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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


SeanR- great transformation! You went from depressed to kind of angry looking!

Seriously though, good job. How tall are you and what did you weigh at the start versus now? How'd you get to where you are today? I think I recall you being a poster in the fitness (i.e. lifting) thread, so I'm guessing that has something to do with it.

My fitness journey has been a long one. I'll give you the spark notes.

2001- when the picture was taken. I was 5'8, maybe 5'7, 220 pounds. Surprisingly I was never made fun of for my weight.

2004- decided to stop being a fat kid. All my friends were athletic and in shape. I started off by cutting out 6 things. Nothing fried, no soda, whole milk, white flour, sugar or cheese. This combined with running in the neighborhood helped me to start dropping weight.

2005- enter college. I stuck to my diet pretty well, still avoiding those foods. I wasn't a big drinker the first year so that helped, plus I started lifting. I did a 3 day isolation exercise routine, with cardio before lifting weights.

2006-2007- my slimmest point. I hit 155 actually. 5 days of lifting, running 6 of those days. Looking back at pics I was slim, but had barely any mass or strength. I couldn't even dead lift 135!

2008-2011- steady decline. The routine was too hard to sustain. All my lifts had plateaued. And the worst offender was my fiancé. My tiny tiny fiancé. Well at the time she was my gf obviously. She ate like a legit slob, but was tiny. Dessert with every dinner, fast food, junk food. So I started gaining. Coupled with graduate school, my time was low, my stress was high and I easily put on 20 pounds. Really depressing for me.

Current- last year I said I'm getting back into the gym. But something funny happened. I tried my old routine and it just wasn't working. I was seeing no results, I was exhausted, I was losing a little weight but not much. Came here discovered the paleo lifestyle. Then the fitness thread fixed my ridiculous lifting program up and here I am today!

Currently at 5'8 180 pounds. I'm trying to cut weight but keep my strength. I'd love to be at 165-170 by the end of September.


That's great! I (and I'm sure most everyone else here) wish you continued success with that. As a fellow former 5'8" fatty, I have a similar desire to get lower weight wise than I am (presently just shy of 190 lbs, but I'd really like my scale to say 170 or lower one day... which may not be sustainable).

For any interested, here's the album I put up marking my P90X progress, since it seems pretty appropriate for the thread:

(day 1 is about 205 lbs, day 110 is 189 lbs)


That's some really impressive progress. Congratulations!

You look like you have a good bit of muscle too. I'd want to try p90x, but not now. I guess I'd have to do it on my off days of lifting? Then I wouldn't be doing the full program, but I'd like to try it. Maybe next spring :)


Thanks man. I'd totally recommend you stop by the P90X thread and give it a go when it might work for you, but yeah I wouldn't recommend it in the middle of a lifting program (although you could likely try some of the workouts, like the surprisingly difficult yoga, to complement your lifting). Super supportive group we have in that thread too, which should come as no surprise given threads like this one.
Meh....maybe. I don't see many fat people getting skinny and staying skinny. However, I see plenty who go from fat to skinny then gain a few back and maintain an "average" normal weight.
That makes sense though, because if you think about it they're in a hardcore mode which takes them from one extreme to the other; afterwards, their body gets used to the "average."

But I have heard several times before that your body pretty much decides upon its body type in your early teenage years. Some are genetically inclined to buck the trend, but most are not, so they say.
That makes sense though, because if you think about it they're in a hardcore mode which takes them from one extreme to the other; afterwards, their body gets used to the "average."

But I have heard several times before that your body pretty much decides upon its body type in your early teenage years. Some are genetically inclined to buck the trend, but most are not, so they say.


For me personally. I lost weight so fast and ate SOOOOO much to get fat I really hope that I am a skinny guy in a fat guys body XD. We will see.

Who really cares though. As long as you don't go back to the weight you used to be......it can only be a net positive right?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The Cracked article is bullshit. I mean, it's probably accurate in that most people who are fat either won't lose weight or will eventually rebound, but that doesn't mean much. Most people approach weight loss by restricting calories and exercising like crazy. Of course that isn't sustainable.


I know Gaf hates Cracked, but I wondered how they felt about this article.

