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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

OG Kush

a key point to remember is that when having a salad make sure you have some fat with it so alll the nutrients get absorbed properly. Some olive oil, nuts, eggs or meats etc.


Full werewolf off the buckle
a key point to remember is that when having a salad make sure you have some fat with it so alll the nutrients get absorbed properly. Some olive oil, nuts, eggs or meats etc.

An excellent point. I use mayo on top of my salads.

No need to be scared of fat, guys. Your supposed to have, what? 18 or 19 % fat in your diet, if memory serves. That's pretty hard to hit if you are eating for weight loss.


that's true for all meals, not just salads. I'm at the point where 65-70% of my calories come from fat (mostly monounsaturated and saturated), I've never felt better. I replaced my carrots as snacks with coconut flakes/full fat cheese sticks/almond butter/pork rinds/some other things. I've replaced veggies in meals with avocados (steal eat a lot of veggies, just cut back). I've added more oil when cooking (seriously guys, get kerrygold grass-fed butter, it's great). I've cut out fruit almost exclusively. I feel less hungry, no more need to snack. I might be crazy but I feel like my arms have gotten more definition. This isn't gonna be a permanent thing most likely, I was just messing around with macros to see how I felt, I'm glad I did.


Comics, serious business!
So I tried to take my measurements last night and it did not go well. The only thing I have is a regular tape measure, not the soft kind that a tailor would use. So picture me trying to wrap the metal measuring tape around my waste, not a good scene lol. I'll have to find a better one.


So I tried to take my measurements last night and it did not go well. The only thing I have is a regular tape measure, not the soft kind that a tailor would use. So picture me trying to wrap the metal measuring tape around my waste, not a good scene lol. I'll have to find a better one.

Use some regular thread/cable and then measure this with the tape measure.
what do you guys think of white rice and top ramen instant noodles?

Ah the infamous Asian diet. It has worked wonders for some of the girls I know. But normally they only eat like twice a day, so they're getting what, 1500 calories at most? Like Waffle said, not a great idea but if you eat at a deficit, you'll still lose weight like I know many have while still eating some stuff that isn't the best for a diet(basically what you suggested).


So I tried to take my measurements last night and it did not go well. The only thing I have is a regular tape measure, not the soft kind that a tailor would use. So picture me trying to wrap the metal measuring tape around my waste, not a good scene lol. I'll have to find a better one.
Get some OrbiTape, it'll make things much easier on you.


Eggs and fruit every morning, a chicken caesar salad for lunch, and a hearty protein rich dinner every day, along with lots of cardio and weight lifting for the past five years has served me very well. I don't know how good it'd be for losing weight, but for maintaining a steady low weight it's great.


not tag worthy
I Just weighed myself. Currently at 231 pounds. I have been on my holiday. Ate sensibly. walked etc but lost so much. I am confused as to why? One point on my holiday i put on a little bit of weight. But overall lost more than i started with? How/why? Wtf
what do you guys think of white rice and top ramen instant noodles?
If you're strictly out to lose weight, then brown rice is superior.

However, studies have shown that white rice is better for building muscle than brown rice, due to white rice having a specific protein catalyst that brown rice lacks.

So it really depends. If you're not working out, eat brown rice. If you're hitting the weights, enjoy white rice.

Avoid ramen.


I know Zefah (and a few others, including myself) have recommended this thing, so wanted to the rest of WeightLoss-GAF a heads up.

Here's a great idea for those days when you have time for a full gym work-out (which you should be exercising regularly):

Pull Up Bars:


Install very easliy like this:


Excellent work-out, and cheap. These pull-up bars go for about $20 on Amazon. Great for toning up your arms, shoulders, and back. Combine a set of pull-ups with a set of push-ups & air squats, and you have a damn good home work out there. It's my morning exercise routine: 10-15 pull-ups, followed immediately by 20 push-ups, and 15 air squats, then a 1.5mi run. Takes about 30min.

