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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Since you have been lifting for two months, have you become flabbier or just more muscular?
Definitely more muscular, however even if you say that entire 7 pounds was lean muscle mass (highly doubtful), it still doesn't explain not losing a good 10-15 pounds of fat. Not a chance in hell I put on 17-22 lbs of lean, lol.


Definitely more muscular, however even if you say that entire 7 pounds was lean muscle mass (highly doubtful), it still doesn't explain not losing a good 10-15 pounds of fat. Not a chance in hell I put on 17-22 lbs of lean, lol.

Since you want to cut more I would say do more cardio and try intermittent fasting. Intermittent Fasting does wonders if you can do it. Definitely helped me and a few of my friends drop a few pounds when we hit a plateau.


Since you want to cut more I would say do more cardio and try intermittent fasting. Intermittent Fasting does wonders if you can do it. Definitely helped me and a few of my friends drop a few pounds when we hit a plateau.
Been doing IF nearly every day for the past month and a half. I don't do extended sessions of cardio, however I lift 3 on/1 off and rest only 30s-1m between sets, so my heart rate is going quite a bit.

The only things I can guess are 1) too many calories, even at 2k or 2) high fat just isn't working for me 3) my body doesn't like IF. Either way, I've gotta switch things up a bit. Hopefully it doesn't mean needing to drop to 1500-1700 cals.


Been doing IF nearly every day for the past month and a half. I don't do extended sessions of cardio, however I lift 3 on/1 off and rest only 30s-1m between sets, so my heart rate is going quite a bit.

The only things I can guess are 1) too many calories, even at 2k or 2) high fat just isn't working for me 3) my body doesn't like IF. Either way, I've gotta switch things up a bit. Hopefully it doesn't mean needing to drop to 1500-1700 cals.

Oh, my bad. I just realized that you are doing high fat. I just read the low carbs parts.

From what I have read - someone correct me if I am wrong - high fat for weight-loss is pointless unless you are in ketosis. Do you know if you are? I mean you can actually test for it with one of the strips.

How much do you weight right now and how tall are you? Also goal weight?


From what I have read - someone correct me if I am wrong - high fat for weight-loss is pointless unless you are in ketosis. Do you know if you are? I mean you can actually test for it with one of the strips.
Definitely not and that would make a lot of sense if true. I was keeping it under 100g a day until I realized that wasn't enough carbs for lifting. Now doing ~150g a day.

How much do you weight right now and how tall are you? Also goal weight?
5'8" 200 lbs. Aiming for about 165-175, which would put me around 9-14% BF.


Definitely not and that would make a lot of sense if true. I was keeping it under 100g a day until I realized that wasn't enough carbs for lifting. Now doing ~150g a day.

5'8" 200 lbs. Aiming for about 165-175, which would put me around 9-14% BF.


But yeah, if you are doing 100-150g of carbs a day DO NOT eat lots of fat. For ketosis you need to consume next to 0 carbs. I have heard some enter ketosis when they keep it under 10-20g a day. Also takes anywere from a week to 3-4 weeks depending on the person. Once you enter Ketosis your body starts using all dat fat for energy. That is when all the fat you eat burns away right away.

As for you, just lower all amount of fat you are having.

What are you getting the carbs from anyway? Do you eat a lot of bread, rice and energy bars? Or is it from potatoes, nuts and whatnot?


What are you getting the carbs from anyway? Do you eat a lot of bread, rice and energy bars? Or is it from potatoes, nuts and whatnot?
Prior to increasing them, most days it was from vegetables (not including potatoes), milk, and maybe some corn tortillas or a bun or something occasionally.

Now I added potatoes, rice/brown rice, and fruit to get the carbs up. I rarely do energy bars, and I never stock bread anymore. Haven't since last year. I dropped from about 230 to 200 on what I was doing just before I started lifting again, so it's definitely a long stall. I got as far down as 194.4 at the end of April before it started going back up .


Been doing IF nearly every day for the past month and a half. I don't do extended sessions of cardio, however I lift 3 on/1 off and rest only 30s-1m between sets, so my heart rate is going quite a bit.

The only things I can guess are 1) too many calories, even at 2k or 2) high fat just isn't working for me 3) my body doesn't like IF. Either way, I've gotta switch things up a bit. Hopefully it doesn't mean needing to drop to 1500-1700 cals.

