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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Finally, FINALLy I've broken the 76kg barrier! I'm now 74.7kg. Jesus, I thought I would be stuck at 76kg forever. I've now lost just over 22kg, which is around 50 pounds.


My goal now is to be 85-90kgs at most in 6 months. Is this achievable? What do you think I need to do now to achieve my goal?

I was a little heavier than you in August (125kg) and am now close to 90kg. With some effort and a low carb healthy diet you should be able to hit your goal.

This is what I did:

For the first two weeks I didn't bother counting carbs at all. I changed my diet completely and started consuming vegetables, fruit, fish and poultry exclusively. I also started following a simple daily exercise schedule. One hour walking, and climbing stairs 20 times a day (I live on the first floor, so that's ~20 stairs every time).

Then when my body adjusted to the change in food I started eliminating carbs from my diet. I consumed less fruit, added some cheese, nuts, olive oil and eggs. The point of a low carb diet is to induct your body into starting to use fat for energy instead of carbs.

This is what I had today:

Breakfast: boiled egg, almonds, cheese
Lunch: boiled vegetables (broccoli, mushrooms, radishes, spinach and cabbage) with olive oil, cheese and grilled cod
Snack: almonds, cheese
Supper: some more vegetables, some olives, cheese, tomato and cod

Drink: water, carbonated water, almond water

After a couple weeks you won't be having food cravings any more. You won't be hungry all the time. And you'll start looking forward to and enjoying your meals more and more.


Well, I'm back in the saddle now. My goal for this year is to lose 20 lbs...from 173 (as of this morning) to ~155 lbs. Got off to a great start this morning by doing my normal work-out of 3sets of ~15 pull-ups / 20 push-ups / 15 air squats and then going for a 1.5mi run around my neighborhood. Diet has been good so far with greek yogurt w/low sugar fruit preserves for breakfast, a turkey sandwich (~20 carbs of bread) with an apple & orange for lunch, and tonight will be crab and steamed veggies for dinner. Had a cup of coffee to start my day, and nothing but water the rest of the day.

I lost 33 lbs in 2011, started a new job in Dec 2011, and basically went into maintain mode during last year as I learned the ropes of my then-new company. Except the maintaining didn't go so well, but not horrible. I gained 10 lbs back, but I think most of it was actually in Dec., when I was just incredibly busy traveling and doing a bunch of stuff for work. I basically just said "FUCK IT" last month, and just did what I wanted. :lol

Here's to a good 2013, WeightLossGAF!! :)


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hey guys, I know I haven't been terribly active here as I've been busy with the weight-loss challenge and on MFP, but I finally got below 220 tonight after wrestling with it for over a month!

I'm pretty stoked, for sure. I've just been trying really hard lately to stay properly hydrated and keeping active, hoping that would work. I guess patience pays off, eventually.

My hope had been to hit 200 by Valentine's day, but that was before I hit that plateau. I don't think that's a healthy or realistic goal at this stage of the game. Maybe if I play my cards right I can hit 210 :)


I can almost button my size 34 "dream jeans", and I'm highly anticipating the delivery this week of a few pairs of size 36 black jeans which I'm fairly confident I can comfortably wear now.

Last time I tried wearing a large shirt my moobs and gut looked ridiculous, I should try one out to see if I'll look less like a cartoon fat man now.


relies on auto-aim
Started keto last week. Down 5lbs. Stepped on scale, couldn't believe it since I had been testing a calorie deficit so long. I'm back on that weight loss high I had when I last committed to this.
Feels good. Here's to another 5lbs this week!


I had a good week, lost 1.2lbs and feeling faster out on rides. I've been trying a paleo like low carb diet but I can't see how you get below 50g carbs eating anything besides meat. For breakfast I'm eating 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 slices of ham, 2tbs cashew butter, and about 1/2 cup of frozen blue berries, raspberries, and mango and it comes out to 24g of carbs. I'm using myfitnesspal to track what I eat for a few weeks and its pretty good so far. I think it over estimates calories burned exercising as I don't think my 15 mile lunch ride burned 750 calories.