Learn to LOVE pull-ups :)


Welp, got on a scale for the first time since I started dieting/exercising in November. Down from 296 to 205. Also running a 15 minute 2-mile, max distance I've gone is a little under 5. Feels good to be in high school shape again!

I've been on this crazy diet that works wonders. I eat fewer calories and exercise. I know, it sounds crazy, but it works!

You protein guys are insane.


Welp, got on a scale for the first time since I started dieting/exercising in November. Down from 296 to 205. Also running a 15 minute 2-mile, max distance I've gone is a little under 5. Feels good to be in high school shape again!

I've been on this crazy diet that works wonders. I eat fewer calories and exercise. I know, it sounds crazy, but it works!

You protein guys are insane.

Awesome work! That must have been an amazing feeling to see the numeric results of all your hard work, although I'm sure how you look and feel is even better.
Welp, got on a scale for the first time since I started dieting/exercising in November.

You didn't check the scale for 10 entire months? You are truly one patient dude. I'd probably go nuts if I didn't check at least every 2 weeks. But huge congrats on the results, keep it up man you're truly a inspiration. I'm only going on 3 weeks now, I can only hope to keep going as long as you have already.
lol I have been off my diet for a week (taking a week off as school starts) and I am completely mortified to step on a scale. I doubt it terrible because I have watched my portion sizes but still....


Full werewolf off the buckle
Welp, got on a scale for the first time since I started dieting/exercising in November. Down from 296 to 205. Also running a 15 minute 2-mile, max distance I've gone is a little under 5. Feels good to be in high school shape again!

I've been on this crazy diet that works wonders. I eat fewer calories and exercise. I know, it sounds crazy, but it works!

You protein guys are insane.

Great work! I hope as my weightloss continues that I can get similar run times. My dream is to be in a 5k someday. I'm currently 273 pounds, but that's way less than I was earlier this year.

I similarly waited a long time to get a scale. It's a great feeling to see such a huge drop, I know. Well, enjoy it! It's all because you earned it, man.

Edit because I didn't want to have two consecutive posts:

Guys, super hyped! I just put on a pair of size 42 jeans, that was the size I wore 19 years ago as a freshman in high school!

So they aren't terribly comfy, but I can move and sit down and all that. This was one of my big goals. Now my next milestone is getting below 200, which means I've got 73 pounds standing in my way :mad:


Low Carb-GAF, are pork rinds OK? How do you feel about them?

I grabbed a small bag of them while at the store, but not sure if I should have them with my lunch today. The package says 0g of carbs.


If pork rinds and salt are the only ingredients listed, they're great for low carb and even paleo. they're fried in their own lard so no veggie oils to worry about


Pork Rinds are bigger pieces, kind of like potato chips. Then there's Pork Cracklins, they're small and compact, like little crispy balls. I like the cracklins because they're nice and crunchy.
Been off my diet for a week and gained 2 lbs. Hopefully that is enough to convince my fucking university to let me off my meal plan. They insisted I try it for at least a week.

(not to mention that its extortion and they charge like 10$ per meal on the plan)

I could probably maintain my weight on the plan if I wanted too and I am happy with the progress I have made (65-70lbs ish) but still would like to lose another 50.


Neo Member
Hey there gaf,

First off big congrats to a lot of you on here and your weight loss triumphs really motivating this thread.

I am on the path to sorting myself out. I am currently 14 stone and find my self with little to no self confidence left, this will not do. So have decided to sort my life out and get rid of some demons which have given me a very unhealthy relationship with food. I would like to get down to 10 stone eventually so long road a head.

I have signed up to a gym and I go swimming for a least 30 minutes a day and have been doing this for nearly two weeks and plan to continue this (I find it a good way to refresh after a days work)

Now I don't want to be making the effort of swimming if I'm just going to go home and eat all the wrong things. Is there a diet or plan you can suggest that will go well with my swimming? I've changed my snacks from sugar high things to stuff like nuts and carrot sticks so far, that's a point are all nuts ok? I'm a sucker for cashew nuts.

