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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I've been all over the place lately. I try to stay around 50 g carbs/day, but people visiting, going back to Ohio, or just weak willpower days have put a damper on that for the past month and a half.

So I tried hard-boiled eggs for breakfast all week and they are all right. A bit hard to prepare, and cold eggs are not the most appetizing thing in the morning. :p

Overall I'm still looking for that perfect, cheap, healthy work breakfast. May try the greek yogurt next week (plain + berries or something) even though it will be more expensive. I hope berries are enough to keep plain greek yogurt from tasting like sour cream.

hard to prepare? i hard boil 10 eggs sunday evening and are good for workdays.
2 eggs
1 cup instant coffee
1 - 2 of crisp bread/ hard bread.. don´t know the english word for "Knaeckebrot" with cottagecheese or normal cheese

one piece has 7 gr of carbs. i can live with that.

edit : WUHHHHHH since when am i a full member. buhja ^^ now for the tagfishing hehe.


mh yeah i can understand that. just eggs would taste ...boring i guess. Looking forward to the weekend with bacon and scrambled eggs + tomatoes every monday
I want to get back to it but I need some helpGAF. I weight 240 lbs and want to loss weight very quickly (but not in an unhealthy way.) I have all the time in the world so I could exercise multiple times a day. I've got access to a treadmill and some free weights as I am just not comfortable going to the gym yet. Before I got off the wagon, I would walk for about an hour on the treadmill while watching some netflix on my laptop. My diet is eat whatever which is something I want to change around this time. Idk man....if you have any suggestions you can PM if you want.
I'm not... quite comfortable posting pictures of my fat self, but holy shit, I started low carbing a couple of weeks ago and had already dropped soda completely... I was 216 roughly when I started, today I'm 209.

holy sheeeit. Also had a friend that saw me who hadn't seen me in a few months and he said my face looked a lot thinner. My gut is also down, it doesn't stick out nearly as much as it used to, but the real enemies are, naturally, my love handles and titties.

feelsgood. If I ever get to the point where I'm stepping on a scale and its telling me I'm <200 pounds, I may very well weep. I've been trying to lose weight for a really long time but could never stay motivated.

These results? they motivate the fuck out of me.
Re: Shoes - I really like my reebox realflexes, they are super light and flexible. There is probably too much support/padding on the heel to get the benefits of "barefoot" running but they might be a nice fit for a person looking for something different then a normal shoe but think the Vibrams look silly.


but the real enemies are, naturally, my love handles and titties.

I know that feel, bro. I dropped 20 pounds from 213 to 193 (I'm 6'2") and still have dem handles and titties.

Hoping another 10 pounds is what does it...probably not though. Otherwise I'm feeling great.

Keep up the good work.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I want to get back to it but I need some helpGAF. I weight 240 lbs and want to loss weight very quickly (but not in an unhealthy way.) I have all the time in the world so I could exercise multiple times a day. I've got access to a treadmill and some free weights as I am just not comfortable going to the gym yet. Before I got off the wagon, I would walk for about an hour on the treadmill while watching some netflix on my laptop. My diet is eat whatever which is something I want to change around this time. Idk man....if you have any suggestions you can PM if you want.

Eat meat, green veggies, berries, nuts, and drink only water.



Alright Gaf. I found an old shitty picture of me from 2008-2009 when i was overweight and ugly. And i got one of me today.

1 year losing weight. 1-2 years muscle building. I'm doing an insanely slow bulk apparently as guys become ripped motherfuckers in 6 months and i hate them for it. Whatever, I look better and eat better. Now i just need girls to like me :(
I know that feel, bro. I dropped 20 pounds from 213 to 193 (I'm 6'2") and still have dem handles and titties.

Hoping another 10 pounds is what does it...probably not though. Otherwise I'm feeling great.

Keep up the good work.

Thank you! And yeah, if you still have them at 193, I still have a long way to go lol


I don't know if any of you guys listen to the CAGcast or have ever used the fitbit they talk about on the show, but it's a device I'm very interested in to give me a better idea how many calories I'm burning during my daily activities, particularly when I work. Has anyone used one and might be able to attest to the accuracy and features it has?


I don't know if any of you guys listen to the CAGcast or have ever used the fitbit they talk about on the show, but it's a device I'm very interested in to give me a better idea how many calories I'm burning during my daily activities, particularly when I work. Has anyone used one and might be able to attest to the accuracy and features it has?

Youre on CAG too?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I know that feel, bro. I dropped 20 pounds from 213 to 193 (I'm 6'2") and still have dem handles and titties.

Hoping another 10 pounds is what does it...probably not though. Otherwise I'm feeling great.

Keep up the good work.

Nope! They are the absolute last to go. It depends on your body type, but I reckon you need to get down to sub-15% body fat as a male to get close to eliminating them completely.


