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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Amazing, but am I the only one who thinks you look like the guy sitting there in the Before pic? Uncanny resemblance.
haha, yeah. I thought the exact same thing
Oh man that's impossible. I just cannot believe it can be possible. Oh man you give me some glimmer of hope.

Eating a garden salad with salmon. Hopefully I can keep this up.
not only possible, its inevitable if you eat right. A single drop of water falling consistently will drill through a rock...all it takes is time.


Will drop pants for Sony.
haha, yeah. I thought the exact same thingnot only possible, its inevitable if you eat right. A single drop of water falling consistently will drill through a rock...all it takes is time.

My mine just cannot comprehend this. I want to feel this is possible but I don't know if it can happen to me


It's entirely possible to lose weight without exercise at all if you are just careful with your diet. If you have a smartphone I truly recommend Myfitnesspal to help you track your ingestion. Once you've got a handle on what you are eating, I'd recommend sitting down and analyzing what nutrients your current diet is missing and trying to fix that, either strictly through diet or with supplements.

The most important thing is not to give up because it seems daunting. It'll become easier as you go along :)

I downloaded the app just now and put in the food I ate yesterday, as I haven't eaten anything yet today. I was supposed to eat 1560 calories yesterday and I ended up eating 2469, 909 calories more than I should have. This is going to be tough. Should I try to hit 1560 calories today, or should I ease my way down there gradually? What do you guys suggest? I just feel If I go from eating almost 2500 calories to 1500 hundred calories my body is going to be hungry and go into starvation mode. Am I over thinking this? I really do appreciate all your help guys. This is a hard process and knowing that so many of you have done it and kept the weight off is truly inspirational and makes me think I might actually do this for real this time.


I downloaded the app just now and put in the food I ate yesterday, as I haven't eaten anything yet today. I was supposed to eat 1560 calories yesterday and I ended up eating 2469, 909 calories more than I should have. This is going to be tough. Should I try to hit 1560 calories today, or should I ease my way down there gradually? What do you guys suggest? I just feel If I go from eating almost 2500 calories to 1500 hundred calories my body is going to be hungry and go into starvation mode. Am I over thinking this? I really do appreciate all your help guys. This is a hard process and knowing that so many of you have done it and kept the weight off is truly inspirational and makes me think I might actually do this for real this time.

You will not go into starvation mode. It take days to even start 'starvation mode'. Multiple studies have been done on this.

I do Intermittent Fasting. I only eat food between 4:00PM and 23:00PM. Nothing but water for the other 17 hours. No starvation mode here.
My mine just cannot comprehend this. I want to feel this is possible but I don't know if it can happen to me
it's cause and effect stretched out over weeks/months/years. Thats it. Your ability to comprehend it or not won't stop you from losing weight so long as you stick to the path long term. Most heavy people have come to identify themselves as "fat", the idea of changing that identity seems impossible. Its not, you brain just doesn't know any better


You will not go into starvation mode. It take days to even start 'starvation mode'. Multiple studies have been done on this.

I do Intermittent Fasting. I only eat food between 4:00PM and 23:00PM. Nothing but water for the other 17 hours. No starvation mode here.

How do you get through the rest of the day without eating? I just don't think I'd have any energy if I did that.


I downloaded the app just now and put in the food I ate yesterday, as I haven't eaten anything yet today. I was supposed to eat 1560 calories yesterday and I ended up eating 2469, 909 calories more than I should have. This is going to be tough. Should I try to hit 1560 calories today, or should I ease my way down there gradually? What do you guys suggest? I just feel If I go from eating almost 2500 calories to 1500 hundred calories my body is going to be hungry and go into starvation mode. Am I over thinking this? I really do appreciate all your help guys. This is a hard process and knowing that so many of you have done it and kept the weight off is truly inspirational and makes me think I might actually do this for real this time.