Are you sure you're getting enough activity each day? Do you do anything beyond those 3 lifting sessions? Because 2K calories isn't much unless you just sit all day.

Also..you do IF nearly every day..so I;m assuming those are short fasts? Try doing 36h ones twice a week. This should allow you to easily shave off a lot of calories weekly instead of going to 1500 kcal daily. Healthier this way.


Are you sure you're getting enough activity each day? Do you do anything beyond those 3 lifting sessions? Because 2K calories isn't much unless you just sit all day.
I walk my dog a few times a day, and that's it other than errands. I do about one hour of lifting during each session with 30s-1m rest periods. My average week+1 looks like this:

Sunday- Chest/Triceps/Shoulders (Push)
Monday- Back (lots of rows)/Biceps (Pull)
Tuesday- Legs
Wednesday- Off
Thursday- Push
Friday- Pull
Saturday- Legs
Sunday- Off

Also..you do IF nearly every day..so I;m assuming those are short fasts? Try doing 36h ones twice a week. This should allow you to easily shave off a lot of calories weekly instead of going to 1500 kcal daily. Healthier this way.
Depends on the day, but I usually go anywhere from 16-20h.


My recommendations for you would be:

1 - Drop the fat content

2 - On the days that you don't do lifting, either do cardio OR do 24hr water fats on those days.


wth? I was about to eat some yoghurt and it contains like 7g carbs/100g. no sugar added to it either (that's what I wanted to do to add some taste). can I still eat it?


Full werewolf off the buckle
I lost 30 lbs and gained everything back. Have you guys been able to recover from shit like that? I feel so discouraged now.

Did you hit your goal and then start eating like you had before your loss? Or did you continue to eat a wholesome diet and just up the calories to a maintenance level so that you didn't continue to lose weight?


I lost 30 lbs and gained everything back. Have you guys been able to recover from shit like that? I feel so discouraged now.

ugh, sounds like a crazy yoyo effect. I often need just one bad weekend to jump back 3-4 kg and have to remind me of my old self to get back into my sport and diet rythm. it is really a lot of work..


Ugh, I feel really horrible.
I've had the most awful day I've had in a long while, and going back to old "instincts" I overate to feel better.
Well, I don't feel better, should of known that. Need to work on my emotions, usually I'm better than this.
Over the course of the day I had 3 chicken sandwiches, a slurpee, a philly cheesesteak w/ fries, a coldstone ice cream, and 2 portions of pretzles. I'm pretty positive that's close to 3000 calories.

Currently just drinking some water and powerade zero. I know it doesn't do anything for my calories but I'd rather hydrate to have a better day tomorrow...


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
In general, I can't say I haven't had those days where I've fallen off the wagon and ate some bad shit to "make myself feel better"...it happens, and its sucks when it does.

All I can say is that you need to be making all this stuff a lifestyle change. For me, I've found two ways that I can eat shit like this and have it as part of my diet plan:

1. Have a cheat day. One day a week, and a very specific, unchanging day, eat whatever the hell you want in whatever quantities you want. If you contain it to one day, and you're dieting well the other 6 (no shit carbs, no fruit, no dairy) you will gain a handful of pounds immediately, but spike your body chemistry to boost your metabolism and lose more than you gained each week. If you want to read more on this concept, check out Tim Ferriss' book The 4 Hour Body. I switch back to this program from time to time, and it's what I used to lose my first 50 pounds. It works, and is fun.

2. LeanGains exercise/diet. This method requires a bit more self control, but opens up some shittier food to you on your workout days as a method of fueling muscle growth and having a mini-metabolism spike. You need to workout hard (compound resistance routines) and you need to be strict with your diet (cycling high carb, low fat and medium fat, low carb days depending on if it's a rest or workout day) and you need to contain your eating to an 8 hour window daily...and you need to time your calories on workout days to load them after your workout. It requires a lot of discipline to do this, as its easy to convince yourself that you can have total crap in abundance after you work out. You can...but only a certain amount. Martin (the guy who runs the program) specifically talks about adding frozen yogurt and piles of potatoes and pasta and bread post workout. I would only recommend this if you're already working out hard and want to mix things up and trust yourself to measure macros daily like no ones business.


There are ways to get that stuff into your program and have success. But even in those scenarios, you need to work hard to stick to them.

When I've tried to remove bad food from my life entirely, I slowly gained weight by gorging on the foods I could eat (primarily nuts). I would be great for awhile, but mixing in a handful of days here and there where I'd go a bit crazy would push up the scale.

