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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


So the last month or so I've been approaching but never reaching 115kg (50kg weight loss mark), gotten down to 116.6kg. I've now decided to just stick to my diet and exercise and not check the scale for a whole month. Before I've been checking the scale every day or every other day (not the best idea for most people unless you can handle seeing the weight jump up and down throughout the week).

Let the great experiment begin!
Damn honey. I add it to plain greek yogurt to make it edible, then find out it has 17g of carbs per tablespoon. It's like I either get fruit flavored greek yogurt with a decent amount of sugar or plain and add a decent amount of carbs. Bah!

Or get good Greek yoghurt. Farmers Union is a dream!
So when on low carb and you work out (I mostly do walking jogging cus I am a bigger guy but usually for 1-2 hours) I generally feel like shit for a few hours. Whats a good post workout food that is acceptable on very low carb? Tired of feeling like shit.

Also. Any really heavy guys have any advice on mitigating joint pain? I am 270 right now.


So when on low carb and you work out (I mostly do walking jogging cus I am a bigger guy but usually for 1-2 hours) I generally feel like shit for a few hours. Whats a good post workout food that is acceptable on very low carb? Tired of feeling like shit.

Also. Any really heavy guys have any advice on mitigating joint pain? I am 270 right now.

Well, it depends on why you're feeling like shit. Do you eat anything after your exercise? It could be because you need to refill the glycogen in your muscles, your blood sugar is dropping too low, or maybe you just need to get some electrolytes in you. I would try eating a banana and a little peanut butter after exercise one time and see how you feel. I know it's full of starch but it's more important to listen to your body then to stick to an arbitrary carb count. If I had to guess I would say it's your blood sugar dropping, then normalizing after a few hours, the banana would help a ton.
Well, it depends on why you're feeling like shit. Do you eat anything after your exercise? It could be because you need to refill the glycogen in your muscles, your blood sugar is dropping too low, or maybe you just need to get some electrolytes in you. I would try eating a banana and a little peanut butter after exercise one time and see how you feel. I know it's full of starch but it's more important to listen to your body then to stick to an arbitrary carb count. If I had to guess I would say it's your blood sugar dropping, then normalizing after a few hours, the banana would help a ton.

Will try it thanks.
Was bad yesterday. Had to make mini cupcakes for a friend to sample (I'm making them for her wedding in a few weeks) and I wasn't going to eat any myself. Ended up not only eating some of the cake mixture and icing but 4 cupcakes as well. Very naughty :(


Will try it thanks.

I forgo to say you could also try eating something before you exercise, like an apple. Less sugar/starch, will be absorbed more slowly and give you a longer, more constant supply of energy as you're exercising so maybe your blood sugar won't bottom out. Basically, you just need to experiment a little. Some people really need the added carbs for exercise, some don't!


Salsa - good for low-carb?

I have this:


Label is in spanish tho. :|


I managed to drop from about 83-85kg to 70kg since last June (exercise, running, eating healthier food etc.), but goddamit, I have no idea how to lose the lower belly fat :mad:

Lifting weights is the key if you want to get lean. As you say, the lower belly fat is extremely hard to get rid of, but with a long term plan where you cut back a little on cardio and start lifting weights instead you should be able to make big progress.

If you have no experience in the gym, read up on the following excersices:
Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press, military press , rows, chins and dips. These are core exercises and is considered to be the best out there by "many".

Maybe you have friends who work out?

So. Core exercises plus a very high protein intake (extremely important when building muscles and losing weight at the same time)

Think long term, and don't lose to much weight to fast. I would say that 2 kg per month is maximum. If you can have a ratio of 1 kg per month that's really good.

Good luck.


Full werewolf off the buckle
So when on low carb and you work out (I mostly do walking jogging cus I am a bigger guy but usually for 1-2 hours) I generally feel like shit for a few hours. Whats a good post workout food that is acceptable on very low carb? Tired of feeling like shit.

Also. Any really heavy guys have any advice on mitigating joint pain? I am 270 right now.

Man, I just weighed today at 283 down from 350, and the best thing I can tell you, though you likely know already, is invest in new sneakers frequently and get nice insoles.

