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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


trying weight loss again, but now i have the money to back up a healthier lifestyle!

I'm doing simple calorie counting using an android app to log everything i eat. before my main problem seemed to be more with portion size so im reeling that in with some slight changes (replacing snacks with fruit)

for me an average day will consist of:

bowl of cereal

Sandwich with a piece of fruit

standard meal but with correct portioning!!!
usually studenty meals spaghetti bolognese, stir fry, salad.

i tend to drink coffee and squash this is much better than the cola i used to drink all the time a couple of months ago surely?

only thing is ive been doing this for a couple of days now and am averaging 1200 calories a day roughly and im just a bit worried that im perhaps not having enough and putting my body into "starvation mode" being as this is less than half of the mens recommended intake. or is this fine being as i haven't started the gym yet (looking for someone to go with me) just mentioning it because the app im using to track my intake is saying this...

oh im about 260lbs with a current target of 240, when i hit that ill probably aim for 220 and so on, ive been told setting smaller goals (assuming this is a small goal....) makes things a bit easier and helps for motivation. any tips are welcomed though :)


my gut feeling says : up that to 1800 calories ... i thought 2000 is the normal usage of the average guy. whats squash? ( i know it as a sport?!)
and yeah, water , black coffee and black tea all the way. 2 litres minimum a day


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
trying weight loss again, but now i have the money to back up a healthier lifestyle!

I'm doing simple calorie counting using an android app to log everything i eat. before my main problem seemed to be more with portion size so im reeling that in with some slight changes (replacing snacks with fruit)

for me an average day will consist of:

bowl of cereal

Sandwich with a piece of fruit

standard meal but with correct portioning!!!
usually studenty meals spaghetti bolognese, stir fry, salad.

i tend to drink coffee and squash this is much better than the cola i used to drink all the time a couple of months ago surely?

only thing is ive been doing this for a couple of days now and am averaging 1200 calories a day roughly and im just a bit worried that im perhaps not having enough and putting my body into "starvation mode" being as this is less than half of the mens recommended intake. or is this fine being as i haven't started the gym yet (looking for someone to go with me) just mentioning it because the app im using to track my intake is saying this...

oh im about 260lbs with a current target of 240, when i hit that ill probably aim for 220 and so on, ive been told setting smaller goals (assuming this is a small goal....) makes things a bit easier and helps for motivation. any tips are welcomed though :)

Looks good and easy to stick to. What kind of cereal do you eat? If its not oats then you really should consider switching. Plain oats are not the tastiest thing in the world but learn to love them.


my gut feeling says : up that to 1800 calories ... i thought 2000 is the normal usage of the average guy. whats squash? ( i know it as a sport?!)
and yeah, water , black coffee and black tea all the way. 2 litres minimum a day

2,500 is the calorie amount to maintain weight but that probably assumes you are doing more than walking to work and back.

squash is what some in the UK call fruit juice concentrate like robinsons.
Of course I drink the reduced sugar variety...

so I should cut out the milk from my coffee?

Looks good and easy to stick to. What kind of cereal do you eat? If its not oats then you really should consider switching. Plain oats are not the tastiest thing in the world but learn to love them.

cheerios... they probably contain too much sugar right?
i do like porridge,would eating that with some currants sprinkled on top for a bit of flavour be ok?


343i Lead Esports Producer
Looks good and easy to stick to. What kind of cereal do you eat? If its not oats then you really should consider switching. Plain oats are not the tastiest thing in the world but learn to love them.

I put cinnamon in my oatmeal. Sooo good.


I know I posted fat pics a couple of pages ago and now pics but another reciepe for success was group fitness classes. The gym had these programs called les mills and offer a variety of classes:

Body pump: a nice Introduction to weights and how to lift and basic technique. I slowly phased this class out as I began to lift on my own but I can't stress enough how great this was when I first started.

Body combat: was my absolute favorite it's like a kick punch class that works out your entire body and you'll feel so sore and complete the day you do it. Most people who go to these classes are either really young and in shape or older don't let the older people or classes of women fool you...it's up to you to make it happen this was the best head to toe work out.

