So, this is my story, will try to keep it short. I was always pretty active and fit in high school, I played basket ball a whole lot with friends, ate relatively healthy (thank you mom) until I moved to another country to attend university. My troubles started there as laziness pushed me to adopt fast food instead of cooking, plus I stopped playing sports entirely. Fast forward to today, the guy who was once made fun of for being too skinny currently weighs 120kgs (Height is 6"2). I will soon turn 26 and I have the complete package: man boobs, huge thighs and behind as well as a big belly. From being exhausted for climbing stairs to feeling just heavy, I have never felt worse physically. My confidence and social life have also taken a hit, as my weight makes me really insecure. I have decided that this sh*t stops in 2013, I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself.
Plain awesome, you better try hard and succeed!
I have read that low-carb diets do wonders, and was wondering whether everyone here shared the same opinion. Would be great if someone could share his typical daily meals with me so I could adapt and change my diet.
low-carb diets work well if you can maintain it right, I'm myself still student and cant prepare all my meals myself (wont say no to free school meal.

) so I havent done really low carb diet myself and cant comment on the typical meals other then eggs and bacon, chicken, no bread. More then sure someone with the knowledge will have time to give more detailed info.
Also, how do you all resist the urge to eat in evenings before going to bed? I can control my eating habits during the day, as work keeps me busy and I somehow "forget" about eating; but in the evenings, I turn like a real vampire and jump to the nearest fast food around, a habit that must have heavily impacted my weight.
You shouldn't forget to eat during the day, please try to stop that. If you eat when you're really hungry you're much more likely to overeat. Healthy and filling snacks in middle of workday maybe? 3-5 meals a day could be good goal to have, brakefast, dinner and what you call that meal before going to bed. I personaly must eat allmost everyday before bed or my tummy goes full mister grumpy and fucks up my sleep.
My goal now is to be 85-90kgs at most in 6 months. Is this achievable? What do you think I need to do now to achieve my goal?
It is, BUT you need iron fucking willpower of grand wizard to archieve that kind of loss, even though you're really heavy now and more you weight the easier it is to lose weight. Still dropping 6kg a month is archievment in it self. It all comes down to your willpower if you can archiev that kind of loss. DO NOT BITE MORE THEN YOU CAN CHEW, losing even minor amount is still better then failing miserable and being disapointed in yourself.
And now to give some random tips that has helped me a great deal on my weight lost/lifestyle change journey. ( I was around 95-103 at my "best" and during last year I lost around 20-25kg and weight now 70-73kg, but im short 171cm dwarf so I still got atleast 10-15kg to go.

Start keeping food diary, even if you dont count calories. Write down every piece of food product and everything else you put inside your mouth and swallow. (bad foods with bright red and all capslock

) Keep it up and you can start to see where you need improvment, and how much you have really eaten during the week and have you been able to keep your diet. ( ) Have your first goal to make your meals healthier and have food diary that has ALL what you have eaten during a week in it.
I atleast like to follow numbers, I have kitchen scale to weight my portions when I eat at home. ( I wrote down it to my food diary in early days. should probably start to keep track of this again.

) sport watch to keep track of calories burned during exercise. And I also weight myself every sunday after morning pee and before any food and put that on my weight diary kind of thing. I love that I can look on my diaries (spreadsheets, use google docs if you dont have programs on computer) and see it in numbers how well I have done, even if I still feel like big ugly lump of fat and despair I can just open the files and see I have actualy gotten better. ( Take panties only pic of yourself now and new one after 1 month in neutral position as possible and you most likely will be able to see some results, with your very own eyes and have nice ego boost.

Drop shitty useless food from your diet to low as possible, hamburgers, fries, pizza, white bread, highly processed food products. Look for healthy food that you like, learn to cook yourself, (what could be better way to know exactly whats on your plate?) I myself have restricted my carb intake and highly processed food and replaced stuff with healthier stuff, so stuff I eat is better then stuff I used to eat.

Have something long lasting, filling, healthy super fast to prepare food at your disposal at your home all times, like can of tuna. Incase you get really hungry and just HAVE TO GET SOMETHING TO EAT RIGHT FUCKING NOW. eat it with lot of water to have stomach full. Lot better then getting some fast food.
Know that even if you exercise, it doesnt give you permission to eat what you want and how much you want. ( put in your details and see how much you lose with 2 hour slow walk and then think about how much easier it is to just not eat those calories.

) Even if exercise it's not magical pill that makes you fit as bull and lets you eat whatever you want, still you have to try to fit some exercising to your weekly schedule. Even if it in start its just something lame like lifting 1kg weight 10 times a day, small things add up over the year. 1kg*10x a day is 3650 lifts a year. Also choose stairs, park car little further away from shop door, if you can walk to someplace and not use car choose that. Small things add up over the year, dont think short term with this new lifestyle you're going to have.
I hope I didnt write total bullshit, just woke up and wrotet his. Fellow gaffers are free to call any bullshit advice I might have given.