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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Anyone here have any experience going from a normal weight to an even lower weight?

Keto helped me reach 155 from a much much higher weight but seems like my weight wont budge now. Up the exercise frequency?

Need some tips on how to go from 155 to 145.


Saint Nic
OK, question time GAF. I recently had a physical done and discovered that I'm relatively healthy. Nothing is out of whack, nothing feels off, and I weigh 175. I've weighed 175 for the longest time, so that's good.

I've decided that I want to drop 10-15 pounds. As I said, I'm healthy, but I want to bring the little bit of stomach I've got going on in. I've opted to go a low-carb route for now (I eat lots of pizza, pasta, bread, etc), so by cutting back on those things, I think it's going to help. I've done some reading on it and have embarked accordingly.

My question is this...Spoiler just in case some people find it, uh, offensive? I don't know...

I've only been doing it for 3 days, but today I noticed that my stool was grey. I imagine this is simply due to a pretty dramatic change of diet, but I want to see if anyone has had any experience with this. Should I be worried now, or see how it fairs in ~1 week?


Update: 4 days into my no grains diet and I'm feeling A-OK. I'm getting a few hunger pangs here and there but it's something I can now just grin and bear rather then feel like the depths of hell like on my first day. It's only been 4 days but even the prospect of eating refined grains is unattractive. Don't think I've lost any weight as of yet but that will come sooner or later.

Edit: Also, today, I join my local gym. :)

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I find it funny that I lost more weight last week on my break week from Insanity than I have during the program so far. Although I did switch to salads last week, cutting my weekday carbs in half. I ate alright this weekend, still went out twice.

Anyways, down to 200.5, my lowest since early Freshman year in college (8 years ago). Should break the 200 mark for the first time in forever next week! Phase 2 of Insanity starts this week. Also doing low carb wraps for lunch, cutting lunch carbs from 35 or so to 12. Having hard boiled eggs for breakfast too.
So I thought I'd give the low-carb diet a go, in order to lower my body fat percentage.
I do a cheat day from friday afternoon to saturday afternoon, and and in on my second day today, so far I've managed to clock in on approximately 50-70 carbs a day - but I think I know how to push it down even further.

I go to the gym Mon/Wed/Fri, but also some cardio on Tues/Thurs/Sun, so would just a protein/fat focused diet work for cardio as well?


The may not be the right place but the fitness thread didnt really have an answer for me. I have been losing my skinny-fatness along with lifting heavy, and in the past 5 months went from 215 lbs down to 185, but only started working during the last 2 months. I'm trying to get a better idea how to best compensate for my job when figuring out my calorie needs. I bartend/wait tables 3-4 days a week, ssometimes5 or 6 hours, other times 12. I'm trying to maintain muscle mass as best as possible, which means not going on too much of a calorie deficit. What I'm trying to determine is if it is better to add a bulk of calories on the days I work, or if I'd be better served upping my overall activity level and therefor calorie needs every day. I guess its the difference between 250 or so calories more every day, or anywhere from 450-1200 more calories more on days I am on my feet running around for 12 hours.

Thanks for any advice!


The may not be the right place but the fitness thread didnt really have an answer for me. I have been losing my skinny-fatness along with lifting heavy, and in the past 5 months went from 215 lbs down to 185, but only started working during the last 2 months. I'm trying to get a better idea how to best compensate for my job when figuring out my calorie needs. I bartend/wait tables 3-4 days a week, ssometimes5 or 6 hours, other times 12. I'm trying to maintain muscle mass as best as possible, which means not going on too much of a calorie deficit. What I'm trying to determine is if it is better to add a bulk of calories on the days I work, or if I'd be better served upping my overall activity level and therefor calorie needs every day. I guess its the difference between 250 or so calories more every day, or anywhere from 450-1200 more calories more on days I am on my feet running around for 12 hours.

Thanks for any advice!

I think it's okay to up your calories on days you work. You'll be on your feet bartending/waiting and walking constantly. On non days you can go back below maintenance. I think your body might adapt well to the change in calories from day to day so it doesn't get used to a set amount. Just my take though.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone here have any experience going from a normal weight to an even lower weight?

Keto helped me reach 155 from a much much higher weight but seems like my weight wont budge now. Up the exercise frequency?

Need some tips on how to go from 155 to 145.

Do you need to be 145 lbs. for a reason, or do you just want to get rid of the remaining body fat?

I'd recommend doing some resistance training/weight training and putting on muscle. Your weight may not drop to 145 lbs., but you can probably get to 15% or lower body fat relatively quickly.