Total rubbish. Are you fat? Are you willing to make the choices required of your diet and activity level to change that? If you're able to answer yes, and continue to stick to those choices (something you yourself will always have control over) then you can change your body into something other than fat and keep it there. Just because many people try and fail doesn't mean whoever is reading this can't be one of those select few that buck the trend. It's all about how badly you want it, and how much you're willing to commit to getting there.

Chris R

People keep telling me that I've lost so much weight, but I'm honestly not seeing it, still have a huge gut and flabby arms. I guess I never truly knew how big I really was at my worst. Still think I could lose another 40 pounds (for a total of ~100) or so to get me down to 170ish but the weight loss has slowed down over the past week or two. Starting this week though I'm keeping a food diary so I can see just exactly where the issue is, I'm guessing that I'm consuming too many calories and that even a low carb diet plus exercise has its limits if you are over eating :p
People keep telling me that I've lost so much weight, but I'm honestly not seeing it, still have a huge gut and flabby arms. I guess I never truly knew how big I really was at my worst. Still think I could lose another 40 pounds (for a total of ~100) or so to get me down to 170ish but the weight loss has slowed down over the past week or two. Starting this week though I'm keeping a food diary so I can see just exactly where the issue is, I'm guessing that I'm consuming too many calories and that even a low carb diet plus exercise has its limits if you are over eating :p

Yeah kind of in the same place. Lost about 50 lbs and still feel as fat as ever. Wish I had taken some shirtless pics before for easy comparison.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Weight loss is killing me. Last week I lost 3 pounds on my off week from Insanity. This week, after a week of the hardest cardio in section 2 of Insanity, I gained 1.5 pounds. I have 10 or so left to lose, but I keep losing/gaining.

Am I just gaining a bit of muscle? I still have a bit of a belly. I'm down 35 lbs or so over last year, still some to go though.
I weighed myself yesterday and I'm down to 173 lbs (I started at just over 200 lbs 12 weeks ago). Now that I'm getting closer to my 160 lbs goal, I think I'll have to go further. My gut is still annoyingly fat right now and I don't think 13 lbs will be enough to get rid of it. The good news is that I've been making good consistent progress.


not tag worthy
Hey Weight loss GAF, I am gonna hang my hat here , while I undertake my weightloss programme.. may take a while but I will post a before and after pic once I get results.

also putting this here as a statement of intent as it were.. so it feels more real to me.

any advice, words of encouragement?

my introduction to getting into shape will consist of a few months of cardio .
Cross Trainer, Excercise Bike, upright arm rower, and rowing machine (around 30-45 mins most days when permitable) followed by 3-45 mins of swimming

will add weights to the workout at a later date.

I work shift patterns 24/7 so will go the gym/swimming when I can Sunday will be my off day.

diet wise cutting out crisps, chocolate, snacking and Pizza :'( (i fucking love pizza)
eating more fruit, veg salads lean meats etc, sticking to water and milk, soya milk sometimes (love the alpro choccy soya milk)

any ways , a bit of a long entry but I hope to stick my pics up on GAF in about a year from now.


any advice, words of encouragement?

Nutrition is the overwhelming majority of fat loss or body recomposition, keep that in mind.

Depending on where you're starting from, you should be encouraged by the fact that if you put in the effort you will see results. Especially if you're going from a bad diet and no exercise, almost anything you do will be an improvement and get you heading in the right direction.

Good luck!
Hey Weight loss GAF, I am gonna hang my hat here , while I undertake my weightloss programme.. may take a while but I will post a before and after pic once I get results.

also putting this here as a statement of intent as it were.. so it feels more real to me.

any advice, words of encouragement?

my introduction to getting into shape will consist of a few months of cardio .
Cross Trainer, Excercise Bike, upright arm rower, and rowing machine (around 30-45 mins most days when permitable) followed by 3-45 mins of swimming

will add weights to the workout at a later date.

I work shift patterns 24/7 so will go the gym/swimming when I can Sunday will be my off day.

diet wise cutting out crisps, chocolate, snacking and Pizza :'( (i fucking love pizza)
eating more fruit, veg salads lean meats etc, sticking to water and milk, soya milk sometimes (love the alpro choccy soya milk)

any ways , a bit of a long entry but I hope to stick my pics up on GAF in about a year from now.

