Cross-posting from fitness:
4 weeks on cut, and I've not really dropped a significant % of BF, and actually gained weight.
I might have overestimated by BMR or TDEE or whatever, but it looks like I'll need to start over.
So I'm going to give 4 weeks of keto a go, even though I know it will be an absolute pain in the ass (Unless you guys tell me it's a bad idea, which you should, please):
Inputted the following:
79kg male at 179cm, 24 years old and 20% BF.
Selected the sedentary option, as I on my cut up until now had been going with the moderately active activity level to not avail. What I actually do is 4xlifting sessions a week, as well as 2-3x light cardio sessions.
That gives me a TDEE of 2167kcal.
Went ahead with the 25g daily amount of net carbs, perhaps I should go lower?
I am lost as to how much protein I might possibly need, as I realize I've been going quite high up until now (170-200g daily), which might have been the reason my cut was unsuccessful (as excess protein was converted to glucose, and suppressed fat burning, perhaps?), so I went with a moderate amount of 120g - 1.9g/kg, or 0.86g/lbs.
Picked the moderate calorie deficit of 25%, which gave me the following guideline:
If you stick to 25g of carbs, 120g protein, and 115g fat, you will eat 1615kcal and lose 2kg (4.5lbs) in a month. Keep in mind that your body weight can fluctuate by ±2kg (±4lbs) on any given day from water weight and what's in your stomach. Recalculate your macro ratio once a month, because changes in body composition have a large influence on the recommendations and weight loss.
A reasonable weight-loss of 0.5kg/1.1-2lbs every week, with enough protein to keep muscle synthesis up throughout the cut.
What I'm having today food-wise thanks to this:
Breakfast - 6 boiled eggs
Pre-workout - Creatine+BCAA (I assume these are 0 calories, but even if they're not it's a matter of 7.5g total)
Post-Workout - Protein shake (150ml of skimmed milk, 40g of 82% whey)
Lunch/snack - Peanuts
Dinner - Omelet with bell peppers and broccoli, and some whipped cream for dessert.
Boring as heck, but I guess that's the cost of being a vegetarian.