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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

So guys, I have some advice for you! Once you lose your weight and decide to work on your tanlines (which if you were like me and basically always wore a shirt) WEAR SUNSCREEN. My arms that are used to the sun are completely 100% fine, going by them I could have been sitting at my computer all day. Melatonin....magical stuff really.

Nightmare Fuel.

Sunburns...are terrible. Already had a really bad one on my shoulders/back this summer and I swore....never again (had sunscreen on, it washed off apparently). Only indoor pools from now on.


Hail to the KING baby
Typing this on my phone so threre will prolly be errors. Anyway,

Lots of diabetics have great success managing their blood sugar on a ketogenic diet. Diabetes is primarily a disease of glucose intolerance. Look up Dr. Bernstein's "Diabetes Solution", which is.a great guide for diabetics(type 1 and 2) trying to manage their blood sugar. Many people with type diabetes who have to take tons of insulin can pretty much get off of it (or drastically reduce it) and drop their HBA1Cs to under 6 on a ketogenic diet. Nerves function can be restored, often reversing eye, kidney, etc damage on a keto diet. The risk of hypoglycaemia is lowered because much smaller doses of insulin are used. There is a user on here (Astrolad, I think) who uses keto to manage his T1 diabetes)

Yeah man Bernstein is great. I think it would be a real literal lifesaver for most T1 diabetics to move to a similar diet (even one half as strict) rather than eating 100g+ of carbs every day and playing the insulin-roller-coaster game. ymmv on this stuff of course, but it has worked great for me (T1 for 12 years, Bernstein for the last 7 or so though I do vary from his proclamations in a few ways just based on my needs and lifestyle -- what's really important is checking your blood sugar constantly, kind of a no-brainer that a lot of people miss).
The problem is doctor's are dead set on following the government's recommended nutritional guidelines. Just about every doctor you can talk to will be venomously against a ketogenic diet, with no substantial reason other than the fact that it goes against the norm.


Doctors really don't know much, if anything, about nutrition. In fact, they're likely to do more harm than good. Many doctors will just wrongly recommend high carb diets to their diabetic patients and be happy to keep upping the dosage of insulin as needed while the health of their diabetic patients slowly deteriorates over the years. There are plenty of studies showing that ketogenic diets are great for diabetics. Again, diabetes is primarily a disease of carbohydrate intolerance. Many doctors don't even know the difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis.

I'd rather people with diabetes read a book by a doctor who specializes in diabetes (Bernstein) than go to their ordinary ignorant doctor who maybe had a 1 hour course of nutrition that was just a regurgitation of the ADA guidelines. Bernstein was on death's door in the 1960s due to his unmanageable diabetes, but completely reversed all of his complications by going on a ketogenic diet. Dr. Bernstein is one of the best diabetes doctors out there and has saved the lives of thousands of patients.

There are also quite a few more studies on ketogenic diets for diabetics (or low carb diets = same thing pretty much as some degree of ketones will be produced at under 100g carbs/day). I'm too lazy to look them up at the moment, but they're pretty easy to find in google scholar.

Ketogenic diets were actually the defualt treatment for diabetes before pharmaceuticals came into the picture. Of course, even on a keto diet, pharmaceuticals are still useful. A type 1 still needs insulin, but not nearly as much because he's not consuming much glucose, if at all (the liver will still make some out of protein). It's a good thing to not have to use as much insulin, though. It makes managing blood sugar levels a lot easier because there's a lot less variability. A type 2 may still need metformin, although type 2s often can get off medications completely.

Fair enough, I might have too big of an expectation of your average doc.

Hey guys,

I'm sure it's been talked about before, but I have a couple questions about diet soda. Diet soda has been helpful in me cutting out regular soda and juice from my diet. I used to be someone who could easily go through a 2L a day. While I know diet soda doesn't have the health benefits water does, I always thought it was a good compromise for those that struggled to do water only.

