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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Full werewolf off the buckle
Thanks! I'm pretty happy with it! With eating less bread and cutting out alcohol during weekdays, I've lost about 2.5 kg. (5.5 pounds) in three weeks. Not as impressive as some of the numbers I've seen posted around here, but it's progress :)

Awesome! Progress is where you find it. Best of luck.


So I'm afraid I'm losing too much weight too quickly. I know this may sound like a joke, and it's probably everyone's dream, but that's how I feel. I only started back up on Monday on a low carb diet, and since then I've lost over 16 pounds. I started around 365, but I still feel like that's just too much at once to be normal. There's no way there's that much water weight for me to lose. I did cut my calorie intake by over half and my carb intake is significantly lower than it was when I wasn't dieting. I haven't worked out at all and I've also been sick the last 3 days. Can anyone tell me this is normal?
So I'm afraid I'm losing too much weight too quickly. I know this may sound like a joke, and it's probably everyone's dream, but that's how I feel. I only started back up on Monday on a low carb diet, and since then I've lost over 16 pounds. I started around 365, but I still feel like that's just too much at once to be normal. There's no way there's that much water weight for me to lose. I did cut my calorie intake by over half and my carb intake is significantly lower than it was when I wasn't dieting. I haven't worked out at all and I've also been sick the last 3 days. Can anyone tell me this is normal?

At 365 lbs 16lbs of water weight loss is completely normal.

I had 14 my first week and I started at 330 lbs.


At 365 lbs 16lbs of water weight loss is completely normal.

I had 14 my first week and I started at 330 lbs.

Okay good. I've done this diet before from this point, but I've always lost weight in the 10 pound range in the first week, so the increased loss creeped me out.


So I'm afraid I'm losing too much weight too quickly. I know this may sound like a joke, and it's probably everyone's dream, but that's how I feel. I only started back up on Monday on a low carb diet, and since then I've lost over 16 pounds. I started around 365, but I still feel like that's just too much at once to be normal. There's no way there's that much water weight for me to lose. I did cut my calorie intake by over half and my carb intake is significantly lower than it was when I wasn't dieting. I haven't worked out at all and I've also been sick the last 3 days. Can anyone tell me this is normal?

could be carb flu. If so, thats fairly normal and should pass


Cross posting from the fitness thread:

What's the word on this? The 3 Week Diet System

I just found out about it and I have my doubts, losing around 21 pounds in 3 weeks seems a bit crazy but then again I just started doing diet and working out (last week) and what I will say about it though is that he's spot on on how difficult it is to find a good starting point since there is SO much information out there regarding diet/foods/workouts, etc, I feel really confused at times and when I find something that I think works it's not long until I find some other piece of information that is very different which leaves me confused.

So what do you guys think about it? Has someone used it before? Does it work or is it just another over hyped crap program that doesn't work.
Cross posting from the fitness thread:

What's the word on this? The 3 Week Diet System

I just found out about it and I have my doubts, losing around 21 pounds in 3 weeks seems a bit crazy but then again I just started doing diet and working out (last week) and what I will say about it though is that he's spot on on how difficult it is to find a good starting point since there is SO much information out there regarding diet/foods/workouts, etc, I feel really confused at times and when I find something that I think works it's not long until I find some other piece of information that is very different which leaves me confused.

So what do you guys think about it? Has someone used it before? Does it work or is it just another over hyped crap program that doesn't work.

I made it to:


-Elite Body Builders
-Fitness Gurus"

I clicked through the rest of the video and it talks big but never really found anywhere that it actually said what the diet is.

I say move on. There are plenty of FREE resources out there for you to make a plan that works for you.

(maybe I am being cynical....that video just screams scam to me though)
I made it to:


-Elite Body Builders
-Fitness Gurus"

I clicked through the rest of the video and it talks big but never really found anywhere that it actually said what the diet is.

I say move on. There are plenty of FREE resources out there for you to make a plan that works for you.

(maybe I am being cynical....that video just screams scam to me though)

Ya, I feel the same way. When you have to resort to bullshit then even if you're giving amazing advice, I can't take it seriously. It even has the new hot thing on the next slide saying it's something the fitness and diet industry DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT OMG. I'm assuming it's the same as those bullshit infomercials unfortunately.

Edit: L O FUCKING L, it's something so dangerous and secretive that your own doctor won't talk to you about! Ya, I'm going to say it's bullshit without watching any further. Sorry dude. :(
Weighed myself today.