Its something you need to just always be working on, and getting back on that horse. No matter if you submit to defeat just for a day, a week, a month or a year. For your health, it's worth it to try and try again on making these changes stick.

I've lost ~90 pounds total in less than a year and have kept it off for 3 years now. If be lying if I said it was easy, but you better believe that its worth it.


Did you hit your goal and then start eating like you had before your loss? Or did you continue to eat a wholesome diet and just up the calories to a maintenance level so that you didn't continue to lose weight?

The former. I was on a very strict low carb diet from January till April and then started eating.


Full werewolf off the buckle
The former. I was on a very strict low carb diet from January till April and then started eating.
Ah, that may explain the issue. If you want a permanent result, you've got to consider a permanent change.

I take it you didn't find low carb terribly sustainable? Is that the only way you have succeeded in losing weight? Perhaps you could try reduced carb but not so reduced as before?

I admit I've been very lucky. I'm a vegetarian and my diet is between 50-60% carbs on a daily basis. I don't know how people can live on low carb, it sounds awful! Do you think you could conceivably lose weight while not on low carb?

Either way, good luck and try not to be discouraged!


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I got a bit sidetracked for a while over the last couple of weeks due to work and looking for a new appartment, but lately I've been shedding weight like a mofo again. I want to be in good shape mid-July condition-wise and was worried a bit about getting fit in time (going on a 12 day walk with a 20kg pack). It's looking good right now. Very curious to see what'll happen with my weight those 12 days.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Maybe you guys have some insight I posted this in the fitness thread

So trying to make some sense of this. At this point I have no idea what the hell is going on. Got my RMR tested 2 days ago. They say I burn 2200 calories doing nothing all day. My standard burn is most like 3000-3700 with normal activity. That aligns with my general calorie burns on my fitbit. However look at these charts.


(this is minus working out when I actually remember to log it)


(this is just straight eating)


(this is my failure of a weight loss. This has been the general trend for the last few years.)

By any stretch they claim if im eating 2200 calories a day I should be losing like 2-3 pounds a week with no working out. The numbers aren't lining up at all though. Some other underlying thing must be going on. I'm clueless at this point.

Some days are missing but they most likely fit into the the general data trend.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Looks like your intake has been waaaay too low for the majority of that period.
Yeah I just started upping it. That's not dieting thats my normal eating. I have to start eating more. I never ate a lot. I gained weight when I was young and it just kept going.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Maybe you guys have some insight I posted this in the fitness thread

So trying to make some sense of this. At this point I have no idea what the hell is going on. Got my RMR tested 2 days ago. They say I burn 2200 calories doing nothing all day. My standard burn is most like 3000-3700 with normal activity. That aligns with my general calorie burns on my fitbit. However look at these charts.


(this is minus working out when I actually remember to log it)


(this is just straight eating)


(this is my failure of a weight loss. This has been the general trend for the last few years.)

By any stretch they claim if im eating 2200 calories a day I should be losing like 2-3 pounds a week with no working out. The numbers aren't lining up at all though. Some other underlying thing must be going on. I'm clueless at this point.

Some days are missing but they most likely fit into the the general data trend.

Hmm, I don't know, man. That's a real puzzle right there. Everything is so different for each individual. Zoe seems to think you are eating too little, which you seem to agree with. I eat about 1,750 a day and burn between 400-800 through exercise alone and don't deduct that from my total calories and that's worked out well for me.

I know this is something you've been working on for many years, and I can see it must be incredibly frustrating. I'm no R.D., but are you tracking your nutrients? Making sure that you are hitting the spots you need to hit in regards to essential vitamins and such?

I say this because, to my layman's understanding, malnutrition is a major risk for the severely obese (Not adding you to that list, of course, but using it as an example). They may ingest 4,000-5,000 calories in a day but it's all junk that doesn't sufficiently nourish their bodies.

If you aren't getting proper nourishment, making sure you get all the vitamins and minerals you are supposed to be getting, even with all the exercise and calorie limitation you want to do your body may still enter "Starvation mode" because it's starving for proper nutrition and it will hold on to every bit of nourishment it can get ahold of to try not to start feeding off of itself.


I hope I'm not passing off bad science here. As I say, I'm just a layman and as such my understanding is very limited of such an especially complex subject. If my understanding of the science holds true, though, perhaps you aren't losing because despite watching how much you eat and living an active lifestyle the foods you eat aren't providing proper nourishment? I'm totally not trying to sound all "bro-sciency" here or like I know really what the fuck I'm talking about, just trying to relay what MAY be the case.

