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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Here are a couple of comparison pictures of me, the before one from just before New Years and the after picture from today. I really dunno how much more weight I should lose, I still feel obese sometimes, I want the flabby gut and love handles gone.
Went from 197.8 lbs to 167.8 lbs.



I say you should really give it time and let your mind adjust to your body. I don't know what you did to achieve it, but your body is what I want to achieve in a couple of months time.


So it occurred to be that I've never posted my weight loss stuff in this thread before.

So on January 4th of 2012 I decided I was finally going to lose weight and start living healthier. So I started a low carb diet and began exercising.

Exercise: The first 3 months or so I would go on a 5km walk every day, then when summer rolled around I started going on 12-30km bike rides every day, then in September I joined a gym and started going 6 days a week, the past month I've started weight training recently and I'm also a swimming fiend now. I do 30 25 meter lanes a few times a week now in addition to going ot the gym.

Diet: As I already said, low carb paleo diet and try to not go over 1800 calories a day. I mostly just eat "smart" now, avoiding really unhealthy stuff, although I have a cheat meal every so often so I don't lose my mind.

General Info: Male, 5'9, and 25 years old.

I've lost 113lbs total now, down to 207lbs as of this morning. Ultimate goal is to get around 160ish, building light muscle now do I don't know if I'll actually get to that point.


Here are a couple of comparison pictures of me, the before one from just before New Years and the after picture from today. I really dunno how much more weight I should lose, I still feel obese sometimes, I want the flabby gut and love handles gone.
Went from 197.8 lbs to 167.8 lbs.
If you're not already, start lifting weights.

Man, I've been trying to do low-carb, ketosis specifically and I keep messing up. It's hard to stay consistent and focused. The most I've lasted is about 5 days and it sucks because I start to feel like it is changing my body and I've lost some weight even in that short amount of time.

I should preface by saying that I'm pretty much at what I'd consider the halfway point for my weight loss goal. Back in high school, I was nearly 280 lbs. and now, in my Junior year of college, I'm around 190 lbs. (used to be 180 lbs. last year, ugh). I'm 5'8 and my bodies gotten to the point where I don't look super fat with clothes on, but the ugly truth still lies beneath. I know I need to starting working out more, as I have access to a treadmill and purchased a BowFlex machine last year.

I've noticed my main problem with food, sweets and all snacks in particular, is that when I eat them, I suddenly have a ravenous craving for them and have to devour everything in site. I'm living with my parents and my mom is a sugarholic, but unlike me, when she gets cravings, she'll only eat a small amount and save the rest for sometimes a week or two weeks later. On the other hand I'm much more like a recovering alcoholic, one sip (or bite in this case lol) and I'm diving headfirst right off the wagon.

I still eat tons of veggies, but my healthy days are punctuated by extended gorging sessions on bad stuff. I guess I'm looking to GAF for some tips towards more low-carb food, shakes, snack bars, or ideas in general to try out. Also does anyone have tips for how to stay consistent, stay structured or follow a routine? I'm not a fan of nuts but I do try to eat pork rinds to satisfy snack cravings, but I can get a little bored of their taste.
You kind of sound like me; I love sweets and when I crack it usually involves me going to the grocery store, buying a container of cookies and chocolate milk, eating all of them, feeling guilty about it for thirty minutes or so especially because they don't taste good as I remember, and then crave more because my awesome memories of them kick in again.

My advice to you: don't snack. Don't have cheat meals. Stick to fatty and protein-filled meals for satiety and eat slowly, so you're too stuffed to even consider snacking, because otherwise you will start to convince yourself that you are more hungry than you are and you will probably binge on something. In reality, there are a number of low carb treats you can have that will satisfy your sweet tooth, but the problem is that you'll probably eat more than you should regardless, and that's not okay. You need to put some distance between yourself and your cravings; otherwise it's like breaking up with a girl but still hanging out with her every day after and it kicks up those feelings again. You really just need to focus on your diet for a month to do that, but you have to be careful because thinking about it too hard will probably lead you to: "Well, it's okay if I just have this one thing...". Don't do it.

