I love how easy and effective low-carb diets are. I weighed 175 about 2 weeks ago. I was very much the "right size" for my body, but I wanted to shed a few pounds and tone a little since I'm getting married in 6 months. I sort of want to look good and feel good about my body while in St. Lucia for the honeymoon. B-) I've already lost a belt loop and ~10 pounds.
Hot damn.
For anyone interested in doing low-carb but worried about what you're going to be missing out on, here's a few things I've been eating that taste amazing/are good for this diet. For the record, before I started this, I would eat pizza at least 2 times a week, have sandwiches for lunch almost daily, large helpings of pasta for dinner, cookies/dessert/etc. I was lucky that I wasn't huge!
Anyways, here's just some random foods I can think of that I've eaten in the past few days that taste FANTASTIC (and happen to be awesome for low-carb diets).
Low-carb yogurt I eat one just about every day (sometimes two if I'm really hungry from doing a bunch of stuff). 4g of carbs = tasty treat. It's like my dessert (I usually have the vanilla or spiced pear from my local Kroger).
Blue Diamond Almonds The wasabi soy ones make KILLER snacking, and only have 3g of net carbs.
Raspberries Very low carbs (3-4 maybe?) and make a great sweeter snack.
Spinach salads I have one or two of these a day. They're considered "free carbs" since they have less than one net carb. I'll either put a low fat ranch or a low fat raspberry vinaigrette. Some would say low fat ranch is not necessary on low carb diets, but I opt for it as I prefer the taste of low fat. And yeah, there's a little sugar the vinaigrette, but it still comes out to less than the 6g of carbs stated on the package. I don't use the serving, I just splash a little for taste.
Salsa chicken Put a bunch of chicken breasts in a crock-pot, empty a large bottle of salsa, leave for 4+ hours, AMAZING and super delicious dish.
Low-carb tortillas At 4g net carb per tortilla, this has been a GOD SEND. I love bread and pizza and crackers, but these make my life easy. I use them for chicken, eggs, or pizza. Put some pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, and peperoni on the tortilla, throw in the oven for 5 minutes @ 450, instant AMAZING pizza.
Eggs Scrambled eggs + ground meat = amazing.
Bacon Love bacon, but I only eat it on and off. Low-carb = more fat intake allowed, but I still watch the high fat foods just because.
90% Dark chocolate Very bitter, not for everyone, but one square of those 8 square large bars you can find at Walmart is enough to take that chocolate crave off.
Fish Frozen fish filets are SO easy to cook. Use pork rinds for breading and you're set (if you like breading...zero carbs in pork rinds).
Sorry for the long and random post, but I know people who think they can't do low-carb because it limits their food choices/doesn't taste good/etc. I won't lie, I miss cakes, cookies, ice-cream...BUT! I have no problem in treating myself once every few weeks. Why? Because I know that I won't OVER indulge. I eat <30g carbs a day, and going over that won't kill me. My body is adjusting to processing my food correctly, and the results are crazy good. A piece of pizza when I visit my fiancee in Chicago won't mean I put on 10 pounds, haha. Moderation is key with ANY diet.
Seriously, I feel awesome. I'm not as much of a success as those who go from 250 -> 170 or something, but dropping a belt loop, getting back from to my 32 shorts/pants from a 34 is a great feeling. Not only that, but my muscles are slowly starting to show - my fiancee will appreciate that I'm sure, haha. There are some people who swear by all-natural, no sugar, no this, no that diets. I drink an energy drink once or twice a week (zero carb versions of course...), have a glass of coffee almost every day at the office, drink Coke Zero once in a while, and eat things with more than 6g of carbs in a serving once in a while - it's all about moderation. I used to eat well into the hundreds of carbs a day. It's a HUGE step to drop down to this, but with chicken, meat, fish, eggs, spinach salads, etc. (things I already loved and ate a lot of), I feel full AND healthy.
If anyone on GAF lurks this thread and has always wanted to try and lose weight but didn't want to worry about harsh diets and exercise, low-carb is seriously for you. The results are there within days of starting, and you'll generally feel better about yourself. A+ GAF.
Does anyone have any good experience with making oopsie rolls/low-carb buns?
I'm considering making some, but if they're just as bad as all the other low-carb stuff I'll just skip it.
Flax meal is pretty OK - it's a great bread option if you're like me and LOVE bread. I've been eating it with a thin layer of peanut butter for an AMAZINGLY tasty breakfast (and super low in carbs/high in fiber). Flax meal is 100% fiber, so it's great for you all around. There are tons of recipes online for buns/rolls/crusts/etc using the flax meal.