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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


So, I think I'll go with low-carb + cardio 'til I see substantial progress.

Does anyone have some guide of what to eat and what to avoid? Can I put stevia on my Tea while doing a low-carb one?

eat real foods

Avoid grain and sugar

Possibly limit fruit, dairy, and/or nuts if you cant handle them/want to burn weight super fast

And no, you cant put stevia on your tea since that personally offends me. Sugar and tea? Bleh

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So, I think I'll go with low-carb + cardio 'til I see substantial progress.

Does anyone have some guide of what to eat and what to avoid? Can I put stevia on my Tea while doing a low-carb one?

You sure can, but I recommend you learn to live without sweet stuff. It will make everything a lot easier, and you'll appreciate the natural flavors of various teas and food much more. That's just me, though.

In terms of "what to eat and what to avoid," I would recommend avoiding anything that uses grains, sweeteners (sugar, HFCS, etc.), and vegetable oils. Is it processed and packaged? Probably should avoid it. Buy more whole foods and cook them at home. If you're out and about find a salad bar (probably avoid using their soybean/canola oil dressings), or go to a mexican food restaurant and customize your order. Most restaurants will be willing to modify your order. Get a salad or mixed vegetables instead of the side of rice or french fries, for example.

Go back through this thread and you'll find lots of advice and links to sites with great recipe tips, too.

I am of the belief that the less processed and more natural material it is, the better. Opt for honey and maple syrup when you need a sweetener for stuff like tea or oatmeal. Stevia works too, though I don't really have much experience with it.

Honey and maple syrup? Are you serious? There's effectively nothing better about those compared to sugar or HFCS.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Weighed myself today, fuck me, down 103.5 pounds... only ( "only", been stuck here for what feels like ages ) 6.5 lbs left. Then it's picture time. Effing finally.

Hoping to be able to reach it in 19 days but I have my trepidation about it. Then again, 35 km biking each day does have a tendency to make the fat vanish during keto.
You guys are freaking awesome! I'll follow every single one of your advices. No more processed junk. I'll try leaving Stevia behind just because I don't want to offend Piecake anymore :(

I'll let you know on a couple of weeks how things are going :)
Honey and maple syrup? Are you serious? There's effectively nothing better about those compared to sugar or HFCS.
Maple syrup and honey are certainly better than sugar and HFCS. For one, they're natural products and not some man-made chemical compositions. They also have a bevy of benefits as those two WHF links I provided show.

To throw them in the same camp as HFCS is ghastly and, sorry, ignorant.

Also, keep in mind I'm not saying pour a gallon of the stuff on your food. A teaspoon, at most.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Maple syrup and honey are certainly better than sugar and HFCS. For one, they're natural products and not some man-made chemical compositions. They also have a bevy of benefits as those two WHF links I provided show.

To throw them in the same camp as HFCS is ghastly and, sorry, ignorant.

Also, keep in mind I'm not saying pour a gallon of the stuff on your food. A teaspoon, at most.

Not when it comes to weight loss. They've all got very similar sugar content by weight.

It does look like maple syrup is by far the best of the bunch, though. With that said, you have to make sure you don't compensate for its relative lack of sweetness by using more.


Weighed myself today, fuck me, down 103.5 pounds... only ( "only", been stuck here for what feels like ages ) 6.5 lbs left. Then it's picture time. Effing finally.

Hoping to be able to reach it in 19 days but I have my trepidation about it. Then again, 35 km biking each day does have a tendency to make the fat vanish during keto.

100+ pounds, that's incredible. Great work man. Hope you'll post a good before/after story with pictures sometime when you get to where you're comfortable.

Wonder who in this thread has lost the most?
Not when it comes to weight loss. They've all got very similar sugar content by weight.

It does look like maple syrup is by far the best of the bunch, though. With that said, you have to make sure you don't compensate for its relative lack of sweetness by using more.

This man is correct. Sure those alternatives are better than regular sugar or HFCS but not by any significant margin. No one who is serious about low carb should be including any of them often. (After you have lost your weight and are maintaining by all means add those instead of processed sugar)


So, what's a good sweetener to use for baking? I want to try making a low-carb cheesecake. I know enough not to use Stevia...tried making pancakes with that once and the aftertaste was awful...couldn't get it out of my mouth for hours.
I've posted my story a few weeks ago, but am at a new low. From 6'4 300lbs, this morning I was 175. I'm about 18% BF now. Starting to change my diet from cut to maintain, to try to transition into a clean bulk.
Maple syrup and honey are certainly better than sugar and HFCS. For one, they're natural products and not some man-made chemical compositions. They also have a bevy of benefits as those two WHF links I provided show.