If you can keep your diet straight for a month, seeing your own results will serve as self-motivation. You'll start to understand the ebb and flow of your body better. That knowledge is an important tool in keeping yourself on track. Maybe you just need some more motivation to keep you committed for those first few weeks; you have this thread to look at for that, and it's also Photo Friday over at the Keto subreddit. Go look at what people have accomplished -- the only exceptional thing they're doing is not wavering on their commitment. I don't want to sound like a motivational speaker here, but it's all about getting over that initial hurdle.
Incredible King ^

Regarding the 'flab'- you barely have ANY - just give it time. You could start doing the Insanity program. It's designed specifically for scenarios such as this. It varies from person to person, but generally you will loose between 5 to 10lbs but more importantly loose body fat percentage and get a more defined and toned body.
Hm, never heard of that? Any good sites on that program? :)

Thank you, btw. :)

jonremedy said:
I say you should really give it time and let your mind adjust to your body. I don't know what you did to achieve it, but your body is what I want to achieve in a couple of months time.
Well, it started off with just laying off candy and sweets, then to cutting carbs during the day. I still eat a couple of sandwiches every morning, but I only eat once more during the day, at like 5 PM, chicken and stuff like that. I haven't excercised even once during this time, but I plan to. I still drink diet Pepsi, I think I have needed that, or else I wouldn't have been able to keep it up, because my every day life would have been way too boring, haha.

I know in my mind that I will probably get sick if I keep this up, because I know I won't be able to stop trying to lose weight, I get really anxious when I eat anything and think that I will gain weight. I need to see the upside to my change and be happy that I had the determination.
I haven't weighed this little since I was around 14, and I'm 24 now, so this will be the first summer I can walk on the beach without a shirt on. :)

EDIT: Nekura: I don't lift, I want to begin, but I want to move first, since I know I will use that as an excuse not to go to the gym, it's 30km away, I don't have that strong will power yet, :p


Hm, never heard of that? Any good sites on that program? :)

Thank you, btw. :)


I definitely got more toned doing it, same for my friend. I had to stop after doing it once due to health issues, but one of my friends kept going. He looks really fit now, and he is aout to start Insanity Asylum, which is the more intensified program.
Thank you, will definitely check into that, I wonder if there's an easy way to get ahold of it since I live in Sweden. :(

I have always wanted a ripped body that isn't huge, and at the same time I have always wanted to be reaaally skinny for a change, since I have always been large. I guess I can't since my build isn't like that, me legs are pretty damn muscular for some reason, I have never exercised or anything.


Oh man at work they have an entire break room full of chocolate cake and candy right now. I walked in there and it took every fiber in my body to turn around and leave. Fuck me it looked so good!!!!


Thank you, will definitely check into that, I wonder if there's an easy way to get ahold of it since I live in Sweden. :(

I have always wanted a ripped body that isn't huge, and at the same time I have always wanted to be reaaally skinny for a change, since I have always been large. I guess I can't since my build isn't like that, me legs are pretty damn muscular for some reason, I have never exercised or anything.
Whether or not you bulk up when lifting is dependent on what you're eating. It's not like you'll start lifting and suddenly turn into the Incredible Hulk. :b
Whether or not you bulk up when lifting is dependent on what you're eating. It's not like you'll start lifting and suddenly turn into the Incredible Hulk. :b
Haha, of course, I guess I'll have to look into tips and stuff on getting the body that I want when lifting. ^__^


If you're not already, start lifting weights.

You kind of sound like me; I love sweets and when I crack it usually involves me going to the grocery store, buying a container of cookies and chocolate milk, eating all of them, feeling guilty about it for thirty minutes or so especially because they don't taste good as I remember, and then crave more because my awesome memories of them kick in again.

