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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


It's not sometimes, it's all the time. I'm just not gonna even try anymore.

Well, this definitely isnt ideal, but if you feel like you cant change your diet, no matter what you do, now, perhaps give it a shot when you are on your own? That way you can control what you buy, what is in your house, and what you put in your mouth a lot more effectively

I know most people have a lot greater will power when it comes to not buying food. Before I changed my diet, if there was junk food in the house I would eat it. Now? I simply dont buy shit food so i dont eat it.
The hardest steps in the path to weight loss are the first ones, Eggman. Do what you want to do for now, but you must realize that if you want to better your body, you will have to suck it up for those first miserable days.


Full werewolf off the buckle
The NeoGAF MyFitnessPal group is looking for more members!


This firmly set me straight after I stumbled upon it yesterday again. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.
*And this guy is now losing weight as well (Over 200 lbs lost from 650 to 450)

Oh god, that pizza roll video made me feel guilty for ever eating anything at all :-(

Nice to see he's making progress though. For his sake, I sincerely hope he keeps it up.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe if I keep eating that pizza roll video everyday, I'll maintain my diet.

EDIT: watching
New day.. New chart. Got about 200 more calories in today.


1 Scrambled Egg w/ 1/8 cup of Shredded Cheddar Cheese on top
2 slices of Turkey Bacon
1 8oz glass of Skim Milk

1 Greek Yogurt Non-Fat Blueberry

6oz Sirloin Steak from Chilis
Side of Steam Broccoli (only finished half)
Side of Black Beans (only finished half)

Roasted Salted Almonds

9 pieces of Grilled Shrimp (Not sure why it says 6 but it has the same nutritional info as the package as 9)
1/2 Cup of Whole Grain Brown Rice

Post P90X
8oz Skim Milk with Whey Protein Shake
2oz's of Apple Slices

Had about 7 or 8 cups of water.

Felt full most of the day.



Start eating fat. Seriously. After cutting/limiting carbs, that is where your energy should be coming from. Fat is good. Saturated fat is good (trans fat is bad though)

Full fat cheese
Full fat Milk
Full fat Greek yogurt

I think its also not good to roast almonds (remember reading that somewhere, i think - possibly). I'd just go plain. Still tastes great


I only ate like 1400 calories today... 60g of carbs... I'm trying to eat like 1800... I had oatmeal, cheese, eggs, turkey, chicken, a ton of veggies (which means nothing for calories and little for carbs), almonds... what the fuck. How do I do a clean low carb diet and keep up with high calories?


343i Lead Esports Producer
I only ate like 1400 calories today... 60g of carbs... I'm trying to eat like 1800... I had oatmeal, cheese, eggs, turkey, chicken, a ton of veggies (which means nothing for calories and little for carbs), almonds... what the fuck. How do I do a clean low carb diet and keep up with high calories?

More fats!


I only ate like 1400 calories today... 60g of carbs... I'm trying to eat like 1800... I had oatmeal, cheese, eggs, turkey, chicken, a ton of veggies (which means nothing for calories and little for carbs), almonds... what the fuck. How do I do a clean low carb diet and keep up with high calories?

Coconut oil. I don't do low carb but it helps me get to 2900 calories some days.


well, coconut oil solidifies at cooler temperatures so that's not ideal from dressing, only during the summer I guess. For dressing, extra virgin olive oil is good, I just picked up some avocado oil recently and I LOVE it. or you could just add whole avocados too.

Add butter to your veggies too. Add nuts into stir fries. Just find ways to add some more fat, it shouldn't be hard to get the extra calories.
Start eating fat. Seriously. After cutting/limiting carbs, that is where your energy should be coming from. Fat is good. Saturated fat is good (trans fat is bad though)

Full fat cheese
Full fat Milk
Full fat Greek yogurt

I think its also not good to roast almonds (remember reading that somewhere, i think - possibly). I'd just go plain. Still tastes great

That is confusing..

Because articles like this..


Fats. 9 calories per gram. Fats are not evil, either. Eating dietary fat does not mean that body fat will instantly appear on your gut or ass; your body doesn't work that way. Fats perform a variety of necessary functions. The problem is that people over-consume saturated fats and trans fats, which raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol and lower HDL ("good") cholesterol, and under-consume healthy fats like monounsaturated fats (found in high concentrations in olive oil and canola oil) and Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, flax seed oil and other sources). Fats also have more calories ounce-for-ounce than carbohydrates and proteins, making very high fat foods very calorie-dense, which is where the bad reputation often stems from.

So... is Saturated fat suddenly good for you?


That is confusing..

Because articles like this..


