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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Chris R

I tried cauliflower pizza dough a single time, couldn't rice it using a potato ricer :(

Also, back on the horse, this time hopefully for good. Was flirting with sub 200 for quite some time last year, then just stopped for some reason. No where near my high of 275+ but at 234.5 and moving out a belt buckle I figure it's time to get serious about this again. Started eating better, cut alcohol down to 2/3 drinks a week ( no more beer :( ) and going to get on exercising again. Don't think I'll go full on Keto again but if the loss isn't there eating a balanced low calorie low carb diet I might.

Hoping to be under 220 before the end of the month but who knows how quickly the weight will fall off once I'm acting like a normal human and not the slob I've been. Ideal goal would be around 180 I think, but you can't get to 180 until you are under 220.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I think I'm going to try intermittent fasting two days a week. Anyone have any tips for this? What should my fasting times be, and what do I need to eat when done? Do I fast from dinner the night before to dinner the next night?


So I think I'm going to try intermittent fasting two days a week. Anyone have any tips for this? What should my fasting times be, and what do I need to eat when done? Do I fast from dinner the night before to dinner the next night?

Not sure of all the details, but I believe you only eat between 4PM and 12AM.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Not sure of all the details, but I believe you only eat between 4PM and 12AM.

Hmm, so if I do this two days a week and eat normal meals the other days that should be a good routine? That's what I've been reading. Say, dinner Monday night and no food until dinner Tuesday night. Then do that again later in the week.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Just weighed in and hit 175.3, and that was after breakfast and coffee! This officially brings me down to half the man I used to be :)

I've got another 20 pounds to go, and I don't anticipate ever changing my diet from where I'm at now but merely eating more of it to maintain. I'm terrified of going back! I've started some rudimentary weight training, just dipping my toe in really. I've gotta start now before I learn exactly what I'm doing or I'll never start.

I was stuck around 180 for the longest time. It's funny how you will be at a plateau forever then *BOOM* 6 pounds down for what appears to be very little reason.

Good job, everyone! And good luck on your continued exploits.
Just weighed in and hit 175.3, and that was after breakfast and coffee! This officially brings me down to half the man I used to be :)

I've got another 20 pounds to go, and I don't anticipate ever changing my diet from where I'm at now but merely eating more of it to maintain. I'm terrified of going back! I've started some rudimentary weight training, just dipping my toe in really. I've gotta start now before I learn exactly what I'm doing or I'll never start.

I was stuck around 180 for the longest time. It's funny how you will be at a plateau forever then *BOOM* 6 pounds down for what appears to be very little reason.

Good job, everyone! And good luck on your continued exploits.

What got you below your plateau? I'm at one right now and have been for three months. :/ my weight is fine; 160 lbs at 5'10", but I've got two inches to lose off my waist.


Full werewolf off the buckle
What got you below your plateau? I'm at one right now and have been for three months. :/ my weight is fine; 160 lbs at 5'10", but I've got two inches to lose off my waist.
I just stuck to my plan. Ate like always, exercised like always, and just took heart in the idea that my body might not be losing because I was changing my composition .

When you plateau I find it helpful to just keep going, but stay off the scale. Try to find signs of loss in other, less tangible, ways. Is you're clothing fitting better? Does your face look thinner?
Usually, in my experience, as long as you are plugging the meter than SOMETHING positive is happening whether you notice it or not.


I just stuck to my plan. Ate like always, exercised like always, and just took heart in the idea that my body might not be losing because I was changing my composition .

When you plateau I find it helpful to just keep going, but stay off the scale. Try to find signs of loss in other, less tangible, ways. Is you're clothing fitting better? Does your face look thinner?
Usually, in my experience, as long as you are plugging the meter than SOMETHING positive is happening whether you notice it or not.

Good advice. I actually had been stuck at 183 for a month or so and this morning when I went on the scale I was 178. Crazy to come on here and see you post pretty much my exact situation. I did the same thing, I just put my head down and told myself that if I stuck to what I was doing I'd get there. I did notice pants getting looser while my weight wasn't changing so I managed to not get too discouraged.