My advice to you: don't snack. Don't have cheat meals. Stick to fatty and protein-filled meals for satiety and eat slowly, so you're too stuffed to even consider snacking, because otherwise you will start to convince yourself that you are more hungry than you are and you will probably binge on something. In reality, there are a number of low carb treats you can have that will satisfy your sweet tooth, but the problem is that you'll probably eat more than you should regardless, and that's not okay. You need to put some distance between yourself and your cravings; otherwise it's like breaking up with a girl but still hanging out with her every day after and it kicks up those feelings again. You really just need to focus on your diet for a month to do that, but you have to be careful because thinking about it too hard will probably lead you to: "Well, it's okay if I just have this one thing...". Don't do it.

If you can keep your diet straight for a month, seeing your own results will serve as self-motivation. You'll start to understand the ebb and flow of your body better. That knowledge is an important tool in keeping yourself on track. Maybe you just need some more motivation to keep you committed for those first few weeks; you have this thread to look at for that, and it's also Photo Friday over at the Keto subreddit. Go look at what people have accomplished -- the only exceptional thing they're doing is not wavering on their commitment. I don't want to sound like a motivational speaker here, but it's all about getting over that initial hurdle.

Thanks for responding, and yeah I'll definitely be doing more to distance myself from binging. Sometimes I feel discouraged because I feel like I should've been done with my weight loss 3 or 4 years ago and I'm still stuck in the same spot.

Seeing just what other Gaffers have accomplished is definitely motivation to keep going.


So it occurred to be that I've never posted my weight loss stuff in this thread before.

So on January 4th of 2012 I decided I was finally going to lose weight and start living healthier. So I started a low carb diet and began exercising.

Exercise: The first 3 months or so I would go on a 5km walk every day, then when summer rolled around I started going on 12-30km bike rides every day, then in September I joined a gym and started going 6 days a week, the past month I've started weight training recently and I'm also a swimming fiend now. I do 30 25 meter lanes a few times a week now in addition to going ot the gym.

Diet: As I already said, low carb paleo diet and try to not go over 1800 calories a day. I mostly just eat "smart" now, avoiding really unhealthy stuff, although I have a cheat meal every so often so I don't lose my mind.

General Info: Male, 5'9, and 25 years old.

I've lost 113lbs total now, down to 207lbs as of this morning. Ultimate goal is to get around 160ish, building light muscle now do I don't know if I'll actually get to that point.

kudos.. very impressive.


Gold Member
I have a weird question - have you guys who have lost a lot of weight felt nostalgia for the 'old you' being rendered history?

As I watched to the mirror one day after scuba diving I realized how much my body is changing, and how I will eventually be able to become really lean. Obviously this is exactly what I dream of, but for some reason looking at the mirror I also felt this odd sadness which doesn't make any sense. Questions like 'who is this guy' and 'is he a nice person' went through my mind.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I have a weird question - have you guys who have lost a lot of weight felt nostalgia for the 'old you' being rendered history?

As I watched to the mirror one day after scuba diving I realized how much my body is changing, and how I will eventually be able to become really lean. Obviously this is exactly what I dream of, but for some reason looking at the mirror I also felt this odd sadness which doesn't make any sense. Questions like 'who is this guy' and 'is he a nice person' went through my mind.

Interesting question. I haven't felt nostalgic in that way, but I'm not entirely happy with the way my face has changed. My skull has become so pronounced now, I feel I look sort of sickly sometimes.

People often ask me if I've lost weight on purpose or if I have cancer or some shit :/


Interesting question. I haven't felt nostalgic in that way, but I'm not entirely happy with the way my face has changed. My skull has become so pronounced now, I feel I look sort of sickly sometimes.

People often ask me if I've lost weight on purpose or if I have cancer or some shit :/
Haha yeah, I don't feel any real sadness with regards to my body, but my cheekbones are a little too pronounced now and one of my female friends keeps telling me I need more fat on my face.
So I just started a low carb diet in the past week or so. My daily meals usually look something like this:

2 scrambled eggs with 2 bacon strips with chili, coffee
Bowl of oatmeal with light sugar and diced fruit mixed in, coffee

Grilled chicken salad from local eatery or fast food place, usually ranch dressing, banana


Grilled chicken or steak mixed with veggies, sometimes this turns into a salad with dressing mixed in.