I've been researching it some more and a lot of websites say that it can slow your metabolism to the point that it could actually make it easier to gain weight. I already know diet soda can cause bloating and water retention, but can anyone link to any studies that show how significant it can slow your metabolism? Or how often you have to drink it for it to have a significant effect?

I'd really hate to be slowing my weight loss significantly. Thanks..

Any effect diet soda has on your weight loss is most likely not significant.
The only way it could affect it is by increasing your appetite for sweet things (according to one study, but even that one had some flaws) but if you don't change your eating habits you shouldn't worry.

With that said 2l might be crossing into the "significant" effect territory, so try cutting it down to maybe 1l?


Is it okay is fast for 24 hours once a week? I heard it gives your metabolism a kick start so I tried it last week and it did move me off the plateau I was on so I was thinking of doing it once a week.

And holy shit that sunburn is sickeningly bad! I can feel it from here.


Yeah man Bernstein is great. I think it would be a real literal lifesaver for most T1 diabetics to move to a similar diet (even one half as strict) rather than eating 100g+ of carbs every day and playing the insulin-roller-coaster game. ymmv on this stuff of course, but it has worked great for me (T1 for 12 years, Bernstein for the last 7 or so though I do vary from his proclamations in a few ways just based on my needs and lifestyle -- what's really important is checking your blood sugar constantly, kind of a no-brainer that a lot of people miss).

I have to agree. Lowering my carb intake if nothing else has made me much less likely to have any serious bouts of hypoglycemia. When the most carbs you're eating is the amount in a greek yogurt, it's hard to take too much insulin and mess that up.

Checking constantly is number 1, especially if you're working out and/or changing your diet.


How bad is beer?

If I drink 4-7 bottles/cans every week, does it have any affect on weight?

As a proud beer-lover, I only drink it on the weekend/Cheat Days. It's bad for weight loss. Real bad. Almost on the level real soda.

Switch to liquor if you don't have Cheat Day(s), since it has no carbs, if you want to get tipsy. And no mix.

Hey guys,

I'm sure it's been talked about before, but I have a couple questions about diet soda. Diet soda has been helpful in me cutting out regular soda and juice from my diet. I used to be someone who could easily go through a 2L a day. While I know diet soda doesn't have the health benefits water does, I always thought it was a good compromise for those that struggled to do water only.

I'd really hate to be slowing my weight loss significantly. Thanks..

2L a day is excessive. While it may, or may not (the jury is still out), be slowing your weight loss, you shouldn't be putting that much garbage in your body in the first place. Being healthy isn't solely about how much you weigh.

Learn to love water, and maybe green tea instead. A (much) better compromise for you may be to have a weekly/bi-weekly Cheat Day where you can drink as much real soda as you want, and still lose weight. I, too, have a sweet tooth. :)

So I have been exercising a lot lately to lose some weight (I am 5'9" at 170lbs and the fattest I've ever been, even though it's not fat at all by other people standards). But I know jack shit about what food is best for it (other than the obvious like can/processsed food, soda, and that nasty shit).

I am not on a diet, but I've changed what I eat drastically. Is this fine with dropping 15-20lbs (on top of running a few miles a day)?

Since you're exercising, then some carbs in your diet is completely fine (and probably better for you). But I'd reserve those carbs to either before, or directly after your work-out. And yeah, I'd cut out the bagel, and add more fresh veggies to that diet.


awesome! :)


As a proud beer-lover, I only drink it on the weekend/Cheat Days. It's bad for weight loss. Real bad. Almost on the level real soda.

Switch to liquor if you don't have Cheat Day(s), since it has no carbs, if you want to get tipsy. And no mix.

Me too. I love love love me some strong IPAs. And I'm still drinking way too many each weekend/cheat days. I've lost 32 pounds so far on low carb with lifting and HIIT 3-4 days a week. But on Fridays after weighing in I typically knock back 3-5 beers. Sometimes on Sat and Sun I'll have a few too.
I've noticed I get drunk faster and have worse hangovers now too. So that's what I need to work on cutting back. The diet and gym are fine, just gotta tone back the weekend brews a bit.