Can someone explain this guy's proposal for dealing with loose skin? http://www.bodyfatguide.com/LooseSkin.htm

Is he saying to have one day a week where you eat at your maintenance calories to replenish lean mass while dieting?

I don't know if loose skin is truly a myth or not, but I've never seen an example of it that didn't just look like standard "excess fat".




Zefah, I'm sure most could lose more fat, but the loose skin becomes very apparent on some people when bending over or in plank position. It's definitely real.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Zefah, I'm sure most could lose more fat, but the loose skin becomes very apparent on some people when bending over or in plank position. It's definitely real.

Okay, but is it not something that goes away after resistance/weight training? I mean, is there anyone out there with at least somewhat defined abs, but "loose flesh" around their waist?
Holy shit, it's amazing what one week of not staying absolutely stone-cold strict on your diet will do. I've gained like 10 lbs.

Of course, I've been under some stress lately, and I have still worked out. Ah well.


----- ------
Holy shit, it's amazing what one week of not staying absolutely stone-cold strict on your diet will do. I've gained like 10 lbs.

Of course, I've been under some stress lately, and I have still worked out. Ah well.

The fuck, I would have to try HARD to gain that much in a week.
The fuck, I would have to try HARD to gain that much in a week.
It's suggested by science that overweight kids [who progress into overweight young adults] have a much tougher time keeping off the pounds. Fat kid gaf am fail :(

I honestly think most of it is water weight, tho. A week on nothing but broccoli and chicken would basically get me back down to 220.


I did the first workout in the DDP Yoga program (aside from the Diamond Dozen that just outlines the basic positions) and damn, could barely maintain the poses for more than about 10 seconds. Broke a pretty good sweat and I wasn't sore afterwards at least - just had dead legs for about an hour. Pretty difficult to stick with the breathing rhythm they want you to have during the poses as well.

Seems like it'll be a good addition to my intervals on the recumbent bike.


I don't have a scale anymore, so I decided to update my progress photo to see how I compare to last time:


Started a couch to 5k program. Did my first run of week 3 today.

Where's your before picture? Why did you just post a picture of fat Kevin Federline?

Crazy improvement! Congrats on a new you!


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
While we're sharing pictures.

Today I finished phase 1 of the lifestyle change program I began in January. Since then I've managed to lose 75 lbs (started at 326) and take my BMI from an atrocisous 44 to a, still atrocious but getting better every day, 33.

I'm about halfway to my ultimate goal, but seeing these pictures today really gave me perspective on how far I've come.


Image quality is a bit crap, but you get the idea. :)


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
Holy fucking shit David. Congrats

Thanks man. This thread has been such a great inspiration throughout the process. This hasn't been easy. Especially while spending most hours of the week in the office trying to ship our game.

I figure if I can successfuly get healthy while in crunch, maintaining afterwards should be easy.
I don't have pics to share but I lost 20-30 pounds. My only goal left is to get super lean and have that gaunt angular look in my face. My only regret is I took it really slow and what should have been done in a year or so is taking 2+ years. Still got work to do.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Thanks man. This thread has been such a great inspiration throughout the process. This hasn't been easy. Especially while spending most hours of the week in the office trying to ship our game.

I figure if I can successfuly get healthy while in crunch, maintaining afterwards should be easy.

That's the idea but apparently people like ourselves who have been obese and then lost a significant amount of weight find it harder to keep the weight off. For example someone who has been thin their whole life and someone who was obese and became as thin as the first person could intake the exact amount of calories but the previously obese person would put on more weight. But to look on the bright side it's an amazing accomplishment and gives confidence to overcome obstacles in all other parts of life. Must be a special year for you.

I'm now inspired to post my before and after pictures but I'm gonna wait a little long to increase shock value ;)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
While we're sharing pictures.

Today I finished phase 1 of the lifestyle change program I began in January. Since then I've managed to lose 75 lbs (started at 326) and take my BMI from an atrocisous 44 to a, still atrocious but getting better every day, 33.

I'm about halfway to my ultimate goal, but seeing these pictures today really gave me perspective on how far I've come.


Image quality is a bit crap, but you get the idea. :)

HOLY FUCK! Awesome job.


Great job guys, makes me wish I had taken a before picture - but I did keep a pair of the size 54 jeans I was in (down to 48 and those are starting to loosen up) for the hopeful future "Guy who can fit 2 people in his old pants" pic.
Lord have mercy, now you guys are really making me feel like I'm not doing it right. XD

All of you guys just stay on keto, I suppose? I haven't seen drastic results as any of these guys; granted, I haven't been able to stay a full 365 days on a particular diet (due to outside factors like moving out, scheduling interference, etc).