Just a thought, freind. I wish you luck and, if you aren't already, perhaps consider a multivitamin or something to that effect?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Hmm, I don't know, man. That's a real puzzle right there. Everything is so different for each individual. Zoe seems to think you are eating too little, which you seem to agree with. I eat about 1,750 a day and burn between 400-800 through exercise alone and don't deduct that from my total calories and that's worked out well for me.

I know this is something you've been working on for many years, and I can see it must be incredibly frustrating. I'm no R.D., but are you tracking your nutrients? Making sure that you are hitting the spots you need to hit in regards to essential vitamins and such?

I say this because, to my layman's understanding, malnutrition is a major risk for the severely obese (Not adding you to that list, of course, but using it as an example). They may ingest 4,000-5,000 calories in a day but it's all junk that doesn't sufficiently nourish their bodies.

If you aren't getting proper nourishment, making sure you get all the vitamins and minerals you are supposed to be getting, even with all the exercise and calorie limitation you want to do your body may still enter "Starvation mode" because it's starving for proper nutrition and it will hold on to every bit of nourishment it can get ahold of to try not to start feeding off of itself.


I hope I'm not passing off bad science here. As I say, I'm just a layman and as such my understanding is very limited of such an especially complex subject. If my understanding of the science holds true, though, perhaps you aren't losing because despite watching how much you eat and living an active lifestyle the foods you eat aren't providing proper nourishment? I'm totally not trying to sound all "bro-sciency" here or like I know really what the fuck I'm talking about, just trying to relay what MAY be the case.

Just a thought, freind. I wish you luck and, if you aren't already, perhaps consider a multivitamin or something to that effect?

I take a multivitamin daily and I almost always hit my macronutrients. Protein/fat/carbs . I'm working on consistently eating more.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I take a multivitamin daily and I almost always hit my macronutrients. Protein/fat/carbs .

Sheesh, man. That's a real pickle then. It seems you've consulted professionals and everything! Do you have a next step in mind at all? Perhaps even something vague?

My next step is to go to an endocrinologist. I'll try eating more for a month and then scheduling an appointment. I actually had one this Monday but after getting my RMR tested I assumed it was unnecessary. I probably still need to go.

Well, good luck with it.It must be terribly frustrating to be hitting all the right notes with consistency and seeing no effect of it.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Sheesh, man. That's a real pickle then. It seems you've consulted professionals and everything! Do you have a next step in mind at all? Perhaps even something vague?
My next step is to go to an endocrinologist. I'll try eating more for a month and then scheduling an appointment. I actually had one this Monday but after getting my RMR tested I assumed it was unnecessary. I probably still need to go.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'm having issues right now too. Got back from vacation at 208, was 202 when I left. For the past 3 weeks I've been doing moderate exercise and eating better (aside from weekends which I need to change) and was 207.5 this morning.

I was doing some fasting, but only skipping breakfast, so I'd eat dinner at 7pm then eat nothing until lunch the next day, and it didn't do anything. Not sure If I should throw a 24 hour fast in there like mentioned above. Honestly not sure if I could make it 24 hours...

Positive note is I start T-25 (workout) a week from Monday, so that will get me working out 5 days a week again. At my lowest recently I was at 197 last year, so I'd like to get back there. That's a solid 10 lbs to go...

Here's my food during the week:

Breakfast: 3 eggs, turkey bacon
Snack: 2 string cheese sticks
Lunch: Quest bar, 2% milk
Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Chicken (or meat in general) & veggies.

So that's about it for the week. Weekends I have been a bit off and ate too much + crappy food, but maybe fixing that will help. Should I try a 24 hour fast period per week? Like eat dinner Monday night then not eat again until Tuesday dinner?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
My next step is to go to an endocrinologist. I'll try eating more for a month and then scheduling an appointment. I actually had one this Monday but after getting my RMR tested I assumed it was unnecessary. I probably still need to go.

What are your macro targets, and what kinds of foods are you eating to hit those macros? Also, what are you doing to workout, what's your general method?

How are you calculating your calories?

Unfortunately most doctors and nutritionist still preach low fat/high carb diets and prescribe stuff like whole wheat bread and oatmeal to people...just curious what you're doing specifically without the numbers.


