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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Chris R

Whats the view on Stevia sweetner?

Some people feel that they affect their diet just like a regular sugar can in terms of insulin response that might cause issues if you are going for a low carb diet, but lucky for me I have no issue with any of the artificial sweeteners I've come across so far (YAY!).


Full werewolf off the buckle
Guys, I'm super excited that my new scale is supposed to arrive today!

Up to now I've been using a real "family heirloom" that only went up to 280lbs and then wrapped back around past 0lbs and that's how I was weighing myself.

According to the old scale I'm down to 283 from roughly 350 back in January. I must admit, I'm concerned that I got all excited over inaccurate results. Last time I weighed myself it gave me several very different answers.

I'm just hoping that the new scale will match the 283 reading I'd received. Even if it doesn't I won't let it discourage me. Not a day goes by when people don't notice how much I've lost and I'll admit that, while it may be shallow, it's a great motivator.

On another topic, anyone have an opinion on those spring-bars that you flex in various ways as a form of upper-body work? I believe the biggest brand is called "Power Twister".

They seem really appealing to me as I basically live out of a backpack bouncing between my house and my ex-wife's place to babysit my kids (I live really close, but it's a different school zone and we agree it is best for them to have a stable school week). I remember seeing a lot of things like this back in the 80's, anyone have good results?

Here's a link in case I'm not describing them well enough:


I guess I could just do push ups, but I'm still way fat. Are the half push ups on your knees really effective at all, or should I try something like this till I'm strong enough to do real push ups?

Thanks for all the encouragement and support, everyone!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Guys, I'm super excited that my new scale is supposed to arrive today!

Up to now I've been using a real "family heirloom" that only went up to 280lbs and then wrapped back around past 0lbs and that's how I was weighing myself.

According to the old scale I'm down to 283 from roughly 350 back in January. I must admit, I'm concerned that I got all excited over inaccurate results. Last time I weighed myself it gave me several very different answers.

I'm just hoping that the new scale will match the 283 reading I'd received. Even if it doesn't I won't let it discourage me. Not a day goes by when people don't notice how much I've lost and I'll admit that, while it may be shallow, it's a great motivator.

On another topic, anyone have an opinion on those spring-bars that you flex in various ways as a form of upper-body work? I believe the biggest brand is called "Power Twister".

They seem really appealing to me as I basically live out of a backpack bouncing between my house and my ex-wife's place to babysit my kids (I live really close, but it's a different school zone and we agree it is best for them to have a stable school week). I remember seeing a lot of things like this back in the 80's, anyone have good results?

Here's a link in case I'm not describing them well enough:


I guess I could just do push ups, but I'm still way fat. Are the half push ups on your knees really effective at all, or should I try something like this till I'm strong enough to do real push ups?

Thanks for all the encouragement and support, everyone!

Even push ups with knees on the ground are can still be quite effective. I'd really recommend wall presses as well--those can be very good if you're just starting out and are still really overweight.


Full werewolf off the buckle
My new scale came in a bit ago and I was finally able to get an accurate measurement and, lo and behold, I've lost more than I thought!

I'm down to 261 from 350, which is a great weight off my shoulders both literally and figuratively. I was scared I was going to step on and it would say like 335 or something.

I even took multiple measurements just to make sure. Then I had my oldest daughter step on and that was right too.

Great day for me, now I just need to work on losing 100 more or so pounds and getting some muscle.
My new scale came in a bit ago and I was finally able to get an accurate measurement and, lo and behold, I've lost more than I thought!

I'm down to 261 from 350, which is a great weight off my shoulders both literally and figuratively. I was scared I was going to step on and it would say like 335 or something.

I even took multiple measurements just to make sure. Then I had my oldest daughter step on and that was right too.

Great day for me, now I just need to work on losing 100 more or so pounds and getting some muscle.

Wow congratulations. How long ago did you start?

As to scales. What were you using before? I have always just used my Wii fit and am wondering if its accurate.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Wow congratulations. How long ago did you start?

As to scales. What were you using before? I have always just used my Wii fit and am wondering if its accurate.

Well, I got weighed at the doctor about two years ago at 350lbs. It was so depressing that I didn't want to get weighed again.