TRX: suspension cable class Where you use your own weight suspended and so basic fitness resistant training. Amazing class very hard for beginners though.

I eventually phased them all out but I can't Begin to tell you what motivation these classes gave me to push myself to go to the gym. I'm telling you guys go for at least two weeks and you'll get the feel for them and with eating right the weight melts off. 3 weeks and I saw results amazingly.

Now I have no time and do free weights but I'm just offering advice for the new people who like me struggled with weight


Do you know why you fell off the diet? Was it that you found it difficult to eat how you feel you should or something specific happened and you fell off? Good to hear you're going to try again. I think it will help your stress level too if you try and get a bit of exercise and eat a bit better.

Bad days happen. It's a matter of getting back on track when they do. Good luck!

I think I got tired of the repetitive food. I was doing a low carb diet that consisted of 8 weeks of 5 carbs every 5 hours. So I was severely limited on the types of food I could eat, so that was one of the problems. Sugar alcohol counted as carbs, which I think some diets allow. Basically, you take the total carbs, subtract the protein, and if it is under 5 carbs you can have it. I was ending up having half of a tortilla as part of breakfast/lunch, because I couldn't eat the whole one.

The first 3-4 days of my carb detox, I felt like shit, and was tired/sleepy and irritable the whole time. After that I started to feel better. Once I reintroduced the carbs, I felt like shit again.

The other problem is self control. After 8 weeks, you can go up to 20 carbs every 5 hours. I reached that stage fine, and once I reintroduced carbs back into my diet, one thing led to another and eventually got back to where I was when I started.

I don't know if I will go on a program as extreme as that one was, but it worked. I think I lost a shirt size and two pant sizes. I bought some clothes as a reward for getting through phase 1. I can't fit into those clothes anymore. I need to get my self control under control, and not fall back into my old habits.


I know I posted fat pics a couple of pages ago and now pics but another reciepe for success was group fitness classes. The gym had these programs called les mills and offer a variety of classes:

Body pump: a nice Introduction to weights and how to lift and basic technique. I slowly phased this class out as I began to lift on my own but I can't stress enough how great this was when I first started.

I still do this one 3 times a week even though I've moved onto free weights because I treat it as cardio. I must point out though, the technique they teach you is optimized for low weight and a smaller ROM to achieve quicker reps, so some lifts are quite different in the squat rack.
I know I posted fat pics a couple of pages ago and now pics but another reciepe for success was group fitness classes. The gym had these programs called les mills and offer a variety of classes:

Body pump: a nice Introduction to weights and how to lift and basic technique. I slowly phased this class out as I began to lift on my own but I can't stress enough how great this was when I first started.

Body combat: was my absolute favorite it's like a kick punch class that works out your entire body and you'll feel so sore and complete the day you do it. Most people who go to these classes are either really young and in shape or older don't let the older people or classes of women fool you...it's up to you to make it happen this was the best head to toe work out.

TRX: suspension cable class Where you use your own weight suspended and so basic fitness resistant training. Amazing class very hard for beginners though.

I eventually phased them all out but I can't Begin to tell you what motivation these classes gave me to push myself to go to the gym. I'm telling you guys go for at least two weeks and you'll get the feel for them and with eating right the weight melts off. 3 weeks and I saw results amazingly.

Now I have no time and do free weights but I'm just offering advice for the new people who like me struggled with weight

They have Beachbody workout DVDs for Combat & Pump. I did Insanity last year an d am now doing Combat.
for me an average day will consist of:

bowl of cereal

Sandwich with a piece of fruit

standard meal but with correct portioning!!!
usually studenty meals spaghetti bolognese, stir fry, salad.