I'm having issues right now too. Got back from vacation at 208, was 202 when I left. For the past 3 weeks I've been doing moderate exercise and eating better (aside from weekends which I need to change) and was 207.5 this morning.

I was doing some fasting, but only skipping breakfast, so I'd eat dinner at 7pm then eat nothing until lunch the next day, and it didn't do anything. Not sure If I should throw a 24 hour fast in there like mentioned above. Honestly not sure if I could make it 24 hours...

Positive note is I start T-25 (workout) a week from Monday, so that will get me working out 5 days a week again. At my lowest recently I was at 197 last year, so I'd like to get back there. That's a solid 10 lbs to go...

Here's my food during the week:

Breakfast: 3 eggs, turkey bacon
Snack: 2 string cheese sticks
Lunch: Quest bar, 2% milk
Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Chicken (or meat in general) & veggies.

So that's about it for the week. Weekends I have been a bit off and ate too much + crappy food, but maybe fixing that will help. Should I try a 24 hour fast period per week? Like eat dinner Monday night then not eat again until Tuesday dinner?

That seems like it barely breaks 1,000 calories worth of food.


It's actually around 1500 calories.

3 eggs and bacon around 300 calories

2 string cheese is 190

Quest bars are usually 180 I dunno how much milk you drink.

Almonds can vary

Chicken and vegetables ain't breaking 500 calories, I had almost a pound of chicken for lunch today and it was under 500.

So I guess when you add in the almonds and milk. I dunno just seems really unbalanced to be honest.


Gold Member
My next step is to go to an endocrinologist. I'll try eating more for a month and then scheduling an appointment. I actually had one this Monday but after getting my RMR tested I assumed it was unnecessary. I probably still need to go.

There are quite a few possibilities remaining

- Underestimating your calories. It's very easy to underestimate non-packaged foods, eg buffets, cooked dinners, restaurants. Based on how systematic you seem to be, I suspect this not to be the case.
- Super low BMR due to reduced muscle mass. If you have dieted before you might have lost muscle mass which makes your BMR lower than the basic formula would lead you to believe. This was definitely the case for me. At 230lbs I could not lose anything unless I hit a rigorous 1800kcal very max. Now at 210lbs after lifting for a few months I can lose still at 2000kcal no problem.
- Missing logs. This is a long shot but some of the increases in your weight seem to coincide with days missing a calorie reading. I used to fail logging calories on days when my eating went to shit. Now I just log the shame. I say this is a long shot in your case because it doesn't explain why your weight hasn't been on a steady decrease.
- Nutrition type. I have seen a huge effect at identical calories when cleaning up my diet. A 500kcal carb/fat bomb Pret cheese&pickle sandwich had me stalling, same calories in veggies, meat and yogurt have me losing.

None of these entirely fit you to be honest, but see if anything rings a bell.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
3 eggs and bacon around 300 calories

2 string cheese is 190

Quest bars are usually 180 I dunno how much milk you drink.

Almonds can vary

Chicken and vegetables ain't breaking 500 calories, I had almost a pound of chicken for lunch today and it was under 500.

So I guess when you add in the almonds and milk. I dunno just seems really unbalanced to be honest.


Not sure what else to add. Also still curious on fasting once a week.


Howdy. Long time GAFer, first time poster. (in this thread)

My weight has never bothered me before. I come from a family of big men. (My dad is 6'6, I'm 6'3.) I drank a lot of soda for years. At my peak, when I was in college, I could go through 4 liters of Dr Pepper in a day.

The other night, I was laying in bed, and I had a weird feeling in my arm. I firmly told myself it was nothing. I knew it was nothing. But all the same, the thought crept into my head - Isn't tingling in the left arm a sign of a heart attack? What if I'm having a heart attack? And then it hit me. I'm 32 years old. I weigh nearly 400 pounds. And I'm afraid of dying of a heart attack.

What the hell is wrong with me? How did my weight get this dire?

So here I am. My wife, mother, and father have had varying degrees of success on Weight Watchers. So I signed up, and I've been tracking my points. My wife and I have started swimming laps at my parent's pool every night this week. I'm just at the beginning, and there's a long road ahead. I'm already tired, and I'm already hungry, but I'm excited to make these changes.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Howdy. Long time GAFer, first time poster. (in this thread)

My weight has never bothered me before. I come from a family of big men. (My dad is 6'6, I'm 6'3.) I drank a lot of soda for years. At my peak, when I was in college, I could go through 4 liters of Dr Pepper in a day.