Favorite quick thing to eat right now is a vanilla whey shake made with coconut milk and chai tea. Tasty and a good mix of protein and fat.


relies on auto-aim
I had a good week, lost 1.2lbs and feeling faster out on rides. I've been trying a paleo like low carb diet but I can't see how you get below 50g carbs eating anything besides meat. For breakfast I'm eating 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 slices of ham, 2tbs cashew butter, and about 1/2 cup of frozen blue berries, raspberries, and mango and it comes out to 24g of carbs. I'm using myfitnesspal to track what I eat for a few weeks and its pretty good so far. I think it over estimates calories burned exercising as I don't think my 15 mile lunch ride burned 750 calories.

Favorite quick thing to eat right now is a vanilla whey shake made with coconut milk and chai tea. Tasty and a good mix of protein and fat.
No mango, no cashew butter.

I have 4 eggs and 5 slices of meat along with spinach, onions, salsa, and cheese on hand if I have it. So good.
Oi. been eating a little better, but cravings for fast food have reached all time highs. Been able to pass over the last month or so, but today is different :\


Let my weight ballon back up. I've been battling Gout (I'm only 30!!!) in my right knee since December 7th (I don't think they gave me enough medication for the amount of uric acid I had in my body) and haven't been able to even workout. Now that I'm on a 14 day run of prednisone hopefully it will be gone for sometime. I've been a complete pescetarian vegetarian for over three weeks and have lost 20 pounds since Dec 7th. Can't wait to be able to get back in the gym.


For anyone worried about cholesterol check this out. Obviously my results don't mean you will experience the same but almost everyone I know has seen similar though not as drastic improvements.

I started at 310 lbs Sept. 2011 and probably 40+% body fat. I don't know what my cholesterol level was.

I started eating Keto and I don't eat much veg actually which probably isn't great. I usually get like 2 servings of broccoli or 2-4 servings spinach per day and that's it.

In February 2012 my Cholesterol was pretty good actually

Total 205
HDL 64

I am now 230 lbs @ 19%
Last Friday my cholesterol was

Total 113
HDL 69

This is while eating fatty beef, pork, bacon, at least 6 eggs everyday, cheese, straight heavy cream used as liquid in protein shakes. The only thing I cut out were non fibrous carbs.

I actually think I need to bring my cholesterol up since that is actually very low. Not sure how though....start eating low fat?


relies on auto-aim
Oi. been eating a little better, but cravings for fast food have reached all time highs. Been able to pass over the last month or so, but today is different :\
I'm super glad I don't go through this.
Eating fast food after eating well for a while just makes everything so vile.
Now, some good Italian meal that is like 300g of carbs and 3000 calories I could just go forever.
For anyone worried about cholesterol check this out. Obviously my results don't mean you will experience the same but almost everyone I know has seen similar though not as drastic improvements.

I started at 310 lbs Sept. 2011 and probably 40+% body fat. I don't know what my cholesterol level was.

I started eating Keto and I don't eat much veg actually which probably isn't great. I usually get like 2 servings of broccoli or 2-4 servings spinach per day and that's it.

In February 2012 my Cholesterol was pretty good actually

Total 205
HDL 64

I am now 230 lbs @ 19%
Last Friday my cholesterol was

Total 113
HDL 69

This is while eating fatty beef, pork, bacon, at least 6 eggs everyday, cheese, straight heavy cream used as liquid in protein shakes. The only thing I cut out were non fibrous carbs.

I actually think I need to bring my cholesterol up since that is actually very low. Not sure how though....start eating low fat?
Your body will sort that shit out and evidence seems shaky correlating it to heart issues. I had the same drop on keto though.

I'm sure someone can drop the papers showing stuff about it.


