I've been all over the place lately. I try to stay around 50 g carbs/day, but people visiting, going back to Ohio, or just weak willpower days have put a damper on that for the past month and a half.
So I tried hard-boiled eggs for breakfast all week and they are all right. A bit hard to prepare, and cold eggs are not the most appetizing thing in the morning.
Overall I'm still looking for that perfect, cheap, healthy work breakfast. May try the greek yogurt next week (plain + berries or something) even though it will be more expensive. I hope berries are enough to keep plain greek yogurt from tasting like sour cream.
hard to prepare? i hard boil 10 eggs sunday evening and are good for workdays.
2 eggs
1 cup instant coffee
1 - 2 of crisp bread/ hard bread.. don´t know the english word for "Knaeckebrot" with cottagecheese or normal cheese
one piece has 7 gr of carbs. i can live with that.
edit : WUHHHHHH since when am i a full member. buhja ^^ now for the tagfishing hehe.