Well, I finally got back on the treadmill. I started slow with just walking for 15 minutes. Going to increase that a bit every couple of days and then start actually running. Here's me at the start of my journey (just took it. Probably the most unflattering picture of me ever >_< )

I'm 225 according to my dad's scale. My goal is to get under 200. I hope to post a very incredible after pic at some point :p


Kinggi, great work! Very impressive transformation; you must feel pretty awesome and proud.

celebi23- good luck! Have you ever looked up the couch to 5k plan? If not, that might be a good fit if you're planning on doing most of your weight via treadmill/cardio.
Alright Gaf. I found an old shitty picture of me from 2008-2009 when i was overweight and ugly. And i got one of me today.

1 year losing weight. 1-2 years muscle building. I'm doing an insanely slow bulk apparently as guys become ripped motherfuckers in 6 months and i hate them for it. Whatever, I look better and eat better. Now i just need girls to like me :(
Awesome job. Stick to the slow bulk, you look great. In terms of getting the girls id recommend a haircut.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I need help, need to cut faster but can't really eat less and I'm already exercising a lot already.

Is it feasible to aim for 3-4 lbs per week fatloss?


celebi23- good luck! Have you ever looked up the couch to 5k plan? If not, that might be a good fit if you're planning on doing most of your weight via treadmill/cardio.

Thanks! Never heard of it before. Yeah, I pretty much will do most of it on the treadmill and then start running outside again. Which one is it? There seems to be a lot of results for that via Google

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Trying out a new experiment on myself that I hope ends up working.

Basically I'm treating myself like that one dog that got food every time he heard a bell ring to the point where he'd salivate right after hearing a bell automatically. Every time I get a sudden/huge craving for sweets or other junk (like chips), I don't ignore it, I just replace the specific food I'm craving with strawberries and raspberries.


Neo Member
First post on GAF! I've been following this thread since I started lurking a few months ago, and it's one of my favorites, so I figure it's a good place to start. I lost about 60lbs 3 years ago, went from 235 to 175, and even dropped down to 169 at one point (dehydrated haha, only lasted about 10 minutes). Anyways, about a year and a half ago I climbed back up to 200lbs, and then about a year ago dropped back down to where I am now, hovering all around the 175-180 range. I've been maintaining since then, but I really want to drop down to around 160lbs.

Now, a lot of people tell me I'm crazy, and that I look fine, or that I'm too damn thin already. But I gotta tell you, GAF, these people haven't seen me naked. I was fat pretty much my entire life until I dropped the weight a few years ago, and it didn't come off without leaving some devastating saggy skin and big, ugly stretch marks. I'm pretty sure my remaining gut flab isn't entirely loose skin, so that's why I'm pushing for the extra drop in body fat.

My big problem is that I've been working on this goal for a year and haven't made much progress. I weightlift, exercise (tennis, bike, physical job), and eat well (for the most part, but I tend to binge, you don't live 80% of your life as a chub without developing a particular relationship with food). Anyways, I recommitted a couple weeks ago, and now I'm pushing even harder than before, more cardio, better diet, and I'm even doing IF now. Trying to get as lean as I possibly can by the end of summer.


I need help, need to cut faster but can't really eat less and I'm already exercising a lot already.

Is it feasible to aim for 3-4 lbs per week fatloss?

must be summer

First post on GAF! I've been following this thread since I started lurking a few months ago, and it's one of my favorites, so I figure it's a good place to start. I lost about 60lbs 3 years ago, went from 235 to 175, and even dropped down to 169 at one point (dehydrated haha, only lasted about 10 minutes). Anyways, about a year and a half ago I climbed back up to 200lbs, and then about a year ago dropped back down to where I am now, hovering all around the 175-180 range. I've been maintaining since then, but I really want to drop down to around 160lbs.

Now, a lot of people tell me I'm crazy, and that I look fine, or that I'm too damn thin already. But I gotta tell you, GAF, these people haven't seen me naked. I was fat pretty much my entire life until I dropped the weight a few years ago, and it didn't come off without leaving some devastating saggy skin and big, ugly stretch marks. I'm pretty sure my remaining gut flab isn't entirely loose skin, so that's why I'm pushing for the extra drop in body fat.

My big problem is that I've been working on this goal for a year and haven't made much progress. I weightlift, exercise (tennis, bike, physical job), and eat well (for the most part, but I tend to binge, you don't live 80% of your life as a chub without developing a particular relationship with food). Anyways, I recommitted a couple weeks ago, and now I'm pushing even harder than before, more cardio, better diet, and I'm even doing IF now. Trying to get as lean as I possibly can by the end of summer.

holy god, we are the same person
Well I think I'm about done with this thread. I haven't posted a whole lot but lurked a lot and got a lot of good information out of it. I wouldn't say I was ever terribly out of control weight wise, but post college I noticed I was putting on more weight and decided to do something about it. Used this thread as a tool to better change my diet and put physical activity into my routine. I wouldn't say I ever had one week where I was 100% dedicated to diet, and ultimately took longer than it probably could have, but that's okay, at least that goes to show it takes time for things to happen.