To throw them in the same camp as HFCS is ghastly and, sorry, ignorant.

Also, keep in mind I'm not saying pour a gallon of the stuff on your food. A teaspoon, at most.

Chemistry - how does it work?

"Natural" is not a scientific distinction.
Chemistry - how does it work?

"Natural" is not a scientific distinction.
Granulated sugar - Created in a laboratory via a refining process


Maple syrup - Comes from a tree

Honey - Comes from a beehive


Also, both maple syrup and honey can be consumed in their raw forms, before all the other unneeded preservatives/sugars are added.
Granulated sugar - Created in a laboratory via a refining process


Maple syrup - Comes from a tree

Honey - Comes from a beehive


Also, both maple syrup and honey can be consumed in their raw forms, before all the other unneeded preservatives/sugars are added.

None of that proves that because something is "natural" it is better for you. Hell......until man came to North America he had never eaten Maple syrup so its easy to argue that it not natural for humans to be eating it either.

Somethings "Naturalism" is not proof of it being good or bad for you in any way shape or form.

I've posted my story a few weeks ago, but am at a new low. From 6'4 300lbs, this morning I was 175. I'm about 18% BF now. Starting to change my diet from cut to maintain, to try to transition into a clean bulk.

Mind posting(or linking to where you posted em before) some pics? I am starting from a similar height/weight (6'5, 300lbs) so would be an interesting reference.
None of that proves that because something is "natural" it is better for you. Hell......until man came to North America he had never eaten Maple syrup so its easy to argue that it not natural for humans to be eating it either.

Somethings "Naturalism" is not proof of it being good or bad for you in any way shape or form.
That's fine if that's how you feel. I personally believe that homo sapiens is adapted to a particular diet, and that diet does not include all these chemically-altered, hormone-propelled synthesized foodstuffs.

I understand that the humans today are not the humans that existed thousands upon thousands of years ago; but I feel the blueprint for success lies with what was generally (emphasis on that word, I don't wanna be chewing grass) along the lines of what were consumed generations ago. That is to say, organic foods.
I've posted my story a few weeks ago, but am at a new low. From 6'4 300lbs, this morning I was 175. I'm about 18% BF now. Starting to change my diet from cut to maintain, to try to transition into a clean bulk.
loose skin? did you have big manbreasts? oh, and congratulations man, that's amazing!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So, what's a good sweetener to use for baking? I want to try making a low-carb cheesecake. I know enough not to use Stevia...tried making pancakes with that once and the aftertaste was awful...couldn't get it out of my mouth for hours.

I've always been skeptical of "low-carb alternatives." They make work for some, but I'd rather just have the real thing as a rare (extremely rare) treat than make some compromised low-carb version that doesn't taste very good.

With that said, the artificial sweeteners, complete with their nasty aftertastes, are the only way you're going to be able to stay low-carb as well as achieve a sweet-taste with baking.
That's fine if that's how you feel. I personally believe that homo sapiens is adapted to a particular diet, and that diet does not include all these chemically-altered, hormone-propelled synthesized foodstuffs.

I understand that the humans today are not the humans that existed thousands upon thousands of years ago; but I feel the blueprint for success lies with what was generally (emphasis on that word, I don't wanna be chewing grass) along the lines of what were consumed generations ago. That is to say, organic foods.

If you feel that way. By all means live it.

My problem is when people try to pass off the benefits of Organic/natural products as fact and science when its pretty much broscience that annoys me. Could it be true? Possibly. However, no current evidence supports that.

I've always been skeptical of "low-carb alternatives." They make work for some, but I'd rather just have the real thing as a rare (extremely rare) treat than make some compromised low-carb version that doesn't taste very good.

With that said, the artificial sweeteners, complete with their nasty aftertastes, are the only way you're going to be able to stay low-carb as well as achieve a sweet-taste with baking.

I am pretty much the same way. I tried dozens of recipes and various low carb products which all disappointing and just said fuck it. Though as of yet I have not had any significant cheats in my diet.
I've always been skeptical of "low-carb alternatives." They make work for some, but I'd rather just have the real thing as a rare (extremely rare) treat than make some compromised low-carb version that doesn't taste very good.