The other night, I was laying in bed, and I had a weird feeling in my arm. I firmly told myself it was nothing. I knew it was nothing. But all the same, the thought crept into my head - Isn't tingling in the left arm a sign of a heart attack? What if I'm having a heart attack? And then it hit me. I'm 32 years old. I weigh nearly 400 pounds. And I'm afraid of dying of a heart attack.

What the hell is wrong with me? How did my weight get this dire?

So here I am. My wife, mother, and father have had varying degrees of success on Weight Watchers. So I signed up, and I've been tracking my points. My wife and I have started swimming laps at my parent's pool every night this week. I'm just at the beginning, and there's a long road ahead. I'm already tired, and I'm already hungry, but I'm excited to make these changes.
Hey man, congratulations on taking the first steps on the road to health! It seems like you've got a lot of supportive folks on your side to do this for.

Do yourself and DON'T get discouraged. Keep going even if you bust your ass for months and months with no effect. It takes an immense amount of effort to reverse a lifestyle and the early results aren't always readily apparent. The people who are around you all the time also may not see the changes at first because they are so gradual. Just keep heart and keep going regardless.

There's no point in trying to figure out where things went wrong. The important thing is that you make the change and are committed to it. I was almost 400 pounds about 15 months ago when I was 32, and my feet were hurting so bad when I'd wake up in the morning that I walked with a limp for a good 15-20 minutes until the muscles loosened up. I understand how daunting the situation can be, but if you can just be patient and consistent you CAN change it.

Best of luck, man!


Yesterday was my first day coming back to my diet.

I did p90x, ate a quest bar after that and had some chicken bacon and mushrooms for dinner.

How many grams of carbs should I be eating if I'm doing p90x?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
How many grams of carbs should I be eating if I'm doing p90x?

Are you trying to gain muscle or lose weight?

A lot. I'd say somewhere between 150-300g daily, more depending on how your general diet is.

P90X should be burning anywhere from 400-600 calories a day, 6 days a week. Stick to better carb choices like beans and sweet potatoes ideally, or white rice and regular potatoes less than ideally. I'd typically be eating a shit-load of chicken and sweet potatoes after my workouts.

Just keep your overall calories in check, emphasize protein and carbs and try and keep fat on the lower side if you want to stick to their prescribed diet.

As long as you're getting at least 150g+ of protein daily and are eating slightly over your daily expenditure (probably somewhere in the 2250 - 2500 calorie range), you should be building muscle while minimizing fat gain.

Losing Weight

Less, but still a good amount. I'd eat enough carbs to get your glycogen stores filled back up so you're as good to go for the next routine as you can. I'd say you'd want to get in the 100-150g carb range.

Still get your 150g+ of protein, and put a bit more emphasis on fat. Don't be afraid of eating fat, and keep your calories slightly under maintenance...so something closer to 1700-1850. You should be burning fight and still see some modest muscle gains.


Alternatively, you can go the low carb option which will work, but you need to try it for a full week at least to see if your body can mentally and physically get there. If you aren't used to doing heavy exercising with a low carb intake, you may feel like you're dying to do the same amount of work as you're used to.

I've done this on P90X as well and it's fine, you still get some strength gains and a noticeable fat loss.
I'm not sure if I should post this in the Fitness thread or here.. but everyone in the Fitness thread just talks about weight lifting so I figured I would post here.

I've gotten back in the kick for fitness and finally found something I truly enjoy. I've been swimming over the past few weeks for about an hour every single day, 6 days a week.

I started off really terrible and was only able to go maybe 1/4th of a mile in an hour before giving up and heading home. But in 2 weeks I am now already swimming 1.15 miles in one hour :)

I swim at a moderate pace doing Breaststroke and Freestyle and switch off every 5 laps between both. I have also started to use some swimming paddles for about 3/4 of the laps to help offer some extra resistance while pushing through the water.

My goal isn't to get huge, but to cut up and build some muscle I never really had (yes I know swimming won't build much but I essentially had none to begin with)

In the two weeks since I've started, I've transformed my diet a bit and have really been under calories a whole bunch as I'm trying to lose some body fat/love handles. In fact... I've already started to see some of that stuff disappear and my love handles and gut are starting to shrink. I've lost about a belt size already since I've started. What's funny is that my weight hasn't really gone down much. I'm 5'11" and started at 170lbs. I'm now at 167 but it looks as if I have lost a bunch more. I'm guessing it is muscle finally forming.