Start May 1, 2012:

Today Jan 21, 2013:

101 lbs total. I couldn't believe it lol.....very happy. Though I would like to lose another 20lbs if I was able to maintain what I am at now long term I would be perfectly happy.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Weighed myself today.


Start May 1, 2012:

Today Jan 21, 2013:

101 lbs total. I couldn't believe it lol.....very happy. Though I would like to lose another 20lbs if I was able to maintain what I am at now long term I would be perfectly happy.

Wow man, that's insanely awesome. You can get that last bit down no problem.


I microwave steaks.
I started dieting and working out last week, proud to say I have been on it for 6 consecutive days now. I have a question for you guys, I heard a good amount of weight to lose every week is 2 pounds, but I am shooting for 3 a week in order to reach my goal faster (want to join the military). Is that unreasonable, or come with any adverse effects (like I heard rebound weight)? My starting weight is 293, shooting for 150. I feel like I can achieve this within a year, hopefully I can keep up with this momentum.

Want to give a big shout out to Dance Central 3, never have I been tricked into fitness so much, but the game gives you an amazing workout while dancing to some jammin' tunes. Wii fit is pretty decent too, like having a trainer to monitor my activites. Funny thing, DDR is probably my least favorite activity, probably because of those plastic pads.
I started dieting and working out last week, proud to say I have been on it for 6 consecutive days now. I have a question for you guys, I heard a good amount of weight to lose every week is 2 pounds, but I am shooting for 3 a week in order to reach my goal faster (want to join the military). Is that unreasonable, or come with any adverse effects (like I heard rebound weight)? My starting weight is 293, shooting for 150. I feel like I can achieve this within a year, hopefully I can keep up with this momentum.

Want to give a big shout out to Dance Central 3, never have I been tricked into fitness so much, but the game gives you an amazing workout while dancing to some jammin' tunes. Wii fit is pretty decent too, like having a trainer to monitor my activites. Funny thing, DDR is probably my least favorite activity, probably because of those plastic pads.

3 lbs a week isn't an unreasonable to start off with....(assuming since your goal is 150 you are not tall) and you could easily lose 5 lbs+ a week when you start. Though don't get too attached to it because you never know what the exact rate will be and as long as the numbers are going in the right direction its a win. I will say it will be VERY difficult to hit 150 in one year simply because your weight loss will slow down as you go.

Another thing that I cannot stress enough. Diet>Exercise. If you ever hit a point where you feel pressed for time or willpower it is ALWAYS better to focus on diet.


I microwave steaks.
3 lbs a week isn't an unreasonable to start off with....(assuming since your goal is 150 you are not tall) and you could easily lose 5 lbs+ a week when you start. Though don't get too attached to it because you never know what the exact rate will be and as long as the numbers are going in the right direction its a win. I will say it will be VERY difficult to hit 150 in one year simply because your weight loss will slow down as you go.

Another thing that I cannot stress enough. Diet>Exercise. If you ever hit a point where you feel pressed for time or willpower it is ALWAYS better to focus on diet.

Huh, I was always convinced exercise was everything. I guess I can try and re-evaluate my diet. And yeah, I figured it would get harder down the road, I just hope I can find a good balance. Thanks for the insight.


You can't out-exercise a bad diet, what you eat is much more important, especially since you want to keep the weight off, make it a permanent thing. Exercise is good for health and will help speed up weight loss, but diet is much more important.
Huh, I was always convinced exercise was everything. I guess I can try and re-evaluate my diet. And yeah, I figured it would get harder down the road, I just hope I can find a good balance. Thanks for the insight.

A balance is always ideal, but not always possible. I know that while I am at school I have NO time or willpower, and it is all I can do to keep up on my diet. If I had to maintain both I probably would have quit long ago.

Most of the documentation I have read says that weight loss is 80% Diet - 20% Exercise. As mentioned above exercising the pounds off isn't really possible under most practical situations if you have a questionable diet.


I microwave steaks.
A balance is always ideal, but not always possible. I know that while I am at school I have NO time or willpower, and it is all I can do to keep up on my diet. If I had to maintain both I probably would have quit long ago.

Most of the documentation I have read says that weight loss is 80% Diet - 20% Exercise. As mentioned above exercising the pounds off isn't really possible under most practical situations if you have a questionable diet.

