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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I'm back on track. Kinda got sick of the garbage food lol.

On your first day back on track, did you feel full almost all day? That's how it was for me....like my body was still sustaining itself from the overload of carbs & such the day(s) before. :lol It wasn't until dinner on MOnday that I actually felt hungry.


Don't be paranoid. :p

You can't expect the rate of weight loss to be constant forever, otherwise you'd vanish into nothingness eventually! You've lost 15 pounds that's nothing to sneeze at, keep it up!

Thanks, I was worried that perhaps one food I ate was one too much or that I shouldn't have had that square of dark chocolate, but logical reasoning prevails, I'm sure I'll reach my steady weight eventually. :)
I started eating low carb on Sunday been perfect with my eating. The only thing I need to kick now is soda, I have been drinking about 16oz of diet soda a day. Trying to kick my caffeine habit and changing my eating habits in the same week is to hard.


I know the soda is not helping at all and probably making it worse but to get me started its helping with the sugar cravings.

wish me luck.
Kick the soda, sure. But you can still get caffeine (tea, coffee) and ween yourself down to a decent level over time.

The soda is helping your sugar craving because your body thinks it's getting sugar. Then when it doesn't see the results your cravings for sugar just go back up.

I flipped a switch one day in February of 2011 and I've not had a single soda since (nor have I had bread, pasta and all sorts of other stuff). I make my own carbonated water and occasionally add some lemon or lime, but it's been great—the fizziness of carbonated water is much of the appeal for me.


not tag worthy
Hey guys and gals..been about two weeks at the gym.. My routine for this month is
20mins Cross Trainer
5-8km bike
4 mins rowing machine about 700m
5mins upper arm rowing machine

As i feel fitter i will up the resistance or do the ore set programs

Then 30 -45 mins swimming breast stroke

Also cutting out snacking (had a few slip ups)
Eating more fruit veg etc. Having quorn instead of meats (mince meat etc)

Next month i will add weights and sit ups to the mix..

Because of shift pattern i will be able to train fully sometimes. But others just the gym no swimming

Looking forward to seeing results.

Oh and if you told me at the begining of this month that i would be able to do twenty mins on the cross trainer i would have laughed in your face..


I started eating low carb on Sunday been perfect with my eating. The only thing I need to kick now is soda, I have been drinking about 16oz of diet soda a day. Trying to kick my caffeine habit and changing my eating habits in the same week is to hard.


I know the soda is not helping at all and probably making it worse but to get me started its helping with the sugar cravings.

wish me luck.
There's nothing wrong with diet soda in moderation, just don't make it your primary drink. If you're worried about the aspartame, which you shouldn't be, you can always get Zevia instead. I recently bought a couple to see how they tasted and the're good. They're too expensive for me though, I'll just stick to regular diet soda for when I'm in the mood for a sweet drink.


My brother and I on my high school graduation day (back in June '08):


With my cousin at our joint birthday party (back in September '09):

Me today:


Still kind of frustrated with some excess belly flab after being incredibly heavy throughout most of my life, but I've been weightlifting since February and that seems to be helping. But anyway, seeing a lot of the transformations in this thread is very inspiring. Keep up the great work, guys!
I really have horrible self control when I have things in the house to snack on. The only tactic that works is to simply not have it around. I bought a pint of rasberries for something to snack on from time to time and I ate the entire container in 1 sitting. There's really no excuse. At least rasberries aren't the worst things to overindulge in. It's still a problem I have to work on.
I really have horrible self control when I have things in the house to snack on. The only tactic that works is to simply not have it around. I bought a pint of rasberries for something to snack on from time to time and I ate the entire container in 1 sitting. There's really no excuse. At least rasberries aren't the worst things to overindulge in. It's still a problem I have to work on.

Ya never, ever, ever sit down with a container of food. Major mistake.

When you want something go put what you think you want in a bowl and then take it and eat in. Never just munch on ANYTHING. Never leave food out on counter either where you can see it and munch.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
When you want something go put what you think you want in a bowl and then take it and eat in. Never just munch on ANYTHING.

I wish this worked for me. :\ I'll portion out something, finish it, fidget around, can't stop thinking about what I just ate, go back for another serving, then another until it's all gone.

Even refusing to keep the stuff in the house doesn't stop me because there's multiple 24-hour groceries right down the street. Once that craving hits me, it doesn't leave my brain until I've ruined whatever diet I was on. It's an honest to goodness compulsion.