Well, I'm back in the saddle now. My goal for this year is to lose 20 lbs...from 173 (as of this morning) to ~155 lbs.

Weighed in this morning after my work-out at 169.5 lbs. That's about ~3.5 lbs lost this week. But I imagine most of it was water weight.

Still, progress is being made. My body has been sore all week, but I haven't been hungry...expect right before lunch. My Cheat Day starts with tonight's dinner. Can't wait. :) The biggest challenge will be/has always been Sunday for me. The day after the Cheat Day, and no work to regulate my schedule.
I just posted this in the fitness thread but I guess I could also use some suggestions from around here...

So guys, I have three weeks left for a major day in my life. I need to look trimmed/fit/lose weight however possible.

Need suggestions and this is important.

I was around 300lbs last year, slowly trimmed my way down to 255 at the moment. Since the last two weeks, been hitting the gym around 5 days a week. My diet has been more healthy now like more vegetables, fruits and lots of water with less grains and rice. However, I still am consuming around 1-2 glasses of milk, usually skimmed or around 1%.

What is the best way to do this in the next three weeks, stick with just weights? Or mix a it with cardio on the eliptical?

Or should I just stop the weights and go full cardio for like an hour at the gym?

My workout has been like this...

Day 1: Shoulders and legs
Day 2: Chest and triceps
Day 3: Biceps and back
Day 4: Break, but I do abs.
Day 5: Shoulders, chest and triceps
Day 6: Legs, back and biceps
Day 7: Break, abs.

I think I am over doing it but then again, after Feb 10, my routine will only be around 3 days/week.

Thanks in advance.


I was a little heavier than you in August (125kg) and am now close to 90kg. With some effort and a low carb healthy diet you should be able to hit your goal.

This is what I did:

For the first two weeks I didn't bother counting carbs at all. I changed my diet completely and started consuming vegetables, fruit, fish and poultry exclusively. I also started following a simple daily exercise schedule. One hour walking, and climbing stairs 20 times a day (I live on the first floor, so that's ~20 stairs every time).

Then when my body adjusted to the change in food I started eliminating carbs from my diet. I consumed less fruit, added some cheese, nuts, olive oil and eggs. The point of a low carb diet is to induct your body into starting to use fat for energy instead of carbs.

This is what I had today:

Breakfast: boiled egg, almonds, cheese
Lunch: boiled vegetables (broccoli, mushrooms, radishes, spinach and cabbage) with olive oil, cheese and grilled cod
Snack: almonds, cheese
Supper: some more vegetables, some olives, cheese, tomato and cod

Drink: water, carbonated water, almond water

After a couple weeks you won't be having food cravings any more. You won't be hungry all the time. And you'll start looking forward to and enjoying your meals more and more.

Thanks a lot for this bro


Need suggestions and this is important.

I was around 300lbs last year, slowly trimmed my way down to 255 at the moment. Since the last two weeks, been hitting the gym around 5 days a week. My diet has been more healthy now like more vegetables, fruits and lots of water with less grains and rice. However, I still am consuming around 1-2 glasses of milk, usually skimmed or around 1%.

What is the best way to do this in the next three weeks, stick with just weights? Or mix a it with cardio on the eliptical?

Or should I just stop the weights and go full cardio for like an hour at the gym?.

1) Losing weight is mainly about diet....70-80% of it. So yes, continue cutting out carbs where you can, but some carbs are good/not horrible for you, especially since you're exercising. For example, having a sandwich for lunch is OK (my daily lunch sandwich is ~20carbs), but don't eat a huge plate of spaghetti for dinner. The carbs from milk are OK (I'd switch to whole milk, though), but you should mainly be drinking water. Have a glass of chocolate milk w/protein powder after your work-out. It's great.