In early March my wife and I split up and I started taking care of business. Now, I was fatter than ever in early march but I don't know how I could have gone from 350 to 261 in 5 months. I mean, that's a ton of weight in very little time, maybe it would be possible but I think it would take a ton more effort than I put in.

So while I assume I was 350 in March since I was as big as ever, I only last weighed myself years before that.

The scale I was using was an ancient, pink old lady scale my mom had and I was certain that my results were dubious.

As far as the wii fit board I actually hear that it's quite accurate, though that's anecdotal since I've never used one.


Wow that is one big cheat weekend ... bbq in The City Park and After that an invitation too a free Drink Party in The gamescom Halls.. great Progress everyone. Stay motivated. Time for some sport

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Wow that is one big cheat weekend ... bbq in The City Park and After that an invitation too a free Drink Party in The gamescom Halls.. great Progress everyone. Stay motivated. Time for some sport

Heh, same. Today started off with Oporto's for lunch and home made Anzac cookies. At least dinner will be a simple steak with salad.

Ah, well, I haven't actually cheated in weeks. Training tomorrow will likely kick my arse and restore balance.


Hey weight-loss Gaf, first time posting here.

So about a week ago i decided to change my life, i am now 20 years old, weight about 264 and 5,7 feet tall. I made up a diet from all the diets i have from the many times i've tried to lose weight (never been more determined than now tho), so please tell me your opinion, if i should change something, etc.

Breakfast: a cup of tea (no sugar, i don't know how it's called but whit this http://www.lider.cl/dys/productImages/g/1868869ga.jpg) and 2 thin slices of integral bread with a little bit of avocado

Lunch: mostly green salad (letucce is my favourite) with a roast chicken or tuna, i'm worried about potatos because i love them. Sometimes instead of salad, a mix of vegetables (mushrooms, cauliflower, brocoli, zucchini and soja sprouts)

Afternoon: repeat breakfast

Dinner: Like lunch but with more salad than meat

I'm pretty lazy but i started doing like 30 minutes on my excersise bike like 3 times a week in the mornings (i want to start doing it every day pretty soon)

Well that's it, i appreciate every comment and sorry if my english is rough, still working on it :)


Lunch and dinner look good, but make sure you get your dark green veggies (like broccoli). You can also incorporate turkey, chicken sausages, pork...lots of options.

I would definitely change breakfast up. Eggs? Canadian bacon? Plain oatmeal? I just question if toast with an avocado spread will leave you hungry.

For a month I'd measure EVERYTHING just so you get an idea what a serving looks like. If you have a smart phone, start tracking on MyFitnessPal.

Good luck, this place is a great support group.


Hey weight-loss Gaf, first time posting here.

So about a week ago i decided to change my life, i am now 20 years old, weight about 264 and 5,7 feet tall. I made up a diet from all the diets i have from the many times i've tried to lose weight (never been more determined than now tho), so please tell me your opinion, if i should change something, etc.

Breakfast: a cup of tea (no sugar, i don't know how it's called but whit this http://www.lider.cl/dys/productImages/g/1868869ga.jpg) and 2 thin slices of integral bread with a little bit of avocado

Lunch: mostly green salad (letucce is my favourite) with a roast chicken or tuna, i'm worried about potatos because i love them. Sometimes instead of salad, a mix of vegetables (mushrooms, cauliflower, brocoli, zucchini and soja sprouts)

Afternoon: repeat breakfast

Dinner: Like lunch but with more salad than meat

I'm pretty lazy but i started doing like 30 minutes on my excersise bike like 3 times a week in the mornings (i want to start doing it every day pretty soon)

Well that's it, i appreciate every comment and sorry if my english is rough, still working on it :)

skip the bread, replace it with eggs.
My personal favorite (although low-carbGAF will hate me for this) is overnight oats. Mix a half cup of milk/old fashioned oats/plain greek yogurt in a dish, mix in some fruit and protein powder if you want to add more protein cover it and stick it in the fridge overnight. Delicious summer porridge as they call it.



