If you're not already, start lifting weights.
You kind of sound like me; I love sweets and when I crack it usually involves me going to the grocery store, buying a container of cookies and chocolate milk, eating all of them, feeling guilty about it for thirty minutes or so especially because they don't taste good as I remember, and then crave more because my awesome memories of them kick in again.
My advice to you: don't snack. Don't have cheat meals. Stick to fatty and protein-filled meals for satiety and eat slowly, so you're too stuffed to even consider snacking, because otherwise you will start to convince yourself that you are more hungry than you are and you will probably binge on something. In reality, there are a number of low carb treats you can have that will satisfy your sweet tooth, but the problem is that you'll probably eat more than you should regardless, and that's not okay. You need to put some distance between yourself and your cravings; otherwise it's like breaking up with a girl but still hanging out with her every day after and it kicks up those feelings again. You really just need to focus on your diet for a month to do that, but you have to be careful because thinking about it too hard will probably lead you to: "Well, it's okay if I just have this one thing...". Don't do it.
If you can keep your diet straight for a month, seeing your own results will serve as self-motivation. You'll start to understand the ebb and flow of your body better. That knowledge is an important tool in keeping yourself on track. Maybe you just need some more motivation to keep you committed for those first few weeks; you have this thread to look at for that, and it's also Photo Friday over at
the Keto subreddit. Go look at what people have accomplished -- the only exceptional thing they're doing is not wavering on their commitment. I don't want to sound like a motivational speaker here, but it's all about getting over that initial hurdle.