I'd probably be 10-15 pounds down more if I'd cut that out completely, but what's the fun in not enjoying the good things in life at all?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Is it okay is fast for 24 hours once a week? I heard it gives your metabolism a kick start so I tried it last week and it did move me off the plateau I was on so I was thinking of doing it once a week.

And holy shit that sunburn is sickeningly bad! I can feel it from here.

Unless you have some kind of medical condition, of course it's okay to fast for 24 hours or even more. There's nothing wrong with fasting, unless you take it too far and starve yourself to death, but that doesn't happen over a couple of days.
Fair enough, I might have too big of an expectation of your average doc.

Any effect diet soda has on your weight loss is most likely not significant.
The only way it could affect it is by increasing your appetite for sweet things (according to one study, but even that one had some flaws) but if you don't change your eating habits you shouldn't worry.

With that said 2l might be crossing into the "significant" effect territory, so try cutting it down to maybe 1l?

2L a day is excessive. While it may, or may not (the jury is still out), be slowing your weight loss, you shouldn't be putting that much garbage in your body in the first place. Being healthy isn't solely about how much you weigh.

Learn to love water, and maybe green tea instead. A (much) better compromise for you may be to have a weekly/bi-weekly Cheat Day where you can drink as much real soda as you want, and still lose weight. I, too, have a sweet tooth. :)

I don't currently drink 2L a day, I was saying that when I used to drink regular soda and juice I would go through 2L a day of that. Diet soda has been helpful in reducing my amount of cravings (and cravings for non-diet soda). Thanks for the response, guys.


----- ------
So guys, I have some advice for you! Once you lose your weight and decide to work on your tanlines (which if you were like me and basically always wore a shirt) WEAR SUNSCREEN. My arms that are used to the sun are completely 100% fine, going by them I could have been sitting at my computer all day. Melatonin....magical stuff really.

Holy fuck.
So has anyone ever tried something like a cold cuts diet? Been living over seas for awhile now and I basically just go to the grocery store in the morning and grab a bag of apples, some fresh salami, and some cheese and just have at it for the rest of the day. I've been able to drop a good 7% body fat and its the first time I've ever seen my abs in my life.

Its gotten to the point where my idea of a cheat day is buying a loaf of freshly baked whole wheat bread to go along with the meal. Can't even look at sweets anymore.


So my super market started carrying coconuts! I bought one, split it open with a hammer/screw driver, and I love it! It makes a great snack. After I pop it out of the hard shell there's still some skin on it, it's a real pain in the ass to get off so I just leave it on. It's only 2 bucks for a coconut and you get a good amount, it will last 3 days or so.

I don't currently drink 2L a day, I was saying that when I used to drink regular soda and juice I would go through 2L a day of that. Diet soda has been helpful in reducing my amount of cravings (and cravings for non-diet soda). Thanks for the response, guys.
Have you tried this stuff?


I actually like it better than diet soda (which I also enjoy). There are a lot of really good flavors and it's naturally sweetened.

So has anyone ever tried something like a cold cuts diet? Been living over seas for awhile now and I basically just go to the grocery store in the morning and grab a bag of apples, some fresh salami, and some cheese and just have at it for the rest of the day. I've been able to drop a good 7% body fat and its the first time I've ever seen my abs in my life.

Its gotten to the point where my idea of a cheat day is buying a loaf of freshly baked whole wheat bread to go along with the meal. Can't even look at sweets anymore.
Cold cuts are basically just processed meats, mostly protein and a little fat, lots of sodium to preserve it. I use them as snacks, wrap some turkey up with a piece of american cheese and lettuce, mmmm. They can get a little expensive though, so I don't get them too often, but they're good for weight loss, so-so for healthiness.