Saint Nic
I really have horrible self control when I have things in the house to snack on. The only tactic that works is to simply not have it around. I bought a pint of rasberries for something to snack on from time to time and I ate the entire container in 1 sitting. There's really no excuse. At least rasberries aren't the worst things to overindulge in. It's still a problem I have to work on.

Yeah, I used to eat cookies/chips/ice cream like mad. I hate having quit tasty treats cold turkey, but it's worked. I still crave them, and I'll treat myself to something at the wedding I'm going to next weekend...But otherwise, the best thing you can do is put a little in a small cup or bowl and eat ONLY that. If you're going to eat things that are "bad" for you, at least learn to control how much of you eat to work on the portion control. :)

I wish this worked for me. :\ I'll portion out something, finish it, fidget around, can't stop thinking about what I just ate, go back for another serving, then another until it's all gone.

Even refusing to keep the stuff in the house doesn't stop me because there's multiple 24-hour groceries right down the street. Once that craving hits me, it doesn't leave my brain until I've ruined whatever diet I was on. It's an honest to goodness compulsion.

Drink a water with a Crystal Light add-in (if it's sweets that you get extra fidgety about). That helped me at first.
I wish this worked for me. :\ I'll portion out something, finish it, fidget around, can't stop thinking about what I just ate, go back for another serving, then another until it's all gone.

Even refusing to keep the stuff in the house doesn't stop me because there's multiple 24-hour groceries right down the street. Once that craving hits me, it doesn't leave my brain until I've ruined whatever diet I was on. It's an honest to goodness compulsion.

I might recommend a psychologist then.....no amount of advice from us will work if you are having that type of compulsion.

Do you live alone? May wanna try calorie counting.....that helped me when I started to see every calorie I ate while I ate it.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I might recommend a psychologist then.....no amount of advice from us will work if you are having that type of compulsion.

Do you live alone? May wanna try calorie counting.....that helped me when I started to see every calorie I ate while I ate it.

I may go back to counting calories since that was the only thing that worked in the past. I've been struggling on and off with low carb for over a year, and have felt compelled to continue trying because everyone else gets such good results, but I haven't lost much (if any) weight with it because when you screw up on low carb -- which I do with disturbing regularity -- it seems like the damage done is much worse than on other types of diets.
Looks like your main issue is a willpower one which isn't something I can really help with. I (literally) woke up one day and I was like "fuck this shit" and decided the day school ended (living on campus with the schools junkfood meal plan) for the summer I was done, no mistakes, no regains, no excuses. Got home and I just did it. No idea where it came from but in less than 3 months I have lost 50 lbs and haven't had a single cheat day (whether that be eating way too much or the wrong foods) in over a month.

At some point you have to consider cheating not an option. The same way cutting off your finger to eat it is not an option. AT least thats how I view it.

Chris R

I had problems with will power before, but now I have it pretty well locked down. Things honestly don't even tempt me any more. Yes the bread pudding someone offered me at a party last week would have been great, but I just can't eat that right now. Not even a single bite, because for me, one bite might turn into a bowl before long.

After I hit my goal weight though I'd love to have just a small portion of whatever dessert is being served :p Until then though I'm serving my sentence for the 15+ years of misbehavior.
I'm sure most people do anyway, but try to always keep a water bottle around. If it's handy, I will sip on it all day when at my desk.

Seems to help.
Alright here we go. Simple before and after picture. Well, the left is after (7.5.12) right is before (04.15.11). I'm down 15lbs 215 to 200lbs, and still losing weight.

I was never very happy with the roundness, and softness to my body. My posture was bad even though I played baseball, and I had a vase shape to me. After injuring my rotator cuff pitching my freshman year of college (April 2011) I decided I would use this time to get in shape. I tried keto with carb ups for the entire summer, but I just felt so...tired. Then in the winter, I decided to eat carbs again to bulk a little bit. The only problem is that by spring time, I had gained muscle but also plenty of fat. So this summer I started the Insanity workout and wow, it is incredible. I'm on the 7th week of it now, and it still kicks my butt everyday, I love it.

As far as my diet is concerned now, I still stick to a farily low carb diet, I just time my carbs differently than before. Pre and Post workout shakes are my main carb source for the day, and by the time I fall asleep, I do not want any carbs in my system. They are fuel for my workouts only, nothing more. My main supplements are Omega 3's, BCAAs, Multivitamin, Trace minerals.

I could get alot more specific if anyone would like.

Also, reading through this thread is really inspiring. Congratulations to everyone who is either just now beginning their journey or have been gifted the amazing results through their hard work. Keep it up!