Also, lots of big folks are flat-footed. May seem obvious, but are you? Arch supports saved my life!

Good luck, man.


Lifting weights is the key if you want to get lean. As you say, the lower belly fat is extremely hard to get rid of, but with a long term plan where you cut back a little on cardio and start lifting weights instead you should be able to make big progress.

If you have no experience in the gym, read up on the following excersices:
Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press, military press , rows, chins and dips. These are core exercises and is considered to be the best out there by "many".

Maybe you have friends who work out?

So. Core exercises plus a very high protein intake (extremely important when building muscles and losing weight at the same time)

Think long term, and don't lose to much weight to fast. I would say that 2 kg per month is maximum. If you can have a ratio of 1 kg per month that's really good.

Good luck.

Thanks for the long write up :)

I have a bit of a confidence issue concerning gym, but I'll try and convince myself to go.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
How much tuna is safe to eat a week?

If it's wild-caught, as much as you want. There's an absurd amount of selenium in tuna which counteracts the miniscule amount of mercury in it. Regular tuna consumption can actually lower the overall amount of contaminants you have in your body.


I know 1 can a day is totally a fine. Probably more aswell but i'm not 100 % sure on it.

Most scientists seem to want adults to keep canned tuna consumption down to once a week. The FDA seems to say no more than twice a week. There's a website, gotmercury.org, that actually gives you an estimation of how much mercury you ingest based on FDA and EPA guidelines and test results.

You have to weigh the carcinogenic and whole-body effects of ingesting that much mercury vs. the health benefits of tuna. And be willing to mix up the type of seafood you eat. Afterall, canned salmon is just as cheap as canned tuna.


Most scientists seem to want adults to keep canned tuna consumption down to once a week. The FDA seems to say no more than twice a week. There's a website, gotmercury.org, that actually gives you an estimation of how much mercury you ingest based on FDA and EPA guidelines and test results.

You have to weigh the carcinogenic and whole-body effects of ingesting that much mercury vs. the health benefits of tuna. And be willing to mix up the type of seafood you eat. Afterall, canned salmon is just as cheap as canned tuna.
Looks like the FDA advice is only for
"Women Who Might Become Pregnant
Women Who are Pregnant
Nursing Mothers
Young Children"
I'd skip the tuna and eat sardines instead. They're earlier in the food chain so you don't have to worry about mercury accumulation and they pack a super nutritional punch since you're eating most of the fish (just say no to skinless and boneless sardines). We buy a ton of the Wild Planet brand when they are on sale (the smoked varieties are our favorites), but there are cheaper brands that people swear by too (King Oscar being one).



Yeah, the FDA advisory is only intended for that segment of the population, so most healthy adults might be able to get away with eating more of that kind of fish.

Generally, it'd be best to ask your doctor if you're ingesting too much mercury. And because there are so many natural sources of omega-3s and protein, there's no harm in limiting intake a little if you're concerned.
Man, I just weighed today at 283 down from 350, and the best thing I can tell you, though you likely know already, is invest in new sneakers frequently and get nice insoles.

Also, lots of big folks are flat-footed. May seem obvious, but are you? Arch supports saved my life!

Good luck, man.

Yeah I am actually going shoe shopping next week to get some new shoes. Will look at insoles. Luckily even though I was 330 lbs for several years me feet are in good shape arch wise. Considering spending a good deal on shoes to get something nicer than usual.

Not sure it will help my hips (my main issue) but we will see.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Keto diet is officially over! 20 weeks. 73lbs lost.

Tomorrow I start my bulk phase. Today I bought some Oatmeal, apples, bananas, cinnamon and organic pasta. Gonna have a sexy ass carb filled breakfast for the first time in months lol.

3/4 cups of oatmeal
3 eggs

for breakfast tomorrow

Post work out will probably be a can of light tuna in some whole wheat bread.

Got myfitnesspal app all loaded and ready to go

OG Kush

Keto diet is officially over! 20 weeks. 73lbs lost.

Tomorrow I start my bulk phase. Today I bought some Oatmeal, apples, bananas, cinnamon and organic pasta. Gonna have a sexy ass carb filled breakfast for the first time in months lol.