Are you sure that's going to be enough to keep you full? You don't need to starve yourself to lose weight. And don't be afraid of fat, add things like butter, eggs, fatty cuts of meat to your meals, not only is it satiating but fat helps you absorb vitamins and minerals, try and get some at every meal. So when you have a salad, throw some olive oil type dressing or walnuts in there. Good snacks are different types of nuts, full fat cheese sticks, fresh veggies and some kind of dip (nut butter or hummus), some fruit if you want something sweet, ect. Basically you wanna stick to whole foods as much as possible and avoid anything heavily processed. Learning to cook is also a good idea, it will make things a lot easier on yourself if you don't have to rely on others for food. Even if it's just simple grilling on the Foreman Grill. And lastly, do some experimenting. Mess around with foods and see which makes you feel and perform the best, you wanna find a diet that works for you that you can keep up long term and not a temporary weight loss plan, good luck!


Didn't have a cheat meal last night (salmon and veggies at the Wegmans pub) so my fiancé and I went to the local ice cream place. They only serve vanilla, chocolate and the flavor of the day. Yesterday's flavor? Oatmeal cookie. Vanilla ice cream with cinnamon and chunks of homemade oatmeal raisen cookie. Mother of god. Back to eating clean today.


Anything cinnamon flavored will do me in pretty bad. Apple pie, pumpkin pie, cinnamon raisin cookies, churros..my god I live cinnamon. So I just stocked up on cinnamon roasted almonds, fuck they're so good and none of the guilt!


Anything cinnamon flavored will do me in pretty bad. Apple pie, pumpkin pie, cinnamon raisin cookies, churros..my god I live cinnamon. So I just stocked up on cinnamon roasted almonds, fuck they're so good and none of the guilt!

do you drink coffee? I started putting cinnamon into my coffee grounds and it's utterly fantastic.
I've never had a cup of coffee in my life! I think I know what it tastes like though, if that's even possible lol

Don't try it.

You think you know what it tastes like. It smells amazing. Coffee flavored things are amazing. But actual black coffee is completely different tasting than how it smells and tastes in other things. It's like drinking a cup of liquefied ear wax.


Are you sure that's going to be enough to keep you full? You don't need to starve yourself to lose weight. And don't be afraid of fat, add things like butter, eggs, fatty cuts of meat to your meals, not only is it satiating but fat helps you absorb vitamins and minerals, try and get some at every meal. So when you have a salad, throw some olive oil type dressing or walnuts in there. Good snacks are different types of nuts, full fat cheese sticks, fresh veggies and some kind of dip (nut butter or hummus), some fruit if you want something sweet, ect. Basically you wanna stick to whole foods as much as possible and avoid anything heavily processed. Learning to cook is also a good idea, it will make things a lot easier on yourself if you don't have to rely on others for food. Even if it's just simple grilling on the Foreman Grill. And lastly, do some experimenting. Mess around with foods and see which makes you feel and perform the best, you wanna find a diet that works for you that you can keep up long term and not a temporary weight loss plan, good luck!

i don't really starve, but yeah i added some butter to the morning breakfast and now im adding eggs. I still eat red meat sometimes just not as many. Thanks for the advice, i'm going to try new types of healthy food

skip the bread, replace it with eggs.
My personal favorite (although low-carbGAF will hate me for this) is overnight oats. Mix a half cup of milk/old fashioned oats/plain greek yogurt in a dish, mix in some fruit and protein powder if you want to add more protein cover it and stick it in the fridge overnight. Delicious summer porridge as they call it.

i will reduce the bread and add eggs, thanks


i don't really starve, but yeah i added some butter to the morning breakfast and now im adding eggs. I still eat red meat sometimes just not as many. Thanks for the advice, i'm going to try new types of healthy food

i will reduce the bread and add eggs, thanks

Most important thing you need to understand is you're not making a temporary change, you need to find foods you can enjoy for the rest of your life.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Well I give up for now, I'm calling it quits and gonna try to bulk and regain some of the massive amounts of strength
I've lost during my weightloss.

Need better before and after pics, and pics in general I'm surprised at how bad my iphone camera is, but can't find anything else at the moment...

Before :
Weighing """only""" 110 kgs (240 lbs) in this pic, I gained another 5kg (11 lbs) reaching almost 115 kg (~255lbs)
before deciding to lose the weight.


After - featuring Robin Williams-level of body hair... :


Current weight 66 kg (145 lbs)
Down ~50 kg (110 lbs)
110 cm (~44") waist down to 72 cm (28")
Duration was 2 months each summer for the past 3 summers... so a total of 6 months dieting/working out spread out over the past 2 years I guess. Now to do start doing actual DLs and squats :I...