Fats. 9 calories per gram. Fats are not evil, either. Eating dietary fat does not mean that body fat will instantly appear on your gut or ass; your body doesn't work that way. Fats perform a variety of necessary functions. The problem is that people over-consume saturated fats and trans fats, which raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol and lower HDL ("good") cholesterol, and under-consume healthy fats like monounsaturated fats (found in high concentrations in olive oil and canola oil) and Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, flax seed oil and other sources). Fats also have more calories ounce-for-ounce than carbohydrates and proteins, making very high fat foods very calorie-dense, which is where the bad reputation often stems from.

So... is Saturated fat suddenly good for you?

It was always good for you. Stupid people got it in their head that it was bad for you and it somehow became common knowledge. What will increase your chance of a heart attack is sugar and carbs, not saturated fat (well, it might slightly, but carbs, and defintiely sugar, is worse)


Saturated fat is great for you. It's good for energy, satiety, your hormones (like testosterone) and plenty of other things. It doesn't clog your arteries or cause heart disease, that's nonsense based off nothing.

What you want to watch for is rancid Polyunsaturated fats found in veggie/seed oils..corn, canola, soybean, sunflower oil, ect. Avoid these and artificial trans fats.


relies on auto-aim
That is confusing..

Because articles like this..


Fats. 9 calories per gram. Fats are not evil, either. Eating dietary fat does not mean that body fat will instantly appear on your gut or ass; your body doesn't work that way. Fats perform a variety of necessary functions. The problem is that people over-consume saturated fats and trans fats, which raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol and lower HDL ("good") cholesterol, and under-consume healthy fats like monounsaturated fats (found in high concentrations in olive oil and canola oil) and Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, flax seed oil and other sources). Fats also have more calories ounce-for-ounce than carbohydrates and proteins, making very high fat foods very calorie-dense, which is where the bad reputation often stems from.

So... is Saturated fat suddenly good for you?
*edited since I mistyped and am confusing Turtle
I'm so confused... you guys are literally saying the complete opposite of what like 90% of the internet says.

I thought Fish Oil was good for you... and that is polyunsaturated fat. Hell 95% of the Fitness GAF thread takes that...

Most of the saturated fat people were getting was from heavy oils, commonly used in the cooking and prep of: Fried cakes, French Fries, Fried chicken, baked goods, frosted treats, etc. Not surprising.

You can get the same fats from olive oil, fish, coconut, etc.

How much better do you think KFC is for you that their chicken is cooked in 0g of transfat oil?

The Olive Oil, Fish, Coconut oil you are listing are Polyunsaturated fats... which I'm reading are good for you

Yet dralla is saying the opposite yet you two are somehow agreeing??? I'm confused as hell :p


I'm so confused... you guys are literally saying the complete opposite of what like 90% of the internet says.

I thought Fish Oil was good for you... and that is polyunsaturated fat. Hell 95% of the Fitness GAF thread takes that...

Fish oil is good for you. You need to be taking that. He said poly fats from veggies/grain, not fish fat (olive and coconuts are also not veggies or grain)


Fish oil is from fish, it's almost pure omega-3 (DHA and EPA). It's basically the complete opposite of the fats found in veggie/seed oils. Think about it, where does the oil come from in corn oil?

Coconut Oil = saturated fat. It's also a special case, the fat from coconuts are MCTs, medium chain triglycerides, which are great for you for too many reasons to list. But just know your body can't actually store MCTs in the fat tissue, it immediately gets converted to ketones and used for fuel, it's why if you eat a spoon full of coconut oil you'll get a nice boost of energy.

Olive oil and avocado oil are monounsaturated fats.

Butter/Lard/Ghee = saturated.

Fish Oil and Fatty Fish = Polyunsaturated, Omega-3's

Polyunsaturated fats are not bad for you per se, it depends where they came from. Eating a handful of walnuts is not the same as sucking down the rancid Omega-6 in soybean oil.

I'm really tired, I'd get more into detail if I wasn't!

check this out


Fish oil is from fish, it's almost pure omega-3 (DHA and EPA). It's basically the complete opposite of the fats found in veggie/seed oils. Think about it, where does the oil come from in corn oil?

This. Fish oil is rich in omega 3. Veggie/seed is rich in omega 6. You get a crap ton of omega 6 throughout the day, but very little omega 3. However, you need to get an equalish amount of omega 6 and omega 3 to keep a proper ratio. Thus, fish oil is good for you (basically)
Ohhh I now get it. Omega 3 = Good ... Omega 6 = Good but in small small consumption but the Western Population already OD's on it normally so it's best to just skip on those.

Thanks for that clarification. Holy shit this nutrition crap is confusing :(
Hm, it's late and I'm typing this on a whim, so I can't be too detailed, but...

I've always had trouble with low carb diets (I've tried a few times, in the sub-50g and around 100g a day ranges). I'd always feel tired and lethargic and increasing my fat intake would only make me feel crummy without making that tired feeling go away.