2) Should be doing cardio anyway, but keep lifting weights. Your heart is your most important muscle. A 15-20min warm up on the eliptical before lifting weights is great. Warms your muscles up, and you'll have a nice little sweat going. Even better is to play some type of sport 1-2 days a week instead of lifting. I try to get in 1 racquetball and 1 basketball session w/friends each week.

What do you guys take to work for snacks on low carb? I've been doing almonds or cheese sticks. Any others? What do you keep around at home?

Lately, it's been unsalted, plain nuts (almond & walnuts) and pork rinds for me. Seems to be working so far. But like I said above, I just haven't been hungry. So no real need for a snack.
1) Losing weight is mainly about diet....70-80% of it. So yes, continue cutting out carbs where you can, but some carbs are good/not horrible for you, especially since you're exercising. For example, having a sandwich for lunch is OK (my daily lunch sandwich is ~20carbs), but don't eat a huge plate of spaghetti for dinner. The carbs from milk are OK (I'd switch to whole milk, though), but you should mainly be drinking water. Have a glass of chocolate milk w/protein powder after your work-out. It's great.

2) Should be doing cardio anyway, but keep lifting weights. Your heart is your most important muscle. A 15-20min warm up on the eliptical before lifting weights is great. Warms your muscles up, and you'll have a nice little sweat going. Even better is to play some type of sport 1-2 days a week instead of lifting. I try to get in 1 racquetball and 1 basketball session w/friends each week.

I shall add some cardio starting this weekend. But when I do the weights, I usually get tired and I feel like just going home.

As for the milk, I add a spoon of that nesquik powder to add some taste to it. I guess I should probably switch that with a protein powder. The thing is, I used to take protein powder in the past but this time I just wanted to keep it all natural. So I eat around 2-4 egg whites a day.
Jumped back on the bandwagon and started trying to lose some weight on jan 1.

Doing it a bit different than last time where I was just doing low carb.

Been trying to do a lot of exercise and eat healthy i.e. try to eat low carb when I can (breakfast and a salad for lunch) with salad, small plate of rice and curry for dinner. Only eaten 2 slices of bread this year.

Yesterday was my cheat day and I ate so,e chips and had some beer at the pub for lunch and dinner.

My exercise is pretty high at the moment. Went to the swimming pool three times last week (swimming about 1.2 - 1.4km per session), ran three times (week three of the couch to 5k program) and went to the gym for a half hour workout on upper body. So about 3.5 hrs of exercise last week and I am playing cricket tomorrow, so that is at least another couple hours running around.

Eventually the aim to get back to swimming 3km x 3 times a week, and then running (at least) 5km four times a week, for a total of 5 to 7 hrs a week of pretty vigorous exercise. I am to be at that stage in about two months time.

It may sound like a lot to some people but I did use to be a pretty good athlete in high school training this hard for water polo.

I had a six pack then and ate whatever I wanted. Now I have a keg gut and still want to eat whatever I want.

I can't give up somethings like dinners and lunches with my friends at restaurants where there are no low carb options available.

A couple years ago I lost about 15kg through low carb alone, so I know it works, but long term, I couldn't keep it up so I am back where I started. I will get the added benefit off not stressing too much about what I eat and get fit at the same time this time around. although it's going to take a lot longer to lose weight, it's a lifestyle which I could live with a lot easier than the strict low carb lifestyle some others here are living.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I look forward to the day many of you reach your fat loss goals, bulk (or maintain) afterwards, then go back to fat loss after some time away from it so you gain a new found perspective on it.

I'm in this situation and it's just so enlightening for some reason. The last time I was on a calorie deficit, I had reached 140 pounds lost. I bulked for 7 months after that, and now I'm back on a calorie deficit to lose 30 pounds and get my six pack.

Once you absorb all the information out there and do what gave you your initial success again, you feel...different. You realize that fat loss is easy. Now I realize the hard part of losing weight was accepting that it's easy.


I just posted this in the fitness thread but I guess I could also use some suggestions from around here...

