese with sriracha in it. I was curious to see what it would taste like...and it's delicious. Really spices up that boring cottage cheese.
Hi all just wanted to say this thread has been a great motivator to learn more about weight-loss. I'd like to start if not for myself but for those around me that care about me. I don't want to go before my time. And I'd like to look slimmer so I can get married here someday and not be ashamed of the person I am.

I'm morbidly obese weighing over 350lbs (5 foot 9 inches) and I don't want to gain another pound! So I'm taking some initiative in creating a plan to shed the weight without resorting to bariatric options. A lot of my family members have done this and I've seen what happens to them. My own mother passed due to her addiction to alcohol created only after she had bariatric surgery.

I know the first step is to getting my blood sugar level's evened out. And I hope to do that with a consistent diet. I currently eat two times a day usually lunch and dinner. Dinner being the larger portion of food I elect to eat. I know that needs to stop this and change when my biggest meal of the day will be. I'm not diabetic, but am definitely in the pre-diabetic category with my blood sugar levels.

I've heard some mixed results with Keto, but it seems it might be best solution to get the ball rolling in the right direction. I'm just concerned that with changing my habits so drastically that I'll end up shocking my system. I've had a few instances of mild cardiac issues that I've been unable to get diagnosed due to having no insurance (too high risk).

Also I'm curious to start being more active. Everyone I've talked to says the best way to do this is not to get too comfortable doing one activity. But rather do lots of different activities to vary it up. I so far like the primal blueprint in its ideas on what level of exercise I should be doing. I fear that it might be too little to make a drastic difference.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Here's my progress so far to get in shape for summer using IF:


Lost 21 lbs in 16 weeks, now weighing 170 lbs. I'm 5'8".


343i Lead Esports Producer
First things first I would cut out all sugary drinks. Water water water. I know when I was at my biggest, I never realized that so many calories came from OJ, Soda and other juices. That shit is not worth the calories. Get your calories from food.


Hi all just wanted to say this thread has been a great motivator to learn more about weight-loss. I'd like to start if not for myself but for those around me that care about me. I don't want to go before my time. And I'd like to look slimmer so I can get married here someday and not be ashamed of the person I am.

I'm morbidly obese weighing over 350lbs (5 foot 9 inches) and I don't want to gain another pound! So I'm taking some initiative in creating a plan to shed the weight without resorting to bariatric options. A lot of my family members have done this and I've seen what happens to them. My own mother passed due to her addiction to alcohol created only after she had bariatric surgery.

I know the first step is to getting my blood sugar level's evened out. And I hope to do that with a consistent diet. I currently eat two times a day usually lunch and dinner. Dinner being the larger portion of food I elect to eat. I know that needs to stop this and change when my biggest meal of the day will be. I'm not diabetic, but am definitely in the pre-diabetic category with my blood sugar levels.

I've heard some mixed results with Keto, but it seems it might be best solution to get the ball rolling in the right direction. I'm just concerned that with changing my habits so drastically that I'll end up shocking my system. I've had a few instances of mild cardiac issues that I've been unable to get diagnosed due to having no insurance (too high risk).

Also I'm curious to start being more active. Everyone I've talked to says the best way to do this is not to get too comfortable doing one activity. But rather do lots of different activities to vary it up. I so far like the primal blueprint in its ideas on what level of exercise I should be doing. I fear that it might be too little to make a drastic difference.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

80% of weight loss is diet. The primal blueprint is a good exercise plan to follow. Walking slowly and lifting heavy things (sprinting you should hold off on until you lose some weight) should be perfect for you

As for blood sugar, it really doesnt matter when you eat so long as you are eating the right food. If you eat a ton of meat and veggies, you will not have to worry about your blood sugar levels since those foods wont increase your blood sugar (well, veggies will slightly, but that doesnt really matter since the benefits FAR FAR outweight that negative in your case).

The primal diet is by far the best diet for a diabetic because fat does not increase blood sugar, carbs do.

