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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)



This is my progress so far (please excuse the crappy CP pics quality....). I started out at 300-308 pounds on the first picture, that was around 2 years ago. Second row of pics was last year around November-December, 2011 down to 230 pounds. Third and Fourth Row was just this last November and December, 2012 down around 218-220 pounds more or less. Progress has been really, really slow for the past year or so (partly due to finding new work abroad, less time to exercise, and so on)

I have been really finding it hard to break this 220 lbs plateau. I hope by next year I can be less than 200 lbs and ultimately reach my 180 lbs or less goal. I've been doing a lot of weight lifting, no cardio, and some carb control on my diet; I think this is where I need to focus on next :(


Full werewolf off the buckle
This is my progress so far (please excuse the crappy CP pics quality....). I started out at 300-308 pounds on the first picture, that was around 2 years ago. Second row of pics was last year around November-December, 2011 down to 230 pounds. Third and Fourth Row was just this last November and December, 2012 down around 218-220 pounds more or less. Progress has been really, really slow for the past year or so (partly due to finding new work abroad, less time to exercise, and so on)

I have been really finding it hard to break this 220 lbs plateau. I hope by next year I can be less than 200 lbs and ultimately reach my 180 lbs or less goal. I've been doing a lot of weight lifting, no cardio, and some carb control on my diet; I think this is where I need to focus on next :(

The past few months I've been going through the 230's-220's and it's been an awful slog, man, so I'm feeling ya'. I'm at 222,7 now so I'm hoping I'll be in the teens by 2013.

Best of luck everyone!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Guys I got a problem. I just had my blood work done and my numbers were great except my cholesterol was double the normal levels. What should I be doing?

Maybe find credible studies that actually demonstrate high cholesterol levels being the cause of heart disease? Good luck on that one.
Lost 15 kg in 2 months eating at McDs and Burger King. Hell Yeah!

I still have about 25kg to go

lol....lets see how I do.

I have been home from school for winter break for 4 days now....and my diet has been pure shit. Today all I have eaten is a Wendy's Baconater and Oreo's. I am scared to step back on the scale. Soooo close to hitting 100 lbs lost by the end of the year but I don't think I will make it.

(will be posting before/after pics after Xmas!)

Then again. I lost 3/4 lbs over thanksgiving so maybe the change in routine will help.


Anyone here read Whole Health Source? His latest post about the potato diet and Mark's Daily Apple is pretty interesting: http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-potato-diet.html

Sounds interesting and makes some sense. I wouldnt do that since I like actually enjoy variety and food that tastes good, so primal diet is just fine with me

Guys I got a problem. I just had my blood work done and my numbers were great except my cholesterol was double the normal levels. What should I be doing?

Unless your Cholesterol levels are like 300+, nothing
I am curious.
Daily marathon? not sure if serious, but keep up your progress

No exercise, just doing Atkins phase 1/ keto. The burgers I ate were without the bun, of course. I weighted 110 kg in October, now I'm 95 kg. Yeah, I'm still obese, and stilhave to lose about 25kg to reach my goal weight (I'm 170 cm tall), but so far, so good!


No exercise, just doing Atkins phase 1/ keto. The burgers I ate were without the bun, of course. I weighted 110 kg in October, now I'm 95 kg. Yeah, I'm still obese, and stilhave to lose about 25kg to reach my goal weight (I'm 170 cm tall), but so far, so good!

ah i see. the bun info tidbit does clear things up. forgot about that option.


Incredibly Naive
But thats not your cholesterol level. The AMA says a 301 mg/dl puts you at some risk. I honestly wouldnt worry about it. Though if you arent taking fish oil pills, I would highly recommend taking those

Meh I've read a lot about the pills not being nearly as good as the liquid.


I caved and ordered some of those Quest peanut butter cups as well as the banana nut protein bars since I knew maintaining my protein while visiting my mom would be hard. They are both super good! The peanut butter cups are a bit higher in carbs than I'd like but as a candy replacement they are great. Also, Quest was nice enough to toss in a free protein bar with my order for being a loyal customer. Can't wait to see what they come up with next. :)

Chris R

oh god, so much christmas carbs and calories hehe. hope everyone had great holidays.