So, during Gamescom I did pretty well with diet. Didn't pull off full low-carb, had some beer and potatoes rather regularly, but I still hoped my weight wouldn't go up. It turns out I actually lost 5 pounds during the week. I guess all that running around the halls and around Cologne itself really made a difference :D


Well I give up for now, I'm calling it quits and gonna try to bulk and regain some of the massive amounts of strength
I've lost during my weightloss.

Need better before and after pics, and pics in general I'm surprised at how bad my iphone camera is, but can't find anything else at the moment...

Before :
Weighing """only""" 110 kgs (240 lbs) in this pic, I gained another 5kg (11 lbs) reaching almost 115 kg (~255lbs)
before deciding to lose the weight.


After - featuring Robin Williams-level of body hair... :


Current weight 66 kg (145 lbs)
Down ~50 kg (110 lbs)
110 cm (~44") waist down to 72 cm (28")
Duration was 2 months each summer for the past 3 summers... so a total of 6 months dieting/working out spread out over the past 2 years I guess. Now to do start doing actual DLs and squats :I...

impressive...can i ask you how tall you are? you are packed with muscles and 66 kg doesn't seem much for your muscle mass


So, during Gamescom I did pretty well with diet. Didn't pull off full low-carb, had some beer and potatoes rather regularly, but I still hoped my weight wouldn't go up. It turns out I actually lost 5 pounds during the week. I guess all that running around the halls and around Cologne itself really made a difference :D

dont forget the freaking heat. hottest days of this year. walked alone friday 13 kilometres around the city hehe. and chilling at the rhein shore
edit : impressive work@ corky. That´s the frame i am looking for for my upper body


Moved my elliptical into my room and finally getting back into the workout. Just finished with a session and I feel great. I'll probably end up back on it again later on today because of boredom between some MvM matches.
3 lbs from having lost 70 lbs since May 1.

Hope to reach that milestone this week before I had back up to school and fuck it all back to hell lol..........


Wow, I ate like a total jerk all weekend and didn't log any of my meals last week, and I dropped 2 pounds (still worked out all week). It's like I got a free pass to get back on the saddle without penalty. I won't squander this opportunity.
That seems like a gigantic amount of weight to lose in such a short amount of time.

Yeah I am not complaining though. Down two shirt sizes from 3xlt to xlt and I can actually wear pants at my natural waist. I am sure I have lost some muscle mass because I have not been doing a ton of resistance training....at the same time I am hardly sedentary so not overly worried. Still have massive moobs though -.- If this keeps up I may hafta make use of my assets and get my drag queen on.

This week in particular sucks though. My peaches and plums are now ripe.....had 3 this morning /sigh


Avocados are fuckin' good. I've been eating them a lot lately, they're so filling and filled with vitamins/minerals, a good way to get more potassium. I remember trying them a few weeks back and not liking them, but I was eating them plain back then, now I add a little salt/pepper, maybe some lemon juice. A really good, cheap meal is to take 2 cans of tuna and an avocado and just mix them together, season, and it's the healthiest tuna salad ever, so good. You can mess around with the portions too, so if you more protein and less fat, 2 cans of tuna and half an avocado..if you want more fat, a whole avocado and 1 can of tuna, ect. I've also been adding slices to my eggs in the morning, in my salads..basically any where I can. I've become an avocado lover!

Also, grass-fed butter is no joke, it is so good. I was genuinely surprised at how much more flavor it has. Only 3 bucks for a block at Trader Joes <3

OG Kush

Yeah I am not complaining though. Down two shirt sizes from 3xlt to xlt and I can actually wear pants at my natural waist. I am sure I have lost some muscle mass because I have not been doing a ton of resistance training....at the same time I am hardly sedentary so not overly worried. Still have massive moobs though -.- If this keeps up I may hafta make use of my assets and get my drag queen on.

This week in particular sucks though. My peaches and plums are now ripe.....had 3 this morning /sigh

Its fruits, don't stress too much.


Avocados are fuckin' good. I've been eating them a lot lately, they're so filling and filled with vitamins/minerals, a good way to get more potassium. I remember trying them a few weeks back and not liking them, but I was eating them plain back then, now I add a little salt/pepper, maybe some lemon juice. A really good, cheap meal is to take 2 cans of tuna and an avocado and just mix them together, season, and it's the healthiest tuna salad ever, so good. You can mess around with the portions too, so if you more protein and less fat, 2 cans of tuna and half an avocado..if you want more fat, a whole avocado and 1 can of tuna, ect. I've also been adding slices to my eggs in the morning, in my salads..basically any where I can. I've become an avocado lover!

