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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Hi Weight-loss Gaf. I've recently decided that I'm not happy with my body anymore. I'm not fat, but I'm the biggest I've ever been, and can no longer wear the clothes I like. I'm very lazy and unmotivated and I really, really love food, especially bad food, so this is going to be very difficult for me. But I really want to do it this time.

When I first moved to London 6 years ago I was 126lbs. I don't expect to be able to get back down to this though. Gradually over the years the weight has crept on, fallen off, then crept back on, and 3 weeks ago I was 153lbs. That may not seem like a lot, but I'm a small build so it notices a lot more on me.

The last 2 1/2 weeks I have been really, really strict. Only drinking water. Porridge for breakfast, salad and a yoghurt for lunch and chicken or lean steak mince or tuna steak etc and vegetables for dinner. No potatoes or mushrooms, no pasta, bread or wheat of any kind, no sugar not even fruit.

2 weeks ago I lost 4 pounds, and last week I lost 2 pounds. I haven't brought exercise into the mix yet. Weighing again tomorrow so I'll see how I get on.

I have allowed myself a day off each Saturday, but have still tried to be relatively good, although both Saturdays I had large amounts of alcohol!

So yeah, just wanted to share. And hopefully get some advice and support if I start feeling tempted or fall off the wagon. Will post how I get on tomorrow!


Seconding this, that's fantastic progress.

Bill, your smile in the last shot says it all but I hope you feel as good about your accomplishment as it looks like you do.

I can't feel good about it until I hit my goal. I have come a long way and I'm proud of the fact that I'm doing what few people find the willpower to do. But..I never should have let myself get to that point to start with.

The only thing I'm happy about is that I physically feel about 5x better than I look and that has always been the number 1 goal.


Going to take a break from my diet for the next 5 days. After I get back from Vegas I'll be starting a PSMF for the rest of August. It will be according to Lyle McDonald's protocols so that means 800-900 calories a day. Been stuck at a plateau for the past 3-4 weeks so I'm going to change it up as a last ditch effort to hit 10% body fat. Even if I don't lose these last few pounds I'll be starting a slow bulk in September.


Hi Weight-loss Gaf. I've recently decided that I'm not happy with my body anymore. I'm not fat, but I'm the biggest I've ever been, and can no longer wear the clothes I like. I'm very lazy and unmotivated and I really, really love food, especially bad food, so this is going to be very difficult for me. But I really want to do it this time.

When I first moved to London 6 years ago I was 126lbs. I don't expect to be able to get back down to this though. Gradually over the years the weight has crept on, fallen off, then crept back on, and 3 weeks ago I was 153lbs. That may not seem like a lot, but I'm a small build so it notices a lot more on me.

The last 2 1/2 weeks I have been really, really strict. Only drinking water. Porridge for breakfast, salad and a yoghurt for lunch and chicken or lean steak mince or tuna steak etc and vegetables for dinner. No potatoes or mushrooms, no pasta, bread or wheat of any kind, no sugar not even fruit.

2 weeks ago I lost 4 pounds, and last week I lost 2 pounds. I haven't brought exercise into the mix yet. Weighing again tomorrow so I'll see how I get on.

I have allowed myself a day off each Saturday, but have still tried to be relatively good, although both Saturdays I had large amounts of alcohol!

So yeah, just wanted to share. And hopefully get some advice and support if I start feeling tempted or fall off the wagon. Will post how I get on tomorrow!

Gotta start somewhere. Welcome.


I can't feel good about it until I hit my goal. I have come a long way and I'm proud of the fact that I'm doing what few people find the willpower to do. But..I never should have let myself get to that point to start with.

The only thing I'm happy about is that I physically feel about 5x better than I look and that has always been the number 1 goal.

If not being satisfied will keep you motivated and working towards your goal then I'm all for it (though it is probably not the ideal method). I'm sure you're well aware, but if you introduce weight training into your weight loss you'll likely find losing weight to be harder as you'll put on heavier muscle in place of lighter fat. Once you hit a certain point you'll mostly want to be concerned with how you look and feel, or simply your body fat %, and less what the scale is telling you.
Binged on chocolate milk last night......has some in the fridge for when some family visited (they cancelled). Went for my nightly walk/jog and got back and got cravings and broke. Feels so bad -.- I have such a weakness for Dairy.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Binged on chocolate milk last night......has some in the fridge for when some family visited (they cancelled). Went for my nightly walk/jog and got back and got cravings and broke. Feels so bad -.- I have such a weakness for Dairy.