Congrats on how much you've lost already, by the way.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I think my fasting plan is going to be Monday and Thursday. I'm going to eat dinner the night before then fast until dinner the next night. Anyone have any tips for this? When I do eat the next night am I supposed to eat a good amount of calories?


Ya know, I had an easier time losing weight back before I paid attention to the internet and just cut out junk food/fast food and decided to only drink water. I also ran at least three times a week on the treadmill. Doing that back in high school took me from 280lbs. down to 180lbs., with still a good amount of fat to lose.

After getting in college though, I've fallen off the wagon and went back up to 200lbs. I keep trying to follow these low-carb/keto diets but I just can't stay strict for some reason. I was going strong a whole month back in May, nothing but chicken, eggs, bacon, beef & Quest Bars, then I decided to have a cheat day and it turned into more of a cheat week. 0_0 I haven't been able to fully recover since. And this 4th of July Weekend has been killer, not even going to list out all the gluttony I've partaken in the past few days but it's pretty depressing.

I'm good on working out, I usually do a routine of running 1 mile flat, then alternate between jogging/walking & running in two/one minute intervals for another 2 or 3 miles. Usually burn between 400 - 600 calories within 40-55 minutes.

It's eating that screws me up, I live with my parents still and honestly we can't always afford for me to eat a massive low-carb/keto diet where I'm consuming large amounts of eggs, bacon & chicken when there's two other mouths in the house. Quest Bars usually keep me satiated but we haven't been able to buy any for about a month and man has it killed all the work I was doing back in May. Plus my mom LOVES her sugar, but she's the kind of person that can buy sugary things and comfortably let them sit there for a while and eat the serving size for the day and that's it. I, on the other hand get a taste of something sweet and immediately dive headfirst into finishing the entire container/bag/etc.

Sorry for the long post, just had to vent, this health stuff can be really frustrating sometimes. I was 180lbs. when I entered college three years ago and now I'm back to 200 lbs. - it's a daily struggle. I just wish I could find a diet plan where I can stay consistent.
Since moving in with my fiance, my weight ballooned from 201 to 225 (down from initial start of 305+). But about 2 weeks ago, I jumped back on the horse and have started exercising again and strictly following my Intermittent Fasting and I've peeled about 12lbs off, so I've gotten about to the halfway mark. My goal stll is the 180 (or so) spot.
Did my weekly weigh-in today.

I'm now down 6 lbs in about 3 weeks! :)

I was 170 and I'm now 164. MyFitnessPal has been quite the god send. Also eating healthy and swimming every day. I did pause on swimming for today and chose to run instead. Running was a bit of a drag as it feels way more boring and I live in TX so the heat is pretty intense. I am pretty shocked at my stamina though. Swimming over a mile a day the past few weeks helped with that. Ran nonstop for 2 miles without that much of an issue.

I also checked my body fat % yesterday. I ordered some calipers and did a few tests and I'm around 12-13%. Not too bad!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So doing a 24 hour fast twice a week, what should I eat for dinner after the fast? Load up on calories/protein, etc? Or just do my normal healthy dinner?

I'm on hour 20 now. Have a workout then dinner after work.
cross post from fitness thread

So I think I'm pretty much done with my cut for now. April 1 - July 7. 3 months. Started @ 239.5 lbs @ 17.3 % bf. Ended @ 225 lbs @ ~12% bf. The bf% numbers could be wrong but with the tests I have been using since the start, that is what I am sticking with.

April 2013

July 2013

The second "after" pic is prolly what I just look like most of the time. Could be leaner as seen in the last pic but could also be bigger. What I ate, carbs, water retention, etc.


FE, an undercut suits you really well.

My stomach looks so similar to yours. (Upper abs with a little pouch at the lower part) Were you previously significantly overweight? I find it impossible to flatten my stomach down :/
thanks dood! I wanted to try something new and figured, why not.

I wasn't ever overweight. Just skinny fat.

I think that was late 2010? November/December.

And nothing wrong with the 4 pack bro. Arnold never had a 6 pack! Losing that "pouch" is too hard for me. I would prolly need to go sub 10% bf and I really don't want to. I still need to put more mass on though. Still have my end game in sight!
I think you're a bit higher than 12%, what did you test with?