Try to be very strict about your diet six days a week, and then treat yourself on the seventh day. Having that seventh day to look forward to will make it easier to stay on course for the rest of the week.

And once you're further down the road, you can try to limit it down to a single meal per week, or perhaps a cheat day every two weeks (which is what I'm currently doing).


not tag worthy
Nutrition is the overwhelming majority of fat loss or body recomposition, keep that in mind.

Depending on where you're starting from, you should be encouraged by the fact that if you put in the effort you will see results. Especially if you're going from a bad diet and no exercise, almost anything you do will be an improvement and get you heading in the right direction.

Good luck!

this is pretty much where I am starting from, I hope to see results, even if it takes months I dont care. but I intend to stick at it.

Try to be very strict about your diet six days a week, and then treat yourself on the seventh day. Having that seventh day to look forward to will make it easier to stay on course for the rest of the week.

And once you're further down the road, you can try to limit it down to a single meal per week, or perhaps a cheat day every two weeks (which is what I'm currently doing).

I am currently trying to do this, with shift patterns I end up eating all weird times sometimes late after work (post 22.00)or over night when doing nightshift, but yeah the odd cheat day will stop me regressing into random snacking.
Same thing happened to me. It's crazy how easy it is to fall into bad habits.
This, plus stress, has not been kind to my weight gains.

Thankfully I can lose most of the water weight going back to eating veggies and lean meats. Also, it's not like I lost my muscle definition.... just got a lil' bloated around the waist.


That girl in the bunny hat
So when I started back in January, I was 205lb, and I decided my target would be 170lbs. For being 6'2", that seemed a little low, but I also figured I'd start approaching it and then ease off.

Just got back from the doctor. I'm at 164lb.

...I may have overshot a little bit.

And I still have a (rather) little gut. :(
I've been lurking through this topic for months, and now that my account has been activated on GAF, I'd love your help :c

Last year, I lost something close to 70 lbs. Thing is, I regained that weight during the year and even more.

I've been trying to lose some weight during the last couple of months and I just quit every single time.

So now I really want to do it without quiting and I need teh mighty powa' of FitnessGAF

Any diet that you can recommend me? I can do 1 hour of cardio every day of the week (I rest on weekends) so that part of the equation is no issue for me.

Now, if you have one to recommend, can you guys do it with every detail so I can understand what and when to eat, etc... ?

I would really appreciate your help :) I am extremely embarrased of what I've become on the last year and I know it's all my fault.

Thanks guys!


I've been lurking through this topic for months, and now that my account has been activated on GAF, I'd love your help :c

Last year, I lost something close to 70 lbs. Thing is, I regained that weight during the year and even more.

I've been trying to lose some weight during the last couple of months and I just quit every single time.

So now I really want to do it without quiting and I need teh mighty powa' of FitnessGAF

Any diet that you can recommend me? I can do 1 hour of cardio every day of the week (I rest on weekends) so that part of the equation is no issue for me.

Now, if you have one to recommend, can you guys do it with every detail so I can understand what and when to eat, etc... ?

I would really appreciate your help :) I am extremely embarrased of what I've become on the last year and I now it's all my fault.

Thanks guys!

There's no diet someone can recommend to you, because if you adopt a diet you'll likely lose the weight again and then just gain it back. What you need is a lifestyle change... you've got to commit to just eating better (what do you eat now? What's your activity level and other important details?) and making that something you're willing to do for a long period of time. Once we know what you eat like, we can tell you what you should probably not eat like, and you'll be able to bit by bit make smarter diet and exercise decisions until you find something that you're happy with (which will be sustainable).

GAF can only do so much for you, of course, but if you want it bad enough and are willing to work for it, you'll lose that 70 pounds and then some.
only 35 lbs more till im at my goal weight of 180 wooot. After losing 55lbs my gut is sticking out more:/

hopefully this begins the descent of mah boobs and gut.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I've been lurking through this topic for months, and now that my account has been activated on GAF, I'd love your help :c

Last year, I lost something close to 70 lbs. Thing is, I regained that weight during the year and even more.

I've been trying to lose some weight during the last couple of months and I just quit every single time.

So now I really want to do it without quiting and I need teh mighty powa' of FitnessGAF

Any diet that you can recommend me? I can do 1 hour of cardio every day of the week (I rest on weekends) so that part of the equation is no issue for me.