Now I know this isn’t the perfect low carb diet since I’m getting carbs with sugar in my coffee/oatmeal and fruit. Also I know my lunch salads aren’t ideal getting salad’s from a fast food place. But this is actually much better than what i was eating before loaded with carbs and generraly unhealthy.

Currently I’m about 5’6 or 5’7 and weigh about 175 lbs. My goal is weight is 150lbs. Any ideas or suggestions?

BTW- this thread is awesome and inspiring. Currently I'm reading through and on page 70.
That's not low carb. It might be lower than what you're used to, but it's not what people would consider a low carb diet, so I'm not sure why you called it that. Anyways, you already know what doesn't fit so just cut that stuff?


I have a weird question - have you guys who have lost a lot of weight felt nostalgia for the 'old you' being rendered history?

As I watched to the mirror one day after scuba diving I realized how much my body is changing, and how I will eventually be able to become really lean. Obviously this is exactly what I dream of, but for some reason looking at the mirror I also felt this odd sadness which doesn't make any sense. Questions like 'who is this guy' and 'is he a nice person' went through my mind.

Part of me misses being a huge guy, for some reason girls were much more friendly to hurley-me but if I think more about it I remember how sad and upset I was every night. Its easy to be nostalgic and remember the nice times. But I also need to never forget about the pain it caused me.
That's not low carb. It might be lower than what you're used to, but it's not what people would consider a low carb diet, so I'm not sure why you called it that. Anyways, you already know what doesn't fit so just cut that stuff?

So cut out the sugar and fruit? Any other suggestions? I haven’t done any extensive research on low carb diets. What are good substitutes for sugar and fruit? Mostly I cutout all breads, cereal, junk food, fried food, etc.


So cut out the sugar and fruit? Any other suggestions? I haven’t done any extensive research on low carb diets. What are good substitutes for sugar and fruit? Mostly I cutout all breads, cereal, junk food, fried food, etc.

Honestly that looks pretty good, just drop the oatmeal with sugar, and don't have any added sugars in your coffee. Watch the dressings as they can be filled with things you don't want, especially from fast food places.


But this is actually much better than what i was eating before loaded with carbs and generraly unhealthy.

That's a big step congrats! Bigger still is being consistent now, so stick with it.

My suggestion would be to take some measurements and pictures of yourself. See how this change goes. Are you gaining or losing weight, inches? etc. Next big one for me is to find good foods you like to eat and keep building that list. Of course you can always improve as you say, not fast food salads or better cuts of meat... just keep finding things you like so you can stick with this healthier way of eating forever :)

If you're looking for the low carb effect just kill the morning oatmeal option and push off any carb cheats as long as you can after waking up. The ranch dressing is probably something I'd look to cut too, bring your own dressing maybe and keep it at work?

Good luck.


I wish I had taken pics of when I was at my max weight. Wasn't too overweight, but I was a chubby kid.
About 2 years ago I weighed in at 173 lbs. now I'm at 144.

What I've done basically is: eat less, excersise more. Now I've been going to a gym and weight training for the last two months. Been doing a shitload of sit-ups, but they've pushed my fat out so it looks like a have a belly lol. Might just stop doing sit-ups.

Well off too my 1.5 mile run.
Is oatmeal off limits on a low carb diet? I guess I had the perception that oats are healthy and never thought about the carbs it has. If true, that only leaves me with eggs/bacon for breakfast but I would love some variety!


Is oatmeal off limits on a low carb diet? I guess I had the perception that oats are healthy and never thought about the carbs it has. If true, that only leaves me with eggs/bacon for breakfast but I would love some variety!

No, it's not off limits. People define low carb as anywhere from 20 to 200 carbs a day. Oatmeal is certainly under the higher end.


Is oatmeal off limits on a low carb diet? I guess I had the perception that oats are healthy and never thought about the carbs it has. If true, that only leaves me with eggs/bacon for breakfast but I would love some variety!