After 2 weeks at the gym I'm starting to notice the bit of flab around my legs and arms is turning into semi-visible muscles, which I've never had before. Haha. Nothing really from my stomach/chest area yet, but that'll probably be the last to go I assume because it's what I really want gone.

I've been doing 30 minutes of steady state cardio at around 6.5mph lately. It's a bit over 3 miles. I mix in doing 15 minutes of HIIT a few days a week going 30 seconds on 60 seconds off. Should I stick to one or the other?

As for weights I've just been using machines, no free weights. I'm trying higher weight less reps. Stuff where I can only do 5 reps before having to stop and doing around 3 sets. Is this the way to go?

I've also been trying to eat healthier. I've cut out most sugary drinks and have been having a massive amount of water. I've also started controlling my portions during meals more and trying to regulate how much I snack and what I'm having. A lot more fruit. Haven't counted calories or anything like that yet, but I might start soon.

Anything I should alter here? My goal is mostly fat loss and some muscle gain, not necessarily weight loss as I'm at a healthy weight, just very flabby. I'll probably stay nearly the same weight (maybe more because I had little to no muscles before doing this, massive weakling).
Ya never, ever, ever sit down with a container of food. Major mistake.

When you want something go put what you think you want in a bowl and then take it and eat in. Never just munch on ANYTHING. Never leave food out on counter either where you can see it and munch.

Yeah that's a common sense thing that I haven't been doing but I'll be sure to do it in the future. Not having it around is easy enough, out of sight, out of mind but I want to be able to have food around and not fall into that same poor behavior. The real fear I have is that I'm setting myself up to regain the weight that I've been losing once I get in to maintenance mode.


Sounds like a miserable existence to me, honestly. Food is awesome. Beer is awesome.

Amen. Why bother dieting at all if you can't enjoy some indulgences every now and again.

I'll work hard at the gym and sacrifice all sorts of carbs and sugar all week to enjoy a few IPAs on Fridays. You gotta enjoy the finer things in life still, if not, why bother at all?

Think you can live your whole life not enjoying an occasional cheat meal or beverage? Good luck with that.

Of course, everyone is different and everyone's goals may be different. Some people might need to sacrifice more a bit longer to achieve them.


On your first day back on track, did you feel full almost all day? That's how it was for me....like my body was still sustaining itself from the overload of carbs & such the day(s) before. :lol It wasn't until dinner on MOnday that I actually felt hungry.

I did actually. I ate pretty light the next day.
Food can be very rewarding. Especially after working out.

You missed my point. I am speaking of those who go the healthy diet route, then feel that they've been so good they can eat the food that put them in their predicament in the first place. i.e. {I was so strict these past few days now I get to reward myself with pizza and icecream} I used to reward myself, but it really has to be a lifestyle change.. When you have that "reward" mentality, you will always continue to have a slightly skewed opinion on food. What we put in our bodies needs to enhance it, and supply us with energy.

I guess it really is just a completely different outlook on food.

And if you do reward yourself, but it keeps you going and constantly moving towards your goals, then more power to you. But maybe try to push past that phase for a short time, see how it treats you and your perspective on food.
Excellent job RyuHayate.

Not having control of my groceries sucks right now. I've been putting all of my paycheck towards rent savings (as I'm staying on a friend's couch right now due to a month between my leases)... just trying to contain as much damage as I can, and try to stay active and eat semi-healthy.
I totally get the whole "Food is fuel, it is nourishment", but that feels like ignoring one of life's great pleasures.

Just as you don't overindulge yourself on life's other pleasures, you should exercise moderation when it comes to delicious but unhealthy food.
You missed my point. I am speaking of those who go the healthy diet route, then feel that they've been so good they can eat the food that put them in their predicament in the first place. i.e. {I was so strict these past few days now I get to reward myself with pizza and icecream} I used to reward myself, but it really has to be a lifestyle change.. When you have that "reward" mentality, you will always continue to have a slightly skewed opinion on food. What we put in our bodies needs to enhance it, and supply us with energy.

I guess it really is just a completely different outlook on food.

And if you do reward yourself, but it keeps you going and constantly moving towards your goals, then more power to you. But maybe try to push past that phase for a short time, see how it treats you and your perspective on food.

Right, well that is a clearly illustrated point. I didn't get most of that from your image. I think you do need take time out to enjoy yourself, not really as a reward per se but more to enjoy life. It doesn't have to be beer, pizza, ice cream, etc. It could also be a new experience you wouldn't have been able to do if you were really fat. Like hiking to somewhere really beautiful or climbing the Eiffel tower.
Right, well that is a clearly illustrated point. I didn't get most of that from your image. I think you do need take time out to enjoy yourself, not really as a reward per se but more to enjoy life. It doesn't have to be beer, pizza, ice cream, etc. It could also be a new experience you wouldn't have been able to do if you were really fat. Like hiking to somewhere really beautiful or climbing the Eiffel tower.