Chocolate milk is good though, for the most part. I drink chocolate almond milk as my post-workout drink.
Chocolate milk is good though, for the most part. I drink chocolate almond milk as my post-workout drink.

Yeah there are much worse things I could eat lol. Still.......I had a lot.....like a quart. Thats a lot of carbs.

I think my issue is sometimes I don't eat enough during the day. Then I come home and go on a walk. At which point I am hungry and tired which leads to a shitstorm of cravings. Need to try to eat more during the day.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Damn honey. I add it to plain greek yogurt to make it edible, then find out it has 17g of carbs per tablespoon. It's like I either get fruit flavored greek yogurt with a decent amount of sugar or plain and add a decent amount of carbs. Bah!

lol yeah. My father is actually a beekeeper so the other day he brought me a big old jar of honey and I was like.........thanks......I'll just hide this somewhere where I will never find it.

On the bright side. Just weighed myself and down 2.5 lbs from last week even with my bloat (I really do feel bloated) from all the carbs I ate last night. Sweet victory.
I can't feel good about it until I hit my goal. I have come a long way and I'm proud of the fact that I'm doing what few people find the willpower to do. But..I never should have let myself get to that point to start with.

The only thing I'm happy about is that I physically feel about 5x better than I look and that has always been the number 1 goal.

You sound exactly like I did when I first decided to get in shape (after 24 years of obesity). You have done an awesome job buddy, the only thing I will say is try to not get hung up on the numbers for too long. I was the same way and had a specific goal that I had to hit not matter what, but at the end of the day its all about how you feel and how you think you look that matters.

I went from 310-230 in 8 months doing almost the exact same plan (just went a little harder with the dieting), but still wasn't happy with the fact I had moobs and kind of felt defeated. But, its motivation for another round of exercise and I still do feel amazing compared to before. Its hard to explain, but when your fat you literally dont realize how bad you feel each day because you dont know the difference.

But Good Luck the rest of the way!!!


343i Lead Esports Producer
I just went to the mall because I'll be going out in a couple weeks so I figured I should pick up a new pair of jeans. First time since losing all of this weight. First of all it feels good to find jeans in a store that fit me. For years and years I had to order online in the big and tall section. Shit is depressing when you get a pair of jeans in the mail and they don't fit like you want them too. So now I can try them on before I buy. I bought a pair of 36x34 jeans. Used to wear 42 or 44. Feels good man.


Getting new clothes is one of the best things about losing weight, can get a little pricey though. I've probably spent a grand or so on new clothes since I started re-doing my wardrobe back in November.

For dinner last night I made chicken cutlets, instead of breading I used almond meal and instead of seed oil, fried them in coconut oil, they were delicious :) Very easy to make, so the cooking-impaired can make them too. Next time I'll melt fresh mozzarella over them :)


343i Lead Esports Producer
Getting new clothes is one of the best things about losing weight, can get a little pricey though. I've probably spent a grand or so on new clothes since I started re-doing my wardrobe back in November.

For dinner last night I made chicken cutlets, instead of breading I used almond meal and instead of seed oil, fried them in coconut oil, they were delicious :) Very easy to make, so the cooking-impaired can make them too. Next time I'll melt fresh mozzarella over them :)

Almond meal? Damn that sounds good. Expensive shit?


No, it's only like 4 or 5 bucks for a pound at Trader Joe's. Everywhere else though, it is expensive, I'm not sure why it's so cheap at TJs. You can always make your own, just take raw almonds, throw them in a food processor, that's it. You can also do it with other nuts, but I just happen to have a bag of almond meal from TJs. You can use it for baking too, it's heavier then regular flour, so it's good for stuff like brownies, not things that are lighter, but that's what coconut flour is for :)


Tuesday 185

Today? 178.5. A new low since I don't even know when. Maybe there's something to this eating more. I'm also reminded of the swooshes and squishy fat article.
Just got weighed, haven't lost anything. Still 147lbs.