Thanks guys looking forward to showing progress :)


Hey there gaf,

First off big congrats to a lot of you on here and your weight loss triumphs really motivating this thread.

I am on the path to sorting myself out. I am currently 14 stone and find my self with little to no self confidence left, this will not do. So have decided to sort my life out and get rid of some demons which have given me a very unhealthy relationship with food. I would like to get down to 10 stone eventually so long road a head.

I have signed up to a gym and I go swimming for a least 30 minutes a day and have been doing this for nearly two weeks and plan to continue this (I find it a good way to refresh after a days work)

Now I don't want to be making the effort of swimming if I'm just going to go home and eat all the wrong things. Is there a diet or plan you can suggest that will go well with my swimming? I've changed my snacks from sugar high things to stuff like nuts and carrot sticks so far, that's a point are all nuts ok? I'm a sucker for cashew nuts.

Thanks guys looking forward to showing progress :)
It's hard to recommend a very specific diet plan just because there's no one-size-fits-all diet, you need to find something that works for you, something that you can keep up long term. On a general level the best thing you can do is stick to whole foods as much as possible, avoid processed food. When you shop for food stick to the outside isles. Don't be afraid of fat, so many people avoid it because they think it makes them fat or it's unhealthy, but it's actually the exact opposite. Stick to natural sources of fat like meat, fish, eggs, butter, coconut products, olive oil, avocados, nuts/nut butter, pork rinds. Full fat dairy is also good if you aren't intolerant to dairy products. Good sources of lean proteins, chicken, tuna, shrimp. As for carbs, veggies are the obvious options. Fruits can be hit or miss with some people when it comes to weight loss because of the high sugar, low sugar fruits are all types of berries. Experiment a little with fruit and see how you react. Melons and pineapples are highest in sugar. Things like sweet potatoes, rice, and bananas are good sources of starch. If you're gonna be swimming a lot, or anything else really, people like to add these starches on those days to keep their muscles filled with glycogen. You can also eat them post-work out for a good pick-me-up. You may even want to try eating some fruit a little before working out to give you sustained energy if you feel you need it. Again, you're gonna need to experiment a little and see how your body feels. I like to eat a little coconut before doing something active, I get a nice little boost from the ketones.

As for cooking, you'll want to avoid industrial vegetable/seed oils. Things like soybean, corn, peanut, sunflower, canola oil ect. For cooking on high heats coconut oil is great, or low heat, butter. Then there's lard, ghee, avocado oil for everything in between. Olive Oil is also OK but only on low heat. This is more about your health then weight loss, the seed oils wreak havoc on your body and should be avoided as much as possible.

Cashews are good. I actually just got some today, they're actually too good, they're the only nut that I find really addictive. Carrot sticks too, also good.
Ah the infamous Asian diet. It has worked wonders for some of the girls I know. But normally they only eat like twice a day, so they're getting what, 1500 calories at most? Like Waffle said, not a great idea but if you eat at a deficit, you'll still lose weight like I know many have while still eating some stuff that isn't the best for a diet(basically what you suggested).

If you're strictly out to lose weight, then brown rice is superior.

However, studies have shown that white rice is better for building muscle than brown rice, due to white rice having a specific protein catalyst that brown rice lacks.

So it really depends. If you're not working out, eat brown rice. If you're hitting the weights, enjoy white rice.

Avoid ramen.

Thanks guys :)


I am tired as fuck of being fat. This thread has motivated me to lose weight once again. About a year ago I lost 100 pounds, going from 330 pounds down to 230, and within less than a year I gained all that weight back.

As of today I weigh 335 pounds, and my goal is to get down to around 200. The only problem is I have no plan for a diet. I have been eating chicken, steak, and eggs almost everyday for the past 2 years. I don't know how much longer I can eat them before I go crazy.