So guys, I have three weeks left for a major day in my life. I need to look trimmed/fit/lose weight however possible.

Need suggestions and this is important.

I was around 300lbs last year, slowly trimmed my way down to 255 at the moment. Since the last two weeks, been hitting the gym around 5 days a week. My diet has been more healthy now like more vegetables, fruits and lots of water with less grains and rice. However, I still am consuming around 1-2 glasses of milk, usually skimmed or around 1%.

What is the best way to do this in the next three weeks, stick with just weights? Or mix a it with cardio on the eliptical?

Or should I just stop the weights and go full cardio for like an hour at the gym?

My workout has been like this...

Day 1: Shoulders and legs
Day 2: Chest and triceps
Day 3: Biceps and back
Day 4: Break, but I do abs.
Day 5: Shoulders, chest and triceps
Day 6: Legs, back and biceps
Day 7: Break, abs.

I think I am over doing it but then again, after Feb 10, my routine will only be around 3 days/week.

Thanks in advance.

Change your diet. If you need to lose weight in 3 weeks, Id go full on Keto

Basically, you just eat Meat and veggies and drink water. No fruit, no dairy, no grains, no starches, no processed foods. Pure meat and veggie goodness. Make sure to get more fattier cuts of meat as well

This will make you lose weight a lot faster than exercise. Weight lifting is more important to weight loss than cardio as well. I think you are definitely overdoing it. You need days off. its counterproductive to lift all the time

After 3 weeks, well, you should still do something like this, but I would personally pull back from keto to include fruit and dairy. Just avoid sugar and grain (especially wheat - gluten bad)
Change your diet. If you need to lose weight in 3 weeks, Id go full on Keto

Basically, you just eat Meat and veggies and drink water. No fruit, no dairy, no grains, no starches, no processed foods. Pure meat and veggie goodness. Make sure to get more fattier cuts of meat as well

This will make you lose weight a lot faster than exercise. Weight lifting is more important to weight loss than cardio as well. I think you are definitely overdoing it. You need days off. its counterproductive to lift all the time

After 3 weeks, well, you should still do something like this, but I would personally pull back from keto to include fruit and dairy. Just avoid sugar and grain (especially wheat - gluten bad)

Well I guess I should do weights for 3 or 4 days a week and add some cardio on the other days. I will switch it up after these next few weeks. I always like to change the schedule anyway, keeps the body guessing.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?

One of my new favourite go-to breakfast options:

- 1 apple
- 20 grams of raisins
- 80-100 gram of carrots
- 2 stalks of celery

Amounts to 200-225 kcal or so.



One of my new favourite go-to breakfast options:

- 1 apple
- 20 grams of raisins
- 80-100 gram of carrots
- 2 stalks of celery

Amounts to 200-225 kcal or so.

There looks to be something else in there...tomatoes?

And please don't tell me you are washing it down with a big glass of apple juice?
I have a question for those who have lost the weight, do you still feel like a fat person? It's hard to describe; it's definitely some irrational psychological thing. I know when I look at myself objectively, I'm a relatively thin person now but for some reason I can't shake the feeling, like I'm faking it or something because I have to work so hard to maintain my weight.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I have a question for those who have lost the weight, do you still feel like a fat person? It's hard to describe; it's definitely some irrational psychological thing. I know when I look at myself objectively, I'm a relatively thin person now but for some reason I can't shake the feeling, like I'm faking it or something because I have to work so hard to maintain my weight.
This has been a thing for me. I'm still 217 so I'm pretty big, but I was between 350-400 less than a year ago and was pretty much the heaviest dude everybody knew.

Now I'm not even usually the fattest guy in whatever room I'm in (thank you, cultural obesity epidemic!). That being said, when I weigh in I'll do it 5-6 times in a row just to make sure the scale is accurate. I have a hard time wrapping my head around how it can be right, even though I know it to be accurate.