I wasn't good Wednesday though. Will have to do better. Time to also start exercising regularly.


Hmm...maybe you could try some healthy fats? Eggs and avocado? Exercise always helps, like you said. About how many calories do you take in a day?
Hmm...maybe you could try some healthy fats? Eggs and avocado? Exercise always helps, like you said. About how many calories do you take in a day?

Well I have eggs for breakfast on the weekend. Don't like avocado though. I have no idea how many calories, I'm not counting them. Tried that before and it didn't work.


I managed to drop from about 83-85kg to 70kg since last June (exercise, running, eating healthier food etc.), but goddamit, I have no idea how to lose the lower belly fat :mad:


I managed to drop from about 83-85kg to 70kg since last June (exercise, running, eating healthier food etc.), but goddamit, I have no idea how to lose the lower belly fat :mad:


Join the club.

I am in the same boat sadly.


My scale has been stuck at exactly 189.4 the past 4 days. It's a digital scale.

Am I really to believe I haven't lost a single fraction after a caloric deficit and 4 days at the gym? It's like the scale just pegs to a certain number until there is significant loss.


Started 6 weeks ago and went down from 86.3 Kg to 79.5 (for 173.5 cm).

Nothing fancy, I'm eating everything and anything (cooking myself most of the time to make sure to have everything in check) but really carefull about the caloric count.

I went the harsh route (I need that at first to see the progress and motivate myself) but with easy and frequent cheats (this works for me, as the feel of relief really help me to get further) 1250 calories on weekdays and cheats on the week-end (starting friday evening).

I know it's rough, but in 4 weeks I'll start to slowly increase the caloric in-take to get back to 2000 by december. And by all means, I've still been into the pizza, barbecue, beer, wine territory...so it feels good so far.

Aim is to go below 73 Kg and ideally down to 68.

I've also increased my physical activity, I ride my bike to work (26 km, approx 3 times a week, the other days by car), I jog from time to time and I walk as much as usual (I like walks in the parks with the wife an daughter).

No lifting (just a few push-ups after the jog, to work a bit the top of the body). I don't want to bulk, but I'll get back to a more athletic frame as I'll resume wall climbing in September as well. Used to practice that when I was younger and I was ripped without any other form of exercise, while still keeping a reasonnable muscular mass (I'm really not into gross muscle frame, it's useless for me and I personnaly find it awkward).


I managed to drop from about 83-85kg to 70kg since last June (exercise, running, eating healthier food etc.), but goddamit, I have no idea how to lose the lower belly fat :mad:

Yeah! I've lost 30kg, aiming for another 10kg and I know what you mean. I'm going to start P90X or Insanity when I reach my goal. It looks like that helps tighten a lot. Also, it can take up to 2 years for the skin to shrink so it will go back a bit naturally.


(I'm really not into gross muscle frame, it's useless for me and I personnaly find it disgraceful).

I don't think you have a clue what this word means.

My scale has been stuck at exactly 189.4 the past 4 days. It's a digital scale.

Am I really to believe I haven't lost a single fraction after a caloric deficit and 4 days at the gym? It's like the scale just pegs to a certain number until there is significant loss.

C'mon Cranky, you know better than to weigh yourself every day like that.


Well, I actually do, I just wrote too fast and used the meaning of "disgracieux" in French instead. Poor choice of words from my end.

What I meant was rather "awkward".

Lol. I figured you actually knew, I just thought you should be aware in this instance, it made you sound overly harsh toward people who do want some muscle mass. No worries.

Though if you really thought muscle mass made someone a disgrace to their family and shit, that'd be kinda funny.


Lol. I figured you actually knew, I just thought you should be aware in this instance, it made you sound overly harsh toward people who do want some muscle mass. No worries.

Though if you really thought muscle mass made someone a disgrace to their family and shit, that'd be kinda funny.

Oh man, I just pictured myself saying that in a Gym, surrounded by some 120 Kg muscles mountains on roïds :p

I'll change it in the main post to prevent some people to have a breakdown when reading it.


Tuesday 185

Today? 178.5. A new low since I don't even know when. Maybe there's something to this eating more. I'm also reminded of the swooshes and squishy fat article.

Awesome man. Like I said, it's trial and error.