I was very good :) No candy, only had a small dinner with the family (prime rib, veggies and a salad), but I probably blew that good work today with nuts that were much tastier than I thought (and pretty damn carby!) Stupid pistachios.


343i Lead Esports Producer
oh god, so much christmas carbs and calories hehe. hope everyone had great holidays.

Oh god me too. I was visiting family for a like 5 days or so and I just said fuck it and ate like a mad man. Gonna hop back on the diet tomorrow though. Although I'll probably be drinking for New Years. No biggy though.


Time to create a maximal healthy ice cream sort. Nobody is forcing get you to use it every single day also.

@Jean: Losing weight doesn't turn those burgers into healthy nutrition though.
Okay. I'm finally going to finish this...while I've come a long way (original weight was around 305lbs), the last bit of this ride is going to suck, but got plenty of inspiration (women in your life can do that, eh?)

60 Day Plan: 26lbs dropped

Start: 206lbs
Goal: 180lbs

Start Pic:


Let's get this shit done!
No pictures yet... (I've actually given pictures of my first run here), but unfortunately due to terrible eating habits as well as laziness, I regained a good 50 lbs of the 70 lbs that I once lost two years ago. When I slimmed down, my confidence was at an all time high and I made many friends in college. So, I got too comfortable and ballooned back to a huge size.

But, I did start eating right and jogging regularly and managed to lose 30 lbs in about a half a year, going from 255 lbs to currently 225 lbs. I've got a special lady in my life now, and she is my number one motivation to get slimmer and I hope to keep at this for my whole life, really. Jogging is fun!
As of right now my holiday hiatus from dieting is over and I am back on the wagon.

I always thought people were blowing smoke about this, but after 2 weeks of eating like shit I feel like I have been hit by a bus. I am tired ALL the time, I have no energy.....just general suckyness. Looking forward to putting that behind me.


2012 was great. Lost 120lbs with a ketogenic diet.

Now for 2013 I'm going to start working out. I joined a gym.

I have some experiance with weight training, but I want to start fresh, forget everything I know about working out (hey I did it with diet, doing keto) and I'm really hearing good things about starting strength. I think I'm gonna pick up that book this weekend and give it a read.

Is the starting strength program something I want to be messing with while on keto? How does keto and weight training go together? I need some essential reading regarding this (if anyone can link some articles that would be awesome)

What are some experiences you guys have had, weight lifting while on keto....any tips and advice would be awesome...thanks.
Absolutely fantastic progress from all of you.

Sadly I cannot match your pictures... it seems like drastic transformation is impossible with me, the weight only trickles away in appearance and in weight.

The gym is closed, but I look forward to weighing myself when school is back in session. It will be interesting to see how close I got to my goal.



I have had a fun, but disastrous couple of days. Got an Ice Cream Maker for xmas......what kind of unholy sabotage?

Blend cottage cheese, greek youghurt, some natural sweetener (stevia is best) a bit of lemmon juice and maybe some protein and put it into Ice Cream Maker...tastes incredible, is a protein bomb and has few calories. Ice Cream Maker is a godsend because of this everytime you get craving for something sweet.


Ok so I don't know what's happening.

I was good up until the last week in October. I hit a lazy point in my life and didn't go to the gym for a month. I also became relaxed in what I ate for dinner, but breakfast and lunch stayed high protein, lower carb.

Since Thanksgiving I've been consistent with the gym, and I've been very consistent with what I eat but my weight continues to go up. And no, it's not just the scale, my belt is on the second loop instead of the third. At the end of October I was around 185. Around November when I started again I was 190. And now? 198. I don't know what is going on. I did start creatine 2 weeks ago but could bloat be that bad? Like I said, it's not like all my clothes are super loose on me, if anything, they're getting tighter.