I'd get some protein in there for breakfast, cereal would have me hungry by 10am.


for me an average day will consist of:

bowl of cereal

Sandwich with a piece of fruit

standard meal but with correct portioning!!!
usually studenty meals spaghetti bolognese, stir fry, salad.

i tend to drink coffee and squash this is much better than the cola i used to drink all the time a couple of months ago surely?

only thing is ive been doing this for a couple of days now and am averaging 1200 calories a day roughly and im just a bit worried that im perhaps not having enough and putting my body into "starvation mode" being as this is less than half of the mens recommended intake. or is this fine being as i haven't started the gym yet (looking for someone to go with me) just mentioning it because the app im using to track my intake is saying this...

oh im about 260lbs with a current target of 240, when i hit that ill probably aim for 220 and so on, ive been told setting smaller goals (assuming this is a small goal....) makes things a bit easier and helps for motivation. any tips are welcomed though :)

1200 calories is very low. I'd personally go with no less than 2000. Just guessing at the details your BMR is somewhere north of 2400 cals a day and you're burning 2900 or more.

Oatmeal is cheap, I'd go with that for breakfast over cereal. I like mine with berries (almost any kind) with a 1/2 scoop of strawberry whey powder. Eggs would be a good start too when you can manage it. Just watch the extra stuff in the oatmeal and with the eggs.

Sandwich I'd replace with some turkey wraps or something. Even skip the wrap and just used sliced cold cut turkey a slice of cheese maybe and I like a pickle in their too. Just wrap it up with the turkey and eat.

Student meals not sure what you have access too. Can you cook anything or have to order?

Also, what is squash? Cup or two of coffee is fine.

Also for motivation, i'd expect you to see quick progress if you can be consistent. Good luck!
This is squash:


Mmm, aspartame.


Ah thanks. If it's better than soda it's only slightly better. Fruit juice in general is not helpful if you're trying to lose weight or eat less sugar. Go with water or heavily moderate it if you drink it.
Ah thanks. If it's better than soda it's only slightly better. Fruit juice in general is not helpful if you're trying to lose weight or eat less sugar. Go with water or heavily moderate it if you drink it.

Yeah. Don't drink your calories! It won't fill you up, but it won't help you lose weight either. It's just unnecessary sugar.
Over the holidays I hung out with my girlfriend's family a lot. A lot of them have been on this wheat-free diet.

It seems to be working for quite a few of them, as many have lost a good bit of weight. Is there some general consensus as to whether this is a good avenue for weight loss? I'm a little on the fence, thanks.


It's a shame all the non-milk fruit and yogurt smoothie recipes I see use fruit juice. Guess I'll just have to play around with ratios and flavors :(
A friend instagramed this bottle earlier


With the caption "starting the new year off healthy."

My roommate does this all the time. Has a huge bottle of that crap, along with tons of other sugary junk, and is always talking about how she is now "eating healthy." Luckily she is still thin.

Over the holidays I hung out with my girlfriend's family a lot. A lot of them have been on this wheat-free diet.

It seems to be working for quite a few of them, as many have lost a good bit of weight. Is there some general consensus as to whether this is a good avenue for weight loss? I'm a little on the fence, thanks.

Look at the last 350 or so pages...


relies on auto-aim
Join: NeoGAF MyFitnessPal

Went from down 5 pounds to up 1. I'll weigh in the morning again to double check but feels bad man.

Sure it was the holidays and such, but I accounted for this with 3,000 calorie meals. I haven't been getting as much good sleep and I've been stressed as well and without transport for a good while (Hence much worse eating habits). HOWEVER, one of the main ideas behind the 5 weeks of caloric deficit was to determine and get some kind of idea of my real daily calories burned.

So far I've come up with two numbers:
11/25 to 12/15 everything was gravy. 17800 deficit for - 5lbs. Which is correct! Yay math!
11/25 to 1/3 was a 30300 deficit... for + 1lb from start. FUCK BIOLOGY.

I think I'm just going back on keto even though I know a large amount of factors caused this situation to come about.


Since Thanksgiving I've been consistent with the gym, and I've been very consistent with what I eat but my weight continues to go up. And no, it's not just the scale, my belt is on the second loop instead of the third. At the end of October I was around 185. Around November when I started again I was 190. And now? 198. I don't know what is going on. I did start creatine 2 weeks ago but could bloat be that bad? Like I said, it's not like all my clothes are super loose on me, if anything, they're getting tighter.
I have not taken creatine but if the bloat is anything like what I see when I eat a lot of carbs, I can imagine you hitting those numbers. I know the trainer I worked with last year was fine with his clients taking creatine as long as they didn't start it in the middle of the consultation process because of how it would skew the numbers (both in terms of the weight gain and the strength increases).