For sure, food is not the only way to reward ones self for being so good. But my major outlook on food only changed a few months ago. But yeah, if you do need your cheat meals to keep you going, then stick with that. I'll never be so ignorant as to say that it has to be done one way. And I guess that really is the great thing about losing weight, not everyone's journey follows the same path.

Insanity day 53 - Max Recovery - here I come!


You missed my point. I am speaking of those who go the healthy diet route, then feel that they've been so good they can eat the food that put them in their predicament in the first place. i.e. {I was so strict these past few days now I get to reward myself with pizza and icecream} I used to reward myself, but it really has to be a lifestyle change.. When you have that "reward" mentality, you will always continue to have a slightly skewed opinion on food. What we put in our bodies needs to enhance it, and supply us with energy.

I guess it really is just a completely different outlook on food.

And if you do reward yourself, but it keeps you going and constantly moving towards your goals, then more power to you. But maybe try to push past that phase for a short time, see how it treats you and your perspective on food.

That's a great way of putting it. And I see where you going with that. It is a mentality change that's needed, as you said, it's ultimately a lifestyle change.

Right, well that is a clearly illustrated point. I didn't get most of that from your image. I think you do need take time out to enjoy yourself, not really as a reward per se but more to enjoy life. It doesn't have to be beer, pizza, ice cream, etc. It could also be a new experience you wouldn't have been able to do if you were really fat. Like hiking to somewhere really beautiful or climbing the Eiffel tower.

I feel this way too, the beer I have isn't a reward in my mind. I just really love good beer. And instead of drinking it all the damn time like I used, I now really appreciate and enjoy it.


not tag worthy
A friend at work who only does cardio.. Has mentioned i should get some diet protien powder. Whats the consensous?

Should i just stick with water
Go for some electrolyte stuff
Or the protien powder.

My near goal is to shed weight then later on beef up a bit..(rugby player built is my idea goal)
A friend at work who only does cardio.. Has mentioned i should get some diet protien powder. Whats the consensous?

Should i just stick with water
Go for some electrolyte stuff
Or the protien powder.

My near goal is to shed weight then later on beef up a bit..(rugby player built is my idea goal)

One thing I learned recently which I am glad you are following, don't bulk until you are single digit body fat percentage. May I have some more info as to what your workout routine is?


Saint Nic
I totally get the whole "Food is fuel, it is nourishment", but that feels like ignoring one of life's great pleasures.

Just as you don't overindulge yourself on life's other pleasures, you should exercise moderation when it comes to delicious but unhealthy food.

This mindset is exactly where I stand. A+


343i Lead Esports Producer
Got rid of most of the water weight (there might be more, I don't know lol) I was holding on to (about 4lbs) and now I'm at a new low weight and back on track. Played some basketball this morning. Had a great work out and lots of fun. Probably not gonna play tennis this afternoon like I usually do.


not tag worthy
One thing I learned recently which I am glad you are following, don't bulk until you are single digit body fat percentage. May I have some more info as to what your workout routine is?

For the time being its
20 mins cross trainer
8 km bike
5 mins rowing machine
5 mins upper arm rower
Upping levels etc when i feel fitter

Then 45 mins swimming..

Its only two weeks in.
For the time being its
20 mins cross trainer
8 km bike
5 mins rowing machine
5 mins upper arm rower
Upping levels etc when i feel fitter

Then 45 mins swimming..

Its only two weeks in.

So a strong emphasis on cardio I see, that's great. Cardio on top of a solid diet of course will shape your body the fastest. Sorry, I should have asked, got a few more questions.