I've found that happens to me as well after a layoff and returning to the gym. I'm not sure if I just eat more or my body adjusts to everything or what.

Creatine will make you retain water but I dont know about how much it effects your waistline.

Track your food for a day or two, see if that helps you notice anything.


I've found that happens to me as well after a layoff and returning to the gym. I'm not sure if I just eat more or my body adjusts to everything or what.

Creatine will make you retain water but I dont know about how much it effects your waistline.

Track your food for a day or two, see if that helps you notice anything.

That's the thing too. I track everything. I mean, I won't let it stop what I'm doing, it just sucks

Maybe I'll post a screen cap of my fitness pal for the next week or so and you guys can see if there are any holes.


I've decided I'm going to try Ketogenic. I don't know why I've come to this decision, but it seems like a reliable pathway to a low calorie diet. (It's much harder to consume excess calories if you completely cut out carbs).

Has anyone got any good resources, guides, etc?


Full werewolf off the buckle
I hear you guys. I've been bouncing between 225-220 all month and it's very damned frustrating. If things don't pick up by the end of January I'm going to try fasting again a few days a week.

This right here is some ol' bullshit.


I've decided I'm going to try Ketogenic. I don't know why I've come to this decision, but it seems like a reliable pathway to a low calorie diet. (It's much harder to consume excess calories if you completely cut out carbs).

Has anyone got any good resources, guides, etc?

As a short term diet?

This is longer term I think

And he has ultimate diet 2.0 and PSMF (Protein Sparing Modified Fast)

If you're looking for low carb I am trying the Paleo diet. I'm trying to make time to get an OT together, but mean time you can look here:





So, I have been big pretty much my whole life. The past few years has really taken a toll on my body. I transitioned from a retail job where I was on my feet for 6-8 hours each shift, walking around, helping customers, pushing in carts, to an office job. Even though the retail work wasn't a lot of exercise, it was still a hell of a lot more movement than I get sitting on my ass 8 hours a day in the office. I was maintaining around ~300 lbs back then. I have ballooned up to just above 400.

I really hate my work sometimes, but it is a paycheck. I work in a small office where there is constant backstabbing and general bullshit. People depend on me to get things done while my coworker in the same department is allowed to live life easy and gets a free pass. Needless to say, my work stresses me the hell out. I know it isn't an excuse, but it I am so mentally drained by the time I get home all I want to do is relax on the couch. I have been trying to find someplace else to work, but my pickings are slim to none. I wouldn't mind going back to retail or a job working with the public, but the pay is so low that I couldn't afford to go back. Blaming my health on work probably isn't fair, there are millions of people out there who work in an office and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am sure there is something deep down in me that is causing me to be unhappy with parts of my life. A lot of my clothing I can't even wear anymore, so I end up cycling through a handful of shirts and pants getting by because fat people clothes are expensive as all get out. It is too easy to stay in a daily routine where life passes me by, and I don't realize the damage I am doing to my own body.

It was a rough realization when I looked at myself in the mirror and saw what I have done to myself. I got married about 6 months ago, and I hate looking at myself in those pictures. It is supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life. I enjoyed the wedding, but how can it be a happy memory if I can't even look at myself? I broke down about a month ago and for the first time in a long, long time, I cried. I envisioned myself to be one of those people who needs help getting my socks on, getting dressed, have trouble moving around, etc. I don't have difficulty dressing myself right now, but I can easily see it get to that point if I don't change my diet and my sedentary lifestyle. I really never thought I would get to a point like this in my life, but here I am.

Before my marriage, I tried a low carb diet, it worked well and I lost ~15 pounds. I fell off of the diet after a good two months, and I am back to square one. I tend to have bad days and just say fuck it, and get pizza or some other unhealthy food to make me feel better. I will probably try to go back to that and try hard to stay on it.