I would probably just try to put your pre-creatine numbers out of mind if you're going to continue taking it.
Weighed myself today. Not happy with the results. My issue is I'm such a shitty eater :(

Did go for a walk/jog today so that made me feel slightly better.

Guess I really should do keto. I'm motivated. Sister's wedding is in october and I want to look as good as I can.
Some nice press for MyFitnessPal.

Best DIY diet? MyFitnessPal app, says Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports surveyed more than 9,000 of its readers, asking them to share their diet experiences, weight loss results and overall satisfaction with various diet plans. While people lost "significant" weight on all 13 diet plans in the survey, the highest reader score came from do-it-yourself dieters who used a free calorie-counting/calorie-burning smart phone app called MyFitnessPal.

Full story:


Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Today has been a good day. Last Thursday I weighed myself and discovered I had put on 2kg over the holiday break. Not a big surprise considering I gave myself licence to eat like a pig for once. The last few days I resumed by diet and exercise regime which included going out last night and having to sit in a cake shop with friends as I ate nothing whilst they gorged themselves in front of me as well as having nothing at the cinema later. That was torture.

My hard worked has paid off though as I checked the scales this morning and discovered that I had lost those 2kg in a few days. Better yet, I want shopping this afternoon and bought a size 30 pair of jeans. I have never, EVER been a 30 in my life and never thought I would be. I've now gone from a size 38 to a 30.

Feels good man. Just wish the jeans weren't so tight on my quads. The downside of having muscular legs.


Starting in 2009 I lost 40-45lbs by early 2010 with exercising and counting calories. Then my trainer moved the next year and my weight loss hit a plateau at just a hair over 200lbs. Since then I've gone up and down between 212 and 220. I really want to get under 200lbs this year and hope posting here can help. I'm going to try paleo even though I was eating a lot of grains before when I lost weight. Most of my exercising is cycling but I'm thinking of moving more to weights and circuit training. In the long run though I need to keep cycling a lot as its part of my job.


Help me gaf! I seem to be gaining weight daily or that's how I feel it, I'm NOT eating any more than ever, I'm sure, everyone in my house knows how I eat and and that's how they serve me, I don't know how to do, and I have this problem, the chubbier I become the older I look, my face gets deformed suuper fast and I start gaining years, and that's something I don't want. I'm also worried about my healt... this sudden weight gain can't be normal, must be an hormonal change or something and I hope it will pass on, but I need some advises for keeping myself in shape and not let the illness win

Help me guys :(

<--- Me now.. or like a week ago, I feel heavier now.

Me Before


Help me gaf! I seem to be gaining weight daily or that's how I feel it, I'm NOT eating any more than ever, I'm sure, everyone in my house knows how I eat and and that's how they serve me, I don't know how to do, and I have this problem, the chubbier I become the older I look, my face gets deformed suuper fast and I start gaining years, and that's something I don't want. I'm also worried about my healt... this sudden weight gain can't be normal, must be an hormonal change or something and I hope it will pass on, but I need some advises for keeping myself in shape and not let the illness win

Help me guys :(

<--- Me now.. or like a week ago, I feel heavier now.

Me Before

Well, whats your typical diet like?


Well, whats your typical diet like?

Hmm it depdends of the day really, but it goes something like

Breakfast (6am on normal day, 10am on vacations as for now lol) - Half a carb, cheese or yoghurth, small portion of meat and coffe\chocolate

Lunch (Rare on normal day but usually 1pm, 12m on vacations) - Salad and meat, fruit juice, sometimes very little rice portion or potatoes, it depends of the meal, really.

Dinner (8pm on normal day, 5-6-7pm on vacations) - Same as lunch.


Hmm it depdends of the day really, but it goes something like

Breakfast: half a carb, cheese or yoghurth, small portion of meat and coffe\chocolate

Lunch: Salad and meat, fruit juice, sometimes very little rice portion or potatoes, it depends of the meal, really.