Not that you don't look great, you do.

Disagree. He looks about 12-13%.

I'm the same but he has more definition in his abs probably since his fat is spread out more in other places while mine goes all to my gut!
cross post from fitness thread

So I think I'm pretty much done with my cut for now. April 1 - July 7. 3 months. Started @ 239.5 lbs @ 17.3 % bf. Ended @ 225 lbs @ ~12% bf. The bf% numbers could be wrong but with the tests I have been using since the start, that is what I am sticking with.

April 2013

July 2013

The second "after" pic is prolly what I just look like most of the time. Could be leaner as seen in the last pic but could also be bigger. What I ate, carbs, water retention, etc.

That 2010 picture really puts it in perspective.
Great job man!
thanks dood! I wanted to try something new and figured, why not.

I wasn't ever overweight. Just skinny fat.

I think that was late 2010? November/December.

And nothing wrong with the 4 pack bro. Arnold never had a 6 pack! Losing that "pouch" is too hard for me. I would prolly need to go sub 10% bf and I really don't want to. I still need to put more mass on though. Still have my end game in sight!

Wow. I'd give you a standing ovation if I could. Seriously. That's inspirational and motivational material for all.

I was always under the impression you were a sporty dude with a natural athletic physique all your life.



Have you tried zig-zagging your calorie intake?, maybe you've reached a plateau?...

Tried that. I'm on leangains and I fast for 16 hours everyday. I eat like a saint M-F, but then on weekends I go to random parties/dates/events and I'm bound to drink a little, break my fast, or eat something kinda bad. So I yoyo between 14%-18% bf (I'm guessing) all the time, but never have gotten down to 12%. I just want to get to 10-12% and then do a short bulk/cut cycle and I feel like I can be happy and maintain that the rest of my life.
I'm back in the challenge. No specific diet found somewhere on the Internet, no calorie counting. I've just decided to stop eating shit. Despite seeing no results yet (I started less than a week ago), I already feel better, if only because I'm doing something for my health.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Hate to say, but I've finally run out of options and I'm getting an mini abdominoplasty done to clean up my loose skin as a result of my weight loss.

I'm paranoid about anesthesia and surgeries, but I've worked too hard to not enjoy the full fruits of my labor and I want to be able to walk around on the beach with my shirt off and not feel embarrassed that my fit body that everyone sees with clothes on is revealed to have gross skin/fat around his waist.

Not being able to work out for a month is going to be annoying.

The cost is pretty rough as well...

...but I'm done. I'm doing this now while I'm younger and able to recover faster and get the most time to enjoy it.

Just hope I don't look weird when it's done. I'm not nearly in any kind of bad shape in comparison to 99% of people getting this done, most people will think I'm crazy for even getting this done. I just need it for me.

3+ years with all this weight off and I feel great, and look really good...just want to be able to actually see my body as it truly is.

Just venting a bit. I'm concerned about the surgery and didn't make the decision lightly.


Hate to say, but I've finally run out of options and I'm getting an mini abdominoplasty done to clean up my loose skin as a result of my weight loss.

I'm paranoid about anesthesia and surgeries, but I've worked too hard to not enjoy the full fruits of my labor and I want to be able to walk around on the beach with my shirt off and not feel embarrassed that my fit body that everyone sees with clothes on is revealed to have gross skin/fat around his waist.

Not being able to work out for a month is going to be annoying.

The cost is pretty rough as well...

...but I'm done. I'm doing this now while I'm younger and able to recover faster and get the most time to enjoy it.

Just hope I don't look weird when it's done. I'm not nearly in any kind of bad shape in comparison to 99% of people getting this done, most people will think I'm crazy for even getting this done. I just need it for me.

3+ years with all this weight off and I feel great, and look really good...just want to be able to actually see my body as it truly is.

Just venting a bit. I'm concerned about the surgery and didn't make the decision lightly.

Best of luck and I hope you have a swift recovery. If you feel comfortable you should share the before and afters.