I gotcha. I have cut down calories considerably for breakfast and lunch, but I guess I am somewhat unhinged come dinner time. But I have lost over 3 pounds this week so I am definitely seeing some progress. Can you recommend any filling snacks or meals? I tend to get really hungry during dinner, my body is still adjusting to less calories.


You don't need to starve yourself to lose weight, or even feel hungry. Foods that are more nutrient dense are more filling. Eat more fats and proteins, they're naturally more satiating. For breakfast, eggs are the easy choice. Cheap, healthy, filling, easy to cook. Add things like nuts, butter, olive oil, bacon, or avocados to meals if you aren't feeling full. Or eat fattier cuts of meat.

What's your diet like now? And how active have you been?


I microwave steaks.
You don't need to starve yourself to lose weight, or even feel hungry. Foods that are more nutrient dense are more filling. Eat more fats and proteins, they're naturally more satiating. For breakfast, eggs are the easy choice. Cheap, healthy, filling, easy to cook. Add things like nuts, butter, olive oil, bacon, or avocados to meals if you aren't feeling full. Or eat fattier cuts of meat.

What's your diet like now? And how active have you been?

My normal typical diet consists of

Breakfast: Bowl of Cereal with a banana or yogurt

Lunch: Turkey sandwich on wheat with cheese and lettuce. Along with peanuts or crackers.

Dinner: (anything my mom makes), Since we're asian there tends to be a lot of rice in these dishes, I am trying to cut down my portions. But I believe this is where I get most of my calories for the day.

In terms of activity, I shoot for 40 minutes of cardio a day. I heard you should have a rest day so I let one day specifically for walking be considered a rest. I am considering doing more honestly so I can get that metabolism going.

The eggs and bacon idea for breakfast sounds almost too good to be true, but I will definitely try that out after I finish this box of cereal. I am looking back and now I see I can probably cut out some carbs in my diet.
My normal typical diet consists of

Breakfast: Bowl of Cereal with a banana or yogurt

Lunch: Turkey sandwich on wheat with cheese and lettuce. Along with peanuts or crackers.

Dinner: (anything my mom makes), Since we're asian there tends to be a lot of rice in these dishes, I am trying to cut down my portions. But I believe this is where I get most of my calories for the day.

In terms of activity, I shoot for 40 minutes of cardio a day. I heard you should have a rest day so I let one day specifically for walking be considered a rest. I am considering doing more honestly so I can get that metabolism going.

The eggs and bacon idea for breakfast sounds almost too good to be true, but I will definitely try that out after I finish this box of cereal. I am looking back and now I see I can probably cut out some carbs in my diet.

I know people hate this, but I liked counting calories when I started. Just being AWARE of what you are eating and what it means calories are makes a big difference. While calories aren't the end all metric they can be helpful.

I am personally on a VERY low carb diet so I can't really relate to yours and tell you whats ok or not. So counting calories may be you best avenue if going on low carb (or another specific diet) isn't an option.

One thing I found that worked well for me personally was cutting ALL calories from liquids. Whether that be Soda, Milk, or Juice. You need to drink the roughly the same amount every day anyways so removing the calories from your liquids can save 500 calories a day by itself. If you absolutely cannot stand it you can have diet drinks like diet soda or crystal light......they are still far better for you than full calorie drinks. (some people disagree on this but the ACTUAL evidence that those no calorie drinks are bad for you is virtually non existent)

Cutting calories from liquids is just free money in my mind since it generally doesn't effect your portions or "fullness".

I also try to keep it simple. Once you find a routine that works don't try to over complicate it.

Just my thoughts/advice.


I microwave steaks.
Yeah, Calorie counting is kind of tedious, I tend to have an idea in my head. I downloaded this my fitness pal app so I should be tracking things easily now. And I have already switched to strictly water (besides the milk in my cereal). It's been hard, you get that craving for a soda now and then but I am absolutely committed to drinking water only.

I appreciate all the comments and suggestions you guys have been making, it helps knowing there is a knowledgeable crowd on this stuff. I've read a few books on weight loss so I feel like I have an amateur grasp on this, but this new information is very supplemental.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Man, there have been weeks back in the day when I couldn't be bothered to exercise at all. Frankly, it wasn't the catastrophe I expected,

Diet is key, As was said, eggs are perfect for breakfast and snacks.I usually eat 3, maybe 4, a day with mustard, I eat a ton of old-fashioned oatmeal, and beans also. Lots of salad and veggies, also, Yogurt is amazing if you're careful and buy the right kinds.