For exercise I plan on doing cardio at least 5 days a week and basic weight exercises every other day.

Day 1 - 335lbs
Carrying across from the fitness thread...
Me said:
Been getting compliments on apparent weight loss. The scales haven't changed, but I suppose I've just lost fat and gained a lil' muscle. I'm definitely feeling way better physically, and I've been working out each of the past 4 days. Half an hour on the elliptical for my knee, plenty of stretching, and then either some weight training/calisthenics or swimming (like I did today). I've also been eating really clean lately (apart from the occasional splurge with friends for old times' sake).

Feels good man. :)


Neo Member
It's hard to recommend a very specific diet plan just because there's no one-size-fits-all diet, you need to find something that works for you, something that you can keep up long term. On a general level the best thing you can do is stick to whole foods as much as possible, avoid processed food. When you shop for food stick to the outside isles. Don't be afraid of fat, so many people avoid it because they think it makes them fat or it's unhealthy, but it's actually the exact opposite. Stick to natural sources of fat like meat, fish, eggs, butter, coconut products, olive oil, avocados, nuts/nut butter, pork rinds. Full fat dairy is also good if you aren't intolerant to dairy products. Good sources of lean proteins, chicken, tuna, shrimp. As for carbs, veggies are the obvious options. Fruits can be hit or miss with some people when it comes to weight loss because of the high sugar, low sugar fruits are all types of berries. Experiment a little with fruit and see how you react. Melons and pineapples are highest in sugar. Things like sweet potatoes, rice, and bananas are good sources of starch. If you're gonna be swimming a lot, or anything else really, people like to add these starches on those days to keep their muscles filled with glycogen. You can also eat them post-work out for a good pick-me-up. You may even want to try eating some fruit a little before working out to give you sustained energy if you feel you need it. Again, you're gonna need to experiment a little and see how your body feels. I like to eat a little coconut before doing something active, I get a nice little boost from the ketones.

As for cooking, you'll want to avoid industrial vegetable/seed oils. Things like soybean, corn, peanut, sunflower, canola oil ect. For cooking on high heats coconut oil is great, or low heat, butter. Then there's lard, ghee, avocado oil for everything in between. Olive Oil is also OK but only on low heat. This is more about your health then weight loss, the seed oils wreak havoc on your body and should be avoided as much as possible.

Cashews are good. I actually just got some today, they're actually too good, they're the only nut that I find really addictive. Carrot sticks too, also good.

Cheers for the advice. I'll start experimenting and see how I get on :)
I was dreading weighing today as I was quite naughty over the bank holiday weekend. So I was delighted to see I'd still managed to lose a pound this week!
Youve been working out for 4 days?
Mostly 30 minutes on the elliptical and something else combined with it. Not a traditional split.

yeah..after 4 days I doubt there's any muscle gain.
Oh, now I see what you two are getting at. Nah, I've been working out for the past 30 days; it's just that in the past week I've worked out four days in a row so I'm feeling high on it right now.


You didn't check the scale for 10 entire months? You are truly one patient dude. I'd probably go nuts if I didn't check at least every 2 weeks. But huge congrats on the results, keep it up man you're truly a inspiration. I'm only going on 3 weeks now, I can only hope to keep going as long as you have already.
Hah, wasn't that big of a deal. I used to be a big time athlete so I knew how sketchy judging progress by just weight is. When I was 17, I was 220ish, but also only had 8% body fat. My body fat percentage now is 17%, despite being 15 lbs lighter.

Also, today I hit 199. Wearing 34" jeans for the first time since I was 16, am 29 now. I'm a single centurion!
Mostly 30 minutes on the elliptical and something else combined with it. Not a traditional split.

Oh, now I see what you two are getting at. Nah, I've been working out for the past 30 days; it's just that in the past week I've worked out four days in a row so I'm feeling high on it right now.