Just my personal opinion, but I do think that myfitnesspal is less accurate than other calorie counters out there because it doesn't take your BF% into account and tends to really low ball your daily caloric intake. I eat about 1800 - 2000 calories per day and I've lost a good 20lb in one month alone. Even when I lost weight the first time I never had to go that low. Try the Free Dieting calorie counter if you really don't think you can go as low as 1500. I personally think it's a lot more accurate. At the very least aim to eat about 2000 at the absolute maximum.


People like Myfitnesspal because of all the things it can log. Not because of the arbitrary goals that you can customize at any time.


How do you get through the rest of the day without eating? I just don't think I'd have any energy if I did that.

That is precisely what I thought at first. I admit, the first 2-3 days were hard. When I say hard, I wan't in agony or miserable, but I had a very bad craving to just stuff myself. I didn't. I just drank water and plain green tea. The water/tea helped A LOT. It instantly kiled my craving.

I then had my first meal at 4 and then I had some sort of snack that night. Most of the time my snack was 0% yogurt with some berries and nuts. Delicious!

I was completely full after the snack, and after a week of doing this It was completely normal for me. 3 months so far.

I was worried about not having any energy, but it was honestly the opposite. I felt more focused, and 'light'.

I have said this before, but fasting really opened up my eyes. I realized how much of what i ate was not due to hunger, it was more of a habit, boredom, or whatever else you want to call it.

You initially think that you 'MUST HAVE FOOD'. My friends though I was stupid, and told me how "You will not survive without breakfast", but of course I did survive, and I am in the best shape of my life and have never felt better.


That is precisely what I thought at first. I admit, the first 2-3 days were hard. When I say hard, I wan't in agony or miserable, but I had a very bad craving to just stuff myself. I didn't. I just drank water and plain green tea. The water/tea helped A LOT. It instantly kiled my craving.

I then had my first meal at 4 and then I had some sort of snack that night. Most of the time my snack was 0% yogurt with some berries and nuts. Delicious!

I was completely full after the snack, and after a week of doing this It was completely normal for me. 3 months so far.

I was worried about not having any energy, but it was honestly the opposite. I felt more focused, and 'light'.

I have said this before, but fasting really opened up my eyes. I realized how much of what i ate was not due to hunger, it was more of a habit, boredom, or whatever else you want to call it.

You initially think that you 'MUST HAVE FOOD'. My friends though I was stupid, and told me how "You will not survive without breakfast", but of course I did survive, and I am in the best shape of my life and have never felt better.

I love fasting. I usually never get hungry until right around when I'm supposed to eat dinner, and it feels good not to have to worry about eating for a few hours. I will say though that I'm sick of the comments I get whenever I do it. "That's so unhealthy!!!!" This comes from the same people who tell me I'm an idiot for eating bacon. I'm not the one eating shitty fake meats and Lean Cuisines every day.


I'm not sure I quite want to jump into IF just yet. I mean I usually don't eat breakfast anyway (and still hit 2500 calories yesterday, oh boy), but by noon I'm usually starving. If it works for you and isn't detrimental to your health, more power to you! I might try it a little bit down the road, but for now I'm going to try and just get my calorie intake down and my exercise time up.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'm doing fasting now and think I see a bit of change. I dropped down a pound or so the first week. I just eat dinner around 7pm then nothing until lunch at 12pm the next day. Honestly it doesn't feel like fasting though because it's my schedule normally on weekends as I sleep in. :p


The thing with IF is that you still have to watch what you eat in order to not be starving by the time you wake up. If all you eat during those 7-8 hours are bread and stuff, it's understandable that you won't make it to noon the next day.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
The thing with IF is that you still have to watch what you eat in order to not be starving by the time you wake up. If all you eat during those 7-8 hours are bread and stuff, it's understandable that you won't make it to noon the next day.

Indeed. I basically just pushed my meals back a few hours. I eat lunch at noon, then around 3 have some almonds and string cheese. Dinner after a workout is usually substantial, then maybe some more almonds at night. I don't have a huge issue of being hungry before noon.