Not necessarily off limits, but it will take up a decent amount of your daily carb limit. You also said you're adding sugar, eating fruit, banana, and dressing..so you might be pushing it. Stick to the high quality, steel cut kind too, avoid the heavily processed Quaker junk. You could also make your own if you wanted, with nuts instead of oats.


So out of all the best feelings I've had, getting checked out by a hottie in Portland after I put on my new pair of 32W fancy Levis tops it. Awww yiss.

Also 8.1 miles with my dog yesterday in 73 mins.


So out of all the best feelings I've had, getting checked out by a hottie in Portland after I put on my new pair of 32W fancy Levis tops it. Awww yiss.

Also 8.1 miles with my dog yesterday in 73 mins.
Whaaat how do we wear the same size jeans! You were so much skinnier than me when I saw you in December.

I had one of those chocolate chip cookie dough Quest Bars on Friday night and holy shit so good. Going to have to keep the box at work and only bring a single bar home once a week as a treat in order to avoid pillaging the whole thing. I'm actually going to try to avoid the type of cheating I did during my last bout with low carb dieting; back then I would go out for lunch every Friday and eat a nice side of delicious carby fries. Besides the weekly protein bar, I'm not going to have a scheduled cheat and if I do decide to indulge a little, it's going to be on low carb things like having more eggs than I normally would or making something awesome from sinorslim. The only challenge is going to be eating well when I start traveling for fighting game tournaments, especially EVO in Vegas.


SONUVABISH! I had this plaid shirt that didn't fit properly before, but now it does! I should've taken before and after of myself in it. =(

May 26, 2011 (my birthday, funny enough): 413 lbs
March 15, 2013: 308 lbs

105 pound loss, so far. Lots of ups and downs--more of a plateau + slight gain due to weight-lifting, but that's what I'm down to. I really need to cut out the weight-lifting and concentrate on cardio more. I've got a nice river trail in my backyard which is 3 miles round trip, so I've been briskly walking that now that the weather is pretty nice outside. I just need to build up the courage to take a damn after picture because I'm not the most photogenic person in the world.


Whaaat how do we wear the same size jeans! You were so much skinnier than me when I saw you in December.
I was of the opposite opinion . . .

I also have huge legs. I tried on a pair of skinny jeans and I couldn't get the thigh portion over my calf.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Part of me misses being a huge guy, for some reason girls were much more friendly to hurley-me but if I think more about it I remember how sad and upset I was every night. Its easy to be nostalgic and remember the nice times. But I also need to never forget about the pain it caused me.

Wow, man. We live in different worlds if being bigger made you MORE popular with the ladies! I guess confidence plays a huge part, though.

SONUVABISH! I had this plaid shirt that didn't no one first before, but now it does! I should've taken before and after of myself in it. =(

May 26, 2011 (my birthday, funny enough): 413 lbs
March 15, 2013: 308 lbs

105 pound loss, so far. Lots of ups and downs--more of a plateau + slight gain due to weight-lifting, but that's what I'm down to. I really need to cut out the weight-lifting and concentrate on cardio more. I've got a nice river trail in my backyard which is 3 miles round trip, so I've been briskly walking that now that the weather is pretty nice outside. I just need to build up the courage to take a damn after picture because I'm not the most photogenic person in the world.

That's awesome, man. Keep it up. You are SOOO close to getting under 300 so I'm sure your pretty excited for that!

On the Oatmeal front, my diet is far from low-carb since it's mostly beans, eggs, and oatmeal. Not really too much to say except that I freakin' love oatmeal :)


I also have huge legs. I tried on a pair of skinny jeans and I couldn't get the thigh portion over my calf.
I have huge legs too. Putting jeans on after laundry day always sucks; even my roomiest pair of jeans pose an obstacle to my calves.