On average it was better than the sugar crashes and stuff I'd get with a higher carb diet, but it'd still be problematic, and now I basically eat whatever (though always high amounts of protein) because my job keeps me so active that I need a lot of calories.

Honestly, I feel like anything I eat makes me feel crummy. And when I don't eat I feel crummy. It's just a different sort of crummy depending on what I've recently eaten or if I haven't eaten.

Also, I love reading all the success stories in here. They can be so inspiring.
Hm, it's late and I'm typing this on a whim, so I can't be too detailed, but...

I've always had trouble with low carb diets (I've tried a few times, in the sub-50g and around 100g a day ranges). I'd always feel tired and lethargic and increasing my fat intake would only make me feel crummy without making that tired feeling go away.

On average it was better than the sugar crashes and stuff I'd get with a higher carb diet, but it'd still be problematic, and now I basically eat whatever (though always high amounts of protein) because my job keeps me so active that I need a lot of calories.

Honestly, I feel like anything I eat makes me feel crummy. And when I don't eat I feel crummy. It's just a different sort of crummy depending on what I've recently eaten or if I haven't eaten.

Also, I love reading all the success stories in here. They can be so inspiring.

I eat a lot of bacon and melon. Its super cheap, fatty, delicious and has been a big part of my weight loss. Just gotta find the foods you love which can fit your plan and it's not going to feel like a diet.
I eat a lot of bacon and melon. Its super cheap, fatty, delicious and has been a big part of my weight loss. Just gotta find the foods you love which can fit your plan and it's not going to feel like a diet.

Oh, I would eat loads of bacon! And all sorts of other foods I love to eat. It's just that afterwards, I'd feel all slow and lethargic. It's like I was getting full but not getting any energy.

Whereas when I go high carb, I'd feel great for five minutes then get those lovely carb crashes, and want to go to sleep.

Though I wouldn't actually have no energy. I can work for hours in a warehouse no problem. It's just that I'll feel tired, and sometimes I'll have trouble concentrating. I can force my body to do the work. It's just screaming the whole time saying it doesn't want to.

It effects my running, too. Sometimes it's like everything aligns perfectly, and I can run for 45 minutes with little issue. Other times my body will want to collapse after 20 minutes. I have yet to figure out the diet and/or timing that leads to the really good running sessions.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm so confused... you guys are literally saying the complete opposite of what like 90% of the internet says.

And now your journey has begun.

It's going to blow your mind when you find out how much bullshit you've been fed since you were born, probably, if you're younger than 40 or so.

I really recommend you go back and read through this thread. You'll see many people like myself becoming enlightened as they go. I highly recommend posts from a few years ago by teh_pwn and many others, too.

Also, get a copy of "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes, and "The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson while you're at it.
Hey guys...

Anything wrong with Cliff Bars or LÄRABAR bars for a mid afternoon snack? Notice they pack a decent amount of Sugar but are high in protein. They have some carbs as well. My office stocks them for free for employees and was looking at an alternative for my standard almond munching.


Hey guys...

Anything wrong with Cliff Bars or LÄRABAR bars for a mid afternoon snack? Notice they pack a decent amount of Sugar but are high in protein. They have some carbs as well. My office stocks them for free for employees and was looking at an alternative for my standard almond munching.

I don't see anything wrong with them, as long as they fit your macros/diet.


Hey guys...

Anything wrong with Cliff Bars or LÄRABAR bars for a mid afternoon snack? Notice they pack a decent amount of Sugar but are high in protein. They have some carbs as well. My office stocks them for free for employees and was looking at an alternative for my standard almond munching.

I enjoy Clif bars, but with the amount of sugar in them I try and only eat them when I know I'm going to be fairly active afterwards. I switched to Kind bars for my afternoon snack. Very tasty, and not as heavy as a Clif bar.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'd argue that there's something wrong with your plan for normal meals if you find yourself snacking on a daily basis.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I'd argue that there's something wrong with your plan for normal meals if you find yourself snacking on a daily basis.

The "need" to frequently be eating is something that afflicts a lot of folks, regardless of food content or quality. I know because I'm still suffering from this a bit myself.

Stems from the fact that when we were fat (or are fat), we might eat because we're just not doing anything else. Eating becomes an activity you turn to when you're bored.

If you know you're this kind of person, it may make sense to portion out some snacks and eat smaller proper meals throughout the day so you're still hitting your calorie goals and satisfying your need to be eating continuously.


In my case, I never have enough time for a real lunch so I have two to three small snacks that get me from breakfast to dinner. Usually foods that I keep in my bag and can eat quickly with little mess.


I'm a skinny guy with high-ish body fat for some dumb reason. I've been trying intermittent "fasting" with some fruit during my "fasting" periods (because my stomach is stupid and gets really upset and acidic when I fast) for a couple of weeks and I'm seeing results real quick. Not sure if it's good enough for overweight people trying to lose weight, but I'm most definitely losing fat rather quickly, and also very effortlessly. I just bought a new pair of jeans and I'm size 30* again, just awesome! I won't stop until I get 12% body fat or even a bit lower if I feel like it.