A few years ago I went to a plastic surgeon for the same thing. I wasn't really convinced by the before and afters to make the cost worth it, but like you said a lot of before and afters don't show people in the best of shape.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Best of luck and I hope you have a swift recovery. If you feel comfortable you should share the before and afters.

A few years ago I went to a plastic surgeon for the same thing. I wasn't really convinced by the before and afters to make the cost worth it, but like you said a lot of before and afters don't show people in the best of shape.

The surgery is in September, so I've got a lot of time to prepare mentally for it all. I'll be sure to post pictures for science in this thread when it's all done and I'm recovered (or earlier if I think it's interesting enough).

My surgeon does have a pretty solid photobook she showed me, however. Much cleaner work than a lot of others I've seen online.

NSFW Picture Gallery NSFW if you're interested. I remember you live near me :D


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
most people will think I'm crazy for even getting this done.

Yes. The risks of it turning out Tara Reid outweigh the potential for minor improvement. You look totally fine as it is. Badge of pride for the weight loss, if anything.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Yes. The risks of it turning out Tara Reid outweigh the potential for minor improvement. You look totally fine as it is. Badge of pride for the weight loss, if anything.

I just can't convince myself that it's a badge of pride is the problem. I've literally not gone in a pool or to the beach to swim in over 10 years because I'm ashamed of how I look.

It's really fucked with my head.

Here's to hoping I don't get Tara Reid'd, though! :lol


Yes. The risks of it turning out Tara Reid outweigh the potential for minor improvement. You look totally fine as it is. Badge of pride for the weight loss, if anything.

Idk, it depends how Rubix looks. Do whatever makes you happy and confident. I'm curious if you'll be able to get a 6-pack after a tummy tuck.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Idk, it depends how Rubix looks. Do whatever makes you happy and confident. I'm curious if you'll be able to get a 6-pack after a tummy tuck.

I've posted the dirty pictures in this thread a bit ago: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37453746&postcount=13836

I more or less look like that now...with probably more core and arm strength and no funny tan-lines. Admittedly that's a bit of an unintentional bullshot. If you had a 360º view, you'd see that I've got a bit of a sagging skin under my belly button and excess fat on my hips (that goes beyond what typical people have...although I know this is harder fat to lose).

The stretch marks pretty much around the entirety of my waist (front and sides) is pretty much the death knell to my ability to remove it naturally. I've had them for over 10 years.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'm on my second 24 hour fasting day this week. My first week of trying it. Hoping two 24 hour fast days per week will help me drop some pounds when paired with T-25 workout I also started this week.

Monday went well for the fast, today I feel a bit hungry though. I still am drinking coffee and tea.

It is interesting. I hope I see some results from the fasting and the workouts.


I've posted the dirty pictures in this thread a bit ago: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37453746&postcount=13836

I more or less look like that now...with probably more core and arm strength and no funny tan-lines. Admittedly that's a bit of an unintentional bullshot. If you had a 360º view, you'd see that I've got a bit of a sagging skin under my belly button and excess fat on my hips (that goes beyond what typical people have...although I know this is harder fat to lose).

The stretch marks pretty much around the entirety of my waist (front and sides) is pretty much the death knell to my ability to remove it naturally. I've had them for over 10 years.
Dude, you're in the EXACT state that I'm in. Though I'd say you look way better aesthetically. IDK if I would get the surgery honestly, you look great. You honestly have one of the best straight weight loss transformations I've seen. You don't think losing more weight then doing a bulk/cut cycle would fix it? How old are you?

I mean, I have friends who lost a ton of weight who look like this. You're/We're pretty lucky.
I've posted the dirty pictures in this thread a bit ago: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37453746&postcount=13836

You look completely fine and normal.

I was looking through those plastic surgery pics and saw this one:

NSFW - http://www.realself.com/find/Pennsylvania/Plastic-Surgeon/Emily-Pollard#photo-465524

Why would she feel the need to change herself? She had beautiful breasts and I think the surgeon should be kicked in the ass for doing the surgery.

I feel the same way about you, RubxQub. There's nothing wrong with you. Some people really do look unattractive and could use the surgery, but you're not one of them.


I mean, I have friends who lost a ton of weight who look like this. You're/We're pretty lucky.

Ah screw it because I should be proud of my progress.