Now, if you have one to recommend, can you guys do it with every detail so I can understand what and when to eat, etc... ?

I would really appreciate your help :) I am extremely embarrased of what I've become on the last year and I know it's all my fault.

Thanks guys!

I highly recommend you read the following three books (in order):

Why We Get Fat -- Gary Taubes
The Primal Blueprint -- Mark Sisson
Wheat Belly -- William Davis


Yeah, i'd say more than half the challenge is not so much eating the perfect foods or doing the perfect exercises, but doing something that you can stick to and stay with. People can get lost in the advice on GAF with all the success stories and people saying you gotta eat exactly this or that or do exactly whatever to become a hot stud but its all bullshit if you cant stick with it. Dont let that intimidate you and just stick to some basic principles. Low fat intake. Low carb intake if that's your thing. Low sugar intake. Cheat every once in a while. I pretty much followed that and lost the weight and got in shape.
There's no diet someone can recommend to you, because if you adopt a diet you'll likely lose the weight again and then just gain it back. What you need is a lifestyle change... you've got to commit to just eating better (what do you eat now? What's your activity level and other important details?) and making that something you're willing to do for a long period of time. Once we know what you eat like, we can tell you what you should probably not eat like, and you'll be able to bit by bit make smarter diet and exercise decisions until you find something that you're happy with (which will be sustainable).

GAF can only do so much for you, of course, but if you want it bad enough and are willing to work for it, you'll lose that 70 pounds and then some.

Yeah, that's exactly what I want to do more than a diet, a complete change on my lifestyle.
I eat just like every human being (that means: BAD) I love junk food, but to be clear, I don't eat it that much. Rice, meat, pastas, salads, etc... I think that's how I define my regular lunch. Breakfast is all about tea and bread, cheese, eggs. I do consume cookies, chips and all that crap you can imagine. Not that very often to be honest, but is there.

My activity level is low as hell. Since I've been busy with studying and all that stuff, I just wake up, go to university, then I go home, sleep, and watch TV. As I said before, I used to do an hour of cardio every single day of the week. I used to love cardio and it's the one activity that fits with me on every level.

Sorry if I didn't gave you many details before. I'd love some advice from you guys.

To be clear, I started losing weight once I got into a relationship (I wanted to look good for her) Wanna know when I started to regain all that weight? Yeah.

I highly recommend you read the following three books (in order):

Why We Get Fat -- Gary Taubes
The Primal Blueprint -- Mark Sisson
Wheat Belly -- William Davis
I will look for them here at my country. Thanks!


Yep, there is very little magic to weight loss. If you work hard at your diet (most important, moreso than exercise) and eat smart foods while upping your activity level (a good mix of cardio and resistance/weight training will yield good success in nearly all cases), you'll lose weight especially if you have a lot of excess to lose. For me, viewing it as a tiered approach helped immensely, and there are still things I work on bit by bit (trying to drink less diet soda now, for example).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
For effortless weight loss without exercise go ultra-low carb.

For weight loss with lots of exercise, go lower-carb, but "slow" or "healthy"-carb.

You'll find a lot of opinions in here and anywhere else, but I personally recommend you eliminate all grains, sugar, legumes, extremely starchy stuff (excluding some things like sweet potatoes), and vegetable oils. This pretty much eliminates 95% of any super market inventory.
Yep, there is very little magic to weight loss. If you work hard at your diet (most important, moreso than exercise) and eat smart foods while upping your activity level (a good mix of cardio and resistance/weight training will yield good success in nearly all cases), you'll lose weight especially if you have a lot of excess to lose. For me, viewing it as a tiered approach helped immensely, and there are still things I work on bit by bit (trying to drink less diet soda now, for example).

The diet itself is my biggest problem. I just don't know how to do one that works and it's healthy. What to eat and what to avoid.

I lost almost 70 pounds a year ago, but I did it in a very very wrong way. I don't want to do the same mistake, and that's why I'm asking here instead of doing the same I did.

Oh, and I hate soda btw.
Yep, there is very little magic to weight loss. If you work hard at your diet (most important, moreso than exercise) and eat smart foods while upping your activity level (a good mix of cardio and resistance/weight training will yield good success in nearly all cases), you'll lose weight especially if you have a lot of excess to lose. For me, viewing it as a tiered approach helped immensely, and there are still things I work on bit by bit (trying to drink less diet soda now, for example).