With that said, the artificial sweeteners, complete with their nasty aftertastes, are the only way you're going to be able to stay low-carb as well as achieve a sweet-taste with baking.


I made a "low-carb cake" the other day and it was absolutely while.
Proteinpowder, eggwhites, butter, and almond flour.

It tasted like dry protein powder with a weird aftertaste.

Does anyone have any good experience with making oopsie rolls/low-carb buns?
I'm considering making some, but if they're just as bad as all the other low-carb stuff I'll just skip it.


Saint Nic
I love how easy and effective low-carb diets are. I weighed 175 about 2 weeks ago. I was very much the "right size" for my body, but I wanted to shed a few pounds and tone a little since I'm getting married in 6 months. I sort of want to look good and feel good about my body while in St. Lucia for the honeymoon. B-) I've already lost a belt loop and ~10 pounds.

Hot damn.

For anyone interested in doing low-carb but worried about what you're going to be missing out on, here's a few things I've been eating that taste amazing/are good for this diet. For the record, before I started this, I would eat pizza at least 2 times a week, have sandwiches for lunch almost daily, large helpings of pasta for dinner, cookies/dessert/etc. I was lucky that I wasn't huge!

Anyways, here's just some random foods I can think of that I've eaten in the past few days that taste FANTASTIC (and happen to be awesome for low-carb diets).

1. Low-carb yogurt I eat one just about every day (sometimes two if I'm really hungry from doing a bunch of stuff). 4g of carbs = tasty treat. It's like my dessert (I usually have the vanilla or spiced pear from my local Kroger).

2. Blue Diamond Almonds The wasabi soy ones make KILLER snacking, and only have 3g of net carbs.

3. Raspberries Very low carbs (3-4 maybe?) and make a great sweeter snack.

4. Spinach salads I have one or two of these a day. They're considered "free carbs" since they have less than one net carb. I'll either put a low fat ranch or a low fat raspberry vinaigrette. Some would say low fat ranch is not necessary on low carb diets, but I opt for it as I prefer the taste of low fat. And yeah, there's a little sugar the vinaigrette, but it still comes out to less than the 6g of carbs stated on the package. I don't use the serving, I just splash a little for taste.

5. Salsa chicken Put a bunch of chicken breasts in a crock-pot, empty a large bottle of salsa, leave for 4+ hours, AMAZING and super delicious dish.

6. Low-carb tortillas At 4g net carb per tortilla, this has been a GOD SEND. I love bread and pizza and crackers, but these make my life easy. I use them for chicken, eggs, or pizza. Put some pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, and peperoni on the tortilla, throw in the oven for 5 minutes @ 450, instant AMAZING pizza.

7. Eggs Scrambled eggs + ground meat = amazing.

8. Bacon Love bacon, but I only eat it on and off. Low-carb = more fat intake allowed, but I still watch the high fat foods just because.

9. 90% Dark chocolate Very bitter, not for everyone, but one square of those 8 square large bars you can find at Walmart is enough to take that chocolate crave off.

10. Fish Frozen fish filets are SO easy to cook. Use pork rinds for breading and you're set (if you like breading...zero carbs in pork rinds).

Sorry for the long and random post, but I know people who think they can't do low-carb because it limits their food choices/doesn't taste good/etc. I won't lie, I miss cakes, cookies, ice-cream...BUT! I have no problem in treating myself once every few weeks. Why? Because I know that I won't OVER indulge. I eat <30g carbs a day, and going over that won't kill me. My body is adjusting to processing my food correctly, and the results are crazy good. A piece of pizza when I visit my fiancee in Chicago won't mean I put on 10 pounds, haha. Moderation is key with ANY diet.

Seriously, I feel awesome. I'm not as much of a success as those who go from 250 -> 170 or something, but dropping a belt loop, getting back from to my 32 shorts/pants from a 34 is a great feeling. Not only that, but my muscles are slowly starting to show - my fiancee will appreciate that I'm sure, haha. There are some people who swear by all-natural, no sugar, no this, no that diets. I drink an energy drink once or twice a week (zero carb versions of course...), have a glass of coffee almost every day at the office, drink Coke Zero once in a while, and eat things with more than 6g of carbs in a serving once in a while - it's all about moderation. I used to eat well into the hundreds of carbs a day. It's a HUGE step to drop down to this, but with chicken, meat, fish, eggs, spinach salads, etc. (things I already loved and ate a lot of), I feel full AND healthy.