Best of luck. The beat advice I can offer is to keep learning and don't view it as a temporary thing. Try to think of it as a healthy new lifestyle that you MUST stick with forever or you're fucked.

Don't give up. Do shit properly as best you can learn how. Enjoy the changes that will happen to your body if you are patient.

Even if it seems like everything is for naught, like it's had no effect, keep up. You won't notice right away, others won't notice for a long time. I've lost almost 150lbs and sometimes people will come up to me and say things like "Hey, have you lost 30-40 pounds?".

Basically, just keep going even if you aren't personally seeing any effect and aren't getting external validation.

Good luck.

Edit: Also, everything the above posters have said is spot-on. Calorie free drinks are so important. Found money is a good analogy.


I started dieting and working out last week, proud to say I have been on it for 6 consecutive days now. I have a question for you guys, I heard a good amount of weight to lose every week is 2 pounds, but I am shooting for 3 a week in order to reach my goal faster (want to join the military). Is that unreasonable, or come with any adverse effects (like I heard rebound weight)? My starting weight is 293, shooting for 150. I feel like I can achieve this within a year, hopefully I can keep up with this momentum.

Want to give a big shout out to Dance Central 3, never have I been tricked into fitness so much, but the game gives you an amazing workout while dancing to some jammin' tunes. Wii fit is pretty decent too, like having a trainer to monitor my activites. Funny thing, DDR is probably my least favorite activity, probably because of those plastic pads.

U sound like me im losing 67 <56 now> to join the military.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Props on the green tea! Completely flipped around and rectified my preconceptions on that choice.

The combination of reading this thread every now and then and having a biology teacher as a dad hasn't left me completely without notion about calorie intake and stuff ;). Still baffles my mind though to see my colleagues gulp away cartons of fresh juice and proclaim it's super-healthy.

I'm totally in calorie-count mode. I'm currently alternating between the breakfast posted (veggies, fruits and raisins) and a mixture of quark, apple, raisins and frozen berries (raspberries and blueberries, my supermarket sells frozen packages of 150 grams for $2.40 - pretty cheap!). Both amount to between 200-250 calories.

For lunch I'm eating three slices of bread: one with low-fat cheese (usually Leyden cheese or clove cheese), one with smoked chicken fillet and one with sandwich spread. This amounts to around 500 calories.

Only thing I don't really count are my dinner calories, but I only eat vegetables and meat/fish/poultry and measure the weight of vegetables (usually eat around 250-300 grams) and meat/fish/poultry (100-150 gram). The reasoning behind only eating something carb-heavy (the bread) at lunch is it helps me through the day and I don't miss it as much when eating breakfast or dinner.

So far I'm losing about a kilo (2.2 pound) a week with it. I did this before in 2011 for a couple months out of curiosity and had around the same results, only over a longer period. But I have to travel 17 km. a day for work these days (8.5 x2) and I'm cycling it, together with occassionally running and swimming, so the exercise is probably speeding it up. Also stopped drinking alcohol during weekdays. I'm sorta curious which of those three things (cutting out carbs out of 2 of 3 meals; less alcohol; more exercise) is the biggest factor in the whole weight-loss process.

Started out 65,7 kg (around 145 pounds) 23 days ago, currently at 137 pounds. So a loss of 8 pounds. Goal is 58 kg (around 129 pounds). I'm not a very big guy, hence the low goal :).


I can't stay on my diet. It's getting maddening at this point.

I've actually realized that I pretty much each fast food every day, I just switch it up. If it's not McDonalds, it's dominos, if it's not dominos, it's Mr. Greek or Subway. I don't know how I was able to get into the healthy eating mindset that I had 2 years ago.


relies on auto-aim
I can't stay on my diet. It's getting maddening at this point.

I've actually realized that I pretty much each fast food every day, I just switch it up. If it's not McDonalds, it's dominos, if it's not dominos, it's Mr. Greek or Subway. I don't know how I was able to get into the healthy eating mindset that I had 2 years ago.
A big part of eating right is putting yourself in situations where it is easier to pick right.
If you are eating out all the time, have something on you if possible.

I willpower buying things once or twice a week, then have to eat what I buy at home.
How often should I weigh myself so I don't go paranoid? Every morning? Every week?