On the Oatmeal front, my diet is far from low-carb since it's mostly beans, eggs, and oatmeal. Not really too much to say except that I freakin' love oatmeal :)
You are vegetarian though, which makes your low carb choices more difficult! :)


Full werewolf off the buckle
You are vegetarian though, which makes your low carb choices more difficult! :)

Too true! The mutual love that Oatmeal and I share exists beyond time and circumstance, however.

At one point I had 10 large tubes of it at home just for the peace of mind that I wouldn't run out anytime soon. Hell, I'm thinking of having it for dinner if it won't put me over my carb limit for the day :)


Oatmeal is pretty good! I used to take some Mccan's steel cut oatmeal, mix it with almond milk, let it sit overnight in a container, and then eat it with dinner the next day, with some strawberries and blueberries mixed in.
I'm vegetarian too, it can be difficult sometimes. Eating straight Greek yogert with no sweetener gets old. I usually add blue berries if anything at all.

Had a rough weekend diet wise, my one cheat day turned into 2. Not bad calorie wise (less than 1900), but lots of carbs and sugar. Back on track today!


Oatmeal is pretty good! I used to take some Mccan's steel cut oatmeal, mix it with almond milk, let it sit overnight in a container, and then eat it with dinner the next day, with some strawberries and blueberries mixed in.
That shit is amazing.

On my last three Saturday AM runs (do 6-8 miles instead of the M/T/Th/F 3 miles), I made some of that with shredded coconut, a bit of vanilla extract powder, and dried blueberries. I swear it's like some sort of rocket fuel, because I've completely smashed my previous running plateau.


I wish I could lose weight like you guys. Sigh

Then STFU and do it. Every post of yours in here is you bitching about how you can't lose weight, that you can't even make a legitimate attempt. If you're going to decide to quit before you even start, then just STFU.


I wish I could lose weight like you guys. Sigh

Honestly, you can. Trust me, I had that attitude for all my life. I've been big since I was 7. I was so big, in fact, I couldn't fit in size 52 pants in the 3rd grade, and had to resort to wearing sweatsuits all my elementary school years. Just starting off small will yield results over time, man.
I wish I could lose weight like you guys. Sigh

It's all mental. For me the moment I decide there was no "I am going to try to lose weight" and replaced it with "I AM going to lose weight" it made a world of different. From there it was easy.

I gave myself no wriggle room. I was going to do whatever it took to lose weight period. It was no longer a question. Once I got that mindset honestly the whole process was relatively easy for me (though you always are going to have slip-ups.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Honestly, you can. Trust me, I had that attitude for all my life. I've been big since I was 7. I was so big, in fact, I couldn't fit in size 52 pants in the 3rd grade, and had to resort to wearing sweatsuits all my elementary school years. Just starting off small will yield results over time, man.
Well I've stopped going to dunkin dounuts and started eating oatmeal with two boil eggs and orange juice. I've been listing all the food I eat on the fitness pal app and going to the gym 5 days a week for an hour

It's all mental. For me the moment I decide there was no "I am going to try to lose weight" and replaced it with "I AM going to lose weight" it made a world of different. From there it was easy.

I gave myself no wriggle room. I was going to do whatever it took to lose weight period. It was no longer a question. Once I got that mindset honestly the whole process was relatively easy for me (though you always are going to have slip-ups.

Slip ups. Getting depressed and drained will definitely slip me up.

Then STFU and do it. Every post of yours in here is you bitching about how you can't lose weight, that you can't even make a legitimate attempt. If you're going to decide to quit before you even start, then just STFU.

I'm not as strong as everyone else


Full werewolf off the buckle
I wish I could lose weight like you guys. Sigh

I was all ready to just accept the sweat pants, the rascal scooter, having to be removed by crane when I died, all that shit.

Nobody really can tell what it's going to take to get them to take this shit seriously. Once you get the ball rolling it's pretty easy to keep momentum, but I think we all need to remember how hard it is to start that ball in the first place.

Really, you just need to not give up. This time might be the time that sticks for you. It may be slow-going and seem hopeless but you'll never get anywhere if you don't just start somewhere.