Totally forgot I had taken a picture when I started (probably back in December/January maybe?) peaked at a little under 200 pounds, at 6'2. (ignore diabetes pump patch, and ugly scar) but thought I'd show.


Now down to 178, which was my goal from the beginning, and probably haven't weighed this since junior year of high school? I'm 23 now.


I don't really think I want to go any lower, but obviously could use work on the body, which is why I think I'm moving onto fitness.

A lot of you guys have way better stories but thought I'd show some results from someone on a less extreme loss, but definitely needed. The change in diet and exercise (especially diet) has definitely helped with mood, intestin problems I've had since I had surgery in high school (hence ugly scar), and overall helped with a better control of my diabetes. Thanks, and great thread.


Well I think I'm about done with this thread. I haven't posted a whole lot but lurked a lot and got a lot of good information out of it. I wouldn't say I was ever terribly out of control weight wise, but post college I noticed I was putting on more weight and decided to do something about it. Used this thread as a tool to better change my diet and put physical activity into my routine. I wouldn't say I ever had one week where I was 100% dedicated to diet, and ultimately took longer than it probably could have, but that's okay, at least that goes to show it takes time for things to happen.

Totally forgot I had taken a picture when I started (probably back in December/January maybe?) peaked at a little under 200 pounds, at 6'2. (ignore diabetes pump patch, and ugly scar) but thought I'd show.


Now down to 178, which was my goal from the beginning, and probably haven't weighed this since junior year of high school? I'm 23 now.


I don't really think I want to go any lower, but obviously could use work on the body, which is why I think I'm moving onto fitness.

A lot of you guys have way better stories but thought I'd show some results from someone on a less extreme loss, but definitely needed. The change in diet and exercise (especially diet) has definitely helped with mood, intestin problems I've had since I had surgery in high school (hence ugly scar), and overall helped with a better control of my diabetes. Thanks, and great thread.

Great job. Really.

Now make your new goal to get up to 190 by tacking on muscle mass!


343i Lead Esports Producer
Just started a weight loss competition with a friend since he's in need of motivation. Whoever loses the most weight by September 1st wins a brand new game from the loser. Should be fun. I really do wanna win though.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
must be summer

How'd you know?!

It is but not for the same reason you'd think. I'm running out of time, which is a luxury I have a' plenty at the moment. In a couple of weeks I've got the following due :

- vacation abroad
- thesis project due
- new job

Just to name a few.

So yeah, I need to cut faster because I sure as hell ain't doing my keto diet one month from now.
planks is that exercise where you stay for a minute in a static position with your arms on the floor?? I'll try it next time, I am curious. Thanks!

but I've been doing crunches and they aren't bad for my body, they are bad if done wrong but that's with just about any exercise in existence.

W hen I first started I was doing planks and it was tough! I felt so incredibly weak because my muscles were all jelly. But within a couple weeks I doubled/tripled my time. It was a good feeling. I usually do them at the end of my workout to make sure I am 100% exhausted.


Ramadan fasting is coming up soon, which I'm doing. It's the only way my parents will let me fast.
I will eat at 4:00 AM, fast, and eat again at 7:00 PM. I will be doing this from July 20th to August 17th. I also plan to lift weights during this period every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and rest on the other days- I won't strain myself though. I'm 14 years old, 5 feet 7 inches 155 pounds, my goal weight is somewhere between 130-140 pounds, is this an adequate routine? I'll mostly be eating a lot of chicken, beef and salads for dinner, and scrambled eggs and beef for breakfast.
Thanks for whatever advice.
Ramadan fasting is coming up soon, which I'm doing. It's the only way my parents will let me fast.
I will eat at 4:00 AM, fast, and eat again at 7:00 PM. I will be doing this from July 20th to August 17th. I also plan to lift weights during this period every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and rest on the other days- I won't strain myself though. I'm 14 years old, 5 feet 7 inches 155 pounds, my goal weight is somewhere between 130-140 pounds, is this an adequate routine? I'll mostly be eating a lot of chicken, beef and salads for dinner, and scrambled eggs and beef for breakfast.
Thanks for whatever advice.

I'm no rocket nutritionist but this sounds dangerous. Starving yourself at 14 years old AND eating infrequently sounds like recipe for big trouble.


I've done intermittent fasting before, and I'm doing low-carb now. I was an obese child- 190 lbs at 5 feet 5 inches at 10 years old- puberty has redistributed the fat so now I'm overweight, but by 10-20 lbs. I don't look fat, but it's all in the thighs. I don't think I will be at much harm, since I plan to eat adequately once I break my fast.