I wish Australia had this. All our flavoured waters are full of sugar. I even crazily looked at importing some but everywhere charges insane prices for it. Like $120 for a box of them. What the hell is up with that?


Might as well do a cross post from the fitness thread, since this is a before and after thread

More before/afters

here is me in September. Just starting up eating healthy again and hitting the gym


Then here I am today. Same shirt. Started strong lifts in January.


I was actually pretty happy when I saw the progress.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Is it okay is fast for 24 hours once a week? I heard it gives your metabolism a kick start so I tried it last week and it did move me off the plateau I was on so I was thinking of doing it once a week.

And holy shit that sunburn is sickeningly bad! I can feel it from here.

It's fine. I'd recommend it twice a week, actually. It's Brad Pilon's method of fasting (Eat Stop Eat).

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Would you just eat normal other days? Or eat more before/after?

I am considering adding fasting as my weight loss slows.

Eat normal other days and have one meal during the day you have that 24hr fast, but don't recoup lost calories during that one meal.

I enjoy it a lot because I'm someone who's in love with LARGE meals so if fasting for 24hrs means my one meal for that day can be as big as 1600 calories then I'm game.
Just curious is there any science behind the idea that a cheat day every once in a while is actually beneficial for weight loss. I have heard it a lot but was wondering if there was anything to it.


Just curious is there any science behind the idea that a cheat day every once in a while is actually beneficial for weight loss. I have heard it a lot but was wondering if there was anything to it.

Well, what I can say about cheat days, is that it certainly helps me to avoid cracking the other days and that it gives the opportunity to feel "full" once in a while and blow off some steam accumulated by food restriction frustrations (which is a delight when you're on a diet).

In the long term, it never stopped me to loose weight, And I felt relieved to have them (now, I never got insane with the cheat days, just hate to my taste and hunger without counting, but not feasting like there were no tomorrow).


So I tried this today:


The orangemint flavor is delicious. This is basically overly expensive bottled water with mint and orange essence added to it. No artificial flavors or sweeteners. Is there a more affordable way to get such delicious flavoring in my water?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Just curious is there any science behind the idea that a cheat day every once in a while is actually beneficial for weight loss. I have heard it a lot but was wondering if there was anything to it.

Not sure of hard facts, but I think the cheat day is more for psychological reasons, not that it will make you lose MORE weight. Basically having a cheat day allows you to quell the cravings you may get and keep you from going off the rails down the road. Some people may have very strong willpower and not need them, but as a foodie they are a necessity for me. :p

OG Kush

So I tried this today:


The orangemint flavor is delicious. This is basically overly expensive bottled water with mint and orange essence added to it. No artificial flavors or sweeteners. Is there a more affordable way to get such delicious flavoring in my water?

Maybe you could make it yourself? I don't think it could be that hard?


Weighed in this morning down to 152 from 168. Wish I took pictures. My stomach is so much flatter but it's still a bunch of fat. All I did was cut out the carbs. I eat oatmeal in the morning with eggs (today I treated myself to a whole wheat bagel though <3), lunch is a wrap (wrap is 7g of carbs, 4 net carbs), and dinner is chicken or whatever. I tried spaghetti squash this week and it was AWESOME. Definitely going to do it again.

Overall I eat a lot less and no more than 80g of carbs a day. I do some weight lifting but not much lately because I fucked up my wrist, so mainly now I've been doing Squats, Deadlift, pullups, and some pushups. Too afraid to attempt bench and ohp. No cardio so far but I only lost a pound and a half this week so I can tell it will get tougher and become necessary.

Feeling fucking great. 10 more pounds and I will be fucking amazing. Abs by September 30th.

So I tried this today:

The orangemint flavor is delicious. This is basically overly expensive bottled water with mint and orange essence added to it. No artificial flavors or sweeteners. Is there a more affordable way to get such delicious flavoring in my water?
Get a pitcher, fill it with water, cut up some orange slices and mint, put it in, drain the water...