Cool beans. It took me about 2 months before I noticed clothes fitting differently. I'm finally at a point where I am wearing clothes and they aren't wearing me. Now all I have to worry bout is finding shirts that are long enough and fit wide enough across the shoulders. Having a long torso is sucky. I wish I were 5'8.
So, I got to looking at this thread over on BB, and I think it's convinced me to give intermittent fasting a try. I think for the month of September I'll give it a go, in conjunction with my workouts.

It doesn't seem like it'll be too hard to implement, as I already have a big appetite for dinner. The toughest parts will be making it through my 8-hour work shifts without lunch (breakfast is a crucial meal for me), but I suppose downing a ton of water will fix that.

Think I'm going to begin tomorrow.


Shouldn't you be... you know, eating your breakfast at work or something? I thought the idea was to have a 12-16 hour fast between dinner and your next meal.


Shouldn't you be... you know, eating your breakfast at work or something? I thought the idea was to have a 12-16 hour fast between dinner and your next meal.
It depends on what type of IF you're doing:

- 16 hour fast (most of which occurs while you're asleep)/8 hour eating window.
- Traditionally, you do weight lifting and carb cycling. On training days you have high carbs/low fats, and on rest days you have low carbs/high fats. You almost always operate on a calorie deficit on rest days and a calorie surplus on training days, the exact amount of each varying depending on your goals.

Another popular IF method is Eat Stop Eat, which is simply not eating for two days of the week to achieve a deficit for the week. It's been a while since I've read the book so I can't remember how much macros come into play.

Also, I'm curious why you think breakfast is such a crucial meal for you, Etrian Oddity.
It depends on what type of IF you're doing:

- 16 hour fast (most of which occurs while you're asleep)/8 hour eating window.
- Traditionally, you do weight lifting and carb cycling. On training days you have high carbs/low fats, and on rest days you have low carbs/high fats. You almost always operate on a calorie deficit on rest days and a calorie surplus on training days, the exact amount of each varying depending on your goals.

Another popular IF method is Eat Stop Eat, which is simply not eating for two days of the week to achieve a deficit for the week. It's been a while since I've read the book so I can't remember how much macros come into play.

Also, I'm curious why you think breakfast is such a crucial meal for you, Etrian Oddity.
After trying it for today, this actually doesn't seem like it'll be tough at all. I actually missed breakfast because I woke up late and barely made it to work on time (lol). After calculating, my 8-hour window seems extremely manageable if I make it from like, 10a-6p or 11a-7p.

I'm gonna have to get used to the cycling, though. I'm using LeanGains' method, so I'll have to rebuild my grocery lists to have carb-light and carb-heavy days.

I am excited though. I hit a plateau in my previous training regimens, so I'm eager to see what a month of this can accomplish.


Hey GAF, I need some ideas for low carb low sugar (preferably no sugar no carb but I don't mind a small bit of sugar (like 10% daily recommended) or carbs) treats that I don't need to keep in the fridge or freezer, and I can just grab from the pantry.

Only thing I really have is Almonds, and while they are filled with a lot of good fat, I can't eat too many otherwise the fat becomes too much. Everything else is veggies, some fruit and yogurt (plain no sugar kind) for snacks in my fridge/freezer and they are pretty packed with those + entrees.


Looking for a way to keep myself out of starvation mode. I'm sure I've put myself into starvation on a daily basis now. I try to keep my caloric intake ~1200 a day, but walking at my job (security a major hospital) has me burning 600-700 calories a day, and that's before any cardio I do when I get home, which is either more walking or elliptical. I'm not really liking the "eat up burned calories" and whatnot, but I guess I don't have a choice. What's a good way of doing that?

Also, I don't know if anyone remembers me from back in April, but I had the Gastric Lapband surgery. Since June last year, I've lost around 85 pounds, witch 35 pounds of that since the surgery at the end of April.
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