All depends on what works for you. For most people once a week is fine as pointed out above.

For ME personally I weighed myself significantly more than that simply as a reminder every day that I was on a diet. Though its not a good idea if you are easily discouraged since weight simply varies day to day.
Hey guys. I made some big changes this year. I quit video gaming and I cut most of my gaf browsing. I only visit movie gaf, book gaf, and weight loss gaf now. I made a effort to run 2 miles each day. Now I only drink water and tea.

Also I just started the low carb/atkins diet. I read so many posts on it that it inspired to get started. I started atkins two days ago and I'm definitely in ketosis. I'm down from 202 lbs from the end of last year to 191 lbs (I only lost 2 lbs on atkins btw). I'm kind of excited seeing the differences in my body now.

I'll definitively post picture once I'm near my target weight.
^Good luck!

I decided since I am down 100 lbs and REALLY busy with school I am going to dial back my diet a bit for convenience. One of the cornerstones of my system was only buying uncooked meats in medium quantities meaning that if I wanted to eat I had to cook. Also, I don't own a car (live on campus) so I have to walk to the grocery store several times a week.

However, its gotten almost impossible with my schedule this semester. So I will still avoid calories from liquids and watch my calorie intake, but other than that I am off. I figure that since I only have 20 lbs left to lose it would probably be good to try to start working on a diet I can live with for the rest of my life lol.


What's the consensus on Pork Chops? Worse for you than beef, turkey, chicken, fish? I'm having it for dinner tonight after the gym and I feel like its worse than other meats for some reason
What's the consensus on Pork Chops? Worse for you than beef, turkey, chicken, fish? I'm having it for dinner tonight after the gym and I feel like its worse than other meats for some reason

Eh I don't think there is any significant difference.

...thats my opinion anyways as a Low Carber.


I recently hit the 100 pound loss milestone, myself (103 pounds, to be exact):

May 26th, 2011:
Weight: 415 pounds

January 22nd, 2013:
Weight: 312 pounds

I had a procedure called gastric Lapband. I probably would've lost more than that, but I started going to the gym June last year, and instead of concentrating on cardio, I started doing weights in high weights/high reps instead of low weights/high reps, and that put me through an eventual plateau hell. Failing to pay attention to that, I gained roughly 25 pounds, though I managed to cut ~12% body fat. I'm not really a photo-centric person, but I do have an older wedding pic of myself at my biggest, ~425 pounds, with a comparison shot of myself from last week, just gotta dig it up.


I microwave steaks.
U sound like me im losing 67 <56 now> to join the military.

Very cool! I just hope I can live up to their standards on pushups, situps, and running the mile.

I recently hit the 100 pound loss milestone, myself (103 pounds, to be exact):

May 26th, 2011:
Weight: 415 pounds

January 22nd, 2013:
Weight: 312 pounds

I had a procedure called gastric Lapband. I probably would've lost more than that, but I started going to the gym June last year, and instead of concentrating on cardio, I started doing weights in high weights/high reps instead of low weights/high reps, and that put me through an eventual plateau hell. Failing to pay attention to that, I gained roughly 25 pounds, though I managed to cut ~12% body fat. I'm not really a photo-centric person, but I do have an older wedding pic of myself at my biggest, ~425 pounds, with a comparison shot of myself from last week, just gotta dig it up.

Way to go man! That is some great progress.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I recently hit the 100 pound loss milestone, myself (103 pounds, to be exact):

May 26th, 2011:
Weight: 415 pounds

January 22nd, 2013:
Weight: 312 pounds

I had a procedure called gastric Lapband. I probably would've lost more than that, but I started going to the gym June last year, and instead of concentrating on cardio, I started doing weights in high weights/high reps instead of low weights/high reps, and that put me through an eventual plateau hell. Failing to pay attention to that, I gained roughly 25 pounds, though I managed to cut ~12% body fat. I'm not really a photo-centric person, but I do have an older wedding pic of myself at my biggest, ~425 pounds, with a comparison shot of myself from last week, just gotta dig it up.

Very impressive, man. I can't wait to see the pics. I was damned near 400 at my worst. I'll never know because I couldn't find a scale that handled me.

I know it's a tough road, but your ptogress and effort speak well of your character.