If anyone on GAF lurks this thread and has always wanted to try and lose weight but didn't want to worry about harsh diets and exercise, low-carb is seriously for you. The results are there within days of starting, and you'll generally feel better about yourself. A+ GAF.

Does anyone have any good experience with making oopsie rolls/low-carb buns?
I'm considering making some, but if they're just as bad as all the other low-carb stuff I'll just skip it.

Flax meal is pretty OK - it's a great bread option if you're like me and LOVE bread. I've been eating it with a thin layer of peanut butter for an AMAZINGLY tasty breakfast (and super low in carbs/high in fiber). Flax meal is 100% fiber, so it's great for you all around. There are tons of recipes online for buns/rolls/crusts/etc using the flax meal.
Since u guys asked nicely...inc long post of pictures.
I hit 300lbs sophomore year of college...and knew i had to change my life. I hate to look back at these pictures and remember that i used to think i was happy...

I dropped about 80lbs in about 6 months, just by cutting out soda and getting a little more active (DDR and Wii fit came into play big time).
It's about 3 years later, and I'm at 6'4 175lbs as of today, about 18% body fat, and almost to where I want to be. I want to get pre 15% before I start bulking, even tho people say I am too skinny already. I do have a bit of "loose skin", but i believe its just a little extra fat holding on...I don't have any flaps or anything like that, just a tiny pouch on my stomach.
Little bit of extra: Here are a couple pictures from my 24th birthday last weekend...I have moved to a new city within the last year, met the best friends I have ever had, and am the happiest I have ever been. When it gets tough, remember what you are working for.
I think I'm finally going to ignore my phobia of posting pictures of me online, and give you guys a before/after comparison...

(Circa 2010, ~280 lbs)

(May 2012, ~230 lbs)

For how long I've been combating my weight, it's probably odd for you guys to see a not-too-drastic change. Guess genetics and body type play a role in that.
I think I'm finally going to ignore my phobia of posting pictures of me online, and give you guys a before/after comparison...

(Circa 2010, ~280 lbs)

(May 2012, ~230 lbs)

For how long I've been combating my weight, it's probably odd for you guys to see a not-too-drastic change. Guess genetics and body type play a role in that.

You can actually see a pretty good change in your face man...keep it up


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hey guys, I've been enjoying the thread (massive as it is!) and its been very inspiring.

I'll be upfront and admit that my weight bas been an issue my whole life. At my heaviest I've been nearly 400 pounds and still don't even own a scale. Not only because they depressed me, but because in the past ones I've owned did not go high enough. I say this to make it clear that I don't know what I currently weigh.

I'm turning 33 in a few weeks and will shortly be going through a divorce. I've been married for 10 years and since late February when we separated I've had a lot more free time and decided to spend it in a positive way and try to just really master my failings.

While sometimes I find it difficult to find time due to my young children being home for the summer, I've been trying to go jogging/walking about 4 times a week and have been eating right for the first time in my life. Even though I've been a vegetarian for almost a decade, I rarely ate fruits or veggies. truthfully, my diet was almost entirely fats and carbs.

I'm starting to slowly visibly lose weight now, mostly in my face and back, and it's badass that people are starting to notice finally. I've gone from a size 52" waist and 3x shirt to 48" waist and 2x shirt and I really feel great to get to know what sorts of things my mind, body, and will are capable of.

My issue is that when I know I won't be able to go jogging due to scheduling conflicts I get super depressed and have a hard time not pigging out because I start to feel like I'm wasting my time, and even the fact that people are starting to notice I'm losing weight doesn't matter. How do you guys get through times like this? if I'm only going 2 or 4 times a week for like 2-3 miles am I just kidding myself?

My ipod has been my constant companion through all this, and I listen to about 26 podcast a week, can anyone recommend a good weight loss/healthy living type of podcast that might appeal to newbies? perhaps something with a motivational bent?

Thanks for the thread Gaf, its been very enlightening and encouraging.


Man I fucking hate losing weight. Had to turn down going out with my room mates (who are three sexy ladies) because I will end up drinking 2,000 calories in a few hours and I am trying to lose all the weight I put on in the states. I keep telling myself it will be better in the long run, but its hard to see long term goals when you are sitting on GAF at midnight drinking water waiting for the sober cab call when you could be out getting shitty with friends.
Hey guys, I've been enjoying the thread (massive as it is!) and its been very inspiring.