3/4 cups of oatmeal
3 eggs

for breakfast tomorrow

Post work out will probably be a can of light tuna in some whole wheat bread.

Got myfitnesspal app all loaded and ready to go

Word of advice though, sicne you've been in keto DO NOT go crazy with carbs straight away. Ease yourself into slowly. Maybe up it by 50 grams every few days or so.


Yeah I am actually going shoe shopping next week to get some new shoes. Will look at insoles. Luckily even though I was 330 lbs for several years me feet are in good shape arch wise. Considering spending a good deal on shoes to get something nicer than usual.

Not sure it will help my hips (my main issue) but we will see.

You're doing the main thing that will help your joints though, and that's lose the weight.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, funny enough, as I said after my Texas trip that I gained a bit of weight, I lost it last week. After I got back I was at 206. This morning 201.5.

I didn't eat too well this weekend either.

That 200 mark continues to elude me, I'll get it!

I'd skip the tuna and eat sardines instead. They're earlier in the food chain so you don't have to worry about mercury accumulation and they pack a super nutritional punch since you're eating most of the fish (just say no to skinless and boneless sardines). We buy a ton of the Wild Planet brand when they are on sale (the smoked varieties are our favorites), but there are cheaper brands that people swear by too (King Oscar being one).

What can you eat these with? Being in Iowa my fish source is very limited so I usually eat some tuna. I'm not opposed to sardines, but don't really like them right out of the tin.


Thanks for the long write up :)

I have a bit of a confidence issue concerning gym, but I'll try and convince myself to go.
2 years ago I went to the gym for the first time ever, and I was pretty nervous, but I quickly realized that noone else at the gym is going to judge you about your weight/how you look (and if they do, fuck 'em, you're at the gym improving yourself). Most people at the gym are focused on what they themselves are doing.

Unless you use the squat rack to do curls (or some other dumb shit that shouldn't be done in the squat rack), then I'm gonna judge you all I want

Also there is a lot of value in going outside your comfort zone. For years my comfort zone was staying at home most of the time sitting on my couch eating junk food and playing videogames. My comfort zone made me fat in the first place. And you get to experience a lot more of life by going outside your comfort zone, Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best: "He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life."


Thanks for the long write up :)

I have a bit of a confidence issue concerning gym, but I'll try and convince myself to go.

You have to start some time. To be honest, I've never come across a judgmental person or jerk in the gym. In fact, you'll probably only run into helpful people, or indifferent at worst.

I have a friend like you...intimidated by the gym, so he's working out at home to get himself in shape for working out at the gym. LOL...what?


Word of advice though, sicne you've been in keto DO NOT go crazy with carbs straight away. Ease yourself into slowly. Maybe up it by 50 grams every few days or so.

Pretty good advice.

I transitioned into a Carb Cycling diet after being ketogenic for a year, and the gas and bloating was unbearable at times.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Word of advice though, sicne you've been in keto DO NOT go crazy with carbs straight away. Ease yourself into slowly. Maybe up it by 50 grams every few days or so.

Yea that's what I hear. I've already had 118 grams today. Will probably slow down with them for the rest of the day.

edit:^^ I get the gas and bloating from just about every cheat meal. Mostly burping.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Yeah I am actually going shoe shopping next week to get some new shoes. Will look at insoles. Luckily even though I was 330 lbs for several years me feet are in good shape arch wise. Considering spending a good deal on shoes to get something nicer than usual.

Not sure it will help my hips (my main issue) but we will see.

When my shoes wear out, because my feet pronate due to being flat, they wear unevenly and I'm like walking around at an angle all the time.

It would put me in incredible pain every moment of every day. If your feet aren't comfortable you will walk incorrectly on them and put undue stress on ankles, knees, hips, back, all over.

Some days I would just want to die because I knew it would be weeks before I could buy a new pair.

Luckily, now that my ex and I have separated I have my paycheck (minus child support and bills) to myself and I don't have her spending it all on dumb crap anymore.

I've promised myself I'll never be in that shoe situation again. Now I'm starting to stock up on backup shoes for when the old pair wears out. If there's one thing I'll never let happen again, it's be in stabbing pain for weeks.