343i Lead Esports Producer
I do cheat meals to replenish my glycogens and also throw a curve at my body. Keep it on its toes. I would honestly say it's a very important part of my diet.
I've been trying to get from 204lbs to 180. I have 3.5lbs more to go to make that goal.
Low carb (40g) and under plus HIIT has helped me get to where I am. I also must say the atkins treat and breakfast bars really do help out as well.

Once I get to my goal weight, I plan to try and find the balance of lower carb going forward with my life, but still able to eat what I want. I've pretty much reserved the fact that fast food is a no no and I might be able to get a day or two a cheat days but that's it.

While low carbing though I must say that my mood has been terrible and I've been extremely short tempered :)


"Why are you eating those eggs? I thought you want to lose weight."

Just mind your own goddamn business. Can't be bothered to explain to everyone how fat isn't bad for your body.

Anyway, I lost 3kg/6.6 lbs since Monday which brings my total weightloss to 9kg/19.8 lbs. Feeling pretty good about that.
Not sure of hard facts, but I think the cheat day is more for psychological reasons, not that it will make you lose MORE weight. Basically having a cheat day allows you to quell the cravings you may get and keep you from going off the rails down the road. Some people may have very strong willpower and not need them, but as a foodie they are a necessity for me. :p

Ah something I will probably avoid then. I don't really have a hard time sticking to my diet in general.....I generally only crave AFTER a cheat. Only had maybe 3 slip ups since I started though.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
"Why are you eating those eggs? I thought you want to lose weight."

Just mind your own goddamn business. Can't be bothered to explain to everyone how fat isn't bad for your body.

Anyway, I lost 3kg/6.6 lbs since Monday which brings my total weightloss to 9kg/19.8 lbs. Feeling pretty good about that.

It really is ridiculous how dietary fat somehow got demonized as something that makes you fat. The original (mistaken) warning against dietary fat as that it would give you a heart attack. No one ever tried to claim it would make you fat. I guess as corporations started making low-fat and non-fat options and pushing them as "healthful," the populace just started to equate low-fat and non-fat with something that helps weight loss.


Just curious is there any science behind the idea that a cheat day every once in a while is actually beneficial for weight loss. I have heard it a lot but was wondering if there was anything to it.
I like this quote from the RippedBody FAQ:
26. Cheat-Days: How do you feel about them?

Let’s be clear, “cheat-day” is an abused term and has become something completely different than it’s original meaning: A very high-carb, low-fat day, usually used after several days or a week of dieting with very low carbs. This is also known as a “refeed” and is used to replenish glycogen. (You can read more about this in the latest post.) Technically we have a refeed/cheat day every training day with the LG.

Unfortunately the mainstream meaning of cheat day is rapidly becoming a “food free-for-all” where people stuff their faces for the entire day. Most people are well meaning when they use the term, but it leads those that don’t realise the true meaning into trouble.

So what do I think about the “food free-for-all” version that is cheat days? Cheat days in the sense that many use it may as well be called a “diet fuck up” day. Make sure you say those words to yourself before you decide to do one. Psychologically they are beneficial if not essential for the average joe’s sanity after a long period of dieting (and can be incorporated as normal sized “free meals”), however physiologically there is no need with the LG set-up.
Personally, I've been doing weekly cheat meals and have been losing weight just fine -- granted, I also toned down what I ate at said meals -- but now that I'm getting closer to my goals I'm going to cut them out. Once I get to where I want to be I'll be okay with bringing them back, though.