I'll be upfront and admit that my weight bas been an issue my whole life. At my heaviest I've been nearly 400 pounds and still don't even own a scale. Not only because they depressed me, but because in the past ones I've owned did not go high enough. I say this to make it clear that I don't know what I currently weigh.

I'm turning 33 in a few weeks and will shortly be going through a divorce. I've been married for 10 years and since late February when we separated I've had a lot more free time and decided to spend it in a positive way and try to just really master my failings.

While sometimes I find it difficult to find time due to my young children being home for the summer, I've been trying to go jogging/walking about 4 times a week and have been eating right for the first time in my life. Even though I've been a vegetarian for almost a decade, I rarely ate fruits or veggies. truthfully, my diet was almost entirely fats and carbs.

I'm starting to slowly visibly lose weight now, mostly in my face and back, and it's badass that people are starting to notice finally. I've gone from a size 52" waist and 3x shirt to 48" waist and 2x shirt and I really feel great to get to know what sorts of things my mind, body, and will are capable of.

My issue is that when I know I won't be able to go jogging due to scheduling conflicts I get super depressed and have a hard time not pigging out because I start to feel like I'm wasting my time, and even the fact that people are starting to notice I'm losing weight doesn't matter. How do you guys get through times like this? if I'm only going 2 or 4 times a week for like 2-3 miles am I just kidding myself?

My ipod has been my constant companion through all this, and I listen to about 26 podcast a week, can anyone recommend a good weight loss/healthy living type of podcast that might appeal to newbies? perhaps something with a motivational bent?

Thanks for the thread Gaf, its been very enlightening and encouraging.

I sympathize with you. Felt the same way for a long time.

I wouldn't worry too much about exercise. Every little bit is good but is hardly necessary as long as you are willing to put in the work to change your diet. Keep trying :)

As for podcasts. The only one I really like is Cut the Fat Podcast which is fairly informative....though they do tend to overemphasize exercise and weight training and have a couple odd ideas. However, in general they are way better than most other podcasts.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Man I fucking hate losing weight. Had to turn down going out with my room mates (who are three sexy ladies) because I will end up drinking 2,000 calories in a few hours and I am trying to lose all the weight I put on in the states. I keep telling myself it will be better in the long run, but its hard to see long term goals when you are sitting on GAF at midnight drinking water waiting for the sober cab call when you could be out getting shitty with friends.

One night won't ruin everything. Have your fun and then make up for it.
Man I fucking hate losing weight. Had to turn down going out with my room mates (who are three sexy ladies) because I will end up drinking 2,000 calories in a few hours and I am trying to lose all the weight I put on in the states. I keep telling myself it will be better in the long run, but its hard to see long term goals when you are sitting on GAF at midnight drinking water waiting for the sober cab call when you could be out getting shitty with friends.

This is going to sound terrible and it may not be an option for you. I was in a similar situation with friends when I started I and I kinda had two options.

1. Realize that because I have the willpower NOT to go out I probably have the willpower TO go out and not drink calorie heavy drinks and alcohol. This could make life much easier.


2. Realize that because I have the willpower to say NO to going out with friends that will set me back on my diet, realize that I probably DO have the willpower to find new friends and find activities that I can do on your diet.

(of course there is tons of grey area but those are the options I felt I faced. I chose #2 because I don't have the willpower to go out and eat right.)
They go out 4 times a week. I limit myself to once a week. It's painful, especially as I love beer and they are begging me to come.

Assuming you're all students?
Yeah, a low-carb diet isn't really compatible with that sorta party lifestyle.
I mean, you could always do some cardio every day after a night going out drinking, but you'd be working out multiple hours a week just to make even.


Hey guys, I've been enjoying the thread (massive as it is!) and its been very inspiring.

I'll be upfront and admit that my weight bas been an issue my whole life. At my heaviest I've been nearly 400 pounds and still don't even own a scale. Not only because they depressed me, but because in the past ones I've owned did not go high enough. I say this to make it clear that I don't know what I currently weigh.

I'm turning 33 in a few weeks and will shortly be going through a divorce. I've been married for 10 years and since late February when we separated I've had a lot more free time and decided to spend it in a positive way and try to just really master my failings.