Also, grass-fed butter is no joke, it is so good. I was genuinely surprised at how much more flavor it has. Only 3 bucks for a block at Trader Joes <3

I like that idea

Like yourself, I am not a huge fan of avacados plain. Actually found it pretty disgusting, but


That meal right there is AMAZINGLY delicious and the avacados really work well with it.

Yeah I try to tell myself that lol. I have had slips in the past on fruit and never had any issues with weight stall so I should be fine. I am just not a fan of cheating lol.

If thats the case, then dont worry about it. I eat a ridiculous amount of fruit everyday and still lose/maintain weight. its simply one of those foods that you need to see how many you can eat. If you can eat a few servings or a ton, great! dont feel guilty about it


I like that idea

Like yourself, I am not a huge fan of avacados plain. Actually found it pretty disgusting, but


That meal right there is AMAZINGLY delicious and the avacados really work well with it

It's amazing what a little seasoning can do, especially the salt, it really pulls out the flavor. there's also plenty of recipes out there to give you ideas

bacon/avocado "sandwiches"

tuna/avocado wraps. This is basically what I did, just no wrap.

And on my salad for lunch today? oh my gooooodness, so good.
Well, keep heart and don't get discouraged. If you're that close to 230,you're also damned close to 200.

Way to go!

Thankfully after losing about 30 pounds it's been harder to get discouraged about small things. Once you know that you can lose a bunch of weight it's easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I like that idea

Like yourself, I am not a huge fan of avacados plain. Actually found it pretty disgusting, but


That meal right there is AMAZINGLY delicious and the avacados really work well with it.
That looks incredible! I wish I had seen it before I went grocery shopping--I got avocados, but no bacon or chicken. :(

Anyways, lost 6 lbs this month. The cause is getting back into healthy eating habits, as well as jogging 3x a week (although I have runner's knee now so that's no good >.>)

Getting below 220 seems to be such a big hurdle for my body. I've begun my new cut, though, so we'll see how things go. I notice a lot of my "fat" is loose skin, so I guess all I can really do is just be patient and wait it out. Not letting myself fail, though.
5'7" seems pretty short here...most people I know are 5'10-6'. I'm 5'8".

I'm 5'7, I'm also working on my own transformation for the past 2 weeks now. 9 years ago I weighed 230, I was fed up with it and started working out and dieting. In 6 months I lost 70 pounds. But I did it the wrong way though. I started off on a crashed diet the and would do the same lifts like 5 times a week for the first month. I lost a lot of weight but was really clueless. Then I bought a muscle and fitness magazine and it taught me a lot. But still, I was too concerned about the number and although I made a lot of adjustments, I still under ate and practically stopped weight lifting to focus on jogging. So in the end I lost a lot of weight, but I lost tons of muscle with it and ended up looking nothing like I thought I would when I reached this weight. For example my max bench before the weight loss was 265, after it I could only do 165, pretty pathetic.

Anyways, a lot of years went by and I would sometimes try to get that ripped body I always wanted. But in the end I would always quit after a few weeks, or even a few days because the motivation isn't there like it use to be. Before I would look in the mirror and see a very overweight person, so that pushed me to go on. In recent years I would look in the mirror and say to myself "it's not what I want, but I can live with this". So here I am doing it again since August 8th of this month. I started off 169, right now I'm 161(I lost a lot of water weight at first). I'm not focusing on the actual number this time though. Instead I'm going to take pictures every week or two(depends how anxious I am) and just compare them. As for weight, I'm going to try and look every 2 weeks at most and not get too down if I don't lose any weight or lose very little. As long as I'm actually looking better, that's all that matters in the end. If I can pull it off then I'd love to show you guys my success story.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Been feeling kind of depressed today about not seeing my girls much this week and some issues that have arisen because I feel like I've got to help everyone with a sob story.

I feel a bit better though. I bought some XL shirts and they fit pretty darn well. Another 8 or 10 pounds and I dare say they will be nice and roomy.

It's tough to stay positive some days, but I guess that's all part of the weight-loss game.
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