My main thing is I'm not sure if it's working at all yet.


Indeed. I basically just pushed my meals back a few hours. I eat lunch at noon, then around 3 have some almonds and string cheese. Dinner after a workout is usually substantial, then maybe some more almonds at night. I don't have a huge issue of being hungry before noon.

My main thing is I'm not sure if it's working at all yet.

IMO based on my results, main thing you get from IF is fat loss.
So I slightly gained some weight during my chemo, so I'm going back to a strict diet and started P90X yesterday with a friend. Hopefully everything goes well and I can keep it up.

I guess since I just did the same I reddit, I should contribute here. Last April, I weight 300 lbs with more than 30% body fat at 6ft0. Today, I weigh 190 lbs with just shy of 16% body fat and dropping. I finally reached my goal.

For those curious, all I did was no carbs at all (no potatoes, pasta, beer, etc.) and focus on solely proteins and veggies, one cheat day a week, and My Fitness Pal cal counting since April of last year. I tossed in a tiny amount of exercise (biking to work in the summer, running for half an hour every few days) but mostly accomplished this through diet.





Amazing transformation, you sir are inspiring. Such a cutie, too. :D
Woah I feel like I missed something in the past year or so! :S

Haha, yeah, it's been a while. I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in late May and went through chemo from August through October. All is well though, my 3 month check up was last month and I was still all clear.

Just haven't been able to work out since my health problems started in April of last year. Gained like 15 pounds since then, so I'm ready to get back into it and get back into shape and lose this weight.


Haha, yeah, it's been a while. I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in late May and went through chemo from August through October. All is well though, my 3 month check up was last month and I was still all clear.

Just haven't been able to work out since my health problems started in April of last year. Gained like 15 pounds since then, so I'm ready to get back into it and get back into shape and lose this weight.

Oh man, well that's great to hear you're doing well! I guess I really miss a lot by never going to tinychat any more!


Will drop pants for Sony.
you're telling me if you eat something like 2000 calories per day for the next 2 years, you won't become skinny? It is inevitable.

it's cause and effect stretched out over weeks/months/years. Thats it. Your ability to comprehend it or not won't stop you from losing weight so long as you stick to the path long term. Most heavy people have come to identify themselves as "fat", the idea of changing that identity seems impossible. Its not, you brain just doesn't know any better

Yeah it's hard for me as I tend to eat foods that I crave and most of them are bad.

I've downloaded the fitness pal app and entered the foods I had since this morning. Kind of shocked at the amount of calories I ate. I really need to stop going to dunkin dounuts.


I downloaded the app just now and put in the food I ate yesterday, as I haven't eaten anything yet today. I was supposed to eat 1560 calories yesterday and I ended up eating 2469, 909 calories more than I should have. This is going to be tough. Should I try to hit 1560 calories today, or should I ease my way down there gradually? What do you guys suggest? I just feel If I go from eating almost 2500 calories to 1500 hundred calories my body is going to be hungry and go into starvation mode. Am I over thinking this? I really do appreciate all your help guys. This is a hard process and knowing that so many of you have done it and kept the weight off is truly inspirational and makes me think I might actually do this for real this time.
Yeah, you're probably over thinking it. :)

It's important to recognize the difference between "I actually don't have enough energy" (a state you probably won't find yourself in) and "my body is used to this eating schedule so I feel like I don't have enough energy." When I was eating low carb and three meals a day, on Fridays I would go out for lunch and skip breakfast to compensate. By the time lunch time rolled around I felt famished and would scarf down lunch as a result. It's because my body had expectations as a result of being fed at a certain time six days a week, and it complained loudly as a result. I've been doing IF for almost a year now and while the hunger pangs were noticeable the first few days, they were easy to deal with thanks to things like coffee, tea and water.