Though I wish gaf would move past this sentiment. Diet Soda has no proven effect on weight loss (or even general health in moderate quantities).


Though I wish gaf would move past this sentiment. Diet Soda has no proven effect on weight loss (or even general health in moderate quantities).

All i know is i used to drink a shit ton of diet soda when i was overweight, and cutting that shit out has helped tremendously. Feel healthier, dont cough as much etc etc
All i know is i used to drink a shit ton of diet soda when i was overweight, and cutting that shit out has helped tremendously. Feel healthier, dont cough as much etc etc

For me I think it has helped a lot simply because I am a person who has a hard time drinking enough water. I often find myself dehydrated and Diet soda is one way to motivate me to drink enough.

If you feel better by all means cut out the diet soda. My main problem is with people who demonize it without any real evidence.

Kind of like Gafs mostly unfounded obsession with Omega 3's.


Though I wish gaf would move past this sentiment. Diet Soda has no proven effect on weight loss (or even general health in moderate quantities).

I don't care about the weight loss effects it may or may not have, but I know pouring that many unnatural ingredients into my body cannot be good for it. It has been a very useful tool for my weight loss, and I'm not against it entirely but I'd prefer to drink far, far less of it and drink water instead.
I don't care about the weight loss effects it may or may not have, but I know pouring that many unnatural ingredients into my body cannot be good for it. It has been a very useful tool for my weight loss, and I'm not against it entirely but I'd prefer to drink far, far less of it and drink water instead.

I agree that there is no reason not to limit your intake.

However, bolded portion. Assuming everything unnatural (aka things we would get eating a natural pre industrial diet) is bad for you is a fallacy.
Uhhh what? There is plenty of documented benefits of Omega 3s.

Not really according to Wikipedia (yeah yeah wiki.....followed the references though and they seem legit)

Cancer - "The evidence linking the consumption of fish to the risk of cancer is poor. Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids does not appear to affect this risk either"

Cardiovascular disease - "Evidence does not support a beneficial role for omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in preventing cardiovascular disease or stroke."

Inflammation - Not proved one way or the other yet.

Developmental disorders - "not supported by current scientific evidence as a primary treatment for ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and other developmental differences"

Psychiatric disorders - "Though there is some evidence that n-3 fatty acids are connected to a variety of mental disorders,[35] there is limited evidence that may be useful as an add-on for the treatment of depression associated with bipolar disorder.[36] There is preliminary evidence that EPA supplementation, either with DHA or medication, is helpful in cases of depression[37]"

Adverse effects - consumed in excess of 3 grams per day may include the possibility of:

Increased incidence of bleeding (experienced this myself after I took Gafs advice and starting popping them Fish Oil pills & liquids....waking up to a pillow with a puddle of blood from your mouth isn't pleasant which is what caused me to do more research)
Hemorrhagic stroke
Oxidation of omega-3 fatty acids, forming biologically active oxidation products
Increased levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol or apoproteins associated with LDL cholesterol among diabetics and hyperlipidemics
Reduced glycemic control among diabetics

Seems to me like a whole bunch of Bro science covering up far more risks than benefits for those consuming the amounts that are recommended here on gaf.

Edit: To be fair I was foolish for just assuming that the amount other gaf posters claimed to use was the amount I should be taking.


If you over-do a lot of foods and/or supplements there can be problems.

Quick search found 1-3 grams recommended. From the wiki:
As macronutrients, fats are not assigned Dietary Reference Intakes. Macronutrients have acceptable intake (AI) levels and acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDRs) instead of RDAs. The AI for n−3 is 1.6 grams/day for men and 1.1 grams/day for women, while the AMDR is 0.6% to 1.2% of total energy.
Heart Disease and omega 3:
Large amounts may increase LDL (see below), up to 46%, although LDL changes from small to larger, buoyant, less atherogenic particles.

Anyway the main reason to take them is to balance out your 6:3 ratio - western diets generally have bad ratios from all the crappy oils (soy, sunflower etc) we consume. Takes a bit of research into how much you are consuming of each if you really want to do it right. I think you're much better off just eating less omega 6 and having some fish.