I wouldnt be worried about shocking your system, but if you arent comfortable with that keep some grain in your diet for a bit. What you must do first is stop drinking your calories and stop consuming sugar

Personally, i would go with a diet something like this

Eggs, bacon, omelette
Full fat greek yogurt topped with berries and almonds

Chicken, spinach, onions, and red peppers dumped into a tuperware container

Meat (fish) and veggies

If you dont want to do something that drastic, just have oatmeal or something for breakfast or a sandwich for lunch, or eat the bun when you make hamburgers

Dont do all three since thats a lot of grain/carbs, which is not good for a diabetic or almost diabetic. Also, no more heavily grain based meals, i.e pasta.

Also, make sure you are taking fish oil supplements

I know I said it really doesnt matter when you eat so much as what you eat, but intermittent fasting is a good technique if you are stalling or just want to change something up a bit. 16 hours is about the average for a fast, but simply skipping a meal works too
Thanks for the tips

Are there any fruits or vegetables to stay away from while dieting? I know potatoes/corn are things to not eat. I just wonder if there are other's that need to be on the "do not eat list."


He looks nothing like Kevin Love, besides having a beard.

In fairness, we're both white NBA stars.

Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. Hope to be able to post some post-P90X2 shots in 2.5 months that show some more impressive changes, and eventually go from 240lbs to 160lbs, although I think that might be too extreme seeing as how I keep putting on muscle and my scale keeps saying about the same thing (right around 190lbs).
Thanks for the tips

Are there any fruits or vegetables to stay away from while dieting? I know potatoes/corn are things to not eat. I just wonder if there are other's that need to be on the "do not eat list."

If you are doing low carb, any sweet fruits are sometimes foods I.e. use as a treat.

Green veggies are your friends, however, steer clear of carrots and heaps of onion (again, the sweet veggies).

No bread and rice is a good rule as well.

It doesn't leave you with much but egg and bacon for breakfast and green veggie stir fries with faux rice (processed cauliflower) for dinner.


Thanks for the tips

Are there any fruits or vegetables to stay away from while dieting? I know potatoes/corn are things to not eat. I just wonder if there are other's that need to be on the "do not eat list."

Corn is a grain, not a vegetable (an awful grain at that)

potatoes are definitely the worse vegetable you can eat, but they arent horrid. After a good workout, having a sweet potato is a good option

Besides that, go to town on veggies. Especially the leafy green kind (i love me some spinach)

As for fruit, well, i think fruit is fine. there are definitely tiers to very good fruit and okay fruit (healthwise)

Best is berries
Next is stuff like apples
Last is bananas and tropical fruit (i eat a banana like everyday)

personally, i eat a ton of fruit since I can still maintain and lose weight (also a ton of dairy). If you cant do that, you might want to limit fruit, dairy, and nuts. Those arent foods that you definitely need to get rid of though, just foods you might need to cut back on if you personally cant handle them

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Went through my wardrobe and threw out about 70% of my clothes as they're waaaay to big for me now. I also picked up a couple of shirts today and I'm down from an XL to a M. Pretty good and I'm only half-way in my weight loss progress.


My moms diabetic and her A1C levels went up a point :/

Told her to DL fitness pal. Holy shit, she had 75g of sugar the first day of logging and 178g of carbs. Too much fruit and granola.

I showed her how I had 3G of sugar the same day and 19g of carbs.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I didn't really notice until now but since I've lost all this weight, all of my eczema on my body has disappeared. I had it on my arms and my chest. I've had it for like 7 years now. Pretty cool.


For weight training (dumbbells) what starting weight should I go from?

That's too broad of a question because you'll find that you can do certain exercises with much heavier weights and others you'll want next to no weight. If you're making a purchase and only plan on getting one pair to start with I'd recommend 10-15 lbs if you're not already a pretty strong person.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I didn't really notice until now but since I've lost all this weight, all of my eczema on my body has disappeared. I had it on my arms and my chest. I've had it for like 7 years now. Pretty cool.

Is that the red/pink bumps that show up on the back of your neck or your arm pit?
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