What is current diet plan?
Have had your Body fat percentage calculated? EVERYONE SHOULD DO THIS!
What is you current weight, if it is not too personal, and what is goal weight?
Number of meals per day? Total caloric intake per day?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
sltPoison said:
For sure, food is not the only way to reward ones self for being so good. But my major outlook on food only changed a few months ago. But yeah, if you do need your cheat meals to keep you going, then stick with that. I'll never be so ignorant as to say that it has to be done one way. And I guess that really is the great thing about losing weight, not everyone's journey follows the same path.
I had pretty much the same mantra going for 7-8 months when I lost a bunch of weight last year. I went that whole time without eating ANYTHING that could even be considered cheating. It's much easier to stay on course and stick with that lifestyle change when you're seeing significant results and have a goal in sight. However, if you only have a few pounds to lose, or you start to plateau, or you've gone beyond your goal (mine was 150, down from 195, and I now hover between 140-145), it can become harder to stay as strict. That's why the cheat meals/days help. It's better to treat yourself once a week rather than revert to old habits like eating dessert every night. Eat well six days a week, do want you want on the seventh, and you'll probably be alright. :)


not tag worthy
So a strong emphasis on cardio I see, that's great. Cardio on top of a solid diet of course will shape your body the fastest. Sorry, I should have asked, got a few more questions.

What is current diet plan?
Have had your Body fat percentage calculated? EVERYONE SHOULD DO THIS!
What is you current weight, if it is not too personal, and what is goal weight?
Number of meals per day? Total caloric intake per day?

Diet plan is eat more fruits vegs cut out crap.
Eat fish morw snack less have quorn instead if fatty stuff.. Eat smaller portions..

I drink water and milk mainly

Body fat is high and about 18.5 stone

Goal weight hmm about 14 but rugby player build.

I am trying to limit to 2500 now

Also worried the weight loss will leave me with lose skin. Will the cardio mean it wont sag so much?
Plenty of cheating in life comes from meticulous planning.

Its not a cheat.......if its what you need to do to stay sane on a diet it doesn't really qualify as a cheat. You and your spouse planning sexual liaisons with other people to spice things up is not cheating.

(either way you know exactly what I am trying to say but you insist on making life difficult)
No. It's sounds like you're being too literal with the word. Lighten up. :)

It's a day where you disregard the normal (eating) rules/habits, and do/eat/drink what you want.

Ugh seriously? I know what a fucking "cheat day" is. However, just because its is a cheat day doesn't make it an actual cheat which was my point when talking to someone else. The only reason I am replying is because my point was to the ORIGINAL guy I was talking to was that he should not consider (actual) cheating as an option. Then you diluted it talking about how cheat days keep you sane which is irrelevant because if its part of your plan it really isn't an ACTUAL cheat.

(I really am not angry just frustrated because that guy is obviously struggling and could now be confused as fuck because one person said not to cheat while another person brought up planned cheat days which are totally not the same thing)
Diet plan is eat more fruits vegs cut out crap.
Eat fish morw snack less have quorn instead if fatty stuff.. Eat smaller portions..

I drink water and milk mainly

Body fat is high and about 18.5 stone

Goal weight hmm about 14 but rugby player build.

I am trying to limit to 2500 now

Also worried the weight loss will leave me with lose skin. Will the cardio mean it wont sag so much?

Skin sagging is strange, everyone has different skin elasticity, so no guarantee that purely cardio will not result in it. Staying away from processed foods is always a smart choice, and the inclusion of more fruits and veggies is a great choice as well. If you can, go organic as often as possible.

Now as far as your workouts go. Feed your body accordingly. If you think you won't be pushing as hard one day, don't eat the same amount of food as you would on a day when you're really pushing it. Simple enough, right?

Don't let anyone tell you that fat, or carbs are the enemy, because they aren't. Obviously, you want to consume quality fats and carbs. All food can be the enemy when it isn't used optimally. Fat and fiber delay protein intake, so if you want to hit the gym and eat or drink a pre workout snack, you want it to be absorbed quickly. You'll be able to fill your glycogen stores for your workout. This is where shakes become extremely beneficial. Eating a big meal, not chewing enough, or including too much fat and fiber pre workout will result in slower digestion. So by the time you're workout starts, and in your case an intense cardio routine, the body will have to halt digestion, usually resulting in cramps. You're body is going to process a well blended shake so much faster than a chewed meal.

NEVER FAIL TO REPLENISH YOUR BODY FOR EXERCISE! When your exercising, you are literally tearing down your body, it is craving nutrients, the proper nutrients at that point.

One thing I really try to do now is not have any carbs in my system before I go to bed. It has really helped shape my body over these past few months.


Also worried the weight loss will leave me with lose skin. Will the cardio mean it wont sag so much?
Weight training will help more. But most of all, take care of your skin:
-drink a lot of water
-eat plenty of protein
-do cold/hot contrast showers
-buy yourself some tightening skin cream. THe brand is meaningless. What matters if how often you use it and how long you massage it in.

And once you've lost a lot and see skin starting to sag anyway, just buy the tightening medical underwear, the kind people wear after plastic surgeries (vests, belts)
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