I personally use my "cheat day" as the balance to my "fast day". My mind and body needed a recalibration after so many years of abuse. I use my fast day to remind myself what it feels like to be empty and hungry. The feeling of true hunger is something that I'm not sure I really felt for the past 25 years or so. I then use my cheat day to remind myself what it feels like to be full. Which is another feeling I'm not sure I ever really appreciated through those 25 years. Every week I feel I recalibrate myself so that I know what each end of the spectrum feels like. I don't know if there is any biological benefit, but mentally it's been a huge boost for me.
So guys, I have some advice for you! Once you lose your weight and decide to work on your tanlines (which if you were like me and basically always wore a shirt) WEAR SUNSCREEN. My arms that are used to the sun are completely 100% fine, going by them I could have been sitting at my computer all day. Melatonin....magical stuff really.

I did this about five weeks ago. I hurt like HELL for six days afterwards. Went through an entire big bottle of asprin and spent the days in my house wearing nothing but boxers. And skin was still peeling three weeks later.
I did this about five weeks ago. I hurt like HELL for six days afterwards. Went through an entire big bottle of asprin and spent the days in my house wearing nothing but boxers. And skin was still peeling three weeks later.

Just happened to me.

Protip: Don't workout until your skin peels. My upper back and shoulders got burned. I couldn't not workout for more than 2 days, so on day 3 when the top layer was dead but not actively peeling I did my insanity workout (even though it hurt like a bitch).

Then while going on my spin bike I itched my back, and was suddenly sprayed in the face. Apparently all the sweat pooled under my dead burned skin into tons of sweat pockets like blisters. I had to have my girlfriend help me burst and peel off my skin, it was literally oozing sweat. The single grossest thing that has ever happened to me.

Added picture. Figured people would read my post and listen to this warning if they saw this. It went all across my back, shoulder to shoulder. :)



343i Lead Esports Producer
Just happened to me.

Protip: Don't workout until your skin peels. My upper back and shoulders got burned. I couldn't not workout for more than 2 days, so on day 3 when the top layer was dead but not actively peeling I did my insanity workout (even though it hurt like a bitch).

Then while going on my spin bike I itched my back, and was suddenly sprayed in the face. Apparently all the sweat pooled under my dead burned skin into tons of sweat pockets like blisters. I had to have my girlfriend help me burst and peel off my skin, it was literally oozing sweat. The single grossest thing that has ever happened to me.

Added picture. Figured people would read my post and listen to this warning if they saw this. It went all across my back, shoulder to shoulder. :)


Sounds like a keeper to me haha

Good luck on the recovery. Shit gets too hot, put some Yogurt on it. Seriously, it always helped me with sunburns.
Sounds like a keeper to me haha

Good luck on the recovery. Shit gets too hot, put some Yogurt on it. Seriously, it always helped me with sunburns.

Absolutely is. It was also hilarious getting her to take pictures, I shouldn't have to suffer through the grotesqueness my self.

I can't put anything on it yet, too many cracks and open cuts. Once they heal I will be putting everything I can imagine on to moisturize. Every time I try it burns like fire still since there are open wounds.


I know a lot of you already know about this, but Netrition is amazing. Cheap food for whatever diet/lifestyle and quick shipping. Just a public service announcement since my buddy was asking where I got all my awesome food.


great work everyone in here. had to make a new hole again today on my belt, cause i have no money to go shopping for new stuff -.- (pant size was 42/44 in EU norm and is now 32/34

nearly one hole for each month passed. okay back to learning -.-
have a nice weekend.
great work everyone in here. had to make a new hole again today on my belt, cause i have no money to go shopping for new stuff -.- (pant size was 42/44 in EU norm and is now 32/34

nearly one hole for each month passed. okay back to learning -.-
have a nice weekend.

Congrats! That's an awesome way to track progress, but you should buy a new belt now for your slimmer self. Tanner goods has some really nice ones and because they are a bit pricey you'll work harder to maintain.


Congrats! That's an awesome way to track progress, but you should buy a new belt now for your slimmer self. Tanner goods has some really nice ones and because they are a bit pricey you'll work harder to maintain.

thanks for the link, but german gaf here. with my income as student/ store clerk i will wander into a H&M or C&A and buy one around my birthday. (next month end)


relies on auto-aim
Have you tried this stuff?