Dinner: Same as lunch.

Well, the only thing bad about it is the fruit juice and chocolate. Try intermitent fasting for a while?


Well, the only thing bad about it is the fruit juice and chocolate. Try intermitent fasting for a while?

REALLY? :O I thought that was the best part of my diet hahahah... hmmm I'll try IF... how long do you recommend me to go with it? at what intervals? thank you! :)


REALLY? :O I thought that was the best part of my diet hahahah... hmmm I'll try IF... how long do you recommend me to go with it? at what intervals? thank you! :)

fruit juice is basically just sugar water and quite comparable to soda. Personally, I skip breakfast and lunch every weekday. If you want to try it out, skip breakfast once and see how you do. If you cant make it, that might mean you arent eating enough fat


fruit juice is basically just sugar water and quite comparable to soda. Personally, I skip breakfast and lunch every weekday. If you want to try it out, skip breakfast once and see how you do. If you cant make it, that might mean you arent eating enough fat

Ooh I get it.. but should I do it for a month a year? Wouldn't that mess with metabolism?


fruit juice is basically just sugar water and quite comparable to soda. Personally, I skip breakfast and lunch every weekday. If you want to try it out, skip breakfast once and see how you do. If you cant make it, that might mean you arent eating enough fat

Does that mean fruit is bad too since fruit juice is just fruit put through a juicer?


fruit juice is basically just sugar water and quite comparable to soda. Personally, I skip breakfast and lunch every weekday. If you want to try it out, skip breakfast once and see how you do. If you cant make it, that might mean you arent eating enough fat
You have a single meal on weekdays? That can't be good..


Does that mean fruit is bad too since fruit juice is just fruit put through a juicer?

No, fruit contains a lot of fiber and other nutrients that are lost when you juice it. Plus, to actually get a glass of juice you need to juice a lot of fruit to get it. That glass of applejuice probably contains at least a couple of apples. Now, its pretty easy to drink a few glasses of apple juice. I odnt know about you, but ive never eaten 9 apples in a sitting

Plus, most fruit juice has a ton of sugar added

You have a single meal on weekdays? That can't be good..


And i definitely eat enough food during the evening to cover missing breakfast and lunch. I do it because i dont feel hungry in the morning and afternoon, so why force myself? And making breakfast and lunch is a pain in the ass when you have to get to work


No, fruit contains a lot of fiber and other nutrients that are lost when you juice it. Plus, to actually get a glass of juice you need to juice a lot of fruit to get it. That glass of applejuice probably contains at least a couple of apples. Now, its pretty easy to drink a few glasses of apple juice. I odnt know about you, but ive never eaten 9 apples in a sitting

Plus, most fruit juice has a ton of sugar added

So the juicing gets rid of enough nutrients and fiber that it's considered bad now? I like to juice oranges. Sometimes I like having cold or frozen orange juice instead of eating a boring orange. :/


So the juicing gets rid of enough nutrients and fiber that it's considered bad now? I like to juice oranges. Sometimes I like having cold or frozen orange juice instead of eating a boring orange. :/

Well, when most people talk about fruit juice is fruit juice bought in a store, and the reason why thats bad is because its basically sugar water. Thats why its bad. The sugar

If you juice your own, dont add sugar, and pay attention to portion size, well, i cant imagine it would be bad for you. whole fruit would still be better though


Guys. Fruit juice IS BAD and absolutely disastrous for weight loss and here is why.

Let's compare one glass of orange juice to one orange and you'll be able to start seeing why.

How many oranges can you eat in a single sitting? 1? 2 at most.

How many glasses of orange juice can you drink in one sitting? You can easily down 2-3 glasses of OJ no problem.

One orange has 30 cal, while one glass of orange juice has 120 cal. You're eating the sugar of 4 oranges with a single glass of orange juice. Moreover, you're not getting ANY of that fibre that you get in that orange.