That said, I'm not necessarily recommending you switch to IF, I just wanted to tell you that your issues are not a result of what your body needs, but rather what it's been trained to expect. If you absolutely 100% do not think you can go from 2500 calories down to a better amount in one day, then sure, ease your way down there over the course of a week or so. It's only a week, and you should be in this for the long haul. I'd also be curious to see your food choices. Since I haven't been weight lifting due to a shoulder injury, I clock in at around ~1450 calories a day. I get a nice amount of fat and protein for lunch in the form of ~400g of ground beef, and some more protein at night with chicken and eggs. I also have fibrous vegetables with both. The key is eating satiating foods, which all of the things I listed are.


Yeah it's hard for me as I tend to eat foods that I crave and most of them are bad.

I've downloaded the fitness pal app and entered the foods I had since this morning. Kind of shocked at the amount of calories I ate. I really need to stop going to dunkin dounuts.

You should try to eradicate all fast food from your diet.
I was doing so well, and I fucked it all up. I slowly started eating mroe and more carbs everyday and now my diet is ruined. I'm too scared to even weigh myself. It looks like I lost 20 pounds just so I can gain it all back.

I feel so damn discouraged right now.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I was doing so well, and I fucked it all up. I slowly started eating mroe and more carbs everyday and now my diet is ruined. I'm too scared to even weigh myself. It looks like I lost 20 pounds just so I can gain it all back.

I feel so damn discouraged right now.

Don't be discouraged, you just have to start again, you will lose motivation...but that doesnt mean you cant learn from your mistakes...

Every time you fuck up...go do some exercise that that day..

Last year I managed to lose a stone and then did this and put it all back on.
but as long as you carry on getting back on it after you fuck up, you WILL succeed, the key is not giving up brah :D

Also drinking is the killer, cut down if you're serious about losing weight
Don't be discouraged, you just have to start again, you will lose motivation...but that doesnt mean you cant learn from your mistakes...

Every time you fuck up...go do some exercise that that day..

Last year I managed to lose a stone and then did this and put it all back on.
but as long as you carry on getting back on it after you fuck up, you WILL succeed, the key is not giving up brah :D

Also drinking is the killer, cut down if you're serious about losing weight

I don't drink now, I smoke weed but that's also been harming me so I'm stopping that too.


I was doing so well, and I fucked it all up. I slowly started eating mroe and more carbs everyday and now my diet is ruined. I'm too scared to even weigh myself. It looks like I lost 20 pounds just so I can gain it all back.

I feel so damn discouraged right now.

Forget about all that. Think about now. It's never too late to get back up and try again.
I was doing so well, and I fucked it all up. I slowly started eating mroe and more carbs everyday and now my diet is ruined. I'm too scared to even weigh myself. It looks like I lost 20 pounds just so I can gain it all back.

I feel so damn discouraged right now.

Getting back up only makes you stronger. Just slowly start to focus on eliminating some heavy carb stuff out slowly. Cold turkey never works.
I did not take a before pic, but I reached my ideal weight a week ago. I lost about 30 pounds since November '12.

Pic now:

Pic before(I picked a pic from my New York Trip where I met my HaloGAF peeps):

I am trying to get my muscle to the peak form now. And I still have a belly, I must get rid off.

Edit.: Wait a second, I will resize the pic.


I guess since I just did the same I reddit, I should contribute here. Last April, I weight 300 lbs with more than 30% body fat at 6ft0. Today, I weigh 190 lbs with just shy of 16% body fat and dropping. I finally reached my goal.

For those curious, all I did was no carbs at all (no potatoes, pasta, beer, etc.) and focus on solely proteins and veggies, one cheat day a week, and My Fitness Pal cal counting since April of last year. I tossed in a tiny amount of exercise (biking to work in the summer, running for half an hour every few days) but mostly accomplished this through diet.





Dude that is amazing, we followed basically the same diet. I cut out carbs and exercised just about as much as you and I lost 140lbs. That cheat day once a week was huge in helping me, it kept me from going crazy missing carbs and totally going off my diet.