While sometimes I find it difficult to find time due to my young children being home for the summer, I've been trying to go jogging/walking about 4 times a week and have been eating right for the first time in my life. Even though I've been a vegetarian for almost a decade, I rarely ate fruits or veggies. truthfully, my diet was almost entirely fats and carbs.

I'm starting to slowly visibly lose weight now, mostly in my face and back, and it's badass that people are starting to notice finally. I've gone from a size 52" waist and 3x shirt to 48" waist and 2x shirt and I really feel great to get to know what sorts of things my mind, body, and will are capable of.

My issue is that when I know I won't be able to go jogging due to scheduling conflicts I get super depressed and have a hard time not pigging out because I start to feel like I'm wasting my time, and even the fact that people are starting to notice I'm losing weight doesn't matter. How do you guys get through times like this? if I'm only going 2 or 4 times a week for like 2-3 miles am I just kidding myself?

My ipod has been my constant companion through all this, and I listen to about 26 podcast a week, can anyone recommend a good weight loss/healthy living type of podcast that might appeal to newbies? perhaps something with a motivational bent?

Thanks for the thread Gaf, its been very enlightening and encouraging.
Diet is much more important for weight loss than exercise. Stick to your diet, exercise when you can but don't beat yourself up over it if you can't make time for a jog.


What's going on GAF? I've maintained a steady diet for a couple of days, with a constant weight of 150 pounds and trying to lose a pound per week, and in one day I've gained 2-3 pounds with no change in routine. What's the reason?
What's going on GAF? I've maintained a steady diet for a couple of days, with a constant weight of 150 pounds and trying to lose a pound per week, and in one day I've gained 2-3 pounds with no change in routine. What's the reason?

You ate food and/or your body retained water?


This is week 3 of a high fat low carb diet. To be honest I'm loving it. I'm cooking stuff myself every day and I've eaten out twice in that time, once with family and once with friends. I had a bit of bad stuff with one (steak with some mashed potato, still no grains) but a single scoop of ice cream (so a bit of sugar but I'm regulating it).

I had 200g of Greek Yoghurt with half a banana and a couple of blended raspberries today and it was amazing. I'm never hungry any more I feel like I'm losing weight and the food I'm eating is amazing. No willpower required. :)


Saint Nic
This is week 3 of a high fat low carb diet. To be honest I'm loving it. I'm cooking stuff myself every day and I've eaten out twice in that time, once with family and once with friends. I had a bit of bad stuff with one (steak with some mashed potato, still no grains) but a single scoop of ice cream (so a bit of sugar but I'm regulating it).

I had 200g of Greek Yoghurt with half a banana and a couple of blended raspberries today and it was amazing. I'm never hungry any more I feel like I'm losing weight and the food I'm eating is amazing. No willpower required. :)

This is why low-carb diets are fucking amazing. As long as you stick with it, you're not hurting yourself with the occasional steak and potatoes or ice cream or piece of cake. You just can't do it all the time like before the low-carb lifestyle change.


This is why low-carb diets are fucking amazing. As long as you stick with it, you're not hurting yourself with the occasional steak and potatoes or ice cream or piece of cake. You just can't do it all the time like before the low-carb lifestyle change.

2 weeks have gone by and I've had a single can of diet soft drink (I used to drink 1-2 cans of sugary stuff a day) and I haven't had any cheap and nasty take away or packaged snacks.

The amazing thing is I don't really feel like having them. They just not tempting me anymore.


Saint Nic
2 weeks have gone by and I've had a single can of diet soft drink (I used to drink 1-2 cans of sugary stuff a day) and I haven't had any cheap and nasty take away or packaged snacks.

The amazing thing is I don't really feel like having them. They just not tempting me anymore.

Oh I know, it's fantastic. The only thing I've craved is a slice of Chicago deep dish pizza, but that will come soon enough. :) Once I go visit my fiancee in Chicago, we're going out for pizza. It's happening.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
100+ pounds, that's incredible. Great work man. Hope you'll post a good before/after story with pictures sometime when you get to where you're comfortable.

Wonder who in this thread has lost the most?

Thanks, o I will, I found the old before pics of me at 115kg and as soon as I reach my goal I'll toss up a couple of pics.