I'm sure you don't need us to tell you, but keep it up!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I have a question for those who have lost the weight, do you still feel like a fat person? It's hard to describe; it's definitely some irrational psychological thing. I know when I look at myself objectively, I'm a relatively thin person now but for some reason I can't shake the feeling, like I'm faking it or something because I have to work so hard to maintain my weight.

I've gone up 10 lbs a few times since I lose my weight 1-2 years ago.

Each time I had become slightly addicted to food. Craving the flavor of pizza and similar types of baked foods. Each time I'd rationalize it was muscle growth. I wouldn't see myself as fat, but I was becoming fat.

Only when I entered into my diet and adapted to low reward would I objectively see the excess fat. The brain plays tricks on you to a point when it thinks it's hungry.

To mitigate this I've moved to a sustainable diet for maintenance. Sort of half low reward..basically you have to cook everything yourself and carefully select items because in the United States even frozen chicken breats and peanuts are caked in flavor enhancers, and I weekly measure my waist circumference and body weight. Only thing hard to prevent now is the holidays. Cooking is time consuming, so I'm very specific amount my meal planning. One of the easiest, healthiest and cheapest things to make is pseudo-chinese stir fry. Frozen mixed vegetables, a bit of rice, pre-cut chicken breast chunks or stir fry of steak (pre-cut) + a bit of seasame oil, red pepper, ginger, garlic, onion, and small amount of low sodium soy sauce.

Looking back a few years ago? I'm clearly obese. 30 lbs heavier, probably 45 lbs more fat and 15 lbs less muscle. I look way fatter than I ever remember seeing myself.

I recommend to everyone to get a waist circumference measuring tape. It cuts through all of the vanity sizing bullshit and mind tricks and gives you a fairly accurate number that's more meaningful than BMI or weight.

Why are there soy protein isolates in my turkey?

Because it costs less.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Bit of a random question, but anyone familiar with this thing:


I can get one for free since I just found out I apparantly get points with my mobile provider. Never bothered to look at it, browsed the catalogue, everything looks shit/not interesting, but a smoothie blender/maker/whatever would be nifty. But it has this hilaribad infomercial that has me worried this is tellsell garbage.
Greetings from one of our other weight-loss / diet threads (the one about "Why we get fat"). Right at the beginning of the year I decided (in a pretty split-second decision) that I'd had enough with my weight and was going to do something about it. I've posted my progress every week but it's mostly dead over there and I feel bad necro'ing it every Monday. Sooo, anyhow, I'm 6'6" or so and started at 336. In the weeks since I've dropped to 326, 321, and now 319. It's not much, but it's a start, and this time it feels sustainable, like a legitimate shot of being a lifestyle change rather than just a diet to be broken later.

Basically: Cut out carbs as much as possible. Ditched sugars with the exception of fruit (and, then, favor the berries over higher sugar fruits like bananas and oranges). Ditched all drinks except for water, unsweetened tea, and a single glass of skim milk a day (for calcium). Eggs and bacon every morning, meat (not breaded, not fried) and veggies (steamed or roasted, no casseroles or hiding it with lots of cheese) for lunch and dinner. I cheat once a week, and it is planned well in advance so I can anticipate it and not feel guilty about it later (and get in a mental state where I degrade myself and ditch the new eating habits). I eliminated snacking almost entirely and when I eat I dedicate the time to do it -- no eating at the desk while at work when I'm spending more time with my work than listening to my body when it says "I've had enough."

It's been great. Losing weight, have more energy (particularly in the morning), am rarely hungry, and the tingling I've had in my hands has really subsided. I thought it was carpal tunnel but I'm thinking now it may have been pre-Diabetes. I'm 41 and hoping it's not too late to turn from that future. I'd like to be 250 by the end of this year and around 200 by the end of next. I've got photos just days after I started but I think I'll hold off posting those until I have a nice "after" pic.
Ate 2 pieces of fillet mignon and I'm debating on eating the third one. Should I go for it? I ate nothing else today.

Hard to go wrong with meat in as pretty close to original form as possible, wrapped in something with some nice protein and fat itself. If you are hungry, of course. If not, best to walk away.
Hard to go wrong with meat in as pretty close to original form as possible, wrapped in something with some nice protein and fat itself. If you are hungry, of course. If not, best to walk away.

Well, it's already digesting now, but I had 3 pieces with some lettuce and tomato soaked with some olive oil. That was my only meal of the day. I'm planning to snack on some celery later.
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