Went through old photo albums and found a pic of me at my biggest. Dear god. First day of high school. Looked depressed as hell here.


For reference, I took this today.

So checking in now that my account has FINALLY been authenticated.

Decided to lose weight at the end of spring semester. Been working at it all summer and so far I have gone for 330 lbs to 281.5 lbs so almost 50 lbs. I am 6' 5" so my overall goal would be to get down in the 190-220 range. Been doing low carb and just walking. May decide to do more resistance training later but will probably wait till after I have lost most of the weight just for the psychological boost that seeing the numbers on the scale go down gives me.

Anyways ya. So far been pretty easy. Never plateaued for more than like half a week. I have found I have a very hard time losing weight quickly unless I walk at least an hour a day.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I'm no rocket nutritionist but this sounds dangerous. Starving yourself at 14 years old AND eating infrequently sounds like recipe for big trouble.

Nah I've fasted for Ramadan back when I was his age too. Your body gets used to it in the first week.
Nah I've fasted for Ramadan back when I was his age too. Your body gets used to it in the first week.

Ah the trusty "I did it and look I turned out fine" line -.-

I really, really doubt its good for you to do it at 14. May not kill you......that doesn't make it a good idea though. (Not saying it IS bad.... just that your logic as to why its fine makes no sense)

At 14. Its just questionable whether something that extreme should be undertaken imo.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Ah the trusty "I did it and look I turned out fine" line -.-

I really, really doubt its good for you to do it at 14. May not kill you......that doesn't make it a good idea though. (Not saying it IS bad.... just that your logic as to why its fine makes no sense)

At 14. Its just questionable whether something that extreme should be undertaken imo.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? :p
Should I lift weights if I am poor? I am about 150 lbs, but my daily caloric intake is very low (probably 1000 calories a day). I can't afford protein, all I cant eat is brown rice :/ lol
Should I lift weights if I am poor? I am about 150 lbs, but my daily caloric intake is very low (probably 1000 calories a day). I can't afford protein, all I cant eat is brown rice :/ lol

I am expert but I would avoid serious lifting. Some casual resistance training probably wouldn't hurt but the lack of protein would make bulking up difficult.

On second thought. This is probably a question that would be answered better in the fitness thread. (Are you trying to lose weight? or just get fit)


Ah the trusty "I did it and look I turned out fine" line -.-

I really, really doubt its good for you to do it at 14. May not kill you......that doesn't make it a good idea though. (Not saying it IS bad.... just that your logic as to why its fine makes no sense)

At 14. Its just questionable whether something that extreme should be undertaken imo.

Do you have any data why you think it's bad other "it seems like it's a bad idea."?
I am expert but I would avoid serious lifting. Some casual resistance training probably wouldn't hurt but the lack of protein would make bulking up difficult.

On second thought. This is probably a question that would be answered better in the fitness thread. (Are you trying to lose weight? or just get fit)

I am trying to get big, but I guess it is a futile attempt since I am poor...I don't want my body to get totally out of shape though. I "run" on the elliptical machine 4 of 5 times a week for 30 minutes. I guess that's ok right?
Do you have any data why you think it's bad other "it seems like it's a bad idea."?

Where did I say it was a bad idea? In fact I said specifically I don't know just that it sounds questionable. Aka....person should probably do some research/consult an expert before doing at that age.
So, low carb is working reasonably well as I seem to eat a lot less than normally.
I net in on around 1200 calories every day, with the majority coming from protein and less than 45g of carbs.
Already losing weight, and weightlifting is doing its part as well (I try to eat as much protein as I can to ensure that the low amount of calories won't affect muscle build-up).
So, low carb is working reasonably well as I seem to eat a lot less than normally.
I net in on around 1200 calories every day, with the majority coming from protein and less than 45g of carbs.
Already losing weight, and weightlifting is doing its part as well (I try to eat as much protein as I can to ensure that the low amount of calories won't affect muscle build-up).

Grats on your progress.

What is your weight/Height? 1200 seems a tad bit low to me. When I eat that low I get tired and sleep 11 hours a day lol.
179cm (5'10), and 72.5 kg (~160lbs).
It does sound too low, but I don't feel hungry so I don't know if I even should make myself eat more.

All depends on how you feel. I never feel hungry anymore and I can tell when I am not eating enough by feeling tired/sick. Some days I try really upping my calories just to see if I feel better.


SeanR- great transformation! You went from depressed to kind of angry looking!

Seriously though, good job. How tall are you and what did you weigh at the start versus now? How'd you get to where you are today? I think I recall you being a poster in the fitness (i.e. lifting) thread, so I'm guessing that has something to do with it.
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