On the subject on who has lost the most I wouldn't be surprised if I was among those who've lost most weight at least from a percentage viewpoint, almost down 45% of my original bodyweight ( reaching 65 kgs ). But lord have mercy it's slow right now.
Oh I know, it's fantastic. The only thing I've craved is a slice of Chicago deep dish pizza, but that will come soon enough. :) Once I go visit my fiancee in Chicago, we're going out for pizza. It's happening.

I bought a Digorno (sp?) pizza at the grocery the other day. I haven't had pizza in several months and figured I deserved it. The good thing was it was only 200 calories for the whole thing which wasn't that big and it was very thin bread.

The thought of eating greasy take out pizza makes me nauseous though :-/


Same thing happened to me. It's crazy how easy it is to fall into bad habits.

Ate like shit all last week and didn't work out cuz my body needed a break. Gained 3 lbs, whatevs.

How's your week going, guys?

Pretty good so far for me, diet & exercise-wise. But I don't want to step on the weight scale yet. :lol I'm going to wait until Friday morning...after full 4 days of doing good. :)

I don't care about the weight loss effects it may or may not have, but I know pouring that many unnatural ingredients into my body cannot be good for it. It has been a very useful tool for my weight loss, and I'm not against it entirely but I'd prefer to drink far, far less of it and drink water instead.

Indeed. Cut out all types of sodas if you're serious about losing weight / living a healthier lifestyle, and learn to love water. :) But sure, a diet soda won't wreck your diet, but that doesn't automatically make it OK to drink.


What's going on GAF? I've maintained a steady diet for a couple of days, with a constant weight of 150 pounds and trying to lose a pound per week, and in one day I've gained 2-3 pounds with no change in routine. What's the reason?

A few days? Be realistic man, change doesn't come within a week. Keep at it for a month and see if it makes any difference. 2-3 pounds in a day could be a huge number of factors, so that's why you have to guage any weight loss over a longer period of time. Most of the guys here have lost weight over a period of years. It sucks to hear but this isn't a quick fix. :(

Edit: I'm learning to love tea with no sugar and the thinnest dashes of milk. Amazingly refreshing. So much better then soda.


Polyphenols and caffiene increase your metabolic rate. The number of polyphenols in green tea is a lot higher then black tea. If you can find it (might be difficult) try looking for white tea with jasmine petals (sometimes called dragon eyes or downy pearls). They have the highest polyphenol count of any tea but the lowest caffiene count. It's also the lighest and most refreshing tea you'll ever have if you brew it properly.

Edit: Quick google search says it can boost your metabolic rate by 4% - That's actually quite a big number for what's simply a drink....


To be honest it's probably only worth drinking if you enjoy it. I love tea so for me it's easy I do 2-3 cups a day of green/black or white tea. I couldn't give you a figure but I can say that tea doesn't really have any negatives and contains effectively zero calories so go nuts and drink as much as you'd like to. Just hold off on the additives like sugar/stevia/milk/honey/etc.


A few days? Be realistic man, change doesn't come within a week. Keep at it for a month and see if it makes any difference. 2-3 pounds in a day could be a huge number of factors, so that's why you have to guage any weight loss over a longer period of time. Most of the guys here have lost weight over a period of years. It sucks to hear but this isn't a quick fix. :(

A few days? Sorry, that's my typical use of literary exaggeration... I've actually been at this for two months, I've gone from 165 to 150. I know it's a slow process.

And it turns out I messed up my morning measurement, I'm still 150 on the scale. Looks like paranoia got to me, lol.


How's your week going, guys?

Pretty good so far for me, diet & exercise-wise. But I don't want to step on the weight scale yet. :lol I'm going to wait until Friday morning...after full 4 days of doing good. :)

Indeed. Cut out all types of sodas if you're serious about losing weight / living a healthier lifestyle, and learn to love water. :) But sure, a diet soda won't wreck your diet, but that doesn't automatically make it OK to drink.

I'm back on track. Kinda got sick of the garbage food lol.


A few days? Sorry, that's my typical use of literary exaggeration... I've actually been at this for two months, I've gone from 165 to 150. I know it's a slow process.

And it turns out I messed up my morning measurement, I'm still 150 on the scale. Looks like paranoia got to me, lol.

Don't be paranoid. :p

You can't expect the rate of weight loss to be constant forever, otherwise you'd vanish into nothingness eventually! You've lost 15 pounds that's nothing to sneeze at, keep it up!
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