For anyone, the very fat in particular, comfortable shoes are the most awesome things ever.

Best of luck to you in the shoe shopping!
8 months ago this would likely have been outside the realm of possibility. Also, hopped on the scale this morning at the gym and noticed that I'm down exactly 90lbs since the end of January. The century mark is squarely in my sights now.

Man, that's quite an achievement. Way to go! I bet it was an awesome time.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
Went hiking up around Mount Rainier up here in the Pacific Northwest over the weekend. The weather was AMAZING. Perfect day to be up on the mountain.

8 months ago this would likely have been outside the realm of possibility. Also, hopped on the scale this morning at the gym and noticed that I'm down exactly 90lbs since the end of January. The century mark is squarely in my sights now.


Aww for christ's sake! Been loving some roasted red onions on my chicken breasts for the past few days and now that I look them up I notice that they are 90% carbs? :(


Thanks for the long write up :)

I have a bit of a confidence issue concerning gym, but I'll try and convince myself to go.

Yeah, I know the feeling! The gym can be intimidating as fuck if you don't have a plan. You'll just walk around thinking everybody is staring you down and feel like an idiot. Then you'll do a little dumb bell swing before hitting the showers.

If you know what you're doing you'll feel more secure, and eventually it will feel like a second home.

If you have any friends who work out, ask them to show you the exercises mentioned in my previous post.

Good luck again, mate!

Chris R

Trying to get to my goal weight of 180 by the end of October, going to see if I'll be able to get there with a strict exercise regimen at home, but if not I guess I'll have to go gym shopping. Good thing is that there are 4 different gyms within 2 miles of me, but you would never know that looking at the prices they charge :(


Aww for christ's sake! Been loving some roasted red onions on my chicken breasts for the past few days and now that I look them up I notice that they are 90% carbs? :(
Are you eating 10 at a time or something? I mean they might have 90% of energy from carbs but they are mostly water.


Well weightlossGAF I'm back! I had been hovering around my new weight of 180/185 for awhile but have gained a few pounds over the last couple of months weighed in at 191 ;o this morning. Gonna try to cut down to 170/175 over the next few months, hoping it will tighten up the little stomach I have leftover from my previous weightloss. How's it going?


Trying to get to my goal weight of 180 by the end of October, going to see if I'll be able to get there with a strict exercise regimen at home, but if not I guess I'll have to go gym shopping. Good thing is that there are 4 different gyms within 2 miles of me, but you would never know that looking at the prices they charge :(

I know the feeling. Been trying to find a good gym with a pool (I hike a lot and when I add running my knees hurt, so I try to swim often) the cheapest around w/ a pool is about $45/month. I may join it if I can get the GF to do it with me, but we'll see.

And he's right. Onions may be a large % carbs, but a large % of nothing is still nothing. Eat them up.
So my gf has been low carbing all spring and summer and she still isnt where she wants to be. She still has some considerable fat and a gut. She started p90x three weeks ago and i think lifting weights for the first time will help her. However p90x is a taxing program and i fear she actually may not be eating enough calories i general ( as in all summer and she did insanity prior to 90 and i didnt c much improvement) causing her body to hold onto all the fat that it can i.e. starvation mode. Any tips weight loss gaf?

Edit: i think this may be the problem as i helped my friend go low card and he lost 30lbs in 5 months without exercising


What can you tell us about how she is eating now? I understand that you say low carb but how much of what kinds of stuff? Is it possible that she's snacking a bit when your not around? My GF is small (5'5" I don't dare guess her weight but she is fit) and she eats a ridiculously small amount of calories (maybe 1100/day) What might seem like to little to you might be right for her.

P.S. Have you guys tried overnight oatmeal yet? Mix some oats with some greek yogurt and a scoop of whey and some fruit, stick it in the fridge overnight, its delicious.


I'd think I would have lost a lot more weight.

I never used to have consistent physical activity. I used to always eat until I was full, had snacks all the time, and not just an apple or something, like chips or poptarts.

For like 2 months I've been eating less, never snacking, only eating when hungry. And I've been doing some cardio with some minor weight stuff. Going like 2-3 miles on the treadmill on average 3 times per week.

only seem to have gone down like 4 pounds.
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