I actually like it better than diet soda (which I also enjoy). There are a lot of really good flavors and it's naturally sweetened.
Doesn't mean anything. Just that it came from a plant at some point vs being synthesized TMK. Anything sweet with 0 cal is not natural.


Doesn't mean anything. Just that it came from a plant at some point vs being synthesized TMK. Anything sweet with 0 cal is not natural.

It does mean something. Some people don't want artificial sweeteners and avoid diet soda, this is an alternative. And it's not a very sweet drink, but then again something being sweet is subjective.


343i Lead Esports Producer
great work everyone in here. had to make a new hole again today on my belt, cause i have no money to go shopping for new stuff -.- (pant size was 42/44 in EU norm and is now 32/34

nearly one hole for each month passed. okay back to learning -.-
have a nice weekend.

Hahaha nice! I have a belt with tons of new holes too.

Just had my cheat meal. Will post a pic later. I don't think anyone does cheat meals better than I do lol.
I hear you there! It depends on where you're at. If you're looking to lose a lot of fat, I say screw the calculators and just focus on slowly cleaning your diet. Chances are you probably eat enough already. If you're on the leaner side it helps to know your BF%, I used the Katch-McArdie formula for my last cut.

It was requested before, but do you think you could post whatever protocol you did that was most effective for fat burning?
So one reading labels for meat. I don't really calorie count but I like to be aware of what I am consuming. On the packages of chicken thighs I buy it has the nutritional info listed but it differs significantly from what I find online. Same with bacon.

Is the information on meat for uncooked or cooked? Do they assume you eat EVERYTHING in the package even fat that would drip off on the grill? (I grill everything)


343i Lead Esports Producer
Anyone here ever use the BodyBugg?

Once I'm off my Keto diet, which will be soon, I plan on seriously counting my calories. My brother just told me about this device and how you wear it all day and it accurately tracks how many calories you burn all day everyday, even in your sleep. With this specific one, the SP, you pair it with a cell phone app. The only issue I see is that it's subscription based. You get the first 6 months for free and then they have some plans you can buy. Like 80$ for 12 months (which is what I would get) Aside from that I think it's an extremely cool device and very interesting. I know having a wealth of data at my disposal like this will help me keep the weight I've lost, off. I'm going to do more research, read more reviews and stuff and if I choose, I'm going to pick one up in a month or so.

OG Kush

Anyone here ever use the BodyBugg?

Once I'm off my Keto diet, which will be soon, I plan on seriously counting my calories. My brother just told me about this device and how you wear it all day and it accurately tracks how many calories you burn all day everyday, even in your sleep. With this specific one, the SP, you pair it with a cell phone app. The only issue I see is that it's subscription based. You get the first 6 months for free and then they have some plans you can buy. Like 80$ for 12 months (which is what I would get) Aside from that I think it's an extremely cool device and very interesting. I know having a wealth of data at my disposal like this will help me keep the weight I've lost, off. I'm going to do more research, read more reviews and stuff and if I choose, I'm going to pick one up in a month or so.

You have to buy the product and then even pay a subscription?? Surely there other alternatives which don't require a subscription? If it really does offer way more information then anything other on the market then I guess it may be worth it.


343i Lead Esports Producer
You have to buy the product and then even pay a subscription?? Surely there other alternatives which don't require a subscription? If it really does offer way more information then anything other on the market then I guess it may be worth it.

I've just heard of these things so I don't know exactly what else is on the market currently. From what I gather it's just an extremely accurate reading of calories burned during the day. Measures like changes in skin temperature, heart rate and other types of shit. 6 months for free isn't too bad and 80$ a year isn't too bad either I guess. You pay the 80$ and then you don't have to worry about it for a whole year lol. That's the way I see it. I don't know, I really wanna try it out. I might try to see if I can fit it in my budget even sooner haha
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