I'll try to keep you guys posted with my progress, even if I end up just talking to myself.
So, I have been big pretty much my whole life. The past few years has really taken a toll on my body. I transitioned from a retail job where I was on my feet for 6-8 hours each shift, walking around, helping customers, pushing in carts, to an office job. Even though the retail work wasn't a lot of exercise, it was still a hell of a lot more movement than I get sitting on my ass 8 hours a day in the office. I was maintaining around ~300 lbs back then. I have ballooned up to just above 400.

I really hate my work sometimes, but it is a paycheck. I work in a small office where there is constant backstabbing and general bullshit. People depend on me to get things done while my coworker in the same department is allowed to live life easy and gets a free pass. Needless to say, my work stresses me the hell out. I know it isn't an excuse, but it I am so mentally drained by the time I get home all I want to do is relax on the couch. I have been trying to find someplace else to work, but my pickings are slim to none. I wouldn't mind going back to retail or a job working with the public, but the pay is so low that I couldn't afford to go back. Blaming my health on work probably isn't fair, there are millions of people out there who work in an office and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am sure there is something deep down in me that is causing me to be unhappy with parts of my life. A lot of my clothing I can't even wear anymore, so I end up cycling through a handful of shirts and pants getting by because fat people clothes are expensive as all get out. It is too easy to stay in a daily routine where life passes me by, and I don't realize the damage I am doing to my own body.

It was a rough realization when I looked at myself in the mirror and saw what I have done to myself. I got married about 6 months ago, and I hate looking at myself in those pictures. It is supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life. I enjoyed the wedding, but how can it be a happy memory if I can't even look at myself? I broke down about a month ago and for the first time in a long, long time, I cried. I envisioned myself to be one of those people who needs help getting my socks on, getting dressed, have trouble moving around, etc. I don't have difficulty dressing myself right now, but I can easily see it get to that point if I don't change my diet and my sedentary lifestyle. I really never thought I would get to a point like this in my life, but here I am.

Before my marriage, I tried a low carb diet, it worked well and I lost ~15 pounds. I fell off of the diet after a good two months, and I am back to square one. I tend to have bad days and just say fuck it, and get pizza or some other unhealthy food to make me feel better. I will probably try to go back to that and try hard to stay on it.

I'll try to keep you guys posted with my progress, even if I end up just talking to myself.

You won't be talking to yourself at all mate. I've lost weight in my life and I still check up on this thread and read you guys' stories. It's inspiring stuff!

Good luck.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, I got a slow cooker for Xmas and am now looking for healthy recipes for dinner throughout the week that I can turn on before work. I am also looking to tweak my eating during the week. Here's what I am thinking.

2 hard boiled eggs and 2 pieces of bacon.

String Cheese

Salad with spinach, mushrooms, onions, peppers, cheese, dressing, lunch meat.

String Cheese

Usually chicken and veggies.

Ideas? Thoughts? Not enough calories?


Before my marriage, I tried a low carb diet, it worked well and I lost ~15 pounds. I fell off of the diet after a good two months, and I am back to square one. I tend to have bad days and just say fuck it, and get pizza or some other unhealthy food to make me feel better. I will probably try to go back to that and try hard to stay on it.

I'll try to keep you guys posted with my progress, even if I end up just talking to myself.

Do you know why you fell off the diet? Was it that you found it difficult to eat how you feel you should or something specific happened and you fell off? Good to hear you're going to try again. I think it will help your stress level too if you try and get a bit of exercise and eat a bit better.

Bad days happen. It's a matter of getting back on track when they do. Good luck!


Ah crap. I was under the impression that Bananas were high fat, not high carbs and ate one yesterday and today.

Ketogenic diet, off to a good start!

One year has almost passed....

repost from the new look xyz thread...
went out trying on contact lenses. weird feel.
and the old me. not taken this year, but the weight was there starting 01.01.2012

Looking good!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Fuck the holidays and it's toxic food culture (in USA at least). Glad it's over.

I'm nearly 1/4 the way through losing 10 lbs.