Fibber is essential for sugar ingestion. It slows the rate of sugar absorption, speeds the passage of food and gives your liver a chance to rest. This is why in nature you have an almost linear progression between the amount of sugar in a food and the amount of fibre. When you get rid of that fibre you're doing yourself a disservice and overloading your liver.

Imagine eating 8 oranges. That's basically what you're doing with 2 glasses of orange juice, except you're missing out on the fibre.

This applies when you juice it yourself, you don't need to add sugar to orange juice, it has a lot of sugar naturally. Juicing fruit is absolutely disastrous for the reason that you remove the fibre but keep the sugar. It's basically a quick path to weight gain because you overload your liver, start a glycaemic response and increase insulin insensitivity.

I know that people probably don't want to hear this because fruit juice is so delicious. Eating fruit is ok because you could never take in the amount of calories from the solid version of the fruit because the fibre adds sheer volume to the food which means you just couldn't fit it in but if your goal is to lose weight then you're doing yourself a disservice by getting rid of the best sources of fibre in nature and being counterproductive because most fruit juices actually have more sugar per ounce than soft drinks.

Conclusion: Want to lose weight? Steer clear of Fruit Juices.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Guys. Fruit juice IS BAD and absolutely disastrous for weight loss and here is why.

Let's compare one glass of orange juice to one orange and you'll be able to start seeing why.

How many oranges can you eat in a single sitting? 1? 2 at most.

How many glasses of orange juice can you drink in one sitting? You can easily down 2-3 glasses of OJ no problem.

One orange has 30 cal, while one glass of orange juice has 120 cal. You're eating the sugar of 4 oranges with a single glass of orange juice. Moreover, you're not getting ANY of that fibre that you get in that orange.

Fibber is essential for sugar ingestion. It slows the rate of sugar absorption, speeds the passage of food and gives your liver a chance to rest. This is why in nature you have an almost linear progression between the amount of sugar in a food and the amount of fibre. When you get rid of that fibre you're doing yourself a disservice and overloading your liver.

Imagine eating 8 oranges. That's basically what you're doing with 2 glasses of orange juice, except you're missing out on the fibre.

This applies when you juice it yourself, you don't need to add sugar to orange juice, it has a lot of sugar naturally. Juicing fruit is absolutely disastrous for the reason that you remove the fibre but keep the sugar. It's basically a quick path to weight gain because you overload your liver, start a glycaemic response and increase insulin insensitivity.

I know that people probably don't want to hear this because fruit juice is so delicious. Eating fruit is ok because you could never take in the amount of calories from the solid version of the fruit because the fibre adds sheer volume to the food which means you just couldn't fit it in but if your goal is to lose weight then you're doing yourself a disservice by getting rid of the best sources of fibre in nature and being counterproductive because most fruit juices actually have more sugar per ounce than soft drinks.

Conclusion: Want to lose weight? Steer clear of Fruit Juices.

I stopped drinking juice years ago, because I never drink calories and was never a big juice guy. Still, this is very eloquently put and is an excellent point.


So my fiancé, wanting to lose extra weight for our wedding in 5 months, has decided to do ketosis. I told her I'd support her and do it too, to make it easier.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Switched my lunch salad to grilled chicken breast (from sandwich meat turkey) and added a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. Pretty delicious.

Anyone else have any salad "recipes?" Which veggies, dressings to make, etc?


Switched my lunch salad to grilled chicken breast (from sandwich meat turkey) and added a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. Pretty delicious.

Anyone else have any salad "recipes?" Which veggies, dressings to make, etc?

I made a great salad today. Chopped up some lettuce, added two cups of broccoli made in coconut oil, threw in a can of tuna, and added 4tbsp of salmon spread.

475 calories, 25g of fat, 13g of carbs (9g of fiber) and 50g of protein.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I made a great salad today. Chopped up some lettuce, added two cups of broccoli made in coconut oil, threw in a can of tuna, and added 4tbsp of salmon spread.

475 calories, 25g of fat, 13g of carbs (9g of fiber) and 50g of protein.

Interesting. Did you just saute the broccoli? Also what is salmon spread? Only thing I'd worry is that my breath would smell like fish all day at work. :p
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