But damn.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
Lord have mercy, now you guys are really making me feel like I'm not doing it right. XD

All of you guys just stay on keto, I suppose? I haven't seen drastic results as any of these guys; granted, I haven't been able to stay a full 365 days on a particular diet (due to outside factors like moving out, scheduling interference, etc).

But damn.

I haven't been on keto at all. Simply following a low-glycemic food plan with 1400-1700 calories/day and working out 5 times/week.

Also making sure to take at least 5,000 non-exercise steps daily.


He needs to either decide if he wants endurance running or muscle...can't really do both together very well.

You can do both together fairly well. You won't be the strongest or fastest person on the planet but you can be way better than 90 percent of people at both, and look and feel better too.

Anyways, weight loss is accomplished. To the fitness thread with you!


Will drop pants for Sony.
While we're sharing pictures.

Today I finished phase 1 of the lifestyle change program I began in January. Since then I've managed to lose 75 lbs (started at 326) and take my BMI from an atrocisous 44 to a, still atrocious but getting better every day, 33.

I'm about halfway to my ultimate goal, but seeing these pictures today really gave me perspective on how far I've come.


Image quality is a bit crap, but you get the idea. :)

Congrats man that is awesome.


Had a 2nd blood test with a lipid panel 3 months into my workout routine and 20 pounds lost. Happy to report all my numbers are better than they were before. Cholesterol went down from 204 to 175. Triglycerides went from 107 to 83. LDL Chol went from 135 to 118. Everything else is within normal range.


----- ------
It's suggested by science that overweight kids [who progress into overweight young adults] have a much tougher time keeping off the pounds. Fat kid gaf am fail :(

I honestly think most of it is water weight, tho. A week on nothing but broccoli and chicken would basically get me back down to 220.

Hopefully water weight, just must be frustrating to see a gain like that. Once you get back on track you'll certainly shed the pounds again.


good day of eating for me today. breakfast was an egg/cheese/pepper burrito with a thin piece of steak as the wrap. Dinner was a primal grilled cheese!


I've been eating a lot of fruit lately, being summer at all, and I gained a little over a pound! I'm assuming it's water weight from the extra sugar intake.

Here's a really good article - http://eatingacademy.com/books-and-articles/good-science-bad-interpretation

It's a break down of a recent study done. The study was done to test the effects of different diets, aka macronutrient breakdowns, on things other than strictly weight loss..metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity, cholesterol levels, triglycerides, leptin circulation in the blood, ect. and how it effects the ability to keep weight off that was lost. Essentially, is a calorie just a calorie or does the type of calorie have more of an effect than most people think?
Does anyone else sweat like a bastard while in keto?

I've always been a bit of a sweater, much like my father. But when I'm in ketosis, I sweat so profusely it gets embarrassing.

After doing a quick Google search, it appears they might be related. I was just wondering if any GAFers had experienced similar issues with sweating.


Agreed. That's why I'm not paying attention to weight now. I'm still paying attention to what I eat until I feel like the habit is ingrained.

I have that gross stomach fat/skin that hangs when I bend over. (That's why I started running.) But the ultimate goal will be to build muscle. Just need to figure out where to start.

There might be a good thread about that on Gaf. I forget what it's called.

Lord have mercy, now you guys are really making me feel like I'm not doing it right. XD

All of you guys just stay on keto, I suppose? I haven't seen drastic results as any of these guys; granted, I haven't been able to stay a full 365 days on a particular diet (due to outside factors like moving out, scheduling interference, etc).

But damn

What exactly does moving and scheduling have to do with what goes in your mouth?


Jesus, so glad I got my mom on my fitness pal. And she wonders why her blood sugar is high.

Chex and granola bar for breakfast. Apples and oranges with her tuna for lunch. Skipping dinner, instead eating another granola bar and a cup of ice cream as a snack.

I'm taking her food shopping this weekend.
Started using lettuce wraps instead of potato buns for hamburgers. Coincidentally, I've stopped getting that gassy, bloated feeling I always used to have.

How do GAFers make/prepare their burgers? Is guacamole okay for low carb?


Started using lettuce wraps instead of potato buns for hamburgers. Coincidentally, I've stopped getting that gassy, bloated feeling I always used to have.

How do GAFers make/prepare their burgers? Is guacamole okay for low carb?

I dont use a bun or wrap. just eat it with a fork. I think it takes better.

I top mine with swiss cheese, mustard, onions, and spinach.
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