My strategy is:
1. Absurdly low food reward. Skim milk, plain nuts (and not peanuts), plain chicken, plain lean steak, plain rice, plain potatoes, plain mixed veggies. Never together, typically 4 of those items per day. I'm probably eating 1000 calories per day now and I'm not even the slightest hungry. Oh, and electrolytes (for real) because otherwise I'll dehydrate.
2. Half intensity P90X2. I've completed it nearly twice, but I'm not going to lose muscle and reach a faux weight loss goal.
3. 1 hour cardio per day, light intensity.

The hunger adjustment doesn't happen immediately. Takes about 3 days. Living alone helps perfect this.

Adjusting for initial water loss, I seem to be losing about 0.5-0.75 lbs per day.



Have you talked to your wife about it? Get her on board, it will make things a lot easier if you have someone to support you. You should sit down and come up with a solid plan, if you're going to try low-carb, do some research and find good options for you, make a shopping list, come up with meal ideas, get rid of things in your house that'll make you fall off the wagon again, things like that. Figure out why you fell off the first time and do everything you can to make sure it doesn't happen again. Find some sort of motivation, I know that's easier said than done, but think of your wedding pictures and how they make you feel. Maybe kids down the road, don't you want to be able to healthy and able to play with them. You should enjoy eating, that will also make it easier.

Ah crap. I was under the impression that Bananas were high fat, not high carbs and ate one yesterday and today.

Ketogenic diet, off to a good start!

Looking good!
If you're going for a straight keto diet, it's very simple [but very restricting]. Meat, Eggs, non-starchy veggies, nuts/seeds in small amounts, cheese if you do dairy, that's it. Add fats like butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil to meals if you need more calories or just wanna make those veggies taste good. The fat in coconut is ketogenic, so coconut oil is great for ketosis. Shredded coconut makes a good breading substitute. And coconut flakes can be a good snack.


So, I have been big pretty much my whole life. The past few years has really taken a toll on my body. I transitioned from a retail job where I was on my feet for 6-8 hours each shift, walking around, helping customers, pushing in carts, to an office job. Even though the retail work wasn't a lot of exercise, it was still a hell of a lot more movement than I get sitting on my ass 8 hours a day in the office. I was maintaining around ~300 lbs back then. I have ballooned up to just above 400.

I really hate my work sometimes, but it is a paycheck. I work in a small office where there is constant backstabbing and general bullshit. People depend on me to get things done while my coworker in the same department is allowed to live life easy and gets a free pass. Needless to say, my work stresses me the hell out. I know it isn't an excuse, but it I am so mentally drained by the time I get home all I want to do is relax on the couch. I have been trying to find someplace else to work, but my pickings are slim to none. I wouldn't mind going back to retail or a job working with the public, but the pay is so low that I couldn't afford to go back. Blaming my health on work probably isn't fair, there are millions of people out there who work in an office and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am sure there is something deep down in me that is causing me to be unhappy with parts of my life. A lot of my clothing I can't even wear anymore, so I end up cycling through a handful of shirts and pants getting by because fat people clothes are expensive as all get out. It is too easy to stay in a daily routine where life passes me by, and I don't realize the damage I am doing to my own body.

It was a rough realization when I looked at myself in the mirror and saw what I have done to myself. I got married about 6 months ago, and I hate looking at myself in those pictures. It is supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life. I enjoyed the wedding, but how can it be a happy memory if I can't even look at myself? I broke down about a month ago and for the first time in a long, long time, I cried. I envisioned myself to be one of those people who needs help getting my socks on, getting dressed, have trouble moving around, etc. I don't have difficulty dressing myself right now, but I can easily see it get to that point if I don't change my diet and my sedentary lifestyle. I really never thought I would get to a point like this in my life, but here I am.

Before my marriage, I tried a low carb diet, it worked well and I lost ~15 pounds. I fell off of the diet after a good two months, and I am back to square one. I tend to have bad days and just say fuck it, and get pizza or some other unhealthy food to make me feel better. I will probably try to go back to that and try hard to stay on it.

I'll try to keep you guys posted with my progress, even if I end up just talking to myself.