It's like cognitive dissonance. I know I'm not a hair's breadth away from needing a rascal scooter anymore, but I can't accept it.

At work, in narrow hallways, I'll constantly move against a wall to make room for people coming the other way even though I don't need to anymore.

I think huge body changes may require a period of adjustment. We need to unlearn a lifetime of fat guy habits.



One of my new favourite go-to breakfast options:

- 1 apple
- 20 grams of raisins
- 80-100 gram of carrots
- 2 stalks of celery

Amounts to 200-225 kcal or so.
Nice! I'm pretty much on the same thing but in blended form. Got a juicer for Christmas that makes juice out of seemingly anything.
Where is your fat and protein yo?
Later. Dem vitamins and potassium are super good.

Are you one of those crazy keto guys Haz?
I have a question for those who have lost the weight, do you still feel like a fat person? It's hard to describe; it's definitely some irrational psychological thing. I know when I look at myself objectively, I'm a relatively thin person now but for some reason I can't shake the feeling, like I'm faking it or something because I have to work so hard to maintain my weight.
Yes, so yes.

But then I see myself in the mirror or get approached by women and am reminded.
Yeah, I guess it takes awhile for your personal body image to catch up with reality. It goes the same way when your unintentionally gaining weight as well.


This has been a thing for me. I'm still 217 so I'm pretty big, but I was between 350-400 less than a year ago and was pretty much the heaviest dude everybody knew.

Now I'm not even usually the fattest guy in whatever room I'm in (thank you, cultural obesity epidemic!). That being said, when I weigh in I'll do it 5-6 times in a row just to make sure the scale is accurate. I have a hard time wrapping my head around how it can be right, even though I know it to be accurate.

It's like cognitive dissonance. I know I'm not a hair's breadth away from needing a rascal scooter anymore, but I can't accept it.

At work, in narrow hallways, I'll constantly move against a wall to make room for people coming the other way even though I don't need to anymore.

I think huge body changes may require a period of adjustment. We need to unlearn a lifetime of fat guy habits.

Do you think buying/wearing slim fit clothes would help reinforce your change? Or other things you could actively do that i can't think of to help your mind accept the change?

I really can't comment because I the mental picture I always had of myself was slim/fit. Probably because I was like that through college and only got about 20-30 pounds overweight afterwards


Full werewolf off the buckle
Do you think buying/wearing slim fit clothes would help reinforce your change? Or other things you could actively do that i can't think of to help your mind accept the change?

I really can't comment because I the mental picture I always had of myself was slim/fit. Probably because I was like that through college and only got about 20-30 pounds overweight afterwards

Well, it's been a struggle trying to keep up with clothes to be honest. In march of last year I was in 3x shirts and size 54 pants, and though I'm in Xl and 38's now I still have tons of clothes in between.

Previously it was tough to justify the expense of always updating, but at least now I can reasonably assume I'll be wearing around a 34 or 36 pants and a medium or large shirt for a while when I hit maintenance. I've started buying some things in anticipation, and I am hoping that will help.

I always thought it must be strange to NOT have a huge-ass belly hanging off of you. Slowly, but surely, I'm finding out and it's honestly kinda strange.


The shopping is one of the best parts. Save up a bit and go splurge for a day. You'll feel doubly confident since you are much skinnier and look like a total boss in your new clothes,

I had to go through two full wardrobe changes in the last year myself.


I have a question for those who have lost the weight, do you still feel like a fat person?

I do feel different but it still boggles my mind how much weight I lost in 5 months.

Yesterday I carried home a 25kg cat litter bag and on the way I kept thinking to myself, "Jesus, I weighed as much as this bag and me combined in August."

It's when I do physically demanding activities that it really sinks in. Case in point this morning:


I would have never been able to enjoy such a view had I not lost weight and climbed up there.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I do feel different but it still boggles my mind how much weight I lost in 5 months.

Yesterday I carried home a 25kg cat litter bag and on the way I kept thinking to myself, "Jesus, I weighed as much as this bag and me combined in August."