Anyways.. just wanted to post my progress and say that swimming is awesome and I highly recommend it. My goal is to get my 1 mile swim down to 45 minutes and hopefully get to 1.5 miles in 1 hour.

Below are examples of my calorie intake. MyFitnessPal says I naturally burn about 2190 calories a day doing normal stuff and I should aim for 1700 for a goal of 10lbs of weight loss. I have been hitting way lower. I am adding in my 1 hour of swimming a day to all of my days minus Saturday (my off day) and so it cuts about 537 calories from my daily totals.

My daily calories consumed


My daily calories after my 1 hour of swimming


Here are some examples of what my normal daily meals look like.


Last August i started to work out, eat healthy and take care of my body. Starting Weight was 159.7 kg. Now i am at 118.9 kg. Height is 196 cm.
I'm pretty happy with the progress.

So many Clothes i could buy now :D
Seven days on a low carb diet, and I lost 14.6 POUNDS! And yes, my scale is accurate.

I know four or five pounds of that was likely water weight, but that's still some stupid awesome progress. I ate six low carbs pizza over the week too. It's like I don't even have to give anything up!

Anyway, I'm sure week two will see a considerable decline in weight loss from 14.6, but it was a great initial motivation boost.


Seven days on a low carb diet, and I lost 14.6 POUNDS! And yes, my scale is accurate.

I know four or five pounds of that was likely water weight, but that's still some stupid awesome progress. I ate six low carbs pizza over the week too. It's like I don't even have to give anything up!

Anyway, I'm sure week two will see a considerable decline in weight loss from 14.6, but it was a great initial motivation boost.

What's a low carb pizza?


Seven days on a low carb diet, and I lost 14.6 POUNDS! And yes, my scale is accurate.

I know four or five pounds of that was likely water weight, but that's still some stupid awesome progress. I ate six low carbs pizza over the week too. It's like I don't even have to give anything up!

Anyway, I'm sure week two will see a considerable decline in weight loss from 14.6, but it was a great initial motivation boost.

I don't wanna sound rude but more than 5 pounds of that is water weight.

Congrats on the loss either way


What's a low carb pizza?

the "dough" is made out of crushed cauliflower

  • 1 cup cooked frozen cauliflower, riced or minced
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp oregano
    [*2 tsp dried parsley

    Beat egg, add the cauliflower, and shredded cheese. Mix, then press into a greased pizza pan then sprinkle with the spices. Bake at 450 for 12 to 15 minutes. If you double the recipe cook 15 to 20 minutes.

    Add desired pizza topping (not included in nutritional info) such as red sauce, mushrooms, green pepper, onions, cheese, etc. Bake until brown and cheese is bubbly.

    This makes four pieces.

source: originally i found it on a german website, but google showed me an english version :http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=249048

PS: 13 pages until new thread.. gogo XD Seems it keeps getting a bit quiet here. everyone now slim wanders off into fitnessgafthreads? XD keep going everyone


the "dough" is made out of crushed cauliflower

  • 1 cup cooked frozen cauliflower, riced or minced
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp oregano
    [*2 tsp dried parsley

source: originally i found it on a german website, but google showed me an english version :http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=249048

PS: 13 pages until new thread.. gogo XD Seems it keeps getting a bit quiet here. everyone now slim wanders off into fitnessgafthreads? XD keep going everyone

Sometimes moving to community kills a thread :/


Junior Member
I didn't realize this thread moved to "community" but it came up when I searched. So I just wanted to post that I found my motivation. It was stupid really. I spent $5 to enter a weight loss competition with some friends. it was for 60 days. I decided I needed to walk more, work out regularly and eat much better. So I used MyFitnessPal to track calories and the Volt Fitness app to work out each morning for 45 minutes or so. I usually ate a protein bar and some yogurt for breakfast, a light salad for lunch with grilled chicken, and a regular dinner, trying to only have small portions. I cut out evening snacks and soda except for an occasional zero calorie drink, and had mostly water.

This week my 60 days ended. I came in 4th out of 20 in the weight loss competition. The winner was the skinniest woman who entered, because it went by percentage loss. Anyway, I'm still very happy because I lost 20 pounds and toned up pretty nicely. I have before and after pics, but they are in my underwear so I doubt anyone wants to see them.
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