Before you start this again you need to realize that having pizza or other bad food once every 2 weeks or so isnt going to kill you. If you have a weak moment and eat some bad food, well, just recognize its bad food and vow to do better next time. You dont fail by eating bad food occasionally. You fail by giving up and resorting back to eating bad food all the time

If you need some feel good food I would recommend super dark chocolate (85% cocoa). Its actually somewhat okay for you, so if you feel the cravings to eat some bad shit, just go out and buy a bar of that to chow down on.

Good luck!


first: u da** americans with your lbs system.. *shakes fists* these numbers sure sound hard at first, always have to recount in kilogramms..
Hang in there, try again. My start tipp besides a low carb diet : take a walk alone with some good music/audiobooks and walk fast for a set distance like 3-3.5 miles or time like 45min - 1 hour. I call it gentleman walking ^^.
Did it for the first 4 months after my stupid timework at a callcenter backoffice punching enter the whole day o.0 Tried to get the needed time for a set route down a minute every other day..

All the best for you.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Before you start this again you need to realize that having pizza or other bad food once every 2 weeks or so isnt going to kill you. If you have a weak moment and eat some bad food, well, just recognize its bad food and vow to do better next time. You dont fail by eating bad food occasionally. You fail by giving up and resorting back to eating bad food all the time

If you need some feel good food I would recommend super dark chocolate (85% cocoa). Its actually somewhat okay for you, so if you feel the cravings to eat some bad shit, just go out and buy a bar of that to chow down on.

Good luck!

What I did during my Keto diet was to actually plan to have cheat meals. I think it really helped. Mentally, I could have something to look forward to and it would help me get through the week. I took a cheat meal just about every Saturday. I gave myself 1 hour to basically eat everything and anything I can. Sometimes it was Pizza, sometimes it was turkey sandwiches. They almost always concluded in ice cream though(Hagen Daz tub, Caramel cone. ~1300 calories sooo gooood! lol). Physically, after being on the Keto diet for so long, I definitely felt it catching up to me. I was depleted during the week and had people around me saying that I was always out of it. Not quite as sharp as I usually am. The cheat meal was necessary for me to make it through the week. In terms of exercise I was playing tennis once or twice a week and shooting around on the basketball court like twice a week. I wasn't lifting.

Also, I find that when you have an occasion coming up where it would be very difficult for you to maintain your diet(My brother's wedding was this occasion for me) that you should just give yourself that whole day or weekend to just have fun. It just sucks trying to squeeze in the diet during those times. It's no fun and you end up just feeling guilty when you do give in.

It's a mental battle. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Also, you have to find what works best for you. When I was well over 300, I tried to just lift and run and not worry much about my diet. That shit is hard. I could lift fine but I wasn't running for shit. I would go to the track at night, do some either jogging or sprinting and just hate it. I also, for the life of me, can't control portions. I just can't do it. If there's food that I love I've got to have a whole lot of it. And I don't even mean like having 5 slices of pizza in one sitting. I mean having like 2 massive turkey sandwiches back to back. Or a ton of rice and a ton of grilled chicken and then going back for 2nds and 3rds. Not unhealthy foods but just eating too much of it.

I guess I have a very addictive personality. I've found that what works best for me is to have very strict rules. With Keto ,it was no carbs. All I ate was meat, nuts/seeds and whatever veggies I like. That's cut and dry to me, black and white. Now that I've finished my bulking phase and have been lifting, I'm cutting. I tried portion control again, that failed. Now I'm doing intermittent fasting. Again, it's black and white. If it's before or after this time frame, I can't eat. That's it. And it's working for me. And also, now that I've lost weight, I enjoy cardio. I can jog for a mile straight which is something I've never been able to do. I can play tennis for 3 or 5 sets without dying. I can play a couple games of basketball where I wasn't able to play 1.

So mackattack, do what works for you. Low carb seemed to give you success in the past, why not try that again? And try giving yourself a cheat meal one a week or once every 2 weeks. You don't necessarily have to go nuts like I did but reward yourself when you have a nice clean period of diet. Good luck to you!
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