It's when I do physically demanding activities that it really sinks in. Case in point this morning:


I would have never been able to enjoy such a view had I not lost weight and climbed up there.
That's an awesome view. I'm totes jelly.
I have a question for those who have lost the weight, do you still feel like a fat person? It's hard to describe; it's definitely some irrational psychological thing. I know when I look at myself objectively, I'm a relatively thin person now but for some reason I can't shake the feeling, like I'm faking it or something because I have to work so hard to maintain my weight.


I mean I LOOK normal in clothes (I have lost 99lbs so far) yet all I see are the imperfections in my body. Though I do have a slight bit left to lose so maybe that can change.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I haven't updated everyone in a while. In Summer 2011 I was getting way up there in weight and knew I needed a change. Since then I've done P90X2, Insanity, Couch to 5k, and am now doing Insanity: Asylum. Overall I've lost about 40 pounds.

I guess I never realized how much different I actually look. I was cleaning out my closet tonight and found a picture from my best friend's wedding in July 2011 and almost died. The picture is horrifying, but goes to show how much I've done. Even when some days I feel like I haven't done enough, this picture gets me motivated.

I went from around 240 to 200 right now. I was a BLOB. :p



Full werewolf off the buckle
So I haven't updated everyone in a while. In Summer 2011 I was getting way up there in weight and knew I needed a change. Since then I've done P90X2, Insanity, Couch to 5k, and am now doing Insanity: Asylum. Overall I've lost about 40 pounds.

I guess I never realized how much different I actually look. I was cleaning out my closet tonight and found a picture from my best friend's wedding in July 2011 and almost died. The picture is horrifying, but goes to show how much I've done. Even when some days I feel like I haven't done enough, this picture gets me motivated.

I went from around 240 to 200 right now. I was a BLOB. :p

Dude, you look tons better. Congratulations on all your hard work paying off!

It's definitely a world of difference.


Meant to post last week since I'm a thread lurker. Last Saturday I hit 199.8. First time in a decade I've been under 200 lbs. Still have about 15-20 more I want to lose depending on how much muscle I am able to put on, but it was an amazing feeling. I think that brings my total loss to ~70.


Meant to post last week since I'm a thread lurker. Last Saturday I hit 199.8. First time in a decade I've been under 200 lbs. Still have about 15-20 more I want to lose depending on how much muscle I am able to put on, but it was an amazing feeling. I think that brings my total loss to ~70.
Congratulations man. It can be a tough number to break.
Meant to post last week since I'm a thread lurker. Last Saturday I hit 199.8. First time in a decade I've been under 200 lbs. Still have about 15-20 more I want to lose depending on how much muscle I am able to put on, but it was an amazing feeling. I think that brings my total loss to ~70.

I'm so close to that. I haven't been under 200 lbs since I was, like, 13. So over a decade for me technically. You and I are very alike in our weight loss journeys as far as total number lost, too.



I'm so close to that. I haven't been under 200 lbs since I was, like, 13. So over a decade for me technically. You and I are very alike in our weight loss journeys as far as total number lost, too.

I had been sitting at 202-203 for weeks and all of a sudden it just came off all at once. I'm currently fluctuating between 199 and 202 so it's definitely not absolute. It was more of a "FINALLY" moment for me lol.

I look at myself and my current problem areas and I think back to what I looked like a year or so ago and it's very hard for me to comprehend the difference.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I remember in eighth grade we had the President's fitness challenge or some shit and, for some fucking reason that continues to elude me even 20 years later, coach thought it would be a good idea for everyone to weigh on in front of everyone else.

Here I was, at 12 or 13, the second heaviest kid in school at 198 pounds. The other dude was like 260 and 6 and a half feet, and I was around 5' 4".

One of the worst humiliations of my life. I'm going to be so damned jazzed to put 200 behind me.
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