Stick with it and your routine and see if you start losing 2 a week.

Congrats on the big swing.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Good job every single one of you guys, man watching so many gaffers drop unwanted weight really helps me push myself even more.


I've always been partial for Friday's myself, don't want to see when that weekend cheat on occasion defeats me.

It's been weird, but I've posted some of my best losses after a weekend of cheating. Plus I guess I like to be honest with myself and factor in the shitty cals I've been eating.

Already have plans to get wings tonight because of my wife's birthday, so I made sure to push myself extra at the gym today.
Multi-vitamins are worthless. Start talking fish oil immediately though. You seriously NEED omega 3

On GAF awhile back, maybe it was this thread, someone linked to a nice bubble chart listing all the popular multivitamins / supplements and essentially ranking them by usefulness? Anyone know what I'm talking about. Fish Oil was right at the top along with a few other things

Edit: Nevermind - http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/play/snake-oil-supplements/


It's been weird, but I've posted some of my best losses after a weekend of cheating. Plus I guess I like to be honest with myself and factor in the shitty cals I've been eating.

Already have plans to get wings tonight because of my wife's birthday, so I made sure to push myself extra at the gym today.

Where you grabbing wings? I know now that I don't get them as often, I'm much more picky about the quality of wings I'll cheat with. Yet I find the home of the Buffalo wing has few places that do them well.


Next week is gamescom. It will hard as hell to stick to low carb when like half of publishers' booths are filled with tasty sugar treats :D


Where you grabbing wings? I know now that I don't get them as often, I'm much more picky about the quality of wings I'll cheat with. Yet I find the home of the Buffalo wing has few places that do them well.

East Aurora, "Bar Bill" on Main St.

Gigantic wings (10, you get 5 flats and 5 drums), they're crispy, they fan out the wings instead of stacking them so they don't get steamed and soggy, and they brush the sauce on like it's motherfucking art.


East Aurora, "Bar Bill" on Main St.

Gigantic wings (10, you get 5 flats and 5 drums), they're crispy, they fan out the wings instead of stacking them so they don't get steamed and soggy, and they brush the sauce on like it's motherfucking art.

Taking note of this for future reference.


Next week is gamescom. It will hard as hell to stick to low carb when like half of publishers' booths are filled with tasty sugar treats :D
Fill up before you go out on the floor. Bring stuff with you just in case, packs of almonds, cheese sticks, quest bars, beef jerky, ect. My supermarket just started carrying pork cracklins, which are pure fat and protein, and very delicious, good sub for potato chips.


yeah, will attend the gamescom on Thursday. can you bring a backpack into the halls? if so bananas and almonds it is
but i bet i will bounce back from 75kg to 80 in this bad week hehe.


I've been doing low-carb / keto for the past 14-16 months or so. The weight came off initially really quickly, but it sort of stalled around september. I lost incentive to track things, and as you can tell by the graph, things escalated quickly. I began doing serious keto again around April, and particiapted in the reddit group 90daysgoal, which helped push me along.

90daysgoal recently finished it's latest round, and things are starting to cool down in the DC area, so I think I'm about to kick up the resistance training and biking again. I think I probably have another 30 or 40lbs to lose, but I'm less concerned about the weight, and more interested in improving my appearance and physique. Inches, not Lbs, are what are on my mind.


Back when I first started losing weight:

Taken a few weeks ago in Ireland:

It's become almost second nature to make better food choices, and I've thoroughly enjoyed the amount of cooking that I've been forced to do. And, I might even be a bit happier.


What a depressing day. I didn't lose weight this week and yesterday I had two slices of pizza, then today I had sushi and I just got back from having a double quarter pounder with fries from McDonalds. I lifted hard today (though some of my lifts have gone down) but it is very sad to see myself succumb to food like this :(


What a depressing day. I didn't lose weight this week and yesterday I had two slices of pizza, then today I had sushi and I just got back from having a double quarter pounder with fries from McDonalds. I lifted hard today (though some of my lifts have gone down) but it is very sad to see myself succumb to food like this :(

hang in there.. most in here have experienced a plateau in weightloss. mine was going under the 90kg/200lbs level...maybe don´t go on the scale for a while and just do your training and diet. and that other stuff was a good needed cheat day it seems
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