It's been very easy to follow since I have never really struggled with portion control, eating 300-350 calories worth of apples and/or berries for most of the day is incredibly easy (and cheap). Not only that, as someone who adores carbs I have been eating pizza, muffins and similar equally awful food items when I go out with my friends and it doesn't matter one bit as long as I don't eat more than what I would eat normally. Man, seeing results is good! I want to get real lean because I want to start lifting next year.

*In Mexico, I'm not sure how it works in other places.
I'd argue that there's something wrong with your plan for normal meals if you find yourself snacking on a daily basis.

This makes me not want to continue to post on GAF regarding my weight loss stuff.. Comments like this. Not super motivational and not to mention everyone recommends taking smaller more manageable meals during Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner and then taking small snacks in between each to help keep your metabolism going.

Just because I'm 'snacking' by eating a handful of almonds as a snack or eating a protein bar in between meals doesn't mean I'm eating a fricken bag of Lays for a snack.

I use to skip meals and never eat snacks... But that isn't exactly super healthy either.

EDIT: Sorry I'm just being bitter.. I've had like 5 run in's with this thread where everyone just comes in and doesn't say "nice job" or anything and it's been more "You are doing it totally wrong" :\


This makes me not want to continue to post on GAF regarding my weight loss stuff.. Comments like this. Not super motivational and not to mention everyone recommends taking smaller more manageable meals during Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner and then taking small snacks in between each to help keep your metabolism going.

Just because I'm 'snacking' by eating a handful of almonds as a snack or eating a protein bar in between meals doesn't mean I'm eating a fricken bag of Lays for a snack.

I use to skip meals and never eat snacks... But that isn't exactly super healthy either.

EDIT: Sorry I'm just being bitter.. I've had like 5 run in's with this thread where everyone just comes in and doesn't say "nice job" or anything and it's been more "You are doing it totally wrong" :\

Nothing wrong with that as long as you get all your calories in a couple big meals. Intermittent Fasting is great, I haven't had "breakfast" in months.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This makes me not want to continue to post on GAF regarding my weight loss stuff.. Comments like this. Not super motivational and not to mention everyone recommends taking smaller more manageable meals during Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner and then taking small snacks in between each to help keep your metabolism going.

Just because I'm 'snacking' by eating a handful of almonds as a snack or eating a protein bar in between meals doesn't mean I'm eating a fricken bag of Lays for a snack.

I use to skip meals and never eat snacks... But that isn't exactly super healthy either.

EDIT: Sorry I'm just being bitter.. I've had like 5 run in's with this thread where everyone just comes in and doesn't say "nice job" or anything and it's been more "You are doing it totally wrong" :\

On this one, it's really just my opinion. Lots of people do the 'grazing' thing where they eat lots of small meals throughout the day and are plenty successful in losing weight and keeping it off.

I'm just of the mind that if you're getting hungry (to the point of distraction) between meals, you should be eating something more substantial for those meals.

Don't take anyone's word or opinion for gospel, though. Just keep researching and finding what works best for you.
Nothing wrong with that as long as you get all your calories in a couple big meals. Intermittent Fasting is great, I haven't had "breakfast" in months.

Yet my big meals were burger and cheese fries.. or linguini alfredo or *insert every fast food option in the world*


On this one, it's really just my opinion. Lots of people do the 'grazing' thing where they eat lots of small meals throughout the day and are plenty successful in losing weight and keeping it off.

I'm just of the mind that if you're getting hungry (to the point of distraction) between meals, you should be eating something more substantial for those meals.

Don't take anyone's word or opinion for gospel, though. Just keep researching and finding what works best for you.

Yeah - I am snacking because I'm starving ... It is more of just making sure I keep myself content so I never get to that point. Then again I only snack once just to ensure my metabolism keeps up.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah - I am snacking because I'm starving ... It is more of just making sure I keep myself content so I never get to that point. Then again I only snack once just to ensure my metabolism keeps up.

I've never seen any compelling evidence that this "eat frequently to keep metabolism up" is actually a thing that exists. I'd be interested in seeing more information/studies about it, though.

It's a lot easier if you embrace the feeling of hunger (as long as it doesn't hurt or distract you from your daily activities). For the last half-year or so I've found great success with a daily 14-16 hour fast from dinner until the first meal of the next day. Eating substantial meals with plenty of fat and protein keeps me satisfied until the next meal.


Yet my big meals were burger and cheese fries.. or linguini alfredo or *insert every fast food option in the world*

I could have a burger and fries today for dinner and I'd still be okay with my calorie goal, because I've eaten only 300 calories of apples during the day :)
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