Good for you. Do you have a plan thought out to lose the weight?
If not, the vast majority of people in here will recommend a primal/paleo diet because it simply the easiest, most effective, and most tasty diet you can do. There are a few ways you can go about it, but it basically all boils down to cutting grain, sugar, and processed foods (eat real food).
If you want to lose that weight quickly, you can go keto by limiting your carbs drastically, which would mean basically eating just meat and veggies. Personally, I can lose and maintain weight fine by eating a good amount of dairy and fruit as well, but everyone is different so you need to find out what agrees with you.
So yea, in this diet, fat is good, protein is good, and all them nutrients are good. Carbs and sugar, and chemical crap is bad
The great part about this diet is you limit food, you dont limit the amount of food you eat. You eat until you are full and you will lose weight simply because you get full faster and stay full longer when you eat fat and not carbs and sugar.