Several sources of information suggest that human beings evolved on a diet with a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) of approximately 1 whereas in Western diets the ratio is 15/1-16.7/1. Western diets are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and have excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids compared with the diet on which human beings evolved and their genetic patterns were established. Excessive amounts of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and a very high omega-6/omega-3 ratio, as is found in today's Western diets, promote the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, whereas increased levels of omega-3 PUFA (a low omega-6/omega-3 ratio) exert suppressive effects.
If you over-do a lot of foods and/or supplements there can be problems.

Quick search found 1-3 grams recommended. From the wiki:

Heart Disease and omega 3:

Anyway the main reason to take them is to balance out your 6:3 ratio - western diets generally have bad ratios from all the crappy oils (soy, sunflower etc) we consume. Takes a bit of research into how much you are consuming of each if you really want to do it right. I think you're much better off just eating less omega 6 and having some fish.


Its is true about the 6:3 ratio, but from what I have read taking supplements to reach that isn't really helpful. Which leads me to believe that eating foods with Omega 3's RATHER than 6's (which ARE bad for you) helps your health because it reduces the amount of total bad fat you consume. Not necessarily because Omega 3's are so good for you and have so many health benefits (they don't).

My point was never that Omega 3's were bad. Just that taking supplements isn't really helpful.


not tag worthy
Random Weight loss Question, I am finding after workout I need to pee more. ( i drink plenty of water during the day at work and do no need to go as often). is this a good or bad thing?

also I seem not to be craving sugary snacks anymore.


I seem to be in another mini plateau...been hovering around 193 now for almost 2 weeks.

Stuck at 192.8...will keep with my current regiment to see how it shakes out. My eating seems to be in check, I think I need to double down on my workout efforts.
Hey, I've made a thread on body/mind/spiritual self-improvement, and am looking for people interested in writing up a guide on how to to lose weight. Anything general would be great, but guides for different types of people is fine too.

Hey, I've made a thread on body/mind/spiritual self-improvement, and am looking for people interested in writing up a guide on how to to lose weight. Anything general would be great, but guides for different types of people is fine too.


I'll def follow...may contribute.

"Weight-loss through primarily exercise (see exercise related guides)" - Does not exist though

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
179cm (5'10), and 72.5 kg (~160lbs).
It does sound too low, but I don't feel hungry so I don't know if I even should make myself eat more.

I believe during the week I get 1300-1400 and feel fine. I do notice a lull around 5 when I get off work and the bad thing is that's when I work out. Thinking about pushing my afternoon snack back to 4 to combat this though. A bit more energy for workouts would be nice.
I'll def follow...may contribute.

"Weight-loss through primarily exercise (see exercise related guides)" - Does not exist though

Yeah, that's why I need contributors in areas I'm less familiar with :p
Any contribution is welcome, they don't need to be big and could just be a suggestion or similar.
So, I think I'll go with low-carb + cardio 'til I see substantial progress.

Does anyone have some guide of what to eat and what to avoid? Can I put stevia on my Tea while doing a low-carb one?


So, I think I'll go with low-carb + cardio 'til I see substantial progress.

Does anyone have some guide of what to eat and what to avoid? Can I put stevia on my Tea while doing a low-carb one?

It depends on how low you want to go. I would stick to whole foods as much as possible, avoid anything processed. This will naturally be a diet low in carbs.. All types of meat and fish, eggs, veggies, nuts, seeds, full fat greek yogurt/cheese if you can handle dairy, if you want fruit stick to berries or anything with a pit, avoid melons, grapes, bananas..cook with butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, palm oil, ghee.. for a treat you can eat a piece of extra dark chocolate, 85% cacao and above or you can bake cookies and other sweets with almond flour or coconut flour..

stevia is fine. I use truvia personally, which is stevia+erythritol, I find stevia to have a bit of a sharp aftertaste. you can also use these when baking. truvia or stevia is a great way to sweeten plain greek yogurt
Does anyone have some guide of what to eat and what to avoid? Can I put stevia on my Tea while doing a low-carb one?
I am of the belief that the less processed and more natural material it is, the better. Opt for honey and maple syrup when you need a sweetener for stuff like tea or oatmeal. Stevia works too, though I don't really have much experience with it.
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