It's amazing what weight loss and a change in hairstyle can do for one's self esteem and catching womens eyes.




everyone here loves to eat, trust me. You don't need to give that up, your desire for food shouldn't disappear. Its just refocusing that on more healthy alternatives. Your pallet will adapt, I love eating raw broccoli stalks now. Its crazy.

Juice contains a lot of sugar, its best to avoid it. I drink tons of iced and green tea, NO sweetener, NO sugar. I love water too. My first round of weight loss came to a halt when I started drinking Gatorade on my walks and more orange juice in the mornings. Those liquid calories/sugar will catch up to you fast

Thats actually edible? Ive always just thrown it away... probably because my mom alwayd did it like that


Start by cutting things such as Soda and try to walk more. Don't even need to set a time and date to go for a walk. Just walk to places you would normally drive to that are realistic. I started with a friends house. I visit him a lot, and would normally hop on the bus. I now walk to his house whenever I go. 10-15 minute walk, and I absolutely love it.


I know that it isn't much, but that is how I started. I was also close to 200 and I am 5'6. I just stopped drinking Soda and never set foot on an escalator or elevator ever again. After a while I did not even notice it. I did not start doing any sort of exercise until I hit 150. It is definitely great and will help a lot if you do it. All up to you.

Don't try to overcomplicate it by looking into different diets, exercise programs and whatnot. Everyone is different, and not every diet works for everyone. If you start one and it does not work for you, it will mentally break you. There is plenty of time to experiment later.

Just it and take it easy. You do not need to rush. If you have to determination, you will get there. There is no other outcome if you stick to it, plain and simple. Trust me :D

If only it were that easy. I have been a water person for so long already. I very rarely drink soda or sugary drinks. I just prefer the taste of water, and I'm always sipping on some water throughout the day. I also always use the stairs at work, and my desk is on the fourth floor. That is still painfully tiring for me. Recently, (like within the past two months) I started going to the gym. I've also been eating a bit more salads and less bready stuff. No specific diet. Just trying to eat a tiny bit healthier. I've been doing this since about August. I think I'm about ten pounds heavier since then. Sucks.


If only it were that easy. I have been a water person for so long already. I very rarely drink soda or sugary drinks. I just prefer the taste of water, and I'm always sipping on some water throughout the day. I also always use the stairs at work, and my desk is on the fourth floor. That is still painfully tiring for me. Recently, (like within the past two months) I started going to the gym. I've also been eating a bit more salads and less bready stuff. No specific diet. Just trying to eat a tiny bit healthier. I've been doing this since about August. I think I'm about ten pounds heavier since then. Sucks.

What does your diet consist of? What do you eat when you go out with friends, and on a normal day?

And when you say you still drin soda and sugary drink from time to time, how often exactly? Once a week?
It's amazing what weight loss and a change in hairstyle can do for one's self esteem and catching womens eyes.


How long did this take?

Nice goatee. I had to shave mine off recently due to job interviews and I feared I'd get judged. :(


What does your diet consist of? What do you eat when you go out with friends, and on a normal day?

And when you say you still drin soda and sugary drink from time to time, how often exactly? Once a week?

Mornings it's usually a protein shake or eggs and bacon. Usually, the shake though because it's so easy. Lunch I usually go to the Cafeteria at work. Like I said, I used to just get a salad and put some chicken on it, but I tried out so many combinations of the absolute crap at the salad bar, and I couldn't take it anymore. So pretty much for the last month, I've been eating at the cafeteria, but not at the salad bar, I just ask the server to give me whatever meat they have and the steamed vegetables they happen to have there. I have no idea what crap they must put in it. The vegetables actually taste surprisingly good, so I'm sure there must be something bad in there. Later on, I get home and eat some meat, and usually a little bit of spinach heavy salad. I frequently eat it with rice or something.

I don't go out with friends. If I do, I usually don't eat anything because it's convenient not to. The frequency of my soda/juice drinking is probably around twice a month maybe.
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