I don't usually post here, I mostly post in Fitgaf.
For those of you who don't know me, I pride myself on being strong, but I decided I needed to go on a cut. While I didn't get the results I really wanted, I did make some progress. I figured I would share, and maybe motivate some of you to lift some weights!
218 today, down from 246 in January 28 lbs total. Most of that since May.
Here are then January shirtless pics.
Quads are 26 inches
Waist is 34 inches
Calves and biceps are 16 inches (had wife measure all.)
Not exactly where I wanted to be, but it's at least an improvement.
I'm still pulling 500+, benching upper 300s (370+), squatting around 400ish (really took a hit) and still military pressing 230.
And one last pic with me with a god damned shirt on.