Honestly, you can. Trust me, I had that attitude for all my life. I've been big since I was 7. I was so big, in fact, I couldn't fit in size 52 pants in the 3rd grade, and had to resort to wearing sweatsuits all my elementary school years. Just starting off small will yield results over time, man.

Wow, your progress so far is all the more amazing knowing that, man. Now about them pics you were talking about?!
Slip ups. Getting depressed and drained will definitely slip me up.

I'm not as strong as everyone else

I don't pretend to know your situation.

However, you essentially have a choice, you can change and decide to become stronger (which would allow you to make other life changes), or you can complain about how weak you are and not get anywhere.

It's brutal, but honest. It IS a choice.


Well I've stopped going to dunkin dounuts and started eating oatmeal with two boil eggs and orange juice. I've been listing all the food I eat on the fitness pal app and going to the gym 5 days a week for an hour

Slip ups. Getting depressed and drained will definitely slip me up.

I'm not as strong as everyone else

I'm impressed that you've decided to make an effort and work at it. Results take time and you'll learn a lot before you get it all right. You'll slip up sometimes, and as long as you get back in the saddle right away and chalk it up to a learning experience you'll succeed at weight loss and whatever else you do. If you're tracking your diet, exercising regularly and trying to make real permanent changes, you're doing the right things.

What I'd recommend you do for breakfast is to skip the orange juice in favour of water, black coffee, or plain tea and eat another egg. The sugar will spike your insulin and leave you hungry and sluggish in the mid-morning, and the eggs are nutritious and the protein will fill you up.

If you really need to cheat (and living a little is healthy, you can't be monomaniacal about it all), try to keep it small and rare. You don't have to finish a whole piece of cake, you don't have to drink a whole six pack of booze, you don't have to eat the second handful of chips. You know? Being consistent 90% of the time allows you a little wiggle room the other 10%.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I'm impressed that you've decided to make an effort and work at it. Results take time and you'll learn a lot before you get it all right. You'll slip up sometimes, and as long as you get back in the saddle right away and chalk it up to a learning experience you'll succeed at weight loss and whatever else you do. If you're tracking your diet, exercising regularly and trying to make real permanent changes, you're doing the right things.

What I'd recommend you do for breakfast is to skip the orange juice in favour of water, black coffee, or plain tea and eat another egg. The sugar will spike your insulin and leave you hungry and sluggish in the mid-morning, and the eggs are nutritious and the protein will fill you up.

If you really need to cheat (and living a little is healthy, you can't be monomaniacal about it all), try to keep it small and rare. You don't have to finish a whole piece of cake, you don't have to drink a whole six pack of booze, you don't have to eat the second handful of chips. You know? Being consistent 90% of the time allows you a little wiggle room the other 10%.
Thanks I hope I can do this
I've got a continuous glucose monitor inserted into my stomache now, it's actually pretty crazy to watch your blood sugar change every five minutes and how it reacts to certain foods.


I would honestly recommend not going to the gym five times a week. You are setting yourself up for burnout. Make sure you're operating at a nice calorie deficit by diet alone and think of going to the gym three times a week as a nice bonus on top of it.


So cut out the sugar and fruit? Any other suggestions? I haven’t done any extensive research on low carb diets. What are good substitutes for sugar and fruit? Mostly I cutout all breads, cereal, junk food, fried food, etc.

Fruit is fine. If you don't want to go balls out low carb/paleo just cut sugar, processed foods, and gluten (wheat). Thats what I do and it works perfectly fine for me


Well, I never took a before picture, but I wanted to do a comparison tonight to get a tangible indication of my progress.

The clothes in the back are what I was wearing that were tight in September. The clothes on top are what I'm comfortable in now without being tight. I was kind of surprised to see the size difference in shirts since I mainly notice the progress in my waistline and belt.


Gold Member
First day of BMI < 30 in nearly 5 years. I know it's not the best measure because I have muscle and a robust bone structure and whatnot, but nevertheless it's a sign off me moving into a more healthy, sustainable territory.
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