That picture is of me from a lot of years ago. Right when I first dropped a lot of weight.

It was right around the time I went to see a plastic surgeon too. After not being happy with the surgeon, I posted that picture on a fitness message board and they all encouraged me to start lifting weights.
So it must be floating around google image.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν

Good stuff man, can definitely see you're putting on the muscle.

Also FYI, you're Photobucket is open so I can see everything you've got in there. No clue if you care!


Yes. The risks of it turning out Tara Reid outweigh the potential for minor improvement. You look totally fine as it is. Badge of pride for the weight loss, if anything.

I think Tara Reid had bad liposuction. He's going to get his skin removed.


Ah screw it because I should be proud of my progress.

That picture is of me from a lot of years ago. Right when I first dropped a lot of weight.

It was right around the time I went to see a plastic surgeon too. After not being happy with the surgeon, I posted that picture on a fitness message board and they all encouraged me to start lifting weights.
So it must be floating around google image.

This was like...5+ years ago. To give you an idea, this is how I look now


Edit and as proof here are the boxers from the original picture. Yes, I still have some underwear from that long ago (hey you always need backup in case of a laundry emergency!!)


:O well hello there handsome!

So basically, you just kept exercising through the years and the skin "fixed" itself?

Good stuff man, can definitely see you're putting on the muscle.

Also FYI, you're Photobucket is open so I can see everything you've got in there. No clue if you care!

BTW Rubxqub, I saw your before/after from a year ago, mind if I ask you how long it took you to get there? I think I have a similar build/weight to yours from the before picture so it could give me a good estimate perhaps.


It will probably never be fully "fixed" as in completely tight, but I can keep filling things out with muscle :)

Makes sense, those two pictures are very inspirational even taking into account that I haven't seen your before picture but the difference between five years ago and now seems like night and day, so congrats!


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
BTW Rubxqub, I saw your before/after from a year ago, mind if I ask you how long it took you to get there? I think I have a similar build/weight to yours from the before picture so it could give me a good estimate perhaps.

Total weight loss was from 254 at the end of March 2011 down to 177 at the end of April in 2012...so 80 pounds in just about a year. I lost 70 pounds in 8 months, however...those last 10 took a lot longer since I was pretty much stable and was building muscle.

I made a post awhile back that shows my gradual progress and my little notes on the journey to get there, stops short of where I was 177 which was another post I made later.

For what it's worth, losing weight as rapidly as I did led to my loose skin situation, so I wouldn't advise anyone to do a crash diet to the level that I did to see the scale move. There's better ways I could have/should have done it that I know now.


Here's my start point in 2001

Night and day like I said!

Total weight loss was from 254 at the end of March 2011 down to 177 at the end of April in 2012...so 80 pounds in just about a year. I lost 70 pounds in 8 months, however...those last 10 took a lot longer since I was pretty much stable and was building muscle.

I made a post awhile back that shows my gradual progress and my little notes on the journey to get there, stops short of where I was 177 which was another post I made later.

For what it's worth, losing weight as rapidly as I did led to my loose skin situation, so I wouldn't advise anyone to do a crash diet to the level that I did to see the scale move. There's better ways I could have/should have done it that I know now.

Alright, thanks a lot for the info, I'm starting at around 222 lb so we are not that far off but my skin may also end up a mess when I slim down because I've been rollercoasting through the years:

- Fat kid life until 16
- Went from 198lb to 132lb within six months due to a crash diet
- After that, 4 years later I ended back to around 225lb
- From that point, about one year later I did low carb (no more crash diets) and got down to 185lb in around 3 months.
- Now, 3 years later at 24 y/o I'm back again where I started.

This time my mind is set to finish the rollercoaster ride once and for all, of course I may suffer the repercussions after so much weight variation (I already have tons of stretch marks) but that's what happens for losing the focus.

The only problem is that I plan to retake a low carb approach for this and my country food supplies/prices won´t make that any easy, so I may have to shake things up a little and look to similar approaches (paleo for example).

I'm gonna be researching (as you all have done) in the next few weeks to concrete my approach and will also take a look at your notes, all the info is welcome :)
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